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August Kohler The newly christened 'Watchtower Delta' is a shithole, to put it bluntly. An eerie, broken-down farm in the middle of a swamp, it's the type of place where you could set a horror movie. Which was the Watch's first encounter with it anyways. Now it's mostly been tapered off/claimed, with some work-tools set up, and a giant robot arm in the middle of a barn being tinkered and used as a shield generator. However, it needs a /lot/ of love: power, plumbing, repairs in general, stuff that isn't rotted.

August is here in full swamp-clothes because swamps are terrible, and has several bottles of bug repellant around his waist. He's waiting for the others to show up, looking over a piece of notebook paper and writing on it every so often. Coordinates have been sent out to those interested in taking a look (and also meeting each other in general).
Inga Freyjasdottir No, it is not a nice place. Furthermore, a farm in a swamp? What sort of crops can be grown in a swamp? And isn't it perrilous for animals? These are a few of the things going through Inga's mind as she traverses the swamp astride her horse, who looks rather annoyed with getting all mucky as well. A delicate grey horse, and likely spoiled rotten by her keeper. "There will be a few apples in this for you, worry not Jodis," she says. As the horse understood the word 'apple' she picks up the pace a bit, as if with renewed vigor.

When August is in sight she calls out her greeting. "Good day August--yes, this is...well, it needs a bit of work. It certainly is out of the way though," she comments. The petite wisewoman wears a long dress and cloak, them hems of which will soon be muddy if she's ever to dismount her horse. She is in no real hurry to do so, but supposes she shouldn't stay up there while everyone else is getting muddy. So, she slowly and somewhat awkwardly slides down from the saddle, retrieving her walking stick before digging for an apple for the horse--an August, if he wants one.

"So, what is to be the purpose of this place?" she asks.
A2     After the last (and first) time A2 had to follow Multiversal coordinates, a significant amount of time had to be dedicating to figuring out how to read them in future. It could be described as something fancy and technical, but the reality is that she had spent most of a night silently reading text logs and walking back and forth through a gate by herself, to quickly rid herself of the need for help.

    This doesn't do much for where she has to go. The instant she steps out, she has to contend with her four inch heels sinking precariously in wet soil and swamp muck. It's not like she had any other choice of what to wear, though. Without even that crappy, makeshift cloak from yesterday, she has only the sad remains of her black clothes left, as fashionable as they once may have been.

    Still, neither that, nor the insects seem to bother her. Considering the variegated tapestry of abrasions, scuffs, burns, and exposed seams, that is her bare skin, it seems logical to follow that the bugs wouldn't be interested in her either. It already seems like a miracle that she can still walk smoothly, never mind squelch through sodden fields on heels reserved for models.

    It's also noteworthy that she's come visibly armed. Whatever was wrong with her swords before, they're certainly fixed now, as they carefully float behind her, suspended by gold, grey and black 'magic circles' closely within arm's reach. She only has to take a short look at the area to tell what August had meant by it, but its advanced state of disrepair doesn't seem to phase her, nor does the giant robot arm. If anything, they're a mercifully lateral transition in sights to see.

    It takes her all of two seconds to find him, but considerably longer to reach a distance where she can point towards the farmhouse, look down at him, and ask "Is that it?", in a tone so neutral it's almost intimidating. Inga coming in on a horse monopolizes her attention for the next little while, where dark, violet eyes go to staring intensely at, of all things, her eating her apple. "You're with the Watch, right?"
August Kohler "Inga." August replies to the Wisewoman as she arrives, looking up from his checklist. He glances briefly at the horse, before at the apples, taking one as Inga offers and biting into it. "It's going to be a new safehouse, once it's pretty and useable. It's out of the way though, and is a big lot, so we should be able to make something out of it."

When A2 arrives, August gives her a brief wave with the hand with the paper, before pocketing it. "Yep. Isn't it beautiful?" The sarcasm is palpable. "You must be A2. Kohler. You, uh, could use some clothes." He may or may not be glancing away from her, because she's both beautiful and her outfit is in shreds. "Have you not bought clothes yet? You should /really/ buy clothes."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga turns and looks toward A2, her eyes widening slightly. She gives the woman a quick look over, her eyes lingering on the high-heels she wears. Well, she had mentioned not having 'swamp clothes' and Inga can't say she exactly has an outfit for specifically that purpose, but she did wear the clothing thats already a bit on the worn and plain side and her old leather boots that are made for getting dirty. No heels, naturally.

Now she feels a bit under-dressed.

"Ja," Inga answers her question. So this is one of the new voices on the radio? She wonders if she should offer to let the woman borrow a pair of shoes. "I am Inga Freyjasdottir," she greets, bowing her head a bit in introduction. "Are you quite alright?" she asks, noticing how banged up she is. Banged up, but otherwise unnervingly perfect.

It reminds her of something that creases her brow and sets a heavy stone in her stomach.

Inga looks back to August. "Well, I can't do too much with the physical labor, but I can help clean up a bit--but I thought more importantly, I can set the place up with wards. If it is to be a safe house you'll need wards," she comments, leaning lightly on her staff then pulling her long white braid over her shoulder, giving it a gentle tug.

