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Flamel Parsons     There's another mess of humanoid figures distantly visible right at the front of the castle, having climbed the terrifying drops of Draco's Teeth, next to a titanic set of doors. The castle those doors are attached to rises up high into the night sky. A robot or two, a demon, lots of folks with incredibly unusual hair colors, and a jaunty Indiana Jones fellow looking like he's going to head in there. And he...

    He doesn't wait for the group to arrive. They'll possibly get the chance to see him before he heads in, but some other group just met up with him and somehow he ignored the others approaching him and went inside ten minutes early. He leads them into the castle and the doors shut behind him. The huge castle itself, well... It's astronomy-themed. A mass of lights indicate a pseudo-planetarium interior. But one of the lights seems conspicuously busted.

    Also worth noting is that, right on the side of the big double-doors that mark the entrance to the castle, now visible on the exterior, is another door. Much smaller, cheaper, and marked with the words "STAFF ENTRANCE". The main doors look heavy and absurdly massive, hardly worth opening before one tries the rather less absurdly difficult door. Also-also worth noting are a set of scattered signs that can be found near the entrance, cleverly swept away behind rocks or deposited in much more distant trash cans between the spaces in the castle. They read things like, "NO MORE COMMUTE ROCKSLIDES", "REHEARSAL SHOULDN'T MEAN HOSPITALIZATION", or just simply "STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE!!!"
Rhapsody     Coffee. Coffee is delicious. This is the drink Rhapsody has choosen to be sipping on when she arrives to whatever it is that's going on. She isn't SURE what's even going on. She just knew Flamel and a few others are here, she was curious, and she decided to show up and help however it is she can. Whatever that means. "Yo."
Flamel Parsons     Parsons is all dressed up in his usual MIB adventuring sort of outfit, no special effects this time. He waves to Rhapsody, a long-time ally inasmuch as any allies are long-time these days. He's busy pondering the central door as if it were a tremendous puzzle. "I think he went ahead without us? But there's... I mean, the signal's still going. And it wasn't supposed to go that early. Do you think we can catch up with him, or...?" He plants his hand on his chin, still peering and pondering.
Rhapsody The Guildmaster walks up, glances at the Agent, the Door, and then takes a pull from her coffee. She makes a ponderous noise before speaking, "So... who are you talking about and what's the door?"
Gawain Sir Gawain is also here, armor not quite summoned because he has no idea what's going on. The Knight of the Sun just walks up to the others, and seems puzzled. "Well, I think the only thing to do is to keep going ahead and see what's going on!"

And then, Gawain goes to open the staff door. What's back here?
Staren     Staren has, for once, shown up /out/ of his armor. That business about raiding a castle... it sounds like it's some sort of roleplaying game that got put on the emergency channel. Still... Someone's got to at least look into it and make sure they don't keep using the wrong channel, right?

    "Hey Rhapsody, Parsons, Gawain. I think we should try the staff entrance and look for a communications room. Yes, let's..." he follows Gawain!
Flamel Parsons     The door opens easily. Behind it, a muffled voice is audible. "Okay-- Okay, so he went ten minutes early. Alright. Alright, that's alright. Everyone, position please! Quick, quick! Specifically-- that is, specifically quicker than Coordination said, by exactly ten minutes. Break a leg, everybody! Main set pose is in three... Two... One...-- Hold positions! Someone at the door. I'll get it! Keep going, keep going!"

    The door swings open into a series of back rooms. Little brick hallways heading up towards a main office that's just as bricky and sparse, where someone's shoved some of the signs and where a lot of prop gold treasure is sitting, between the desks and the doors (some of which are horribly jammed). A scrawny man with an earpiece is sitting here who looks very authoritative and respectable and is not Alan who got transferred from the paint shop department, desperately trying to call out directions. He's carrying four clipboards at once, it's all very complicated. He looks frazzled out of his goddamn mind.

