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Nanoha Takamachi     Damn it's windy.

    The scene is chaotic. People are rushing down the streets, making a mad dash towards the warpgate. They are being guided by a number of people in uniforms. Some blue and white. Others brown. Local authorities judging by their appearance and behavior. Many of them are shouting, no doubt trying to organize the fleeing populace.

        "Move along! Move along!"                                            
        "An emergency response team is waiting on the other side!"            
        "Sir! You can't take those cases. There's far too many. You need to  
        get out of here, now!"                                                
        "For the last time ma'am, this is NOT a movie in filming! Your life  
        really is in danger so please hurry into the warpgate!"              
        "Has anyone seen the Captain?"                                        
        "She's searching for stragglers from the air."                        
        "In this weather!? Is she crazy!?"                                    
        "... You haven't been in the Bureau for very long, have you?"        

    The reason for the panic is really quite clear. Specifically the tornadoes currently carving a path through the small town. Eight in total... No. Nine. Another forms from the quickly darkening sky, ripping a building up before starting to move on.

    Speaking of the sky. It is filling up with clouds that are rapidly growing in size right before everyone's eyes. These menacing clouds appear to be swirling around a central point. At which point a massive funnel of rushing wind is rising up out of a large building on the outskirts of town. This large funnel is unusual not only in that it's at the center of the forming storm... It's also stationary.

    If the growing clouds and forming tornadoes are any indication though, things are getting worse. Not better.
Yang Xiao Long     Chaos... with all the people running INTO the Warpgate, it'd be hard to spot the one person walking OUT of it, adjusting her jacket and zipping it tight so it doesn't blow away. "Man oh man, this is one heck of a storm alright... lets go see if we can't get into some mischief." she mutters to herself, deploying a pair of large, armoured gauntlets along her forearms, before launching herself into a slipstream and letting herself get swept off into the unnatural storm. She fires her gauntlets to adjust her flight, and after getting a good distance, fires downwards and slams into the ground, leaving a crater and flashing with golden light.

    Yang Xiao Long, Huntress, The Blonde Berserker, then starts running towards the Obvious Center Of Things, pausing when she spots someone cowering in a building. "Hey, it's not safe. Head toward the Warpgate, there's some guys in uniform helping people evacuate. Get to them and you'll be okay." she says, pointing back the way she came. "Head straight there."
Staren     Staren comes through the warpgate in heavier armor than usual -- mostly because it packs more robot strength for lifting debris, if it comes to that. He takes to the air -- despite being heavier, the armor also packs enough thrusters to, combined with his energy wings, fly.

    From the air, he looks for survivors, or bodies that he might be able to revive. Absent those, he also heads for the building. It's really weird that the big tornado isn't destroying it.
Sumiko Sometimes, people head TOWARDS danger not away from it.  Mikoto heads out of the warp gate as she sees uninformed people talking about evacuation.  Her eyes head towards the obvious reason /why/.  "Well guess I should get to it...looks fun!"

Mikoto causes her soul gem to appear, and...

There is a burst of Jade that appears around her.  Glowy Magical Girl Effects take over, as an outfit of jade, silver and other metallic colors take her form.  This ends when a large blast of jade hits the ground in front of her, as she grips it, forming it into a sword.  

Before anyone could ask a question, she channels her stolen SONIC SPEED to zoom off towards the danger.  Eventually hitting the nearest of the Tornado's she could, and instead of stopping, she aims to RUN AROUND it counter to its spin, aiming to try and disrupt it.  She uses the speed boost from that to try and burst through the remainder of the weather, aiming to try and find the center.  

Hopefully, it was an 'eye'.  
Gaonoir     It doesn't take a meteorlogist to tell those weather patterns are -not- naturally occuring.

    All it took was pulling up a weather map online after hearing the emergency broadcast, and Erika was already on the move. "I bet this is connected to the government weather control and contrail manipulation conspiracy!.. Also a lot of people in danger. Not to mention if one of those storms gets out onto the water somewhere." Gaonoir opened his mouth to make a snarky remark but only manages a yelp as Erika grabs his headband to yank the digimon along, while bringing up the fastest route on a multiversal GPS app on her phone with the other hand.

    With all the emergency rush towards the warpgate to escape, something coming in arrival is easy to miss. Especially when it's teleporting past to avoid said crowd. A blip of darkness flickers in and out a few times before finally stopping next to a building and allowing Gaonoir and Erika to material properly there. Immeadiately the canid crouchs down, senses on high alert. "The air currents here are all... twisted." He scowled as a wind whipped past, fluttering the tails of his headband and the help of Erika's skirt. "Pun intended." Then cocked his head back to stare towards the sky. "I need to get up there and find the source of this madness."
    "Got it." Erika flicked her thumb across the screen of her phone to switch over to the digivice app. "D-Port, loaded. Perfect Digivolution, EXECUTE!"

    From the streets the flash of black and purple energies can briefly be seen behind the building. **DarkGaomon, WARP DIGIVOLVE TO--** The flash drops and engines roar like two awaken beasts to launch the larger bionic canine into the air, undaunted by the winds wipping around the area and buffeting against him. **DARK MACHGAOGAMON**
Nanoha Takamachi     The air is naturally a rather dangerous place to be right now. And not only because of the obvious threats that are the tornadoes, but also high winds. The bulkiness of Staren's armor helps a little with this. From his vantage point Staren can see quite a bit. The build at the center of the storm is mostly engulfed by the primary funnel. It's hard to determine the state of it inside that wall of wind. Meanwhile, there are still a fair number of citizens making for the warpgate along the streets. However, Staren IS able to spot a group of people standing on top of one of the taller buildings in the town. It looks like said building was side-swipped by a tornado and is dangerously unstable. Given that some of the people on top of it are waving in panic in an attempt to alert someone, this suggests that they are currently trapped there.
Touta Konoe     "Wonder if this is what they mean when they say you're in Tornado Alley?"

     Another young blood arrives shortly after Yang. A boy looking to be no later than his early teens. A spikey black-haired young man whose attire follows that same black aesthetic. Even the unsheathed taichi he rests on his shoulder as he walks in was completely jet-black. Looking around though, his joke feels less humorous and more literal than anything.

     "You're not planning to go after them?" A familiar voice speaks up from the blade questioning the boy's intent.

     "Naw, with muscle like Yang's and brains like Staren's they should be fine. Right now I figure it'd be best to just try helping with these tornados. Still, I don't think I've tried absorbing a whole tornado before..."

     That was the game plan, Touta was going to fight spinning vacuum with spinning vacuum. He pulls out a metallic ring from his pocket and starts expanding it till it reaches the size of a hula-hoop before starting to spin it around his waist.

     If any of the local law enforcement or civilians saw him, he probably looked like he was gonna do something silly like try and spin his hoop the opposite way similar to how Mikoto was doing it, but that wasn't the case at all. As he gets up closer to one of the tornadoes he extends out his left palm and attempts to literally suck up the powerful gales into his palm!
Staren     Staren sees the people stranded atop a building, and dives low to try and avoid some of the winds as he makes his way there. Then he draws his matter manipulator and rapidly assembles a wooden slide from the roof to the ground. "Alright, everybody off! Hurry!" If any of them are too wounded to move he'll move them personally, of course. "Did any of you see how all this started?"
Haseo      A call for help, goes out, and from the sounds of things, it seems to be weather related. Honestly, it's not his problem. There's probably like at least one hundred hero-type people already rushing to help already so what's even the point? He'd just get in the way or something. Then again, if Atoli or his guild members heard he purposefully ignored something like this, he'd have to put up with the whining and scolding for at least a week, and he's not about that.

     Arriving on scene in his usual get up, his first order of business is to ensure the citizens flee. That's what they generally do in disaster and giant monster movies after all. He decides to help the local enforcement at the moment, picking up people that trip in panic and seeing them off while making sure the fleeing crowd doesn't get too hectic. Granted, he's a lot less professional than any official, in fact, he's pretty much a golden example of what someone in any business would call a PR nightmare.