Back to A2. "I have extra clothing if you need. All the dresses will be short but honestly, that might be to your benefit here," she says, wrinkling her nose.
Genji Shimada     "What, do you have a problem with my bare body as well?"

    Genji's voice comes from the rooftop. He wasn't there five seconds ago. Now he is. Boo.

    Casually, the shinobi hops off the roof to land lightly (and silently) on the ground, then casually strides across. He's carrying a brown-wrapped package under one arm. "Honestly, Kohler. You should be more at home in your skin. Like we are." But saying that, he shifts the wrapped package out from under his arm, makes an 'I'm gonna throw it' motion to A2, then actually does so, a lazy toss meant to be caught. "Even still, I suppose that it would benefit you to get around the Multiverse without drawing undue attention. So... Merry Christmas."

    Inside the package is a cloak. It's voluminous. It's billowy. It's black. It's perfect for being dramatic and/or hiding lots of weapons.
A2     A2 decides to give the dilapidated farm house a second look when August sarcastically insists upon its beauty. Her voice doesn't change a single note from its seemingly default tone of tired cynicism. "I've seen better." A beat. "I've seen worse."

    A2 seems much more entranced by Inga's choice of food, her cane, and even her walking gait, than the specifics of the dreary picture on display. Even as perpetually tired and distant as her eyes seem, they keep glancing sidelong to each new thing the wisewoman does, until she gets close enough that it isn't subtle anymore.

    Close enough to introduce herself, Inga can also get a better look. What could easily be mistaken for swamp dirt seems to be where her skin seems to have worn out somehow, and in other places, scraped away entirely. What could plausibly be assumed straps or shreds of fabric at a distance, are narrow splits in her flesh that reveal slivers of a black layer beneath. It's especially bad around the legs, where some parts of her 'boots' just look like blackened and eroded flesh, barely distinguishable from the clothing. Even without modern knowledge, they're difficult to mistake as human injuries up close. It's obvious as an lovingly made, sophisticated human facade, that has long started peeling away through endless wear and tear, most notably around points of articulation.

    So maybe that explains why being a quarter dressed isn't something that seems present on her mind. Her response to Inga is an unhelpful couple of seconds of watching her hand flex all its fingers, followed by a "Nothing to report." before she has to take a look up and down herself as August suggests she needs more coverage, taking a few seconds to comprehend. "Where would I?" she asks him back, slightly sullen. "Does it really matter that much? I have more important things to replace." Squish squish, goes the wet dirt shifting under her heels. Looking at how deep they're stuck, Inga may yet save any insecurity about her weight. "Keep it. You need it more than I do."

    Then there's a Genji. And he has the next best thing short of a clothes beam. Of course she has no trouble catching it, though after she does, it takes her a minute to unwrap, unfold, and inspect it. Eventually, she lets slip a deep, biding sigh, and her voice loses some of its tense edge at last. "Thanks. I guess. Merry Christmas to you to." she doesn't seem sure of that last one. No sooner has she figured out the cloak, does it disappear into a swarm of golden firefly sparks, which leave nothing behind after they fade away. "I don't know anything about Old World magic, but if physical tasks are a problem, I could help. You needed spare parts too, right?"
Inga Freyjasdottir Sunddenly, a ninja! Inga lets out a small yelp when she suddenly hears a voice from above her. How long was her there!? Was she really so distracted?

Shaking her head, she greets him. It's a real party now. A terribly awkward party.

Still, she smiles. "Greetings," she says to Genji before looking back to A2, noticing how she is watching her. She raises a brow slightly, looking a bit uncomfortable. She returns to studying A2 however, fascination as always overriding embarrassment. With a soft frown she examines her more closely, coming to the startling realization that A2 is probably not organic--or at least not wholly. Luckily, Inga has been in the multiverse for a bit now and she knows plenty of cyborgs, androids, giant talking robots...etc. "I'm afraid I can not help you with my healing...but if you do want a bit of help repairing I know someone who may be able to be of assistance. What is your name?" she asks.

Then, "Old World magic?" she laughs. "I suppose that's apt." It also seems the woman has no desire to cover up--did she just disintigrate that cloak? Well, it is no bother to her then. She is clearly not made uncomfortable by the elements.
August Kohler "Yes. Put some clothes on." August doesn't even look at Genji, it's just a second nature response as he makes a turn into defensive position subconsciously, before easing his body back. There's a glance and a nod to Inga. "Wards are good. We could use a few to keep out critters and swamp people, probably."

And then, August turns back to A2. "Yes, because there are standards of decency, and not having clothes makes you look, frankly, weird. Most places actually require clothes to shop there. 'No shirt, no shoes, no service'." A beat, before August changes the subject. "Physical labor will definitely be needed, parts too. This needs to be able to hide, secure, and support Watchmen who have nowhere else to go. Hopefully, we won't even be able to recognize it when it's done." The redhead looks up to the sky, before shuffling around the group. "So, A2, how much do you /actually/ know about humans and our society? That might be a useful place to help tell you what you need."
Genji Shimada     Genji lets out a deep, mock sigh. "You wound me, Kohler."

