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Garnet     Beach City's Boardwalk was a place of hustle and bustle during the day and early's also a place of incredible beauty too as the sun sets distantly into the ocean, the sky turns a lovely assortment of hues, purple, blue, yellow, orange, and many others as fluffy clouds float lazily in the air and the ocean breeze gently swaddles the boardwalk in cool moist air.

    The noisy distractions of the boardwalk are all slowly fading as the day ends while tourists and locals go about their business some stopping here and there to pick up food at the still open restaurants.

    Amongst this thinning crowd of boardwalk goers, a tall woman with an unusually square afro appears from around a corner walking with a leasurely unconcerned pace as though nothing caught her notice but at the same time avoiding colliding with anyone on the board walk. While her skin tone and height grabs the attention of some of the tourists the locals seem to barely bat an eye at her as she approaches Beach Citywalk Fries.

    The short line of people in front of her prevents her from immediately ordering so she stands, though some might say with her statuesque frame it's closer to posing, waiting for her turn at the order window patiently.
Kotone Yamakawa Beach City was a lot like the small costal town she grew up in and yet not? Given there were aliens actually living on the edge of town but Steven and the Gems had proven interesting and good people from what she'd seen and she was also taking time to exploring the town. SO here she was again on the Boardwarlk was Kotone was homing in on the Citywalk Fries. She would end up in line a bit behind the statuesque woman, whose almost posing really.

"The food here's pretty good, generally smaller resturants need to keep their service and meal quality up to fend off chains which ends up making them all the better for it."

She's a human female looks to be asian with blue hair. If Garent had traveled enough and recalled enough? Kotone appears to be Japanese though something'ds a bit statuesque about the smaller woman and something feels a little off visually about her.
Garnet     Garnet spends the moments alone at the end of the line idlely debating if she should get something for Amethyst in case she'd shown up in the Multiverse but dismises the thought after a moment sticking with her original plan of getting Steven's favorite fry bits if he was home. Her own attempt to find him having gone horribly wrong...she'd used the warp pad, then arrived on the other end as a volcanoe blew. The pad had been destroyed along with her radio. It'd taken a while and a few misadventures to get back to beach city but she'd managed it.

    Then someone began speaking interrupting her thoughts. Garnet flicks her visor clad gaze to behind her in in line to the smaller human woman that looked to be of Asian decent. "I know someone that really loves their fry bits, I'm picking some up as a surprise." She holds a finger up to her lips and pantomimes the universal 'shh' while her features remain locked in a neutral expression. She shrugs, "Not that I've ever really tried them myself."

    If Kotone is paying attention she might briefly notice a gem like structure in the palm of Garnet's hand while giving the 'shh' sign.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa grins a little bit at the mention of bits. "I know someone who does so too. It's pretty clever the owner tought to sell the bits as well. Some people do like that." She tilts her head a little bit as she looks over Garnet a bit with a curious eye now as she listens. She also pauses at the gem and simply nods at it. She doesn't make any other sign ofg it. "Well the food here's pretty good though that oddball with the dreadlocks might be here, I had to shake him the last time I ran into him."
Garnet     Garnet cocks her head just slightly at the mention of someone else that likes the bits, Steven and sometimes Amethyst would eat it otherwise no one else came to mind but she shrugs humans could be strange though it's not outside the realm of possibility it was someone she didn't know. "I guess." Is her response to the comment about how clever the owner of the Fry shop was. The visored eyes make it hard to tell what sort of expression Garnet might be having though the barely visible brow above them reveal she might be raising an eyebrow as Kotone nods at her gem.

    Kotone's comment about the dreadlocked kids brings a small smile to the Gem's face, he wasn't always bad but sometimes that kid's interests could make him annoying to deal with though a few visored glares usually got him to back off when she had to deal with him, "He's a pain." She adds helpfully to the conversation as she adjusts her visor before continuing, "New in town?" She asks while off handledly taking a step forwards just as the line itself moves forward.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Chicken wings used to be considered waste meat. Damn shame people with money founr it out, the price went up." She makes a bit of a mock unhappy face at that and she then tilts her head a bit as the woman seems to know the conspiracy king of Beach City. "You know him and yes he can be. Keeps talking about how I'm a snatcher." She makes an bemused face at this. "A little new but not too new." She'll place her order and fork over some money. "It's a boit of an odd story about how I found it." She gets her order thanks the youngest Fryman and gets out of the way of the next customer.

"You care to here it? It's a bit 'out there'."
Garnet     Garnet is not a chatty sort but since arriving in the Multiverse, she's learned to be a little more talkative especially to those that seem a bit more out of place than normal in Beach City. She politely nods at Kotone's explanation about chicken wings. She then turns and places her order for, "Just the bits, please." like Steven would tossing some money at Peedee Fryman. "I do." She responds while giving said dreadlocked kid a glare to which he unconsciously shivers while doing his work in the back.

