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Bloody Revelations As bouncing back and forth between points across Creation is likely to do, responding to whatever pops up next in a seemingly endless chain of events, the place that interventionist Elites are invited (actually invited this time) to next is actually not that far from Denandsor; for them. 700 miles is a long way in this low-travel world, and the uninhabited land between lacks any sort of useful Warpgate. For Multiversals, not so much.

    West of Denandsor, across a frankly ridiculously wide river, their destination comes into view. It seems they were not invited to this 'Lookshy' place itself, though that could be for any number of reasons, from 'assuming the Elites wouldn't make it the extra distance in time' to 'legitimate security risk'. It appears to be some kind of remote fortress, of which the city state probably maintains several by the looks of its plain but sprawling appearance. A hexagonal redoubt dominates the area directly next to the river, built of extremely plain local stone and cement and austerely decorated with little more than pairs of two different flags. A complex of barracks, warehouses, garages, training fields, target ranges, travel checkpoints, parade grounds, and the like extends for at least a couple of miles around it, and a handy port stands out into the waters for what is obviously upriver supply shipments.

    For being a foreign redoubt, the place looks as if it could be home to tens of thousands of soldiers very easily. In fact, a massive airfield actually has one of the giant, sleek, hovering aircraft some of them had seen before, in for maintenance and shore leave. Overwhelmingly, any and all First Age magitech sights on display are tools of war, bristling from an otherwise above-average feudal era fort city, making for an oddly clashing view. One that probably gives a good impression of Lookshy, considering this place is almost definitely the place that the Field Force in the area sorties from.

    Though a good number of them should be doubtlessly Multiversal from their appearance, the soldiers and clerks at the doors are unwilling to let anyone in until they successfully foist some kind of greenish security card pass, apparently set up with rudimentary 'holographic' stylizations to prevent counterfeiting. Much like any military base, going through it is anything but eventful, unless one wants to stop and boggle at the alternating sights of soldiers sitting around and occasionally lining up to shoot targets with what look to be Sengoku era laser weapons.

    It's a fast track to the main offices for these visitors, though the many guards and officials they pass on the way are significantly more grim and less visibly curious or celebratory of their presence. In fact, they are actually told to wait outside a very large set of doors inlaid with a not-insignificant degree of white jade while some sort of business wraps up inside, and anyone visibly carrying much more than 'sidearm'-grade weaponry (for whatever really fits any given world's definition of acceptable to carry for, say, a police officer) is asked to leave it at the door. There are sounds of loud argument from inside, but they wrap up quickly.
Tomoe Why did she come back? Tomoe was not certain but here she was having returned to this world, maybe it was do to her having a hand in setting things in motion. That it would not be right to just walk the hell away from things here. That could be it, but here is the Iron Lily having actually been invited to this? That still got to her a bit a sense of Dissonance with her life before the death game and the reality of it now.

She got an idea of just how on the ball Lookshy was, as she made her way in this place was clearly ready to house a good deal of soldiers and the supplies they'd need.

It takes a bit to get through all the security but honestly it was comforting to know they were at least taking measures in that fashion she would wait at the door for a moment. She'll check the Dawn Bringer at the door out of respect and the mourning wall as well, she wasn't expecting a fight after all as she waited, she pulled out a smart phone and was playing some mobile game while she waited upon it. Though it wouldn't be for long as it seems there's an argument going on inside.

"Looks like something's already heated going on. Hope it's not over them wanting to see us."
Miari Miari has once again donned her 'just a normal Solar' disguise, meaning she looks like a normal human again to the naked eye, and appears warm and yellowy gold to magical eyes. There's no sign of her typical handful of demon escorts, and she is wearing her typical emerald-and-gold kimono - an outfit that Lookshy fashion should appreciate... though her outfit's particulars harken back to an even further back period of the Shogunate. Her family didn't keep with the Seventh Legion's example, apparently.

    She's had no problem accepting the card pass, and apart from glancing around at some of the military might on display... hasn't seemed terribly awed or impressed by anything.

    Not the attitude most people of the River Province would have, seeing Lookshy's First Age wonders on display.

    Those of her ancient memories are even grander, though.

    "It's probably fine. Military officials are very strong-willed and opinionated sorts. It comes with the trade. Leading other men and women and gambling with their lives is a special kind of hell, however noble." Is her answer to Tomoe. Delivered in a reassuring tone, despite the message...
Starbound Flotilla     The Flotilla arrives. And they arrive in far more style than they do normally. No military vehicle, no cargo truck. No, instead, they've arrived in a stylish prestige hovercar, long enough to be a mini-limo, gleaming with Concord colors and stylishly extravagant, big enough to hold the six comfortably. The Flotilla themselves are done up in a stylish way, when they emerge and enter as a cohesive group. George's nice PAYDAY-looking suit and sunglasses, Pavo's ceremonially-styled cult-head pirate outfit, Moonfin's extravagant asiatic robes, Seft's high medieval noble outfit, and Albert's strictly refined military dress-uniform all make a show of being quite ready for a showy negotiation. Even Biteblade's wearing incredibly fine animal skins in a stylish and elegantly ritual-looking way, though they just can't take the savage out of her.

    They are definitely taking this seriously, but they are not even /remotely/ fucking around with making a show of style out of it, already going for a directly overwhelming social tactic of coordinated display of intense aesthetic of Power, rather than simple military force or celebrity. They even have a /six-man power-walk/ that they do. They accept the passes in an easygoing way, and make their way right for the office. Their weapons today are ceremonial for the most part -- a nice military sabre at Albert's side, for example, or some ceremonial-looking daggers on Biteblade's sides -- and really are more meant to accentuate the look of Power than they are to hurt anything. They don't have anything much to need confiscation, but as the argument dies down, Moonfin quirks his head at one of the nearby guards in a wordless question of whether it's permitted to enter.