    On more serious notes, he listens quietly as August talks, then inclines his head slightly and adds, "As you can imagine, it is difficult for the Watch to pull together any significant resources. Healers are as precious as gold, for example," he notes, with a brief nod to Inga. "So whatever you can offer would be very welcome."
William Pauwel Someone is coming out from the barn.

He's covered in grease, stinks of ozone, engine oil and carbon ash, and looks vaguely like he spent all day face-first under the hood of a car. Most of these statements are true in their entirety. The latter is not, because he was not in a car, he was in a GIANT ROBOT ARM.

"Howdy y'all!" Will says with a grin, pulling up his goggles. There are little rings of clean skin left there. "How're y'all likin' the place? It's nothin' special right now, but with a little TLC, it'll be just like home!"


"Well. More mosquitos and way more humidity than home, but still."
Genji Shimada     Genji's head suddenly tilts. He claps his hands together. "/That/ is something I can bring. Mosquito traps."
A2     It's the third time that slightly awkward question has come up, though this time Inga, is the recipient of significantly less stadoffish awkwardness (more just the regular kind when she examines her) before eventually getting "A2 is fine. If you happen to know something, then . . ." she lets it trail off, without explicitly asking for help.

    She looks at August, and then responds to his question mostly by point at Inga and saying "She's human, right?" It would sound like more of a dumb question, were A2 not evincing the idea that she would have originally been indistinguishably similar. The apple is a dead giveaway though. "I know the basics. Eating and sleeping, familial units, building and machines. I know what kind of clothes you're supposed to wear. A little history. Not that much, though. Just what caught on and got popular." A2 shrugs. "It wasn't that important.".

    Because August admitted he needs parts, though, Will is just in time to see A2 crack her knuckles, and then be surrounded by an explosion of glowing gold particles, as roughly a minivan's capacity of junk is unceremoniously dumped from thin air and onto the ground, making a hell of a racket. Most of it appears to be pieces of various machines, ranging from very obvious springs and wires, to elaborate gizmos, fancy computer cores, and chips of memory alloy, all jumbled in with broken weapons and optics. Some of it looks decades old, some of it looks brand new. The rest is just chunks of raw metal; standard copper and iron. It explains where cloak went, at any rate. "You can take all this crap in exchange for the water and a replacement filter."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga looks over toward a filthy William. She smiles in greeting. "Hello," she greets. "The place...well, I've made a home out of worse," she says with a shrug. "I will work on wards--bone fence won't work, will have to come up with something that will not sink into the swamp..." she trails off, lost to witchy thoughts for a bit.

Then she's back, at least momentarily. A2 needs to learn about humans? That's a tall order. When it is pointed out that Inga is human, she glances away briefly, a moment of discomfort. "I am, more or less," she answers. "A2 is your name then? I can talk to a friend of mine and see if she can help...indeed, let us meet again in more comfortable settings and I'll try to set up a meeting--and perhaps I can show you a bit more about being human if you like," she offers.

Then, junk explodes out of golden lights, seemingly out of nowhere. Oh, she must have a mysterious portal to a junk pile too! Inga's contains much less mechanical parts and more tacos, though.

"Well, excuse me a moment I'm going to start coming up with a plan to ward this place--trees will work, or maybe something buried..." she continues lowly, wandering off without further word to assumably poke things magically.
William Pauwel "W-well, there's more to us than that, you know. We have music! And art! And inventing things!" Will puffs up ever so slightly, but not by much, because he's also a massive country bumpkin. He thinks for a moment and then seems suddenly a lot more eager, though. "And food! Delicious food. Tons of really good, really tasty food. Like, my grandma makes this applie pie and--"


...That junk was not there a moment ago.

...The devil was that?

"Uh." He stares at... All the machines, scratching at the side of his head. "Wow that's a lot of stuff. It'll take me a while to sort out. In the mean time, uh." He dips back into the workshop for a hot second, returning with... What looks like a perfectly ordinary, but unusually jet black tube-dealie? It looks like the kind of thing you might find in a reverse-osmosis membrane, but... Advanced. "Will this work? As a water filter, I mean."

