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Petra Soroka ????:                                                --!

    Simultaneously, scattered throughout the Sector, thousands upon thousands of seemingly random communication devices transmitted the same Signal, a wordless series of distorted bellchime tones, emitted with the cadence of speech, but unrecognizable as any language. Cell phones, radios, and crystal balls all transmitted the signal identically, with no mind paid to the level of technology, or even the presence of technology at all, as though the idea of communication in any form was all it needed.

    Naturally, this drew attention. Whether the signal is the side effect of some kind of unknown power, or an encrypted cry for help, or the beginnings of a nefarious plan, it's an Elite's job to investigate it. Tracing the-- not electronic-- signal to its source pinpoints a location in the Quilt, out in the wilderness away from civilization. There's not a person or device around, and no evidence of there having been one days ago when the broadcast happened-- just a patch of undisturbed forest, that data readings *insist* must have been where the signal originated.

    Regardless of factional affiliation, methods of tracking, or even personal drive or disinterest: every Elite arrives at the exact same time.

    Woz is the only one that notices it before it happens. The gut-dropping recognition of a temporal disturbance that, for some reason, wasn't written in his book, moments before the world flashes and an invisible force seizes all of them at once. A swirling black portal swells outwards from the centerpoint of the investigation, then collapses inwards, taking every Elite with it and leaving the forest, again, empty. Consciousness flickers off like a light, except for Woz, who maintains awareness inside the wormhole for just long enough to hear the signal again.

????:                                           f        e   gr  t   is w sh.
Petra Soroka Some time passes . . .

    The gentle susurrus of the tides eventually rouses you back into consciousness. Warm sand beneath your backs supports you as soft as any bed, the setting sun filters through your eyelids, saltwater air prickles in your throat, and the only signs that this is anything but a nap on the beach are a dull headache and the fading smell of ozone. As you struggle to push yourselves up to your feet, you realize-- something feels different.

    The first to stand is a pale yellow bipedal rabbitlike figure, with blue markings on their ears and tail, and minus signs on their cheeks. The figure is wearing a ratty green bomber jacket, along with a pink-and-blue polyhedral shape with a geometric eye strapped onto their back. They scan the Elites strewn across the beach, eyes wide, then they open their mouth and crude profanity streams out.

Petra: "Huh? What the fuck? What happened?"
Petra: "What--? Why the hell do you all look like that?"
Petra: "What's going--"
Petra: "... ???!!!!"
Petra: "Wh-what?! Me too?!"
Petra: ".............."
Petra: "..........................."
Petra: "Dr. Eggman is gonna be so mad.........."

    Not only were you transported to somewhere unfamiliar by the portal, but it seems, when arriving or during the process of being teleported, you were deposited in unfamiliar *bodies* as well. The gathering of roughly-humanoid Elites is now, looking around the beach, made up of various brightly colored monsters, some of which aren't even bipedal. Without any immediate threat, there's some time to get acquainted both with your new surroundings, and new forms.

    The beach that you've all appeared on is nestled into a rocky cove, with a cave leading deeper into the cliffside, and a path leading out. The ocean water-- and it is an ocean, stretching all the way to the horizon-- is a clean blue-green, with orange sunlight shivering across the ripples. In the darker parts of the water, where the sun is already obscured by the landscape, dim yellow lights glow beneath the surface of the water, attached in pairs to bright blue, oblong, anglerfish-looking creatures. Across the water, beyond the cove and in the direction of the deeper tunnel, is a massive mountain of multicolored rock, slate and sandstone and granite ground together unnaturally, jutting out of the landscape.

    After a short time, the sound of a shouted argument bounces down the rocky walls of the beach, happening just around the corner.

????: "Just hand over that Verdant Gem and we'll be on our way. Besides, what's a weakling like you going to do with it?"
????: "Just hand it over!"
????: "Yeah! What the boss said! A weakling like you!"
????: "Ah-ahh-ahhh! But I do-on't want to-o!"
Angela Angela wasn't expecting to be turned into some kind of duck backpack today--technically she could just walk away from the terminal and avoid what, to Angela, feels like a terrible situation that will make her feel like an utter fool.

Then again, of course, it seems like her dear friend Petra is in the same circumstance. This almost isn't enough to get Angela to stick around when sticking around means engaging the world through some kind of polygonal duck creature, nor is Cinderquil the Cyndaquil who has arrived with Petra but it's the ocean that stops her, as usual. The Porygon-backpack looks out towards the ocean with a growing sense of longing. Maybe if she ever escapes, Angela thinks, she will become a lifeguard.

No, not a lifeguard. She doesn't want anyone's life to be in her hands again. Maybe she can set up a nice bookstand and sell beach literature to people and then use her money to fund--mm---swimsuits?

Angela doesn't say anything for a while though...

Angela: "I am sure Dr. Eggman will be understanding of the peculiarities of the situation."
Angela: "Oh, ah, perhaps I should not be presumptive that this process can be readily undone simply by departing."
Angela: 153,")My pardons for speaking too soon."

There is a disturbance. Angela starts running Lobotomy Corp's scanning suite over the unusual creatures, recognizing absolutely zero of them. Maybe they can learn how to properly cage them for Eggman or whatever.

'Or whatever...' Angela hopes that kind of mental laziness is not taking up more of her processing simply because she got turned into a a geometrical duck.

The Cyndaquil that has been following along is happily interjecting with comments like 'The multiverse sure is fascinating' and 'Wow does this happen often?' but when there's noise of TROUBLE afoot...

Cinderquil rushes ahead and shouts, "Hey! You leave that.... You leave them alone!" The Cinderquil shakes tremorously as the flames on her back ignite as she reaches for a Fourth Match Flame that isn't there.

"....Please!" Cinder shouts emphatically.
Ru Li Cheng      Standing is kind of difficult when, in the span of seconds (as far as you know), you've switched from having normal human-ish legs with toes and heels and knees and that sort of thing to not having heels and only having toes. Makes balance a bit of an issue - your first instinct is to try and put your heels on your ground because you think you're standing on your toes. Even worse if, say, you didn't have a tail, and now, all of a sudden, you have a long, serpentine purple tail that you didn't have before. Your first instinct is not to use your tail for balance - your first instinct is to put your heels down, which, again, you don't have. And it's even more difficult if you have, say, a wind-up key in your back that you didn't have a moment ago.

     That's why it takes the large, pale purple-and-light-purple thing multiple tries to stand up. It keeps tripping over its own heels, falling backwards, landing on its butt, and falling over again. Its visible glowing purple eye (the other half of its face is hidden by a metal plate of some kind that appears bolted to its head) is practically spinning with confusion.

     It doesn't really *speak*, or make any noise - instead there's just sort of an ambient sense of *distress* as the thing tries again and fails again to stand. Finally, after about the fourth try, it manages, using its hands to awkwardly position itself like a cat - tail in the air, head bent down, as if ready to attack.

Ru Li: <Ahhh...>

     The thing manages to stand finally, whirling its hands around helplessly as the key steadies. It hangs there for a moment, struggling, and then looks over at Petra with its glowing, dizzy purple eye.

     It opens its mouth. No sound comes out. The thing's catlike face twists into a frown, its tail wags back and forth, and its ticking wind-up key spins a little faster. Again, an ambient sense of distress and frustration washes over the room.

Ru Li: <I can't believe this. Not only no proper feet, but no proper tongue? How am I supposed to say anything? -oh, that sounds like people. I should investigate.>

    The rambling, running thoughts in the thing's head are just leaking out into the room. Oh no. That surely won't go poorly.

     The creature looks at Petra again, then looks towards the argument. It walks, unsteadily, bracing itself against the wall, until it manages to get around the corner, at which point, there's another wave of frustration.

Ru Li: <Blast...! Stupid...blasted...arms, barely hold myself up...>

     And then, a wave of anger.

Ru Li: <You there! I may not know my arms, and I may not know my legs, and I may not know my eye, but I know without a doubt the sound of someone attempting a robbery!>

     The thing takes a sweeping, stumbling swing. There's enough power behind that arm to blow a hole in the wall.

     Which is bad for the wall, because,

But it missed...
Kale Hearthward Portal. Voices. Talking.
> "What--? Why the hell do you all look like that?"
> "What did - what did who look like what?"

Kale stirs. He's got a splitting headache.

He recognizes... voices. One's Petra. The other one is... someone else. Soroka being here just figures, doesn't it. She's probably going to cause an avoidable fight, instead of just talking things out. But the other one... Is someone he doesn't recognize.

As he listens to various other people come to, he matches voices to names - it's important to take stock, figure out what everyone's status is. And eventually he has most everyone figured out... except for that other one he heard, very close by. A voice he can't ever recall hearing in person or on the radio.

He opens his eyes, and looks around. There, the roundish bird head that's nearby. "Who... are you? I recognize most of the voices, but..."

> "Huh? Why should I tell you - tell me who you are first."

Kale narrows his eyes. "Because I asked first. I know everyone else here - I don't recognize you."

> "If you know everyone else here but you don't recognize me, that makes -you- the suspicious one. How do we know you're not the one who did this? Huh? Tell me *your* name first."

"Fine... I'm Kale Hearthward, Paladins Search and Rescue. Okay, now you."

> "HEY GUYS! I found a doppelganger! Get him!"

And then, for whatever reason, the round bird says *that*, and then headbutts him! Things are already going poorly...


Portal. Voices. Talking.
> "What--? Why the hell do you all look like that?"

"What did - what did who look like what?"

Kale stirs. He's got a splitting headache.

He lifts his head up, and he glances over at the first voice. That's... well, he doesn't recognize the creature, but it talked using Petra's voice. That's good, she'll probably cause a fight at some point, instead of just trying to talk things out to no good end.

The others - well, they'll probably make it clear who's who. It's not like he needs to figure everything out right away.

> "Who... are you? I recognize most of the voices, but..."

Kale looks over. There's another bird. Ever since he's left his home, he runs into other bird people... basically never, so he's a bit surprised. And maybe a bit more put off than he should be. "Huh? Why should I tell you - tell me who you are first."

