6574/Old Schoolhouse Briefing

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Old Schoolhouse Briefing
Date of Scene: 09 May 2019
Location: Thors Military Academy
Synopsis: Principal Vandyke of Thors Military Academy explains what's going on with a dilapidated building at the back of the school - namely, it turning into a JRPG dungeon.
Cast of Characters: Rean Schwarzer, 1149, Kotone Yamakawa, Staren
Tinyplot: Old Schoolhouse Exploration
Tinyplot2: Trails of Cold Steel 1

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
The warpgate for this area opens up behind a shed, covered up with several crates, Past that, is an academic field and what smells like a nearby horse stable. Unfortunately, it's currently the rainy season, so the field itself is muddy and gross. Even further past that, is what looks like several old looking buildings. Basically, an average looking campus.

There's fewer students outside today. Not only because of the rain, but because midterms are coming up soon. Despite this, the occasional teenager in a green or white blazer passes by, unbrella over their head, or huddled under a bulding's awning. And standing in front of the main building is a student in a red blazer - Rean. He's holding a black umbrerlla over his head, eyes casting about for whoever decided to answer his (and by extension, Principal Vandyke's) request.

Krusty (1149) has posed:
    Krusty is one of those who has accepted the request and invitation. He steps out of the warpgate to... Find himself behind a shed. Krusty looks a little confused for a moment, before looking up as he realises it's raining. A few finger swipes at thin air and a closed umbrella appears as a flash of light in front of him. He takes it and opens it up. Much better.

    Krusty moves out from behind the shed in search of someone, anyone, who might represent this school. He's wearing a uniform himself with an official feel to it. A shield patch on the shoulder showing a circle with a sword and magic staff crossed over it. He probably doesn't look too out of place here.

    Seeing Rean apparently waiting and looking around, Krusty heads over in his direction. Stopping in front of him, Krusty gives him a friendly smile, "I suspect you are here to greet us?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has no trouble in arriving, the rain wasn't bothering her at all, she was used to it where she was from. She a bit wet rhoufh and she'll fall in behind Krusty. She likely pulls out an odd gun like device and then pulls the trigger. A umbella ppear in hand and the device is returned to her coat's pcoekt. She'll now take sight of Rean grinning abit at him. Her sleveless long coak, the bots, pants and shirt scream she's not from around here nd there's a bit something almost off about her apperace too she grins widely though and that seem normal enough.

"Hey there, have you been sent to meet us?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren steps out of the gate and is... confused as he looks around. Stepping out of the gate's hiding place he sees... they /hid/ it? Ugh. He frowns in disgust. That's not going to last, they should just accept it already.

    Oh, also, it's raining. His labcoat reshapes into a raincoat; he pulls the hood up. He's considered whether he should have something more formal and impressive for public appearances; on the other hand, the labcoat's probably pretty emblematic of him by now.

    Staren spots Rean, and Krusty, who gets a nod, and Kotone, who gets a friendly nod and a smile. "See, I told you you'd get heroes. Why is the warpgate hidden, though? Trying to hide the Multiverse from your people won't end well."

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Rean nods. "Yeah." He holds out a hand to Krusty and Kotone. "I'm Rean. Thanks for coming."

Staren soon approaches, and asks why the gate is hidden. Rean frowns. "I think it's just to keep people from wandering in there by accident. Hopefully they'll tell the rest of the school soon." He looks around. "Anyway, if that's everyone, we should head inside." And with that, he closes his umbrella and heads inside the building.

Rean leads the group to Principal Vandyck's office.

There's a number of trophies near the window, and a red and gold banner with a horned lion on it behind his desk - the school's emblem. Vandyck himself is an elderly man with long hair, but he's tall and muscular enough that he could probably handle himself on the battlefield still. "Good afternoon," he says, looking up from his paperwork.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Staren as he arrives and grins a bit.

"Hey Staren so you are interested in this too?"

She'll look to Krusty for a moment too.

"I see you are interested as well?"

then she'll shake Rean's hand firmly with a grin.

"Taking it slow isn't bad sudden contact can cause a lot of upset. Such as my world finding out magic wasn't a fairy tale anymore."

She'll trot along with the group and her umbrella will vanish after they get inside.

"Hello, It's good to meet you. I'm Kotone Yamakawa!"

Krusty (1149) has posed:
    Krusty shakes the offered hand, "Krusty. Good to meet you."

    Krusty agrees with Staren that trying to keep the warpgate hidden for very long won't last. Though he doesn't outright say it. There's usually reasons for the attempt. And keeping people, especially students, from wandering into it is a good one.

    At the question from Kotone, Krusty nods, "From what little info I've heard, I am. Though I will admit that I'm still not entirely sure what the request is about." It seems they're going to find out soon though.

    Krusty closes up his own umbrella as they proceed into the school proper. He glances around as they walk through the halls, taking in the sights, students and teachers. He's never seen a military school in person and the idea is somewhat fascinating.

    Soon enough the group comes face to face with the principal. As they are greeted, Krusty returns it by placing his hand to his chest and bowing slightly in respect, "Greetings. I am Krusty. Official representative of the Round Table Alliance." He straightens again, "I understand you require some assistance?"