     "Come on, stop your screaming and hurry it the hell up! The longer you take the more likely you're gonna end up hurt!"

     He's helping. Honest.
Nanoha Takamachi     Mikoto's transformation draws some looks from some of those that are running past. Including one of those in uniform, who shouts, "Another Mage? Great! We need all the help we can get!"

    As Mikoto begins to run and run her speed proves to be effective against her chosen tornado. The large tower of rushing air begins to slow its approach to the fleeing citizens. Of course, getting close enough to perform the maneuver is dangerous too as Mikoto is assaulted by the high winds capable of shredding near anything apart. Not to mention the little bits of building debris being whipped around and thrown by the tornado.

    Touta is likewise assaulted by the strong winds as he attempts to suck up the giant sucking formation. There's a lot of power behind them so it takes him a little and threatens to sweep him up in the process. But persistence will win out as the tornado begins to weaken.

    The efforts of the two prove successful though as their respective methods cause their tornadoes to finally collapse, releasing their contents of debris to rain down on the ground.

    Unfortunately, during the process, another tornado has begun to form some distance away. They're coming quickly!
Nanoha Takamachi     The man spotted by Yang is huddled in a corner clutching a baseball bat to his chest... Because baseball bats help against tornadoes. He appears quite frightened by the inexplicable weather out there... Though after seeing Yang's landing, he's suddenly more concerned about her. Afraid that the ruffian might do something extreme to him he clambers to his feet and starts running for the warpgate.

             el   e to Syntech Corp L
            M  cow                               ab

    The partially destroyed sign sits just outside the entrance to the building that Yang has made her way to. The large double rotating glass doors have long since been shattered to pieces by the strong winds felt this close to the edge of the whirling funnel.

    Entering the building will find the reception area thoroughly wrecked by the same winds. Floor tiling has been ripped up, chairs embedded into walls and tables flipped. There's no sign of any of the building's employees. They probably evacuated the moment things went to hell.

    But the real marvel is at the far end of the reception. The wall of wind looks like it has sliced through the structure completely, rushing past as it rises high up into the sky. The other side is completely obscured by the cloud of dust and debris caught in the wind. This close to the funnel, wind speeds are getting rather high, making it difficult to hold one's footing when approaching.

    Now the question of how to get past such a wall...
Nanoha Takamachi     Gaonoir quickly rockets up into the air. The higher he gets, the more difficult the flight. But as he draws closer to the quickly expanding cloud layer, he can start to feel an energy in the air around him. It's not like the normal energy you might feel while flying within a thunderstorm-which this storm isn't showing signs of.

    The longer that Gaonoir lingers up there, the more pronounced the feel of energy around him gets. It's clearly rising in strength. And has a direct correlation to the speed of the storm's growth and formation of further tornadoes.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang doesn't have any fancy magic powers, but she's tough, and strong as hell. The wind whips past her. Debris skims her Aura, causing whelts and tears to appear in her outfit, and lines of blood to spring up where the Aura doesn't quite deflect... this only adds to her growing Semblance, letting her dig her feet in and push back against the howling wind. "Right... lets see if I can't make a hole or five." she says to herself, shifting her gauntlets into Range mode, then firing a volley of explosive bolts into the wall of wind, where they detonate like hand grenades of kinetic force and flame.

    She repeats as she approaches, trying to disrupt the wall long enough to launch herself inside.
Sumiko Mikoto, however, manages to avoid most of her punishment thanks to the blade in her hands.  Her hand swings, creating a blur of motion in front of her as debris are pelted aside.  Coming to a stop, Mikoto turns around just in time to see her Tornado crumble to nothingness and debris.  She zips out of the way, bits of blood and injury along her arms and face from the wrath of mother nature.  

Her sword comes back to her shoulder, as she considers...

"Well, crap.  That's more tornados.  Seems like there is no end of them..." she complains.  With a shrug, she once more explodes in a blur of speed, aiming to rush towards the newly formed tornado to deal with it just like she dealt with the last one.  When the tornado is disbursed, she skids to a halt and thrusts her blade down into the ground.  

A small army of Phantasmal Gophers pokes their head out of the ground.  She orders them out, aiming to try and find the source of this wind, using Gopher powers.  
Touta Konoe      "Alright, one down...Way more to go..." The storm really wasn't playing around, and the turbulence was really making it hard to keep his hoops from flying off or staying stable but he manages it somehow. Thank goodness for that. As the debris starts falling he's making sure that it's not just debris that's returning back to ground.

     "Mikoto, I've got this one! Save your magic for the heavy lifting!" In truth he'd rather her not use her magic at all. Not after the whole thing they went through the last time he talked. He knows Mikoto's intention to help are good, but what was she probably thinking as this was going on as her magic was getting used up? Actually she seems alot calmer than the last time they talked...

     Touta probably isn't as fast as Mikoto right now but he uses his flash movement technique Shundo to get over to the next tornado. His plan is the same as the last time; to hoop, loop, and scoop up tornadoes as they appear. only difference is this time before he starts he slams his blade into the concrete.

     "Two-thousand fold should do it...Alright, let's do this!" He perches his blade and magnifies its weight in an attempt to keep himself flat footed this time around. At least he's learning.
Nanoha Takamachi     Their saviour!

    There are some cheers as Staren flies in, quickly assembling an escape route for the trapped people. As they begin to slide down towards the street below, one of them speaks up to him, "I did! I saw a magic light coming from the research lab at the edge of town." He points in the direction of the storm's center and continues, "It shot up into the sky and then the clouds quickly began to form! I always thought those guys at the lab were a bit fishy. There was the one guy who bumped into me on the street. Naturally I stopped to apologize but he didn't say anything. Rude, right? So I tried to-"

    Another of the formerly trapped civilians grabs the talking guy, "Come on man, get a move on!" He quickly ushers the other guy down the slide.
Staren     "Hmmmm." Staren's constantly recording, so he has that witness statement on file if it's important later. "Thanks." Since the civilians seem able to take it from here, he heads to the research lab himself.

Hmmm. Staren considers flying up and then trying to make it back down through the center of the tunnel, but that sounds exceedingly dangerous.

    What about going... under?

    Yang's already POWERBOMBING THE TORNADO though, so he'll just go through any hole she makes with her. If that doesn't work out though, he suggests smashing the floor and tunneling under.
Gaonoir     This form is made to take the pressure and friction of flight at high speed, so it says something that Gaonoir can still feel the stormwinds whailing past his body as he flies up into the air. The readouts flickering across the HUD in his visor only makes him scowl a bit more. His species has an attunement to the wind element, to which everything up here just feels... wrong. He's flown in enough real thunderstorms and storms caused by digimon attacks to tell this is, while not likely caused by one, closer to the latter in its unnaturalness.
    The same readings of wind speeds and turbulence flash across the screen of Erika's device, next to a little icon of the digimon's face as he speaks. "Okay girl, what do your conspiracies say about STOPPING the weather?"
    "Uh, they don't usually..." Erika pulls a tablet out of her satchel with her other hand. "But tornadoes are usually generated by high speed winds moving between high and low pressure fronts in a manner than makes them turn, creating the cyclonic motion." She looks back to the digivice and squints. "These readings don't match the 'natural' process, but there is definately some manner of energy build up drawing the force in to buffer the storm."
    Gaonoir pulls up into a hover for a moment, plumes flaring brightly from his jetpack nacelles as they crank up to hold him stable against the increasing winds. ".. So we need to disrupt the air flow?"
    "That alone probably won't stop this super stormcell, but it may slow down it's growth and give us time to work," Erika muses.