> "Because I asked first. I know everyone else here - I don't recognize you."

Kale narrows his eyes. "If you know everyone else here but you don't recognize me, that makes -you- the suspicious one. How do we know you're not the one who did this? Huh?"

> "Fine... I'm Kale Hearthward, Paladins Search and Rescue. Okay, now you."

Kale blinks. Did the other bird really...? There's not a moment to lose. "HEY GUYS! I found a doppelganger! Get him!" And then he goes to headbutt the other bird as hard as he can. Things are going great!


Everyone else just sees and hears Kale, as a two headed ostrich, start shouting at himself in slightly different tones of voice, and then start fighting himself, and being generally too busy failing to get along with himself to do anything about the robbery taking place.
Aidan Proudpick Aidan is called because it's in a forest, and everyone else is busy. It takes a few minutes for him to be shown how the tracking device works, then someone figures out how to just keep it always on, after which Aidan breaks out into a big grin. "Got it!"

A portal, a train, then a map. Aidan's shield streaks like a fireball in the sky, the shield traveling in a straight line across the Quilt towards the singular spot. Aidan doesn't really have to watch out too much as the shield will simply go through anything that gets in its way. So he has time to look at the scanner. Right... down... there. Aidan sucks back in a breath and the shield's power cuts out immediately. The Knight In Training looks at the ground, quickly spreading his arms out, angling his tail.

A three point landing, in the Blade Pose, is somewhat ruined by a flop forward. "I hope no one saw that."

"Oh hey, everyone is in this forest. Why is everyone in this-"

Something that looks like a groundhog got scared to death lurches out of the sand. Wild eyes look around. Everyone is... an animal? But a weird animal. As soon as Petra speaks, the head snaps around, ears perked, tail shaking. Wild and intense eyes stare at her, blinking a few times.

Aidan: "Petra? You are a mouse!" He looks down at himself, little paws patting over his body. "I'm! ... small!" Pat pat "Where's my gun!" pat pat pat pat "WHERE IS MY SHIELD?!"

This momentary worry is stopped by Kale's voice coming out of a weird two headed bird... that starts fighting each other. There is no attempt to hold it in. He tumbles backwards immediately with peels of laughter, kicking little legs in the air.

However, much like Ru Li, Aidan hears danger and immediately races towards it. Thankfully, climbing trees as a hobby makes it easy to run on all fours, letting him scamber, leap, and jump better than most towards the danger. He takes a mighty leap!

And the wall explodes thanks to Ru Li, dropping Aidan to the ground with a loud THUD.
Dysnomia     The push and pull of the waves and the sound of the surf rolling over her soothed Dysnomia, like a comforting smell from a childhood never had. The drift toward wakefulness was first slow, until wareness began to breach, at the sound of a curious chirping voice.

    Then, Dysnomia's eyes flung open, and she pushed her hands down and--flopped forward. She pulled up on her knees and...flapped backward, squirming in the sand. Then, she hovered upward, and...

    ...She was a noodle. A serpentine creature, blue, with a white underbelly, two finlike ears and a small horn in the middle of her head little bigger than a nub. She had a small collar around her neck, decorated with an emblem of a sphere orbited by nine circles.

Dysnomia: "Who did this?!"

    She twirled around in the air, the gravitas of her rage stolen by her new stature, as she glared at Petra, then all the others.

Dysnomia: "Who took my body?!"

    Her ears quivered up and down angrily, seething as she looked over the pack of adjusting monsters, until an explosion distracted her. She darted through the air, ignoring all context as she rounded on the strangers.

Dysnomia: "You are going to tell me what is going on, or so help me, there will be NOTHING left of you!"
Hellwarming Trio "... Hm. Utsuho, did you change your ring tone?"
"Eh? Nah, I don't know how. I think Orin was playing with that yesterday, Master."
"Oh yeah! But... This doesn't sound like it at all. Think it's trouble? We could get that human to check it out."
"How strange... No, no, this might be interesting. We can handle this."

Arriving at the same time as every other responder, the trio of Utsuho, Rin, and Satori have only a moment to see Woz's familiar face before the world disappears before them and they lose consciousness. When they awaken to the sound of water and someone chattering to herself...

Utsuho: "Good morning... Petra, right? Eh? Look like what?"
Rin: "Real good nap... Wait. Did we break one of this guy's things somehow?"
Satori: "I doubt it. At least, I doubt we had done anything knowing... ly. Girls? Miss Petra? Why do you look like that?"

Two of them don't feel too odd at first. Utsuho and Rin have been able to turn into a raven and a cat for as long as they can remember, after all, so just waking up isn't enough to make them think too hard about what feels off. Utusho still feels like a bird, even if her head feels far larger and her wings far smaller than usual, and Rin doesn't notice her missing tail just yet since her proportions are still relatively unchanged. Satori, too, doesn't get up right away until the talking increases, and the three stare at each other for several long moments as they realize they've changed, too!

Utsuho has turned into a Fletchling, more orange and light blue than she usually is, not unlike a robin.
Rin has turned into a Litten, far more orange on her limbs than she usually does, but still looks like a cat.
Satori, meanwhile, has turned into a Ralts, some kind of white semi-bipedal... Thing? With a green head and red things coming out of it.

Naturally, they take some time to look each other over before their attention is snagged by the multiple arguments going on. Utsuho and Rin hurry over to the arguing Kale heads, flapping and hopping around those heads respectively to try and pry them apart.

Utsuho: "Whoa, hey! How come you get two heads?"
Rin: "Easy, bro! And... You got a brother we never heard of?"

Satori, meanwhile, waddles over to address those involved in the attempted robbery.

Satori: "You there. What is a Verdant Gem? Is it valuable?"

A pause, and then she tests her usual psychic abilities to see if they still work, both in trying to read the trio's thoughts as well as inducing them to act. "Find a different one and give it to me."
Timespace Riders      The disturbance was neither written of--nor did it pass over the retainer as such things normally do. That was enough for him to break his facade of disaffected composure. It was enough for him to, in one moment, act purely out of concern for Sougo Tokiwa, the person, rather than Sougo Tokiwa, the Demon King of Time.

     An otherwise peaceful dinner is disrupted by the sudden screech of wooden chair legs on hardwood floor, and a clatter as the chair topples over.

     "Woz, what's--"

     The two lock eyes for a moment, and Sougo sees that Woz's are wide with fear and surprise and the quiet urgency of adrenaline. The rustling of the retainer's scarf cuts off the end of Sougo's question.

     Junichiro Tokiwa returns from the kitchen with a soda, blinking in bewilderment at the sight of an empty kitchen table. Sougo's uncle scratches his head with his free hand (a gesture Sougo seems to have picked up from him) and his brows knit together. "Gone without even saying goodbye? Kids today are always in such a hurry..."

     The Demon King and his retainer are dumped unceremoniously onto the beach. When Sougo comes to, the first thing he sees is...

Sougo: "Oh, hi, kitty!"
Woz: "It is I, my Demon King. Please do not be alarmed--"
Sougo: "UWOH! Woz, no way! That's so cute! How'd you do that? Also... I feel like I was taller..."

     Sougo squeezes Woz's face and tugs at his ears, which the retainer endures with a put-upon expression, his purple tail twitching in mild agitation.

Woz: "Do you wish to cause me distress? Please pay it no mind."

     Sougo relents--but only because his ears twitch at the sound of the argument around the corner. "Hey... do you hear that? It sounds like trouble. Come on..."

     Rounding the corner, the Eevee and his Purrloin retainer don't strike an imposing pair, but they show no hesitation in approaching the argument.

     "Now, now--peace is best! There's got to be something you could give for a fair trade, right?" His entire body seems to jolt at Ru Li's use of STRENGTH, nearly jumping out of his skin with one of his signature buffoonish cries of surprise. Meanwhile, Mia's angered interrogation draws a response from Woz, who must have already researched it:

Woz: "Your current state is not the work of anyone present, Dysnomia. We were brought here by the whims of a being with sufficient command over time and space as to make a direct challenge"
Woz: "...highly inadvisable, if not implausible."
Woz: "This world is in need of saviors, and it will have them."
Kuroto Dan      The last random call Kuroto Dan had answered did nothing but waste his time and humiliate him. There's also the fact that he should be working on completing his game, not fancying every detour that presents itself to him. But, work can only be completed when one has inspiration, and his well has been growing dry recently...

     That was the thought before he arrived here, anyway, and he immediately regrets it. A tired Pawniard wakes up where Kamen Rider Genm should have been, the only sign of his 'disguised' alter ego being a purple scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.

     Great. Actually great. He can use this to new form to his advantage. He may not have hands and have lost several feet in height from his quick assessment, but so long as he says nothing, this has basically given him another layer of disguise!

     The question now is, just how long can he keep that up, especially since he now realizes he's no longer alone. He immediately recognizes the Minun crying about Eggman as Soraka, but the rest he doesn't care about. Actually, he doesn't care about anyone here.

     With that realization in mind, the Pawniard turns his attention to the argument and immediately hits his first roadblock on his master plan of keeping his profile low. He wants to ask questions, but can't risk doing so. Truly, being a genius is suffering, but he's already figured it out, as he just menacingly crosses his arms across his chest and stares at the group of creatures.
Blemishine     Well, you know, it /is/ an Elite's job to investigate.

    Especially when they're minding their own business on the homefront and a signal blares out of a radio (that they swore had been set to be closed circuit), surprising them enough to nearly flub repairing something and fry themselves. Especially when it's been a good long minute since they've had the chance to be afield while swamped and getting the necessary permissions and setup for some things, and they've absolutely positively gotten enough work done here and then some to be able to afford a brief adventure.

    There might be one or three people who'd disagree with that notion, but it's true! Really!

    Anyway, entirely unrelated to all of that, Blemishine has made herself part of the investigation party! Or she was going to. That was supposed to be the idea, especially when it became obvious she wasn't the only one who had gotten a signal like that. Before the portal opens wide, swallows up all within the mysterious forest, and...