    "So this is... So, listen. Listen, this is a bit awkward. Um. The scene-- that is, the adventure you were supposed to have. Today, I mean. He started it early, for... For some reason. It's a bit awkward. They've... Gone in early, so, I can't... I mean, you can't... You can't... You can't. You can't. Have the adventure. I'm... Sorry." He lets loose a despairing sigh. "I'm sorry. We're generally-- See, we're generally quite oganized. We're just... There's something like a strike situation going on. So we're a bit-- Well, we're understaffed, see?"

    An idea seems to strike him. "Do you think-- I mean, do you think that's an adventure? I mean, there's danger and stress and horrible challenges, that's like an adventure right? Does that work? I'm just-- Hhhhhh..." He yells more directions into his earpiece about weather, and then suddenly a thunderstrike is heard outside. He sounds like he's about to cry.
Rhapsody The doors swing open to ... something entirely anti-climactic. Rhapsody just gives a long glance to the frazzled man, tilts her head, and wonders if all those clipboards mean he should be working for her. "Ah, ok ok, slow down for a moment," she suggests as she speaks to the coordinator that clearly does this for a job. Nothing else! Clearly. "We .. don't get to do what we -came- here for.. but you want us to help you with some jerk that cut in line?" Eye narrow. LONG sip of coffee.

    "Sure, why not?" and the weight of the dragon's gaze vanishes. From somewhere in her coat, she produces a straw, puts it in the coffee, and then offers it to the man. "Here, I know that look. You need this more than me."
Flamel Parsons     "Oh thank christ. We're down to-- We're down to three people here in Production and it's... It's like a coffee drought, I can't deal with, just, just... THANK you!" The Production Director takes the coffee, almost dropping two of his clipboards, and just fucking chugs it all at once. "Christ do we need the help. I really appreciate it. Listen, you can have-- We're up to our NECKS in treasure right now, for this, for this treasure room. Can't even walk the halls without-- I swear, we've had more accidents from people tripping on treasure than anything else. You can-- I mean, you can just go wild and grab all you want while you help. You know, if that sweetens the deal."
Maya Maya dreads this day strange things happen that she can never clearly recall the next day and is troubles her after a decade or more of it happening she just 3wnt to stay home. However some force compells her to check this out as she moves to fall in along with Rhapsody it was good to see her and she grinned abit at the dragon.

"Hey good to see you."

he Then turns for a moment and blinks. "Is there anything we can do to help...but just what is going on here?"
Rhapsody     Wow. If she had known it was so bad here, she would have brought a whole pot for the poor guy. "Treasure? R-really?" Do you -realize- who you just told they could have as much treasure as they want? A -dragon-? If anyone could see the expression on Rhapsody's face, it's entirely starstruck. "I will do -whatever- you want me to do. And I hope everyone else here will too!" A nod is given Maya, then a smile and a 'JUST GO WITH IT' jaw movement is given Staren and Gawain.
Staren     Staren is about to start explaining things when Rhapsody... finds a direction to take things. "Um... sure. We'll help out. Where's, uh... do you have a place to run all this from, or is it just you and your earpiece?"
Gawain As the Production Director requests help, Gawain kneels, a knightly kneel. "Of course we'll help you if you're in such a great need! Just tell us where to go and what to do, and we'll help you." Gawain actually accepts before he's told 'there'll be money', not even paying much attention to it. "Now then, everyone! Let us fix the production!"
Flamel Parsons     Maya's question seems to get answered quickly. The panic kind of quick. "How can you help? God. Can I sell a metric-- I mean, can you just take all this treasure and give me a better stage staff? God, I wish. No, no, no. So-- So we've got a few problems. First off, is-- First of is, our dragon operator's... Um... Well he's missing, see, and James says he's going to operate the dragon but James is an asshole, and I need-- Look, does anyone have any experience operating large machinery? I mean-- I mean just, stupid large machinery? And maybe, maybe, um, and maybe willing to learn /realy/ quick?" The Production Director shoves a stack of books on one of the desks over, then tries to shout a command out to the crew while reviewing two clipboards at once and sorting the books with his feet, looking for an instruction manual.