Staren has posed:
    "Well, I was one of the first to meet him so I figured I should follow up." Staren replies to Kotone. "Oh, that reminds me." He adds, as Rean leads them, "Show me a local electrical outlet so I know what design of charger to make for your ecto."

    Staren takes in the room, giving the principal a '...is that it?' look.

    "Good... afternoon." Staren echoes, uncertainly. "Did you have anything to say...?"

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Rean looks puzzled for a moment. "Uh...I can show you an outlet, but we don't use electricity here. And I get the feeling orbal energy is not the same thing."

Principal Vandyk gets up from his chair. "My apoligies- I was focused on my work. My name is Aedelbert Vandyck, Principal of Thors Military Academy." he says, returning Krusty's bow. He then turns to Staren.

"Yes, of course. There is an old building at the back of the campus that dates back to the dark ages - 1200 years ago on our calendar - And while it has been there since before the school's founding, it's recently begun to change on its own. Over the past two months I've tasked Schwarzer and his classmates to investigate the building and report any new changes."

Rean nods. "Right. Last month, for instance, an elevator appeared, as well as a second floor. We haven't gone in yet this month, but I'm expecting at least another floor."

"As Schwarzer has explained to me, there are people from other places in the Multiverse that may be able to figure out why and how this building is changing. So, my request is for you to assist Class VII in their investigations going forward."

Krusty (1149) has posed:
    Krusty side glances at Staren, but says nothing in relation to his rudeness.

    Returning his attention to the principal, Krusty listens intently. The revelation of a old building changing of its own accord causes Krusty to hold his chin in thought. He has raided a few dungeons in the past that had the quirk of reconfiguring themselves. Which he mentions as much, "I have encountered similar circumstances before. Though those cases were assumed to be connected to the strange magics and technology of an ancient race. I suppose it's possible there might be something similar here. Though I am unfamiliar with your world's history." Perhaps some investigation into that is required.

    "Regardless, I am happy to offer my services and those of my guild in attempting to solve this mystery. I'm sure we can come to an acceptable agreement." Krusty has judged from initial impressions that Principal Vandyck is a wisened man of the world and knows how things work.

Staren has posed:
    "I thought of that, here's some spare batteries." Staren hands Raen small rectangles with contacts on them, like phone batteries.

    And then, meeting the Principal: Staren rubs his chin. "Hmm. Are these changes in the nature of additions rather than complete restructurings? Or is there risk that rooms might go away with people inside them?"

    "In any case: I'm interested, but as I told Rean, you want to get the word out on something like this, you should contact the Syndicate. You'll have adventurers kicking your door down in no time. Call Arthur Lowell and tell him what's up. Although... I will forward word to the Concord." Staren glances back in the direction of the gate. "Is there anything else you can tell me to put in my report? What's been in the building before, what supernatural abilities were demonstrated by things inside...?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I see Sir." She takes a note listening as Vandyk give them more details. "I see, have lifeforms or constructs been found within the new floor? I see and it would be a good idea to keep checking it out. Better that than it turns out to be, be some Hellmouth which will let the dark lord into the world going undisturbed while it powers up. A good suggestiona nd I can bring word to the Paladins as well. Any history from the dark ages about it? Wild stories? Legends?"

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Vandyck nods. "Much of what archeologists find from that era and beyond tends to be rather strange, so you may have a point. As for legends, the task of preserving the building has been passed down from headmaster to headmaster since the school's founding 220 years ago. The founder, the great Emepror Dreichels said to leave it as is until 'The Promised Day,' whenever that may be. Perhaps the time has come, in fact. "

Meanwhile, Rean takes the batteries from Staren. "Thanks. The other floors have had monsters on them, just like the 'original' floor did. We've also run into at least one huge monster at the end of the floors that we've visited already. Those ones were more like demons or fiends, though. The last one was uh...A set of floating angelic stone doors that shot lasers." His eybrows furrow at the last bit, like he barely believes what he's describing. "I have some notes on some of the monsters we encountered in there. I'll give you some copies later, and to anyone else who asks."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa thinks for a moment "I would continue with the observation and have some level of guards posted at the entrances if something were to come pouring out it would be bad." She pauses for a moment as she hears about the Emperor and then the promised day she is worried about that.

"Sounds like there's hostile and combat kit would be wise to bring on any further trips down there I would like the information you have. Also, have your guards in pairs and call in if anything /strange/ happens they should not go sticking their noses in there."

A bit forceful but she's also clearly speaking from experiance.

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods at the description, not seeming disbelieving in the least. "I see. Certainly, unusual morphology and powers may be worth investigating, at least." Staren extends a hand to the headmaster. "Nice to meet you, thanks for inviting us here."

Rean Schwarzer has posed:
Vandyck puts a hand to his chin, eyes closed. "I'll look into that. There are many people on campus, both staff and students who would be able to perform that duty." He then turns to Staren and smiles. "You're very welcome. It was very nice to meet you as well."