Maria: "Owowowow..."

Maria: "...Wait. I'm not actually hurt."

Maria: "I gotta get back up...but my balance is all off. Huff..."

Maria: "There we...go? But this still doesn't feel ri...ght..."

Maria: ". . ."

Maria: "Hold on, this /really/ isn't right! And Mr. Hearthward, that's you, isn't it!? O-On the left or the right!? B-Both!? Hold on, break it up, break it up, please!"

    To her credit, she adjusts decently fast to standing on four legs instead of two; there's not really any other way /to/ stand when you're a little horned horse, which might make it more accurate to say unicorn. One with an utterly overwhelmingly fluffy mane of pale golden hair that trails off into pastel blue, with similar tufts at the bottom of all four legs.

Blemishine very much attempts to try (and fail, on account of not quite having hands to try and do it with) to get Kale and Kale to stop fighting amongst themselves so he can contribute to the group figuring this out, until the sounds of bullying-in-progress draw her head up and get her hoofing it (literally) around the corner before she gives it a thought.

Maria: "Stop right there! Whatever's going on, you should learn when no means no...!"

    It's very debatable how much a verbal threat like that counts for compared to STRENGTH over there, though. It even makes her jump!
Vantablitz Remnants "I hate this. I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this!"
"Hmmm? That's a strong reaction, don't you think? You look healthy to me~"
"That's not-- How does this look healthy?! Huh?!"
"By new standards, of course."
"I hate that too! This is the worst! It's like every time I go outside, something like this happens! I knew this was a stupid idea! I just thought 'well what if it's the real thing this time?' when that weird signal came in, and now look! Please! I just want a normal week for once!"
". . . Ahn . . . How long has it been since you went out last?"
"Okay, fine, I'm exaggerating a little! It's been two or three weeks since we went to that weird meat planet with the--"
"That was six months ago, Ahn~"
". . . Huh?"
"It was spring when we came back, remember? And it was autumn when we left."
". . . . . . . . Huh?"
"I wonder, now. Will your lifestyle catch up to your focus, or will your focus finally admit the passage of time, some day?"
"No but . . . There's no way I didn't go outside for six--"
"It's closer to seven."

    Such is the argument unfolding on the beach between an odd little critter and a . . . slightly different, odd little critter. Short, bipedal (thank god), vaguely reptilian (or amphibious?), both of them are even wearing identically matched skulls(?!) over their heads, lending a slightly muffled and echoey quality to the voice of--

    One of them? One is an earthy tawny brown, and the other is slightly off green. One is just very slightly taller than the other. An adorably miniature backpack (nylon? is that webbing for hiking?) lies in the sand between them, sized that either one of them could wear it, but one seems disinterested and the other is busy pacing and gesticulating. It's hard to tell them apart sans the pallette swap; there's even the same lotus flower pinned (into solid bone?) on each skull, save that one is white like teeth and the other black like night.

    Everything is a little overwhelming. Kale's voice is familiar, but the two-headed bird thing is freaky. Nobody else is, which is kind of scary. But what overrides how frightening it is to be amidst all that yelling and panicking from a gaggle of weird monsters is--

Ahn: "H-hey. Are you okay?"
Ahn: "Ah, sorry. Stupid question. Obviously you're not. None of us are."
Ahn: ". . . I think."
Ahn: "What I meant to say is . . . ugh, it all sounds so condescending in my head--!"
Ahn: "Don't worry about anyone getting mad! I don't know what kind of trouble you're going to get into for being here, but don't even think about that for now, okay? Trust me. Once you get out of this, you'll be a different person, and that person might be able to handle it, because she'll be a little bit tougher and smarter. Think about it that way!"

    What a thoughtful little weird skull-wearing critter. The instinct to locate the person who sounds overwhelmed and distressed in a way that isn't angry lashing out is apparently irresistible. She's seem ever so calm and kind, maybe even a little mothering, if she weren't hovering at a slightly awkward distance from Petra, and if she didn't sound as if she were talking herself up a little, too. The best Ahn can pull off right now is something like 'experienced (commiserative)'.
Meika Kirenai     Blinking back to consciousness on the calm beach, momentary sleepy calmness makes tired eyelids far harder to force open than they should, in the warm sunlight. Her limbs aren't sore, for once, and feel strangely- lighter isn't the word, but gentler might be. It all makes resting easy and tempting, even with the back-of-mind itch that sleeping in is never really worth it. Still, it's only the buzz of activity and half-heard chatter that stirs her, irritatingly noisy as usual, and causes her ears to flicker- wait. Ears aren't supposed to do that, right?

Meika: "H-hey, keep it down, I'm trying to.."

    A weasel-badger-something-y little monster with violently red and start white patterned fur, a shoulder-slumped varsity jacket that's been collecting up sand, and a silly black tie draped loosely from the neck, sits up with a grumbling yawn in a too-toothy mouth, and freezes halfway through, as the dozen or so of *other* monsters on the sand comes into bleary-eyed focus.

Meika: "Oh. Okay. I died and this is hell."

    Voices are always easier to recognize than faces, so recognizing the few familiar ones coming from these others doesn't take too long- most of the rest just get a tired glare pointed their directions. It shifts to herself, and the claw-tipped paws that end her limbs where hands ought to be. She splays them open, and closed, and giggles for a moment, in the sillyness of it all. Maybe it's okay for it to be fun for a second, if she doesn't think too hard about the mission at hand.

Meika: "Okay. Not Hell. What's... is this... normal? Does this happen to... Petra? Mister Sougo? Miss Angela?"
Meika: "...Is it going to wear off?"

    Meika is used to transformed states, but a Zangoose is a new one, and significantly harder to pass off as cosplay than the regalia of Chevalier Vermillion. Of course, that's a problem for when home is even on the *horizon*, instead of water and weird fish. But there's echoes bouncing off the stonework of frantic conversation, and once more her ears flicker in annoyed notice of that all.

Meika: "Something's going on, there's..."

    Before she even finishes relaying that thought, she's dipped down to all fours and begun to bolt across the beachfront, toward the scuffle, as others do too. F-f-flickers of faint energy get kicked up in her motions, speeding up her bounds, but as the rocks shatter and explode from Ru Li's attempt, she jumps back with a yelp, joining the encircling elites in the bully confrontation without any direct action herself.

Meika: "Woah.. uh, that's- are you okay?"

    Looking between the mug-ee and Ru Li, or generally anyone in rock-shrapnel distance, Meika's not sure who she's more worried about. Still. She glares at the Pokemon attempting a shakedown- well, it might not really be intentionally one, but it's kind of impossible for her not too. Fitting.

Meika: "What are you even still doing here? Run, or something."
Petra Soroka "Petra? You are a mouse!"

Petra: "I'm not a fucking mouse! I'm a person!"
Petra: "And you're always small! You're literally like three feet tall right now!"

"Oh, ah, perhaps I should not be presumptive that this process can be readily undone simply by departing."

Petra: "Ugh. Oh god. Don't say it like that."
Petra: "I literally *just* got mine back again. No fucking way I'm getting stuck as a fucking *mouse*."

    Petra blinks, then cranes her head around to try to look at her back. "Wait, Angela? That's you back there? What's, like, going on for you?" She can't successfully see over her shoulders, so she shrugs the backpack straps off, setting the disembodied head of a Porygon down on the sand. She crosses her tiny arms to look at Angela, worried.

"Wow does this happen often?"

Petra: "Cinder?"
Petra: "Oh, you're still fire themed."
Petra: "This does not fucking happen often."

". . . Think about it that way!"

    Someone approaches Petra, while she's fussing over Angela and Cinder, and trying to manage herself at the same time. Petra looks up at her, and tugs at the collar of her jacket, trying to figure out if she's supposed to recognize the voice coming from the Cubone.

Petra: "Oh, uh."
Petra: "That's a good point, actually."
Petra: "I mean, it's not like 'trouble' matters until after this, anyways."
Petra: "I, uh, d-don't think I recognize your voice? I'm..."
Petra: "... Petra."

"It is I, my Demon King."

Petra: "Oh. My god."

    In this moment, seeing the two small animals fuss over each other, Petra briefly forgets all of her enmity with Woz. She rushes over, bouncing up and down in the sand, and squeals in delight, electricity crackling out of her cheeks and making Woz and Sougo's fur stand on end.

Petra: "No *way*! This is literally the cutest thing ever; that's *you*, Woz?! I--"

    Just then, Ru Li's telepathy unintentionally beams into everyone's minds. This comes with, predictably, a flare-up of Petra's aura, crackling like static electricity across everyone's skin. Less predictably, the aura doesn't fade away, and Petra totters a few steps back towards Angela and Cinder, looking sick.

Petra: "Oh... ugh. I feel...."
Petra: "Fucking... awful...."

    Petra staggers one more step, then collapses face-first into the sand, her electric aura buzzing uncontrollably.
Petra Soroka     Rounding the corner of the cove, the Elites see three creatures standing in an inverted-V, threatening the presumed victim of the mugging. Or-- *probably* three creatures. One of them appears to be a garbage bag.

????: "But it's *my* trea-easure! It's proo-oof that it's my destiny to be a Delver!"

    The mug-ee is a spotted panda-like Pokemon, extremely unsteady on their feet. Pressed up against a wall by their harrassers, they still find a way to teeter around anxiously, voice bending every time they nearly topple to the ground.

????: "You'll get yourself killed, kid. As *experienced professionals*, it's our duty to take care of this kind of thing for *civilians*."

    The 'leader' of the trio is a bipedal ladybug, standing at the back of the V. His four arms are crossed dismissively, and his eyes look remarkably similar to the mask of a Kamen Rider.

????: "Kukuku! We're professionals, that's right!"

    One of the wings of the V is a brown crododile, with black patterning resembling sunglasses. He looks every part like a thug, insofar as a bipedal crocodile monster can look like a thug.

????: "What the boss said! It's not safe out here, huhuhuhu."