    "A snatcher?" Her tone bemused as she's sure it'll be strange whatever it is. As she receives the bag of bits she steps back and allows Kotone to order. "Odd Story?" She head tilts for a moment as Kotone asks if Garnet wants to hear it, looks towards the Big Donut and decides to pick up a little more for Steven and maybe Amethyst.

    Bobbing her head in the direction of the second restaurant as she begins to leg her way there, she adds a simple as reply to the question, "Sure."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Ya a snatcher don't know what he's talking about relaly but he's a strange one. At least he doesn't make me feel like meat right? As for why I'm here? My home world was attacked by some pretty nasty customer and I was trying to help stop the attack but I was taken down pretty hard and a boy from here named Steven pulled my rear out of the fire bubbling me I think the term was honestly? It gets trippy here and your going to think I'm insane. They were ... after medical waste, namely a part of me. It's a long story but the theif threw it into something called the Sea of Tears and produced this stiched together horror that thinks it me and she came after me. Again Steven showed up later bailing me out ... again."
Garnet     "He is." Garnet's snappy response to Kotone calling Ronaldo 'a strange one'. She tilts her head at the meat comment noting to ponder the meaning of that later, context and vague memories of shows she has seen in passing on Steven's TV give her a good idea of meaning but still best to check it out.

    She has a minor hitch in her step as she hears 'Steven' then it is made abundantly clear it's her Steven by Kotone being bubbled and appearing in Beach City. Again context gives Garnet a lot of clues that Steven is home and her decision to pick up treats will pay divdends very soon.

    "Weirder things have happened." Garnet says this with a shrug when Kotone says she will think her insane. Meanwhile, the door to the Big Donut is pulled open and Garnet allows Kotone to step in before following her in. Behind the counter is a short girl with fluffy looking blond hair, "Welcome to the Big Donut!" She says with a bit of forced cheer as it is near the end of her shift.

     Garnet nods to her before looking at Kotone, "How'd waste come to life?" She inquires in her slight monotone as she approaches the counter as the blond girl blinks in surprise at both Garnet and the unusual looking Japanese woman in front of her, "D-donuts?" She asks helpfully.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Medical waste is a term for things left over from medical procedures, cancerous flesh, organs from cyberenbtic replacement or even whole body parts from similar process as for why it was reanimated? Dark magic, very dark magic. The Tear Dinkers wish to destroy everything save for the thing they seem to worship they live to spread suff. It's bad news..."

She pauses at Sadie and tilts her head. "Sure! I'll take two old faqhsioned ones if you have them!" She noes before looking to Garnet sighing abit.

"It's nasty and Steven's had several run ins with them. They /feed/ off suffering and negative emotions too."
Garnet     Garnet remains stone faced as Kotone explains medical to her and how it came to life, dark magic would explain a lot though Gems didn't really classify magic as 'dark' or 'light' it was just magic. "They sound lovely." Garnet's monitone has a tinge of distaste in it.

    Sadie also hears part of Kotone's explanation and visibly pales a bit at the thought of all that, "Ye...sure!" She shakes it off and goes about collecting the requested sugar treats in circular form. She pauses looking from Garnet to Kotone, "I-is Steven okay?" Her worry quite evident.

    Garnet seemingly remains cool as Kotone explains though she grits her beneath her impassive features before she looks at Sadie, "A box of Steven's favorites." She says before looking at Kotone, "He has been alright right?"
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa looks over to Sadie for a moment. "Steven's fine don't worry about it. I'm the one whom he's saved twice to be honest and yes he's doing fine. He's a good kid and pretty responsible with things given what he can do." He's not running aroudn terrorizingf Beach City after all or else where right? "It's hard to think some of the things I deal with ... are so alien to my life from before. Honestly? I'm from a coastal city a lot like this on my oen world."
Garnet     Sadie seems very relieved at Kotone's words and lets out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding as she nods at Garnet and collects a dozen of Steven's assorted favorites.

    Garnet gives a gentle nod in response that he's alright but otherwise her features don't seem to change, "He is." She afirms that he's a good kid and pretty responsible. "The multiverse is more massive than anyone can understand, we'll all see more than we ever imagined or hoped we would see." She pauses to adjust her visor glasses, "But for every terrible thing, there will be an amazing thing."

    "Did it have a boardwalk?" While her features are neutral there is a very wry tone to her otherwise monotone voice.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "A bit of one, the town's built right up to the beach it went for mostly a hiking trail along the water connecing right to some of the streets. Your right but I mean? The fact I'm traveling from world to world. Neve rplanned on that it just kind of happened honestly. The region's a temperate rainforest, massive evergreen trees, lots of rain around this time of year."
Garnet     Garnet nods as Kotone tells her about her hometown. "Sounds nice." She adds politely before Kotone continues about traveling from world to world. "Life has a way of changing plans and being different than anything you could have imagined or seen coming at times." Again she adjusts her visor, "The amazing is usually worth all the terrible you have to deal with."

