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Genghis Rex Terrible Dactyl responds, "Well, I shouldn't be surprised I guess. I knew you'd be along eventually. You may not like what you find though ... then again you probably have the best chance at pulling him out of this funk out of anyone in the universe. He's been in his personal quarters since ... since the incident. Ankylo is standing watch outside his door. He brings him food, but it goes uneaten. As far as clearance goes. You've always had clearance, even before this mess. Do you know what he'd do to anyone who'd so much as move one of your feathers out of alignment?"
Allo "That is.. more or less what I was expecting to hear," Teryx replied with a thoughtful sigh. Most people didn't realize how close some of the Tyrannos were. Many of them were a dysfunctional family to him. More family than he ever got from his sister, or Atilla, most likely. "I know. But considering Dei has been in charge during your absense, I.. wasn't taking chances. Thank you."

With that cleared off Teryx spread her wings and launched off her spot to finish the trip to the Citadel proper.
Genghis Rex The descent into the Citadel was relatively uneventful. The somber air created by Brachio's death seemed to permeate the Tyranno forces. A few guards perked up as Teryx passed, but they didn't even fondle their guns at her approach. In their eyes and drawn faces were the unmistakable signs of demoralization. This wasn't the first time Brachio 'died' afterall, but when he and the main Tyranno crew disappeared, it wasn't quite as absolute as when you can actually see him go down fighting on the 6 o'clock news.

She found the dutiful Ankylo sitting outside Rex's door. His clothes were tattered and still covered in dust from the battle, his normally exuberant face looked as if it hadn't cracked a smile in days, his eyes were bloodshot and turned down. She suspected the occupant of the room behind him was in similarly dire straits

Next to Ankylo sat a finely crafted silver platter, it's cover speckled with condensation from the heat of the food underneath.
Allo It might even be worse than she was expecting it to be... But it also proves much why Allo went for the 'banishment' tactic with the dimensional shift. This was not the kind of distraut he would of wanted to cause, even amongst an enemy's forces. The only way to get them out of this funk would be to get Rex out of his, somehow. Or at the very least get him to try.

"Hello, Ankylo." Though Teryx didn't expect much of an answer as she walked up, then knelt down to pick up the tray. None the less she kept her getle tone of voice. "I'm going to try and talk to Rex. Can you make sure no one else bothers us?"

Standing with the tray in hand, she reached for the door controls, and true to Dactyl's words it opened for her without a fuss. It was.. kind of touching, in a very dystopic way, that Rex still felt that way about her.

Slowly she stepped into the room. "Genghis Rex? It's Teryx." Pause. "Yes, it's really me." Last thing we need is Rex thinking he was hallucinating or something.
Genghis Rex Ankylo looked up hopefully and brought his rotund frame to his feet. He nodded rapidly to Teryx, a smile cracking on his flat porcine face, he whispered to her before she opened the door, "*snort* Thank you."

The room was pitch black, the windows with the magnificent view of the mountainous region below were shuttered tight. The only light in the room was that of a computer monitor, and from it's glow, she could make out the vague shape of a body, slumped over the desk the monitor sat on.

The next unfortunate thing to hit Teryx was the smell - the uncirculated air was heavy with the rank odor of an unwashed tyrannosaur wallowing in his own despair.

"Close the door." a dry voice croaked, "Don't let them see me like this ... You shouldn't see me like this."
Allo This was pretty bad. Well the smell wasn't -that- bad, more stale and bitter from the dry air really, but the fact that it was there was distressing. Even on his darkest days before Rex didn't disregard keeping his leaderly hygiene up for long.

Teryx reached back to the controls to shut the door, then walked over to the desk. "All the more reason for me to be here," she replied softly, setting the tray down on the end of the desk. "This is a hard time for you. Brachio wasn't just your soldier, he was one of your friends."
Genghis Rex In the shallow light of the room, Rex can still barely be seen, but he is visible enough that she can see that familiar look in his eye that he always seemed to reserve for her and her alone. This look usually competed with the feral intensity that he usually carried, but today the intensity was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't a look of lust or desire, it was a look of genuine kindness that reflected the Rex she once knew, before it had been buried by bravado and ambition.