    The last one is a trash bag with a face. Despite this, he moves and talks freely, displaying a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and emanating the smell of, predictably, garbage.

    Ru Li breaking down the wall disrupts the mugging-in-progress, despite missing. They all turn in shock at the noise, with the panda tumbling over backwards in shock and ending up back on two feet anyhow. This provides Angela with a window to scan them, before any further moving or shouting takes place-- she can't react to quick movement that well, given that Petra is collapsed in the sand beside her, and Cinder's run off.

    These monsters, both the presumed natives of this world and yourselves, are all called Pokemon. They're elementally-aligned, highly combatative, and range from simple wildlife to near-deific powers-- apparently, that range includes human speech and civilization, too? None of the data she can pull up suggests that this is something that Pokemon typically do. She also, conveniently for narration purposes, discovers the name of each species present, except for whatever Ru Li is.


    The gangsters-- Ledian, Krokorok, and Trubbish-- are taken aback by Cinder and Aidan's bold approaches. If not for the shattering of the cave wall, they'd shrug them off as small fry, and by Krokorok and Trubbish's demeanors, they're clearly still thinking about it. Ledian's mask-like face is unreadable, though his wings do flare out behind him.

Ledian: "Sorry, kid, I'm not in the habit of tossing away a goal just because someone asked me nicely."
Ledian: "Besides. I don't know you, so I don't think you know who you're messing with."

"You are going to tell me what is going on, or so help me, there will be NOTHING left of you!"

Krokorok: "Big words from a little Dratini! A stupid one, too! Kukukuku! Isn't it obvious what's going on?"

    Krokorok immediately stances up on Dysnomia when she wriggles her way into the fray, stomping threateningly towards her. As more and more Elites show up, Ledian's stance stiffens, and his wings start to hum into motion.
Kale Hearthward > "Whoa, hey! How come you get two heads?"
> "Easy, bro! And... You got a brother we never heard of?"

"What?" "Two heads?"

Kale and Also Kale calm down a little, which is to say they stop fighting and start glaring at each other.

> "Hold on, this /really/ isn't right! And Mr. Hearthward, that's you, isn't it!? O-On the left or the right!? B-Both!? Hold on, break it up, break it up, please!"

"Okay, so we're... both Kale. Somehow."

"I get to be the head head."

"That isn't a thing and isn't important. *Why* do we have two heads, and why is everyone like this?"

Woz explains.

"That makes sense." "That's stupid."

"Also, who cares how strong this... thing is, that brought us here. I'm going to fight it anyway."

"If it brought us here hoping that we'd help, that makes it a client, not a... a target."

"Don't care. Hey, Woz!" Left Kale drags the body over towards Woz, to the prostestations of Right Kale. "How strong is this thing? Use your book! Use it, use it!"

"Hello, Sougo," says Right Kale awkwardly, looking at those around. "And... Dysnomia. You need some help? It can't be easy without arms, right? Maybe we - or I, I don't know how to put it... maybe I could carry you? Find someplace safe to put you till this is all over?"

"The same hole we'll put Aidan in when he gets himself killed trying to fight - I say that in a positive way, he should definitely try," says Left Kale.

"Do you think you could calm down? Besides Aidan's practically defenseless, don't pick on him."

"At least I'm taking him seriously!"

Someone should probably give them better names than Left Kale and Right Kale. In any case, they don't seem easily inclined to get along with each other right now, despite Utsuho and Rin trying.
Petra Soroka "You there. What is a Verdant Gem? Is it valuable?"

    This is something that Spinda-- the mugging victim-- waddles forwards to answer, though 'waddle' does the movement a disservice. Though seeming unsteady, Spinda teeters over to the side, slipping past Krokorok who was supposed to be pinning them up against the rock wall, pirouetting in a possibly-accidental way to slip under his arm and present the glowing green gem in their hands.

Spinda: "It's my treasure! I've had it for years, so it's my most valuable belong-longing!"
Spinda: "It's been glow-owing ever since the Mystery Dungeons started appearing, so I know it's special."
Spinda: "It guided me here today. I know-ow it did."

"Find a different one and give it to me."

Trubbish: "Uh.... Sorry, other boss. I don't think I know of any others...."

    It is deeply embarrassing how similar Trubbish and Krokorok's thought processes are, when Satori scans them. They're two different copies of 'goon', ver. cocky and ver. pathetic. They seem to want the Verdant Gem for the same reason that Spinda is excited about it: they think it has something to do with the Mystery Dungeons, and want to use it to find some big discovery or source of power before anyone else does.

"What are you even still doing here? Run, or something."

Krokorok: "Hey! Who're you telling to run! I'll flatten you!"
Trubbish: "Yeah! What he said! Who're you?!"
Ledian: "... No. We're going."

    Ledian puts out two pairs of his arms to hold back his overexcited goons, recognizing his odds in the face of the dozen-plus Elite force. When they protest, he just grabs each of them with a set of arms, mutters "Hmph." and then buzzes his wings to kick up a stinging cloud of sand, flying away surprisingly quickly with both of them in tow.

Spinda: "Wow-ow-ow-ow! You saved me!"
Spinda: "You all must be from the Guild, right?"
Spinda: "Did you hear about my Verdant Gem, and come to offer to recruit me?"
Ru Li Cheng      The smell of garbage is overwhelming for someone whose senses are hyper-sharp at all times - especially combined with the feeling of static hanging in the air and all around. The strange pale thing that Ru Li has become makes a face, eye shutting, nose wriggling. A wave of disgust and nausea sweeps over the room as he struggles to stop *smelling* the thing, as he struggles to shut down senses he doesn't have and systems he can't use in this form. After a moment, with some panic, it starts attempting to cover its face, but its hands are...well, a tripod, not a palm, and thus, not especially good at covering a face at all.

Ru Li: <Th-the smell is unbearable...that tingling is atrocious...>

     The pale creature that is Ru Li stumbles backwards and falls again. After all that hard work getting back up, the smell and the static have just knocked him flat. He flails his tail back and forth, unhappily, struggling to get any form of control.

     And as the Kales start arguing and the Ledian starts buzzing loudly, the sensory overload is just too much for the poor creature to bear. A wave of agitation washes out over the area, agitation and anger and pain and frustration, before, finally, Ru Li simply has had enough, grabs a rock, and *flings* it with enough force for the rock to disintegrate on contact with whatever it hits.

     It is hurled in the direction of the retreating Trubbish. If it hits the Trubbish, it will probably knock the thing far away, which is likely the point. If it hits the wall, it will likely blow another hole through the wall, which is likely not the point, but since Ru Li can barely think straight right now, well...

Angela @emit Angela: "Petra, it is me back here."
Angela: "My apologies. Nevertheless, so long as we keep focused and do not allow ourselves to get distracted. I am still in the facility and do not seem to be in danger of collapsing, but it seems even engaging remotely my form will be represented in this 'pokemon' form."
Angela: "Ah--"

Petra rushes off to the demon king and his attendant and gushes over their adorability and then (eventually) collapses into the sand beside her. Angela places a flipper on her body sympathetically and flipper paps her back with what would've normally been one of the backpack's extensor arms.

Angela takes a moment to SCAN. Her eyes reman closed but...

Meika accuses her of making a joke. She thinks this is no laughing matter, in fact, so she gives Meika the most serious face a Porygon can make which probably doesn't help as much as Angela is hoping it does.

Angela: "Ah, you mean the matter of us turning back to normal. As I said, I cannot say for certain. Presumptions lead to dangerous mistakes even if I would agree that this seems to be a localized effect than a permanent transformation based on what I've observed so far. Additionally, that pokemon seems to be a Ledian, that pokemon seems to be a Krokorok.--Actually, it would be more pertinent to point out the one I do not recognize. Ru Li. What are you?"

Other than that she kind of goes on and on about pokelore while Cinder...

Cinder: "Well I don't...really know you, no. But I know what this looks like!" Sensing Ledian is about to get violent himself, Cinder promptly flares up and accidentally sends a fireball flying his way.


Angela stares at Ru Li. Because she couldn't find the same kind of information for Ru Li, she's now wondering if he's the secret Pokemon Mastermind of this situation.
Aidan Proudpick "I am not three feet ta-! ARRRGH!"

Aidan stances up as well. His red wild eyes glimmer, stripes of yellow and red fading in and out. A glimmer of hope. He didn't make it up. He didn't ask for it. He just appeared here. He was MEANT TO be here. He was summoned here to help with a quest!

"YOU! Protect ME?! I'm not a defenseless child!" Somehow, the fact that Kale wants to make him stand down like a civilian is even WORSE. "I am an Elite!" He stands as tall as he can, pointing at the Ledian. "I'm Aidan Proudpick, People's Knight of Quicknest! And I'm not going to let you hurt this defenseless-" He glances at the wobbly panda, squinting. "Pokemon!"

He doesn't know WHAT he's going to do, but there is an eager expression. He's gonna do it, he's going to show them.

"Yea. Well. That shows you!" Aidan says lamely. Numbers ARE on their side.

Both arms lower down, Aidan glances over at the Spinda, "Nope! We just got here. But I'm happy to he-Oh suffocate!" Aidan's eyes catch the rock, and immediately Aidan knows to duck and scramble over to Ru Li.

"Hey, are you okay there, buddy?"
Petra Soroka Up in the air above the beach . . .

Trubbish: "Hey, uh, boss."
Trubbish: "That big fella just threw a rock."
Trubbish: "Looks like it's coming right at me, boss."
Trubbish: "And I can't move myself, on account of you holding me."
Trubbish: "Boss."
Trubbish: "Oh, nevermind. Looks like it'll juuuust miss me."

    A fireball sails in Ledian's direction, and, wordlessly, he adjusts his flight path to dodge it. This puts Trubbish directly in Fling's line of fire.

Trubbish: "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh--!!!!!!!!!"

