978/Deep Breaths

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Deep Breaths
Date of Scene: 16 November 2014
Location: The Secret World <TSW>
Synopsis: London. Downtime. Tacos.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, Staren, Riva Banari, Wuyin Tsai, Inga, 538, 615

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Things have been hectic on Solomon Island. Wuyin decided it was time for a break, and put out the appropriate word to the appropriate people on the appropriate channels (which is to say, he left a note at the fire station). They kind of need one.

Wuyin is waiting at the top of the stairs in Ealdwic Station, a left turn and a trot away from the Agartha portal covered in greenery and embedded in the wall. He's wearing his usual apparel, apparently unconcerned about the possibility of a rival society's agents picking him out of a crowd and taking exception to his presence. At the moment, he's haggling with a tall, bearded man over the price of a pair of boots, but it looks like he's come to some sort of deal with him.

It's a nice day, wonder of wonders, and the city is alive. It's a pleasant change of pace from the usual spot.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon Valos had come to this corner of London due in part because of either random chance, or else because there was a rumor going around about magicians flocking to it; in addition, it was entirely plausible that the dark elf decidedly adjourned contributions of the famous 'Fish and Chips' combination for which it was renowned! The part that had ensnared his attention was the part about seafood, since he wasn't especially fond of chips, but those could always be dumped into a disposal unit upon complete consumption of the icthyoid morsels!

     In any event, the seven-foot-something uses his spear as a walking-stick, aiding his movement, despite the fact that he's not actually disabled in any way comparable to what humans consider as handicaps; aside from a propensity towards sleeping too often, and for extended periods of time. The drow is just taking it easy, and finds this place to be more comforting than Mullone, given the warning he was by Faruja that hinted on Glabados' rigid legal structure....

Inga has posed:
Inga is wearing one of her four outfits (oh yes, she really needs to go shopping) which today, consists of the red dress (her nicest), which peeks out now and then from beneath her cloak when she moves. She had an outfit that would have fit in better, but it was currently being laundered. OH WELL. She'll just look like a renaissance faire reject, because she is not about to miss the chance to see London. Even she had heard of London.

There is also the mystery of the tacos to considers. Wuyin and Riva are so obsessed with them that she figures she may as well get some for herself. Inga exits the Agartha portal, smoothing her dress as she looks over to Wuyin. She smiles cordially.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa always felt trippy going through the world treet, even with how much she wanted to study the guardians and such. She'd always wanted to go to the UK and well this was a chance evne if it was an alternate London. She also pondered about the Tacos they were amazing she'd managed to get one and follows after Inga out of the portal. She shakes her head a little bit.

"I don't get how my head doesn't go pop in there, I have no magic at all. Still this should be fun, right?"

She pauses for a moment as a fully and heavily clothed person with a gas mask goes by, not that she knows it, but it's one of the local Vampires not that she knows that. IT gives the group a nod and heads towards dark side.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    Some time ago.. Master Etna's Throne Room.

    The Hero Prinny walks in, on his little peglegs, he looks at Etna, "What's up, dood?"

    "I need you to go pick me up something called 'Fish and Chips'. Flonne won't stop going on about them, and now is annoying me with an annoying accent until we eat some! I figured you losers would know enough about fish to do something /this easy/! Now GO!"

    Later, outside of the Throne Room a gang of Prinnies look at each other confused.

    "I never heard of this dood."
    "Me neither dood, and we only eat so much fish because that's all she PAYS US IN! This is totally unfair dood!"
    "Well what do you expect dood?"
    "I know dood, We can use..." he rummages in something for a moment, pulling out a SLIGHT USED iPHONE. "THE POWER OF GOOGLE EMPOWERS THIS, DOOD!"
    Suddenly, the hero Prinny is being shot through the air, towards 'Brittian'. "I have no idea what is even going ooooooooooon!"

    There is a crash as the Prinny lands, nose diving right into the 'begining' of the 'stage' which is to say, five feet from Wuyin.


Staren has posed:
    England! Staren has heard of England -- a land of vast forests towered over by the mystical Millenium Trees, where faeries and spirits flit from leaf to leaf... a land of the majestic beauty of nature, inhabited by druids and the like. Where King Arr'thuu and his magical sword Caliber X, Sir Prrcyvel, and Mrrlyn the enchanter, together with the rest of the Knights of Camelot and the Nexus Knights, protect the great city of New Camelot!

    That is not the England Staren will be visiting today. Today, he gets to see what England looked like /before/ the apocalypse afflicted it with a tragic vowel shortage. He's here in his 'i am normal' clothes -- his labcoat swapped out for a blue jacket, and his ears and tail hidden by illusion. When he sees people he knows, he gives nods of recognition. And he at least knows what a prinny is, although he can't remember if he's ever actually /seen/ one -- Hero Prinny gets a curious look. Finally he looks to Wuyin.

    "So, what are wer here for today?"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Energy signatures was the name of the game. Via his electroreception, outside of visual source of light, which weren't always sufficient in the bowels of the Lodestone Chasm, there were other ways for dark elves to navigate. Echolocation was one method, but Ineryon had also devised a technique of sending out a continuous stream of energy like a long-range field, which gave him specs on the layout of the land.... or objects with physical mass therein.

     Inga registered on the drow's radar of familiarity, in defiance of the fact that she was dressed in a disputably more distinguishing outfit than on their last encounter; it isn't that she was /trying/ to hide, but for one who didn't always trust his eyes, his electro-receptors were deemed more reliable in many ways, because humanoids who liked to trick others with cosmetics were more widespread than those who could change other aspects of their existence! Enter the mind of a paranoid who lived among a race of 'cloak and dagger', that took every opportunity to dupe whoever they could in order to improve their own standing in a world where political sabotage pervaded endlessly. "Entity Laywoman Inga, salutations... Has word reached your ears that there is fine confectionary fish to be feasted upon in the nearby?"

     Either he's asking because he doesn't know for sure, else he's asking-- courtesy of taking an interest in Inga's activities, what with the other folks being unknown to him, he doesn't see fit to solicit any of them. On his own part, the Nezumi had referred to her as 'Laywoman Inga', thus, Ineryon plainly fathomed that this was a composition of both first, along with last name.

