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Lexicon     Once more, Lexicon finds herself in Locus. But this time, with the Tower long resolved and the Four Felons in hiding, it's more of a social call this time. The Silver DCC disembarks the System Bus with a little hop, then straightens to take in the city before her. The smallest smile touches her face.

    "This really was a good place to put the Bus dropoff," Lexicon remarks out loud, "When things aren't going wrong, it's a pretty great view."

    After a moment of appreciating the city's aesthetic, Lexicon starts, then glances about. Theurgus had said Charta would be floating around here somewhere...
Theurgus     Charta is indeed waiting at the stop, quietly letting the foreign DCC take in the view and only making her presence known once the awe subsides. "Lady Silver Soul, welcome once again to Locus. I have chartered an airship to take us to the Cathoderal. We learned from the last assault by the Four Felons and moved the Crystal R&D facility inside the main building, so anyone trying to attack it again would have to go through the entire LDF before even getting close." she says, gesturing to the small airship moored nearby.
Lexicon     "Ah, Charta," Lexicon nods once the bookfairy is located. A polite nod is offered, and she follows without issue to the airship with her hands hanging at her sides-- hidden inside her sleeves, "Good day to you as well, thanks for meeting me here."

    Once on the airship, she slips her hands from those sleeves to hold on to the railing, looking out over Locus again, "I'd heard about that business with Seeker and Topaz Soul, though I don't think I got the details." Eyes closing, she hums, "I suppose keeping something that valuable that isolated has its drawbacks, too."

    She turns about, leaning on the railing, "I hadn't heard a peep from the Felons since then, either. I can't help but think they're planning something bigger. That or Theurgus bloodied their nose enough to spook 'em."
Theurgus     Charta says, "I have the same feeling. They have been too quiet. Nothing from Struo or Alea or Cantio either." replies the Bookfairy as the airship travels. "However, she did manage to capture Topaz Soul for a short duration, so they may be trying to be more careful. Combatants like Lady Diamond Soul appear to be a hard counter to ones like Topaz."
Lexicon     "Mm," Lexicon thinks this over for a bit, "If Topaz Soul is all close range and counterattacks, than yeah, it seems like someone who prefers to keep her distance would have an advantage." Freakin' projectile spammers. At least Lex herself has a good balance of the two.

    She glances up at the approaching Cathoderal, "At least things are pretty calm for now. Can you tell me anything about the resource crystal itself?"
Theurgus     Charta nods, "At its most basic, it is effectively like one of those multiversal power storage items... Batteries, I believe they're called. The crystal itself is solidified and stabilized System Resource." begins Charta as the airship banks calmly around to approach a docking platform half way down the giant tower. "The process is a bit more involved than that, but Lady Diamond Soul is more informed on the matter, as she has taken a direct hand in the project."
Lexicon     Lexicon lifts a hand to her chin in thought, letting out a soft 'mm' as she listens to the basic description. At the end, she nods once, "I'd expect her to, since it's being studied in her own house now." So it's a battery. Her eyes half-lid in further thought. If there really was a way to tap into a crystal instead of relying on relays, than working outside the System will become far easier...

    She glances up as the airship approaches its dock, nodding once, "I'm sure she'll give me the excruciatingly detailed rundown, but I do appreciate the Cliff's Notes version, Charta. That'll help me follow Theurgus' explanations if it gets any deeper."
Theurgus     Charta gives a knowing look to Lexicon as the DCC speaks. It's a haunted look, one that knows the depths of sorrow and hopelessness. Oh yes, she knows what Lexicon speaks of. "I am happy to help, Lady Silver Soul... but for now, I must take my leave, Guild business. You will find the elevator directly across from the doors, take it down to level B4. Lady Diamond Soul will be waiting for you there." With that, the bookfairy floats off into the tower, veering right and vanishing around a corner.
Lexicon     Lexicon blinks at Charta's reaction. And the bookfairy's sudden departure. She holds up one hand, "Ah-- hold on a second--!" And then Charta is gone. Hand lowering, the silver DCC lets out a noise, "Kuh..! I guess she's had her fill for the day." She glances aside at the direction indicated, then disembarks the airship.

