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Kotone Yamakawa Vancouver Canada, where there was a Canada in the Multiverse there tended to be a Vancouver, this one seemed to follow that trend but it looked like something out of a cyberpunk novel of sorts. Though on the far cleaner end of things. Bright lights, lots of holo displays and the like were very common in the city. No flying cars but everything seemed to be electric, form the sounds of the various vehicles going about yet one thing hadn't changed much. If your in the down town core? It's a hell of a lot better to walk and take the local transit network of sky trains, buses and even foot ferries to get about the city.

Digital was king here but the printed word hadn't totally vanished and some small shops in the core had been good at meeting the wants of people who just wanted a book in hand. Book Worms is such a shop while it deals in the modern digital it has a good deal of print books and will even print up digital books to order binding them. Enya would find the place a bit strange as there were stacks of news print near the door that were all in /bar code/ of some sort. While a young woman with stark red hair was tending the counter, and man of middle eastern decent was busy stocking the shelves with a load of books. There was also a woman who seemed to be Japanese wearing something one might think more suitable to clubbing over over some of the books inside, with bright blue hair
Eithne Sullivan     She'd had to ask around a little bit. Most people she'd talked to had suggested the same sorts of device that she's been using already. Nobody seems to understand just /how many/ e-books Eithne owns, or how many more she'd /like/ to own!

    But once someone finally did understand what she was looking for, they'd been able to give her directions to a shop.

    In Vancouver.

    In an entirely different plane of reality.

    Also, a lot of people seem to be robots?? :/a

    It's probably not unusual for someone completely organic to walk through the door of Book Worms; the only thing really separating Eithne from a native of this place is her wide-eyed reaction to most of the flashier technology. She's... kind of staring a bit. (Not at the robot people though. ...Well, not too much.)

    The 'future' is weird.

    The newspaper full of barcodes actually catches her eye, and she leans over to pick one up, flipping through it. Barcode, barcode, barcode... "How're yeh even supposed to read this?" she mumbles, eyebrows furrowing, before putting it back. Maybe it's a robot newspaper, for robots.

    The redheaded woman seems to be running the place... maybe she's the best place to start. "Excuse me," Eithne pipes up, walking towards her. "Can someone show me the e-readers? I have a feelin' I'm not gonna know what to get."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa had taken the last few days off from the multiverse, it was nice to be not shot at, chased by magic, or find things that shouldn't be allowed to exist in a rational world. She was looking at books right now. As for? Eithne? She would not get too much of an odd look for having no cyberware. It was very common but it was not considered entirely the normal yet. There were still those who didn't want it for religious, medical, or even security reasons and that's how it went. The Redheaded looks over to Enya for a moment and comments to her.

"If you don't have a cyberbrain? You can get an app for a tablet or phone to read it."

She comments the woman and then she grins.

"We sell both here if your interested. As for the E-readers, down the isle there."

The Redheaded woman point down near where Kotone is looking over some books on the other side of the isle is a display for various sorts of E-readers..
Eithne Sullivan     There's a moment where Eithne almost, /almost/ repeats 'Cyberbrain??'

    Willfully, she resists the urge. Instead, she smiles and thanks the shopkeeper, making a mental note to look up 'cyberbrain' as soon as she's not in public. "Let's see, down this aisle...?" she mumbles, making her way down across from Kotone until she's found them.

    Oh. /Oh./ These are...

    "Even the cheapest one's still got fifty terabytes?!" Eithne doesn't precisely squeak. Finally, someone really /did/ understand what she wanted in an e-reader!! Visions of entire libraries dance through her head; she looks positively giddy at the thought. And even now there're still regular old print books! Picking up the box for a middle-of-the-road e-reader, she leans her back gently against the shelf and skims over the advertising copy.

    And right there in front of her, looking at books, is another one of the robot people! W-well, her back is turned, so maybe it wouldn't bother her if Eithne looked at the little lines and joins in her hands as Kotone browses...

    Kotone may feel like she's being watched.
Kotone Yamakawa You have to look pretty hard, who ever did the work on her body certainly didn't mess around. Though near the base of her hairline are a group of plugs. Kotone however does get the feeling she's being watched and turns over her shoulder.

"Yes it's prosthetic, is there something wrong?"