    "Works for me." Gaonoir tilts and fires his jets to move himself farther to the side of town away from the warpgate everyone is suppose to be evacuating to. He narrows his eyes, clenching his mechanical gauntlets as he starts focusing his own wind and dark energies, green and purple streaks forming in spirals around said fists. Don't ask me why Wind Element shows up as green, it's just one of those things.

    As the consolidating energies build around him the engines fire again, sending the Digimon once more rocketing into the stormy skies. As he screams towards the storm, pushing his supersonic speed to combat the powerful winds, he cocks back one arm, the churning shadow-air around it growing even more intense as the entire bionic gauntlet starts to spin as well.


    Can you really hit something that's not entirely physical like a windstorm? Then again digimon physics tend to break real physics on a regular basis, so throwing a supersonic speed punch and releasing his own whipped up force of shadow infused winds with the punch to try and disrupt the energies being sucked into feeding the storm is as good of a plan as anything else!
Nanoha Takamachi     Haseo is being very helpful indeed! In fact those he helps who have tripped quickly thank him in return. Apparently not too concerned by the yelling or his strange outfit. Though perhaps that's just because things are scary enough as it is, such minor things are the least of their concerns!

    One of those authorities helping the evacuation notices Haseo's efforts. He runs up to the man and looks him over for a moment, before asking, "Are you a civilian Mage?" Before Haseo can answer though, the officer continues, "Nevermind. We need all the help we can get. We believe the source of the disturbance is coming from a local laboratory. We were intending to try and cut the power to the facility in the hopes of halting the effect. But the building housing the city's generators was struck and it's become extremely dangerous." He points towards a building in the distance, partially destroyed. "We don't have the manpower to get through as we're swamped with the evacuation as it is. Can you help?"
Nanoha Takamachi     Mikoto's gophers lead her to the same building that Yang and now Staren have arrived at. The large towering funnel of wind proves to be even stronger than those tornadoes the others have been fighting so far. The explosive bolts open up small holes in the rushing wall, giving those at the location a brief peek inside. Strangely enough there's not really much of building behind the wall. Though the group will be able to spot a light and what looks like a figure. More details though are quickly hidden as the wall regenerates.

    The plan to blast through looks like it might work. It just needs a little more firepower.
Nanoha Takamachi     The next tornado that Touta begins to try and wrangle is one of the larger ones that has formed. It's just finished rolling over a building when its winds start to assault him. Planting his heavy blade in the ground is a good idea as the wind speeds for this tornado are quite high. As evidenced by the large chunks of structure currently being whipped around inside it like they were made of paper.

    As Touta begins trying to suck this tornado up, its power doesn't fade quite as fast as the other. And oddly enough, the tornado starts to turn from its path. It's heading straight for Touta and picking up speed. In mere moments it'll engulf him entirely and subject him to extreme twisting and slicing winds. Not to mention big bits of buildings.

    Is the storm learning too?
Haseo      "Mage? Do I look like a whimp in ro-"

     Haseo cuts himself off, partly because he realizes it might mean something different here, and partly because the officer himself seems to consider it not important.

     "Yeesh, if I wasn't /clearly/ here to help, I'd complain that you're trying to dump your job on me. Anyway, yeah. Sure. Leave it to me and stay here or whatever."

     Well. So much for the easy job, though at least he's got a clear direction of where to go rather than mindlessly punching a tornado. Perhaps he should have mindlessly punched it though, for all he knows that might have worked.

     Throwing his shoulders back and straightening himself out, Haseo makes his way towards this so called lab, and once there attempting to make his way in, assuming there's nothing barring his way that he can't overcome through the universal key of Brute Force.
Staren     MORE FIREPOWER? "Huh, that looks like it's almost working. Let's all attack the tornado at the same time." Staren suggests, as he pulls a missile launcher out of his bag. "Three, two, one, fire!" He times an airburst to go off at the same time as Yang's attack hits the tornado!
Sumiko The ARMY OF GOPHERS lead her to where she needs to go, and as Touta has volintold her that he has the tornados, she zips over to the building and eventually right next to Yang, who declares she needs a bigger boomstick.

"Why a bigger boomstick?  Why not two?" She says, swinging her sword over one arm, and grinning towards her.  "Alright, on three...One...two..." And trying to synch her action with Yang, she releases a MIGHTY SWING from the blade.  

Spikes of jade will tear through the earth, as the force of the swing itself, matched with her stolen SUPERIOR STRENGTH aim to try and tear a bigger hole through the wall, and attempt to give them a bridge in.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang skids slightly as she gets hit by a large chunk of debris. She slips, drops to a knee, then unleashes a bellow of rage as her Aura expands, giving her a moment of respite as a burst of force gives her a bubble of calm against the raging storm. She stands, braces for the return of the wind, and then racks the slide on her right gauntlet... "I used this against Nova... didn't work on her, but it should do the job now. Lets do this, Ember."

    Three additional barrels deploy from the gauntlet, and she unloads a quadshot along with Staren's missiles, and any other shots being fired into the barrier wall. Her hair whips about, like a raging bonfire in the wind, even giving off motes of golden light.

    These bolts detonate like demolition charges, her eyes shining a baleful red as she gains a very malice-filled grin.
Nanoha Takamachi     The combination of supersonic punch and wind powers causes a visible parting of the clouds. This comes along with a noticeable drop in energy levels. The closest tornado to Gaonoir peters out, apparently losing its strength.

    Then something unusual happens. There's a sudden and sharp RISE in energy levels. Concentrated entirely on the point of the storm that Gaonoir just disrupted. Another tornado forms... Although it's not really a tornado. Certainly not in the conventional sense. The funnel of wind that launches out of the stormy clouds is far smaller, far faster and snakes its way directly towards Gaonoir. The tip smashes into Digimon with the force of a speeding truck.
Touta Konoe "Oi, oi, oi! What up with that?! That's cheating!!!" There was definitely something up with these tornadoes but the fact it veers its course so oddly is even worse! "I didn't think you could aggro a tornado!"

     "It might be a wind familiar of some kind, Touta use-" before the blade can even finish speaking the hoop gets pulled in by the powerful gales and before Touta even knows it his magic is faltering. This...Was not a good if he was going to try and keep with the same strategy.

     "Tch...Guess we're going in!" Without batting an eyelash the young man returns the blade to normal and he goes flying into the air towards the vicious maelstrom. He might end up bashed and cut up by those winds and it's /definitely/ going to hurt if he gets slammed into by a building but not much he can do about it now.

     "Kurobo! Keep your eyes open if you see anything weird in this thing!" He's not sure but the way this storm was moving it definitely felt like there was something controlling it. He just had to hope it was something that was inside of the storm and not being done remotely...
Nanoha Takamachi     Yang, Staren and Mikoto unload against the windwall. Mikoto's slash cuts through the outer winds, creating a brief opening for Staren's missile to streak into it, though with some difficult maintaining its course. As it reaches the wall of wind, it's quickly engulfed by it. But before it can be carried off, its timer causes it to detonate.

    At the same time, the shots fired by Yang streak in explode, adding to the overall force of the blast. This creates a significant opening in the wall as the greatly different temperatures and pressures force a shift in the winds. However, they're already beginning to reassert their dominance.

    Enter Mikoto's jade spikes, which create obstacles for long enough to hold an opening and allow the group through. Haseo too if he manages to get in quickly enough.

    Getting past the wall of wind it becomes clear that it didn't just slice through the building.

    It completely obliterated it.

    On the bright side, it's a lot less windy on the inside.

    It's a bit of a surreal feeling to be able to look up and see the large rushing winds circling around. The research lab interior itself is gone, leaving not much but dirt arranged in a giant swirling pattern. That is except for a small part at the dead center.

    Judging by the structure and equipment that's left, it looks like some kind of isolation room. It clearly didn't work. In the center of the room, suspended in the air, is a strange looking orb. Whatever the surface material is made of is constantly changing, forming unrecognizable symbols that glow with varying colours. It's also producing a beam of light that streaks up through the center of the massive funnel, feeding the storm above.