    If there's no especially strong opposition, /he'll/ be the one to lead the stride straight to the door and swing it wide, taking the silence of the argument as a sign that it's time to begin, but eager to deny the other parties of this discussion the opportunity to control the context. "Gentlemen." He says, in that smug tone that implies the Flotilla is well and truly eager to dig into the meat of things.
Staren     Getting here is not a problem. Staren is pleasently surprised to see 'laser' weapons in such number -- and the cale of the operation implied by the size of the facility and its personnel are impressive! The invitation cards are more technology than he hought Creation had, too.
    He is less impressed with having to wait. And with having to remove his power armor, which he was hoping to demonstrate. If they insist on checking his bag, he'll remove an automatic rifle, an SMG, both with some sort of underbarrel attachment, and a heavy missile launcher. He is entirely earnest when he explains they are 'just in case, I don't know, a monster attacks or something." He's also brought a full suit of non-powered armor in cases, to demonstrate.
Gawain The Knight of the Sun is dressed in his formal armor, Excalibur Galatine hilted at his side to fit the piece, instead of being dematerialized. If asked to remove it, he does so, leaving it with them. It does not disappear or any such thing while he moves towards the door, but stops to greet the others. "Ah, Flotilla! George, Seft, Moonfin, Albert, Pavo, and Biteblade, it's a pleasure to see all of you again." Gawain smiles brightly, tipping his head, before doing the same towards Staren and Miari. "Let us enter, then?" Gawain is fine with the Flotilla entering and setting the scene. If he has to argue something, he will do so, but he follows right behind them.
All-Seeing Eye In the fortress' port, the surface of the water bubbles up, then begins to ripple. From beneath the surface rises a shape, shimmering in the air as water sloughs off of it. The water outlines the air itself, before the craft is revealed in a polychromatic cascade. A vessel large enough to seat a crew of twenty reveals itself in the port, and with a pneumatic hiss, the canopy of this vessel slides open to reveal the Claslati delegation. A metallic boarding ramp extends from the craft, and out steps the delegation: seven diplomats, twelve guards, and the Alchemical Exalt, All-Seeing Eye. Each member of this delegation presents their security cards--first to the port authority, then to each security checkpoint as needed.

     The guards are carrying what would, to more modern Elites, appear to be some variation on the ever-present Kalashkinov assault rifle, only with synthetic materials replacing the distinct wooden stocks and foregrips. It is with great reluctance that the security detail relinquishes their weapons before the security checkpoint, but they agree, after some gentle coaxing from All-Seeing Eye and some coarse berating from the diplomats--particularly the ones dressed in overalls.

     The security detail (and All-Seeing Eye) wear long, synthetic leather double breasted coats, with brass pins upon the right shoulder and matching leather caps. Each one, in lieu of the rifles they had to give up, wields a repeating hand crossbow and a truncheon as sidearms, save for the Exalt, whose weapons are all integrated.

     The diplomats are a much more varied crew: each one has hints of each of Creation's varied lineages, so pinpointing where on this realm each comes from would be an exercise in futility. Of the seven of them, five wear unassuming grey denim overalls and matching long-sleeved shirts, with roughspun cotton beanies--the only thing to distinguish them from one another besides their features are the pins affixed to their overals: a blue sparking wire, a gold starburst, a green circular arrow, a black anvil, and a silver scalpel.

     The other two diplomats are actually dressed like diplomats: a middle-aged woman in a multilayered toga made of synthetic leather, held fast with a gold pin and sporting elaborate gold trim. Her counterpart is an elderly man who carries himself like some sort of pontiff and dresses like one, as well--beneath his large, high-collared white greatcloak is a set of equally white robes, adorned with intricate motifs of interlocking gold gears.

     The Exalt himself appears to be part of the security delegation for these diplomats, but that doesn't stop him from socializing before he enters. "Allow me to introduce the Claslati National Tripartite Assembly," he says magnanimously to the others.

     "The Great Sodality Council," he says, gesturing with a sweeping hand motion to the five rather plainly dressed individuals. One of them gives an annoyed -ahem.- Eye sighs. "Forgive me. The Great Council of the Five Magnificent Sodalities of Penultimate Truth and Intransigent Gospel--the Great Maker's sacred machinists, savants and engineers." Before any of them can further complain, he introduces the other two.

     Gesturing to the elderly pontiff, "High Celebrant Konstantinov of the Theomachracy, our spiritual authority." A gesture then to the woman in the multilayered toga. "Grand Autocrat Nikolaev, of the Olgotary, the administrative branch of our government."

     An annoyed frown crosses the Exalt's face for a moment--that white jade is preventing him from eavesdropping. He gives a slight shake of his head to the Grand Autocrat, before facing the large doors and clapping his hands. "Agreed, Sir Gawain!" He's probably the merriest among the Claslati delegation as he follows everyone in.
Bloody Revelations     When the doors open to --well, it'd be difficult to call it a council chamber; strategic headquarters office, perhaps?-- the previous occupants are clearly showing themselves out, looking incredibly unhappy, comprised of a number of rugged looking men in riding wear and wearing leather caps, along with one especially grizzled, salt-and-pepper gentleman with a cane and eyepatch among them. Only once the dissatisfied men have rounded the corner, are the Elites ushered in. Apparently the last 'appointment' ran late.