Another beat. Inga goes off and does her business. Will nods, "Thanks a lot miss Inga! I appreciate it. Ain't much 'round here can see magic, so... That'll help, I think."
Genji Shimada     Genji tilts his head slightly, listening to A2 with interest. It's a curious thing, hearing what humanity is known for from 'outside'. But one thing she says brings to mind a question he's been wondering about. "A2. How pure does water have to be for your systems to utilize it? Are we talking nothing but hydrogen and oxygen, to the point where it's insulative rather than conductive? Or just 'filtered of impurities like dirt and microbes'?"
August Kohler "Well, atleast you know the basics." August replies to A2, stepping back as she suddenly manifests a bunch of junk everywhere. There's a brief, low whistle, as he glances over it. "Handy. Alright, give me one second to grab the water!" The redhead runs off into one of the buildings where they're working, rummaging for a few moments before returning with two big '20 packs' of purified bottled water in each hand. "Do you think this will be enough for your systems, A2?"
Laura Kinney      And with the sound of boots squelching through the swamp, yet another person arrives, although she's prepared better than some at least for swamp travel. A teenage girl, standing about five feet, with black hair and green eyes. Her boots are heavy and knee high, coming up almost to her knees, the mud not sticking very much to the well treated leather. Despite her exposed skin, she barely seems to notice the mosquitoes following her. "I am Laura Kinney. X-23. I was held up securing parking for my motorcycle, I did not believe it would traverse this environment well." She peers around, eyes rapidly scanning the area. "This position should be defensible enough. How may I assist?"
Leyanne Leyanne Mace arrives on a small, electric-powered powermotor. It's nearly silent, and even if she's seen, anyone would think she's just another paramotor pilot out to see the world from above. A neat flared touchdown in the open field near the farm, sliding a bit because of the mud. She collapses the canopy and rolls it up, stowing it quickly before looking around to see who's around. She waves to everyone, and those she's already met get a cheery "How are you?"
August Kohler As another pair of people come up through the swamp, one on a paramotor, August squints but waves them over, especially since he recognizes one of them. "August Kohler. Yeah, it's a pretty good pick, and we've already fought our way to obtain it, so god knows I'm not giving up on it." He looks back at his checklist briefly. "Well, we always need manual labor. The entire place is a shitshow and needs to be torn apart and remade into something that'll stay together. We're going to need supplies of all types, so somewhere to raid for those would be fine, I honestly don't care where as long as it's not like an orphanage or charity, or charity orphanage. Setting up electricity and plumbing is probably the most important part, too."
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney gives Leyanne a nod as the martian arrives. She hadn't considered that as a travel method at all. Not her thing though. Although the flying motorcycle idea would be pretty cool... "We should establish a perimeter. I might be able to make some sort of fence." She gestures towards a nearby stand of strubby trees, not many thicker than six inches in diameter. "Solar power might work here, depending on the weather."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga was walking the perimeter of the property to check out the trees and see if they could be used for wards.

Now, she's stuck in a hole.

She's sunk up to her hip in the mud, looking extremely displeased, trying to wiggle herself out to no avail. Like quicksand, she only seems to sink deeper as she tries to pull herself out.

She has no magic for such an occasion. She's fairly sure fire, lightning or blood magic isn't going to get her out of the hole. She could try the force spell Harry had taught her but she didn't like her chances. She sighs heavily, then calls out. "Ah, I could use a bit of help here if you please!"
Leyanne Leyanne Mace walks over to August with a happy smile, once she's pulled off the motor and set it down somewhere safe-ish. "Hey boss..." SHe says, jovially. "I can build a power source. Solar, petrol generator, wind... hell if you get me the gear and the right Haynes' manual, I could go more advanced, like an RTG or a fuel ce-" Her ears swivel towards Inga's location, her antennae spreading wide to try and get a better triangulation if Inga calls out again. "...swear I just heard someoine call for help."
A2     A2's response to William's insistence on the finer points of human culture is entirely constituted by a drawn out, lacklustre "Hmmmmm.", followed by a few seconds of silence, and then "Like idols? I heard that was a human thing. I stopped following the publicity agent stations an eternity ago."

    Talk of tasty food is interrupted by the noise involved in dumping all that broken equipment, and after that, it's mostly questions about water. To Genji: "Water is water. Distribution is what filters are for. The crap in it causes buildup and blockage otherwise." August holds up his end of the bargain, and comes back with a a military bunk's worth of bottle water. A2 pulls one out right away, twists the cap off, and does away with it almost instantly, crushing the bottle like crumpled paper in her fingers, and tossing it, before remarking unpleasantly: "Tastes like plastic." and after a few seconds: ". . . seems clear, though. Internal temperature is the same." She looks like she's waiting to be proven horribly wrong.

    Still, she goes ahead tapping each of the remaining 39 bottles in sequence, disappearing into puffs of fireflies and being assigned their places in hammerspace. She only stops when William comes back with the tube dealie, and her gaze (looking no less tired for the water) goes to him as if quietly asking him if he's an idiot. "How is that supposed to go inside me?" she asks blankly. "Do you know what a filter is?"

    The words 'X-23' catch her attention right away, and it's plainly visible that, when she turns around, A2 is expecting something more familiar, and looks faintly put off at seeing Laura instead; almost a little gloomy(er). "What kind of designation is the X series supposed to be." she challenges right away.

    Before she can get an answer, though, and before she even catches sight of Leyanne, Inga's request for help has her attention. Almost alarmingly quickly, actually. Like she didn't even think about it. She doesn't so much as stop to offer a 'one second' to anyone before she is already racing off to Inga's position, tearing up sodden dirt and muddy ground beneath her heels, none of which manage to slow her down.

