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Samhain Samhain has put out the call. Daisuke Yamano, also known as Masked Baller Spalding, has asked people to meet him outside the basketball court, near the dumpster where they fought Statueface, to help track down a thief, with one of his teammates accused of the crime.

Of course, Samhain isn't here. He headed off to his dorm after the big fight with Robin on-radio, and hasn't responded to any further communications. So, Daisuke is your main point of contact.

You don't have to go see Daisuke. The campus is open for you to explore. Possible points of interest: Amanita Gin, the sketchy nurse that Robin is investigating; the Student Council room, if you have any reason to poke there; or anywhere else.

The Ribbongers are not involved. They are currently dealing with EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. This is purely a Spalding episode.

Daisuke is still in his basketball uniform, spinning a basketball on his finger, as he sits on the dumpster. It has no monsters in it.
Robin Sundance      He just can't help but make an entrance.

     Robin Sundance has been at school all day. It's been a relaxing, peaceful day for him - nothing to fight (other than the scrum with Samhain), nothing to do but maintain his relationship with Amanita Gin, teach, and plan for his next lesson. This daily life as a high school teacher is...surprisingly pleasant. It's a peace he's never been able to know before.

     The fact that he has Suspicions about half the school is irrelevant. So far, they haven't had a problem with his extracurricular activities, so he's been keeping himself out of theirs. If he hears about monster problems then he'll go after them. Otherwise...

     Well, everybody has secrets.

     But, since he has been at school, and did in fact just drop off Miss Gin's daily homemade lunch (he's stopped putting vegetables in it, to his great sorrow) and flower, it makes his entrance that much easier.

     Since he just kind of blows her a kiss and then backflips out the window.

     He lands near Daisuke, his scarf leaving a trail of rainbow behind him. Robin lands, of course, in a bow.

     "Bonjour, mon debutant," he says cheerfully as he straightens. (It means 'my Rookie'.)

     "As your senior I thought it only appropriate to come help you out of your little probleme, oui?" He taps his hand on his chest. "What sort of Masked hero would I be if I let you simply swing on your own? Nevermind a teacher of the more normal variety."

     "So tell me about le probleme. Let us see if we can find a solution."
Selene      Once again, the mysteriously hungry 'Mika' has arrived at the school, her trusty fire-breathing cat perched upon her head and looking quite comfortable on top of the beret she's wearing. After hearing about the thieving incident, the logical first step is to meet up with Daisuke and find out what he knows.

    Approaching him directly is out of the question, of course. What if the person (or people) responsible have their eyes on him already? That's why she doesn't go near him at all, instead taking a roundabout path to get behind/to the side of the dumpster. Robin's already there by the time she gets there, and she hunkers down to the side of the dumpste so as to hide herself at least a little bit.

    "Lay it on us, Daisuke. The sooner we figure out what's what, the sooner we can get something to eat!"
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak is here! It's hard to miss him as he pulls in on that bike, although his music is kept to his earbuds this time around. As the engines cut off, he dismounts, pulling into the outdoor commons. The bike disappears, and there is a brief moment in which those nearby can hear a few bars of music before the earbuds, too, are gone.

     The attire is about what you'd expect--motorcycle boots, jeans and a t-shirt that leave little to the imagination, and a spiked leather jacket with the sleeves torn off. Today is a no-shades look, however, his startlingly red irises on full display.

     He and Daisuke didn't get properly acquainted last time--so after a hearty (but careful) slap on the shoulder is given to Robin, he extends a meaty green hand to give the baller an informal shake. "Gretinges," he says. Bercilak is loud enough that last time, Daisuke probably heard his name plenty.