    While it's not a true 'eye' in that there is no clear opening at the top. This is pretty close.

    The orb is not alone though. A young man wearing a lab coat, probably a researcher of the lab, currently has his hands held on either side of it. He appears to be channeling magic into the strange object. Though the sweat on his forehead and his look of concern suggests that whatever he is doing isn't going well.

    The researcher eventually notices the arrival of other people. He initially looks surprised, but then begins to panic, "No... Nonono! Don't come any closer! I-I can control this. I know I can!" He doesn't seem very convincing as he returns to focusing on the orb, "I just need more time..."
Yang Xiao Long     When the opening breaks, Yang doesn't even hesitate. She swings both arms back behind her, and fires into the ground while uncoiling her muscles to spring forwards, launching herself like a catapult with its rubber held taut.

    She lands, rolls out, then looks at the Orb and the researcher. "Don't sound too certain. You trying to use it, or stop it?" she says, standing and rolling a shoulder, her red eyes gleaming faintly as her bangs cover them in shadow. "If its the latter, keep going. If it's the former, I'm gonna punch you... and you just saw what I did to the tornado."

    Yang, that was a group effor--- ah forget it.
Staren     Staren runs through as well. "Indeed. The town has been largely destroyed and many people endangered -- There are safer places to test something like this. It needs to stop so rebuilding can begin." If the guy is sympathetic, this should be pretty straightforward. If he goes all mad scientist I'll-show-you-all, though, Staren tries to walk up and seperate man from orb with his armor's strength.
Sumiko Mikoto with another combination of her uses of superior speed and strength, launch herself in a super jump to get into the opening of the wall of wind, and then leap towards the scientist with the ball.  She lands, sword over one shoulder as she regards the guy.  

"Oh yeah, look scary, that's going to help someone who's currently under stress and barely able to control a magical power.  Seriously, are you two just terrible at talking with people or something?" She says, rolling her eyes and walking towards the orb.  

She places her hands on it, looking at the man calmly.  "Together, we'll handle this together.  Deep breaths, focus your mind," She says, calmly, "Focus only on the orb, and focus on turning it off.  Nothing else matters."
Nanoha Takamachi     As Touta releases his anchor on the ground, he is quickly pulled up into the large tornado. The youth is buffeted by intense winds that cut, twist and pull. If it wasn't for his impressive ability to regenerate, he likely would have been ripped apart quite quickly. Admittedly that probably still wouldn't have stopped him. But thankfully we don't have to find out what that looks like.

    Instead, Touta is pulled upwards further and further, rapidly rising up through the funnel into the air. It's extremely hard to see anything from within the swirling mass of wind, but Touta can likely guess that he's quickly reaching the top.

    Things then quickly change. The chaotic twisting and turning of the tornado quickly gives way to a somewhat more gentle and consistent force of wind. Touta stops going straight up and actually starts going sideways. He's clearly within the large mass of storm clouds now and in some kind of wind current that's pulling him through it. He can even see this to a degree as the cloud moisture within this tube-like current is moving much faster and in the same direction versus the moisture around it. From what he can see, there appear to be numerous other streams similar to the one Touta is in. They often join and break away from each other, creating twisting routes.

    Touta is likely feeling the same energy that Gaonoir was. And he can feel that energy rising as the stream of wind pulls him towards what is likely the center of the storm. That is until the stream he's in pulls away from its current heading, starting to rise up again.

    Touta might need to find a way to control where he's headed.
Gaonoir     Gaonoir drifts back a little as the part of the storm he was power punching putters out, taking a moment to catch the brief he technically doesn't have but still pants a couple of times because his non-organic biology has a habit of mimicking the same kind of visual mannerisms. "That actually had an effect on i--uuk!"
    The energy levels respiking snags his attention before he can finish the remark. Gaonoir turns in that direction but the new and strangely focused slipstream rips out of the storm at a much faster pace, and more importantly with a ton of force that's actually directed instead of the chaotic whipping around normal tornadows follow. It plows into Gaonoir and the effect is like a giant hand had grabbed the digimon and threw him away as hard and fast as possible. Gaonoir can't reorient himself fast enough to get his engines pointed in the right direction and instead hits the ground hard, tearing the pavement as he crashes across it and into the side of a building. The dust and rubble from the collision is almost immeadiately sucked up by the storm to start congealing the cyclonic forces again.

    Erika has to sprint from a few blocks away to get to the spot her partner slammed into. "Gaonoir! You okay!.. I mean, relatively."
    "Ugh." Rumbles from the rubble as one large metal hand grabs onto the edge of the hole in the wall, Gaonoir shaking debris off as he hauls himself up and out of the fracture. "There is definately something somehow controlling that storm. That time it specifically hit me." Eyes narrow behind his visor at the sky a moment, and then he looks down to the human. "For all the speed this form has, it's too lightweight," he mutters as he grabs a chunk of debris and pulls it out of his shoulder, some motes of digital energy flickering into nothingness instead of the bleeding an organic being would do. "I can't brace myself against that kind of impact again."

    "Then you just need more weight to throw around!" Erika quips as she tightens her grip on her digivice, drawing on more of her own spirit, expression gritting in determination to attend to this problem before it gets any worse. The digimon 'monster D' icon briefly flashes on the screen, then she swipes it and strikes a dramatic pose to hold the device up and out. "Ultimate Digivolution - EXECUTE!"

    Their own energy spikes, bond between Tamer and Digimon given form through it and engulfing Gaonoir complete. **Dark MachGaogamon, Ultimate Digivolve Tooooo** Within the miasma of energy Gaonoir's form partially dematerials, allowing the Dark Digitron code to be drawn entirely to the surface. It spreads over the enlarging body and resolidifies into black and gold augmented armor. Arms flex at the sides and hands clench within the forming vambrace shields, from each a trio of energized warclaw blades shrshinking out. What had been his bandolier and bomber scarf derezz, only to spread back and intermingle with the surging energies to form a flowing cape of shadows, while the visor expands to encase his entire head in a lupine motiffed helmet.

    An armored foot digs briefly into the already wrecked pavement, and then Gaonoir launchs himself off the ground. While his Ultimate stage's flight wasn't quite a fast as the previous one, it's supernatural nature made it easier to maintain in the roaring winds, while debris slung around by the storm smashed against his armor with minimal harm now. The claws are readied, and in a flicker of dark energies the Dark Beast Knight appears to warp out of reality.
    The teleportation warps Gaonoir directly into the storm as he shouts, lashes out with his energized warclaws, then blips out again. Then reappears at a different spot, slices again, and warps out. This continues to chain for several moments, the warp-strikes coming so fast and repeatedly that it's almost like he's striking from several different points at one time. It makes him a lot harder to home in on as he attempts to quite literally rip and tear more energy out of the storm.
Haseo      Well, apparently brute forcing his way in just involves getting through an opening other people made. That's fine by him, he's nimble and fast enough to squeeze on .

     There's an orb. And a guy who's claiming they control it. Tough luck for them though, the officials want it shut down, and honestly whoever this person is is clearly over there head.

     "Look, I don't give a damn if you can control it, your government or whatever said to shut it down. You've caused everyone here enough problems as is. So either shut it down or I'm joining this blonde girl and shutting it down for you. And I'm probably not half as nice as them."
Touta Konoe      "See anything?!"

     "Nothing! Whatever's controlling this isn't here!"While Touta has been able to fly in the past, this was definitely not the norm for him! Getting crushed and sliced up sadly was a bit up more his alley and as he's assaulted by the intense gales. But just as said no matter how bad the cut whether it's limbing slicing, or debris that's organ crushing this kid's pretty quick to pull himself together. Hopefully none of the civilians saw that though...

     After some time of getting pulled up though and having the currents change to a more horizontal current.

     "Okay, this is pretty cool."

     "The air currents up here really are strange, but it looks like we'll be on the right pat- Touta!"