Inga has posed:
Inga is waiting for Wuyin to lead them around London. Surely, it will be a welcome break from all the madness that is Kingsmouth and...well, most of the places she's been. Nothing at all unexpected will happen, certainly!

Then a peg-legged penguin falls out of the sky.

Inga looks up at the sky and murmers, "It's like that, is it?"

Inga looks back down to the penguin thing, eyes wide. "What is that? Is it alright?" she asks, squinting slightly.

Staren arrives, and the wisewoman turns to look to him, blinking. "A pleasant walk, perhaps some tacos, falling giant bird things..." she says replies, touch of sarcasm there.

Inga hears her name, attached with 'laywoman' and nearly groans. She's going to throttle Faruja. Her gaze turns to Ineryon and she nods her head to him in greeting. "Hail--ah, I believe I missed your name. And it's just Inga, laywoman is not my name nor my occupation," she sighs.

A look to Wuyin. "Fish and chips?" she inquires.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin picks up the articles in question and tucks them away... somewhere. He turns to the gathering party, inclining his head to Inga politely and looking them over. He eyes the Dark Elf with a quirked brow, but his expression is mostly hidden by his 3D glasses.

"Fish and chips," Wuyin says, "and lunch in the park, I think. I needed to stop by Dante's stand and replenish my taco supply anyway; I thought a day away from Kingsmouth, in a part of our world that isn't full of the undead, might be refreshing." Wuyin's goals here are remarkably straightforward. Is there a catch?!

He looks down at the Prinny and prevents himself from asking 'Staren is this yours.' "Are you alright?" Hey, maybe it talks.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny lays in it's hole for a moment, it's back leg twitching.

    Someone says /Fish and Chips/ an it pops out, with a litterally POPing sound. Shaking it's head, as dirt falls out, it stands up, looking up at people starting at it funny. "...Did someone say 'Fish and Chips' dood?" He asks, as Inga specifically looks at it. And is /sarcastic/ at it! But that's okay, everything is sarcastic at it.

    "I am not a giant falling bird thing, I am a Prinny...dood!" It crosses his arms, making itself look cuter. "And I am here on a very important mission for the Overlord of my world! Now...hand over your fish and chips! I...I-wait did you say Kingsmouth? The place with all the crazy psycho crazy chuthulu stuff?" A beat, "You actually willingly /live/ there?" A beat, "Hey don't knock zombies, sometimes they're alright to talk too...sometimes they just wana eat your brains. It's okay, it's not unreasonable...it's not like they're trying to eat your /eyes/ dood."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa blinks as the big plushie living prinny shows up as they arrive in very comical fashion she takes a moment to stare and pausesw at this strange being talking to Inga she tilts her head at themm for a moment. Kotone would be /very/ strange as a signature to Ineryon given she was a fusion of a little bit of flesh and synethics.

"That sounds wonderful to be awesome and we can get some tacos as well I have been wanting to get some of those my self."

She looks for a moment.

"Deep Fried fish with cut and fried potato it's a root really tastey."

She looks to the PRinny for a moment and smiles at them she clealry thinking these things are adorable for a moment.

"...I'm actually amused at that and your a Prinny Dood?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren looks over to Wuyin. "Sounds good, I guess. So we're tourists... London..." Has he been to London before? He forgets if the Hellsing manor was near London. Did that thing with the Doctor and Rose happen in London? It's been a very long time and he didn't keep his meticulous records back then. "So..." He looks down at Hero Prinny. "Are you... mugging us for fish and chips that we don't actually have yet, or something? I mean, 'hand over your fish and chips' sounds like you're mugging us."

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     In Inga's defense, she was not insane in the eyes of many-- there were several people who didn't have Faruja at the very paramount of their list of adored.... wanting to throttle the mouse is -perfectly- natural! It's just by chance that Ineryon Valos had yet to become more firmly acquainted with the Glabadosian Burmecian, for there'd be a high probability he'd find the fellow irritating, when one accounted for how 'cut and dry' he was, insomuch as his way of handling others.

     When Inga decries the whole 'laywoman' business, the dark elf tilts his head to the side quizzically, cocking one eyebrow lightly, "Ah... Entity Faruja Senra said this name many a time. Perchance it is that you should take the opportunity, next it convenes, to correct him." His lips flatten, demonstrating that he felt this was a serious issue, "I'd be reluctant to think he'd deliberately speak extraneous verbiage by adding inessential tidbits to your name that are not only unwelcome, but inaccurate! That hardly seems.... rational?" As he starts to give his name to Inga, "I am known as Ineryon Val...." he blinks at Prinny, "The eyes are part of the central nervous system, which is part of the brain. The entirety of the brain include the optics. Maybe you could do us a favor and explain which portions of the brain that zombies like, and dislike, as this kind of enlightenment could benefit all, if I may be so bold as to request?" The drow shakes his head and looks back to Inga, "My apologies... Ineryon Valos."

     He does side-glance Kotone occasionally, for those observant, being that organic and artificial substances resonated differing 'vibes', but tries not to be too nosy, unless his curiosity gets the better of him; inevitably, it just might!

Inga has posed:
Inga watches the Prinny, blinking. It crosses its little arms and her lips purse. It's...it's...it's a little bit adorable. A mission from his overlord? For Fish and Chips? "Well, you could purchase some I think..." she offers. As for Kingsmouth, Inga sighs. "Mmm, I don't think any of us actually live there anymore," she adds. "Spent a good deal of time there however, and until now it is all I've seen of my world as it is now," she continues, then waves a dismissive hand. Eh, no more explaination needed.

Inga glances toward Kotone as she explains this 'fish and chips' and Inga's eyes brighten. "That does sound delicious," she replies. So far, the people of this time have very interesting food.

A small frown to Wuying. "Where is Riva?" she asks.

Inga sighs and looks back to Valos, bowing her head at the introduction. "A pleasure," she says, then the rest more or less makes her squint. It takes a moment to parse through what he's said, and even then a lot of it is nonsense to her. "Faruja is strange, let us leave it at that," she comments, not wanting to explain further. Faruja had his reasons for giving her that title and as it is a sensitive matter, she'd like to let it go. Hopefully, he can pick up on those 'drop it' signals.