     "Thou journei with the Green Knight," says Bercilak, quietly, to Selene, "And complein thou'rt ahungred?" He chuckles. The axe comes out, butt of the haft tapped lightly against the ground. Far enough away from the dumpster so as not to adopt its stink, a grapevine grows up along the side of the building. Some grapes ought to tide 'Mika' over until later!
Strawberry Princess      Strawberry Princess lounges on a bench in the courtyard, tapping intently at her very nonstandard and very pink flip-top phone. She's dressed in what's become her normal casual attire of late, a distinct upgrade from her previous Depression Hoodie: a sharply casual white button-up shirt and black jeans, with a comfy surplus jacket open and around her shoulders. A patch with the green shield of the Paladins is sewn onto the right sleeve like a girl scout badge. There's zero attempt today to hide the awful scar that curves from her cheekbone up around her temple and deep into her scalp; the folks at this school have seen (and ignored) weirder.

     As the Ribbongers are doing some extracurricular activities, so is she. There's only ever one kid at these schools smart enough to hack things, and he never does anything useful until a protagonist tells him to, so why would they bother tightening up their cybersecurity? Her phone's screen fills up with fancy black and green text, but she resists the urge to say 'I'm in' just yet.

     Specifically, what she's looking for are grades, the all-important measure of every student's worth. Is anything unusual with the classes these kids are taking? Are any of the teachers sadistically harsh? Does anyone interesting excel at useful topics and, conversely, are any of the known mahous or tokus pushing their heroism too far and neglecting their studies?

     Most importantly, can she figure out Yonk's real name?

     When that's done with, she picks her gangly body up and strolls over to the gathering of people at the dumpster, coming in at the tail end of the introductions. She naturally gravitates to Bercilak's side, though Robin also gets a sunny smile! "Did you do that? With- with the grapes. That's... really, really cool. I mean, I saw you could do the trees, but..."
Samhain Daisuke throws the basketball up and catches it as Robin appears, whistling with an impressed tone. He gives Bercilak a cool-kid high five, nodding, and waves to Strawberry. As Selene, or 'Mika', shows up, he nods, and begins laying it out. "I bet Shaw told you the situation, but if not, here's what I have. Yoshi, our best point guard, has always been a prankster and a troublemaker. A bunch of demerits. Now, you know that big cooler we use to carry around sports drink? Someone broke into the equipment shed and stole it."

"Yoshi was nearest to it when they found it, and also works in shop, so he had the tools. He was all dirty, so he had the evidence. And he had the motive - the coach had scolded him earlier that day. They're going to kick him off the team, and possibly even suspend or expel him, unless something happens." Daisuke sighs. "Bros, you gotta know, I know Yoshi really well. He didn't do this. He's not vengeful or malicious - just a joker. But the Student Council wants blood."

"This is a big deal, you know? Robbery at our school. Breaking and entering. No more Gatorade. You understand how it is." Daisuke seems sad about it, but certain that his friend is innocent.

Strawberry, meanwhile, gets some details. The 'toughest' teacher, of sorts, is probably the Athletics Director, Mr. Kanbe Kurosawa. He pushes the athletics kids really hard, wanting to see them excel - and some have gotten hurt in the process.

Additionally, the highest grades, across the board, for all subjects, belong to the Student Council President, Ryutaro Muramasa. (Annalise is pretty good in smart stuff, though).
Robin Sundance      Robin flashes Strawberry a bright grin and a wave. "Bonjour, mon amie!"

     He keeps a very straight face about 'robbery at the school', considering he is an open, avowed, and obvious thief. Still, he doesn't steal from his place of work. That's just...uncouth. Robin refuses to be uncouth.

     But that straight face is a *mighty* difficult one.

     Still, he's taking this very, very seriously. "Oui, mais, the coach also has means and motive," he says as he moves to lean against the wall, tapping his finger on his other arm. "He could get inside and take la glaciere in order to frame Monsieur Tanaka."

     Robin is a professional. He doesn't refer to students by a first-name basis.

     "Where was he at the time of this..." His lips flicker into a brief frown. "Unbelievably sloppy incident?"

     "Does he have an alibi that can be confirmed? Were the tools missing at the time? Checked out?"