    "We've also got this-- We've got this star lighting problem. Lighting is gone, I think they went and joined the strike because of-- Um. Because of-- Because of all the... Well, it involves a sun. Anyone here got... Sssssun experience?"

    "And then, and then I think the weather department just broke down, they're putting out a storm when it's supposed to be clear starry night and I'm not sure how long it is until the roleplayers figure out what that rain's coming from. The pipes are just-- We had a firm for fixing them, but our rep quit and plumbing firms are some kind of eldritch nightmare, can any of you fix machines? Like, lots of machines, very fast?" He flips something on his clipboard like he needs to read the cure to a deadly disease on the other side. "And--and--and-- And our Theme Music Links department isn't even responding to me right now, if any of you have musical talent and can work a sound system or you can... Can do some kind of music-setting, I don't know how long it is until the GM tries to post a theme music link but it's going to be a /disaster/ if there's no /music/ on it." He says "/disaster/" like he really means lots of people dying.

    He looks with a panicked look at Staren. "I had-- Well, you see, I was supposed to have one. But then something-- Something that was, I mean, something REALLY corrosive leaked in from the upstairs, but I couldn't get into the upstairs room because it was being used to store more treasure, and I just... Have to keep doing this anyway." More on-the-verge-of-tears-ness in his voice.
Staren     "I could animate your treasure into golems, if you want." Staren points out. And then flatly replies, "I'm a mecha pilot. And I can fix stuff."
Rhapsody Yep. Poor fella needs more coffee. Or maybe less? All the stammering makes it clear how nervous he probably is, "ok! OK ok, I was getting ready to learn how to pilot a few things back home, and I -am- a dragon, so if you point me at the dragon, I will make it dragon.." Rhapsody decides, eyeing the books. That is a lot of books. "Alright, lets see," Dragon engines 101. How to make sure your dragon engine doesn't eat you.. "Lovely.."
Maya Maya isn't too big on the money but a dragn tht does get her attention and she just gets with going with the madness. At least it's not demon furbies, she muses. With that in mind she looks to the woman for a moment. "So you need someone to play the dragon huh? I could give it a try."
Flamel Parsons     The Production Director looks with horror at Staren. The idea of the treasure is awful to him, the idea of it walking around is just a nightmare. "Please no thank you." He says. The book is written almost entirely in russian, except for a section written in french. It isn't even actually a book. It appears to actually be a hastily-bound set of printouts of internet-pirated copies made of the actual book. The pictures, at least, make the operation a little clearer, but it's still going to be horrifically strange.

    "Fantastic. Fantastic, fantastic. Just, um, just try to use it like... Like construction equipment! You know. Levers and switches and... And not breaking the equipment so we can get our deposits back. I'll have any of you with experience for that, on that, but I'll send you... Through Mechanics and Weather too. You'll have to... Have to go through there anyway. Listen, some of it's flooded so just... Very carefully check any doors you open first. If you see running water at the bottom please for the-- Please for the love of god just don't open."

    He guides the group to one of the doors marked "BACKSTAGE". A twisty, convoluted, absurd mess of storage rooms and prep rooms and HALLWAYS EVERYWHERE. Everything's storing ancient treasures at various incredibly inconvenient sizes and shapes, some stuck in doors, lodged in corners, or jammed under shutter doors. The Production Diretor can't stay with them, though! He has to go attend to other things.

    It'll take a lot of work to get into Mechanics, which most will note is currently flooded with water up to one's ankles. It's flowing from, presumably, the broken weather department. The music department is marked with a number of signs that say "MUSIC IN PROGRESS", and lights that are... Utterly unlit. Some of them have sticky notes that say "IF THIS IS UNLIT WHILE PRODUCT. IS HAPPENING, CALL ALAN ASAP".
Rhapsody     A bewildered look creeps across Rhapsody's face as she starts to skim the book. "What ... language.." she stutters before finding pictures. YAY PICTURES. The international language that everyone can understand. She starts to flip through the second one as the 'director' continues, listening all the while. As everyone gets moving, the book is kept in one hand and she just follows along