     "I know, I feel it trying to pull us up again...Grasp the earth...Grasp the air!"

     As the air currents diverge and twist Touta tries to force himself back into the center current using that flash step technique from before, only this time to try and use it as a double jump technique. Which, looks like he'll be having a lot of jumping opportunities at the moment.
Nanoha Takamachi     "I can control it!" The researcher repeats his assertion. Though the wavering of his voice-and overwhelming evidence to the contrary-makes it obvious that he's in over his head. But too desperate to admit otherwise.

    As Staren and Mikoto try to get close, the researcher calls out, "Tempest Shield!" A domed barrier of green light appears over the researcher and the orb, halting any further advances for the moment. He shakes his head quickly, "This will work! I know I'm right. They didn't think my theories are ready. But I know they are. And this will show them!"

    The joint threats from Yang and Haseo scare the researching, "No! Stay away!"

    Wind quickly picks up just beyond the newly formed shield. It starts to take the form of tornado, but two smaller ones sprout from either side and two spheres of shining light form near the top. A classic wind elemental summon.

    The elemental charges Yang and Haseo, swinging one of its large arms in an attempt to smash them with winds moving so fast that they may as well be a solid surface.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang snorts and cracks her knuckles at a shield goes up around the researcher, and some kind of giant summoned monster pops up. She smirks, and as the wind elemental comes swinging, she just jumps back, away from Haseo and lets him take the first round with the monster. "Good luck. Just try not to get blown away." she chirps, suddenly far less angry looking.
Sumiko Mikoto sighs as the barrier forms and then a storm elemental attacks Yang and Haseo.  Rubbing her face, she draws her sword back to her shoulder...and now they're faced with wind elemental...and probably have to beat the guy unconscious and take his orb.  

Mikoto, however...thought about this for a moment.

A spike of jade rips out, as she attempts to throw herself into the MOUTH of the Wind Elemental, in an attempt to try and find the 'core' which of course is the guy with a shield and try and break it open by hitting it very hard.  

As she jumps in she shouts, "HASEO IS A LOSER!"

Final words were worthy of engraving.
Nanoha Takamachi     Gaonoir is able to pick up on areas within the storm where its energies are highest. These are the positions he's able to target and his blinks around within the winds. As he strikes out at them, they are forced to disperse. As this happens, Erika will be able to see more of the tornadoes dispersing as their apparent source is cut off. Though with each strike, Gaonoir is targetted once more by one of those high speed bursts. They react quickly, but never before his own strikes. Like it's an instinctual response to his attacks. But despite these, Gaonoir does appear to be making a difference.

    More than he might initially realise.

    As for Touta, his double jump manages to shift him over to a stream that's heading back towards the center of the storm. That is until Gaonoir suddenly warps in not too far away. Striking once more, another energy formation is disrupted. And suddenly Touta's stream changes course from where it was originally headed, now starting to go straight down. Is Gaonoir's disruptions altering the flow of wind within the storm? Either way, this could be a problem...

    Or an opportunity.
Staren     Staren actually groans as the guy pulls out stock mad scientist phrases.

    "Yeah. It'll show them that your recklessness is endangering people..." Staren pulls out a holoprojector and shows scenes from outside. As he speaks, he presses his armor against the forcefield, trying to strain it.

    "It's always the same thing. You start out with some dream of helping people, some grand idea that wasn't bad, and then you get SO LATCHED ON to ONE PARTICULAR EXECUTION you forget about everything else! You hurt people. You work against the original goal. You're just like all the others, giving science a bad name and making it harder for the people who can actually PULL OFF their revolutionary ideas!"

    "Back down. I can't promise you'll stay out of jail, but maybe you'll show others... You'll SHOW THEM ALL... that even though you've made mistakes, you can stop before you hurt even more people."
Touta Konoe      "Alright, that should be the right on- Oh, come ooooooooooooon!" Touta just about thinks he has these currents pinned down and where they go until the large beast of a creature pops out of nowhere and starts slashing at things and the current Touta's in becomes the equivalent of a pitfall trap! He falls for a few seconds but tries Air Shundo'ing back into another upward stream.

     "Okay that was too close...But...Hey guy! Keep doing what you're doing!!!" He shouts to the strange Digimon not even sure of what its name is. It looks like there's a definite correlation between those strange sources of energy he's slapping and the air currents and if that's the case...Touta's gonna join in as well!

     He starts Air Shundo'ing from one current to the next trying to slash through these energy pockets. It'd probably suck if he gets hit by some of those high speed bursts but it won't kill him...Much. But if the goals to stop those tornadoes it looks like they might have found the jackpot up here.
Haseo      "Wait, why are you falling ba- OH CRAP!"

     Haseo is a bit preoccupied watching Yang fall back and leaving the elemental to him, almost to the point where he lets himself get hit. Luckily he's fast-witted enough to pull out his broadsword at the last minute, bringing the oversized weapon in front of him to act as an impromptu shield to block the wind monster's gust attack.

     His arms barely hold out, and he skids several feet back, his teeth gritting as he focuses and not falling over. He hangs on well enough, slamming his sword into the ground near the end of the attack to give himself some extra resistance.

"Damnit. Coming out swinging huh, well guess what bastard, I can do that too!"

     "I'm right here! SKEITH!"

     Various red patterns float around Haseo for a brief moment, before he's enveloped in a blinding white light. In his place stands a massive, lithe monster.

     Not bothering with theatrics with its arrival this time, the three-eyed monster springs into action, disappearing and reappearing across the room before appearing in front of the elemental, a single fist clenched and aiming for its face with all the might one might expect from a speeding semi. Or if it doesn't have a face, the closest thing to its face is the next target.
Nanoha Takamachi     Mikoto throws herself into a gap near the top of the elemental. What one might call a mouth. But the closer she gets to the bottom where the researcher hides within his shield, the slower she falls as the winds inside the elemental halt her progress. Soon enough she finds herself in the middle of the summon, winds whipping around her fast enough to not only keep her suspended but also spinning round and round and round and round-Woah, getting dizzy.

    As Staren tries reasoning with the researcher, the man appears focused on the orb. Though occasionally he does glance up at Staren and the scenes being displayed. A small light of realization begins to show within the man's eyes. "That... That's happening outside?" It's probably not too surprising that he's not aware. The large funnel of wind circling around them makes it impossible to see anything beyond it.

    The researcher seems to struggle with the decision, "... This work could revolutionize biome manipulation. Help provide safe, productive environments for isolated locations to small for conventional magics! To stop now would be..."
Sumiko So this is what it's like to be caught in a wind tunnel...and worse she's starting to spin...and spin...

This is starting to get bad for her, if she starts spinning anymore she might be too dizzy to do anything.  Closing her eyes, she grips the weapon, aiming to thrust it down towards the ground, aiming to try and raise a pillar of jade up through the creature, and attempt to use it to either push the scientist towards her, or make a ledge so she can grab on and try and drag herself to him.  

She yells over the wind, "It still can, but you have to stop now before anyone else gets hurt!  It's not a failure if you stop, it just means it didn't go as get to study the data and try again, with better conditions.  You only fail if you /give up/.  Aren't you a scientist?!  It's not about proving yourself right, but testing the data and proving how the world works!  If you're trying to help people, then isn't it silly to push forward if something hurts them?"
Staren     "Dude. Even if this turns into something wonderful, /nobody's/ going to want to touch it now..." Staren points out. "At least, nobody who wants to use it for that instead of destruction. Except me and the Concord. Although getting ahold of you and the orb now is going to be... difficult. Pressing on's only gonna make it worse though. And even harder for your work to ever help anyone. What are the laws for something like this? If you show remorse and stop now, are the local authorities gonna /kill/ you? As long as you're not in prison for life... worst case scenario, you serve your sentence, and if nobody's finished your work by then you can pick it up after. Best case, maybe we can get some kinda deal."