    Discovering the wise woman up to her waist in mud, A2 lunges forward, and then her feet don't hit the ground again for several seconds. Instead, she just seems to flash across the sinking pit, gliding over it as if skating on ice, and snatching up Inga by the hand on the way, yanking her out forcefully enough that it probably hurts her shoulder, only to sling the woman over her own, before skidding to a stop, and putting her down only after a full second's consideration of what she'd done. ". . . don't go out without backup.
Genji Shimada     "Hm." Genji mulls this information over curiously, then adds, "As long as you don't require the kind of purity normally found only in labs, then you will almost never want for water in the Multiverse, I can promise you that."

    There are newcomers then; people he's only meeting for the first time. The shinobi gives them a brief nod, and a casual, two-fingered wave. "Genji Shimada. Pleased to meet you, Kinney," he adds in reply to the mutant. August, meanwhile, has suggestions for what they need, but unfortunately most of them are either 'out of his ability' or 'not something he can go get /right now/.' "I can go do a run for supplies later. That sort of acquisition isn't difficult with my training. But for the moment..." He claps his hands together. Rub rub rub. "Do we have any cooking supplies? I can at least cook a passable meal. Not amazing, but passable."
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney gives Leyanne a nod as the martian arrives. She hadn't considered that as a travel method at all. Not her thing though. Although the flying motorcycle idea would be pretty cool... "We should establish a perimeter. I might be able to make some sort of fence." She gestures towards a nearby stand of strubby trees, not many thicker than six inches in diameter. "Solar power might work here, depending on the weather." A2 is pinioned with a stare. Laura's clearly human... but you might not know it from the way she acts. "I was an attempt to recreate the Weapon X program. The twenty third attempt. There will not be any more, if I have anything to-" She pauses abruptly as Inga calls out. "Yes. She's this-" The mutant is cut off as A2 abruptly heads that way. "Never mind. I will start on the fence. If anyone needs heavy things lifted, I can do it." This, coming from the girl who's barely over five feet.
     Laura heads over to the small copse of trees, before clenching her right hand into a fist. Two silvery claws emerge from her knuckles, glittering in the sunlight as she takes a swipe at one of the young trees. Chips of wood fly, and within a few swings it pivots around, the teen catching it on her shoulder and rapidly denuding it of branches before carrying the trunk back to what seems to be the 'edge' of the farm. As she returns, she gives the cyborg on the roof a nod. "Laura, please. And if food is needed, I can hunt. I saw signs of what appeared to be wild boar on my way here."
Leyanne Leyanne Mace grins "Wild boar? Fuck yeah roast boar is -always- good food." The mouse blurts. "Asterix and Obelix got that one right."
Inga Freyjasdottir Everything happens so quickly then Inga barely has time to react. There's a gasp of sudden pain and surprise as her hand is yanked and she's pulled out of the hole ith a distinct sucking sound, devoid of her boots and mud-brow from the waist down. When set upon her feet, she clings to her walking stick and blinks owlighly at A2. "Thank you," she says, though she didn not consider the situation quite so dire as all that. It seemed an automatic reaction. "Quite fast aren't you? And strong, naturally," she sighs. Figured.

Ingo looks toward the hole, then down at her feet. She exhales forcefully though her nose. "There goes my boots," she comments quietly. Knowledge of the tapestry of fate and formiddable magic....gets stuck in the mud. The gods have a sense of humor, at least.

As Laura moves to start making a fence--also with incredibly strength, Inga just shakes her head. "Well, if you think you can make a fence that will not sink into the swamp then I can create wards with a fence as a base. Bone is better than wood of course...but wood will do," she say.

Did someone say wild boar? Dangerous beasts--or at least they once would seem to her. She's seen quite a bit since.

"I can make a fire if anyone can provide fuel for it. I've a kettle and tea in my pouch as well," she says, then gets a look of sudden panic, hand moving to her waist. The alarm fades as she finds her pouch, her knife, and her talismans still attached. The boots she can do without, her pouch and knife not so much.
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney gets to work on fencing, and with some more slicing and chipping using her claws, she has a horizontal bar supported by two crossed logs on each end. "If we do this the rest of the way around, we will have a boundary marker." Another tree is delivered, this one broken up into one foot lengths far more suitable for firewood, along with some of the upper branches to act as tinder and kindling. "An upside of this swamp is that the risk of fire is very low."
A2     The addition of any genuine mud to A2's legs, kicked up from running, is all but impossible to pick out, as much of a collage of wear, erosion, scrapes and burns as they are. Her lips only twist into a faint frown as Inga sighs at the obvious. "I was built to fight." she shoots back. "Shouldn't that be obvious?" The tone set by her brief overreaction to the matter of Inga's safety is crushed immediately by the instantaneous reinsertion of the massive gulf between them; an aberrant fluke of concern.

    Inga can deal without her boots then. See if A2 cares. She puts the woman right back down in the mud without them (though not the sinking mood), before sauntering back the way she came, slowly turning her head to look this way and that as people set to their individual tasks. "Isn't this a farm?" she calls out casually to Genji. "Can't you just grow your own food here? Isn't that what they're for?" A2 squints faintly at the farmhouse, slowly pushing a lock of white hair out of her face to better double check it against the picture in her memory, and failing to notice when her hair just falls back into place right after.