    Then there's splashing. Water? This gets the dragon to put away the book in her coat only to gaze at the labrynthine backstage area. "This... is insane. . . I LOVE IT!" Suddenly, she's all full of energy, letting Gawain take care of the light issue. Seems the dragon is rushing ahead, trying random doors, MAYBE pushing random buttons, if she can find them and nothing warns her NOT to. There's plenty of notes around..
Gawain As the group goes ahead, Gawain spots the unlit lights. He calls over the radio to Alan, and is informed this is related to the music - and is highly dangerous. Nodding to himself, he turns to the others. "You go on ahead! I'll deal with the music situation!" And then, Gawain splits off from the group, heading for the Music Department. He keeps the door cracked so he can check on the lights, though!
Staren     "I can handle some water." Staren comments. When he gets to the actual flooded area, he sighs and has his shoes shift into boots. His mapping software is tracking the hallways, so that shouldn't be a problem... but he does find himself drawn to fidn the source of the water and stop it. This is just unsafe!
Maya Maya isten to the chat on the radio at the mention of GM though she htinks about some table top games that she knows of from earth but pushes it out of mind as Maya moves into hep where she can evne if she doesn't end up running the dragon she doesn't mind this is certianly something different, something very differen. She was actually smiling fgor once as she moves to follow laong her friend and she tilts her head looks over things for a moment getting an idea of what needs to be done.

"...This is really impressive and given all the crawling I have done pretty accurate too."
Flamel Parsons     Getting around here is a fucking nightmare.

    Just an example of the sort of things people are having to deal with. There's a shutter door between Staren and the Weather department, closed but not enough to block the water. When he presses the button to open it up, it goes up about two feet and the stops, then refuses to go either down or up. This is a pretty significant access route blockage. This probably has something to do with the post-it notes nearby. "CONTACT REPAIRS RE: DOOR", then "CONTACT SET DESIGN RE: REPAIRS", then "CONTACT REPAIRS RE: SET DESIGN". Fantastic. similar fiascos, everything from burst pipes along the walls to lights that have fallen into the middle of the floor to /more fucking treasure/ make getting there less of a danger and more of an Elite-level annoyance.

    Elsewhere, Rhapsody pushes switches and buttons. Most of them modulate the water flow, or fix some of the bad backstage lighting. One of them toggles the lock on the music room that Gawain needs to get into, but isn't even remotely near it for some reason. One opens prop storage, a shuttered door, which immediately dumps a series of statues on Rhapsody. Dangerous!!! One of the buttons has the label "MUMMY DEPLOYMENT" and the post-it note just says "BUDGET????"

    When Rhapsody presses it, nothing happens, besides a weird ominous noise somewhere else and Alan getting whiny on the radio. Staren and any of those mechanically inclined who choose to follow him do wind up finding the weather department, though, an elaborate pipe hell requiring an intimdate knowledge of salvage and machinery and pressure to get working again. Shorted-out buttons spark on the walls, and the switch to cancel rain is, ironically, submerged below the slightly deeper flooding of the room. They've faced down far more dramatic repair challenges before, but none quite so absurd and annoying.

    Also treasure. Did I mention that? It's still stacked up on the pipes, some of it even covering up breaches. Speaking of treasure, our national treasure Sir Gawain manages to get into the music department only after the unlock buttons get accidentally pressed, and when he gets in there, it looks like an orchestra has just up and quit. Resignation letters all over, the works. There is a computer here, and microphone, to work out the youtube solution! The company will deal with getting sued for copyright infringement later, one hopes.
Rhapsody     BUTTONS. Buttons get pressed. Door buttons, random buttons, music buttons, Mummy Button? Meh! Pressed. Though with so few results -near by- it isn't very interesting for long. Then a bunch of statues fall on her. "AUGH STATUES!" Crash, clatter, crunch. "Ow..." the dragon mutters, rubs at her head, and decides, "No more buttons..." headtilt. "For now.." Up and off down the halls, crazy halls, up halls down halls sideways halls, honestly the steam mazes are bad but this is -worse-. "I don't know where i'm going~" Rhapsody singsongs as she goes.
Staren     Stuck doors are not an obstacle to Staren unless they're MDC.

