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Jayale     Suffice it to say, things within the Multiverse were large. Large enough that even one such as Jayale, who was used to being in buildings that were on the Coruscanti scale of things, this was different. She'd wandered and spoken to others as was allowed for the past couple of days, taking the opportunity to read what she could regarding the Multiverse, the factional war going on, history as she could find it and just in general to take in everything she could. And right now she happened to be walking along in the 'cafeteria' and just in general still seemed a bit overwhelmed in that she didn't really act as if she knew where she was going or what she was doing.

    Everything was simply her going along with and astromech droid nearby, and at the moment she had a tray with some kind of food on it that she wasn't really familiar with but was probably going to be just fine. And she moved to sit near the music that was going on while otherwise trying to soak in all that was going on. Even from her own Galaxy... as large as it was, as travelled as she was...

    Things just felt new. She felt strangely young again.
Evangeline      As Jayale moves through the busy cafeteria, she may notice an unusual presence. Even for Njorun it is unusual. The source is a strange floating creature that is approaching Jayale. Or more specifically the droid moving alongside her. The creature is completely black from head to toe, with cat ears and a cat tail, has no facial features, and has lights like those an aircraft might have. Those lights are positioned on her airplane engine legs, but despite those legs she makes almost no sound as she flies. Just a soft metallic whisper that is reminiscent of a fairy in flight.

     And, she seems to be carrying a large ice cream cone in her hands. She approaches Jayale without much sense of personal space, floating right up next to the droid and floating around it. She orbits it a couple of times before looking at Jayale. She tilts her head slightly, then holds out the ice cream cone.

     "...would you like some..?" comes a soft, demure voice from the watch around her sleeve-like forearm rather than her face. It is obviously a synthesized voice, and contains only the bare minimum of inflection.
Jayale     Compared to others who might look at her, or respond, it wasn't the Miraluka that did. With the silk around her eyes she didn't seem to look at her, didn't turn towards her. Instead, it was only when the request was made that she stopped what she was doing and finally turned to face the other. "No, thank you. Though I do feel the need to ask, so as not to offend - could you tell me a little about yourself? I am... new to the Multiverse."
Evangeline      The little Neuroi is quiet a moment after the request, then she nods lightly. "...I am Evangeline...I am a Neuroi..." She gets quiet again, and Jayale might get the feeling that people don't ask about her often. " to meet you..." More quiet. "...what sort of things would you like to know..?"

     After asking that, she brings the ice cream cone closer to her face. Then, an opening appears where there wasn't one before. She leans forward at her waist as she hovers in the air and takes in about half a scoop of ice cream. Which then simply...disappears as the opening closes. "...what is your name..?"
Jayale     Suffice it to say Jayale did not know what to make of the entity. However, it was here, within this Union-friendly area, and as far as she was aware if things were here they were considered friendly enough or safe, so she tried to take the initiative on such and assume she was just that.

    After all, given how Jayale saw things... it didn't really reveal anything for certain.

    The other had offered her food, and apparently could consume such - so it was organic. But from everything she could tell, it was something metallic otherwise?

    Truly a confusing thing for the older Jedi. But, perhaps this was a more common being in the Multiverse. "My name is f..." she started to say before correcting herself, "...Jayale, pardon. It is a bit habitual not to give my real name to any. It would seem I am soon to join the Union as an Ally of theirs, from what I understand." Jayale took a moment to eat a little of her salad that she had before offering another few words. "I do not know of many beings outside of my own Galaxy, so you are the first of your kind I have encountered. As such I was unsure how I should treat you. Within my own Galaxy, one is either Living, organic, such as myself. Or... mechanical, inorganic, with an artificial intelligence or limited scope of such, such as the Astromech droid next to me. From what I can tell you lean closer towards the former, or a third altogether?"
Evangeline      Evangeline floats around Jayale as the woman speaks, then floats down into a chair beside her. With her long, stiff legs she has to stick them out under the table. "...I am not a robot..." the little Neuroi says, and even in her near monotone she has obviously been mistaken for such many times. "...I am the only Neuroi that has ventured outside of my homeworld with friendly intentions...the others..." There is a long pause. "...the others are intent on destroying humanity on my world and any others...I hope to change their minds..."