     "Was anyone else near the shed at the time?"
Strawberry Princess      Strawberry purses her lips as she looks at her phone's screen. There it is. Yonk's "real name". Only... it's not real, is it? The yellow Ribbonger already told Strawberry her name, and it was 'Yonk'. The fact that it's something else in the school records is a mistake and an injustice.

         find+replace all
         $ "M**** Y******"
         $ "Yonk"
         confirm all

     Surely changing her official, actual school-database name will have no unexpected consequences in the future.

     Shutting her phone with a satisfying 'clack' and stuffing it back in her jacket pocket, she nods solemnly along with Robin's points. "That's- who I suspected too, actually. The Athletics Director... he's not a very nice person, is he? Wouldn't- enjoy, having a blemish of a student. Might try to get rid of him."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Al plantisouns which iman-kin or Almighti may imagen, may I dight with mine axe," says Bercilak to Strawberry with a prideful smile. Giving the axe a boastful twirl, he taps the haft once more, and a single unthorned yellow rose sprouts from the earth, plucked and offered to her. "A yelwe rose for thee, the flower of frendlinesse."

     He then turns and listens to Daisuke, arms crossed, nodding. "I understond." Gatorade comes and goes, but the bond of athletes is sacred--the theft is, more than anything, a violation of the common trust between ballers.

     He takes a similar approach to Robin, attempting to determine who might have motive. "Who wouldst stond to gein from Yoshi's punishinge?" There's only so many spots on the team, right? Maybe someone on the bench wants his spot. Or... "Oth that, is thire ani-bodi who liken ille of Yoshi?" Maybe he played a joke on the wrong person.
Selene "I'm a growing girl. I'm always hungry." Selene replies to bercilak with a snicker, watching in awe at the sudden growth of his magical school wall grapes. She doesn't think twice before cramming several into her mouth at once, although she does have to move away from the vine after a moment to make sure the cat on her head doesn't get any dumb ideas.

"So that's how it happened. So they don't have proof proof, but they have a lot of strong surrounding stuff..." There's quite a bit to take in there, but she gets another lead. Robin has the same idea as he starts speaking about the coach, and that leads Selene to start considering the other angles.

"Is the coach dating anyone? Making eyes at anyone? Has... Uh... What's his face." She snaps her fingers a few times. "Yoshi been anywhere near those people?"

There's a longer pause before she asks her next question. "Do you know where the coach is right now?"
Robin Sundance      "Coach is married," Robin says idly as he fiddles with his scarf, "A nice woman. I met her briefly at my welcome party."
Selene "Exactly. The nicer they are, the worse it gets when the cheating starts." Selene shakes her head and heaves a dramatic sigh, then looks up abruptly. "Wait, was I supposed to go to a commencement or something?"
Robin Sundance      "I work here," Robin says flatly at Selene, "It is, as I understand, Japanese tradition to welcome new coworkers. Non, I doubt very much Coach is cheating on his wife. That is baseless et pointless speculation."
Samhain "Well, that's the problem. The coach was still in the court. I was there. He has an alibi." Daisuke responds to Robin. "Tools weren't taken, though, which is weird. I don't know who the witness is - Student Council's keeping that locked down tight."

Strawberry gets a shake of the head. "Athletics Director isn't the coach. He's like...the coach's boss. He's in charge of /all/ the coaches, for every sport. He doesn't like Yoshi either, but I think he'd just kick him out, not frame him, right? He is harsh as hell, though, bro."

Bercilak asks a good question, and gets a good answer. "Well, we mentioned the Athletics Director. Next up is the Student Council, but would they go to that? I don't know, bro... We can split up and investigate, if you want."

Daisuke then immediately lets Robin handle Selene's line of questioning, also thinking it is Silly. Instead, he moves the basketball under his arm. "Coach is probably a dead-end. He's been good to me, I don't think he'd have framed Yoshi. I just want my bud safe."
Robin Sundance      "Monsieur Kuro..."

     Robin taps his finger against his arm again. "I do not...mmm. I do not like him, mais, I am not willing to leap to j'accuse on that alone, non. He is talkative where teachers are concerned, mais he has a...domineering attitude that I do not appreciate."

