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Alexis Maaka     All Maaka wanted was a microwave and some breakfast wraps.

    It just HAD to be Black Friday at the local Valumart. Shows her for going out shopping while in America. Early in the morning, the place has been rather packed full of shoppers antsy to get inside.

    Customers go in and out carrying their purchases, often shoving one another out of the way. Eventually somebody decides to get aggressive and punches out someone for bumping into them. Fights like this break out, and with security unable to get through the mob, it's guaranteed this is gonna get bloody.

    Eventually, someone with a gold plated arm and some kind of Aztec tats glares at a thug with a Rebel flag t-shirt, and the fight escalates short of gunshots being traded along with racially charged taunts...just before Maaka steps in and clocks them both.

    "Back the hell off, both of you!" She barks, drawing a large-caliber revolver at the Aztecha.

    "Fuck off, chica. This white boy's mine!" "Come and fucking get me, Border-hopper!" Someone shoots, it's not clear who, and soon enough the Aztecha's posse are pulling pistols and rushing to their brother's defense. These guys all look like they're loaded for bear for just a shopping run, carrying gaudily customized handguns and equally ostentatiously decorated with tattoos, bling, and even plated prosthetics. Maaka is swarmed in the process, forced to go hand-to-hand with them. They're not exactly mil-spec, but they can take more than a few punches from Maaka, and they return the favor as a lucky hit from one of them sends her sprawling into the store proper.
Josuke Higashikata Of COURSE fighting would break out in the store. And of COURSE Josuke would be on-hand when it did. See, Josuke just wanted to get something unique for his mother, and something from a technologically advanced world seemed like it would be just the thing. Josuke might stick out a little, seeing as he has no augs. Also he's notably Asian, though he's got the build of a Westerner.

Initially he's trying to skirt around the tangle of fighting shoppers -- it really isn't any of his business, since he's not in any of these gangs. Besides, it might mess up his hair if he got involved! But then he sees Maaka get knocked sprawling. That's enough of an impetus for him; Josuke wades into the fray, intending to help pull her out of it. He's not punching at people, he's just trying to get to Maaka to render aid.
Orchid      What gets to Orchid are the ones that assume they were there first. She can't quite put her finger on WHY those assholes bug her so much, but they do. Anyway, Orchid was there, going for the deals available in the hardware and tools section, and using the expedient of holding her cart over her head to gain psychological domination, throwing things up into the basket of the cart. She's holding heavy stuff in one hand, and could very easily strategically drop it.

     So when the fight starts, she can barge her way forward, and people are unlikely to stay in her way. "Okay, do we do this the easy way? Or the energetic way?" she asks, not quite wanting to dive into the melee yet.
Alexis     A bit of pushing, shoving, and a brawl or two was to be expected considering what day it was and how crazy some people were to get their stupidly early morning deals.

    But when you start pulling out firearms, that's a little too much.

    You see those guns? All primed and ready to shoot... at least until several sticky strings whiz through the air to snag the weapons, followed by a yank to pull their aim away from Maaka, or the rest of the crowd for that matter. Who's this come to help? Some friendly neighborhood Spid--
    --Or not as following the strands back reveals them to be coming from the mandibles of a large moth-like creature with six fiery orange wings, and gripped in the hand of one pink-haired girl to help with pulling on the String Shot. The other hand is used to waggle a finger shamefully at the thugs. "Now now guys, there's plenty of deals to go around for everyone."

    While she was hardly the one to be the 'shopping' sort to go out on this day of all days, Alexis really needed to get with the times, and not having that large factional funding to back her up anymore a Trainer has to do what a gal has to do to get some good deals. "Y'know, if I wasn't use to just randomly stepping into rediculous scenerios like this, I'd be upset by the interruption." The Volcarona chittered something that sounded like an agreement.
Yang Xiao Long     "Okay, this is getting ugly. Security, get the bystanders out of here... time to go bust some heads." Yang's been hanging around, helping out the secuity contingent and manhandling some rowdies out of the store over the course of the day. Noone argues with the blonde when she literally picks up some dudebro twice her size with one arm and hurls him out into the parking lot.