    She nods again at how Kotone describes her home region as Sadie shows up with the dozen donuts. Garnet produces some money while Sadie rings them up, giving her exact change as she gave the total. "So you left home?" She asks as she turns and heads back towards the door with a final nod at the girl behind the register.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "It is, but that's true. At least I discovered for every thing that might be anightmare there's a friend out there too you know?" She'll take the donus and will start to eat at her own and she'll pay out. "Not entirely but I don't spend much time there I tend to live out of my ship a lot, I admit. Offically? I am a mechanic and vechile desiner one of my designs is slightly popular with couriers and adventuring sorts in the multiverse
Garnet     Giving a small smile Garnet waits by the door while Sadie rings Kotone out as well, pleased that Kotone had gotten what she meant. Then once Kotone had finished paying, she leans back slightly on the door and opens it. "You have a ship?" Her voice more indicating a request for more info as opposed to surprise Kotone had said she traveled after all. "What sort of design is it?" She asks as she lets the door swing closed having held it for the other woman unless she indicated she wanted to get it herself.

    Stepping away from the Big Donut Garnet heads towards the beach proper while her head tilts up and she pauses to stare up for a moment the sun had set and the night was cool and clear as the vast expanse of stars filled the sky especially this far from the lights of the boardwalk proper. She then continues on obviously in the direction of the Beach House if Kotone had been there before, "So Steven saved you?" Again the tone asking for more info instead of surprise.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Yes, salvaged it about two years ago now. Named it after a famous sailing the Bluenose it works pretty well and it's a Falcon-Class Frigate" She walke along with Garent and she replies "Note when I mean ship it's a space ship. I get around to be honest and as for that? Yes I was taken down pretty hard and he shielded me from further attacks from the Tear Drinkers, with is barrier."
Garnet     For her part Garnet nods at the fact it's a spaceship though she knows nothing about a ship called the Bluenose she's at least aware of the fact humans like to name their ships. "It's a big ship then?" She grins proudly as Kotone explains how Steven saved her, "Glad he could help." She'd have to let him know he'd done well later. With that they round the corner to see Steven's Beach house in the distance, "Have you met all the other Crystal Gems yet?"
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Big enough for me and my co pilot to live in and a workshop along with cargospace. It's been upgraded a few time shonestly. I met a few I met Rose, Pearl and Lapis." She notest tiling her head and pauses. "Though Lapis ... is deeply troubled I can't even get the idea of the things someone who can live that long might deal with. I'm grappling with the idea of having a few cenuturies to my own life." She grins for a moment. "Anyway with that the Tear Drinkers are really nasty they tend to use thier music to drain hope and postive emotions from thier victems and they feed off the suffering they cause they seem to want to end all life...and leave nothing but their music playing in the void."
Garnet     Again Garnet nods as the information is interesting but she has nothing to really add to it at this time. She continues walking as Kotone speaks about which Gems she's met and stops dead at the mention of Rose, Pearl at least makes sense, and then her jaw drops at the mention of Lapis. She stands there processing for a very long moment remaining utterly still and silent. Finally she closes her mouth while she was listening to the other woman still she'd think about that later.

    "Did you say in Rose Quartz?" Garnet asks very calmly before she continues, "And Lapis Lazuli?" Trying to confirm if she'd heard everything correctly.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "I did say yes to both? Is there somethign wrong? Rose Quartz is from another timeline though from what radio chatter I have heard. I haven't pressed about it I didn't wish to be rude. I feel like I'm stepping into something older than human history honestly. Yes and I said Lapis Lazuli both are with the Union as well, Garnet. Have ... I said something wrong?"
Garnet     Kotone confirms things and Garnet is still floored but she gathers herself takes a deep breath then shakes her head at the other woman, "No, you didn't say anything wrong at all. I just didn't think I'd see Rose Quartz again." She grins a little bit, "Another of those amazing things about the multiverse." She starts walking again, "And as far as Lapis goes...I guess I've been gone longer than I thought."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "It can be, you know one other nice thing? It's nice knowing we're not alone in everything and not everything is things born from our most primal nightmares. Maybe so Garent right? Still a lot to learn. Magic, aliens, alternate histories? It can get very crazy honestly. This entire situation reminds me of an old curse that is still popular to utter. May you live in interesting times, it's pretty apt for this, isn't it? Now lets get those Donuts to Steven before they get cold?"
Garnet     "Yep!" Garnet's simple reply is given as they finally make it to the door of the Beach House. "I guess." She shrugs as far as it being a curse, "Though I don't think I've lived in uninteresting times." She blinks behind her visor weren't all the donuts from the displays? Oh well maybe they weren't the fry bits might still get cold. "Hey! Steven guess what?!" She calls as she enters the house...