    Debris in the way is annoying. Staren picks up and sets aside the first light or two, then starts just stepping, jumping, or flying over them. Same with all the treasure. Sheesh, what is with all this treasure just lying around? He'd expect it in a Sburb kid's house, not a random theater.

    Once he reaches Weather Control, Staren looks around, and sets repair spray to work on the pipes before putting on his vacsuit and going for the underwater switch. Then there's all the water already here. If there's an exterior wall here, he might make a hole to let it drain.
Gawain As Gawain crosses into the Music Room, he frowns at the lack of people there, and all the resignation letters. So instead, he heads up to the computer, and sees the microphone, getting an idea. Booting up Youtube, he syncs it to the speakers and then speaks into the microphone, tapping it a few times. "Testing, testing! I'm Sir Gawain, and I'll be your DJ tonight! I don't know what the song was supposed to be, so let me just pick the first thing off my playlist..."

And then, the music starts.

"There you go! Smooth hits and, uh, something something a DJ would say, brought to you by Sir Gawain! Please enjoy!"
Maya Maya will leve the Dragon expert to be the DRagon for this she hopes Rhaposdy is having fun with this. She gets her wya back stage to start working with the weather efrecs sure some things light lighting would be best handled ith effects but rain she could totally do rain however things nee to be repaird and she'll move in to star looking for tools to rix thing.

"Staren .... we need to get it workng.." She sighs for a moment as she attemps to get on her belly and crawl inside.
Flamel Parsons     Maya and Staren working together on the mess of pipes, salvaging broken sections and repairing cracked pipes, helps. Staren deals best with the parts that are mostly functional but need repairs, while Maya deals best with the things that are just fully one-hundred-percent fucking busted, given her salvage abilities.

    Eventually, the water level begins to lower. It's hard to judge what wall is exterior but Staren opened it up to something that LOOKS like it's outside at the very least. The flow of water itself gets stopped through some deft repairs from Maya, and the drainage system is eventually re-engaged by the pair of them, locking into place. The sound of the storm disperses, finally,

    The audio Gawain has picked seems to be getting played on a set somewhere else. There's the muffled sound of a GM's narration, and chatter about confusing links for the scene themes, coming from the other side of the room. The door heading there seems to be heading towards Boss Operations and Astrophenomena, but Alan was just talking about how something was iffy about that, wasn't he...?

    Well, in any case, he still has to settle on his music. For now, Rhapsody should be able to properly get through, though she'll have to maneuver around more damn ANNOYING TREASURE and the busted doors and such. THankfully, the flooding is stopping.

    Now that the flooding's done, they can head down the stairs towards boss operations, a hall which was previously flooded up to its ceiling. Beyond that is an extremely vertical room with a lot of scaffolding going up at least five floors, and what looks like a mixture of chunks of treasure and bits of mechanical dragon lying around uselessly. Are there supposed to be this many spare parts for a mechanical dragon? How are they affording this? This is still mostly backstage, but the group can see a sort of plywood set for one half of a large boss battle chamber, with a big control apparatus attached to their side of the wall.
Rhapsody         Such Treasure. Very Shiny. Wow.

Don't even think that Rhapsody hasn't been picking up the random odd or end from all the massive piles of treasures all around the back area. Once she's through weather and moving along, wiggling here and waggling there through bugged doors and damp halls. "I'm so building a place like this," she muses to herself as she comes upon the Vertical Room, the dragon, all the extra parts, "...There... are a lot of parts laying around for your dragon engine," she transmits before spotting the controls. "Hmm..."
Gawain After several minutes of searching, Gawain finds the perfect boss fight music. After asking about it, he sets a song on queue. Though with how long the queue is...someone's probably going to have to skip the other songs. "Boss music queued for when you're ready, picked from my Greatest Hits collection!" After this, Gawain moves up to take the catwalks to the Boss Operations...