     "I can go have un chat avec l'enseignant, though," He says, "It would not be a bad idea. Though I warn you," he does hold up a finger, "Monsieur Kuro is tenured. He is more or less immune to being fired over such childish pranks. You would need genuine criminal activity to have him removed. So if he is indeed le coupable, do not pursue some childish idea of vengeance, or some eager desire to see him thrown out. He is, for all intents and purposes, l'intouchable."
Selene "Fine, fine. If you're both that sure..." Selene crosses her arms behind her head as she blows upwards at the cat, making it bat at her mouth briefly. Snickering, she grabs another grape to devour before turning right back to Daisuke and Robin with another fierce look in her eyes.

"... You said the Student Council was out for blood, yeah? Got any dirt on them? Are they all dating each other, or is there some kinda overlap with one of them and Yoshi?"

A few moments later, she sighs and follows up while sounding considerably more bored. "Or do any of them have no alibi when all this went down? Gotta get that outta the way if we're gonna do all this digging." It's clear from her tone that she's more interested in investigating their love lives (or lack thereof).
Samhain Daisuke responds to Selene, almost immediately. "Nobody's dating anybody! Or at least, it's not relevant!"
Robin Sundance      Robin just gives the biggest shit-eating grin at Daisuke's response. Daisuke knows why. Daisuke knows *absolutely* why.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "God ithinkinge, sib," says Bercilak to Daisuke. Daisuke can tell that last work is uttered with the same energy as 'fam.' "I shalt entrace the studient counseill. Accompani me, if thou lest!" With company or not, he does as he said he would. Heavy footfalls thudding away, Bercilak heads for the main building. Where did Robin say it was, on the radio? That's right... third floor, in the room with the large double-doors in the center of the hallway.

     The doors will say... Student Council. There it is.

     Three gentle knocks are placed upon the doors. A seven and a half foot tall green man with a mohawk, a thick beard, and startling red irises waits, dressed like he just left a metal concert, waits for a response, arms crossed.

     "Gretinges," he says, opening right up to whoever answers. If someone does. if not--he waits, in silence. Otherwise... "I am Bercilak, frend of Shaw Wayne. Questiouns hath I of one cleped Yoshi. Art thou greeable to sware mine questiouns?" The direct approach is his usual way of doing things.
Strawberry Princess      Strawberry accepts the yellow rose with a silent, reverent awe- accepting it with both hands cupped at first, as if she were a ringbearer at a wedding, and then carefully finding a way to tuck it behind her ear without pricking herself on any thorns. "The flower of friendliness," she repeats in a slightly hushed tone. Then, more properly: "I don't- know all that much. About flowers, and what they mean. But didn't you mention- being fond of these, on the radio? I really appreciate it."

     There's a little bit of sprightliness in her step as she follows after him that wasn't there before.

     As they wait at the door, she pipes up: "The leader of the student council is- 'Ryutaro Muramasa', I think." (She somehow manages to pronounce it right.) "He seems like a pretty smart guy. ... Or if not smart, maybe corrupt. His grades were perfect." She cuts a vastly less intimidating presence than the giant biker-knight's, but still does her best to put on a perky smile. She has the aura of Someone Reasonable.
Samhain "Sounds good. I'll head to see the Student Council, then." Daisuke responds to Robin, carrying his basketball the whole way. "Mr. Kurosawa should be in his office."

As he approaches with Bercilak, waiting for the entrance, they get a 'Come in.' from a young lady. The Student Council Chambers appear to basically be a tea room, with couches, a table full of tea, tea supplies, and work, and multiple shelves of paperwork. A single desk is at the front of the room, currently, with a young lady with long brown hair sitting at it. As Bercilak comes in, she looks up at him from behind her round glasses, listens to his name, takes in everything he says with deep seriousness, and then-

She stretches her hand out to a shelf, grabs a book, and opens it up rapidly. Papers flutter as she just pulls out one sheet. "Ah, yes. One of Shaw Wayne's guests. Bercilak, you said? We know about your efforts. You have come to ask the Student Council about one Yoshi Tanaka and his accused crime, I assume. Please, take a seat."