"Well then, fish and chips?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva arrives in London a little later, looking over the group as she passes by them, and then walking right on past.

And then dhe pauses, turns around, and comes right back. "Hey guys!" Riva calls as she approaches the collective. "I didn't think I was going to see you all in London! I was just here to report in." She pauses, and looks over at the Prinnies. "You're here too?" She frowns, trepidation clearly on her face at this... But she shakes her head. "Well, do what you want, but don't make trouble. The Templars keep demons for target practice in their training halls. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny stares at Valos.

    Dr. Prinny explains for you people at home what happens, "The Prinny's mind is not usually a very complex thing, and this Prinny, while Clever, is no super Genius Prinny like me. As you see, the words coming from this guy, are going into his ear, but are hitting the portion of the brain that understands complex words and theories. See how they just bounce off and fall into the 'Okay, he just agreed with me' trash can? Good!"

    Reality restarts and the Prinny just nods once, "Yeah, whatever you said dood!"

    He stares at Staren, "...What, you think that was a bit too strong, dood? Well...uh...I forget I'm not in the Netherworld anymore, dood. Humans do things so much nicer up here! It gets hard to remember things like 'maners' and 'polite phrases', dood!"

    Then someone mentions Riva.

    "Not Riva! She's the Prinny Mu-" And then she shows up, And it screams!

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! THE KILLER DOOD!" it starts moving quickly on it's peg legs, looking like it's about to explode in fear. "No way! I'm not going to go down here dood!"

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Yes, Kingsmouth. We're spearheading the investigation there." More or less, Wuyin thinks. There's a lot more... /spearing/ and less /investigating/, though.

He starts to turn towards the street, pausing and looking back to Valos. There's a long pause there. Eventually, Wuyin says, "You speak a great deal but say very little," and then continues on his way. He starts to lead the way out of the station, apparently deciding that people can follow him or they can't. "If you'd like to eat, you are welcome to follow along. I have an errand to run first. Hello, Riva."

Wu starts down the road. A city full of people is practically uplifting on it's own. He's got to go to the part of town where 'people' covers a much broader range, though.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Inability to always pick up on 'drop it' cues notwithstanding, Ineryon's intrigue is called to heed by Inga's reference to the coveted 'fish and chips' that he had been asking about all along. Immediately, his attention veers away from sentiments of 'why' Faruja was so strange as to annex oddities to people's names that really had no place where they were installed. "Strange...? That explanation will do for now, I suppose. But I am grateful to be educated as to the proper means of addressing you, Inga....." Nodding affirmation, as well as approval, the dark elf wags his wrist dismissively, as if gesturally banishing the need to discuss the idiosyncrasies of the Burmecian, whilst instead opting to focus on less digressive subjects.... food!

     Presumably, Non-neurophysicist Prinny demonstrates that he has few enough folds in his brain... or the equivalent thereof, to really bequeath information of an educated nature, or even a profound, speculative kind, which leads Ineryon to the conclusion that this little.... penguin.... thing.... is /not/ going to end up being his best friend in the near future. Best to just surmise that whatever it says is composed of half-gibberish conjoined with some barely-valid data that isn't worth sifting through the refuse pile to locate. Just then... The Prinny /screams/! One thing a Valosian dark elf has an aversion for is intensified, high-volume sounds, or in the case of noise that doesn't need to be quite as grandoise.... music coming from instruments played by bards.

     The penguin's screech causes Ineryon's eyes to widen as he grinds his deadly incisors, and he shudders visibly. Already feeling queasy in the abdomen, he queries to himself whether he'll be able to digest his food properly if the Prinny elects to prolong its charade. Mumbling to himself, he says something inaudible about freedom of speech needing to have limits where unreasonable levels of volume constituted disturbance of the peace, yet, since he doesn't voice it strongly, it's just a passive-aggressive tick, instead of being an effectual medium of conveying his disappointment.... But he does do it with /narrowed eyes/ while gazing at the Prinny.... which means he is assuredly having 'unkind thoughts' about his hopes and dreams for the creature's fate.

     Being scorned by Wuyin doesn't earn him much admiration, and Ineryon Valos rolls his eyes, "Sounds like a snap-judgement to me....." Nevertheless, the drow follows Wuyin, since he seems to be aware of the location of delectable nutrients... He's not going to argue too much with a guy offering a meal.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks and gives the dark elf a curious look. "...Are you a machine or something? I've never encountered someone who talks like you."

    Prinny gets a nod. "I see. Do you have funds to purchase fish and chips?"

    Staren blinks and looks at Wuyin. "Wait, I don't have any pounds. Do they take Union Credits here?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva leans in over the Prinnies, her terrible shadow growing dark over them. Her eyes flash with wroth as her hands reach towards the guns at her hips... "And now I am going to give you just what you deserve." Riva says to the Prinnies ominously.

And then she pulls out a big box of wrapped tacos and sets it down in front of them, suddenly cheery. "Here! Have some tacos!" Riva grins.

"Look, no hard feelings, okay? Just behave yourselves and there won't be any poblems." She lets the Prinnies annihilate the remainder of the 100 count box of tacos as she looks back to the others, and immediately gives Inga a hug. "Welcome to London, Inga! I was always hoping to see you!" She says. "We'll be shopping at Pangaea later sometime! Hope you'll be ready~" the Templar teases. Wuyin gets a wave. "Sup, Wuyin. How are you doing?" She asks. "Here to make everyone at Temple Hall sweat, huh?" You never know with Dragons.

Riva then waves a hand at Staren. "They'll take our Pax Romana, so I think they'll take basically anything." She says off hand. "Glad to see you here, Staren!" She gestures over her shoulder. "I need to report in over at Temple Hall in a couple. If you guys want to come by you're welcome..." She pauses. "Except for the Prinnies. They proooooobably don't want to go over there. Just saying."

Inga has posed:
Riva appears, almost walks past then, back tracks...aaand the Prinny looses it.

"Oh, there she is," Inga says, suddenly sunny. "So good to see you Riva--demon? This?" she asks, looking to Prinny, eyebrow raised.

Well, the quest is under way. Inga follows after Wuyin, looking over to Valos, Inga tosses her long braid over her shoulder. She rather agrees with Wuyin. Ah, Staren brings up a good point. Is he a 'machine'? That has been explained to her at least partially...