    And now there's guns.

    "There's a sign you dumbshits. NO blasters, Firearms, Lightsabers or other deadly weapons! So drop 'em and calm the FUCK DOWN, or I'll start busting heads." she says, wading into the throng, getting people out of the way bodily. "Don't matter what colour you are, or if you're part Himalaiyan Sloth-bear, you don't want to step to this."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa did not go shopping on this day, she tried to avoid it, with certain bits of Americana becoming the norm in the Alliance? She avoided shopping on Black Friday save maybe for placing online orders. She had been planning to hide away today and just chill out. This changed when she gets a call from the local law requesting for help with this. Kotone just inwardly cries as she moves to suit up and head out. She's going to go in stealth mode for sure and is packing a good deal of her less lethal weapons like freezer foam and her internal taser system.

She would take a few to just get here on site, though she'll move to decloak.

"You heard her I suggest you drop your weapons and get back to shoping."

She's no where to be seen but it's clear that's Kotone's voice to those who know her.
Alexis Maaka     Signs are never, ever heeded. There's even graffiti that's been sprayed over the sign saying 'NO GUNS ALLOWED'. Maaka clocks another thug, having stowed her .44 in favor of some kind of futuristic stun-gun. One overly aggressive soccer mom type toting a mannequin arm swings her makeshift club at Josuke. "Get outta the way, I'm not giving up these leggings!" She looks like she could use all the slimming she can get, too.

    Security guards are generally a step above 'neighborhood watch' in terms of effectiveness, save for one ex-military type who's actually doing pretty well! He grapples one of the thugs to the ground once he's been disarmed by the Volcarona's webbing. "STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!"

    Meanwhile, some of the Aztecha's begin opening fire on Orchid, recklessly endangering civvies and Elites alike.

    Yang's latest victim seems to be unwilling to let a wound to his pride keep him down for long, as the oversized gene-augged punk charges her, drawing a crowbar from his car. He's MADE of muscle, with tribal tats decorating his overdeveloped arms and shown off thanks to a wife-beater.

TSome hillbilly types draw knives, only to get freezer foam and tasings for their trouble from Kotone. It's embarrassing, really. Like two overly aggressive squirrels taking on a puma.
Mei Hatsume     It didn't take long for Mei to start taking advantage of warp gates to fuel supply-gathering sprees. Sure, there were plenty of things she could get back home, but with easy access to so many different places with tech and gizmos outside of what she usually saw, it'd be stupid not to take advantage of some of them.

    Unfortunately, people are still assholes when it comes to sales.
    Wading right into the thick of things, it's easy to see her mass of pink hair as she makes a beeline for the gun-wielding posse. "Hands at your sides and off the guns! This is a shopping center, not an arena!" She shouts as she pulls a pair of nozzles out of her harness, twisting them a few times before launching herself at the ceiling. Instead of falling back down as would be expected from a jump, however, she just hovers by the ceiling like some sort of EASY TARGET.
    Hopefully, nobody will notice a bit of property damage from her harness stabbing a rod into the ceiling. From her high-ish vantage point, she starts squirting glue at the Aztechas' guns, trying to jam them up in the most direct way possible.
Yang Xiao Long     "You didn't learn did ya?" she yells as the musclebound hulk comes charging at her. "C'mon then, I'll do more than throw you into the parking lot this time!" she says, slamming her fists together and triggering that PBAoE kinetic burst thing she does, clearing the area of the weaker idiots so she can go all out on this freak.