    "I gotta ask, though... You're just holding this thing in your hands. You didn't even need any special /equipment/. Why didn't you do this experiment out in an empty field somewhere?"
Gaonoir     Erika hunkers down next to what remains of the wall. Peeking out just enough to monitor the energy readings as Gaonoir works. And get a few pictures of the tornados dispersing to add to her ever growing string theories board. Documentation is important when it comes to conspiracy chasing!

    The windsheers are fast and furious, but with Gaonoir no longer being bound to a physical speed, their reactionary nature puts them at a disadvantage. The first few he voidsteps away from, forcing them to 'chase' him as he breaks the focal points of energy. At the last one he instead turns, holding up his arms in front of his body for the raging wind to plow into. The broad vambraces are effective shields, dispersing the savage airflow around him and dispersing it. The force still pushes him, but with doing minor in the way of damage and now he has the defenses to resist being thrown around. It digs into his armor in a few places is it roars around the digimon, but the Dark Digitron holds up to the assault over all.

    "Heh," Gaonoir snorts softly. "I'm braking wind."

    Terrible puns aside they know the knocking out the energy works. Just need to do it in a way that hits it big, instead of picking apart the small points it's linked together. "Erika, can you triangulate me a point as close to the stormcell's central energy mass as possible?"

    The Tamer peeked out of her nook again, holding up her digivice to scan. "I can't get a 100% accurate read with all the dust being thrown in the air, but between your vantage and mine we should be close."
    Gaonoir watched as what was essentially targetting code scrolled across his vision, then hone in one what is likely close to being overhead of the lab the others went to investigate as a source. "That should be close enough." A flash of black and purple energy teleported him back to street level so he could properly brace himself for what he was going to do. His own energy levels spike, consolidating within the chest of his armored form. Metal feet dug into the battered pavement, each arm digging claws into the remains of buildings at his sides for additional anchorage, dark cloak flapping behind him in the winds still whipping around.
    The motiff of his armor resembling a wolf's head becomes even more obvious when the forward protrusion of his torso plates open in the same way a pair of jaws would, revealing the steadily growing miasma of dark energies channeling into the depths of the 'throat'. Eyes narrow behind visor, fixating on a point as close to the central energy core of the storm overhead as he can.


    All that built up energy discharges, literally howling from the exposed arpeture of his armor in a massive beam of darkness. It sheers into the sky, the enervating nature of his shadow element violently disrupting any other energy it comes into contact with. The closer he can hammer the ultimate attack to the core of the storm in the sky, the better.
Nanoha Takamachi     The downside of being made of nothing but air is that it's very hard to block a punch. Which the elemental finds out as it raises an 'arm' to try and intercept Haseo's strike. The hard and fast winds do slow the swing, but not enough to stop it. The fist passes through both the arm and the elemental's 'face', disrupting the air flow forming them.

    This has the added effect of weakening the winds that are keeping Mikoto suspended. Which helps with her own efforts. Namely the pillar of jade rises up, smashing into the barrier of green protecting the researcher. The barrier visibly cracks, but doesn't break. Yet.

    On the bright side, the lessened winds inside the elemental and a strong foothold that is the pillar allows Mikoto to get free before winding up too dizzy to act. And she's weakened that shield to a degree!

    Of course the elemental isn't happy about the disruption to its body. It raises its arms and they extend outwards, quickly growing in length to sweep towards Yang, Haseo and now also Mikoto in an attack similar to the ones that have been striking at Gaonoir. The resulting impacts from the fast rushing winds sting, to say the least.
Sumiko Mikoto, while being whipped by winds and now having some serious injuries start to pile up, grips the side of the jade spike, and pulls herself towards the barrier.  She continues to try and grind herself down, fighting against the wind.  She pays for every inch, wondering if she was going to make it.

"Oh I'm Haseo, look at me, I'm a super tough guy who has to act like I have two bowling balls in my pants at all time.  Waaaaah, my mother didn't hug me enough, cuz I am a super tough guy.." Mikoto mutters to herself, feeling more than a bit annoyed at this whole thing, and has decided to put all of the blame on Haseo.  

If she can get close enough, the Jade sword comes up, aiming to try and stick itself into one of the cracks in the barrier, and try and pry her way inside.  If she can GET inside, she once more attempts to place her hands on the orb and help guide it down to stopping this windy thing.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang tsks a bit, getting swung at by the elemental. "Man, you suck at being a distraction." she shouts at Haseo, firing her gauntlets to leap over the whip of wind, then fires herself down at the elemental, aiming for the glowing green barrier within, from a different angle to Mikoto's assault. She tries using her momentum to just brute-force her way inside, then slam her fist down into the cracked barrier, either attempting to follow through into the researcher's face, or at least crack the shell so Mikoto can get to the prize within.
Nanoha Takamachi     As Touta jumps from stream to stream, striking the energy points alon the way, he's starting to make progress towards the center once more.

    And then a massive beam of darkness rips through the clouds near to Touta, streaking in towards the center.

    The result of Gaonoir's attack is rather immediate. And quite dramatic. A massive drop in the storm's energy can be registered. Quite a few of the tornadoes harassing the town fade away, though not all of them. The storm clouds themselves visibly disperse along the edges, clearing up the sky a little.

    But just as the storm reacted to Gaonoir's smaller strikes, it reacts to this one too.

    The clouds at the edge begin to get sucked inwards towards the center. Touta will be able to feel the energy rushing past him. It also alters the wind stream he's currently in, pulling him straight for the center too. Meanwhile, Gaonoir and Erika will be able to detect the energy being redirected from the outside to refill the center. Unfortunately for those two, those tornadoes that are remaining have altered corse to converge on them from multiple directions. They're surrounded.

    Touta is quickly delivered to the center of the storm, where he finds the wind streams converging and spiraling around a central point. The energy here is so condensed that it is actually visible as roughly spherical area of charged air, arcs of energy crackling within it.
Haseo      "You don't get to complain about how I deal with things when you left it to me. It's clearly working anyway. Just continue doing whatever you're doing and leave the stupid wind monster to me."

     Haseo's comes somewhere from Skeith, though it's kind of hard to tell where given its lack of a mouth.

     The elemental attacks with a high wind attack, and while logic would dictate someone should try to find some kind of cover, Skeith just raises its hands in front of its face and positions itself so its providing cover for the two girls.

     It goes as well as one would expect, large swathes of textures are removed from the digital behemoth, revealing the red wire mesh underneath. Though as quickly as the textures are removed, they come back, and then are removed again. The cycle continues a bit before Haseo's had enough.

     "Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. DAMNIT! JUST KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!"

     Skeith raises a singe arm forward while bracing it with another, struggling to keep itself straight under the torrent of wind. A large holographic cannon envelops the monster's arm, the firing end of the weapon adorned with a strange eye.

     There's a loud, ear piercing sound as the digital weapon charges up, before it fires off a large concentrated ball of data.

     Assuming it works, the wind elemental would not be having a pleasant time, being bombarded with a slew of terrible status problems. Blindness. Paralysis. Poison. Weakness. Whether it works on a being compromised mostly of wind though, Haseo has know idea, just like he has no idea if he's going to get anything useful from the creature as the attack attempts to extract information from the creature.

     But it's not about learning for Haseo, it's about making his enemy miserable.
Nanoha Takamachi     Staren's point about him being in trouble with the law really hits home on the researcher. The situation far exceeds what he expected. Some damage to the lab he could have accepted. But to also have caused so much trouble for the town as well... "I-I didn't expect this large of a reaction. And I did have equipment... But..." He glances around at the destruction the lab has suffered.

    The researcher glances to one side of his shield, seeing Mikoto jamming her jade sword into the crack that had formed and is now growing bigger. He then looks to the other side where Yang is banging her fists into the shield, beginning to form a second crack.