    It's not exactly a royal chamber, but it's a far sight more impressive than the command tent some had been to not terribly long ago. It seems there are a few more ancient conveniences set up in the redoubt than there were immediately apparently, including lighting and climate conditioning, and some new ones recently introduced, judged by huge tables of maps and strategic manuals pushed aside to make room for a folding array on the floor that seems to be projecting a holographic map of the surrounding area. It's an odd clash of near-medieval and sci-fi. The chamber is clearly still being used for work between visits, and a lot of it, just looking at the number of markers on the map and piles of outgoing letters.

    There are currently only two occupants: a man in grey pseudo-officer robes with a number of sashes and badges who appears to be about half the age of the woman in half-dismantled silver armour across from him at another desk. The latter waves them in, and gestures to have the doors shut behind them, before hearing out their introductions. "Ah, the Claslati delegates, the Concord delegates, and the sun knight all at the same time. This makes things convenient. I am Taimyo-Yin, Teresu Zen Wu. This is Taimyo-Tuva, Xinghau Shan Da." The man just waves vaguely, getting out a pen and fresh clipboard. Apparently they're equal rank, but he appears to be content to scribe this one out?

    "Is this the whole party from the Denandsor affair? Are we missing anyone? Is anyone here new? We have important business to get to, and I want every able hand we can get. You know that the Operations Directorate has issued their formal declaration of the annexation of Thorns, correct? The motion had been gaining popularity for years, so it was inevitable the instant they started digging up strategic weaponry under Denandsor's central manse that someone would finally pass the idea of ousting Thorns' tyrant king. On paper, the decision is sound, but working here so close to the front line, I'm starting to have my doubts. Tell me, what do you know about Thorns? What experience do you have with Shadowlands or the dead? Do any of you have relevant skills in tactical organization or espionage? Have you fought in an actual military engagement before? Have you fought a Necromancer before? Are you familiar with practises regarding a captive civilian population? Do any of you have the capacity to capture or analyze research, especially involving human experimentation? Have any of you been trained regarding psychological warfare, propoganda, and brainwashing countermeasures?"

    Scribbling away, the man in grey uniform almost boredly speaks up. "You're rushing them, Taimyo Wu. One question at a time please. My hand is already cramping up."
Staren     Before Staren can talk about his suggestion to equip themselves with modern weapons and armor -- although, now he wonders if they really don't have it in quantity -- The man launches into questions. Staren carefully reviews the list. "Nothing. Have dealt with some dead and been to the Underworld. Not really. Yeah. Probably, but not the kind you have here. No. Yeah, I was on the team that recovered Xiang's research. Only some informal reading."

Hetaren blinks. "Is this... not the meeting where I should be pitching the idea of equipping your soldiers with armor from other worlds?" He gestures at the cases he brought, not put out, just... curious.
Gawain Gawain bows as they enter, arm over his chest. "Sir Gawain, Knight of the Sun, Paladin Warden. It is my pleasure to assist." His voice is clear and truthful, a satisfaction from simply being here to aid at all. He stands quietly and promptly as they're bombarded with questions, considering his answers before speaking after Taimyo Da interrupts the woman. "Ah, I myself thought it only showed a dedication to the mission and to the people to get it done as soon as possible. It's quite commendable! Rest assured, I will assist however you need. From her words, it sounds like Thorns is having an undead issue, a populace captive by said tyrant king. As a knight, I have fought in several military engagements, and am familiar with hostage rescue practices. I believe I have fought a necromancer or two before, though I do not believe the undead will pose me a problem. Most of us were part of the team that slew the giant beast in Whitewall, which I believe was undead, so we have that experience."

Gawain's voice is knightly, regal, and has a passive supernatural effect to it that brings that out, trying to impress it on the two. Trying to impress himself as a knightly person who is both confident and noble. "Just tell us what we must do, and I will make sure it is done."
Tomoe Tomoe takes the whole office? Head Quarters? It's a very odd and very distinct sort of thing. She will be fairly impressed by it and I will move in. She sees the posturing as she sees it from the Starbounders and isn't shocked by it. She does tend to tower herself at being over six feet tall though as she comes in.

"I am pleased to meet you both I am Tomoe the Iron Lily to the Multiverse at large."

She does bow slightly as a sign of respect.

"I have heard some word of the events with Thorns. More first hand information would be quite useful."

Also she's long put her smartphone away, gaming time and feeding some gotcha machine her adventuring money is on pause for now.

"I'm much of the same mind as Sir Gawain. We can't do much ifd we don't know what needs to be done there. I'm a fairly expericed as far as adventuring goes and I was part of the team in White Wall as well."
Starbound Flotilla     The whole Flotilla give greetings to Gawain of course, but Seft's the one who responded to his greeting with the most enthusiasm. "Happy. Sir Gawain! It is wonderful to have you with us again!" She seems to like him and his knightly shenanigans. Reminds her of home in a positive way!

    "We were a part of the Denandsor affair, indeed. I am Haruto, Moonfin of the Hylotl, First of the Six Captains of the Starbound Flotilla, and partner of the Concord." Moonfin says, striding in with his arms folded behind his back. "With our efforts, a path was carved through the outer walls of the curse, and inwards towards its heart. We have stood at the backbone of forces of change in this region for months now, and I am certain you will find us qualified for this matter. What we know of Thorns is minimal, only that it is held under the thumb of the Mask of Winters."