He sat up in his chair, struggling a bit, his neck stiff from sleeping on a desk for the last 3 days. The vertebrae cracked loudly and he twisted his great head, trying to work out the kinks.

"Allo didn't send you did he?" Rex asked, already knowing the answer.
Allo Teryx does her best to not cringe at the cracking from the tyrannosaur's joints. That had to not feel pleasant to be that loud. Once he's sitting up somewhat properly she turns to sit herself on the edge of the desk, one leg crossed loosing over the other.

"No, Rex. I'm here because *I* came to see you, not because someone else wanted me to." she replies with a kind but firm emphasis on it being her own decision. Then crosses her arms a bit, which made her unorthadox flat feathered wings fold around her sides almost like a blanket. "Though I'm sure he's sent his own condolences. You haven't read you messages for the last three days, have you?"

She was trying to not sound too scolding, but really, this was pathetic. Even for an upset tyrant!

Then again, she's probably one of very few that can get away with it, too.
Genghis Rex Rex waved a hand dismissively, "Emails, texts, memos, what have you. I have no use for them when I am not brooding."

He glances down, "Brachio is family. Ankylo is family. Dactyl, Plesio, Quackpot and even that sicko Styraco is family. YOU are family. Such bonds are not broken easily. Part of me died with Brachio, and if that Moronodon hadn't taken it upon himself to take my place, things might be very different right now ..."

Rex gives Teryx a grim look, "I don't know if I can do this anymore. This pain ... it is unlike anything I have never felt in my life. It is deep and savage and it makes me question every decision I have ever made. I can say I am sorry to you, that I didn't mean to hurt you. You're right here, right now ... but I can't say I'm sorry to a corpse."

He shakes his head, "I ... am ... weak ... unfit to lead ..."
Genghis Rex "Maybe that's the grand lesson after all. Maybe that's the not so subtle message the universe has been trying to tell me thourgh all these interlopers who have time and time again plied their knowledge against me. Whether it was Allo or Dei or Baromous or the Dinosorcerer or the Dinosorceress or TAKE YOUR PICK, they ALL stood in my way, saying they are acting in MY best interest, trying to teach me any number of lessons ... rather than letting me make my own mistakes."

He sighs, "Now, here I stand. Fighting and dying for a planet that doesn't want me, trying to carve out one final legacy that's not bathed in accusations of tyranny and incompetence."
Allo For a moment in that rebuttal there was a glimmer of the Rex she knew, but it was short-lived. Understandable, really. A lot of those messages probably were empty words. Some less empty than others. Allo truly felt terrible for having to tell Tricero to make sure Rex and Ankylo were safe before helping Brachio, even if it was what had to be done and probably was why they weren't morning two or more deaths right now.

"Only if you keep telling yourself that is it going to be true." Teryx uncrossed her arms, edging herself off the desk where she had been sitting. "I understand you have a lot of things on your mind with this Rex, and your heart. But that is why you're better than the people that have accused you of such. Yes, you've been a jerk several times. Arrogant. Ambitious ... But you also care. You care about your crew. Your people. Your -planet-. Regardless of what your methods have been." A pause, and then Teryx smiled just a little. "You should talk to Allo about those last two some time. He's their nephew and they did -the exact same thing- to him, instead of letting him find his own way there." Granted Allo might of never of done so without the push, but niddling over that point isn't important right now.

Leaning forward, Teryx put her hands on Rex's shoulders. Her touch was comforting, but at the same time just firm enough to be in that 'I'm serious' way. "While you were gone, Dei told the Tyrannos you were dead." Not that Dei -cared-. "But it wasn't for her they kept fighting us for. It was for -you-. For what you stood for to them. They didn't care how right or wrong others thought you were, they believed in it. For how much he was admired regardless of allegences, they could do the same for Brachio...."

Teryx leaned a bit closer, eye to eye with the seated Tyranno and unwavering from the gaze. "But they need their leader they can believe in. They need YOU, Genghis Rex."

"Or do you want the sacrifice of your friend, your brother in arms, to be in vain?"