    Trubbish is knocked out of Ledian's grasp, rocketed away by the thrown projectile. Ledian pauses in the air, looking down at his empty set of hands in surprise, then looks up just in time to see Trubbish vanish as a twinkle in the sky. He turns back, hovering in the air to regard the party from hundreds of meters away, then tucks Krokorok to his chest and speeds away in Trubbish's direction.
Timespace Riders Moments ago...

Sougo: "I know, right?! Isn't he cute?"
Woz: "..."
Woz:"I fail to see how that is relevant."
    Sougo has always been positive and unfettered by any sense of restraint in expressing his feelings for Woz. The retainer has never been so subjected before quite so many people. Her electricity makes the both of them look like they just got out of the spin cycle in a drier, for just a moment.


     Kale Two makes his opinion known. Woz looks down his kitty nose at the other head--which is impressive, considering the sizeable difference in height.

Woz:"By all means, you are welcome to be our miner's canary, if your better-mannered opposite is comfortable dying for dimensional science. Somehow, I doubt it."

    Still... the retainer's eyes flick towards the brigands, sizing each of them up and disguising the gesture behind disaffected poise.

     Sougo takes a moment to pat himself down with his front paws, searching his coat for something. No Timespace Driver! He looks at Ledian, then at Woz, then back at Ledian. Woz shakes his head. Sougo looks at *Trubbish.* The retainer smiles.

Sougo:"Okay! Woz... ?"
Woz:"Indeed, sire."

     With a sly smile, Woz stands on his hind legs, extends his claws, and sharpens each on the opposite number with a crisp flick of both paws. Sparks fly from the sharpened points--but they have taken off, before he can put them to use.

     The retainer's tail curls around the heavy tome, quirked into a question mark at the end.

Sougo:"Guild... We've never heard of any Guild, but we're here to help. You can come with us, if you want! Maybe we could all sign up together--

     Cinder's back is indeed on fire.

Woz:"Please calm yourself, Cinder. It is meant to be so."
Sougo:"Right... um, anyway! It sounds like we can help each other out! You want to be an adventurer, and we want to save the world."
Hellwarming Trio Somehow, keeping track of so many voices and connecting them with known names and completely new faces isn't giving Utsuho and Rin as much trouble as it probably should. It still takes a bit of time to make said connections without knowing most of the people here, but hearing Maria joining in trying to calm Kale down gives them someone familiar to work with.

Utsuho: "Oh, good timing. Yeah, take it down a notch, Kales. Or... Up? Which one's cooler?"
Rin: "Down, down! You'll tire yourself out getting all... Fightin' like that!"
Utsuho: "Yeah, save that energy for fighting... Uh."

Utsuho gestures over at the attempted robbery, pausing to listen to Ru Li, then cheering when he busts up the wall.
Utsuho: "Yeah, we'll fight those guys instead! And then-"

Petra's electric aura starts going nuts. Utsuho waves Rin over, and the pair scurry over to check on her. Utsuho tries to flip her over, and Rin circles around her while keeping a safe-ish distance away to try and keep that odd feeling at bay.

Utsuho: "Hey. Hey. You okay? You want a lift?"
Rin: "Are you still alive? Wait... Could you even lift her like that?"
Utsuho: "I could totally lift her. But... Uh. Master said something about not doing that without asking, remember?"

Satori, meanwhile, has her gaze firmly focused on the Spinda from beneath the green... Hat? Hair? Cap thing around her head. She steps over to get a better look at the gem, then at the Trubbish and Krokorok as though she's sizing them up or looking down at them. She's mostly looking down at them, but she kind of has to with that green thing in front of her face. (Alsoo, it's also easier to hide the body language of her thought scanning that way.)

Satori: "And these Mystery Dungeons... Interesting. Does the glow change whenever you get closer to one of those...?"
She pauses, then holds a hand (is that even a hand?) up at Spinda, as if trying to keep them quiet until after the Ledian leads those goons of his away. She waits until the trio is a fair distance away, briefly whistling at Ru Li's rock hurling stunt, then turns to the Spinda once again.

Satori: "Best not to let them hear, in case they start getting any other bright ideas. Does your gem glow any differently when you're near one of those Mystery Dungeons? I suspect we may have to investigate these places ourselves, if we can't find any other leads."

Woz gets a simultaneously questioning and knowing look from Satori after she says that.
Blemishine     Also, who cares how strong this... thing is, that brought us here. I'm going to fight it anyway.

Maria: "Mr. Hearthward...uh, the Left Mr. Hearthward? Maybe you should listen to your other head! Or at least come to an agreement?"

    As to the reason for our summons--we are, unfortunately, meant to save this world. There is much yet to be read on this matter--which is all the more difficult with the ceaseless pablum of these would-be brigands.

    Oh. That's...a lot. Brought here to save the world? Blemishine files that one away for...when they're not in the middle of this. There's questions to ask, but this isn't especially the time for them. Well, it's time for /some/ of them. One of them, about the Verdant Gem, already gets answered by Spinda.

    She has more, but they're kept at bay as the showdown with Ledian and his goons seems to be coming to a head. With the static-y feeling lingering the air contributing to keeping her on edge far more than she would otherwise, on top of the telekinetic negativity emanating off of Ru Li, the horn on her head is faintly shining and she's a little too prepared for a fight--that never happens, with the leader of the bunch (wisely, given the numbers disadvantage) calling things off.

    With poor Trubbish having a Fling to contend with, and Aidan moving over to attend to Ru Li, Blemishine gets herself together enough to rise back up to her full height - she didn't realize all four legs started trembling at some point - and focus on Spinda for the moment, trotting over a little closer.

Maria: "Sorry! Like he said, we're not from any Guild."
Maria: "We pretty much just got here! Maybe...hmm, we were also guided here? And just in the nick of time, too!"
Maria: "What are these Mystery Dungeons supposed to be, exactly...? They must be important, for those guys to try stealing from you."
Ru Li Cheng Ru Li: <I-is it not obvious that I am in great pain to him? How do I say that when I cannot speak? How else can I communicate?>

     Ru Li has not yet realized that he can speak telepathically, since, you know, he doesn't normally have that capability.

     The creature that is Ru Li just slowly turns its single-eyed gaze on Aidan, the key ticking furiously. After a moment, it shakes its head, and then repeats the gesture at Angela.

Ru Li: <This awful sensation...if I was the mastermind I obviously wouldn't have put myself in a body I didn't know how to use! That's just logical, isn't it?>

     The Trubbish vanishing into the atmosphere, however, is a welcome relief. As soon as it's gone the strange creature slumps backwards, dropping its hands from its face and tilting its (two) neck(s) up towards the ceiling.

Ru Li: <Oh, that's so much better. Now that I have a moment to think...maybe I can draw something on the ground to tell them who I am? To inform them that I cannot speak? Or...>

     The creature looks at its hands. The train of thought goes flowing through the air as the thing that is Ru Li scribbles, I AM RU LI CHENG, into the cave floor, and then adds, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT ELSE I AM, and draws an arrow pointing at Angela, BUT I AM RU LI CHENG.

     He still hasn't figured out that everyone can hear him thinking. It's sort of interesting to listen to his thoughts, too - they aren't really the panicked, scattered thoughts of a human, nor the flawlessly-ordered thinking of a machine, but rather a sort of tick-tock precision racing along multiple thought pathways. More interestingly, Ru Li appears to have *no* autonomic functions that are not also being thought about. If he's breathing, it's because there's a pathway of thought-gears leading to thinking about breathing. If he's walking, it's because there's a pathway of thought-gears leading to thinking about walking. His unconsciousness is conscious, and his subconscious is conscious, and...

     Well, it's like a clock. That thinks. All the functions have to have the gears turned.
Dysnomia     "And... Dysnomia. You need some help?"

Dysnomia:"It's not arms and legs I miss. And I don't need your help."

    Perhaps a strange thing to say, but she's too fixated on the incoming thugs to think too much about what was coming out of her mouth. Her psychic presence was diminished, here, a little. And her body was...Different.

    Krokorok: "Big words from a little Dratini! A stupid one, too! Kukukuku! Isn't it obvious what's going on?"

    With the Krokorok left not privy to the silent communication going on between her, woz and the others, Dysnomia narrows her eyes, seemingly undeterred by the creature's advance. This body was too condensed. Too singular. All of her coiled up tight, into a single point, like she hadn't felt in...


Dysnomia: "Go on. Try it."
Dysnomia: "See what happens."

    But, the pair are spared a confrontation, as the Ledian grabs it and the trash bag, hefting it in its arms as it stomps away.

    Dysnomia stared after them, eyes narrow, before she turned and slithered to the Spinda, awkward, getting used to the motion. Though perhaps not as clusmily as she should have been.

Dysnomia: "If your jewel led you here, maybe we were meant to meet. Tell us about these Mystery Dungeons, the Guild and..."
Dysnomia: "We'll see what we can--"

    She turns, sharply, as she hears the sound of something whizzing through the air, her expression softening as she sees them fly off into the distance.

Dysnomia: "That's the first good thing that's happened today."
Dysnomia: "You're not used to being telepathic, are you, Ru-li."
Vantablitz Remnants     Oblivious to every little bit of who Petra is, why she sucks, what sort of reputation she has, and how she seems to hate absolutely everyone, Ahn wears a smile so big that it can be seen even through her skull-mask, even if only just by the eyes.

Ahn: "Ahn!"
Ahn: "We haven't met before, I'm sure."
Ahn: "Oh. Sorry. I didn't think at all that maybe you wouldn't want to talk to random strangers. Was that too pushy?"
Ahn: "I'm glad it helps, though. It's always been part of my process, but I wasn't sure how much sense it'd make outside my own head."
Ahn: "I find that . . . Like it or not, you're always more durable than you think you are. You never break, or give up, or go crazy, when you feel like you're about to; it's always a ways after. So it's better to just assume you'll somehow get through it as long as you focus on what you can do right now; and if you're staying focused like that, step by step, when you get to the place you're worrying about, you'll be able see the next thing you can do."
Ahn: "So. It's always better to do what you can than to freak out about getting exactly the right outcome at the end. You'll probably be wrong if you try to plan it all out anyways. I think that's true for everyone."