    "Weapon X . . ." she remarks instead, standing to watch Laura waltz off and start hacking up trees. "Doesn't mean anything to me. If they couldn't get it right after twenty three attempts . . ."
Genji Shimada     "Laura, then," Genji replies to the young woman, his tone casual. "You can feel free to use 'Genji' for me, if you like. Most do."

    Having little to do of his own for the moment, the cyborg decides to fall in with A2, the person here two whom he is, amusingly enough, most similar. "Growing food takes months, if the land will even support it. It might be possible, depending on the local crops, but we would have to ask Pauwel about that. This kind of swampland is often more trouble than it's worth to farm."
Leyanne Leyanne Mace sniffs "Some smartarse human once said 'I have not failed one thousand times to invent the lightbulb. I have merely found one thousand ways not to make a lightbulb'. Got to admire the persistence of the human species, even if it does mean they continue... unpleasant... things for a lot longer than is reasonable." She sniffs. "Anything I can do to help anyone? I'm pretty good at heavy lifting and I can bend things pretty good"
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga doesn't really think that it /is/ obvious, as A2 looks as though she was build for something else entirely! That is not her fault however. She was built, she no more chose her form than Inga did. Knowing that, that streak of bitterness and jealousy diffuse. She leans on her staff and follows A2 back to the others. "Unfortunately, food takes some time to grow. I have food however, if people are hungry. No need even for a fire, though I admit a warm fire would be a confort in such a dreary place as this," she replies.

Inga opens the pouch at her waist and reaches inside up to her elbow. She pulls out something wrapped in foil and smelling of spiced meat and melted cheese. A taco. Seems fresh, too. One of the great mysteries of the multiverse. "I have enough for everyone here. Hmm, seems I'll have to stock up again soon however...tch, bloody London," she grumbles.

If there is a seat to be found, she takes it. "Once the fence is build I shall work on wards. It does not seem as though the place is in immediate danger from draugr or...whatever nastiness can be found here."
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney gives a one shouldered shrug to A2. "They did not exactly tell me about it. And it is a pleasure to meet you Genji. Now, if you will excuse me, I will go hunting. Hard work does make me hungry." Her claws disappear back into her hand, the wounds healing over within a few moments as she strides off into the trees. About ten minutes later, a loud squeal splits the tranquility of the swamp, if it could be called that, before being abruptly cut off in a rather wet sounding gurgle. Laura, one. Pigs, zero. Another ten minutes later and a figure strides out of the trees, hauling something behind her. When she gets closer, this 'something' turns out to be at least 100 pounds of pig, minus the head, and apparently its internal organs. Laura looks mostly like she took a dive in the swamp, not excessively bloody, but damp and dirty.
William Pauwel "Uhhh," Will looks at the admittedly kind of... bulky water filter. "It's... It's a reverse-osmosis filter. There's a membrane inside, you see. And you flow water through one tube and it comes out the other, and that way you don't get a clog." There's a beat. "I thought you'd be able to just... Pixie-dust it, and then absorb it somehow?" Another beat. Will looks downcast and sighs. "Well, I guess if you don't want it..."

He reaches into a pocket and fetches... What looks like a little black ring, with a fine white mesh in the middle. "Is this more uh. More appropriate?"

He glances around as if only just realizing there are OTHER PEOPLE HERE all of a sudden. "Oh wow. Uh. Howdy y'all! Welcome! We're just getting started here, so... Anything you think could help, we'd be most appreciative of!"
A2     "Months?" A2 stops to ask, deliberating for a little while longer. "How often do you need to eat, anyways? And what's wrong with this?" she scuffs at the dirt with the toe of her worn down boot. "Dirt. Water. Sun. There's trees growing." Well, August had said 'the basics'.

    Finally coming back to the starting point, A2 is privy to the sight of an eight foot mouse cyborg, and stops to outright blatantly stare, with an openly judgemental bent. "That sounds like something you'd find in a book." Her eyes go up, then down, then from one arm to the other. "The hell are you supposed to be, though?"

    It's with some measure of interest that she watches Laura go off hunting. A lot of staring and sizing up seems to be the theme of the day, being her second one ever around people of the Multiverse. It straddles an uncomfortable line between distant fascination and threat evaluation, both of which are awkward to feel on oneself anyways. Only when she comes back with the pig, does A2 thoughtlessly let slip: "Huh. You're a human too? What are they doing making weapons out of each other?"