    Some time later, at level B4, the elevator dings. Doors open and Lexicon steps out somewhat cautiously.
Theurgus     Level B4, it's a busy place, full of machines that bleep, lights that blink and doodads that grinklebomp. No, I don't know what that means either. It's like a scene from some pulp sci-fi show, with a series of tubes with small floating 'packets' of System Resource, a pale off-yellow hue with particles of the other colours of elements speckled in like modeling clay that's been sprinkled with sand. Various programs are chcking readouts and working at terminals, while Theurgus herself stands before the tubes, looking up at the proto-crystals, hands on her hips like some kind of villain surveying her latest creation preparing for global conquest.
Lexicon     Lexicon pauses, glancing over the machinery and tube-bound System Resource samples. She steps aside to clear the way for a program passing by, then steps up more confidently to approach her friend.

    Yeah, no, that kind of pose is something that doesn't surprise Lex one bit.

    "I made it," she announces her presence, "Hello in person, Theurgus. Looks like you're already well under way, here."
Theurgus     Theurgus turns, sweeping the tail of her coat out like a cape, letting it billow in her self-made wind. "Lexicon! Glad you could make it!" she lets out with her trademark chuckle. "We've been at this for a few days now, the last batch were imperfect and destabilized in testing. Luckily we were using decommissioned Securotrons, so the damage was minimal." this is said casually, like she's commenting on the weather, or so.
Lexicon     Lexicon nods once, "Charta gave good directions, but had to attend to business with the Guild." She'll stick with what the Bookfairy told her, "It's a bit beyond my wheelhouse, to be honest, but since it stands reason this would affect me I wanted to try and contribute somehow." She glances aside at the samples once more, "So stability is the problem?" ... "Wait," She glances back at Theurgus, "What kind of damage?! Side effects are gonna make this pretty useless."
Theurgus     "Early iterations, Lexi, these considerations will be rectified once we have the stability issue in check." replies Theurgus, grinning broadly. "The crystals merely detonated and caused a minor Resource Shock in the area. The zone is already repaired and the Line back in working condition." She seems really flippant about this, but then grows serious. "I am serious though. We will make sure that even if there are 'issues' with the final product, they will not cause harm to those who use them."
Lexicon     With a sigh, Lexicon closes her eyes, "I believe you. I know I can trust you to make this as safe as possible, since you intend to use it too." Then again, this squishy wizard has done some crazy and reckless things. Can Lexicon really say that with confidence?

    She steps up beside Theurgus, staring at the various readouts and tube-ensconsed crystals with a blank look on her face. After a moment, she glances aside, "To be frank, I don't know what I can do to help with this. I can contribute resources, at least. You seem to be working mostly with your own, here."
Theurgus     "That is, actually, part of the problem. Locus' Resource is a strange mix, compared to the samples we have from Vector, Cadenza and Arcade. Locus, being so elementally fluid, really makes it difficult to properly condense the Resource into a usable form." remarks Theurgus, gesturing to the closest tube. "See the speckles in the Lightning-aspect? We have tried to filter out the other elements, but some still gets through."
Lexicon     "Ah ha," Lexicon's hand moves to her chin, "I had noticed the mixed colors, but I thought it was intentional. So what you need is something pure to work with. Something that doesn't require a lengthly and currently imperfect refining process." Removing her hand from her chin, Lexicon claps both hands together, rubbing her palms, "Alright then. That's a pretty direct way I can assist. My Drive's resources are pretty much purely Ice-aligned."

