3629/Gabumonning Around

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Gabumonning Around
Date of Scene: 07 January 2016
Location: Planetary Plains
Synopsis: Alden shows off his digivolutions to Ferham
Cast of Characters: 516, 930

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Christmas had ended, and while all parts of the plains weren't exactly cold, due to how insanely large it was. For now people were getting back from holiday leave, and business was returning to normal. So why was Ferham out in the plains, sitting on a log as she seemed to be scanning something on a handheld computer device. Her green eyes seemed glued to the screen, every so often tilting the small LCD screen device this way and that, as if she was scanning for something. Who could she be out here looking for, and at this hour? Her large red wings were folded behind her back and she sat back a bit relaxed with her legs crossed, looking perhaps a bit less like the armored robot woman she was and more like a refined and elegant lady. Her elbow was set against her lap as she continued to scan, more or less in total silence.

Alden (930) has posed:
The weather seemed warm enough that Alden was not too concerned about it. He decided to explore more of the multiverse, and after checking a couple farms (they were novelties to him for the most part, especially after learning the lack of meat plants on most of the worlds) he simply decided to roam on the nearby plains. At this time, he was simply walking around, alternating between glancing at the are around him and back, back at a handheld device he had as if trying to make up his mind on something. That and he was eating a strip of cooking bacon from a small bag on his belt. He is so distracted he almost does not spot Ferham just sitting there in the open!.

     The sight of the reploid derails his train of thought, and he decides to approach for a better look, he even waves one hand towards her!. "Hello." he chirps, friendly as usual.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham tilts the device and looks over her shoulder as she apparently notices she has some company. Her eyes narrowed a little before widening again, her device giving an odd ping.


     She rose up from the log and uncrossed her legs, walking closer. Ferham was deceptively tall, looking like she was about 6-feet tall even before the heels of her boots accented it even further, and those were some high-heeled boots she was wearing.

     "No, it's not," she muttered to herself and shook her head a little. "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," she put a hand on her hip, the other at her forehead as looked a little embarrassed at her mistake. "You're from the same race, though, I assume, Gabumon, yes?" she asked, tilting her head a little. "I'm Ferham, a member of the confederacy," hey, least she was honest!

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden does some scanning of his own, narrowing his eyes, and checking on the odd handheld of his own for several moments, seems whatever result he got was not 'bad' so he puts it away. The mention of that name makes him shake his head.

     "Sorry, I am not duke, not familiar with him." he begins, before smiling, "I'm Alden... and yeah! I am a gabumon!". He thinks for a moment, before smiling, "And, I am not.. a member of anything."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham clicks off the device. "I'm sorry, this was just a device I was using to try and find energy signatures, thought a friend of mine might be out here," she noticed the somewhat careful scrutiny the Gabumon levied her way and shook her head a little.

     "Just so you know, I'm not evil, I can't speak for every member of the confederacy, but..." she shrugged, her red lips together as she peered down at him.

     "Nice to meet you Alden, My friend was a Guilmon X, I don't suppose you've seen any of those around here?" slowly, Ferham moved to the log to sit down again, one of her legs rising up as she crossed her legs again, sitting back.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden smiles and shakes his head, "Nah, I was wondering if you were a digimon." he admits, rubbing the back of his head a bit. "That is a handy device, I can only sense digimons and scan them." he explains a bit.

     "I'm a good guy too, so no worries." he admitedly confuses the 'not evil' with 'good guy', but he is kind of naive at times. He walks closer, and offers her one hand, "Nice to eet you Ferham!" he replies, before looking around for a moment, "Guilmon x... never saw one." he says after a moment, "how does he look like?"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I've had some success locating your kind on electromagnetic wavelengths," Ferham peered over at Alden, before smiling a little. "No, I'm not a digimon, I'm a Reploid, a humanoid robot," she continued her smile as she reached over and shook the Gabumon's hand in return, noticing the pelt that seemed to shroud him like a coat.

     "He's a large bipedal red draconic creature, with horns and a series of black ring markings over his arms and legs," Ferham gestured with a hand in the air, indicating the relative height. "It's alright if you haven't seen him, I appreciate it anyway," her hand was sort of like a five-fingered black padded glove, though pointed at the fingertips, it seemed.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden nods a few times, "I will try to pay attention." he says, "He sorta sounds like a tyranomon.." he muses, rubbing his chin, "But a lot smaller."he says casually. He wears teh garurumon pelt on his back, over his arms, and his head, it covers the top of his snout and eyes!.

