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Alif      THE NEXT DAY! Those who wished to stay were given a place to sleep, as well as some food shared. Though the food was kind of bland, at least they had a fair amount of it, it'd last them a while, and there were more sources due to many of the shops still functioning. It wasn't an indefinite supply, but it was enough to survive off of for a good couple of months.

     Alif could be found sitting in a makeshift office that she got set up, and made sure that the visitors knew where it was. She was sitting quietly in front of a set of screens that seemed to just hover in the air in front of her, tapping at them now and then. It was a video feed it seems, possibly how she kept an eye on the area and did her best to keep security high. A tap here and there to focus on something that seemed out of the ordinary, but all of it just turned out to be a stray rat or a person wandering around to stretch their legs, no real threats. The door was unlocked, and Alif more or less was waiting for her visitors to come to her when they were ready.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga had been busy helping with healing. She'd paced herself as well as she could, dealing with the most severe injuries first, working with the other doctors and healers to see that everyone currently hurt would survive. And such interesting conversations she'd had! Inga now very much wants to learn more about modern medical techniques. Sure, her magical healing is impressive, but she'd still like to know how to do the things the doctors could do.

Once that was finished, Inga had begun to gather materials for a more permanent defense. What she had planned would take a great deal of bones. She may have to rethink her plan if there weren't enough in order to craft a proper bonefence.

Needless to say, Inga had been too busy to sleep.

She arrives at Alif's office after cleaning herself up, rapping gently on the door with her staff before opening the door and peeking inside. "My lady?" she asks.
Alif      There were likely a fair amount of bones, though how well the bloodless ones' blood would work for the bonefence was questionable. After all, using the bones of the ones you're defending against might not be the most effective method of defense. But Alif, and her player, didn't really know much about it, so they could be absolutely perfect! Many of the doctors used a mixture of magic and mundane applications, removing shrapnel and other things from the wounds, cleaning them, and such. And then using some of their magitech tattoos to cleanse the wounds of infection and dull the pain. But in the end, good old stitches had to be used in many cases, as the doctors largely relied on long-term healing spells, rather than short term ones.

     Alif turned almost immediately upon the sound of the rapping upon the doorframe, her chair swinging easily as she began to stand. She lifted her hand to brush a bit of hair out of her face, honestly looking just a bit disheveled. She'd likely not slept much last night either, and what sleep she did get was done in shifts so that the cameras could be monitored. "Alif is fine, I'm not nobility or anything of the sort." Alif says as she stands, offering a polite half-bow towards Inga. "Have you gotten the rest and nourishment you needed to recover from all the blood you used?" She asks softly.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga enters when bidden, walking over to the desk. If there is a seat to be had she'll take it, nodding to Alif. "Very well, Alif. I don't know much about you, so I tend toward formality at first, not wanting to give offense. While people seem to be more casual around the multiverse..." Inga trails off and shrugs, shaking her head. No rambling.

A small smile appears as she pulls a long white braid of hair over her shoulder. "I do not require much. I heal quickly. I was at work most of the night. Your doctors are very capable," she replies. "If you run low on supplies I will see if the Union can provide some assistance," she adds.

A deep breath, let out slowly. She is tired, but she's trying not to show it. It isn't so much the physical strain as the mental. "Before we address other issues, I'd like to discuss plans for fortifying this town, if indeed that is the wisest course of action. Do the people here wish to remain, or is there elsewhere they could go? Will this be the center of your resistance or...are there others?" she asks. She certainly hopes there are others!
Alif      There were a few seats around, they were all relatively comfortable. It seems that even in the future, rolling chairs were a bit popular. "Formality is fine, but I'm just a scientist." Alif murmurs softly, moving to sit back down in her own chair, faced towards Inga. One of the spirits slipped in to keep an eye on the screens, while Alif focused on Inga. "Not that that means much at a time like this." She says, glancing out a nearby window across the frozen wastes.

     Alif turns her gaze back towards Inga as she speaks on the doctors, a small smile forming on her lips. "They try their hardest, but we're sorely understaffed on them. We've only got one or two doctors per hundred patients, so your aid was likely well-needed last night, and I thank you, as well as any aid the Union offers. Ideally I'd like to get the humans who can't fight, or don't want to fight to a safe place." It wasn't ideal for her army, but it was ideal for ensuring that at least some small part of humanity survives.

