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Ishirou With access being granted to the Omega Core Unit's digital space, this gives Ishirou free reign to mess with the surroundings with impunity, thanks to some data he hacked from the Level Checker. So really all he's done is create a more solid platform that connects to the transporter in and out.  

Right now, Ishirou has a few round-face robots helping him move gear in and establish a presence in this area so that they could further set up a staging area.  Right now boxes are layed up around a computer terminal.  Here Ishirou is staring at it.  

There may be an overengineered coffee machine somewhere around there.  
Solty Revant      Solty...has no idea what is going on. She just happened to wander this way on one of her adventures. She really isn't even sure she'd be able to find her way back!

     So, she makes her way over to Ishirou and the round-faced robots. The green-haired girl with the big furry ears looks at them curiously, then approaches Ishirou and waves. "Excuse me! I think I might be lost! How do I get back" she asks. Then she looks around at all the boxes "Oooh. Are you building something?"
Alexis Alexis emerges from the teleporter, followed by a pygmy elephant with a copperish color to it that is holding a large cargo box in his trunk. "Okay, I think this is the last of it. Go set it down with the rest, Backhoe." The Cufant does as told, trotting over to set the crate down with the other gathered supplies. Alexis gives a wave in Ishirou's direction. "Shouldn't be hard to set up a staging point at this rate. We just don't want to do anything that might give away our future fighting strategies in case the master program is watching."
Ishirou Ishirou looks up from his task toward Alexis.  "Thanks for the help," Ishirou says, stretching out and cracking his back.  He stands up to look over what was carried in.  "This will give us a foothold here...though as for strategy you definitely should figure that out...well not here."

He turns to Solty, who he doesn't recognize.  "Oh hi...uh.." he looks over towards Alexis, "Do you know them?" he asks, before then tilting his head at her second.  "Uh...the teleporter over there.." he points at the teleport pad that Alexis and her pokemon have come through.  

"How did you get in here?"
Staren     There is an eye in the sky.

    "Oh, *that's* not creepy *at all*." Staren observes.

    Also, Ishirou brought robot friends! "Oh, you got them to leave the endless factory?" She waves to the bots, "Hey folks, you enjoying this better than factory work?" She sets down some supplies if Ishirou asked for anything specific.

    "Solty! Long time no see! Good to see you again, Alexis!" She runs up and hugs both of them, before walking over to Ishirou with a smile on her face to try and see the terminal. "What is it?"
Alexis "Always better to see friends when they're not getting shot up in the process," Alexis replies with a chuckle, throwing an arm around Staren's shoulders in a loose hug before the science catgirl bounds off for whatever else catchs her attention. Glances in Solty's direction. "Considering all the weird things we've already seen around here, no surprise someone could just stumble in."
Solty Revant      Solty blinks in surprise as people and pokemon appear through a teleporter, which causes her to look sheepish and giggle in a bit of embarrassment for asking. Her ears perk as Staren calls out to her, and she gives the science cat a big hug before nodding to Alexis. "I'm not sure I could really explain. I was just wandering around and ended up here! Roy is always telling me not to wander off, but there's always new things to see and people to help!" she exclaims excitedly.

     She takes a moment to compare Staren's ears with her own before smiling. "Do you need any help building whatever this is?" she asks those gathered. "I'm really strong and can carry a lot and fly and break things and..." She stops there, having counted those three things off on her fingers. "Um...well, that's probably all that's helpful here." she says, giggling a bit.
Staren     Solty got here by *wandering*? Staren spins once and spreads her arms to indicate the world around them. "This is *Secundus*!" She faces Solty and puts her left hand on her hip and holds up her right index finger. "And right now, this region is undergoing a Resonance Surge! In short, any efforts to support, build, research, explore -- or undo another's efforts -- are an order of magnitude more effective than normal!" the cat-scientist explains cheerfully!
Ishirou Ishirou nods slowly at Solty, and proceeds to try and scan her to make sure she wasn't some projection from the OCU to try and ambush them...or some sort of reality-warping person.  How did she get in here????????????

"Well, if you want to help, we could start unpacking.  I got some limited control of this platform, but I figure we should have our own supplies not subject to the creational whims of the big eye in the sky," he says, pointing up.  

He nods once towards Alexis, "Yeah, for once it's nice to not be shot at," he says with a yawn.  "Though sitting around is starting to make my butt numb."