    Will gets a slightly more charitable look. He's trying okay. "A filter isn't useful inside the retrieval module." she reaches out to take his offer anyways, though. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure I can work something out of this. It's not like I expected anyone to have exact parts."
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney gives another one shrug as she pops her claws and starts slicing up pig, spearing the cuts of meat on a convenient piece of steel rod. "I... am not human. In a way. I am a mutant. Homo Sapiens Superior. We have abilities. My claws... healing... other things. There are a wide variety of abilities known to have manifested." HOpefully somebody else is making the fire, because right now... Big bloody chunks of meat. And also a rigged up spit. "I was made by humans who used me to kill for money." Eventually I killed them and escaped." Meat is now in place, awaiting the fire to sizzle it. "I am thirsty. If you do not mind, I will use that water filter." She gestures towards the bulky one, and if nobody objects, she puts the 'clean' tube in her mouth, the other in a pool, and works the handle. Once she's had her fill, she also drizzles some over her head and body to wash away the grime.
Genji Shimada     "Different nutritional requirements," Genji replies in regards to the android's latter question first. "The nutrients in the soil might support those trees, but not edible crops. Those trees might be adapted to thrive in low-nutrient conditions. I am not from this world - I have no way of knowing. As for eating..." He tilts his head slightly. "Intake needs and habits vary, but most humans fall somewhere in the neighborhood of three decent meals per day. My own are somewhat lower. But speaking of which..."

    Laura finally has food to cook, and Genji will set about doing exactly that. "It will not be the most flavorful," he admits as he goes about getting the fire going, "But it will at least be edible. I have some salt on hand, at least."
Inga Freyjasdottir " Approximately two thousand calories. We can survive with much less however," she chimes in after Genji. "Gods, we'd count ourselves blessed indeed to have so much food where I am from."

When a chunk of tree is brought over as fuel for a fire, Inga flicks her hand outward with a quick incantation. The chunk of tree catches fire. Inga fuels it with her anima for a little while though, as it is quite damp and needs a bit of time to catch.

Once she is relatively sure it will keep without her magical tending, she pulls out a kettle to boil water. She does not know about anyone else, but she'd like a hot cup of tea. "I do not believe we have met," she says, looking to Laura, William, and Genji. "Inga Freyjasdottir," she says, pulling the skirt of her dress away from her legs and toward the fire a little, hoping it would dry quickly. She's a mess, but apparently over it.
August Kohler For a bit, August disappeared. This is because he was looking over some things and people were distracting himself, so he was able to vanish. Now, as Genji starts to cook, August tries to perform his own thing, attempting to slip up on the ninja, quietly, and undetected. He has no training or skill in this. He just stands there, for several seconds, before finally speaking. "Do you need some pepper for that, Shimada?"

After that, August turns and glances over to Laura. "Mutant, alright. I'm, well, I'm pretty sure I'm human, but I can summon the manifestation of my soul and ego into a robot that shoots people with its leg." It's straight-faced and dry, as he then turns to A2. "A2, do you want me to get you some history books, or atleast like...access to Wikipedia? It's an encyclopedia for basically everything."
Leyanne Leyanne Mace blinks at Laura with a laugh. "Nice." She grins, looking around to see if she needs to make the fire and... nope, that's taken care of. She blinks at Genji, then pulls off her hardcase pack and ferrets through it. "AHA!"
She pulls out a small glass jar of mixed herbs from some British brand or other, and offers it over.
She smiles to the others, nodding to August. "He really does, I've seen it." A pause. "Sorta. It was awesome."
A2     "Three times a /day/?" A2 remarks, for once, letting some genuine incredulity, which at least sort of counts as an emotion, appear through the cracks. "What a pain in the ass. How do you get anything done?" She very quickly does the math on the calorie count to universal energy, before her eyebrows lower darkly. "No wonder you built all this to do it for you." She finishes with a slow shake of her head.

    A2 doesn't do much to help seat anyone, save pushing a thick, cylindrical . . . barrel . . . of some sort, out of the pile of scrap. It looks like it has slots for arms. Either way, it's heavy enough not to roll, and wide enough for someone to sit on. As for herself, A2 simply reclines back slightly, as if she expect something to catch her, and as she folds one knee over the other, holographic struts appear just in time to hold her up, like lounging in one of those upright fishing chairs.

    She gives August a peculiar look for what feels like forever, arms folded loosely across her chest. "If they're ones I can read, sure. It'd save some time." She doesn't object to Laura's request, only gesturing faintly through a curtain of her own hair. "What's the point of building a human to do that kind of job? And what happened to the rest of your series?"
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney Huh. Inga gets another nod. "Laura Kinney. X-23 when I am trying to hide my identity." August gets surprisingly little reaction out of the teen as well, the mutant merely raising an eyebrow. "THat is a very interesting psychic talent. I have not heard of anything like it before." She does take advantage of the barrel A2 rolled out, sitting down and drying her boots by the fire. "I was the first viable embryo. They were growing more... but I destroyed the tanks. And killed the scientists. No person should have to live through what I did.
Genji Shimada     Genji doesn't so much as jolt, or turn around. He doesn't, in fact, move at all. There is just a simple moment of stillness, and then... creaaaak thud. Paff.

    There is a log where there used to be a cyborg. Genji's voice speaks up from behind August with a simple, "Yes, please." There is some amusement in his tone. Leyanne offers more, and he takes that as well. "Thank you both. This should help quite a bit."