There is currently only one person sitting at the couches. He's tall, with short pure white hair, and a serene expression. He's sipping tea with his eyes closed, only turning to Bercilak and Daisuke as he hears their footsteps. His eyes are a sharp blue. "Daisuke Yamano, Bercilak, and..." There's a pause, as Strawberry enters. "Hm. I'm not sure about this one. But nonetheless, welcome to the Student Council Chambers. Ryutaro Muramasa, Student Council President, at your service."

He stands up, moves to the silverware shelf, and grabs three extra cups (or four, if Selene shows up). "We're drinking Tieguanyin today. It's an oolong. Please, have a seat, as Amane has so kindly suggested."

"What would you like to ask of us?"


Inside Mr. Kurosawa's office, the hulking man of muscle (though not as big or as muscular as Shaw) is lounging at his desk. He's currently taking a mild lunch break from paperwork and watching games, eating out of a MgRonalds takeout bag. Patties only, lightly salted fries, and a cup of water. If Robin knocks, he's allowed in, but he waits for Robin to speak first.
Robin Sundance      Robin is not so crude as to just waltz into someone else's office. He knocks twice, then enters. "Bonjour, monsieur Kurosawa!" He swings himself down onto the chair once it's been offered (and not before), crossing his legs politely. "Ca va?"

     "I heard about the trouble with Monsieur Tanaka. Always sad when a student goes down such a dark road, oui?" He shakes his head. "I wanted to come offer you my condolences. Et, aussi, to find out if you had any interesting prospects for the next team member."

     Robin beams. "Excusez-moi, mais, I am a terrible gossip. Besides, now that I am part of this staff, I would very much like to see our academic et our athletic teams flourish, non? Tanaka was holding us back, so..."

     Robin waves his hand. "I thought I might come get more involved in this side of the school. You don't mind, do you?"
Selene Daisuke gets a distinctly 'uh-huh' stare from Selene at his too-quick response. Thankfully, she doesn't press him further on it, but she's totally thinking there's more to it than that already.

Selene does indeed does join the group in meeting with the Student Council afterwards! It's a lot less insane and far more intelligent than she expected, forcing her to figure out her next plan of attack.  It's going to involve staring at them. A lot. She's watching for any eyes being made in any direction, keeping a particularly close eye on Daisuke and Ryutaro that isn't subtle in the slightest.

At least the cat on her head is good and quiet about all this. It's still napping contently on top of her beret.

Alas, waiting to see who's making eyes or not at who may very well take too long for Selene to keep quiet for long. If she doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary on that front within half a minute or so of sitting down, she just blurts it out. "So are any of you seeing anyone?" She tries to throw the Student Council off her tracks as she wiggles her eyebrows a few times, glancing at both Ryutaro and Amane with the same overly eager grin on her face and not changing her excitable expression to anything more appropriate in the slightest.
Strawberry Princess      "My name is Strawberry Princess," she says without hesitation, giving the student council president a polite nod. She almost bows, but catches herself- this is too casual for that, isn't it? Don't make a fool of yourself, Strawb. "I'm here as an... acquaintance of Shaw's, too. But it's- good, to familiarize myself with the rest of the school, I think. And helping Daisuke is a good way to do that."

     She eases herself into a chair awkwardly, looking quietly enthused at the possibility of having tea. Her limbs are too long and spindly to find a comfortable resting point on the furniture no matter how she sits, though. "I've heard your academic performance is- outstanding. What are your duties as Student Council President? How do you find the time to study and do that, too?"

     But as Ryutaro grabs the cups, she utters something absolutely lethal.

     "I- take mine with whole milk. Thanks."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak takes a seat. Next to the President, in fact. "Verily," he says, nodding as he is greeted by the spectacled young lady. That's what they're here for!

     Looking to his left, as the Council's president introduces himself, "Muramasa?" asks the Green Knight with interest. The couch creaks beneath his weight. "As..." He pantomimes swinging a sword from his seated position, brow quirked inquisitively. He knows someone with that name! The hair's a bit different, though.