Inga is then embraced by the oh-so-huggy Riva, a bright smile emerging. She links arms with Riva, using her as another walking aid. It will help her keep up with everyone. "Ah...the shopping," she says with all the enthusiasm of someone about to be tortured. Essentially true.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Hero Prinny...

    Is Given TACOS?!


    "It's...it's so beautiful!" COMP.

    It ignores everything else, including Valos' annoyance!

    It stuffs the tacos away for later, after eating like, twenty, and coughs. "Huh? Why dood?" It asks Riva, forgetting about it's earlier fear. It really isn't smart at all. Like at all.

    "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm a Prinny dood. In our world, Prinnies are like...humans who were kinda awful people in life, and so we pay our sins off...in these bodies. We're the weakest of demons dood! Also, we're pretty exploding. Anyway, we're also adorable, especially because of our cute googly eyes!" A beat.

    "DO they take Hel here? I think I got just enough...but Master Etna will get angry if we don't bring her change back, dood."

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Rubbing his forehead, Ineryon Valos pinches the bridge of his nose as a headache develops. Just then, Staren asks him if he's a machine, which he tries to process, "In the sense that I am an apparatus that utilizes electricity, specifically the biological kind, to move various parts of what could be construed as my body,... one could debate that I am a machine. My body contains a high quantity of iron, copper, and metals."

     He gives Staren a chance to process this before proceeding, "I have no naturally-grown metal appendages like that of the Parasitic Fig Wasp, on the other hand, who has a tail whose tip acts like a drill-bit, fashioned out of zinc, which is also intrinsic to many organisms." No... the dark elf is not a machine in the conventional sense, and he's not even the smartest of his kind, but considering the standard level of intellect of the Valii drows, he is at least moderately versed in topics ranging from psychology to zoology. On the other hand, speaking with meticulous clarity does not always make one popular. When Prinny refers to his existence being compared to a punishment, Ineryon half-smiles, and gives a remote snicker, "Heh... as if existence itself in nearly any shape or form is not penalizing enough...."

     Maybe Prinny was too loud in a past life, before being reincarnated as a penguin.... this vengeful thought brings much joy to the dark elf whose contempt for the pest is only surpassed by his desire to exert enough self-control not to engage in uncivilized behavior. "At any rate... I appreciate your generous offer of inviting us all to fish and chips." He finally says to Wuyin.... he's not all bad.... or all good... Ineryon is somewhere in the grey portion of the spectrum.

Staren has posed:
    Staren briefly observes Prinny shenanigans, then looks back to Ineryon. "I've just never met anyone other than an AI who talks with a focus on... specificity over brevity. Why do you?" He cocks his head slightly.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"I make a great deal of those. They are often correct. You'd be wise to get used to them." Wuyin is an impulsive, judgemental kind of guy. It's a trait that he has never really had to suppress. He casts a glance at Staren, shrugging. "I pay in Pax. There's a bank nearby if you need money changed. Otherwise, you can pay me and I'll cover your bill." It isn't like they don't actually get paid a decent wage.

Even if it /is/ basically commission.

"I'm doing fine. Feel free to mention the man with the glasses to your superior if you'd like to see him change colors," he asides, smiling enigmatically. "I don't plan to cause any trouble, in any event. Gentleman's agreement, remember?"

He turns around, walking backwards and looking between the general party. "Ah, speaking of: there /is/ an agreement between the most influential groups in our secret world to avoid violence here in London. There is a place you can go if you want that. Do not make us regret showing you around, mm?" Wuyin turns back without missing a step, moving on.

Wuyin leads them to a certain corner of this part of town. The streets are cluttered with carts laden with all kinds of goods for sale, and the narrow road weaves between tightly-packed buildings, limiting the light that makes it here. There are a few creatures in attendance in the market, with a figure wrapped in rags from head to toe and wearing dark goggles speaking to an enormous bull-man, among others. "You're welcome," Wu says over his shoulder in Valos' direction, moving on through the market.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I still don't know how I fell into that but I have a habit of getting in there."

Those not used to Kotone might get an odd bit of uncanny valley her body seems to have no visable flaws, the things most people ignore but notice when they are gone and something about the eyes. ho2ever she's in qyite a good mood as she looks to Riva.

"Hey Riva good to see...."

The Prinny Dood freaks out She looks btween them and wait Tacos.

"Tacos and ... ohh a local clothing store I would love to get a look. I should have enough pax from trolling about kingsmouths the Super natural UN guys pay for some stuff decently. I'd love a chance to come if your willing to let me. I'll be on my best behaviour."
% She looks to the Prinnies.

"Demons really? ... You know I been fighting the urge to hug you."

She also now has taco and is chomping down on it. Even if she doesn't need to eat anymore she driven to if only to remind herself she can, you can never shake the taste, one Combat Cyborg once said.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Wuyin, smirking slightly. "Mmm, never can get enough of the violence, you know what a warrior I am," she says, most obviously in jest. "Though I am curious, where do you go if you are looking for a fight? Is there an training field of some kind?" she asks. While they move, Inga's eyes are wandering. She never looks at any passerby for too long. So many people, she's beginning to feel overwhelmed already. She'd rather not end up having a vision, but that is often out of her control.

Inga looks to Kotone--oh, she wants to go shopping as well! That's lovely! ...Gods help her. "I will /not/ submit to wearing pants," she grumbles, mostly to herself.

Something Valos says makes her look over to him again, puzzled and troubled. "Existence itself...a punishment?"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon stares blankly at Staren for a half a minute, analyzing the answer and thinking about the best, and most precise way of being 'truthful', then replies, "In the world in which we live, infants of various types converse in ways that are either understood, or misunderstood by others. All language is an agreement to and from both the listening and hearing parties who abide by an axiom that this word means this, and that word means that. Ultimately, what any singular person presumes to be brief, or elongated, is a value statement that is self-biased in relation to whether that statement being made should or shouldn't be the size and clarity of which it is comprised."