    As Genji steps back in next to the fire, he holds the container of spices up close to his faceplate, apparently able to get a whiff through there, then nods, speaking to himself in japanese. "<Right. Just a dash should do.>" And then he's back to cooking.
August Kohler The bottle of store-bought pepper almost goes flying when Genji appears behind August, as he jolts. "Christ! Do you have eyes on the back of your head or something?" He hands the cyborg ninja the bottle of pepper, before turning to A2. "What can or can't you read, then? Worse comes to worst, I'll get audiobooks." August then looks at Laura with a slightly grim nod. "A handful of people from my world have it. We use it to fight the horrors inside humanity's collective unconsciousness. It's what brought me out to working in the Multiverse, and in turn, the Watch. Backup's always appreciated, after all."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga nods to Laura, frowning gently. "A pleasure to meet you," she says, but she does not offer a hand or sit any closer. She has no doubt she's been through something Inga has no desire to experience. She sets the kettle close to the fire after filling it, then sits back and falls quiet, looking into the fire.

Moments later, if anyone looked to her she would seem as if in a trance. Eyes open, but unresponsive.

Inga has checked out.
Leyanne Leyanne Mace smirks as Genji and August log on. Then she looks to Laura with a snort. "X-23 is a crap callsign" she declares, as if she's the multiverse's leading authority on the matter.
Oh, look at that, a kettle. Someone's a mind-reader. "Bangarang." She checks to see if there's any form of tea in the kettle, or if it's just water. When Tiny discovers it's tea, the tea gets a dubious sniff, before she pulls out a little kettle of her own and draws some water. Then she pulls a thermos cup from her pack, ripping open a pre-packed Tetley teabag and some sugar. She offers more prepacked teabags and sugar packs around, along with some tin mugs. Milk... is powdered, sadly, so it doesn't spoil. But it's a good brand of powdered milk. Fussy rodent is fussy... she wants Tetley.
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney listens to her fellow Watch members talk as the smell of meat fills her nostrils, almost but not quite overpowering the smell of swamp. "Mutants do not have the best history with humans. Tensions were high, but we stuck together and helped people who needed it. It is good to be accepted." That's about all she has to say to that. Igna gets another look, although for all the teen knows she's psychically projecting. Layenne just gets a stare. "I did not choose it. I was not given choices. But now I may as well use it."
A2     A2's face quirks very faintly at talk of growing humans in tubes like that; scientifically and deliberately. "So. That's actually possible." she comments more to herself than anything.

    Genji, however, might recognize the subconscious hand movement of someone too-used to reacting to everything with a sword, when he turns into a piece of wood and a puff of smoke. By the time he has the pepper in hand, A2 has caught onto it as well, and her fingers are curling up tightly enough for the black layer to creak.

    "I can't read every single language, never mind if they're all dead ones. Can you?" she asks August rhetorically. "If I can use them, I will. It'd be easier than wasting everyone's time with questions for months and months."

    Then, it is her turn to be concerned about Inga, going so far as to lean forward and squint in quiet worry at the woman's total lack of expression. "Is that . . . normal?" she asks, only looking up for a second. "Shouldn't we . . . do something?"
Leyanne Leyanne Mace shrugs "Still crap. You should think a while, choose your own name." A pause as she brews her tea thoughtfully, her antennae twitching furiously at the scent of the roasting wild boar. "Course, half the point of freedom is deciding your own way... don't let anyone tell you how to live, but always listen to advice. Then when the final accounting is done you can say that, no matter what, you were true to yerself."
A pause. A smirk. She pulls out a piece of paper, scrawls something on it, and then uses a bit of string to hang it around Inga's neck.
It reads "I aten't dead".

She's such a nerd, at times, our Tiny.
Genji Shimada     Genji has only one response to August.

    "Do I?"

    But enough teasing Kohler (and making A2 nervous). The pork doesn't take long for Genji to cook up, in part because he cuts it up into small chunks to ensure it cooks quickly - and also to ensure even coverage on the seasonings. Once he's finished with that, he just lays it all out on one big, relatively clean tray, and says simply, "Food's up." True to his word, it isn't exactly gourmet fare, but it's passable; the kind of cooking you get from someone who spends a lot of time roughing it.
Laura Kinney Laura Kinney nods. "She may be in a trance or meditating. It is best we not disturb her unless she appears to be in distress." When the pork finally is done, she accepts her piece, bowing her head. "Arigatou Gozaimasu, Shimada-san." The mutant teen tears into it like she's starving, which she kind of is. Heightened metabolism, you know. Once she's done though... time to get back to work. "I will continue building the fence. Thank you for the food." She gets up, heading back over and returning to fence building. This shouldn't take /too/ long...
Leyanne Leyanne Mace takes her share when it arrives. "Thank you, Genji right?" She hopes her memory is right. Her own name is stamped on her chest. Before she departs, Laura is handed a mug of tea, brewed to STANAG - milk and two sugars.
Then the huge mouse tucks into her own food, nodding. "Beats protein bars hands down, man, hands down."
She thinks a moment. "If you want I can build you a proper barbecue fire pit, with some work surfaces. Hell, I should probably build one of those anyway"