    Ember Celica unfolds along her arms, configuring for Close Combat mode, bulking up around the fists and retracting all but one of the barrels on each gauntlet. She brings her arms up defensively, using the armoured plate to parry the crowbar, then turns in and fires a kinetic burst to slam her elbow into the guy's gut, redirecting the momentum of the guy into jamming that elbow deeper into those gene-aug'd abs.
Orchid      Orchid came out wearing her battle armor. It's comfortable, it's presentable, and it can hold off plasma blasts. One of the bullets traces a gouge on her face, revealing metal and wire, the others impacting her armor, making craters but not penetrating. "Hard way it is," Orchid says, throwing the shopping cart, with its load of metal tools, hammers, and pieces of PVC piping, at the Aztechas. "It's not that I don't empathize, but the guns are a step too far." She pulls out a pair of the pipes, ready to use them as bats if the guns don't get put away.
Josuke Higashikata     On his way to assist Maaka, Josuke suddenly takes a mannequin arm to the side of his head, and goes down. Briefly. Though it does open up a cut on the side of his head. "OW! Are you nuts, lady?! I couldn't care less about those leggings!" he declares. Unless she pursues him, he's going to leave her alone -- he's not here to deal with overly aggressive soccer moms, he's here to help a friend. So avoid the crazy soccer mom! He'll try to duck out of her way and let her do whatever with her leggings.

    Easiest way to deal with an aug'd-up musclebound idiot is to remove one of those qualifiers. Ducking out of the crazy soccer mom's way, Josuke reaches for one of the aug'd-up idiots. Not with his arm and hand, though. With his Stand. Said aug'd up musclebound idiot is then treated to a punchflurry from the pink, blue-armored Stand.

    Mind, he's not trying to beat the thug into oblivion. He's actually trying to return the augs' state to 'prior to their installation', and also heal the removed areas of the thug's body. Essentially he's trying to 'remove' the augs by 'healing' them off.

    As a side effect, the manifesting of the Stand might briefly futz with some of these guys' augs. Not only that, but if he's able to remove augs and these thugs see it, it might make him a bit more of a threat. And hopefully these people will break it the hell up!
Alexis     Alexis sighs, rubbing a hand over her face for a moment. "Never listen.... Well, at least it's not the Department Store in Celadon." Can you imagine Black Friday with -every-one having Pokemon and not just one Trainer that happened to be here at the right time? "So much for doing this the easy way." She was trying to avoid causing too much potential damage to the store area, but these people just won't take reason. So we're just going to have to resort to force.

    A shake of her head, and then Alexis ground a heel back into the pavement and assumed her Ready to Battle pose, left arm held up across her chest with hand clenched around what is presumably the Volcarona's pokeball. "Starfall... Flame Wheel!" "Volcarona!" With a pitched shriek one would probably expect to come from some giant bug the fire-moth swoops past the girl and towards the group of idiots firing off their guns like a pack of mad rednecks. Mid-air it curls up and wraps its wings around itself as it lives up to the 'corona' part of the species name, bursting into flames aimed at the wild gunmen like a minature comet.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa is quick to put her gear to use,m she's not happy at all, she's clearly not happy. There's this look on here facd that if Maaka cuagh it? It might be one that hasn't been seen before. She's angry, Kotone is openly angry about this whole mess. Once she gets two of the attackers down and she'll make sure they are secure before she moves on she'll open her wireless connections looking for anyone who might be hackabnle so she can take them out of the fight.
Alexis Maaka     Josuke might hear something along the lines of his hair making him look queer. Right before his jaw gets broken...among other things. His augmentations, mostly cybernetic in nature if not gene-augged, also start littering the ground and flesh covers up the gaps in his body. "Wh-what the hell is this?!" He exclaims. Some of the goons accompanying him are also unsure what's going on, neither are onlookers. All they see are weird blurry glitches, assuming they've got any optical mods. Otherwise, just cybernetic parts littering the ground.

    Someone tackles the guy, trying to steal all his mods. "GIMME THOSE! You're gonna make me a min-AUGH!" They both get zapped unconscious by Maaka. "Take a nap." She says dryly, cold-cocking soccer mom with disinterest. Sounds like Sporting Goods is getting bloody, so she opts to head thataways to help quell the violence there.