    A loud rush of wind that could be interpreted as a roar causes the researcher to look up. He sees his summon thrashing about as it's assaulted by a wide away of terrible status effects.

    The researcher sighs in defeat, moving his hands away from the orb and dropping to his knees, "I surrender..."

    The roaring winds of the elemental fade away along with the elemental itself. The green barrier then quickly vanishes too, allowing the group inside.

    The orb itself... It continues to float in the air, the light it's projecting upwards remaining as strong as ever. When it becomes clear that the object, nor the storm, is relenting, the researcher looks surprised, "... What? The Lost Logia... It... It should have ceased!"
Touta Konoe     Trial and error prove to be the best method of dealing with so many of those energy pockets...Also that giant dark beam might have helped as well...Details! But feeling the energy converge on a single point, and before he knows it he's getting pulled along for the ride. It's only when he realizes how calm it is that he comes to a conclusion.

     "Guess this would be the eye of the storm, huh?"

     "Mmmm, and it seems like another one of those collections of energy is here too."

     "Look at the size of this thing!"

     "Perhaps it's harbored all the energy from the ones the both of you disrupted, or was distributing it to the others."

     "So we pop this and go home. Sounds easy, I'll just use...Oh right...The hoop...Well, guess we're doing this the hard way."

     While the other pockets of energy occassionally discharged bursts of energy this one seemed to be dishing out way more juice. If one wasn't careful if they touched it they'd probably receive a nasty kick. Sadly Touta doesn'thave any long range weapons to deal with this, and without his hoop there was no way for him to safely dispell or absorb that energy. So while he's open to slicing and dicing this thing, he's not fond of the idea of what comes next...

     "I really don't wanna fall from this high up!!!"
Staren     Well, it's over. "Alright, let's go..." Staren puts his hand on the researcher's shoulder and waits for the orb to shut off.

    And waits.

    <"Hey. Anybody here know how to shut off a Lost Logia?"> Staren asks into the radio.

    He looks back to the researcher. "Alright. Tell us what you know about this thing, and... maybe we can work out where your theory is wrong and what to try."
Yang Xiao Long     And Yang whiffs as the barrier shuts off before she breaks it. The blonde lands rather unceremoniously on her ass after twisting in mid-air, and stares up at the Lost Logia as it continues to do its thing... like a reactor in overload. She gets told not to smash the thing, and just kinda pouts as she waits for Mikoto to try whatever it is she's going to do. "Well fine, but if you start spouting gibberish and get glowing eyes and stuff, I'mma smash it."
Sumiko Mikoto lands on the ground as the barrier finally lets up, and the elemental is gone.  Breathing easily, and battered with many cuts, bruises and light pieces of debris imbedded in her, she sighs in relief.  Of course, this only reveals that uh...the stuff outside isn't calming down.  

She walks towards the orb carefully and places her hands on it.  Should just be like controlling a soul gem.  Closing her eyes, she focuses.  Just like she wanted to do before, calm thoughts...just stop working and deactivate.

Calm thoughts...calm thoughts.  Shut off.  
Gaonoir     "It's working!" Erika paused a moment to glance down at her device. "Not exactly in the way I had anticipated, but you forced it to draw in more of the energy and that's weakening the peripheral vortexes."
    "Good." Gaonoir didn't groan but the venting and hissing sounds made by his armor reclosing around the cannon was close enough. "Now get behind me, quick!"
    Erika eeped softly at the urgency in his voice and hopped over some rubble to scamper over and duck beneath the larger and heavier armored form. Behind his stout legs the same as you would in the doorway as part of proper tornado safety. It helps that even his shadowy cloak wraps around her, holding on to her since his hands aren't free to do so.

    At this point it was anticipated that, even weakened, the unnatural storm would retaliate. That was part of why Gaonoir picked the spot he did, where he would be able to brace himself even after that large energy expenditure. With feet ground into the pavement and claws sunk into building infrastructure, he's bracing himself as best as he can.

    Even in their depleated state the winds howl unnaturally loud as the storm strikes back and sweep down to street level. Pavement crunches beneath his feet as the Gaonoir resists the airforce battering him. Chunks of debris scattered by the previous tornadoes is scooped up and slung into the air, slamming again and again against the Dark Beast Knight armor. Bits of building material, parts ripped off vehicles, branches and broken signs. Fissures crackle along the surfaces as the tempest pounds down on their position, digital motes scattering. A faint growl escapes from within the helmet as Gaonoir grits and bears through it.

    He's -letting- the storm wail against him. Forcing the storm to put more of its energy into assailing him, focusing it away from the widespread destruction it had been causing.
Haseo      Shady merchants are the worst. And apparently, this orb is connected to one. Whatever it is, its the source of way too many problems, and not anything that he can feasibly consider abusable. And Haseo has had absolutely ENOUGH of it.

As the flow of data eventually stops flowing into Skeith, the massive monster lets out a roar, a scythe appearing in its hand as it raises the newly formed weapon above its head.

     It flickers in and out of view, now in front of the orb. It could bring it down now, but Mikoto is in the way. That... Really shouldn't be an issue, the girl's annoying. And yet, for some reason, Haseo decides to give a warning.

     "I'm getting rid of this piece of garbage, so get out of the way!"
Nanoha Takamachi     The researcher looks both confused about the orb's lack of deactivation, and a little unsure of how to explain it, "It's... Supposedly a device that was used to harness a planet's weather as an energy source. I theorized that it could be altered to also control said weather... But the equations are far too complex to go into quickly!"

    Mikoto places her hands on the orb. While she doesn't have the knowledge that the researcher claims is necessary, she does have the experience with dangerous magical stuffs to make up for it. Although the sheer amount of power that the orb contains is quite overwhelming. It's no wonder the researcher had a tough time with it. Mikoto is too. She /is/ having an effect, the light being released by the orb beginning to fade and alter. But it's not quite enough.

    It's at this point that Touta does the unsafe, laying into the gathered energies at the center of the storm with his sword. He gets some serious zaps from the charge, but the unusual sword and his own body interfere with the delicate balance.

    Alone, either attempt wouldn't have been enough. But together, they disrupt the orb's operation long enough for Mikoto to get the upper hand. The beam of light cuts out and the energies in the storm's center fade.

    The winds finally begin to die down. The large funnel breaks apart to reveal the world outside. The group can see that the remianing tornadoes which have been harassing the town are also falling apart. Gaonoir will likely enjoy this part as he is no longer subject to their assault on him and his partner.

    The dark clouds that blotted out the sun are also quickly fading away. Light begins to shine down on the town and the remains of the research lab again. Unfortunately, this also means that the wind streams that had been coursing around inside the clouds have now dissipated. Leaving Touta in a rather troubling position floating high in mid-air. For only a moment of course. Because then he's falling in mid-air.
Nanoha Takamachi     Chime. <Flash Move>

    A streak of pink rockets through the clearing air, quickly meeting the falling Touta. A kind voice then says, "Don't worry, I've got you." A figure in white descends from the skies, clutching an ornate staff in one hand and holding Touta against her with the other.

    As Nanoha touches down on the ground, the pink mana wings extending from her feet disappear in a small flash of feathers. She lets her hold on Touta go, before she looks at Haseo and says, "Please don't. Lost Logia do not react well to direct attacks. You could cause a dimensional quake."

    Of course, not wanting to risk her words being ignored, Nanoha points her staff towards the orb. Her staff chimes, <Crystal Cage> A tetrahedron of pink light surrounds the orb. And Nanoha explains, "That should be sufficient to restrain it until it can be placed in more appropriate storage.

    Nanoha looks at the group and offers them a smile, "Now then. I'm Captain Nanoha Takamachi with the Time-Space Administrative Bureau. Thank you for your efforts here today. We were rather overwhelmed with managing the evacuation alone."

    The surrendered research shrinks back at the mention of the TSAB. Though it doesn't look like he's willing to try and make an escape.
Staren     Hmm. While waiting for the scientist to explain, Staren turns on magic sensors to try and at least track the flow of energy into/out of the orb. Maybe he can find a way to shut off the power...