That last one was a bit of a harsh jab, but Teryx felt it was the sort of proverbial slap to the face Rex was going to need.
Genghis Rex Rex's eyes locked with Teryx's as she spoke to him. When she finished they darted away ... then back, then away again, as if searching for the proper response.

"You ... are right. You are always right." He frowned.

"I guess, when given the opportunity to make my own mistakes, I made the biggest one of all when I drove you away. I can't fix what happened between us ... I really wish I could. I can't fix the fact that Brachio died protecting me ... but maybe I can try to make it right."
Allo "For what it's worth, Rex," Teryx replied as she removed her hands from his shoulders. If only to take one of his hands in them instead. "I do still consider you my friend. Even when we're on the opposite sides of this war. I will always remember the time we did have with fondness... but that isn't what we need right now. We need the Genghis Rex that was always ready to push forward, always bouncing back from defeat with a newer bold plan."

Then she let go and stepped back. "Your people need you. Reptilon needs you."

She paused for a moment, debating if she should say it.

"Allo needs you. He can't win this alone; neither can you. But you two have already put your differences aside for this. For the world you both want to save."
Genghis Rex Genghis Rex stands, his massive frame towering over Teryx. He glances around, "Gosh, it's dark in here ..." then presses a button on the desk, bringing up the room's illumination.

He glances over his own dutsy clothes and suddenly looks embarassed,burshing as much of the grime off his beat up outfit as possible.

He then glances at her and flashes a toothy grin "Plan? Oh you can bet your tails feathers I have a plan! If Kakarot wants to kill ME so badly, he'll need to do it a dozen times over and he'll still be up to his tailhole in Genghis Rex!"

He shouts, "Ankylo!"

A wary voice answered, "Yes, Bossasaur!"

"Schedule an assembly of all Active Tyranno Personnel in the great hall in 2 hours! Tell them their king has returned!"

Rex pulls off his tattered jacket and tosses it into a trash bin, then glances over to Teryx, spreading his arms, "I won't force you, but I'll be terribly disappointed if you leave without a good luck hug."
Allo Now that was the Genghis Rex they wanted to see. Just needed some dino to talk to him in the right way.

Teryx adds, somewhat offhandedly, "And Tricero wants his ship back Ankylo."

She looks back to Rex... and is reminded that he hasn't bathed for the three days he's been sulking in here. Though at least he took the dirty uniform on... Well, after getting him this far out of the slump, she can't really say no.

Though she does hold up one clawed finger rather playfully. "One hug, for luck. As friends."

Though she doesn't actually wait for an answer before actually hugging him. It would never be the same as it had been once ago. But it was still a nice moment to enjoy it again, briefly.
Genghis Rex Ankylo responds, "Oh! Ok! Umm, I kinda banged it up a little ... but a little hammering and some welding and it'll ... probably look just fine. *SNORT*"

Rex pulls her close, lifting her off the ground and whispers in her ear, "I'll never admit to saying this, but, I need Allo too, not just now, but I have always needed him."

He pulls his head back and locks his gaze with hers once again, his maw turned up at the corners into a smile that only a mother could love, "Thank you for coming. You have always been my strength. You always will be. Whether you come to your senses one day and return to my side or not, you will always occupy a place in my heart. I don't have a choice in that matter. Should I ever take another mate, she will just have to learn to share that part of me with you."

"Now I need to go get cleaned up to address my empire." He releases her and heads for the attached shower room, stopping at the door and says in a teasing tone, "You ARE welcome to join me, assuming fish is no longer on your menu."
Allo "You two are counter-parts. Be it fighting against each other or next to each other. He's realized that as much as you have during your absence."

Making Allo realize that is maybe the only good thing Dei has ever done.

"But your secret is safe with me," Teryx smiled as she stepped back. "Go, clean up." Glanced at the tray on the desk. "I'll have someone send you a meal that isn't cold on the way out." For the moment the jab at Icky is ignored, it's a bit rude, but that just means Rex was feeling more like his proper self so it wasn't important at the moment. "But I've got my own duties to get back to."
Genghis Rex Genghis Rex shrugs, grinning, "Ahh, well, I had to try." He pauses, taking one last look at her "I will see you soon, Teryx. Stay safe. We'll ALL get through this one way or another ... and we'll do it together."