And is told to be as quiet and careful as possible. And Gawain's going to do a good job! So slowly, carefully, he begins crawling along the catwalk, trying not to cause it to fall. If it does...he could probably jump back up, but that'd be a problem. Also, there's a problem in that he keeps giving himself a mantra, which might be jarring. "Steady, steady, steady, keep on going, keep on going, keep on going, steady, steady, steady..."
Staren     At this point Staren thinks to scan the treasure for magic as he passes. If any actually is, he grabs some. If not... well, some gold can always be sold for useful stuff like raw materials.

    Onward to the boss room! "Geeze. Did they used to have a second dragon...?" If he can identify where some of the parts go, he flies them into place. "Is there a manual for this thing?"
Flamel Parsons     There's a manual. Rhapsody might still have it. The book is written almost entirely in russian, except for a section written in french. It isn't even actually a book. It appears to actually be a hastily-bound set of printouts of internet-pirated copies made of the actual book.
Maya Maya is just string t t6he state thigns are. "This is a mess when was the last time something was fixed here?" Maya's also soaked and just accepting it at this 0point but it seems they are able to get things done. This is truly a crazy bit of multiveral exploraiton but so far nothign horrible has happend to the very old elite and that leaves her happy. She keeps working away and she looks over ot STaren hoping they can get out of this mess all right. She is just now is going to mvoe to help Staren evne though she's dripping water, seriously her hair alone likely holds enough to fill a fish tank.

"Humm good thining there Staren."
Flamel Parsons     The controls match up with stuff in the book. The pictures are... Mostly... Informative? Mostly sensible? They seem to at least be logical. They, too, are labeled in russian, but an Izzet intuition has to be good for something. It should let her... Get movements down. And being a dragon can cover the rest, probably.

    Alright, from here, it looks like Staren and Maya can combine their mechanical talent to finish assembling the dragon. Maya's abilities will give her more advantage with the internal cooling, oil, and similar systems, as well as overall part structure, while Staren's going to have a better time with the robotics and the weapons. There's a machine labeled "FIRE BREATH SOURCE - WARNING!!!" that has to get slotted in, particularly. More russian labels on what its settings are. Who knows if it's set right, since the manual -- even translated -- is nonsensical about it. A lot of these parts are undertuned, too, like badly maintained. A bit of help for them, from either mechanic, will do wonders.

    Gawain manuvers above the group. It's a CREAKY thing, and entire sections are actually already missing, having dropped weeks ago and just never been replaced. His mantra actually winds up almost catching a glance, but they don't think to look up when what looks like the lower half of a mummy -- that is, all legs, no torso -- wanders in and is promptly shot down by one of the adventurers.

    Eventually he gets to what looks like some kind of big audio setup with a mic. It's run up on a platform above the boss fight chamber itself, which is covered in gold and contains a central star-shaped treasure, as well as the front half of the dragon. They're gonna be there a little too soon...!
Gawain Gawain finally makes it to the boss audio chamber, and is told to stall the group, in an ominous but not meaningful way. So, he begins wracking his brain...something ominous, but doesn't really mean anything. Aha! In the end, Gawain finally figures out something that's been bugging him for a long time, and prepares his voice, before speaking into the microphone. For Gawain, it's a startling change - a deeper voice, starting with a booming laugh. "Tell me, foolish adventurers, who think they can reach me. I have a conundrum for you. Do you think you can solve something even I cannot?"

