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Remee Halcyon Remee's directions to Kukuru involve heading off of the beaten path a bit - the spot she's picked isn't too far from a warpgate, but involves going from main roads to dirt roads to a 'road' that ends in a campsite.

Remee has a camping tent. It's a monstrous eight person tent with individual rooms, but she seems to be the only person here. When Kukuru arrives, she's still in human form, and checking on a gas generator set up next to the tent, next to a similarly overengineered camping kitchenette. It's all just really way too much for one person, and yet she seems to be alone.
Kukuru Remee's directions give Kukuru quite a bit of trouble, but not for the reasons she might expect. The path itself is easily navigable, but actually following directions is tricky for Kukuru. Remee can probably even see her approaching, then moving away, then ending up in the sky briefly before approaching and moving right past her again.

The reason is rather obvious, too: Instead of just walking there, Kukuru's opted to keep teleporting around, moving through countless clouds of purple dark-lord energy to teleport herself from place to place instead of just walking like a normal person. Truly, her attempts to save time and effort doing that instead of walking might even end up taking longer, but she does eventually find Remee's tent before too long.

She's also waddling over with a comically oversized pot. "He-llo-oo! I got the stuff~" She calls out, looking for a good spot to set that pot down. "Were you waiting long?"
Remee Halcyon "Oh! Yeah, sure, let me..."

A suitable spot near the firepit is quickly cleared. "Right there, and no, not at all. It gave me the chance to clean things up a bit first."

While Kukuru gets a visual once-over, Remee's attention is firmly on the pot, especially once it gets into smelling range. "Thank you so much. It's very nice of you to come all this way out here," she says. "I've just been camped out here on my own for now, when there's not something that needs me to run off and do."
Kukuru With a good spot identified, Kukuru sets the stew down, and she lets out a relieved sigh as she takes a seat right next to it. The stew pot smells quite good and like what someone would normally expect from something filled with all sorts of seafood. There's plenty of different spices mixed in, too, so it's definitely not the work of an amateur (even if it's not the work of a trained expert).

"Aw, you're welcome! It was a little tricky getting here without a picture, but now that I know where it is..." She taps her knuckles against the side of her head with a playful grin. "I'll remember it for next time! But if you're always out here..."

She pauses, then her eyes light up. "Have you found any good spots to nap out here? Any really nice trees, or big high rocks?" Kukuru sounds weirdly interested in that.
Remee Halcyon "Oh, that's why you needed the picture...?" Remee isn't sure if she gets it, but she nods.

... Though throughout this conversation, her attention is firmly focused on the stewpot. She grabs a bowl from the kitchenette and dishes up.

"I'm not going to be always right here, it's just where I've set up for now... staying away from home for a bit." Then she falls silent (if not quiet) as she goes at the bowl of stew - going very quickly for seconds.

"There's a river, about a mile out from here, but - haven't really found anything else like that," she says. "Haven't really gone looking specifically for nap spots, though!"
Kukuru "Mhm! As long as I know where it is, I can go there." Kukuru explains without really explaining anything, although she sounds pretty satisfied with her own answer. Noticing Remee's eyes on the pot, she giggles after a moment and pops it open for her to get her food on. "Eat up, eat up! I didn't really count how much stuff I put it in, and now it's like... This."

There's probably enough here to feed a small office. It's heavy on the shellfish, too, with only those chunks of torn apart broccoli to break up with fishiness.

"Away from home... It's still home, though, right? Do you miss them?" She asks with a curious eye, finally getting some of that stew for herself. She doesn't try very hard to avoid biting through the thinner parts of the shells, although she stops just short of biting right into the crawfish shells entirely.

"Finding good places to nap is important when you're camping. Sleeping bags can be fun, but there's just something... Really different about napping in a tree, you know? Or inside a little cave just over a cliff... Oh. If you can climb up and down easy, anyway."
Remee Halcyon Bowl three goes down while Remee considers her reply.

"I... do a little, I'm fine on my own, I just don't..."

"... You know, I don't know what that guy on the radio was complaining about, the crunch really adds something to it..."

She turns back to the question in question. "Yeah, I miss them. A bit. A little. I just can't be around them right now."

She sets the empty bowl back down at the kitchenette. "I do okay at climbing, but it's not really a strong suit. I think I'd prefer something a bit closer to the ground. I'm a wolf, not a cat."

She pauses. "I mean - a werewolf. I keep forgetting to be up front about that, sorry. And then it comes as a surprise when I end up talking about wolf things."
Kukuru Noticing the shift in topic, Kukuru doesn't push further on that. Instead, she finishes her first bowl and goes right on to the second while laughing lightly at the comment about the crunch. "It was crunchier before I brought it here, but.. I think I could keep it crunchier if just throw the broccoli in a little bit before eating."

Notwithstanding the effect of eating less-cooked broccoli, she actually looks a little surprised when Remee pivots back. "That's.. Ah, that's good, then. Having people to go back to when you're done is way better than... Um. Not. They'll understand, I'm sure."