     And then, the questions on if this was the center of their resistance. Alif closes her eyes as she thinks on that. "For now it is, but I don't intend to stay in one place for long. Since this town has been assaulted by the bloodless ones, and the bloodless ones know that humans are here, they will likely return. As you likely saw, most of the still-living humans don't have weapons, so if that was to happen again, aid from guests would be needed again... ideally I'd like to avoid that. Get what we can from this town, and move them to a larger city, with more defensible positions." Alif lifts her hand, a small screen display showing a map of the area. She taps several places. "These places are known to be frequent warzones." She says, circling a red area. "They seem to largely be the giants and the armored ones fighting in this area, so the area we're in right now is largely safe from direct attacks." She lifts her hand again, carefully circling a small town in the center of the map. "This is where we are at present. It's large enough to house people, but not ideal... and finally..." She circles a large city off in the distance. "I'd like to move the humans here. If we manage to find more refugees, we're going to need more space than this town has, so ultimately I want to move here." She then pauses, circling an area, and putting a question mark over it.

     "Somewhere in that area there's supposedly ruins of an old military base, I don't know if it's actually there or not, as much has been buried in snow... but if we could get our hands on some weapons from there, we could at least get some of the humans some way to defend themselves." Alif murmurs, leaving the map up for Inga to look at for a while, or possibly even make notes of herself. "...I'm honestly unsure on plans beyond that." Alif says, rubbing at her eyes a bit. "We've just been fighting to survive since this whole thing started."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga glances toward the spirit, inclinding her head slightly in greeting before she looks back to Alif. Spirits she is somewhat used to, though the way they are here...very interesting. And troubling. "A scientist...well, you are a leader now it would seem. Whatever you were before, you are clearly more now," she answers, leaning her staff against her leg.

Inga nods. "I will talk to the leaders in the Union, see what can be done for those who cannot fight. At least it seems we will be able to get people out of this world," she comments. Unlike her own world and the problems they are facing there.

Inga leans forward then, watching the map on the screen as Alif breaks down their position, nodding in agreement. "I think that may be wise. I would be able to do more if I had an already defensible location to deal with. I have not done wards of a place so large but...I think, with help, it could be achieved. Moving so many people will be difficult. Risky...but as you've seen there are very powerful forces willing to aid you," she says. Her gaze lightens, intesifying. "Indeed, the gods of your world have not abandoned you."

Inga takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, a small smile forming. "Forgive me if I overwhelm you with questions...there's much I don't know about you world. I was asked to look into this because...I am from a version of Earth that is far in the past. The stories of ragnarok are the stories of my people. As a wisewoman, knowing the lore was part of my duty. I am a servant of the gods--a witch, I have been called, and a Seer too. Well, it is complicated. But I must ask...what year is it here? What part of the world is this? You mentioned humanity no longer worshipped any gods because there were wars, yes?" she asks.

"I can tell you what I know about ragnarok according to the lore I have learned...but I wonder if it may be better to open myself to the gods of this world. Perhaps I could be granted a vision that would help you and your people."
Alif      "I really hope that I'm not the leader right now." Alif murmurs quietly, her gaze shifting away. She was already worn thin, and it showed a little on her face, if briefly. She shakes her head, before looking back towards Inga. "I'm just doing what I can to try and ensure that humanity lives on, and that we aren't trampled under this war. Maybe even come out on top if possible." Alif murmurs softly. She doubted that, but if it was possible, perhaps they could reclaim their peace and the world that they had worked so hard to get clean and whole again.

     "Thank you, as I've said before... any amount of help is appreciated." Alif murmurs softly, thinking on things quietly for several long moments. "For now, you could focus on a smaller place. There's only about 500 people right now, it could be expanded slowly as more space is needed. More energy used in the long run, but in the short run you wouldn't have to push yourself as hard." Alif says softly, thinking on thinking on things silently for several long moments. "Yeah... I have managed to get strong people helping me. Perhaps it was luck that my world joined with your worlds when it did, otherwise this war would likely have ended yesterday."

     She mostly doesn't respond to the mention of the gods not abandoning them, instead focusing on the next bit of conversation. "No, no. The more questions the better, usually. It gives you more information on the situation, though my own information is rather lacking, unfortunately." She says softly, shifting uncomfortably. Mention of bein a servant of the gods, she really hoped that Inga was not going to betray her. But she had to prepare for that eventuality, perhaps. "It's the year 3000 at present." She shifts her hand carefully, the map pulling out toe show the world, pointing at one of the continents. "It likely looks far different from what you're used to, but you're presently in a part of the european continents, right..." She taps roughly the center of it. "There."