Continuing with that loud, booming voice, Gawain actually sounds like a great dragon villain, as he poses the most dangerous conundrum. "Chicago-style pizza. Can anyone /prove/ that it truly comes from Chicago? Do we have the earliest receipts and recipes, the earliest footage showing it was created in Chicago? No, we only have testimonies, and people's claims! We only have what people say is true...but we can't be certain. What if, is it possible, that Chicago-style pizza is from /New York/...and New York-style pizza is from Chicago?"
Rhapsody     Meanwhile, the ACTUAL dragon in the backstage marches up to the control console and .. well. If the dragon is talking, it needs to be moving! So, as Gawain starts to boom about the possibilities of a NYC slice and a Chicago slice, Rhaps flips a few pages, sees a jaw with arrows between the upper and lower halves, a lever on the console, and she starts to manipulate the jaw! "Speak dragon, speak! Bwahahaha!"
Staren     Staren flutters about the workings of the dragon like some kind of repair fairy, reconnecting parts and spraying bits of repair spray or lubricant like needed. He... he just doesn't have any comment on Gawain's monologue.
Maya Maya is abl to get the dragon together she work with the itnerals she knos that while Staren knows the weapons. After all it was her brother Grubb who handles the weapons and robotics whe it comes ot the tech stuff unless its a rifle then Maya knows wsomethin there what could go wrong with Gawain as the voice of the dragon what could be wrong. Everything that's what could go wrong.

Maya just kinda breaks at Gawain there's this look one might have of an Android whose eaten a logic paradox they can't handle and is just kinda staring now as she tries to work almost mindlessly.
Flamel Parsons     It's almost possible to HEAR Alan on the verge of crying, trembling somewhere backstage as he hears this, ready to hear this production utterly crumble. But it doesn't quite. Chatter, both from the roleplayers and from mysterious disembodied voices, begins. It's muffled backstage, but Gawain can hear both parallel discussions of the merits and values of chicago and new york pizza, as well as what qualifies as either. It just sparks off an entirely different argument.

    They eventually find a way of delivering pizza-related HEROIC CHALLENGES, which is kind of incredibly silly to watch. Thank goodness for that convincing jaw-work for the titanic dragon sitting atop his treasure pile. MORE TREASURE. This gives Staren and Maya all the time they need to complete the assembly! Parts are refined and amped up to their proper capacity. And now, Rhapsody gets to fight the group! Operating mostly the legs and jaws, obviously, while Staren and Maya work the fire breath, claws, and other such dangerous weapons.

    The group makes their approach, attacking what looks like intentionally disposable flesh-like layers on the outer structure of the thing!

    Then the music starts:

    Elsewhere, Alan has his clipboards pressed to his face, and is sort of sob-screaming into them. In the main chamber, the adventurers seem to move much more oddly, as if confused in some way that has little to do with the music. A sort of confusion of enthusiasm? Of tone? It's strange. The boss operations shouldn't have too much trouble with their movements and weapons, though good lord, they can cause some real damage to the adventurers if they're not careful. And the same in turn; Rhapsody is going to have to move increasingly exposed ACTUAL IMPORTANT mechanical bits out of the way of the genuine adventurer power, pretty regularly, before she lets them have finally slain their boss.

    If Staren and Maya accidentally put the weapons to full power, especially the dragon breath, it will immediately and completely incinerate every adventurer in the room, aside from Gawain up on his safe catwalk. There are absolutely no warning signs for that. Also: The machines are HEINOUSLY dangerous to handle. Lots of exposed moving parts and exposed fire.
Rhapsody     "And now, my monster, move! MOOOOOOOVE!" Pause. A peer is given the book. Paaageflip. Flip. FLIP. FLIP FLIP FLIP FLIP. "... Welp." The book is tossed over her shoulder. "That book didn't have what I needed! TIME TO WING IT! WOOOOOO!" She should have brought book 303: How to make your Dragon Engine Dance! Instead of 202, how to make your Dragon Engine sing. Oh well! Levers are moved, buttons are pressed, and a massive red button begins to glow. "LETS GOOOO!"

        Button Pressed.