     He holds her hand a few moments, simply feeling it, before letting go, "A robot?, that sounds cool." he says, smiling back, "Do you eat food?, I have some bacon if you'd like some." he asks.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm," Ferham lit the small screened device (it looked somewhat like an iphone, in fact it likely was, just with custom apps installed) and pressed the touch screen a few times with her thumb, apparently looking up the species he spoke of. "Sort of," she said a little slowly, noticing the resemblance thanks to the shape of the head. She was sure to give his hand a few shakes before he let go, seeming to be friendly, at least.

     "You think I'm cool? well I'm flattered," she said in a matter of fact tone, meaning it. "I find your species pretty interesting as well, you're digital, yet behave like organic life, but you don't seem to follow the same biological patterns.." she mused.

     "Like your pelt, fur on a mammal is usually well... less of a piece of clothing, and grows out of the skin," she apparently had realized that he seemed to be wearing it rather than growing it.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden looks at his own handheld device, the D-Arc, and begins to search for the 'guilmon x' name. "Hmm... I don't have info on guilmon x... but I do have a bit of info on a guilmon!" he says, showing the screen to her. There is a nice snapshot picture of a guilmon, the species name, and a few stats. "I guess he looks kinda like that?".

     He grins at the mention of his furpelt, and with a bit of a blush, he moves it around, "I am not sure how it works either, I only know I always have this cloak when I turn into a gabumon." he says, "It's a part of my data." he says softly. "I never tried to see what might happen if I tried to evolve without it... but I feel better wearing as much as possible."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham looked at his screen, leaning closer after a few moments as if excited by seeing it. "He looks a lot like that, yeah," she recalled the offer of bacon, slowly shaking her head. "That's alright, I appreciate the offer however," she looked back at the screen and seemed interested in the statistics.

     "I see, I'm intrigued by how that works, it's a lot different than how organics work, that's for sure," she smiles again, nodding. "I do the same with my armor suit, most of the time--I don't like to be caught in a dangerous situation without it," she relaxes back with her legs crossed, seeming to feel safe around this digital being for the moment. "So what is that you have there?" she points to Alden's D-tector, apparently having never seen a digimon with a tamer before.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden smiles and nods a few times, "Anytime!" he chirps contently, his attention moving back towards the hand held item in his hand, showing it to her a bit. "I only know that we are made of data, I guess that's what allows us to do the things we do." he says, grinning. "Well, my pelt is tough, but is not that great for protection.

     The question for the device is answered promplty. "It's my D-Arc... well, technically it is my tamer's... but he is not around." he says. He presses a few buttons, to change to a display of his own stats. "It's hmm, it has information on my status... it can scan other digimon, search info by name... it allows me to use digimon cards for improving my stats, get some items, or digivolve..." he continues, "I can enter the D-Arc and remain in there for a while too."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh, I see. Sorry to hear that," Ferham looked down a little, apparently realizing that meant they were either separated or worse. "I'm sorry, if there is anything I can do for you though... please just ask," she pushed herself up a little, taking stock of the D-arc's data on it's tiny screen. "Huh, that's handy," she blinked, realizing he could apparently go inside it and hang out there, that was a novel idea.

     "Sort of like the devices the pokemon trainers use, you might want to be careful about going into it around people, though--they might carry you off inside it, unless it has some form of security," she pondered aloud.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden blinks as she mentions that and nods, "Oh yeah, while I can come out on my own... it only works if there is room around it for me to appear." he says, "So I try to avoid doing it if i can help it... it normally does not work with anyone but my tamer but... that feature is not working due to an incident in the past." he explains, tail twitching slowly.

     He smiles and shakes his head, "It's fine, for now, perhaps I can stay here a bit?" he says, "Did you ever see a digimon digivolve?" he asks curiously, perhaps just wanting to change the topic.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Hmm, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Ferham shook her head. "If there is damage to it however, maybe it can be repaired?" she seemed to be curious, but she wasn't being too aggressive about it, either.

     "I have, actually, my Guilmon friend was able to transform into a large man-sized dragon form, what sort of form can you change into?" she seemed pleasantly curious, folding her gloved hands over her lap, cocking her head a little as she watched him.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden smiles, "I don't mind talking about it really." he says, "I was really... damaged when a certain thing from my home dimension almost deleted me, my tamer rescued me but well, the damage is not on my D-Arc, it's my own data that is messed up." he says softly, "So basically, anyone would use it and it will work on me." he says. "I sometimes wonder if my data might be modified by people, or my D-arc be improved!... but I feel nervous about it.".