     She takes a small breath at the mention of humanity no longer worshipping the gods. "Yes, we stopped due to the rampant corruption that spread through every religion that seemed to start. At least, that's what the history books say. Wars, discrimination, hatred... so much evil was spread through those things, so religion became banned. While personal worship was not banned, for the most part it seems to have died out as well."

     "I am unsure that opening yourself to the gods of this world would be wise. Their armies seem to care little for our exitence, either because they have better to do, or because our deaths just strengthen their numbers." Alif says, her lips pressing to a thin line. "But you are a guest here, and I have no direct control over you, nor do I intend to try doing such, so do as you will." She takes a soft breath, her gaze shifting away. "... You know... growing up, I always loved spirits. It's saddening, knowing that spirits are what is destroying humanity now."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga watches Alif, listening intently as she speaks. There is nervousness in her, and the is understandable. Inga will not pretend to be other than she is, but...a heavy sigh. "I understand you are uncomfortable with my talk of the gods...but I would be honest with you. But let me tell you true gods would abandon humanity, their children. The Allfather is...his wisdom is often difficult and may seem cruel. But I called out to Thor and He was there. I felt him empower me. If nothing else I come at the behest of the gods so that I can help protect the people," she says, reaching to gentle hold the hammer pendant she wears.

Another sigh. "In my time, there was war between people over religion. I can to a degree understand the thought that without it, there would be peace...The Christians came and forcefully converted the Saxons, people with similar gods to our own. Those who would not convert died terribly. But I have seen horrors for many reasons. Our flaws are many, and the gods are certainly not without flaws as well. But we honor them, as we'd honor our ancestors," she explains.

Inga shakes her head. "Forgive me, I do not mean to preach. It may not lighten your spirit to know that Thor still watches...that if the gods did not fight against the forces lead against them, the world would end in flame and blood sooner rather than later. But to know what is to happen, I need to glimpse the orlog. I need to open myself to the visions," she explains further.

Inga taps her fingers gently against her staff, closing her eyes for a moment. "Yes, powerful people have indeed come to help but I would be remiss if I did not warn you...Lezard is from a world somehow similar. He holds a grudge against the gods. I have Seen him, a vision. All that he does here I think he will do to help himself, not your people. must make your own decision. I know you do not trust me. I do not blame you for it. But Lezard and They come to kill gods for their own reasons. If you think killing the gods is what is best for your people..." Inga lets out a breath. "I will not, cannot, help you in that. I will help you protect your people, but I will not put myself against the gods I have sworn to serve. I hope you understand."

"Still, I say, I don't know that all is what it seems here. Perhaps some of the gods have become twisted...are gods no longer. I do not know. 3000?" she asks, incredulous. She shakes her head. "That is a long time indeed."
Alif      Alif lifts her hand to brush her hair out of her face, silent as she muses on Inga's words. "I am not uncomfortable with your talk of the gods. I do not hold a particular grudge against them, beyond that they are part of what is destroying humanity. The armies of the armored maidens are presently the least of my concerns. At least, for now..." Alif breathes slowly as she listens to the mention of Thor, and that he was there and empowered her. She closes her eyes. "...At least they're not all bad, then."

     "I honestly can't say I know much beyond what was written in the history books... as I said, it's been over 400 years since religion has been around on my world. Much of the teachings of the religion was lost, or intentionally destroyed by those who had been wronged by religion." Alif says softly, frowning slightly as she thinks on that. "It also is, unfortunately, why I am sorely lacking in information of what is going on, as this appears to be a religious thing. And, thanks to the destruction of those teachings... I haven't the faintest what is foretold of it."

     "Ah, actually, it does lighten my spirit, if a little. Knowing that not all of these spirits that claim goodhood would simply trample on humanity is a relief. As I mentioned, I have been interested in spirits since I was young." She stretches out slightly. "I'm.... mmmh... spirit sensitive? When I was young, I saw one of the armored maidens." She shrugs helplessly. "It sparked a curiosity, of course." She pauses. The world ending in flame and blood though, that was worrying. Was this truly an apocalypse? Could her world not be saved?

     "I had already come to similar conclusions, at least with Kojirou. I was watching during the battle, and the way he fought ... dispassionate, and he cared naught that he killed humans as well as the bloodless ones." She says, frowning at the thought. Ugh. That was worrying. And yet, she also did not wish to anger them. "I will not stop them from lending their aid, at least at present. I am not in a position where I can refuse it, and angering them..." She hesitates softly. "I do not want the equivalent of another god that wishes to destroy humanity, as well."