     He then nods his head towards Wuyin, "This fellow here seems to believe that not only is he often correct, which I've yet to take a proper statistic of, but that I would be wise to grow accustomed to them, which might be a fair statement. If I have to listen to what I personally consider to be invalid, if not inane absurdity, I am faced with the choice of trying to slay him... leaving the premises,.. or simply agreeing to disagree. The fact of the matter in -this- particular situation is that if I were to try to slaughter him, local law enforcement..." He pauses... catching his breath, "...Will interject, alongside those who have a positive emotional attachment to his well-being. If I choose to besiege him with insults and accuse him of speaking irregularly, like he has done to me, then it's very likely I will not see my fish dinner."

     The drow shrugs, "If I agree to disagree, and assume that there is an equal chance he is correct versus the chance of him being incorrect, I may resume my quest and allow him to speak his mind, without trying to control him.... and it is not my policy to try to tell others what to do, or say, regardless of what I myself think of their views." Bowing suddenly to Wuyin, he shows that he is trying to be civil.... although it could be said that he is already finding displeasure in the company of some of the folks around-- what he wouldn't give to be in the presence of Gafgarion once more. There was a man who appreciated cold logic, and cold metal contained in coins! Peering at Inga, he grins a sharp, toothy grin, "The pleasures and pains in our lives fluctuate beyond the means of our control, in many cases. Bad event happens, we feel bad. Good event happens, we feel good. Sounds like slavery to me."

     Yes, he does indeed miss Gafgarion.

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "...I never said you were speaking incorrectly." He leans in slightly. "I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and assume that you were simply enumerating options rather than threatening me." He stands back up straight again. "I'll be frank. I prefer to speak favoring specificity over brevity myself. But I have found that it causes people to ignore or completely misinterpret me. It is a frustrating phenomenon, that being /more/ precise makes people understand me /less/. But it is a problem I have encountered, and I was leading up to giving you this advice. I was simply asking as to your reason for speaking that way first, so that I could save the breath of giving you the advice if it turned out to be invalidated by your reasoning."

    Staren folds his hands behind his back. "Do we understand eachother now?"

Riva Banari has posed:
"Because if you get near the Temple Hall, you'll probably trigger the wards, and then you'll get strapped to boards and shot at with high power rifles like the other demons." Riva replies to the Prinnies. "Have Wuyin handle your money issue, he's offering."

Riva then just kind of stares at Ineryon. "I happen to think existence is pretty awesome, thank you. After all, if you didn't exist, you couldn't enjoy yourself!" She smiles to Valos, apparently not too put off by his wordiness. "So, I haven't met you before! Welcome to London! I'm Riva Banari, of the Knights Templar." She holds out a hand to shake. After that resolves, she points out the store over across from the station. "The Yellow Sign over there has the best fish and chips around. Isn't any real room in there, so it's all to go, though."

Wuyin gets a nod. "I think I've done enough damage to Mr. Sonnac's blood presure these days, Wu. Why do you gotta make his life harder?" She sighs.

Kotone gets a sudden hug from Riva as well. She clearly feels Kotone is within Acceptable Hug Relationship Range. "Hi Kotone!" She says, and lets her go. "You can totally come shopping with us! But I promised to take Ayako with us, so not quite yet! Soon!" She waves a finger to the cyborg.

Inga links an arm with her and Riva smiles, happy to accompany the wisewoman. Or perhaps drag her around with her, given how Riva tends to be. "They said the Celts, Romans, and Vikings all fought for this area. No one's sure who really won in the end. I guess we did." She laughs. "There's an area that the societies set aside for people to work out aggression if they want. But I think the only fighting we're going to have is on the subject of pants."

Then Valos speaks again, and Riva looks between him and Wuyin, possibl seeing that they're going to get along like oil and water. "Um... So you are really verbose because you don't want to leave any room for doubt in what you mean, and you're /totally/ not going to get along with Wuyin because I think he exists in a kind of antithetical state to you."

Riva shakes her head. "Why do we have to have control over everything around us? Surprises are a pleasure of their own. What the real curse is if you /did/ know everything that was going to happen. That would get boring!"

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Hero Priny does not even hear Staren and Valos, they are speaking in anchient Greek for all he understands.

    "So doods, why is Fish and Chips so popular, a friend of ours is so crazy over them, dood. It's why we're here, she annoyed..." A pause, they kidna drone his part because he /has to say it/. "Beauty Queen Etna." Gag. "Into getting some for them. I don't get this stuff at all...is it like...Fish and Doritos." The Prinny looks at the Camera, and thumps up at the Taco bell logo in the bottom corner.

    "Or..." A pause while some people make angry-ish faces at him. "Whaaaaat...it's not my fault I'm a demon now. Well...okay it sort of is, but like, the cosmos themselves are punishing me! I tell you, living as Etna's retainer is truly hell, dood."

    They blink.. "The wards? I dunno if we...okay, dood...I think our demons and your demons are diferent dood. Like, there are even Prinnies in Celestia."

Inga has posed:
Inga absolutely boggles at his response. "To be alive...is to be a slave?" she asks, as if she can hardly believe what he is saying. "Tch...if you feel that way about live it is a wonder you don't try to escape--so are you then a willing slave, if you could take your own life at any time?" assuming anyway, that he is mortal. Are then immortals forever slaves? Tch, what nonsense! She is a servant of the gods, but she is no slave. As for the potential of slaying Wuyin, Inga has to swallow her words. She'll leave him to Staren now, for her patience is wearing rather thin.

She's hungry.

She walks beside Rive, shaking her head. "That is not a fight you will win Shield-maiden, as formiddable as you are," she says on the subject of pants. At least it will not be today. That's a relief.

"Heh...that is one of the things I respect about Wuyin, he says little but hears much," she responds.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Because his life is insufficiently full of excitement," Wu says to Riva, idly.

"Ah, I know; you are certainly the warrior-maiden spirit made manifest," Wuyin replies easily. "There is a fight club. It is used for settling disputes or merely for entertainment. Each organization is, presumably, responsible for their own members' training. There might be some practice between them on occasion..." Like when Riva and Wuyin are yelling tips at one another while ankle-deep in draug guts, "...but it isn't the norm."

Wuyin eyes Valos. "First," he says, extending one finger on a raised hand, "your first option in that example is impossible, so I would remove it from your considered possibilities. Second, speaking of me in such a manner is an excellent way to cause me to react with animosity, regardless of your intention, though I understand your need for an example at-hand. Third," Wuyin says, abruply taking a right turn, "taco time."