     Evangeline takes another bite of her cone, again carving a perfect spherical bite out of it. "...I asked a friend to join me for ice cream, but...she was too busy...fighting enemy gems..." She turns her head toward Jayale. " may treat me like a female is the identity that seems to work best for me...and I am living...but not organic as humans usually define it..."
Jayale     "Very well then."

    Though to be fair it did cause her astromech droid to chirp out in binary, 'But what about me?' to which Jayale sighed and mentally noted she would need to perform a memory wipe later. Astromechs really /did/ have that problem of if they went too long without such they would develop something along the lines of personalities. "To hear that so many worlds are having problems, though, does make me wonder about the state of the Multiverse." More of the salad is eaten before she stops thinks to ask something that has been on her mind.

    "I have read all the information given to me, and while I accept and understand all of it, there has been something on my mind. Those that do the most damage, that fight the most, for the Union, or Confederacy or any other faction - are there not always those who are simply stronger? I suppose what I am attempting to ask is, how would one even know if they are capable of trying to help when all they know is among those of their own existence... how they might possibly combat such? It seems so very chaotic."
Evangeline      Evangeline's head tilts as those beeps and chirps flow from the droid. " are living as well..?" she asks the droid before she looks back to Jayale. She is quiet a few moments as she listens to the Jedi and considers her words. Evangeline looks at her ice cream cone before she speaks. " does not always know if they are capable of helping in this conflict...or with any of the problems on any of the other just has to try one's best..."

     She bites her cone again, this time down to the cone. "...the damage that members of the factions cause is often more proportional to their ambition rather than their personal destructive power..." She then holds the ice cream cone out toward the droid. "...would you like some..?"
Jayale     The astromech responds with a 'no' in Binary. "It is a droid, an Astromech droids specifically. Do not mind it, it is more akin to a computer with wheels that can act independently than you or even something with a full proper artificial intelligence." Jayale responds before adding in, "And no, droids cannot consume food. Not only does this droid have no way to consume, but on top of that such things would likely damage the circuitry a bit or in the very least gunk it up. Thank you for the information on the conflict however. I have read about how much conflict there is between the factions when it specifically comes to Aurics conflicting and... it did leave me wondering if ever I came to find myself in such a position if I would wind up in danger or a burden to those I was with or not."

    Her own skills, and she knew such, were primarily in avoiding fighting, in avoiding conflict. And yet, conflict had found her not a few days before.
Evangeline      Evangeline just sits there with the cone held out for a few more moments, then slowly returns to her seated position with the cone held in front of her. "...whether you end up in danger is largely up to you as an is only if you are enlisted or commissioned by the Union that you may be required to fight the enemies of the Union..." She finishes off her cone in one large bite. No chewing is done.

     "...I wish the conflict would is pointless...neither side will ever gain the upper hand...and even if one would cause widespread destruction for the other side..." Evangeline says, arms resting on the table now. She is quiet again for a few moments before she looks toward Jayale. "...are you blind..?" she asks softly. "...I have a friend who is does not seem to slow her down..."
Jayale     "Blind implies not being able to see, so no, I am not. However, I do not see as most others do. I have no eyes. My kind has no eyes. I am a Miraluka. We, as a species, are born without. We are able to see by sensing the Force, as we call it. It is hard to describe I see to another given I do not know how they see, but suffice it to say - I can indeed see. Simply not with eyes as others do."

    The topic of being able to fight or not is left aside for now. She had no desire to fight, all of her core principals revolved around not, around avoiding fights, the best fight won is the fight not fought. However, here she was.

    At which point her droid chirped at her and caused her to nod. "It would seem things were processed finally. I should go take care of things related to such. It was nice to meet you." And with that, Jayale stood and turned to leave, picking up her tray and finishing it as she walked towards the exit.
Evangeline      Evangeline nods lightly at the explanation. " friend has similar powers..." she says, then tilts her head. "...but she senses minerals...not this force..."

     Then, quite suddenly, Jayale is leaving. Evangeline makes no attempt to stop her, she merely looks back toward the table and softly says, " was nice to meet you, too...goodbye..." With no current tasks and no need for sleep, Evangeline is unsure of what to do for now. So, she just sits there.