     "...I would not ask you to turn against your beliefs for me. Your world is different, and this world is not your own... that you have helped as much as you have already is admirable. For now, I will not go after the gods, as the gods have not come after me beyond to turn my people into their warriors." She says softly, her eyes shifting to meet Inga's. "For now. I would rather hunt the source of the bloodless ones than anything else. They're the biggest threat. Do you know anything of their source? And do you serve their source as well?" She asks softly.

     The mention of the gods perhaps being twisted, Alif gives a small nod. "True... this is a possibility. Driven mad by time or power, or possibly trickery on the part of other gods... I've not the faintest. I've barely seen them, only their armies, as I mentioned before." SHe pauses. "...What time is it in your world? The year, that is?"
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga smiles softly, nodding. "I am glad then, if what I have to say helps you with the burden of all this. I certainly never thought I would see Ragnarok," she sighs.

Inga straightens slightly. "Well, then I can help you. I will tell you all that I know about what is fortold about Ragnarok and anything else you wish to know about the gods," she answers. "As for your sensitivity to spirits..."

Inga leans forward a bit, tilting her head slightly as she looks, somewhat unnervingly, at Alif. Inga's pupils widen, black swallowing the hazel irises. When she speaks again, her voice is distant. "Odin's shield-maidens, choosers of the slain...I see her, tall and fair, armor gleaming. A brawl, death comes, a warrior is chosen..." Inga trails off, eyes closing.

When she opens her eyes again they are normal once more. She takes a deep breath. "Perhaps you are also Chosen of the gods, Alif," she says.

Thoughtfully, Inga traces the runes on her staff. "The Bloodless This is something of a surprise for me. I do not know their source, but I think perhaps I could find out. I certainly do not serve the source of something such as that...or would not. Yours gods are like mine, I think, but are likely not..exact. I will do what I can," she replies.

"As for Kojiro and Lezard...I can understand this. They are powerful. More powerful than I am. may come to a point where their goals no longer serve yours. I'm merely warning you," she asnwers.

Inga sighs heavily, reaching into one of her pouches, palming what appears to be a rune that glows with a subtle blue light. She runs her thumb over the indentation. "I'm...not sure the year now. I was brought through time. My life has changed considerably. I...swallowed a Bee. A servant of the gods....they call themselves The Buzzing. I crossed Yggdrasil--the world tree--and come forward something like 1200 years. When I left...the year was 786."
Alif      "I never did either, though I also didn't even know it was a possibility until it was upon us..." Alif responds, with regards to Ragnarok. She sighs softly, looking out the window. "Sometimes i wonder if there's a point to winning. If it stays an eternal winter..." She shakes her head, "Ah, no, I can't think of things like that." She mumbles, turning her gaze towards Inga.

     "I'll make sure to ask you as much as I can, though I will likely need to rest soon. I've not gotten much sleep, making sure that no new threats came during the night..." Alif hesitates, watching as Inga stares at her, her pupils widening. And she spoke. Magic? A vision? "..." Inga couldn't have known about that day, could she? Alif shakes her head a bit. "If I am the gods chosen, they have a twisted sense of humor, choosing one who has intent to kill them in defense of humanity if needs be..."

     "But then, perhaps that was why they chose me, in the end." She frowns a bit. A surprise, the bloodless ones? How strange. "Thank you, if you can find that out, hopefully we can stop humanity from being wiped out by those ... things ..." She says, sighing softly. "Kojirou and Lezard... I'm more worried about the former than the latter, at least at present. Kojirou acts as the gods do, uncaring of humanity's death. I don't like it, and wonder if I've let another monster into my world..."

     And Inga spoke on the year it is. "...That long ago, huh? No wonder you regard this as jarring and strange. You must have lived among the time of the warriors who started believing this religion. Perhaps even started by someone spirit sensitive like myself." She says, shaking her head. Alif stands slowly, stretching. "For now, I believe i must rest, and you should as well. Thank you for this conversation, though I fear it was likely more informational for myself, than necessarily for you..."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga winces slightly. "Not all the gods are uncaring...we shall see," she replies. A grin forms, turning to a small laugh. "The gods have a sense of humor, I assure you. They also know more than we can. You have a gift, perhaps you are meant to use it," she answers.

Inga rises then, seeing that Alif is tired. "I have learned some, but I have many questions still. Ah, but that's usually the way of things," she adds with a shrug. "Rest, and we will speak again. I will work on the defenses for this town for the time being," she says, bowing her head as he moves toward the door. "Take care."