    . "If you want, and are willing to help, can show you my next two evolutions, I can go all the way to Ultimate, but it is kind of hard." he says, smiling, "I turn into a big wolf, as tall as a man!, and an even taller werewolf, think someone called it werewolf."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I understand, that sounds like it must be frightening," Ferham frowned a little, as she looked over Alden, shaking her head again a little. "I'm sorry you had that happen to you, but what do you mean, how can I help?" Fer seemed a little surprised by the question, willing to help.

     "Alright, well what do you need me to do?" she asked, finally uncrossing her legs and standing up from the log she had been sitting on. She rose to her full height, but didn't seem to be trying to be intimidating, at least. Putting a hand on her hip, she gestured to him. "Okay, so what do I do first?" she asked.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden nods and jumps of the log... which does little to change his height, he might end up shorter than before!. He reaches for a couple of cards from the card box on the belt he was wearing, hands them to her, then allows her to hold the D-arc. "Just slide the cards through the reader slot when I tell you, one at a time, ok?".

     The cards were similar, saying digivolution on top, and Evolution plugin-E and -S respectively, and some text describing effects from a trading card game. Alden walks a few feet away. "Ok, do one now!".

     When Ferham tries that, there is a sudden burst of light from the D-Arc. At the same time, the gabumon's shape begins to glow brightly, the digimon's seeming to dissapear in a burst of voxels, only to be replaced with a much larger, and different creature. "Digivolve too... Garurumon!" he barks, and when the light fades, Ferham can inmediatly notice how similar the Gabumon's pelt was to the fur on the wolfish digimon, except for the size of course. It was rather tall, and seemed powerful and regal!... that lasted until he sat on his haunches and itched his left ear with a hindpaw, tongue hangign from his open muzzle like an oversized dog.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Huh, these seem like they're important, Alden, be sure to only give these to people you trust," Ferham warns a little, then inspects the card. Huh, metallic edge lined cards, interesting. She briefly scanned the text on the cards, raising a brow before she did what he told her, and slipping the card through the slot on the device.

     "Huh, larger than I imagined," Ferham blinked, once the large blue and white furred wolf was sitting there instead of the small bipedal mammal lizard from before. "Looks like someone got some upgrades," she grinned, walking around the white giant wolf form. It seemed like to her he was around the size of a liger, but more squat.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden remains sitting on the ground, with his maw open, panting happily, and basically destroying any illusion of being a dangerous, fearsome beast with a derpy expression, and that long, whippy tail wagging slowly behind him. He admires the reploid in turn, sniffing the air. "Glad you approve." he barks, suddenly shaking himself a bit.

     "When you are ready, use the next card." he says, suddenly rolling onto his back and streetching, almost looking like a pet dog asking for bellyrubs. "But not in a rush if you had questions or something."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Before using the D-tector again, Ferham has to move closer and give the panting Garurumon a pat and stroke the side of his head with her gloved hand, she's never been this close to a friendly large liger/wolf that can talk before, after all. "Just don't lick and slobber on me, alright?" she smiled, peering over at his whip-like tail, nodding a little. "You remind me of a feline mixed with a canid, I'm impressed," she blinked.

     "Of course, when Alden rolls on his back, belly-rubs are delivered--gently scritching his chest ruff around his ribs and below his throat area, there.

Alden (930) has posed:
    Alden was not quite expecting the tummyrubs, his left hindleg kicking happily, his oversized forepaws curled on his chest while he smiled to the reploid, "I make no promises." he teases, but settles with a gentle nuzzling in return, smiling gently and relaxing, he rumbles contently. "You are the first person to scritch my chest like that, well, besides my tamer, he thought i was cute." he says with a chuckle. He looks at one of Ferham's wings curiously.

     "Can you fly?" he asks casually, relaxed.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I don't mind animals," Ferham caught herself a little there, "I mean, rather fond of cats and dogs, I have a pet fox, too--though she's robotic," laughing a little softly when the giant wolf-tiger nuzzles her. She nods to his question. "Yes, I can, these my stabilizers, of sorts, I fly by anti-gravity, these allow me to control where I go," she explained, giving a few more gentle pats to the tiger-wolf's head and chest before she stood back up.

     "So, you had another form to show me?" she raised a brow, stepping back a few paces before raising the Digivice and card again. She slides it through again, this time making it a more flashy movement with both arms sliding the card through the slot. "I'm getting good at this!"