    Orchid is meanwhile barely affected by the guns fired her way. The guns aren't put away however, as someone tries to keep firing at Orchid's face. He however is sent flying by the shopping cart, with an impact that'd pulverize less enhanced folks. Then again, he's probably got a busted spine and ribcage as it is. Ow.

    Yang's opponent just roars, "TRY ME, PIPSQUEAK!" as he swings the crowbar at her head, just before getting smacked in the stomach and blasted with Ember Celica's kinetic shot. It pretty much puts him out of the fight for the time being.

    Kotone meanwhile has some nice targets, mostly neural-comms and remote devices that she can either switch off, or glitch up.

    Mei gets both canned food and other items thrown at her, but she's too high up. SOMEONE in sporting goods gets a good idea to break open a glass container displaying hunting rifles and shotguns, grabs and loads one of the guns, and begins opening fire. Hoo boy.

    Meanwhile, Alexis (THE OTHER ONE) manages to blast the gunmen up front with Valcarona's fireblast. Scorched and blackened, they drag their wounded comrades and book it. Right into a SWAT team, too.
Orchid      Two more bullets scrape along Orchid's head.

     A third goes all the way through, smashing through aneye.

     Which is part of why Orchid doesn't keep her brain IN her head. Still, time to play it up.

     "Drop the guns NOW!" she shouts. "All they can do is to annoy me, and you DON'T want to see me angry." She goes for the one that kept firing, and will kick his gun away, and generally look like what might be a broken thing about to go wild.
Alexis     "Good job Starfall," Alexis cheers as the fiery assault gets the men to run. Right into the real law enforcement finally arriving. Heh. Better late than never. She turns to ask the other Alexis if she's okay, only to see her take off for the other department. "Oh great, now what..." Alexis recalls the Volcarona, and takes off after the cyborg to see what other trouble it is.

    "Oh for Arceus' sake!" Of course it was the one place in the store that actually has guns. Should of thought of that earlier. Alexis skids to a stop, not wanting to run headlong into more lunatics arming up... and notices to the side of her is the bowling display. ".. Perfect!" Alexis grabs one of the heavier balls, turns back towards the hoodlum group, and throws.

    No, not as in roll it like a bowling ball. Alexis uses her athletism to heave back and THROWS the bowling ball.
Yang Xiao Long     "Take a nap, lunkhead. You've got nothing that'll stop me." she says, dropping the guy right there for the SWAT to collect. She then turns into the crowd, bellowing to get a path then using her gauntlets to launch herself on top of some of the shelving units, hopping between them to get to the sporting goods section. "I'll draw their fire, you guys take 'em out." she calls over radio, launching herself in an arc to drop amongst the arming up thugs, slamming her fist into the ground and firing a bubble of force out to stagger those close to her landing point. "Hi fellas... How about we put down the guns before I ram 'em up your asses, stock first?"
Josuke Higashikata     If there was a crack about his hair? Yeah, Josuke is going to retaliate with extreme pejudice. Once it's done, he grins at the confused thug, heedless of the blood still on the side of his head. "Heh... see? Now you're not an augmented freak. Now you're just a freak." And then he just kinda leaves the guy to his fate, to fight with other patrons over his mods. By rule of elimination, the problem will likely get dealt with anyway.

    Right now he needs to get to where he's heard there are idiots with guns. Because OF COURSE there's be an idiot with a gun in the sports department; America is stupid enough to sell guns in a department store that ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY can just walk into. Josuke has his Stand out in front of him as he heads to the sports department. This will be good for more than one reason. Not only will Crazy Diamond be on front to catch bullets fired at him, it's very likely an idiot with a gun will shoot at his head on human-height... which is about Crazy Diamond's chest height. So he probably won't take a fatal wound to his Stand.