     He pauses, reaching for and taking a sip of the tea. The cup is hilariously small for his big hands, but he holds it without breaking it. He even has a sausage-sized pinky out. Sssip. Selene is given a silent, calmly disapproving look which seems to convey, 'cool it, Thot Police.' But rather than chastise her, or begin immediately any questioning of his own, he lets Strawberry take the lead, as she seems more experienced with this sort of thing than he is.

     The whole milk comment doesn't phase him. He doesn't know that it should. Strawberry has Ryutaro--so he'll ask the young lady in spectacles a question, once Strawberry has her answer. "Is Yoshi wel iliked bi his felaue studients?"
Samhain "As that Muramasa, yes." Ryutaro replies as they take a seat. "I am the latest, and the last, of the direct Muramasa line." Despite what that sounds like, he doesn't seem clearly sad about it.

Selene gets a hm. "Why, that's not your business." Is all he says. Amane literally just ignores her.

And then Strawberry uses Power Word: Kill. He smiles, but there's a hint of malice to it, of murderous rage. It goes away as soon as it comes. Wonder what that's about. "Of course. Amane?"

Amane looks at him, nods, and holds up a finger to Bercilak as if she's about to answer his question in a moment. She leaves the room...

And is back only minutes later, faster than she should have, with a bottle of whole milk. Fancy kind. As it's poured into the tea, preferably the moment Strawberry is about to take a sip...

"Why, fine tea, isn't it?" Ryutaro says to Bercilak. "Three hundred thousand yen a kilo, yet definitely worth the expense."

"Tanaka is well-liked by his team, but he has done numerous pranks. Throwing up streamers. Hiding teacher's glasses. Unspeakable things in the bathroom. We are a prestigious school, and therefore, we brought complaints to the Headmaster." Amane says.

"I commit every moment of my life to this school." Ryutaro says, seriously, to Strawberry. "Between studying, kendo, and Student Council work, this school is my passion. Please keep that in mind."


As Robin comes in, and speaks, Mr. Kurosawa has Those Eyes. The same type of eyes Robin might see himself with - he can see through the bullshit. He immediately has an idea Robin is Up To Something, but...

"Ah, Mr. Sundance. I was just working on that, before my break." He rattles off some names of potential new players, with Boring Basketball Information attached, before he leans back in his chair and eats a fry.

"If the kid really committed the crime he's accused of, he's had enough chances already. Stealing a gatorade cooler, I don't care. Breaking into the shed? Big problem. I'd like to beat some sense into him, but, hey, that's not legal, right?" A chuckle. "There's nothing else I can do but lay down the law and take him off the team."
Strawberry Princess      Strawberry takes a long, slow sip of the tea. Her expression lights up with the gentle, sincere delight of a child eating ice cream. Her eyes practically sparkle. She's lost in the blasphemous culinary bliss of this horribly defaced, horribly expensive tea.

     "-three hundred thousand yen a kilo," Muramasa says mid-gulp.

     Strawberry very calmly brings the tea back to hold it in both hands, looking at him with perfect innocence as she swallows. "Oh," she says. "Is that a lot?"
Samhain "About...three thousand dollars, or roughly the same number of pounds." Muramasa says, trying to twist the knife as subtly as possible.
Selene That seems to settle that matter for the time being. Selene nods after a moment, adjusting her beret and cat before leaning back in her seat. The price of the tea and the milk discussion goes right over head as she finally takes a sip of her own tea, complete with that inhaling slurpy noise when drinking something by sucking on the edge of the cup instead of just letting it flow in.

"Good stuff! Different question. Did anyone ever find the stolen thing?" Selene asks with a far more inquisitive glint in her eye than she's ever been seen with. "I mean, it's stolen, right? So he's gott have it somewhere. If he won't let anyone in, then just bust the doors down and dig around in his secret stash 'til he fesses up where it is."