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden rolls onto his paws slowly afterwards, streetching a bit at the explanation, "Cool! that might be how I can fly in my Ultimate stage, not sure how it works." he says softly, his tail wagging rapidly from the pats. "Yep, in fact, feel quite good right now. I think I might go all the way to ultimate for a bit if you want, don't think I'll have to be fighting today anyway." he says.

     The fancy slashing motion earns a happy bark from the wolf, "Good!" he manages, before the light flashes again. If Ferham was able to see through the light at him, she might see that basically he goes into a wireframe, his fur and detals fading into voxels, before the wireframe is replaced with a different one, and the 'data' returns to rebuild him. It all happens very, very fast, but she might be able to spot it, robot and all.

     "Weregarurumon!". He howls as he finishes the transformation, now standing on two feet, a tall, toned looking bipedal wolf creature!, he is wearing pants, and a single shoulder pad, kneepads, and metal knucles!, in all, he looks fierce!. "Ta dah!" he says with a cheery tone. He has a talent to make himself look friendly apparently, smiling like that.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Fly, in your ultimate sta--" Ferham doesn't get the chance to finish that question, having slashed the card, the transformation immediately began. She closed her eyes partially and half-covered her face with her forearm as the bright corona of light seemed to half-blind her. She was able to see after a few seconds however, as he seemed to reform via wireframe and pixels into what looked like a giant anthro wolf man!

     "What the--" Ferham blinked and seemed dazed as she was suddenly standing there with such a tall and rough but brave-looking werewolf. She definitely noticed the strong bicep and adominal muscles, at that.

     "Oh my, looking good there," she raised her gloved hand to her lips and blew the Weregarurumon a kiss, smiling as she teased him just a bit.

Alden (930) has posed:
Alden smiles, "Yeah, i can fly around in my ultimate stage." he says in reply, apparently not quite noticing he was causing a reaction on Ferham. The praise, and that kiss makes him blush redly, one hand reaching to rub the back of hsi head. "Thank you!" he says softly, his tail starting to wag again while he pads closer to her. "It's a bit odd being this tall when most of the time I am so little." he says with a chuckle. "But I feel really strong." he growls, punching the air a few times, "Also helps to have hands so I can use my D-arc as well." he says with a grin.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The teasing apparently pays off, but she's a little wide-eyed when the werewolf suddenly approaches her, making him bashful apparently is going to come back on her. She leans back just a bit as he punches the air a bit, noticing his large fists. "Yeah, you seem fairly anthropomorphic in this state, you should be able to use most of the same tools a human can," she nodded, keeping her distance for the moment, but the wolf-man looks like he's quite a bit taller and faster than she is on foot.

     "You uh, sure are quite a big guy, in this state too," she seems to be in a mixture of amusement and awe still, nodding.

Alden (930) has posed:
Fortunately, or unfortunately, he was not aware he was teasing poor Ferham, instead just finally standing in front of her, admiring his hands, "It's a shame I don't have these hands and arms on my next stage." he says softly, even as he raised one arm and flexed it, showing the muscles a bit, he was not really showing off,just looking at it. "They can be really useful.". He is still smiling and seemed to calm a little bit from his previous blush. "Yeah, but there are digimon that are a lot bigger than me, almost wish I was one of those." he replies with a chuckle, "Even like this I met digimon that are able to make this feel tiny."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh? what is your next stage like?" Ferham still held the digivice and the cards, though she had clasped the two together in one hand as she stood there. As the Weregarurumon blushed though, she seemed to go a bit wide-eyed at the rather raw and manly display of muscles going on there, however. She has to shake herself a bit since she finds herself staring.

     "Woah, I mean, uh, that's a pretty strong form you have there!" she nodded a bit quickly, stuttering just a little. She was clearly taken back by this!

     "Huh? how many digimon are bigger than... that," she raised a shaky hand to Alden, having seen Gaonoir before, she knew they could be pretty large, however...

Alden (930) has posed:
&t Alden ponders the question, "Well, that tyranomon is bigger than me!, there are digimon that are many times taller than me." he says softly, looking down at himself. "Many types." he says softly, "In some cases I can't even reach their knees." he says with a chuckle.

    . The question about what type of digimon he was made him smile, reaching into the cardbox with those big digits, and managing to pull out a blue colored card. "Use that one." he says. Even as he takes a deep breath to relax, showing off his chest a bit, "It's a bit harder to use, but I think it will be ok, been resting a lot and was planning to go back home in a bit anyway." he says happily, streetching his arms. "You will see, it's a kind of machine." he says.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, yeah but he was also a lot less, erm... humanoid, so kind of hard to gauge," she nodded a little, looking like she might stumble over her high-heeled booted feet. "Oh, alright, let me see here..." Ferham stepped back, clearly blushing a bit herself, darn Weregarurumon--and stood ready to swipe the cards again.