    And of course, on the way, he'll grab a handful of ammo. He's going to need to be able to fight on this guy's terms, and Crazy Diamond can fire bullets from its fingers. He'll also probably need to break a display to get them. But he'll fix it later, so it's OK.
Mei Hatsume          Of course someone would escalate further. Of course.
    "Well. I warned you, so don't cry if you land funny!" Mei lets out an excited cheer as she starts spider-walking on the ceiling, albeit with her harness' hydraulic rods instead of her own hands and feet. It keeps her shifting about rapidly on the ceiling to avoid getting blasted by high caliber rounds, although a few do come dangerously close. Even though she's got a Quirk, that doesn't mean she's anywhere close to being able to take a shot easily!
    Gumming up the gun should do the trick. She's considered shocking them, but the horror stories about someone getting tazed and shooting themselves in the face are enough to convince her otherwise. Turning her glue launcher towards sporting goods, she starts firing off glob after glob of gluey bullshit at the gunner along with anyone else approaching the broken display.
    "Good thing I've got these HYDRAULIC SPIKES to keep me up here where it's safe! It's so easy to use and comfortable to wear, too!" Of course, she can't resist a chance to make a pitch while she's at it.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone would be almost rubbing her hands togehter in the chaos here aws she'll start hacking anything she can get her hands on, she'll just turn them off so long as it won't kill the victems of her hacks. The woman keeps back in all the chaos and iwll taser anyone who gets too close, and she's muttering something in a mix of Japanese, English and was that some french too? It might right, from the sounds of it, and she sees no end to this madness.
Alexis Maaka     "SUCK ON THIS!" is the response one shotgun-toting shopper yells at Yang, firing a 12 gauge at her in defiance. A terrified staff member meanwhile flags down Kotone, "Miss? You know anything about how to access a local OS right? We need help to lock the place down!" He explains, keeping very close to her for his own safety.

    Maaka meanwhile fends off some punks toting knives, with one getting way too close to slicing open her jacket. "Oh COME ON, this is my favorite one!" She protests, joint-locking and punching the man in the face.

    Mei has some luck, her glue gun firing off globules of the gooey stuff to ruin these guys' newfound armaments. If they break it, they buy it! Better hope the glue doesn't permanently damage the firearms, however.

    Josuke gets an arrow nearly hitting him in the head, as someone managed to get one of the bows off its display mount. This wannabe Hawkeye's a terrible shot, however, and wide open for a takedown by Stand.

    Alexis meanwhile gets a fair amount of punks taken out with a bowling ball. Not a strike, but she's got good aim with that thing!

    When Orchid proves to be more than capable of functioning despite damage to herself, the Aztechas opt to cut their losses, running and tossing their guns. "Fuck this! We ain't messin' with that robo-chica!" One calls out.
Alexis Alexis reachs for another bowling ball, but between the last roll and the effort of the others most of the hoodlums are either on the floor or running for it. "Yeah, that's right. Get outta here." She steps back from the display and taps a pokeball open, the flash of energy manifesting into a Machamp next to her. She motions at the men already on the floor. "Haul them out to the cops would ya?" The muscular 'mon with four arms should have little trouble lifting and restraining several of the punks long enough to get them outside. Not the packages Alexis was thinking of when she brought him along to carry things, but it works out rather nicely.
Mei Hatsume     The glue will definitely not damage any of the guns. Maybe. Hopefully.

    Can you really put a price on crime-stopping? Yes, but with the impromptu gunners' attempt at shooting her in the face halted? It's time for another sales pitch!

    "Disarmed, and I didn't even need to use a dangerous firearm! If a whole response team had harnesses like these, I wouldn't even need to be here!" Mei keeps spider-walking across the ceiling as she switches one of the glue-nozzles out for one that looks considerably denser, and she launches nets towards the would-be gunners. Just because they've been disarmed doesn't mean they can't still face charges, after all!

    Plus, making the cops' jobs easier might get her some brownie points, too.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang gets some buckshot to the face. The pellets slam into her Aura, the golden field flaring brightly and obscuring her totally in the brightness.