To Staren he also gives a nod.  "Appreciate the help.  To explain the situation here better... up there is the Omega Central Unit or OCU.  It's...this entire place actually.  That is its physical representation in this space, but this space is its body as well.  It wants to challenge people who enter it to record their data and to test its own abilities.  What for...we're not entirely sure."

"Right now it's processing a challenge for us to face."
Alexis "It wants to get stronger. And smarter. It's what for that we don't know," Alexis chips in. Though Staren explained the matter of Secundus as a whole much better than she could of. "But the only way to find out is to play along with the wargames for now. Make sure it isn't up to something more sinister." Ponytail sways lightly with the motion as she turns her head to nod to her pachyderm pokemon. "Go ahead, open that crate up Backhoe." Cufant grabs the lid by one edge with the scoop shaped end of his trunk and pulls it off. "We'll probably do plenty of fighting over time, and not all of us are robots that can go without eating." She reachs in to withdraw some sacks of snacks and tin cans. "So I brought stuff high in energy and that won't spoil quickly to help keep our strength up."
Ishirou "None of us are robots, I think. Remember I'm not an android anymore." Ishirou says, in response to Alexis.
Solty Revant      Solty is scanned, and depending on how detailed of a scan she may be revealed to android! Given the task of unpacking, she nods enthusastically and moves to a nearby box to start taking items out of it. "OCU...we're inside it but not?" she asks, looking upward and then around at the landscape.

     Staren explains how their efforts are more effective than they might otherwise be. Solty doesn't look like she entirely gets it, but having her help be even more helpful is nice! One word makes her pause though. "...wargames? People play games about war?"
Alexis Alexis points at Ishirou. "Just proves the point." The foodstuff is set aside where it won't get mixed up in other things. "It's a phrase for practicing tactics without actually going to war, by making a 'game' for fighting to do so," she explains to Solty as she does.
Ishirou Ishirou nods to Alexis, but his scans reveal Solty is an android.  "Oh whoops, I guess one of us is a robot.." he says, with a sheepish smile.  "Sorry, I'm might know me by the OLD name which is I4, but please just call me Ishirou."

With that, Staren sees that the computer screen is a monitoring device, so it's recording data.  "So Solty, Secundus is a place where the elite phenomena are increased.  We can directly make things happen easier here.  Our efforts or magnified...for good or ill."

"This place...well, think of it like a god making its own demi-plane.  This robot has created a world in itself that it can manipulate, but others can also enter."
Staren > Not all of us are robots.
    Staren looks at Solty thoughtfully. "*Do* you get tired?" She stretches her arms above her head, fingers together, and turns to Alexis. "It's not like we're gonna sit around here constantly being tested for days. It'll let us know when it's ready with its challenge, right?"

    Staren lowers her hands behind her back and turns to Ishirou. "So, if this is just a battle arena... what *are* you building here?" She waves a hand at the gathered supplies.
Ishirou Ishirou answers Staren out of pose order, "Monitoring stations, rest areas for the fighters, some other important necessities." One of the Round face Robots is carrying a coffee cup and getting coffee from a overwrought Instant Expresso machine.
Solty Revant      Solty looks entirely less enthused when she learns this is in preparation for war, or at least in preparation for preparing for war. "...I don't like war. Lots of people fighting and getting hurt...I just want everyone to get along and be happy."

     Staren's question distracts her enough though. "Oh! I get tired and sleep just like a human! And I can eat and stuff, too!" She just smiles and giggles at Ishirou's mistake. "It's alright. No one back home can even tell I'm an android, so I'm used to it." she says.
Alexis "That's what it said." Alexis shakes a can of beans in Staren's direction. "But that doesn't mean it won't change it's mind if it decides a gauntlet is more challenging, or it's giving us too much time to recover between bouts. Best to be overprepared than underprepared."
Staren     Staren considers this. "You sleep? Do you dream?" She blinks at a thought, and looks towards Ishirou again. "Gosh, that musta been a trip. Dreaming for the first time if you didn't before..."
Ishirou "Huh?  Dreaming?  What's that?" Ishirou says, with a straight face.  Just long enough to make Staren sweat it just a little and starts laughing.  "Yeah it was a trip, I have to admit.  Trying to put meaning to dreams though isn't really something you can do...the brain is a funny organ!"  

