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Han Solo Once again the Millennium Falcon has gotten away from sudden possible death. Thanks to the combined efforts of Han Solo and Chewbacca the Wookiee. Oh and some Jedi that's still on the ship. There have been a couple of stops since they've escaped the clutches of the crazy killer robot droid thing of annoying doom but Solo is still a little torn up about it. Just a little bit torn up.

They /did/ get some free cargo out of the deal. That's something.

"Let's go see an old friend." Han leans back in his seat, twisting just enough to look at Chewbacca. "Think he might want in on this."

Chewbacca growls.

"What? No. He wouldn't try to kill us. Again." Han furrows his brow in thought. "I don't think."

Chewbacca shakes his head with a low growl and starts flipping switches to set a new course.
Jayale     "By the way, Captain Solo, I had meant to speak with you about something should you be willing to hear me out. After all, considering that... debacle there with the ancient ship and that delivery gone wrong, I think you could use a bit of pleasant trade." She was still limping a fair bit considering the blaster shot that had hit her leg, but thankfully it was nothing that proper bacta treatments among other things couldn't fix. First aid paired with Force-assisted Meditation did mean she would be able to recover from it more so than others might.

    "I owe you and your copilot a bit of thanks. If not for him I would likely have fallen back there. Might I ask where you were planning on going, or whom to see? I cannot imagine what 'this' might be, though I do hope it isn't me now that you happened to have... seen some of my more well-kept secrets."
Han Solo "Talkin' cargo not passengers."

Han spins his chair around to be able to speak to Jayale a bit more face to face. Not that he's trustworthy that way or anything but he's certainly willing to make it appear that way. He's okay with this.

"'Long as you pay I can drop you wherever you need me to." Han figures she may not want to be on the ship when he goes into Frenemy territory. He doesn't even want to be on the ship when that happens. "Define 'pleasant trade'." He's interested, at least. For the moment.
Jayale     The older woman who had simply enough called herself Flowers moves to take a seat on the flooring nearby the doorway, leaning against it and putting a bit of pressure off her leg. "You seem to be stuck with cargo and not your payment, which is never a good thing. I'm a trader after all, when I am forced to keep a product that the buyer suddenly does not want, or... in this case tried to take for free, it is never an enjoyable thing. I, however, likely have far more... liquid assets than you do, considering I'm a trader. And you seem to be making ends meet smuggling."

    A slight pause, "Or by the condition of this ship at least you do not have too many extra credits to spend on anything but what counts. I would like to purchase whatever it was those droids wanted from you. At the very least I can find someone who will pay well enough for it a bit easier than you I imagine, and you could probably use the credits now more so than that, correct?"
Han Solo Chewbacca growls. Loudly.

"Hey, you just fly. I'll handle this. I know it's gonna' be a better deal than anyone else'll give us." Han looks from Chewbacca back to Flowers and crosses his arms over his chest. "Double. We're gonna' need double the original price. And we're gonna' need to unload it soon as possible." Mostly before somebody comes looking for it. That might be why Han is cutting his eyes at the moment. "Any problems with that?"
Jayale     Sure, Flowers had no visible eyes, but if she did it was obvious the look she was giving him. "Really? I offer to help you out for saving my life, by taking it off your hands, and you try to gouge me? While I am thankful for Chewbacca's help that is a bit... silly. That is your choice. I can easily choose to not offer to buy it and whoever you try to unload it to will have no idea of the original price, or care."
    Her tone was still quite calm even as she spoke, despite her position on such.
Han Solo "Alright, alright. Hey, you can't blame me for tryin', right?"

Han's shoulders are up and into a shrug for the moment. His shrug is one of innocence and helplessness as he only tried to get a little extra for nothing. That's the way of the smuggler, okay! How else is he supposed to do anything productive? Han's hands hover over the controls. "Where we headed? The sooner we get there, the sooner I get paid."
Jayale     "Tarabba sector, Utapau, and possibly after Nal Hutta." Jayale admits casually, realizing she hadn't specified since his destination was the first order of business. "Besides, as I am already paying you for transporting me, I /could/ attempt to par you down on credits by saying I do not need to pay for you to transport the other goods I am buying off you, which was likely factored into the cost above just the price of the goods. But I am nice, so I will pay you my transport price, and what you were to get from the droids."
    She paused a little then said with a smile, "After all, you know it's a better deal than others will give you. You really should learn not to say that dear, bad for business. Not that I was going to screw you over as it was."