    Petra proceeding to collapse face down in front of her is, equally uncommon amongst Elites, enough for Ahn to startle.

Ahn: "Petra!"
Ahn: "Petra! Can you-- Lotus! Please!"
Vantablitz Remnants     That word summons the other cubone. The earthy tan and normal-looking one with the white flower. They saunter over with a surprising lack of visible reaction, but a deceptively quick pace; a little at odds with their stubby little cubone limbs, all said, in a way that's hard to pin down.

Lotus: "Eh? I don't really want to. It itches. Like a power line."
Ahn: "It's fine! Trust me! I need to check on her, so--"
Lotus: "Don't you want to know anything about that 'Mystery Dungeon'? It sounds exciting~"
Ahn: "No not really! I'd rather go home and watch movies!"
Lotus: "Fine."

    About then is when the normal cubone abruptly stops being a cubone. The brown one tosses the green one the little backpack, trudges towards Petra with visible discomfort, crouches down, and then collapses into a rippling slosh of opaque gel. It's an easy test of just how conscious she actually is, when rivulets of liquid start crawling up over her head. Trickling in reverse of gravity, they grow upwards, fork, and grow outwards, like climbing vines, all the while Ahn rolls Petra oon her side, rummages through her tiny backpack, and then through a mismatched first aid kit that is nevertheless immaculately organized.

Ahn: "Hey! Can you hear me? You're going to be fine, so just think about staying with me right now, okay? It's going to suck, but you'll get through it, and things will be a little different. Remember?"

    The voice that comes off the goopy puddle now sounds weirdly synthesized. A heated, fuzzy vibrato, like dying electronics. The audible equivalent of feeling speech vibrate through your skull.

"Oh it doesn't seem like she's about to die. But just in case, I think I should take care of her a little . . . more~"

    So, back to normal, then.
Meika Kirenai MOMENTS AGO...

    Claws cover Meika's mouth as she muffles a hoarse giggle, watching Petra immediately become enamored by the small cat and fox-ish forms of Woz and Sougo, the whole strangeness of everything a little easier to let go of when someone else is visibly acting normal-ish despite, and directly in response to it all- but it doesn't really get to last.

    The static shiver prelude to Petra's collapse is weird, and uncomfortable, and Meika's shoulders roll as it passes over and through her. Skin crawls and flinches, and she visibly winces, expecting it to be worse, and pass- and then Petra up and keels over.

Meika: "Ah- Um, are you..."

    Meika steps a foot closer, sticks a clawed hand out, and immediately steps back three steps, and freezes, head turning between this unfolding scene and the distant murmurs. The continuous electricity answers as to which can really take priority, though- she knows better than to try and touch live wires -so with a hesitant look back, Meika is off to the scuffle.


    Meika huffs, and crosses her arms, when the gang of pokemon does actually listen and leave. Good. That'll show them. Better than try and... Meika doesn't know what to think of, in the eventuality that it could have become an actual fight. Or whether she can even transform, like this- to try and fight for real. Best to not need to find out.

Meika: "Guild? What? What's that?"
Meika: "Are you hoping someone is or something? Is that like, good? That's not what, uh... those three were trying, was it? What even is your offer?"

    Meika sounds a bit cross, in general, but not really at anything or anyone in particular, which is close enough to trying to sound normal to maybe count as that. She exhales, something between a huff and a sigh.

Meika: "Are you like. Okay? You just got mugged. What's with all the..."

    It's hard to gesture with hand-length claws, so when Meika wiggles them in the air in a faint indication of Spinda's whole vibe, it may not really come across as 'acting ditzy and happy-go-lucky'. Meika coughs, and moves to stick her hands into pockets that- Oh, come on. They don't fit? That's not fair! A grumble and she goes back to the awkward arms-crossed stance, shifting from one foot to another.

Meika: "If your rock, like, led you here, and it's connected with the..... mystery whats-its... what, like, are those? Should we know? We don't know, so- or uh, at least... I don't..."

    Another cough cuts her off, and her gaze shifts to the surprising, if not humorous, rock-and-fire barrage distrupting the fleeing gang. Oh, wow. They're really getting blasted... She's not sure if she should be worried, but, she's not really sure of a lot right now.
Kale Hearthward > "By all means, you are welcome to be our miner's canary, if your better-mannered opposite is comfortable dying for dimensional science. Somehow, I doubt it."

"Yes, please talk some sense into him. Us. Me? What are my pronouns now, anyway..."

"If it exists, I can fight it, and if it doesn't exist I win by default."

> Mr. Hearthward...uh, the Left Mr. Hearthward? Maybe you should listen to your other head! Or at least come to an agreement?"

"What sort of agreement am I supposed to make with some strange, more reckless and more stupid version of myself? That's like... trying to talk to a bizarre funhouse mirror version of yourself."

He pauses, and looks over in Petra's direction. "No offense, Qetra, if you're here."

"Obviously, I'm the real Kale, and this guy's like some depressed condescending imitation. I don't know what sort of joke this is. It's only a little bit funny."

"I'm already bored of this whole thing. Hey. Someone say which one of us the real Kale is. Obviously me."
Aidan Proudpick The Patrat blinks the tremendous eyes at Ru-Li. "Yea. That's why I'm over here. Because I'm offering help." He looks down, watching Ru-Li use one of the HUGE BULBOUS FINGER TIPS to draw in the dirt. "Ru Li, we can hear you! We can..." he waves around his head, as if one doing the dougie(tm), "Hear you in here."

Aidan's ear twitches. His head swivels, eyes focused. A moment. A moment where his brain tries to grasp at him, grab him by the arm, yank at his collar, keep him back from jumping over the cliff he desparately tried to avoid. To no avail. Both tiny paws cup over his mouth as he shouts towards Kale. "Your butt!"
Blemishine What sort of agreement am I supposed to make with some strange, more reckless and more stupid version of myself?
Obviously, I'm the real Kale, and this guy's like some depressed condescending imitation.
Hey. Someone say which one of us the real Kale is. Obviously me.

Maria: ". . ."
Maria: "Well...I would say..."

    There's a long moment, where Blemishine glances between both Hearthward Heads. There is deep, deep examination behind her big, sparkly eyes. Even more deep, deep, deeper consideration. Although lacking in any mind reading powers, there's the impression she's staring at something deeper than the surface. She only stops to briefly glance towards Utsuho and Rin, as if to silently try and confirm something unsaid. Then she looks right back to the Kaleduo.

    Several nods come with it.

Maria: "...You both are! You're just different sides of the same person! So together, you make one Mr. Hearthward!"
Kuroto Dan      Delvers? Guild? These are words that Genm is unfamiliar with, and while he probably should care enough to ask, he doesn't bother, instead turning his back to the questioning Spinda as he instead retreats into his own head for a bit to address other things.

     The Pawniard rubs his chin in thought as he turns something Ru Li said in his head. Perhaps the point of the thing that brought them here was to hinder them by putting them in unfitting bodies? After all, if he was to be given a new body, it should have been one befitting his godly presence, not a pitiful creature that has to look up at almost everyone here.

     But perhaps that's giving whatever brought them here too much credit, who's to say? He can't say anything, he's on his mysterious figure grindset. Or he was, on that grindset, until he finally noticed Woz. And where there's Woz, there's Sougo.

     He doesn't have a mouth to frown, so his eyes squint incredibly deeply in frustration. No point in keeping quiet now, they'll simply ruin everything, and if his (short) lived plans are going to come to an end, it's going to be on his terms, not theirs. He would rather die than let those two fools have any sort of laugh.

Genm: "Of course you would take on the form of a common house cat. How else would you comfortably sit on your master's lap otherwise?"

     Genm's tone is as usual, coarse, and extremely condescending, spoken with an extreme amount of venom that feels like it's going to shoot out of his throat and into the person's face.
Timespace Riders For the second time, Woz is looking down his nose at someone present. This time, at 'Genm.'

Woz:"Indeed--and I see that you have taken a form which ensures no one may get close to you."

     Woz holds his front paw out, examining his claws with idle disinterest before retracting them. Lowering his paw and looking back up at the Pawniard with a perfectly translated feline version of his usual insufferably smug smile, he adds:

Woz:"I would find a way to be by his side, no matter the form, for I am touched by grace, and possessed of the spiritual fortitude necessary to serve. You could not possibly understand, lacking both as direly as you do."
Kale Hearthward > "Your butt!"

Both heads go still.

And then both heads swivel slowly, turning around in unison...

... and locking onto Aidan.

"Actually maybe we do have some common ground."

Left Kale doesn't verbally answer, instead moving his neck around and making a pecking motion in the air, as if making sure he's warmed up.

> "...You both are! You're just different sides of the same person! So together, you make one Mr. Hearthward!"

Aidan gets a stay of pecksecution.

"Oh come on I'm nothing like this depressed, insecure-"
"-brash, reckless, action-starved fight idiot-"
"-moping around about people not liking him, since when have we cared about-"
"-alienating everyone we ever work with, like actively driving them away instead of-"
"-groveling and simping for anyone who'll give him the slightest bit of respect because he doesn't have the sense to-"
"-just calm down for one second and consider that *he's* the source of all his own problems."

Well at least they're not yelling or fighting, just using their words. And glaring at each other. Still an improvement.
Angela Can Angela even hear what Ru Li has to say psychically? Doe she even recognize him? These questions ultimately don't matter in the grand schemeo f things because the Ru Ligendary Pokemon scribbles something on the cave floor. Angela takes a long look at it and that suspicious aura fades somewhat. Ru Li being a strange exception makes sense to her.

"Oh uh. Hopefully ... he's okay." Cinder says. Trubbish's last facial expression doesn't seem to suggest that everything's hunkydory.

The Cinderquil performs the short walk of shame back to Petra to check on her.

Angela glances to Maria as she dubs Kale as he himself. The Porygon face seems to relax a little at that for some strange reason but ultimately she asks Ru Li the first question on her mind.