    "Little counterintuitive, you know. Asking if any of us know much about espionage? I mean, if we /did/ it would be kinda silly to say it, right?" George pipes up, with a grin. "Don't you think it's better not to poke /that/ part, and just maybe trust more a blanket 'yeah'? I mean, you're not gonna get many high-quality spies if you're askin' 'em for a resume." He delivers a wink. It's... Subtle. Reassuring?

    "We have extensive tactical history. Specialization in heavy position reinforcement, blitz tactics, heavy vehicle tactics." Albert grunts, and then lists the overall number of engagements the Flotilla has fought in; dozens more than this writer could recall precisely. He is the picture of a commander. "...Know enough about dealing with a captive civilian population. Know enough about experimentation on them. About brainwashing, and psychological--" Something about THAT question seems to have set Albert off, and his military attention shudders with an intense emotional rush. Seft is the one who has to put a hand on his shoulder and take up the rest of the speaking.

    "Confident. We've fought necromantic forces before. We helped slay Shards of Basalt using a chemical weapon, in fact." She winces slightly and makes a soft beeping tone of discomfort thinking about using chemical weapons. "Assuring. I know we didn't exactly have need to be subtle before, so I'm sure you know plenty once you know our name." Then she sort of tugs Albert back to try to gesture him into less tension. Albert's eyes are LOCKED on the council now, wide and urgently attentive.
All-Seeing Eye The Claslati delegation shuffles in--the armed guards, and All-Seeing Eye, flank the diplomats, who take their seats. Eye gives a few subtle gestures, and the guards take up strategic positions around the boardroom, much as Dragon-Blooded guards would in the event of a visiting head of state from the Confederation of Rivers. If their placement makes either Taimyo uncomfortable, a word can have them rearranged.

     Once the diplomats have found seats, they listen to the question posed by Taimyo Wu, and silently confer among themselves. The first one to speak up is the old man, who introduces himself for the sake of the scribe. "High Celebrant Stanislav Alexandrovich Konstantinov, of the Claslati Theomachracy." He speaks in Old Realm, save for the words which have no direct translation. Noting the hurried scribbling, he chuckles dryly. "The Claslati spiritual authority, if that's easier, Taimyo Da." He clears his throat. "Part of the Theomachracy's responsibilities is the upkeep of morale for our nation's citizens. During times of war, this also includes propaganda countermeasures." He makes a gesture to All-Seeing Eye, who is the closest of the security detail relative to the diplomats. The word 'brainwashing,' however, causes him to lean backwards and whisper something to All-Seeing Eye, who is quick to whisper back. "All-Seeing Eye is one of our nation's most talented Exalted. Aside from his combat proficiency, he is an able reprogrammer." That must be their word for brainwashing.

     "You're too kind, Celebrant~!" The Exalt twirls his long raven hair around a finger.

     The celebrant gives a resigned sigh and continues. His pace is slow and even. "With regards to the issue of 'Necromancy' and 'the dead,' our intelligence is lacking, save for an engagement between All-Seeing Eye and a 'Deathknight' which ended in a decisive Claslati victory." That's putting a bit of a nationalist spin on it, as Eye definitely had help from an ingenious device of the Flotilla's--but he was no slouch, either.

     The celebrant nods to the woman in the grey cloak, next. "Grand Autocrat Ilya Annushkin Nikolaev, of the administrative branch. Where we are from, borders are mutable things that change with fluctuations of landmasses. As you might imagine, this leads to war as often as trade. Though the landscape of Creation is quite different than the closed quarters and darkness we're accustomed to fighting in, we are no strangers to conflict, nor victory. The procurement of laborers after a decisive victory against another nation is common practice. Much as Lookshy does, we also employ Exalted as field commanders. Although All-Seeing Eye wasn't built for such a purpose, he has served faithfully for 30 years, much of which involved combat against the Exalted of other nations--"

     "He was built to police Claslat," comes an interjection from one of the figures in overalls. "Not to lead her troops into battle. Another Exalt would be a better choice." This interjection earns an annoyed frown from the Grand Autocrat.

     "The objection of the Great Sodality Council is noted. However, All-Seeing Eye has participated in one major domestic military operation, and numerous Multiversal engagements. We feel his talents are, at the very least, suited for cooperation."

     There's a brief susurrus of whispering between the figures in overalls, before the eldest among them speaks. "The Great Council of the Five Magnificent Sodalities of Penultimate Truth and Intransigent Gospel... agrees, on a vote of four to one."

     Eye steps over to Taimyo Da and stage whispers, for his scribing benefit. "The custodial branch.~"
All-Seeing Eye      The Grand Autocrat clears her throat with some mild annoyance. "Pursuant to the matter of Thorns, the Olgotary concurs with Tomoe the Iron Lily and Warden Gawain--our intelligence is lacking in that area. Claslat is willing to provide Exalted, footsoldiers and technology to your endeavor, but a more clear risk assessment is in order before any details may be finalized. Furthermore... if you wish for our assistance to be more discreet, you will find the Moonsilver and Starmetal caste to be excellent spies and analysts, respectively, without the risk of showing your hand to the Realm."
Miari The barrage of questions leaves Miari a bit wide-eyed after she finds a seat and offers a nod of acknowledgement to the introductions.

    "My name..." Her voice cracks briefly, and after a momentary cough to clear her throat and gather her composure...

    "I am Caeleen Miari, of the family of esteemed botanists and physicians you may or may not know of. Myself, those things, as well as sorceress and demonologist. Concord representative where Creation is concerned!"