    That is until the shopper has a VERY ANGRY blonde right in their face. The last thing they'd see are a pair of burning red eyes, before a fist slams into their gut and launches them into a shelving display. "Mine's bigger." she quips, turning on any others as her hair burns and her eyes blaze. "ANYONE ELSE WANT TO TRY FILLING THEIR SHOES!? COME AT ME!" she bellows, cycling the shell links in her gauntlets and purging the spent shells, reloading with a practiced toss and slam of fresh shell chains into the open mechanisms.
Josuke Higashikata     That's part of the reason Josuke put his Stand in front of him -- attacks to the head (at least from the front) are likely to hit Crazy Diamond in its chest, since the Stand is so much bigger than Josuke is (also it floats off the ground most of the time, adding to the Stand's height). Fortunately Josuke hears the sound of the bowstring -- even bows have a TWANG in Texas, apparently! -- and Crazy Diamond catches the arrow, snapping the haft in half (if possible).

    Josuke doesn't want to chance closing into melee range with the guy, it might give him a chance to fire again. So instead he passes a bullet to Crazy Diamond. Now, if this guy who fired a bow at him can't see Crazy Diamond, this is gonna look mighty freaking weird. A bullet will float up from Josuke's hand... and then FIRE ITSELF!

    Not to worry, Josuke's aiming at the guy's hand, not at a vital area. He might not have the super-precision that Star Platinum does, but as long as he can see the guy, he's probably fine. And if not, Josuke can heal him later.

    Of course we can't forget the Joestar one-liner either, can we?

    "Don't bring a bow to a bullet-fight, jackass!"

    Ugh, everyone probably wishes he'd have forgotten it that time...
Orchid      So long as the punks are running, Orchid is happy. She'll collect the guns, making sure they are unloaded, before doing her medical duty to the one that shot at her before getting hit with the cart.

     Meanwhile, up where Mei Hatsume is, she'll encounter a robot spider, one of Orchid's drones, with big eyes designed to see a lot... and to be kinda cute. In fact, it's waving one leg.
Kotone Yamakawa The moment a person a clerk pulls her aside she's quick to nod for a moment "I can do that get me to a point I can access it." She will follow the staffer to where she can access it and she'll jack in directly ising an adaptor she has an legacy of the old union and her days with the Flotilla. She'll get into the system as quickly as possible and do her darndes toi engage a lockdown.
Alexis Maaka     For GOD KNOWS WHAT reason, Kotone finds that the security OS had been rebooting all fucking morning. She has to brute force some plugins to shut off for her to speed things up, but once she does the entire store seems to come alive. Security drones begin to filter out of containers, turrets begin firing riot foam to take out rowdy shoppers, and EVERYONE that hasn't wisely fled the premises or assisted in taking down looters is smacked with rubber slugs.

    Not!Bullseye gets shot in the hand, by a dude without a gun. "How the hell did you even do that?!" he cries out, clutching his injured hand as he surrenders.

    Yang barely tanks a shotgun blast, and seeing a blonde teenager survive that convinces the looters over in sporting to throw down their guns and raise up their hands. Just as Mr. Shotgun gets smacked at a shelf hard enough to knock the whole thing over. "NOPE." "We're good." "Fuck it, prison beats fighting you."

    The police, and SWAT, round up the looters and hostile shoppers, and eventually some manner of order is restored.

    The manager, flanked by heavily armed bodyguards, finally shows himself after the panic room opens up. "Oh, thank you so much! You really saved us a headache."

    Maaka, still sore about the hole in her jacket, just shrugs a shoulder. "Just defending ourselves. Took the cops long enough to get here." Pause. "What the hell causes *this* to happen to a big-box store?"

    "Oh, we had a special sale on holovid screens...guess that backfired on us. But enough about that, how can we repay you?"