"Ah, how do you feel about this current circumstance?"
Ru Li Cheng Ru Li

     The wheels are quite literally turning in the god-turned-monster's head. Everything from 'breathe' to 'wait, I am?' crosses his mind along the proper places. The orderly, progressive sets of thoughts are so easy to follow. His mind is so calm now that he's not being overwhelmed.

Ru Li <Wait, you can hear all of my thoughts? All of them? I, I'm so sorry! You shouldn't have to hear- Ah, no, do I stop that? How do I stop you from hearing all of my thoughts at once? I don't wish for you to hear everything! That would be awful for deal with!>

     The slight note of panic washes outwards as he manages to stand up ("leg up, leg up, tail up, tail balance, leg tilt, leg tilt," goes the sequence of thoughts unconnected to his slight note of panic). And...concern, for everybody else, because he knows how annoying this must be. It's *his* brain, he knows how it functions.

     Carefully ("raise hand upwards, examine") he raises his hand and flexes his fingers, focusing on that. It's what he can currently control. So he examines his fingers, and his brain is diligently recording everything for everyone to hear ("three fingers, joints at positions..., ball-ends, movement at the wrist..."). ("Move middle finger inwards") He curls his finger inwards and examines it, too. Slowly, the thoughts that are *not* about his fingers begin to fade from the minds of everyone else. Slowly, the processes of his motions and the intricate clockwork of his subconscious do not involve his fingers disappear. Finally, he extends his finger again, releases a breath, and releases no thoughts at all when he does so.

Ru Li used CALM MIND!

Ru Li: <Thank you for letting me know! I...wasn't aware you could hear everything. I'm so sorry.>

     Angela asks him how he feels about the current circumstances. Ru Li tilts his pale cat-ish head to the side, looking at her blankly.

Ru Li <Well, they're certainly very strange, but it's like was said earlier, isn't it? We have to save the world and join this Guild for an adventure according to the Will of this world? It makes perfect sense to me. Although I can't much say I like not having access to my other fingers. Or my heels. Of all the things you miss when you don't have them...>
Petra Soroka "Nope! We just got here."

Spinda: "Just got here? Oh, to the co-ove?"
Spinda: "... Oh. You mean it was a coincidence. You weren't looking for me."

    The idea of 'just getting here' referring to 'the world' doesn't even process as an option in Spinda's mind. Why *did* you all need to be transformed into Pokemon to enter this world, anyways? Aidan and Kale's world doesn't have humans either, and there's no furry price of entry there. All you need to do is hop through a Warpgate.

"Are you like. Okay? You just got mugged. What's with all the..."

Spinda: "Oh, that's practically normal, nowa-owadays!"
Spinda: "Ever since the Mystery Dungeons started appearing, things have been a little bit..."
Spinda: "Lawless."
Spinda: "Lots of dangerous Pokemon have been arou-ound, lately."
Spinda: "But that's why the Guild exists! So that all the good Pokemon can protect everyone else!"

"Guild... We've never heard of any Guild,"
"What are these Mystery Dungeons supposed to be, exactly...?"
"Tell us about these Mystery Dungeons, the Guild and..."
"Guild? What? What's that?"

Spinda: "Oh... You really don't know-ow?"
Spinda: "You're not from around here? Did you come out of that Mystery Dungeon over there?"
Spinda: "Is there a secret so-ociety of Pokemon li-iving inside that Dungeon?"
Spinda: "And you were recently unearthed to explor-ore the surface wor-orld?"

    The idea seems to excite Spinda immensely, and in their excited pattering back and forth, they trip over their own feet and tumble into the sand. Without missing a beat, they pop right back up and keep talking.

Spinda: "Welcome! To the surface world!"
Spinda: "Mystery Dungeons are mysteriou-ious labyrinths that started appearing a few months ago! They're always full of hostile Pokemon, except you, apparently, but they're full of unto-old treasures too!"
Spinda: "And the Guild was started by Tinkaton, to explore the Mystery Dungeons and keep everyone safe!"
Spinda: "Isn't that so co-o-o-ol?!"
Petra Soroka "Does your gem glow any differently when you're near one of those Mystery Dungeons?"

    Spinda nods excitedly, and the motion of their large head unbalances them forwards. They teeter, then fall into a somersault, springing right back up to their feet to continue wobbling while they gesticulate with the gem.

Spinda: "It glows in the direction of that mountain!"
Spinda: "Mostly I just get feelings from it, thou-ough."

"You want to be an adventurer, and we want to save the world."

Spinda: "... The wor-orld's in danger?"

    For a brief moment after Sougo says this, Spinda looks worried, wobbling in place on one leg. That is, after all, a bombshell statement to drop on an unsuspecting resident of the world you intend to save without warning. They recover extremely quickly, after tilting over fourty-five degrees in thought.

Spinda: "I knew-ew it!"
Spinda: "I had a feeling! But no-o o-one believed me!"
Spinda: "I'll save the world with you! I will!"

"If your jewel led you here, maybe we were meant to meet."
"Maybe...hmm, we were also guided here?"

Spinda: "You were! You had to be!"
Spinda: "We'll save the world together."
Spinda: "That must be the Wish of the Forest!"
Aidan Proudpick Aidan is going to realize how dumb that sounded like a minute afterwards.

Actually, what's worse, is listening to that litany, listening to Kale's mind attack itself. The dark statue of Kale that Aidan wants to constantly topple, hardly even Kale himself, shrinks slowly in his mind. From a mighty edifice that was everything wrong about the Empire to just... a person. A sad lonely person.

"Still doesn't have to be an asshole to me and treat me like a child," Aidan mutters to reassure himself HE'S not the badguy here, then returns to staring at Ru Li.

The very concept, the very idea, of someone having to think out every step, only barely pierces the surface of Aidan's brain. A scrape at the dense cuticle above his grey matter. Some comprehension slides in, but only just barely.

"Don't worry about it, we are all adjusting, right?"

Back to the Spinda, that energy starts to pick back up, "Yea! Let's save the world together, and go to this Guild!"
Blemishine Maria: "Oh, Mr. Hearthward..."
Maria: "Well, it's a start!"

    Poor Kale, indeed. It's a little difficult to figure out how one should respond to him arguing with himself over his bad points, but it's at least better than the way things were before. Maybe the experience will be good for him in the end...? That might be the most one can hope for.

    This is a real unique thing they've found themselves in, after all, and it'd be a shame to not make the most of it. An entire new world, where they're stuck as 'Pokemon'...the only things tempering further excitement over just how much there might be to explore and learn here is the looming fact that something brought them here with a purpose. To save the world...from what?

    Still. Spinda's enthusiasm is way too infectious to not bleed over. A bit of a far cry from how things started off, that's for sure. And well, it's not like everything is clean on the Petra or Ru Li side yet either, but they're getting there.

Maria: "So these Mystery Dungeons are really...well, dungeons! Right down to having treasures..."
Maria: "That's so amazing! And this Tinkaton sure must be something, setting up something like that!"
Maria: "Between your Verdant Gem and us coming here, I'm really starting to think there can't be any coincidences! It sounds like the Guild is where we need to go!"
Maria: "Ah...wait, of the Forest...?"
Maria: "That sounds like it would have something to do with something Verdant..."
Petra Soroka "Like it or not, you're always more durable than you think you are."

    Petra is actually deeply invested in this topic, before she collapses into the sand. She settles down cross-legged besides Angela, content to let Cinder wander off to interrupt a robbery as long she stays in eyeline.

Petra: "Yeah, actually."
Petra: "That's something I think about a lot, you know?"
Petra: "You basically always either get through it, or die."
Petra: "And if you get through it, you know you can get through it. And you can do it a bit better next time."
Petra: "It actually totally makes sense."

"Hey. Hey. You okay? You want a lift?"
"Are you still alive?"

    After collapsing, Petra's groans confirm that she's still alive. Getting close to her makes the tang of ozone seep into the back of your throat, and her aura prickles physically at your body, jumping the gap as bursts of shocking if you get close enough.

Petra: "Ugh...... I'm alive. I don't--"
Petra: "I don't know what's--"

    Petra moans pathetically, the tiny mouse form writhing around in the sand, with her painful aura shifting fractionally along with her, slightly delayed and offset. Her condition seems to be worsening, both in her own perspective, and the perspective of those subjected to the area around her, and her protests quickly devolve into wordless whining.

"You're going to be fine, so just think about staying with me right now, okay?"

    Petra manages a whimpery little nod, before Lotus crawls on top of her, enveloping her in gel. Petra squirms uncomfortably, but isn't able to put up any meaningful resistance to Lotus's touchy healing methods. There's nothing physically wrong with her, apparently; she's not sick, or wounded, but as Lotus crawls up into those forking shapes, carbon conductors branching away from the electric mouse, lightning starts shivering and jumping between branches of the structure.

    The current completes, and a bolt of lightning spikes upwards out of Petra, the deafening boom happening simultaneously at this distance. When the blinding streak of light fades, the sand around Petra is slightly glassed, and the air is scorched into pure, choking ozone. Petra, remarkably, looks better because of that. She jolts upwards, scooping Lotus off of her frantically, wild-eyed like she just woke up from a nightmare.

Petra: "Wahhhh--!!"
Petra: "Vore--!"

    Petra blinks rapidly, then looks around, remembering where she is. Then she wobbles in place, opens her mouth, and crumples down to start retching.

Petra: "I-- I can walk. I--"
Petra: "Owwww....."
Petra: "Why is it just me?"
Angela There's a guild. And ... mystery dungeons. And the wor-orld's in danger!

Angela, obviously, doesn't care about any of that--well, okay, the mysteri-erious dungeons are actually piquing her curiousity but is it piquing her curiousity enough that she is going to stay as a Porygon?!