    Those things she can say confidently.

    "Regarding those things... I'm aware of the situation with Thorns, yes, and the decision seems uncharacteristically rushed for the Seventh Legion, however sound. You must have found something decisive in that old city." The lilt of curiosity melodiously melds with a degree of hope and respect at once in those words.

    "On the subject of the dead, necromancy, and the Deathlords, I have a wealth of information. Occult trivia, some theories, and practical knowledge. Most of my knowledge of Thorns stems from its history as a state of of the Scarlet Empire though. I have never traveled there, nor witnessed anything the Mask of Winters has done, only tracked the public records of his diplomatic efforts and what rumors bring. My own efforts were focused on Denandsor... a problem that's now largely solved."

    She goes on to announce, "As for military experience, I have participated in several operations comprised of elite task forces acting spontaneously relying on top-class magical resources and ancient wonders like your airships, and very little that involves rank and file soldiery. This includes tackling a few Necromancers. If the research has to do with occult matters, practical sciences, or other thaumaturgical matters then I should be of great help, and I do have a few methods of countering magics, diseases, or disorders that would cloud or bind the mind... but propoaganda and social engineering is something else entirely."
Bloody Revelations     "I told you that you were overwhelming them." says Shan Da. "We don't enough time to be wasting any of it." says Zen Wu. "Half of the Sky Guard is going to be here in weeks, and the second and third field forces not long after. We need to know what we're committing, when, and how." she says. "And I'm the one who has to track and sign off on all of it, yes, I'm aware." says Shan Da.

    Zen Wu presses on regardless, without missing a beat. "Having some of the heroes of Whitewall with us does relieve me greatly, especially if it comes down to a battle with Juggernaut in play. I've not personally had the pleasure of meeting any of Autochthon's chosen, but any Essence-wielders we can get could be crucial at this stage. Unfortunately, I can't ask you to do something as simple as hurl yourselves at the walls just yet, and I can't order you to do anything else anyways. Rest assured, you'll get your chance to join the battlefield, but hopefully it will be a short, sudden, and overwhelming push that will lead to an abrupt and crushing victory."

    "Even if Lookshy has suddenly met with a Windfall of tactical superiority over the Mask of Winters, it's imperative we make use of it before he gains a real grasp of what it is we now have control of. The longer we spend fighting him, the greater the chance the Realm of the Raksha might mount an attack on us while the bulk of our forces are away as well, so I need to commit as few forces as are capable of decisively winning this conflict as possible."

    Zen Wu sighs, folds her fingers together, and then takes a second to gather her thoughts. "I'll try to make the history brief, but I won't have to try hard. We don't know nearly as much about Thorns as I want us to know. It was previously a military opponent of Lookshy's but defeated over 40 years ago, and during its post-war recession, it was invaded and conquered from the Underworld; that is the Deathlord calling himself the Mask of Winters broke the barrier between Creation and the Underworld in plain daylight and conquered the city overnight."

    "The Mask of Winters owns Thorns now, and makes pretenses of being a legitimate city state, holding court with Lookshy, Great Forks, and the Confederation of Rivers in general, but nobody is fooled by his promises that Thorns is a thriving place where people live and work alongside their departed ancestors. All sources indicate the man is a mad despot, concerned only with favouring the dead who flock to his banner, and where the still-living people trapped in the city are labour, cattle, Necromantic test subjects, and cheap sources of body parts for his resurrection pits and ghosts to add to his army. His secret police sew terror amongst the populace. His cronies toy with the people, and his savants abduct citizens for experimentation and conversion, all while his ministry gilds their palace and smiles and claims everything is fine. There is a resistance movement of some kind, but it can't be anything but woefully unprepared, and that we can't count of them for serious aid."
Bloody Revelations     "More concerning is that whatever magic the Mask of Winters used to force his way into Creation seems to have artificially generated a Shadowland which spreads around the surrounding countryside every year, drawing more and more of the land into the Underworld by night. The natural lines of Essence in the area are completely destroyed. Local Manses and places of power no longer function at all. Currently, we don't know of any definite limit to the Shadowlands' spread, if there is one."

    "The Mask's army is impressive, but ostensibly not moreso than ours. While thousands of war ghosts and mortal soldiers, alongside hundreds of siege engines and tens of thousands of zombies, might be insurmountable for others, we now have the strategic weaponry needed to wipe out the vast bulk of his favoured tactics, and our equipment and troops are superior to his, as well as outnumbering the trained and professional portion of his forces. On paper, this whole operation should be a complete rout by detonation of strategic-scale weapons and airship bombardment, followed by massed shock cavalry and artillery, and a final occupation force. There are a number of risks associated with this."

    "One is that he will almost certainly make use of the citizens of Thorns as human shields. Two is that we still have no idea of the Masks's capabilities as an individual. Three is that the Mask still holds the possession of some sort of undead Behemoth that he uses as a mobile citadel and engine of mass destruction, which we currently have no countermeasures for but overwhelming firepower. Four is that in the past decade and a half, the Mask has been adding these 'Deathknights' we hear off to his armies, taking over positions held by venerable war ghosts and re-training his soldiers. We believe there could be as many as fifteen of them, and we have never engaged them in battle."