    "I can see why you might not have gotten buy-in from the others, if you had asked them, though," Lexicon admits, "Giving up resources to a potential rival is a big show of trust, after all."
Theurgus     "Indeed... though once they see the possibilities of this technology, I am hoping to open trade channels with them as well." replies Theurgus, smiling at her friend. "Samples of your Drive's resource would certainly help with the main part of crystalizing Resource, and we can dedicate some more time to iterating on the refining process to use Locus' Resource."
Lexicon     "I'm sure," Lexicon nods once, "Ultimately it benefits everyone. Relays can be a real hassle." She examines the containment vessel a bit longer, then straightens and glances across the lab, "Got some empty containers I can dump this into? Alea's got the Hub right now, but I built up a good stockpile on my last turn as SCC."
Theurgus     One of the researchers perks up, then dashes out of the room. She returns in a few moments with a large tube, much like those already plugged into the machinery. It's like a large lightbulb with a mooring rig at one end for interfacing with the machines. "We have had to replace several vessels due to instability, luckily the instabilities usually occur before a critical mass scenario and so they do not explode, merely crack the vessel and dissipate.
Lexicon     Reaching out, Lexicon accepts the tube from the researcher, glancing Theurgus' way as the instability comes up again. She returns her attention to the vessel with a thoughtful noise, "Well. Ice is already crystallized water, so the form of ice resources should be inherently stable from the start. That's my theory, anyway. We'll see how it works out."

    She shifts her grip on the container and places her hand on the interface connectors. A binary circle expands around her feet as the vessel's interior begins to fill with shining silver-white light, "I'll be sure not to overfill it, at least."
Theurgus     "Whatever you can give us that you can spare." replies Theurgus, watching the vessel fill with that light. The researchers turn and stare too, it's far more bright than the washed out energy they've been working with, beautiful, in its own way.
Lexicon     "I said I had a good stockpile, didn't I?" Lexicon remarks, "This little container couldn't make a dent in what I have stored up." Eyes closing, she adds, "I was getting ready for an expansion of the town. But that can wait, it was going to be a surprise so no one was expecting it anyway."

    After a few moments, she removes her hand from the interface connector and the lightshow around her feet fades. She examines the brightly glowing container for a moment, then hands it over. It's cool to the touch, like a drink fresh from the fridge, "Just keep it away from fire-aspected resources and it should be fine."
Theurgus     The researcher accepts the vessel, places it back on the cart and carefully moves off. "I'll get this plugged into the system right away... by your leave, Lady Diamond Soul." Theurgus just nods dismissively, then places a hand on Lexicon's shoulder. "Once we have a functioning, stable and safe prototype, tested and verified, you will be the first to receive a batch for your own use." she says, then breaks into a grin. "Anyway, enough business, how are your little sisters?"
Lexicon     Glancing at Theurgus, Lexicon nods once, "Well, never let it be said helping out doesn't have its own rewards. I appreciate that. But let's get some results first." Her hands raise up behind her own back, folding together loosely.

    "Index and Codex are both doing well. I've been letting them handle the C-rank quests on their own, lately. And take them along on A-ranks as a party. It's been a lot of fun, actually." One eye closes when her head tilts, "And how's Arcana?"
Theurgus     "Handling B-rank quests in my absence, and together we managed to best an S-rank Elder Dragon." remarks Theurgus, puffing up proudly, "I did have her exploring Region Space, but that area has grown boring lately, though the void between Regions did remind me of Duty Space, if only by the visual aspect."
Lexicon     "Oh," Lexicon nods once, "She's gotten quite confident, then? That's good." With a chuckle, she adds, "When I first met her, she seemed so skittish. But it seems she's been quite reliable. You made a good decision, even if your method was different from mine."

    Eyes closing, she bobs her head from side to side in thought, "Region Space... That's where The Line was? That someplace outside the System resembles Duty Space is a bit surprising. I'd always thought Millenium Memory was something we could uniquely call our own."
Theurgus     "The Line? No, I don't believe so. Region Space is a series of 'islands' floating in a void of chaotic energy that must be traversed in specially shielded ships." replies Theurgus. "It was a visual similarity only, there was no real order or purpose to be found within it."
Lexicon     Lexicon hums thoughtfully, "I must be thinking of the wrong place, then." She glances around the laboratory once more, then lets her shoulders sag a bit into a relaxed posture, "It does sound interesting, though. Like sailing ships, but in space." She pauses, glancing down and lifting a hand to her chin in that 'this would make a good story' face she makes sometimes.