There's a slight tenseness to Kotone's tone of voice like she almost expects trouble, or has got such before in the past. She's still holding her book but looking at Eithne with questioningly.
Eithne Sullivan     She's not quite fast enough to turn around or look like she wasn't doing anything wrong. Eithne gets caught staring, and even though she really didn't mean anything bad by it there's no way that the other girl won't be miffed...!

    "I'm sorry," she apologizes sincerely, lowering the box she'd been skimming. This close, her eyes are a startling shade of vivid blue. "I didn't mean to stare. I've never seen," she waves a bit lamely at all of Kotone, "a robot body before. It's not hard to tell I'm not from this world, huh?" Eithne admits, chagrined.

    Ugh, Eithne feels like such a jerk. "I'm sorry. Look, uh..." How do you apologize to someone who's a robot? Is it the same as for someone who has a flesh and blood body? "...I mean, yeh can punch me if it'll make yeh feel better," she offers.

    What a weirdo.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa looks at Eithane a biot more her expression isn't mean or angry it's a bit subdued however. "Maybe but I'd peg you from an Earth and I suspect your Irish?" She seems amused and sets her book down for a moment and nods for a moment "I'm not shocked you have the technology isn't as common in the multivse as one might think. Also if your wondering why I am like that? Medical reasons. I'd not want to punch you. i'd not want to hurt you. I'm Kotone Yamakawa and what brings you to Vancouver?"
Eithne Sullivan     "I was wonderin' a bit, but I didn't think it was my place to ask," Eithne admits, shaking her head. "But yeah, I'm Enya Sullivan from Belfast, on Earth - I think they call it The World, but it's the same thing."

    She holds up the e-reader box. "I wanted to pick up one've these. I've filled up a few already, and someone told me that I could buy one here with more storage than I could use in a lifetime. Fifty terabytes!" She wiggles the box for emphasis. "That's... that's like infinity! Compared to what I'm used to, anyway. My biggest one back home has a hundred and twenty-four gigabytes!" THINK OF ALL THE BOOKS SHE COULD HAVE ON THIS. +_+

    She's.... just not going to bring up the fact that she's harder to hurt than most people. It may be correct but it's a lot like bragging, which Eithne just isn't good at. "How about yeh, what've yeh got there if I can ask?" She peeks a bit at the book in Kotone's hands.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "I have always ment to go to there never had the chance though. It's a reliable model but it is a bit on the smaller side. Still it's a solid type that can interface with older hardware. I think it's why it does so well. Also your serious only 128 gigs you poor thing, you must be going mad, Enya. Oh that? Just a novel series about a dragon that had been a spy for the British Crown from the 900s to the modern day. It's a pretty good series too."

She grins widly.

"Still closer to real life as my life has proven to me about thing's crawling in the dark corners of the world."

The youg man working the shelfs sighs.

"Kotone, seriously I keep thinking your pulling my leg on that."

Kotone makes a face

"Maybe but you got it good here."

"Aside the health care?"


Sadly peaceful travelers are not the only things that move through the gates something is watching the shop, but it's not the natives, it's Enya that the creature has in it's sights.
Eithne Sullivan     "It's worth seein' if yeh can make it there! Though I admit, I'm a bit biased," she grins. For all its problems, Belfast is still the closest thing she's ever had to 'home'. "It looks brand new to me," Eithne demurs, though how would she know? Everything looks like it's from the space future here! Though... it's not as sparkling clean as she was led to believe the future would be. At least the presence of a layer of grit in the corners of the place makes Eithne a bit more comfortable - makes Kotone's world a little more real.

    Why would a dragon be spying for-- you know what, Eithne's not even going to ask. She is going to remember the author's name though, because she's about to have fifty terabytes of empty space to fill with words and that means she won't have to be too choosy about what to keep!

    Kotone exchanges a bit of banter with the clerk, and Eithne is about to take the box up to the register when it's /her/ turn to feel eyes on the back of her neck. "...?" Turning toward the door, she peers out into the evening. Was it her imagination?
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Everyone has their biases, right? And space future? We should get off our butts into spacebut we been more trying to scrape the world back together after the third and fourth world wars. We got damn lucky, the fact we pulled out is enough to convice me it was a miracle."

The guy stocking the shelf laughs.

"Off worlders? Rare but we get a few lot of off world trade goes out of here."

Kotone pauses for a moment as she looks about and to Enya for a moment and tilts her head.

"Is something wrong?"

Enya might feel or hear something a low growl full of hate, so much /hate/