    Maaka stares in befuddlement, so much so the guards get nervous seeing her give their boss a death stare supreme. "...just get me a fucking microwave."
Alexis     Machamp has little trouble tossing the hoodlums he carried outside into one of the police wagons. Just might get a few odd looks for the whole four arms thing. Or maybe not, if those sort of modifications exist in this world. Then again, those would probably be robotic, not flesh and muscle, but still.

    Alexis lets out a sigh of relief when the security systems finally get with the program. "About time," she mumbles as she walks over to retrieve the bowling ball she used as a projectile and return it to the display shelves. While doing so she overhears the comments from the manager, and fails to be surprised by it. Followed by a bit of a smirk. "Well, maybe you should get rid of that temptation. We'll glaaaadly~ take one or two of them off your hands." Hey when Oppritunity knocks....
Orchid      In addition to SWAT, there would need to be some medical teams. Orchid does her best, but she didn't bring her full kit this time. "Holovid screen? I think I could use one of those," Orchid says, a smile on her face. Still missing that eye, the other is in good enough condition to wink at Alexis. "The other stuff, that I'll pay for."
Josuke Higashikata     Ah, good, it hit the guy's hand after all. Josuke can be merciless, but not without reason. And he really doesn't like having to seriously injure people. Besides, now the guy can get more ag'd up, if his hand can't be saved. And of course he has to be snide to the clearly rhetorical question. "You just have to... <Stand> up for what's right!" Pause, think. "...OK, yeah, that one was pretty bad," he admits.

    Josuke has a tangential respect of the law at best, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect those who enforce it. His grandfather was a cop, after all. Besides, he understands their trouble here. Most of these guys are augmented, and the cops may not have that kind of budget. So yeah, he'll help round up some of the idiots -- his Stand can bend some of those guns around them to restrain them if necessary. And yes, he promises to fix the merch later.

    Eventually he'll come back to where Maaka is. "Is everybody OK?" he asks. Of course, when he sees Orchid's missing eye, he winces. "Gah! Holy crap. You want me to fix that?" he offers. "I don't have to take anything apart, I promise." Since he's clearly not a robot doctor. Or whatever they call a robot doctor.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa finds the security OS is a hot mess, and she has to do some serious brute forcing the system into work seems to work at least for the moment as the security systems come online. She watches as the drones and other things come online and seem to be there to finally settle things as the local COPs are finally able to deploy. She does not think incompetence of them this is Black Friday they could be dealing with stuff like this all over their jurisdiction after all. She'll thank the clerk who got her attention and will move to go show her Paladin's badge to the cop who she may have been the one to alert them of this.

She heads over to Alexis Maaka for a moment and gives her friend a hug.

"I'm glad your all right, you should try online shopping next year..."

She thinks for a moment She calls out to the other elites here

"Who wants to get something to eat on me?"
Orchid      "I remember, you were able to fix my spiders," Orchid says to Josuke with a nod. "Having directly experienced it in the meantime, sure, fire away."

     Meanwhile, her spider hugs Mei up on the ceiling. Friendly little critter.
Josuke Higashikata     Josuke nods at Orchid's affirmative response, and lets his Stand approach her. In contrast to Crazy Diamond's general roughness and overall being used to punch things into oblivion, this time the Stand seeks to gently place its hands on either side of Orchid's jawline. The orange-gold aura lights up around the Stand's hands, and the power attempts to fix the damage with Orchid's optics.
Mei Hatsume      And the day is saved! Mei seems quite pleased with herself as she slips the nozzles and net launchers back into her harness. She pauses as ORchid's spider approached, giving it an inquisitive look and nudge with her hand before retracting the bars into her harness as well and dropping from the ceiling.

     She lands in the standard one-knee hero pose, of course. It's probably unnecessary at this point, but still.

Orchid      Time reverses for parts of Orchid, restoring an earlier state, a state of complete function. The eye is restored, as well as the transceivers deeper in her head. There's still some cosmetic damage, but... "Oh, that is good, binocular vision again, thank you," she says to Josuke. She couldn't make out Crazy Diamond clearly, but she knows the stand was somewhere near.