    But Mikoto (as far as he can see) finishes the job. "Well, okay." He reaches out for the orb to take it himself, and then A HERO SHOWS UP AND... "Hey!" boxes it up actually. Oh.

    Staren looks at her in surprise. He looks her up and down.

    "Yes. Well. I'll see that it's taken care of, don't worry. The best and brightest of the Concord will surely be able to figure out how to use it safely for providing air in hazardous environments, and endless wind power, and all that good stuff. Experiments will be conducted /far away from population centers./"

    Staren tries to take the tetrahedron in one hand and put the other on the scientist's shoulder. "Let's get going."

    He's at least TRYING to fast talk his way out of here and get the lost logia and the scientist into Concord custoday. You can't blame him for trying, right?
Sumiko Mikoto focuses on the orb, ignoring the researcher and tries to resolve this issue before it becomes a super catastrophe, instead of just a regular catastrophe.  However, as she starts working, it looks like it might be too much, her head starting to sweat as she starts to lose control...

Until Touta manages to aid in weakening the storm from the outside, which gives her the upper hand.  She takes the advantage, and focuses on it, slowly starting the power down sequence until she finally stops the storm.  With a breath, she opens her eyes and looks at Haseo threaten her.  

"Too bad, Nerdseo, but I managed to do it.  If only you were as cool as I was," she says, spinning the orb on her finger until the cage grabs it and drags it away.  "Aw man, I was going to put that in my house." She says, probably being sarcastic.  With a wave and a tired grin, she sighs and waves towards the Captain.  

"Mikoto Shimizu, Magical girl of Envy."  Her eyes turn a shade of green, stealing something.
Yang Xiao Long     Yang kips back up onto her feet as everything starts to wrap up. "Huh... that kinda rings a bit of a bell. Dunno why though." she says, folding hands behind her head. "Name's Yang. Yang Xiao Long. Huntress." she offers, then glances at Staren. "Yeah, I don't think you're fast talking your way outta this." she offers, then rolls her shoulders. "Guess it's a good thing I didn't just grab and crush the thing then, huh."
Gaonoir There's an almost popping sound as the storm ends, energy motes scattering in all directions as Gaonoir can't hold his Ultimate form any longer. He flops to the ground in his base doggo form, but as she was right next to him Erika catchs him easily. "Whoo, we did it!" She holds her device out with the other hand. "Victory selfie!" *click click*

Gaonoir grumbles a little, but is too wore out to bother objecting.
Haseo      Well. The orb is taken care of and Skeith didn't drive the butt of its scythe through it. It's somewhat of a bummer, but there's not much one could do. The scythe in the monster's hand dissipates, with it joining in the disappearing act shortly after, leaving Haseo to stand where it once was.

     "You know, for someone who complains that I bitch and moan, you seem to like and bitch and moan just as much if not more. Grow up and save a bit of the squabbling for when aren't playing hero, yeah?"

Haseo huffs in exhaustion, running a hand through his hair as he takes in everything's that happening. Something about keeping the orb for safe keeping? Who knows. And who cares? Its officially Not His Problem as of now.
Touta Konoe Well, that was to be expected. The shocking experience wouldn't be as bad if he had his hoop, he'd even be able to fly around a bit afterwards, but at least he did his part. He knows that he did for one fact and one fact only. He's falling. The immenient danger, he is in or should be in was a good indicator.

     Is body was burned from the zaps but he still found a bit of energy to speak.

     "Well, it'll be a nasty fall but at least we got it done..."

     He sorta resigned himself to taking the blow this time around of course before that does happen...A chime rings in his ears. Before he can even realize what it is his body goes from free-fall to...To...Flying. He turns to his would be saviour thinking at first it might be that one creature but the person who grabs him is actually A PERSON!

     He looks up at this figure in white. He doesn't recognize her at all, but as she finally sets him down and uses her spells he notices something about that chime.

     "That's...Mitsu had something similar..." He mumbles to himself for a moment before going over to catch up with the others whom already seemed to be making their faces known.

     As soon as Mikoto and Yang finish up their greetings it was Touta's this time. Though the moment Nanoha would turn to look at him again...He was looking alot less burnt.

     "Hey, don't sweat it. Us Elites are known for popping in to help. But uh, you ended up really saving me from a really nasty splat too so thanks for that. Name's Touta Konoe, UQ Holder number seven. Oh and this sword is my trust sab-"

     "Please refer to me as Kurobo. Captain Takamichi you have both of our gratitude for the assistance."

     "Ehehe, what he said. But uh...If you don't mind what's up with this orb thing? I wasn't with the others in the lab so I guess I'm a bit out of the loop."
Sumiko Mikoto looks towards Haseo, giving him an odd stare for a moment.  She grabs her phone out of...somewhere and puts it to her ear.  Did it even ring?  After a few moments she 'uh huhs'.  

"Hey Haseo, it's pot on the phone.  He said to stop copying him in calling the kettle black," She says and puts the phone away.  "The difference, though, is that I'm actually a hero, and you're just some baby trying to be a tough guy."
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha gives nods to Mikoto and Yang as they introduce themselves, "Nice to meet you. I couldn't see much while I was searching the town, but it seems like you're all very strong to be able to break through and handle this."

    As Touta thanks her, Nanoha gives him a smile, "You're welcome." And then Touta's sword speaks up. Nanoha looks quite amused by it, "Oh! Your weapon speaks too? I didn't think it might be something that happens outside of my own world. This is Raising Heart."

    Nanoha's staff chimes, once more speaking in her digitized voice, <Greetings. It is a pleasure. Meeting another Device>

    Of course at this point Staren attempts to make off both with the orb and the researcher. Though the former appears rather harder to do than say, given the cage Nanoha created doesn't want to budge. Nanona naturally interrupts him too, rubbing the back of her head and looking a little apologetic, "Ahhh, I'm afraid that's TSAB property. It was stolen from us mid-transport. And the Doctor has to answer for his actions here today."

    Speaking of... Nanoha turns to the researcher, "Head researcher, Doctor Isaac Mistral, I presume?" Nanoha steps up to him, "Doctor. You are under arrest for the endangerment of people's lives; destruction of public and private property; and theft and misuse of a class four Lost Logia." Nanoha levels her staff towards the researcher. A pair of rings of light appear around his wrists, before shrinking down to restrain them and pull his hands behind his back.

    The researcher looks rather defeated as his charges are laid out and he is restrained. However, his face quickly switches to confusion for a moment, before interrupting, "W-wait! Theft? I didn't steal it, I bought it!"

    Nanoha simply replies, "You'll be allowed to provide an explanation during your questioning later. Until then it's best if you say nothing." The researcher seems smart enough to remain silent.
Staren     Staren gives the floating tetrahedron a few good yanks but the damn thing won't budge. "Of course." At least this armor doesn't show his face.

    Staren turns to the researcher. "She's right. Don't talk until you get to see a lawyer. But speaking of which... You dared to dream big, but stepped back from letting a mistake consume you. While actual success would have been preferable, this combination is still rare. If you still believe you can do great things... think it over, and call the Concord. Perhaps we can help with your legal representation."

    Staren turns to Nanoha. "Captain. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Staren Wiremu, Hand and Gifted of the Concord and Planetary Governor of Amistel Majoris." He extends a hand to shake.
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha appears glad that Staren understands. She shakes his hand, admitting, "Impressive titles." She then reassures both him and the researcher, "Don't worry. The doctor will be given a fair hearing with proper representation. Thankfully no lives were lost. And the property damage isn't too difficult to fix. So the main concern are those changes related to the Lost Logia. But seeing as he had good intentions, I suspect his sentence won't be too severe."

    The researcher still does consider the offer... Especially as at the very least he's probably getting fired quite soon.