A beat. "Or not. But he'll probably crack before anyone gets to the stash if he really has it, yeah?"
Robin Sundance      Robin is, likely to the surprise of Mr. Kurosawa, actually really interested in the Basketball Statistics. Much like with Amanita Gin, he may have an ulterior motive for the relationship, but he *really is* interested. He asks questions. He's engaged. He doesn't find any of it boring, and in fact, asks for clarification on a couple key points. And it's really, truly, not just a cover.

     Robin *does in fact* really like the school. He *does in fact* really want to be involved here.

     He's getting so attached to this peaceful(ish) daily life.

     "I suppose." Robin raises an eyebrow. "Mais, if he really did? It is a serious accusation, and to my understanding, the tools did not leave the workshop. Have you some suspicion as to an alternative culprit?"

     "It is our duty as teachers to ensure the truth, oui?"
Strawberry Princess      Strawberry coughs quietly, eyebrows finally climbing up her face. A series of complicated emotions flash across her face. These are the emotions of someone whose annual food budget, for most of her childhood, was a third of that; someone whose financial precarity has often balanced on margins far thinner. They settle, finally, on a kind of uneasily grateful grimace. She knocks back the rest of the tea in one gulp as a compromise against not being ungrateful.

     "That's a lot to spend on tea," she says with a kind of forced neutrality. "I don't think it agrees with me, though."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "I knoue not of tea," admits Bercilak. "But 'tis god--and I liken wel that thou art so communial with swich costli fare." He wouldn't know how good it is compared to others, but he's glad to have been considered worthy of a cup! "Bisideforth, al-wais am I bilokoen for neu experients."

>We are a prestigious school, and therefore, we brought complaints to the headmaster.
>I commit every moment of my life to this school.

     Bercilak's jaw settles at the sentiment expressed, there. "Wel iliked bi his felaue pleiers, but not necessarili by either of thee, per happes," he concludes, his tone neutral. "Lanhure... ne so long as his japes persevere. Swich is not adjutori for scoling." This is not a man who looks like he disapproves of jokes, but he is admirable in his effort to conceal his distaste.

     "What wilt thou do, whanne thy scoling is completed? What thanne shalt be thy lif's work?"
Samhain "There's one possible other culprit, and it's hard to prove they even exist." Mr. Kurosawa admits. "There's rumors of another monster. Some students claim they saw a strange liquid pooling around a building, but when we went to check it out, there was nothing to find. We took it as a prank. But if that monster's real..."

A shrug. Mr. Kurosawa lifts a burger patty, and bites into it. He doesn't care that Robin is here, as he eats.


"We can't storm a room. It's unlikely he kept it in the dorms, either. Where it is, we do not know." Amane replies. Ryutaro just nods to Strawberry. "Of course. I understand - it's not for everyone. uncle, the headmaster, allows us the best things in life. He's not a Muramasa, of course, but he's a good man."

A pause, to reply to Bercilak. "And when I leave school, I'll take over the world, I think."

It's a long pause after that. And then, he laughs.

"A joke, of course. I'll become headmaster. This school is my passion. It will reach the greatest heights of humanity, with my power."
Selene "Definitely doesn't sound like people hated him, nah. And even most of the pranksters at home knew when to cut it out before people got too pissed at them. This is getting deeper than it looks..." Selene almost looks like she's thinking hard for a moment as Strawberry and Ryutaro have that exchange over tea and Bercilak shares his own thoughts on pranks. She doesn't even react right away when Amane replies to her suggestion to bust open Yoshi's place.

When she does, though, her grin widens. "You can't. But last I checked, I'm not in the student president council, right?" She gets up with her tea cup and takes another loud slurp, setting it down afterwards and leaving not a single drop, leaf fragment, or even mark of leftover tea on the rim.

"Would be a shame if anyone did do that, but I'll keep an eye out in case I see anyone doing that." She starts towards the door, then circles right back around when Ryutaro makes that joke(?) about world domination. She gets right up to his face, motions at him to lean down, then just stage-whispers up to him if he doesn't.

"If you're serous, I know a guy."

And then she goes right back for the door. "Which way is his place, anyway? Just for not stalking reasons."