Well, it's not really her body that's a porygon, it's more that her essence is being expressed through the backpack as a porygon, so she's actually...pretty okay with the situation! Everybody is basically a creature right now so she doesn't feel particularly singled out. In fact, it's kind of nice just being some sort of adorable thingamagig like everybody else. Angela, of course, is unaware that Porygon isn't like other pokemon in the same way that Angela is not like humans. Nevertheless, there's just enough distance from the situation that the more she thinks about it, the more fine she is with the current situation--barring Ru Li's and Petra's bout of suffering right now, anyway.

The Wish of hte Forest gives her pause though. She doesn't like the idea of being lured into helping others--she'd rather just do it on her own. Or not! Than to be subject to an entity's whims like that.

But ultimately noting ventured nothing gained. Angela says, "I understand. We will have to nivestigate the Mystery Dungeons and, perhaps, save a world along the way if it proves convenient."

She looks to Petra who can doom the world just by saying 'nah no thanks' or more likely considering the circumstances 'I am too busy being greebled right now'.

"Mm... Perhaps there is some kind of psionic effect taking place. Or perhaps it is just Ru Li's doing? Perhaps having her body altered again so soon after turning back to your old self is having a negative feedback--Ah, but--we will stay close."

She wishes that Cinder had packed the HP Bullets but ultimately Cinderquil has mostly just brought Cinderquil.

''Wahhh--!! Vore--!''

Cinder's back bursts into flame again and she makes inarticulate noises.
Kuroto Dan Genm: "The day I understand the mindset of a groveling puppet is the day the world's future is truly lost."
Genm: "Anyway, I'll allow you to continue your excessive mewling, but know that depending on what you say, the next thing you'll transform into is a line of text in an obituary."

     Genm waves a bladed digit at Woz in a manner that's somehow both threatening and dismissive, before finally turning his attention to the Spinda who has been here the entire time.

Genm: "You? Them? Save this world? I sincerely doubt that mere children and freaks will amount to much."
Genm: "That's fine, however, for I am benevolent. You and the rest are free to be carried by yours truly so long as you fall in line. I'll even allow you to keep that little bauble of yours."

     Genm goes from neutral to sweet as he clasps his blades together. It almost feels as if he's waiting for praise. Something like 'Yes, thank you, Genm!', or 'Wow, you're the coolest, Genm!'. He doesn't wait for it though, instead, he just turns around and nods to himself, as he already assumes that is everyone's reaction.
Timespace Riders      Woz maneuvers that strange book of his back in front of him, balancing it on his tail as it cracks open. One paw rests on his chin, while the other flips through the book. He paces across the beach, stepping over the rubble from Ru Li's mishap.

Sougo:"I'm afraid so. But... it's great that you wanna help! I'm Sougo. That's my retainer, Woz. I had a feeling we'd get along."

     The irony of such a sentiment being expressed when Dan is making death threats, and Kale is literally arguing with himself, is not lost on Woz. Still, Sougo's enthusiasm is as evident as ever, present in an excited little bounce, like the ones dogs do when they want to play, only clumsier. He hasn't had as much time to get used to four legs as Woz has.

Woz:"Following Spinda's gem will be a good first step."

     The feline retainer looks up from his book and snaps it shut with his tail, coiling back around it and holding it behind him. With a grandiloquent sweep of his paw towards the Mountain, (he had, after all, been so graciously given permission by Dan):

Woz:"According to this book, there so happens to be a Guild member who can induct us within the Mystery Dungeon there."

Sougo:"Awesome! Then we'll go and find them, join up, and maybe even find some allies!"

    Woz arches a brow imperiously at Petra's choice of word, in a way that says he knows its precise meaning and connotation--but says nothing. He instead chooses to answer 'why me.' Privately, that is--he suspects the answer may be less than pleasing to hear. Whether that's through a passed note or the ever-appropriate vizier-ly whisper is up to her.
Hellwarming Trio The noises Petra makes in response to their check have Utsuho and Rin both shifting about anxiously. They're not trained for medical care, but they've learned enough to actually try and do something rather than nothing in these kinds of situations! Ignoring the discomfort from that aura around her, Utsuho tries to kind of wedge her weirdly-shaped Fletchling wing under Petra like some kind of neck support while Rin...

Rin's still pretty useless in this kind of situation.

When the Cubones approach Petra, though, Utsuho and Rin both look much more relieved and give them space to work! The raven-turned Fletchling and the kasha-turned-Litten know they're not equipped nor trained for actual medical assistance, after all, so leaving it someone more confident and presumably skilled makes their own (not) jobs easier! They do, however, pause to stare at Ahn and Lotus for a while as one of the Cubones ceases being a solid and turns into a gel instead.

Utsuho: "..."
Rin: "..."
Utsuho: "... Oh, she won't die. Good, then our job here is done!"
Rin: "Really? Well... Okay, then."
Rin: "Just say the word if you need us to do somethin'!"

They don't stop staring when she starts getting gel'd up, though. They exchange glances when Petra starts making more weird noises, too, even mouthing 'vore' quietly in confusion and shrugging in whatever way looks appropriate for animals.

Satori, meanwhile, really has her work cut out for her as she has to divide her attention between Spinda explaining just about everything she might need to know about this world in broad strokes and... Everything else! Realizing Ru Li might not realize what kind of powers he has right now, eavesdropping on all those juicy barbs being exchanged by Woz and Genm, filtering the barbs between Aidan and Kale...

Satori: "Were things not so lawless before the Mystery Dungeons started appearing?"
Satori: "Perhaps their arrival inspired something in people's hearts. Greed, ambition..."
Satori: "Or even a sense of justice, if this Guild's sudden appearance is any sign as well."

Satori doesn't miss a beat when Spinda goes tumbling from their excitement, just shuffling over to try and help them up physically despite her lack of physical girth. She's clearly used to this kind of behavior.

Satori: "Some of us are from beneath the surface, if not necessarily this... Mystery Dungeon, specifically."
Satori: "And if that's why the Guild formed, their goal does sound...
Satori: Pretty cool, yes"
Satori: "You're welcome to accompany us, if you'd like."
Satori: "That Verdant Gem of yours pointing the way forward would be invaluable."
Kale Hearthward > "Well, it's a start!"

Kale/Kales/Kaleduo/Left and Right Kale/etc seem to be past the point of actively trying to hurt each other/themselves/himself/???. It is indeed a start.

"Okay. So let's go find this guild that Spinda mentioned. Finding allies, and getting the lay of the land. Figuring out how we're going to save it."

"Hey, important question, can we fight like this? We should test it out."

Left Kale is now actively scanning over the group, looking for who he can bully into a sparring session.
Dysnomia     Dysnomia curled up in a little circle, getting comfortable, as Ru-Li had his little moment of worry. Her tail slapped against the sand, briefly, listening to his thoughts. It was almost cute.

Dysnomia: "Don't worry so much. Your thoughts aren't really harder to process. Just different."

    Her eyes drifted back toward Petra, flopped over on the beach. Like a thumb held against a sharp edge, a promise of bloodletting, with just touch more pressure. She turned back to Spinda, lifting her head up to bring it up to eye level.

Dysnomia: "Take us to this guild, I guess."
Dysnomia: "Not like we have a choice."

    The electrical burst breaks through her melancholy, as Dysnomia turns, coiling through the sand toward the little mouse in a bomber jacket. Something about it makes Dysnomia look at herself, briefly.

Dysnomia: ". . ."

    She whipped her head back and forth once, as if it'd chase the thoughts away, and then pretended that it had.
Petra Soroka "Ah...wait, of the Forest...? That sounds like it would have something to do with something Verdant..."

Spinda: "That's what my Verdant Gem is."
Spinda: "It contai-ains the Wish of the Forest inside!"
Spinda: "There's other ru-u-umors about that kind of thing, but they do-on't ever feel right."

"You and the rest are free to be carried by yours truly so long as you fall in line."

Spinda: "Really, you'll help?!"

    Spinda's wholehearted enthusiasm and awe for the suggestion is almost enough to make someone feel guilty about being evil about it. The only reason they don't thank 'Genm' is because they don't know his name. Their excitement over the expanding party, though-- did they not think Genm was associated with the Elites until just now?-- is so abundantly overflowing in their body that they wobble themselves over a rock in the ground, tripping and falling again.

Spinda: "Yes, thank you!"
Spinda: "Wow, you're the coolest!"

<To the scattered consensus for approaching Tinkaton's Guild . . .>

Spinda: "Yes! I'll take you-ou there!"
Spinda: "Maybe they'll let me in now-ow, too!"
Vantablitz Remnants Ahn: "You do?"
Ahn: "I mean . . . I think I'm a little relieved someone does."
Ahn: "People always think of 'getting through' like it's a thing they have to accomplish, but that's not really realistic. Having to do one big, complicated thing, really really well, before a specific time, that only really happens in school and work, doesn't it? I guess that's normally most of people's lives, but that's such a narrow world where it's true, when you really think about it."
Ahn: "The longer it gets since you've been . . ."
Ahn: "I-In every other place, though, it's just 'I'm gonna end up there eventually, so I want things to be as good as I can make them before I get there'. Like, it doesn't really matter if you're trying to survive out in the world, or trying to make a relationship work, it's just . . . Don't think of it like there's going to be an exam or a review at the end. If there's not a grade, then don't make one up! Things will keep popping up no matter what, so just do your best with all of them in the moment, and then when you get to the end, the total is that you did your best!"

    About two minutes later, Ahn has fallen over on her ass in the residual blast of the lightning strike, and seems to be briefly concerned with the fact that she isn't really injured (and . . . weirdly reluctant to touch her own skin?). Lotus, however, pours herself back together, and a black Ditto is wearing the white flower she had before, somehow. What should be a goofy little ditto smile is infinitely worse for the fact that Lotus felt the need to morph sharp teeth into her mouth for the purposes of grinning.

Lotus: "Well well, you're energetic~"
Lotus: "And completely fine. Did you do all that just to get me to touch you? You're a little presumptuous aren't you? But I don't think I dislike it. You have potential, you know; I think I could polish you up~ But, eating you . . ."
Lotus: "Well . . . Only if you ask nicely."