Ishriou also nods to Solty, "I'm not a fan either.  It's why I am more worried about the development.  Even if Staren and I got into an early scuffle.  Though the stakes here are far less than in the see the lands here are.."

"Well, not as solid as the Multiverse.  A lot of failed worlds or what-ifs show up here.  It makes them less...well not less /real/ but less stable. Which means in resonance surges like this we can affect them so easily."
Solty Revant      Solty resumes helping unpack boxes. "I do dream, but I don't think I dream in the way humans do. My dreams seem to be more like...memories maybe? I'm not sure, but it is always me in unfamiliar places or on board spaceships. But, I can never quite remember where or why I was there, or who any of the other people are."

     Solty looks up at the sky again. " guys aren't sure what this OCU will do once it learns enough and gets enough power?"
Alexis "I'd make a dream of electric sheep joke... but it doesn't really work when there actually are electric sheep." Alexis shrugs, and sits atop one of the yet unopened crates. "Honestly I'm here more for the exploring the various fragments of reality," she remarks towards Solty. "But sometimes, fighting's a necessity. And this OCU clearly has some manner of observing outside of itself, if those final spawns were any indication."
Ishirou Ishirou nods to Solty, "Yeah...I get that.  Being an android is vastly different than a human...though you appear far more human than even I was!" Though how much of that was because of the abuse and harm done by Indus?  

Ishirou gives Alexis a side eye, "It'd also be a little insulting.  That joke is used faaaaar too often."

"Yeah, we're not /sure/ what he's doing, so we're also going to uncover that.  We're both learning from each other...and I assume this is also a way for us to help be on top of anything that might go wrong."
Staren     Yeah, he has her going there for a second. The look on her face! She nods at his assessment... although briefly, a thoughtful frown darkens her face, and then she shakes her head.

    Staren folds her arms. "We barely even fought. It was Midway who practically razed what I'd channeled all my resonance into. I only started making a recovery a couple of days ago."

    She looks away thoughtfully. "Failed worlds and what-ifs... Do any of you want to see one of the worlds I've got outposts on? It's... nngh. The first two places I saw in this surge were just so *empty*, except for monsters and people hiding away... I'm extending influence, constructing bases, gathering resources, but I don't know how to build a society... I don't know if there are enough people left in Hyrule to form a sustainable population. 'Vaati' is trying to unite everyone who hasn't been caught in the Twilight and turned into monsters or animals but even if he does... I don't know how to push the Twilight *back*. There's no Hero of Courage like there's supposed to be in Hyrule..."

    "And the people who end up in the Thousand Freeholds..." She stares into the distance. "..................I can't help... each and every one get what they need. Ren says the beings that live there do that already and it just *looks* bad to us, but..." she slumps.

    "And then I found Robotropolis, and we learned worrying things about *that* place... who knows what's yet to come...?"
Solty Revant      Solty is also fooled by Ishirou, but when it becomes clear it is a joke she ends up laughing a bit. The electric sheep joke seems to go over her head. "Are electric sheep better for counting?" she asks.

     Staren talks about failed worlds and her extending influence, but that too is a bit beyond Solty's mostly inexperienced views. Except for one thing. "If the hero is missing, they need a new hero...right?" she asks uncertainly but with a smile.

     When Staren talks about not being able to help everyone she hmms. "Well, in that case you can only help who you can help, right? It is better to help those you can than to worry about not helping those you can't...isn't it?"
Ishirou Ishirou's not that he doesn't care about what Staren's saying...

"And worrying over every single thing isn't going to do anything.  You get paralyzed thinking of every single thing you could have done that you do nothing at all.  If you want to help people, then help people.  Thinking only of their plight blinds you to what you /can/ do."

"In the end, having a positive effect on them is better than leaving them to their fates, right?"  

To Solty he shrugs slightly, "I dunno about a hero.  A hero is a thing that failed them already.  Striving to be something like that isn't necessarily bad, but striving to fill the hole /their/ hero left is..." he thinks, "An exercise in futility and self-harm."
Staren     Staren looks between Solty and Ishirou. "...That's true. We do what we can..." She smiles to Solty. "That's right. You planning to take the job? There's a lot of places that need heroes in Secundus, probably..."
Alexis "Yep, always soemthing to do." Alexis nods. "But that's where all the fine is too. You'll find something."