There is a figure behind a stall in the corner of the street. The figure is hunched over and hairless, with large, pointed ears, a greyish-brown pallor to his skin, beady black eyes and not even the hint of a proper nose. The ghoul's stand is covered in ingredients, definitely fresh, and he has a grill or something setup back there behind him, casting a baleful glow over the whole arrangement. The stand has a large sign above the counter, reading, in bold, somewhat sloppy letters:


"Against boredom, even the gods contend in vain," Wuyin idly remarks. He steps up, raising a hand. "Dante! Is my order ready?"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa has no ill intenst but may tempt Inga to the power of pants, she likes pants but it might ba product of the culture and era she grew up in really. Styill she's got a taco and she's enjoying it they are soo good she is listening to the staranger for a moment as he looks to them for a moment. She's not sure what to make of Ineryon to be hont but for now she listens about Temple Hall and the wards. She pauses.

"Wait the templar use demons for it's firing range and ... you got a point there Riva. I like existing, not existing sucks."

She looks to Riva.

"How Lovecrafting? Does the King in Yellow own it..."

She stops for a moment and suspects the answer is not somethin she wants to know.

"Never mind on that shall we get"

Hug detected Kotone is hugged and she hugs back.

"It's good to see you as well!"

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     Ineryon Valos shakes his head, "And I did not assert that you claimed that I spoke incorrectly. I was giving you reasons why it is my right to choose to speak with two words, ten words, or a thousand words. While your advice is undoubtedly meant for my welfare, and the nature of its intent is appreciated, I think I will adhere to the methods I have maintained for the past several centuries. I would not be so jingoistic as to insinuate that you should change ways, and I will place no gun next to your temple and force you to abide my mine, if you wish not to associate with me."

     He's a little confused at the mention of threats, when taking into account the fact that he was hypothesizing about what his primary options would be in the natural world, as far as the typical responses to rendezvousing with stimuli that was displeasurable-- attack, run, endure. Nodding to Riva, the drow looks at her hand and.... reluctantly shakes it, then quickly retrieves his hand, "I am... Ineryon Valos, of the Valos clan. I am... an exile. I was considered to be.... too affectionate by my fellow dark elves to remain with them. I do hope that being a templar is fruitful, Entity Riva Banari." As soon as Riva claims that he won't get much rapport with Wuyin, he shrugs, "The whole world will not be my friend. I can accept this. I do not plan to willfully and knowingly mold myself to conform to the fickle cravings of others. All I want is a fish dinner." Then, shaking his head, Ineryon proclaims, "I try to leave a smaller margin of error as far as what I say, versus what is assimilated. Do you know of the man named Copernicus? He was a mathematician. Because of his theories, not only will everything that can possibly be known be unlikely to be known, but the chances are, I would not be the first to be omniscient.... thus, unless I have every theoretical piece of data under my belt, I /cannot/ ever know, that I am guaranteed to get my point across with absolute perfection. Nobody is perfect. All one can do is strive."

     When Wuyin finally leads them to Tacos, Ineryon says to Staren, as if proving his point, "Point proven. This Entity named Wuyin was gracious, and knowledgable enough to find us the resources I sought, in spite of the fact that what he believes and what I believe do not match up. Second, I eat because I hunger. Hunger is a form of suffering, a thing I wish to remedy. That is why I dislike life; albeit, I am programmed to self-preserve, so that is what I do, even knowing that eventually, I too shall die, someday. I've not met any living being that is invincible."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods when Valos agrees that they shan't put guns to eachother's heads.

    Although... "Too affectionate?" He doesn't see it.

    The statement about not knowing everything, only striving to know more, gets a nod too. "You know... Just because you don't control your environment, doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to. If you feel your body is a problem, then change it like any other part of your environment."

    Staren walks up to Dante. "People sure seem to love your tacos. I would like to purchase some. Do you take Union credits?" Staren holds out a plastic card. "If not, I have, uh..." He rifles through his bag for a moment, finally pulling out some Equestrian bits and holding out the gold coins.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     The dark elf is less concerned with who has what power and who has what weakness, and is more of the mindset that if one disagrees with a certain phenomenon, their choice is to try to destroy it, flee from it, or learn to tolerate it. In his view, somebody always has a few more parlor tricks than the next guy, and the theory itself was the operative aspect of his speech; he didn't give a hoot whether he could take on an insect and lose the battle, or beat everyone in the entire area with their combined force.

     Inga gets droopy eyelids, showing that he's starting to tire of the gainsaying, "You say I could take my life.... but is it my life? Do I belong to myself? Am I both the owner and simultaneously the owned? Did I choose to be programmed to try to survive? Did I choose to exist to begin with?" He rolls his eyes, and blinks at Staren; he is utterly tired of philosophical debate, for the time being... he preferred one-on-one consultations, because then he didn't have to keep jumping from one person to the next; such is life? "Controlling one's environment... heh." It seems Ineryon is now dead-set on claiming some vittles. Meandering up to the place where he could presumably get food, he lingered behind Staren patiently, as was just and fair... while retrieving a gem from his pocket. Since he was a master of homing in on minerals of all manner, he typically used jewels to pay for things-- so far, the dark knight Gafgarion had accepted.... so mayhap these vendors would, too?

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    "Uh...yeah dood. Your life is yours, it's the only one you get!" The Prinny understands this!

    "Once you die, then you gota face your sins and shit...and let me tell you, you wana become like me? Suicide is the best way to do it. Doesn't matter how you do it, takin' your own life is one of the greatest sins, dood. Don't ask me why, I don't do the scales, dood."

    Also TACOS!

    "Taaaaaacos doood! More tacos!" The Prinny will totally spend it's money on Tacos.

Inga has posed:

The one selling the tacos causes Inga's eyes to widen. Alright, she's seen stranger things...but this was unexpected. But as this is apparently normal, Inga swallows then greets 'Dante' with a smile. "If it is not too much trouble, I would like a supply of tacos as well," she says. She wonders what Harry will think if she comes home with fifty tacos...extreme joy she hopes.

Inga looks to Valos, shaking her head. She waves the whole arguement off. It would be pointless.