    "If it comes down to it, Lookshy is prepared to empty its arsenal into Thorns and wipe the Shadowland completely off the map, but I would prefer otherwise. Command wishes to begin the full offensive the minute the days become longer and the snow melts, and plan on rounding up the Mask's away forces and exterminating them in the meantime, surrounding Thorns from all directions. I need someone in that time to find answers to those four problems. We need intelligence on the city, on his agents, on his generals, and on his army. We need communications with the civilians inside of Thorns and the resistance. We need a sane way to deal with Juggernaut. We need to prepare tactics to handle his 'Deathknights' on short notice, and inevitably the Mask himself, free of any of his ministry's intentional info-warfare that spreads conflicting rumours about his true nature and strengths and weaknesses."

    With a textually lengthy but verball short briefing concluded, Shan Da looks to the Claslati. "I have a missive from the top level for you. Your motion for a formal alliance has been passed with certain provisions, however, it is to be understood that Lookshy is not capable of providing any assistance whatsoever while this conflict continues. It is in your best interests to resolve it as quickly and decisively as possible. If any of you have suggestions, I will record them and send them to high command tomorrow."
Staren     Staren blinks. "...unless the deathknights we fought outside Denandsor were his dumbest, I wondr what thy miht have to teach his armies..." And now, he's been asked for suggestions. "Well, honestly... I was under the impression that aside from gunzosha commandoes and any dragon-blooded you may have, your soldiers lack the tools to harm monsters and the armor to withstand their attacks. Such things are commonly for sale in my world... I'm. happy to help get you in touch with arms merchants... If I heard wrong, though... well, I am happy to help personally against the death lord."

    "It occurs to me, that perhaps if we allowed knowledge of these rebels, and Mask'd tyranny, to fall into the hands of the Watch, the deathlord might have to fight opposition both within and without."
Miari Very little of this is news or even surprising to the green-haired lady at the table, going by Miari's expression. She puts a hand over her heart. "It's here that I should offer some information... the nature of the Deathlords and their Deathknights. As far as I'm able to tell - and matched by the word of a Deathknight who seems to LOATHE them - the Deathlords are the ghosts of the ancient Solars, likely the cruelest and most powerful of them, granted power by the horrors lurking at the bottom of the Underworld. The Deathknights they command are more formally known as the Abyssal Exalted, corrupted from Solar Exaltations into channeling necromantic powers instead of living Essence. They are every bit the agents of ruin that Immaculate philosophy labels Anathema, and much more genuinely so. It is not the legions of the dead who you should be most worried about... but those who lead them. For overcoming even a single Deathknight is no easy feat... and the Mask of Winters is powerful enough to command the obedience of such beings. He is probably a master of several ancient arts of combat, as well as a sorcerer-king straight out of ancient legends. Comparable to a Third Circle Demon, at the very least. Any of them taking the field is a situation that only the very best will be walking away from. But, more positively..."

    She purses her lips, holds her hands on the table...

    "Sir Gawain's holy sword should be able of cleaving through Juggernaut and he may be exactly what is needed to go toe-to-toe with the Mask or his Deathknights on equal footing. Most of us here would fare decently against them, I imagine. All-Seeing Eye, he has slain one! A Dusk Caste, no less, the ones most suited to combat and warfare. I am only genuinely worried about the Mask himself, and the horrors he could wreak upon Thorns. The rest... the rest, can be dealt with. But it will be grueling."

    She lays both hands flat out on the table now, brow furrowing. "I'm aware of Lookshy's stance on them, but I point out that the Sun's Chosen are perfectly suited to countering the dead. Consider a way to get the word out and make use of them, if Lookshy knows of any who seem remotely trustworthy."
Gawain Gawain mms to the information given, nodding. "Our own have slain a Deathknight, so with enough numbers and preparation, I cannot see an issue doing so again. If he fields all fifteen, however, that may be more difficult. I will give word to all available Paladins personnel to involve themselves as I can. If there is indeed a 'Behemoth', I should be equipped of dealing with it, but do not rely solely on me! Please try and have backups, everyone, in case I am incapable of arriving in time for whatever reason."

Gawain turns to Miari. "Why should they need such people if they do not like them? Are there not other forces than the Sun's Chosen capable of dealing with the undead? Elites are present, as are other forces. If they believe it'll assist them, then that is their perogative, but I do not believe there is any necessary need! Especially if it'll skew the local politics by doing so, in an already tumultous time." Gawain pauses briefly, however. "Not that I personally believe that any Chosen of the Sun who offer should be refused. Simply that there's no need for a call of arms at this time!"
Tomoe There is a heck of a lot of information here to take in, a heck of a lote. She says nothing as she's clearly trying to listen and remember all of this for later use. She get the idea it's going to be a hell of a fight, against someone whose would have given the late Feds and Union a hard time. Also she grimaces as the truth about the living civilians there will be used against then. She will look to Miari and nods.

"My own lesser holy blade may be able to help and I will be aiding him if I am allowed to do so. I'm at my best keeping things off others."

She looks to Miari nodding her but seems concerned and looks right at Pavo for a moment before looking back to Miari then to Gawain. She's very glad she has friends who are far more poltically skilled than she is.

"I wonder if we could make prperation to lessen the civilians being used as shiedl and find a way to get them out...I know we will not be able to save everyone but..."
All-Seeing Eye Staren's notion of alerting the Watch causes murmurs of assent to travel between the Claslati delegation. It seems they agree with him, although none of them say as much out loud. Perhaps they don't wish to set a precedent for using the faction as a bludgeon, lest the same be done to them.

     When the murmur is broken to allow for decisive speech, it's the Grand Autocrat that speaks up. "The Claslati Tripartite Assembly understands and agrees with the observations and recommendations of the Confederation representatives," she formally states. "We will stand with Lookshy and the Confederation of Rivers against the tyranny of the dead over the living whenever, however and wherever we can. To that end, we will take a brief recess--within the hour, you will have your suggestions."

