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Li Syaoran Li Syaoran stared at the destruction. There were no words for what happened. None.

Li was an EXCELLENT cook(one of his many talents), though he was a bit slow. He had assumed he could make a really big meal for the large guy and then some for later.

He was wrong.

His fridge was now completely empty, as Li was a generous host. And had also been forced to order take out. Just to feed the massive man. He stared in horror at the mess in the kitchen.

By the stars. There was no call for this. None. Still, he made SURE they were all well fed. Even if he was a tiny, itty bit cranky at the end when he sat down, exhausted from all that cooking.
Karian Icefang     Karian was there too, eating like he was going to meet the allfather afterwards. "You are quire the cook, Li Syaoran." He says around a mouthful of food. If allowed, the massive wolf of Ygdril would likewise be devouring anything put in front of him.
Raditz     Raditz tried. He really did. He had it drilled into him by certain people to at the very least make the effort of being somewhat restrained when it came to eating as a guest. He was restrained for all of five seconds after the food was ready, by which point habits took over.

    "Whew... That forth bacon-pinapple-mushroom-pepperoni-doublecheese pizza? Good stuff..."
Li Syaoran Li Syaoran sighed, but allowed the dog to eat as well. He, of course, ate like a true nobleman. With chopsticks and all. Once the meal was complete(and his money splurged), he sighed and nodded. "I do take it you are satisfied?"

He made a mental note to never invite them again. Next time they could go out somewhere, anywhere else. But not where he had to cook and prepare.
Karian Icefang     Karian looked over towards Li. "I am...sorry. I'll move to cover the expenses you incured today." He says. For the most part, Ygdril went over and tried to give Li some apology nose boops to his hand.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz had seen destruction like that bwfore sure, she was bothered by it but hey no onbe had got killed. She'd enjoyed a bit of the ood and she was being generous herself she'd been more than willing to help pay for some of the take out to help feed Radtiz and even her self. She was devouringt he food and grinning all the while. "I got to say Earth food's diverse. Way more so than back home. Then again the humans there? Only had a fraction of the cultures Earth seems to."

She's chowing down a bit now and seemingly in very good spirits. Crys might shock Li? She knows how to use chopsticks.

"So how long you been in the multiverse?"
Raditz     Raditz throws a fist up into the air, "Sir, I am good... It's been a while since I've eaten out like that." He lounges back and grins, "You're damn good, I'll say that. I would have been fine just finding some giant animal and devouring that, but the nuance of human food... Good stuff."
Li Syaoran Li Syaoran frowned darkly. "No. I invited you all here and I can more than afford it. There is no need for any of you to worry about this. I can more than afford all costs incurred by this venture and the Li clan would never abide for making their guests pay for such things." Oh, now it was a matter of honor!

He blinked and then smiled, crossing his arms. "Of course. Learning to cook is just one of the many challenges I have managed to master." He actually was just a good cook, not a master cook. But, again, pride.
Karian Icefang     "That would have been good for me as well...but it's nice to eat like this." Karian says, lounging back. Ygdril pats his way over to raditz and flops down next to him, wanting to spend a bit of time with his master's equal. "What do you saiyans normally eat?" He asks, never having really got the chance to ask before.
Raditz     Raditz has grabbed another two slices of pizza, stacked on each other, and is chomping into them as he says, mouth full, "Hey, I am not one to refuse good food!" Somehow is conveyed.

    When Karian asks that question, Raditz gulps his food down and hrms, "Normally eat..? That's kind of a loaded question..." He grits his teeth a bit. "Well, there is a preference for meat, but like humans we're omnivores, we'll eat whatever... Meals aren't usually the most refined for the rank and file Saiyans. Not that we were soldiers, but there is a concept of us being the grunt versus commanders and royalty, who had the really fancy food."

    He hrrms a little, "But yeah, I don't really want to talk about what Saiyans have to do for food when they're sent to planets by Frieza's empire.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz says "You do eat a lot but you also know what's good food to! I take food recommdations from you seriously Radtiz." She grions and contiunes to nom on what little food she has left. "Cooking's a surival skill no matter your social background. Well if your a species that /needs/ cooked food. I run into a few species that need raw meat." She grins a little bit and she moves to get a slice of pizza before Raditz gets them all.

"Ya best not to on that. Frezia's bad news, I get your people's pride as warriors though. Your not brutes, you need skill no? Same to you Li your not too bad at all."
Li Syaoran Li Syaoran looked a little red in the cheeks, but gave a nod. "I have been training since I could barely walk in the art of martial combat as well as magic. My arts require perfection of both mind and body. However, I cannot deny that all of you were... fine combattants as well. While your techniques are... far different than I am used to, they are effective. It's... good to know there are so many capable fighters amongst the union for which I can call on."
Karian Icefang     Karian nods. "I'll be sure to send some fenrisian venison your way. Our elk are hard to hunt with their razor sharp antlers, but they taste good." He says, devouring another few slices himself. The wolf looked up, and gave a light whuff. "Seems Ygdril would like to see you hunt too." Though his tone does turn a bit more serious. "This Frieza...from what I have read was a tyrant. Is he gone in your world, and if not...may I help you hunt him down?" He then casts a look towards Li. "About that.....I'm not officially with the union, I just help them from time to time."
Raditz     Raditz just shakes his head at Karian's offer, waving his hand a bit in dismissal, "My universe? He's gone, dead. There have been other iterations in the Multiverse, though, and I've at least had the satisfaction of wrecking him at least a couple of times." He grins, "Oh the satisfaction indeed... But he's already done the damage. He destroyed my home planet, and pretty much my entire race except for a handful... Kind of ironic given that what we were doing to other planets for him..."
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz says "I wasn't trained to fight people orginally mostly. My job was purging hostile Xenolife from a colony site. Turned out the planet was cursed with a dark god of destruction sealed on it. Was one hell of a mess. But that's life out here, you trip over some angry elrich horror while your going out to get Pizza."
Li Syaoran Li Syaoran nodded and gave a yawn. "Well, it is getting pretty late so you guys should probably head home. I've got some cleaning to do before I go to bed, so I'd best get started on that." He got to his feet and made his way to the kitchen, a light frown on his face.

Gosh, they trashed the place...