Tacos are likely purchased. Happiness.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Dante grunts in an affirmative, ducking behind the counter. He pulls out a wooden crate, passing it to Wuyin. Wu, meanwhile, passes him a piece of plastic. He uses a battered-looking machine back behind the counter, hitting it once to get it going. He hums off-key while it prints a receipt, and passes both to Wuyin. "Thank you. A pleasure, as always." Wuyin takes the box, and goes to go through it.

The ghoul(?) looks at Staren, squinting. He holds out his hand, palm up, gesturing at the card. Then he lifts his other long arm, tapping a clawed fingertip against a wooden sign nailed to the frame of the stand for Inga's benefit:

TACO ...... 100 Pax
10 TACO ... 1000 Pax
50 TACO ... 5000 Pax
SAUCE ..... 100 Pax

"The hot sauce is strong," Wuyin remarks, removing tacos from the crate en masse.

Riva Banari has posed:
"Well, it's fried fish and potatoes. It's a nice enough dish, and you can get some really nice batters and stuff." Riva replies to the Hero Prinny. "You should try some yourself." She shrugs as the Prinnies insist they are totally different, dood. "Okay, well don't say I didn't warn you!" She says to them. Today, she is cool with talking penguins. Tomorrow, she might kill another one, but that is the future, Today is a good day.

"Don't count your battles won before you've fought them~" Riva teases Inga. "People have done /amazing/ things with clothes. I bet we'll find something you like!" At the mention of Wuyin, Riva thinks for a moment, and then leans in, whispering, "Sometimes I feel like if I hit him slightly, he'd crack and have a slip of paper inside." Riva comments. Inga might not get that she just compared Wu to a fortune cookie, but maybe she will!

"I don't know, we don't know what his life is like, do we?" Riva replies to Wuyin. "What do you think, Mr. Valos? Do you think your life is exciting?" She leans in towards him a bit and tilts her head slightly, looking him over as they step down into he Haitain Quarter towards the infamous Taco Stall of Ealdwic.

Kotone brings up some interesting points. "Yeah, they do. Gotta have occult things to test occult weapons on, right?" She replies.

Valos introduces himself, and Riva nods, listening to him speak. She's quiet for a time. "I like being friendly when I can. Life's better when you have people to share it with." She shrugs, then. "Well, you do make a good point that we can't know /everything/... Or can you? I heard this stoet about a cursed diary once, and in it is the story of your entire life..." She trails off, making Spooky Fingers.

The subject of suffering comes up and Riva shrugs again. "Hunger is just /another/ reason to eat good food. I mean, good food is its own reward, but a really /great/ meal nourishes both body and soul!" She smiles almsot beatifically at this. "I almost decided to become a cook, you know."

Her smile promptly falls off when Valos mentions the invincibility thing. "You would be /really/ surprised. I know some people." She says, somewhat evasively.

Staren has posed:
    Staren kept getting distracted by the dark elf, so he was just sort of on automatic and doesn't look directly at Dante until now. He looks at the hand, then up to Dante, then blinks for a moment. Then he holds out the card and pockets the bits. He looks at the sign. "What. No bulk discount? Who could eat 50 tacos before they all go bad? I'll take a half-dozen."

    Staren looks back at Ineryon. "Doesn't matter. Noone could choose to be created. You were, you have your drives... you exist."

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to the sign. Cue exaggerated sigh. She produces money though, and hands it over. "As much as this can get me," she tells him.

Back to Riva, she glowers. "Not a battle you will win. No pants. It would...be unseemly," she insists, frowning. She looks away. This is actually something that makes her uncomfortable. Once tacos are acquired, Inga finds somewhere to sit nearby and eats one.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa looks to Valos and looks to the Prinny she had to agree with the Prinny on that bit about life, also it's taco tastic at this point she pauses for a moment She get sa good look at Dante and pauses as she looks at them. She looks to Dante and then then back to the others for a moment and stares she's not sure what Dante is and oddly unlike most he first impresison of a Ghoul is not oh god kill it in fire.

"Your tacos have been amazing, Dante."

She's a little wigged out just about it she does pause to look over the meat and oh there's hot sauce She's almost driven to take it.

"Totally and if not on this world there are others, mine, Staren's and os many others, really? Given my job anything but pants is a bad idea."

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Wuyin has a box with way more than fifty tacos inside. God only knows where he's putting them.

Dante gives Inga two tacos, freshly made. Judging by the meat all over the place, it is /very/ fresh. He grins toothily. Those are the teeth of a carnivore. Then, he goes about making a half-dozen more, humming again in a growling, off-key kind of way as he does it. It gives the impression that he loves his work.

He swipes the card when he's done and then passes it back to Staren with the appropriate documentation. He's helpfully wrapped all the tacos. There's a sticker on them advertising THE TEX-MEX T-REX CHALLENGE, holding them all closed.

Dante also offers Staren a bottle of hot sauce. It has his face on it, giving a thumbs-up and holding a taco.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny buys more taco's then he should.

    And a bottle of sause.

    The Prinny, currently, is placing hot sause on the Taco.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     And there was the prinny, talking about how his life wasn't fun because he was... paying for his sins, or something in that neck of the woods-- Ineryon's headache continues to evolve. He didn't understand how the prinny could live, die, be reborn, then claim that there was only one life to be had, since in the dark elf's mind, it sounded like a contradiction, however, each person interpreted things differently.

     When Riva finally asks the drow if he thinks his life is exciting, he shrugs, "I haven't been able to transcend being myself, while being someone else without having any recollection of being myself, so as to objectively assess the knowledge of being the other person, which would then be subsequent to a transformation into being both entities simultaneously, to get a good comprehension of comparatively, which life is more exciting than the other." Feeling this was an adequate explanation, he quirked a brow at the mention of Riva knowing someone invincible, "I have a test for such things. I have never had this test passed with absolute perfection." Over to Kotone, he grins, "By the by... I do admire your ability to... be stoic in the face of a devil's advocate being liberal, I've yet to hear /you/ complain about my perceptions." And if Kotone did so, maybe he just didn't hear it, yet!