     And with that, the delegation steps outside, escorted by the twelve guards. All-Seeing Eye extends his hand, into which crawls his right eye, on bundles of synthetic nerves. He passes it to the Grand Autocrat, so that he can monitor the delegation's safety and remain in the briefing room at the same time.

     "Oh! Miari. You flatter me~" The Alchemical issues forth a musical giggle, resting a gloved hand upon his chin. He basks in that praise, for a moment, and then, as if remembering what he was initially going to say, continues.

     "A word, if I may, esteemed dignitaries?" He bows deeply, a gesture meant to convey deference. "When the time comes to attack, Claslat /does/ have options available for contending with weapons of mass destruction. At certain levels of Essence mastery, Autochthon's Chosen are of equal or greater size than the average Warstrider. Some are even the size of cities! Though I'm sure you'd prefer a more elegant solution, Claslat can bolster the..." He places a finger upon his chin thoughtfully, then smirks. "Insane approach... to countering the Behemoth."

     "If it comes to that, of course. I'm sure it won't!~" But he hopes it does, because as loathe as he is to /become/ one he has to admit, seeing Colossi in action is DOPE. As if to deliver that point, he looks up from his bowed position to smile at both representatives, before standing up once more.
Starbound Flotilla     "..." Moonfin is at a bit of a loss for words. For a man like him, that never lasts long. Soon he regains them. "I certainly understand the situation. A tense one, with a multitude of lives at stake. And it would certainly be much to the benefit of any who would take up the role of savior of the citizenry, even if that role is exchanged with one that was once foe." Moonfin's canny eyes gleam for a moment, as he hints just slightly at realization and recognition of something. "It is certainly an endeavour that is... Valuable, and one we will be happy to assist in, where it may provide benefit in turn for--"

    "They'll burn." Albert says, tensely, tersely. His mind is swimming with old thoughts and memories of experiences from long ago. "Every lab, every ministry, every palace, every organ farm, all of it." He hasn't even bothered to negotiated a price, terms of alliance, or even any ways to make sure that he doesn't step on the toes of Lookshy's own forces.

    "Avast there, matey, there's still a matter of prices--"
    "Don't care. If you Lookshy needs information you'll have it. Better record than ash and corpses. Will find every gap, every flaw." Albert's eyes are practically BURNING white. One hand's gone to clasp a small medal on his uniform. One has the impression that he'd break out into aggressive rants if he had the verbosity for it, or into a table-smashing anger if he didn't have Seft's hand on his shoulder.

    "...Yeesh! Big council makesss furry friend mad. Hi! Floran isss Biteblade, here for chat about war, and getting Ssstarbound help to make you win war easssy." Biteblade says, stepping forward and giving Moonfin some time to calm Albert down. "Here isss important part! Oh, er, right, talk for ssskin people." She works her own jaw a little bit, testing her tongue. "Hi. For our alliance, the resources we're usually focused on acquiring are knowledge, bidding approval for major contracts, mining rights, and raw materials. This is going to be a high-commitment campaign, because our Captain Albert Petrov has decided he's going to burn everything that isn't a citizen down! He has some experience with things like that. So we'll give a little discount on covering campaign expenses because of the high commitment. Moonfin can handle detailsss! Ugh, Floran hate talk like thisss, sssorry. Lisssten, fuzzy friend long time ago, wasss commander for people fighting big badguysss like Masssk of Wintersss minissstry. Trussst that, can handle, yeah? Knowsss what isss doing."

    How exactly Albert plans to turn Infinite Rage into a plan to destroy the dystopian civilization or hijack all the information therein is unclear, but it seems the Flotilla immediately has taken utmost faith that he will.
Bloody Revelations     Both of the Taimyos look a little incredulously at Staren. "I'm afraid you've been misinformed." says Shan Da. "The Seventh Legion of Lookshy is by far the best equipped military force on the face of Creation. Without bowing to the Realm, we have maintained vast troves of technology and knowledge from our descendants of the Shogunate before us, and through our technology and tactics we have remained free ever since. Our stockpiles in fact overflow so greatly that Lookshy occasionally makes business of arming client states in the Confederation, for the right price."

    Zen Wu continues. "Thousands of zombies might be a threat to lesser armies, which would exhaust their ammunition and be rolled under by such a large mob, but the speed and precision of the second and fourth field forces, never mind with the support of the Sky Guard, make any engagement with the undead and the conscripts and defectors of Thorns a trivial obstacle. Even their war ghosts are no match for the arsenal at our disposal, developed by the old Shogunate of the last age to take on them and worse." Shan Da suddenly speaks up, having had a bright idea. "But the same can't be said for the insurgency within Thorns. I can't suppose many of them are trained fighters, but if you were able to transport the right items inside . . ."