Nothing could POSSIBLY GO WRONG, right?
Staren     Staren avoids using the fire breath except for showy deliberate misses, unless he sees someone blatantly cast a barrier spell or something first. He /was/ paying attention to Alan's warning. He focuses on using the claws. Not /trying/ to kill them, but not too concerned about getting them Actually Hurt. They have healing spells, right?
Gawain Gawain's distraction works perfectly! And therefore he doesn't understand that that was ridiculous, and therefore thinks everyone enjoys it. He actually starts jazzing along to the boss theme as it plays, but then the fighting starts. He returns to the speakers, taking over the role with that booming voice. "I shall reveal to you, foolish and doomed adventurers, my name. I am Chk'e'chse, and I SHALL DESTROY YOU ALL! NOW FEAR MY ULTIMATE WEAPON! THE HEAT OF FIVE SUNS, ULTIMATE PIZZA COOOOOKAAAAAAAAAAH!"

And then, Gawain frantically cues to unleash ultimate weapons.
Rhapsody     And suddenly, for no reason at -all-, a broom falls in the RP room for no discernable reason. Probably between the dragon and the players. Sorry Alan!
Maya Maya has got things up and running but she's got to wonder about this this is clearly something staged and not for real, right? Still it's up high enogh to not end up killing anyone out right or so she hopes at the bveyr least given the mention of fatlities she's made her self quite nervous. They really don't really need to lose more people right? This is all suposed to be in good fun right? but Starten might have had other ideas.
Flamel Parsons     Combat against the dragon goes well. Aside from the broom. One of the adventurers tries to grab it and investigate it as a plot thing, and no doubt that sudden rush of discussion from strange, disembodied voices that only Gawain gets to hear has something to do with their insistence on trying to investigate the originsa.

    The suspension of disbelief is messed up, for a moment, a very harsh loss, but... But it BARELY scrapes through. BARELY, In fact, only by virtue of Gawain's... Very distracting monologues. By focusing on a larger mistake, the smaller but potentially more show-stopping mistake gets ignored. They manage to maintain the 'in-character' premise right up until Rhapsody pushes the big red button. There was a chance this would be a massive superweapon. There was a shot that this would kill every adventurer in here, and maybe hurt Gawain. But luckily, that was the death-simulation. Staren and Maya kept in safe boundaries. Thank GOD. The dragon is slain, dramatically... And the treasure is claimed.

    Alan, still despairing, is hard at work handling a completely absent lighting department. As they claim the treasure of the Star King, it's supposed to summon a star, obviously! And so here it comes, getting lowered and lit up dramatically! The entire lower half of it is soggy. What??? It appears that all the drained Weather water got flooded into the sun storage, which looked like it was outside because of the giant-sized prop sun inside it. The adventurers are taken aback, and Langeskov begins having to come up with a lot of incredibly silly explanation for why the Star King's treasure summoned a /wet star/ as he starts shooing them out.

    They exit, and the lights go dimmer... And the productionn is done.

    "...Okay. I think... I think we're all done. Roleplayer location says, they're leaving, and... I think we're all finished. It... It didn't work out right. Not even mostly. But it worked out sss...Sort of. it sort of worked. It-- Okay. It worked better than if you'd not been here. If you'd not been here it wouldn't been much-- It would've really been much worse I suppose. It's..." Alan rubs his face in a stressed way. With his clipboard. He's at least relieved. "At least we're all getting paid. You know I was supposed to be down in the paint shop, right? I've never done production in my /life/. Hang on, hang-- What is it, James?"

    There's the muffled noise of someone near Alan, speaking. "What do you mean you 'fixed' Weather? I just had someone go down to do it. What did you do?" More muffled sounds. "What? That's not-- What? It didn't have anything to do with-- AUGH!! WHY! WHY!!!" Whatever's got Alen in a panic shorts out his headpiece.

    What that is becomes clear the moment a massive gush of water smashes into the backstage, flooding out of the weather department, and immediately likely carries the entire group off, while breaking a vast majority of the stage equipment. Something structural happens above as a result of the oddities below, and Gawain's catwalk descends right into the waiting flow of water below. Barring some great need to stay here, this absolute fiasco of a production gets one hundred percent swept away and deposited in a wreck and a heap outside.

                                   THE END