A beat. "I mean.. If they don't already."

Hearing that Remee's a wolf, Kukuru doesn't look particularly surprised. Instead, she looks intrigued! "Oh, that's two now! Well... Kinda. Hiromi's always a wolf, but she's not... Um. Like a wolf that has the long face?" Kukuru explains (badly), making vague hand gestures before giving up and getting another bowl for herself. "But is it something you normally don't tell people? Or..."

A pause, and then her expression drops just a bit. "... Do they usually not respond well?"
Remee Halcyon Remee answers the second part of Kukuru's questions first. "I haven't run into anyone who's responded *really* badly, but you know, sometimes best not to risk it. Most people respond at least neutrally, though? At least the ones who've been out in the multiverse for a while."

"I'm second generation multiversal. Not just in terms of unification but as far as my family leaving their home world and getting out there. So I'm used to running into practically anything and everything." And hunting anything and everything, but she leaves that part out. "But you get people who, I guess, just... don't ever really leave their home worlds, except for maybe tourist stuff, and don't 'mix'? And - they might understand that there's stuff like werewolves on an academic level, sort of, but not really *get* that... on a deep level..."

She trails off. "Anyway, the short answer is that it's sometimes just simpler to act human, and I'm not bothered by it."

Hiromi's description is discussed next. "Like this?" says Remee, who after a half second of shifting has the 'long face'. Also the ears, and the tail, and the fur in general.

"I need to go talk to her about some wolf things, actually," she adds.
Kukuru "That makes sense, yeah. People can be really smart, but they can also be really dumb about some things." Kukuru states, both in response to Remee and as an incredibly broad observation while finding a nice spot to sit (the ground) and splay out after a moment. She doesn't seem too concerned about keeping her clothes clean, at least.

"Going out to see stuff has been really great. Working with the Concord's made that way easier, too, because then I don't have to think as much about where I'm going most of the time." She admits with a light-hearted laugh. "I've seen way more people that aren't so... Closed and non-mixy? Yeah, that sounds right. Way more of them than the bad ones like I've seen in Fall."

A beat, and then she adds. "That's where me and my parents are from. They're still there, but they're doing okay now. They're not as good at acting human as I am, though, even if I've got these." She taps on the drills on the sides of her head lightly, playing with the weirdly symmetrical things for a moment before marveling at the sudden transformation.

"That's it, yeah! Wait. No. Hiromi doesn't... That." There's another pause, as if she's recalibrating her brain or something to comprehend what she just said. "She's really big and.. Oh, you know her? That'll make things easier, then. I think you two might get along, if you both like camping out and stuff~"
Remee Halcyon Remee remains in 'long face' form, not for any particular reason other than inertia/not having a reason to immediately switch back.

"Mmm - so the Concord... tells you where to go?" she says. "The Watch seems a bit more along the lines of..."

She thinks. "A lot more... self-starters, I guess?"

Something Kukuru says catches her attention. "Oh - what are you, um, what do you look like without those, I mean?" she asks.
Kukuru "When there's work to do, mhm. I mean, I can do my own stuff, too, and we've got plenty of people that have loooads of ambition and ideas. I'm not as smart as I look, though." Kukuru admits with a giggle, as though that's some kind of secret. "It's super convenient just having a direction to go if I don't wanna think to hard, though. You know what I mean?"

Sitting up again, Kukuru gives Remee a curious look (complete with slightly angled head tilt). "Without...? Oh!" Completely missing the point, she takes off her glasses. The drills don't spin or anything, but they definitely don't look natural in the slightest. On closer inspection, though...

Her glasses' lenses are completely flat. "People don't usually ask me to take these off, though... How's it look?"
Remee Halcyon "... Well, you look cute with or without them?" says Remee, deciding not to push towards what she was actually asking.

"Anyway, though! Thank you again for the stew... but I think after having that much, going to try out your nap suggestion is a good idea."
Kukuru "Really? Aw, thanks~" Kukuru lets out a giddy little laugh at that, getting up to ruffle Remee's hair briefly. "And I think you're adorable either way, too." She proclaims with one more affectionate pat, then starts digging around in her pockets.

"A nap sounds pretty good right around now... Oh. Before I go, let me... Here we go." She digs a stack of at least five and possibly even ten clear plastic takeout quarts and lids from her skirt pockets (that don't look like they could fit even one). Without further ado, she starts scooping more of that stew into those containers and closing them up, working rather swiftly like she's done this before.

"In case you're hungry later. Make sure to sleep warm, okay? It'll be bad if you get sick out here." She even provides Remee with a handy-dandy environment-destroying plastic bag to carry all that stuff. "And if you need anything else, just let me know. I can be back here real quick, okay?

Wait, no, Remee doesn't need headpats. She's a wolf, not a dog. Stop it.

"Thanks, yeah, I'll make good use of these," she says, stashing the containers in her campsite.

"See you!" She says, heading off into the woods.