    Both of them become don a considerably more grim countenance when Miari relates the full breadth of her understanding of the situation. Both of the Taimyos look like they would like anything else but to believe her assertions, but as if they know better than to reject them out of hand. "Be careful that none of the things you hear are fanciful exaggerations put out there at the Mask's pleasure. We've heard all kinds of theories by now, up to and including that he can't be killed but for some absurd secret weakness." Shan Da says. "Still, your counsel constitutes most of what little intelligence we have." says Zen Wu. "We'll have to take it under advisement. The Realm has been humiliated numerous times by the Anathema. Lookshy prefers not to bother, but if you believe they are comparable, we are prepared not to make the same mistakes. Unfortunately, that kind of situation may result in catastrophic damage to Thorns and associated casualties if they aren't brought into the field first. If his Knights have been with him this entire time and actively managing his military campaigns, I assume they are probably too well-trained to charge to the fore mindlessly."
Bloody Revelations     Neither of them look taken aback by Albert's outburst. In fact, they look something closer to professionally sympathetic. "I appreciate your dedication." Zen Wu says. "I guarantee you, the people of Lookshy feel the same way. We have our own people to protect as well, which has to balance that interest. If you think you can build a guerrilla effort into something significant, I can have your team set up with our best spies to organize a simultaneous attack within and without, when it comes time for it. Make sure that you do not burn down valuable insights into the Mask's capabilities in your haste, however."

    Shan Da suddenly picks up for Biteblade. "How does twenty five percent of the inevitable restoration contracts required to bring Thorns back up to livable condition sound? I can negotiate an additional thirty percent subsidy on any food or medicine you can bring to the no-doubt starving and ailing populace, and a commission fee for every Deathknight killed; triple if captured alive." The difference between the two Taimyos becomes pretty clear at this point. Though equal rank, one is in charge of battle itself, and the other in charge of logistics and communication.

    "We look forward to the Tripartite's decision." he continues. "I will arrange accommodations for the length of your stay." Zen Wu follows after him: "I'm willing to consider all strategic options at this point. The most powerful weapon Lookshy has ever employed has no effect on the dead, and we especially aren't sure what would work on Juggernaut, since it has never been deployed in open combat. I am willing to consider multiple massive strike options if necessary to ensure the elimination of Juggernaut and the Mask of Winters, regardless of the cost, or else it will cost Lookshyan lives."

    "If you have external contracts you think will help, by all means, contact them." alternates Shan Da. "Remember that the greater amount of Thorns' population and infrastructure survives, the greater the rewards we of Lookshy will be able to give in return. I will expect to hear the details of internal actions beforehand, however, or else risk catching civilians in a crossfire. Otherwise, anything that can be done to destabilize the Mask of Winters' power base, sabotage his war infrastructure, and splinter his political support, to say nothing of any particularly potent Necromantic artifacts, is worth a hefty additional commission. Is everything clear?"
Staren     Staren doesn't look disappointed, just surprised. "Ah. I see. Well, that's good news then!" He listens to their further replies. "Well... when it comes to fighting the Juggernaut, I can bring my own warstrider to bear." He wrings his hands a bit. "As for the Watch, well... I'm not sure how well they'll play with others. The question becomes, I suppose, whether they are likely to get more civilians in the crossfire, than the current regime will kill if they /don't/ take action." He starts to pace. "They don't really have much of a reason not to cooperate to at least /some/ degree, though. They'll want to see the civilians freed, and the war effort's their best shot at that -- unless they decide to go straight for assassinating Mask of Winters. Only if they felt that the war would comprimise the safety of the civilians worse than some other plan, would they do something that might give away any plans we tell them..."
Gawain "Indeed! I look forward to assisting you in solving this situation." Gawain makes no comment on the Watch situation, just hmming and preparing to either hear anything else, or leave if time.
Miari "I'm not in this for fame or personal betterment, as alien as that might sound. A Sorceress of my caliber has no trouble amassing mundane wealth. I desire the sorts of things that Lookshy would be loathe to part with, so I do not ask for it. Access to Denandsor's libraries secures my loyalty."

    The Sorceress declares rather solidly. She once again purses her lips. A few hints of fear show on her face... but no beads of perspiration. She's no longer capable of such things.

    "I will go out on a limb to say this, out of respect for the effort." With a soft exhale... power flows from her flesh. A soft golden-white light at its core, but framed in brilliant tongues of purple, orange, and crimson. The colors of the sunset. And a half-filled golden circle shines on her forehead. "I am one of those ancient Solars reborn. Twilight Caste. In that life I was Devon, the founder of most magitech sciences and a great degree of sorcerous principles, and I remember more about the First Age and every bit of equipment Lookshy fields than your best Sorcerer-Engineers likely know." Her body shakes and shivers a little, but it's hard to say if it's in fear or something else. "It's only due to a lack of materials and infrastructure that I can't field such myself. It is on the authority of those memories that I proclaim how much of a threat a Deathlord likely is, in person. It is the Usurpation all over again. They're mad, and if they're not stopped, everything will be plunged into the Underworld."

    The aura and Caste mark fades just as quickly as it came.

    "There really is no telling what arts he may know. But they will be just as mighty as what the Dragon-Blooded faced ages ago when they overthrew the Solars and Lunars. Be ready for THAT."
Tomoe Tomoe gets the idea Lookshy is not a light weight in the modern world, anything short of the Mask of Winters they have a chance against. Yet they were not so proud as not to ask for aid. Clearly they are going to need heavy hitters like those they have called in namely the party here. She knows a few people in the watch and his beholden to no major power in the sector save to the oath she took to protect Priscilla's home world. She could let it slip to the Watch if it came ot it right? As wary as she might be of some people in it it was an idea she thought could work.

Not that she'd think to use them she'd trust they'd have a motive like her's to help save people from an undead jackass.

"We have leg work to do it seems on this sir and I understand this is no laughing matter or as we'd put it on my home a milk run. I could care less about fame or getting ahead myself and I don't want to see a world get devoured by the underworld."

It also might not stop with creation if the Annu incident was any indication of that...