     Winking at Staren, Ineryon remarks, "...And nobody can typically choose wholly if they leave this life, all the time, either. You should see how much some people suffer from incapacitating, failed suicide attempts. Have you been to many Intensive Care Units?" Eventually, if/when it becomes the drow's turn to select from the menu, he'll attempt to purchase some Tacos.... if he fails, he'll look towards the door and probably exit, should nobody stop him.... otherwise, Ineryon will satiate his hunger until his next bout of famishing onslaught... and no, he doesn't eat anywhere near as many as Wuyin... or at least he doesn't buy that many, but if possible, he'll go for about five to ten. Inwardly, he sees advertisement for the T-REX CHALLENGE.... even so, he's compelled to reason against it, since he concludes he would not win, whatever that challenge was!

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    "Devil's Advocate? Who? Last I heard the Devil's Advocate was still in the netherworld, dood...he IS getting pretty old though. I think Etna is being too cheep not giving him retirement, dood."

    Finally the Prinny opens his crafting Grid. he places the Taco in the crafting grid...

    And then gets Nachos?

    "..." He looks very confused. The Prinny Shrugs, clicking on the hot sause...and instead drinks it.

    "AAHHHHHHHH DOOOOOOOD!" The Prinny's health bar appears. Tic.

    A scarf counter goes down, "AHAHAHAHAHAH! I AM GOING TO DIIIIIIIIIIE!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods at the tacos, stuffing give in his bag and unwrapping one. He shakes his head at the sauce. "No, thanks." He bites into the taco.


    "...Mm! Good." Beat. "...So, what's the Tex-Mex T-Rex Challenge?"

    The elf asks him about people in hospitals. He turns back and gives a stern look. "I'm working on making things better. Slowly but steadily -- Alas, too many would be hurt if I rushed it." He frowns.

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
Dante takes the rubies, squinting at them, and points at the '10 TACO' part of the sign questioningly. He starts to cook them up for Ineryon, quickly and efficiently. They are passed over in short order. /Lots/ of taco to be had. Then, he points to a box with a glass pane on the front, containing... stuff. One of the things is some kind of hat, maybe; the other is a tee-shirt, with the graphic on the front displayed prominently: Taco-challenge.jpg

"That would be an excellent tee-shirt to have," Wuyin says with a sigh, still stowing tacos. He looks up at the Prinny, but makes no moves to help him. Riva's got it. Right?

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is about to say more hwen Prinny is burning and she's got this massive gaping look of horror on her fave.

"Prinny's on fire! He needs some help can you do anything for him?!"

Someone caring about the prinny yes, she cares about Prinny and she wants to try and help him.

Ineryon (615) has posed:
     .....And Prinny has /finally/ given him the headache he'd hoped to avoid, as he dizzily begins to lose visual focus, to some extent, on his surroundings. Reclaiming control, he idly says, "I think The Oxford Dictionary coined the term devil's advocate rather well, and that it doesn't belong to one individual......"

     If he got his tacos, he'll take them with him... if he didn't, he'll leave without, but in either scenario, Ineryon did not want to stay. Besides which... that t-shirt had some kind of animal on it he totally didn't recognize.... it might've even been fictional! And fate knows Ineryon would not occupy his time with something as 'seemingly' non-pragmatic as indulging in the collection, or creation of make-believe characters, or the playing of 'let's pretend to be this person or that person in this world which doesn't actually exist!', for the sake of.... fun? How emotional can you get? On his way out, he comments, "Didn't that prinny-thing say life was a punishment? If you let him burn long enough, it'll be finished...." And he's gone, with question!

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva seems to be basically playing the ball where it lies. This seems to be perfectly normal for her. Riva acquires another crate of tacos as well, and sort of stashes it somewhere - hey, where did it go? Riva pays with a pile of coinage herself. Having refilled her taco supply, she looks over to Ineryon again. "Excitement is a subjective thing, not objective, but if you want to compare, why not talk to some people and see how they live their lives? See if it sounds better or not. There is such a thing as empathy, you know." She says, "So what is this test you're talking about? Do you attempt to kill them?"

Suddenly, the prinny accidentally drinks the hot sauce. "Oh god!" Riva yells and rummages in that indeterminate space behind her, pulling out a can of drink. "Here! Drink this! Quickly!" Riva is far too kind hearted to let the Prinny die to a hot sauce DOT.

Staren has posed:
    "...And that is why no thank you." Staren deadpans in response to the Prinny screaming.

    Staren looks at the T-shirt. "...Seventy-four hundred tacos?? Who could eat that many?"

    He then turns around, pulling a bottle of water from his bag... but Riva's already taking care of it. "You can have this too if you want."

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny gets a ENERGY DRINK.

    Luckily, it is not UNIVERSE POWER, that is too high power even for him.

    "Phew..." the Prinny says, suddenly his burning mouth is gone, and...his scarf has a barrier? "That's...weird...

    And then the scarf is SUDDENLY ON FIRE, though the scarf doesn't burn, it IS on fire. The Prinny freaks out, "OH GOD! I AM LITTERALLY ON FIRE DOOD! HEEEEEEELP!"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks. "I, uh..." Beat. "Okay, HOW does that even WORK?!"

Wuyin Tsai has posed:
"Magic," Wuyin says.

Dante grunts and nods in the background.

He makes more tacos.

Riva Banari has posed:
"I have no idea." Riva replies. "But it looks /awesome/." Riva replies. She pokes at the Prinny. "Relax! You'll be fine! Just let the heat die down."

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    The Prinny settles down...because it's not actually burning him. He blinks...

    "Wow, that is kinda cool, dood! How long does it last?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva shrugs. "Like ten, fifteen seconds. Then the Anima charge burns out and you can't drink another for a while. Interaction issues." Riva replies.

Hero Prinny (538) has posed:
    "That's lame, dood." The Prinny says, "I wish I could get this into a perminate item. Is there a higher authority to bother?"

Riva Banari has posed:
Riva shrugs. "No idea. I just got it from killing a zombie." She replies. She turns to the others. "Anyway, this was fun. I should go get over to Temple Hall to report in, so I'll see you guys later, okay? Feel free to stop in when you're done looking around and getting Fish and Chips."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa sees that the PRinny is all right and then his scarf is bruning she looks at him for a moment and attemps to find some water she finds a bucket of water and she goes to dump it on the prinny in an attempt to put out the flames.