     "Lets see here... Card Slash!" Fer swiped the card through the D-ark, this time with what seemed like blue light glowing out of the edges of the card as she did so, her hands raised up to just in front of her face, making this look quite... dramatic, to say the least.

     "Evolution!" she called out, for some reason--perhaps not knowing why she did herself.

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden nods a few times, "True." he muses, rubbing his chin with one paw, ears twitching in the air while he thought about a digimon name. The fancy pose, and the way she moved, even the call, took him by surprise, blinking a bit, she started to remind him of his tamer!.

     The transformation works similarly as last time, he plays along, by barking "Were garurumon digivolve to....". The wireframe process happens again, but this time, the figure seemed shorter, similar to the Garurumon!. "MetalGarurumon!". He howls as it finishes, standing still for a few moments. "If you press the side buttons, and pick the third option you can see through my eyes." he explains to her. The wolf was similar in size to Garurumon, and what little of him that was exposed, shared the same fur, but the rest of him seemed to be covered in armor. The only readily visible weapons being a pair of rocket/missile pods on his foreshoulders. He also has a pair of small 'wings' on his shoulders, in a position similar to wings.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     After the flashy digivolution had taken effect, she was bathed in the light of the glorious evolution, standing there as a winged silhouette against it. Once the werewolf had assumed a more... quadriped form, she clapped a little, setting the card and D-ark down before picking them up again.

     "Very nice, you look almost like a Reploid now," she seemed to be curious about that, walking about him again to clank a gloved hand against his side, taking a look at the missile pods.

     "You're pretty heavily armored, too, and your wings look sort of like a similar design to mine, with those fixed wings," she nods, understanding what he meant about his 'ultimate' form now. Jet missile wolf!

Alden (930) has posed:
     Alden smiles and takes a few steps, his legs seeming mechanical as he moved, smooth movements, his 'tail' waving slowly behind him. "This is my strongest form for now." he says softly, smiling, well, he was, but not likely to be seen with the metal mask covering most of his head. If she checks the view command on the D-Arc, she might see that he seems to have a targetting system, as he scans the area. "I have a lot of missiles." he says with a grin, "And a freeze beam." he adds.

     He spreads his legs a bit, getting steady on the ground and lowers his head, "Watch this.", a series of clicking noises while the hidden missile ports on his body all open, they were hidden all over his form, shoulders, both pairs of legs, on his shoulders beneath the larger pods, even the joint of his hindlegs (knee) seemed to slide to the side to reveal a small gunport. A larger missile raising from his back. He does not fire anything, he just displays the hidden projectiles, before everything clicks close, "They are guided, well, most of them." he says, raising his head. "Individually they are not that strong, but they can cover a fair bit of ground."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham raised the D-ark to her face and checked the screen, noticing the apparent view out of Alden's eyes, and the heads-up display/targeting system he seemed to have. She looked up just in time to step back as she allowed him to demonstrate.

     "Huh, you're basically missiles on missiles on over there," Ferham seemed impressed, but more in a 'hey nice guns' sort of way than before, making an obvious pun on 'muscles on muscles' there.

     "You seem like you're pretty strong in this form, I'll remember it for when I'm in trouble," she smiled, giving the giant mechanical wolf a respectful salute there. "Are you going to be okay like this? You probably used a lot of energy just to show me this... maybe I ought to buy you lunch," she offers.

Alden (930) has posed:
    Alden chuckles a bit at that, getting the play on words for once and shaking himself once all the ports are closed. He extends the small wings, which unfold, and show a bright glow on the extended ends, taking a small running lap around Ferham and raising, circling the air, "Sorry, just wanted to fly a bit." he explains.

     The offer for food makes him smile, "I think I'll take you on that one, starting to feel like I would use a good meal."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Woo!" Ferham blinked in surprise and seemed to duck a little as the giant mecha-wolf jumped into the air, then did a circle around her. Her own wings fanning out from her back, she rises up into the air slowly ot hover a bit, before she nods to him.

     "Wanna fly with me? I know a good spot in the Straits I think to get barbecue," she realized the digimon likely wanted something hearty, and protein filled.

     "I still got your digivice, will give it when we get there," she grinned, rising up into the air and beginning to sail off into the air.