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Raine Arland      The City of Boston, at least in this world, had grown long accustomed to the strange and supernatural. Thus, making it a perfect place for those who fall under the weird category to relax away from their home worlds.

     But Raine wasn't here to relax today. He was here on work. Hey wait! He wasn't the weird one here! Get your facts straight, narrator!

     Ahem. Moving along.

     Panning over to the port, several ships with differing levels of technologal prowess could be seen lined up along the sea. One of them was a smaller ship. Made of black metal all around. It looked sleek and built for speed. This particular ship had it's back hatch opened, and down at the port level, a young man dressed in black to match the ship was speaking with a port official. Beside him were several large crates of varying materials. He had a clipboard in his hand, scribbling down some notes before handing it back to the official.

     "And I believe that's everything! Have a nice day and a good life~" Saluting comically, Raine saw the official off and then turned to his companion some ways away. A woman in white, perpetually floating in mid air. She had adopted a sitting position, her arms crossed as she stared at out sea. "Yo! Frag! We're done here!" Her long ears perked up and she turned her head a bit to regard Raine from the corner of her eye.

     "That took a bit longer than usual. Why?" She asked, turning fully and floating over to the young man.

     Raine chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his head. "Eh, it was more than usual. Gotta double check and make sure, right? Right." He shrugged. "Anywho, what do you say we grab something to eat, then hit the road? I think I saw a pretty interesting looking place not too far away."

     Fragarach rolled her eyes, both of them knowing full well she didn't require sustenance to survive. "Do as you wish."
Ineryon      Maybe Raine was weird, or maybe he wasn't.... but birds of a feather flocked together, or else, sometimes one freaky fowl might chase a female of the same pedigree, in the hopes of continuing the circle of life! The overall consensus was that Fragarach was /not/ going to escape the pier without having to deal with a certain dark elf for at least a minimum of a few seconds' time!

     On this epoch, Ineryon Valos was heading towards his usual spot with a pail in one hand, and a spear in the other; the majority fished with rods and reels, while the nobleman preferred a harpoon of sorts! As he turned the corner and took sight of all that was before him, he squinted at the sight of Raine and Fragarach-- it was more telling that this place had fortune to be found because of the elven woman, and less because of Raine, who was the mastermind cutting bargains with cargo-ships. Less important than vision for Baron Valos was his electromagnetic sensory prowess, aside from his uncanny hearing which allowed him to pick up on subtle cues that had absolutely nothing to do with light-sources, at all!

     Most probably, Fragarach had the same density and structural integrity as she did on Ineryon's last encounter, so he could've recognized her by that alone, even if she looked like Ronald Mcdonald, or if it was pitch black wholly. Strutting forward calmly, Ineryon Valos could see the two were fraternizing, ergo, when he came into indoor-voice range, he remarked, "Salutations, Miss Fragarach, and you as well, Entity." He didn't know Raine's name, and he didn't know the fellow's sex, assuming Raine possessed one at all, even though he could 'detect' quite well what Raine's physique was under the individual's clothes, protrusions and intrusions alike!
Raine Arland      "And do as I wish, I will~"

     Raine was just about to turn and walk off, ready to go get something into his stomach after all that talking and moving boxes and crates. But no, his plans were immediately put on hold at the appearance of someone greeting hi-wait no, Fragarach?


     Raine was left dumbfounded for a moment as he took in both the title assigned to him, and the general situation at hand. "...Entity?" He blinked slowly. Another moment of silence passed. And then he grinned. "Well, if it isn't my best friend, Sir Horn!" With that, he pat the dark elf on the back jovially. "What's up! How's life treating you!? Me? No need to worry about me! Once an Entity, always and Entity!"

     But then suddenly Raine shook his head and turned to Fragarach. "Wait no, before that- People actually talk to you!?"

     ".......Yes, people talk to me, you fool." The floating woman's only recourse to Raine being...well, Raine, was to sigh heavily and facepalm. Once she'd regained enough patience, she fixed Ineryon with a look. "Hello. It seems we meet again." Getting the feeling that they wouldn't be moving from the port immediately, she returned to a mid air sitting position, crossing one leg over the other, and resting her chin in a palm.

     "I take it those zealots did not do you in, if you happen to be here and well enough offer greetings." Obviously. She smirked just a tad upon saying so, and then took a minor glance of his equipment. ...Was he about to go fishing?

     Raine just stood back at this point, hands on his hips as he observed the interaction. For some reason, he looked horribly amused.
Ineryon      Upon dubbing Raine 'Entity', Ineryon is immediately condemned to a fate of being referred to as 'Sir Horn', which didn't exactly put him off too much, except that he couldn't tell if the dark-haired guy was being disparaging or not. His lips flattened out as he looked Raine up and down, and then crouched low so that he was /exactly/ eye level with Raine's nether region.

     The dark elf didn't attempt to violate the man's space and touch him, however, he stroked his chin and then stood back up, "I needed to get within a closer proximity to examine your dimensions before drawing any conclusions, but if you are indeed human, then, judging from the projecting flesh that is a couple inches in length, you are a male, and I shall refer to you as 'Mister', henceforth, with your permission?" He was trying to reassure Raine, without any true sarcasm whatsoever, because from what Baron Valos could tell, the young man seemed a little disappointed that 'once and entity, always an entity'. Bowing to Raine, he postulates, "Is there some designation you would prefer I annex to the honorific, as well? T'were I to call out 'Mister' at random, in a crowd, this might inconvenience some men who'd be inclined to think I had been trying to attain their heed."

     Accuracy is a good thing, right? To Fragarach, Ineryon bows, "They evidently did not do me to a level of substantiated destructive force, at any rate. Mediators from my world have the knack to gnarl and wither a fellow with naught but wind guided through their larynx, however... I survived their verbal commentary, whether it was meant for ill or otherwise!" He raises his bucket for a minute or so, "I am fixing to commence a spearing of fish; if either of you are hungry, I could easily spare a few, and use a community grill some of the locals have set up for dining at the ocean-side. They consider it a sort of.... recreational thing, despite the fact that I lean towards fleeing promptly after sating myself....."
Raine Arland      "........"

     Both Raine and Fragarach observed Ineryon's...unique method of gender confirmation, Raine taking a step back after a moment and Fragarach chuckling at his expense. "Uh, well, good to know! Glad that's out of the way! Wonderful!" He suddenly felt terribly uncomfortable. But he managed to shake it off, chalking it up to it being some manner of custom from whatever world this guy happened to be from.

     "Designation, designation...well that's an easy one." He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "You can just call me Raine." And then he glanced towards his companion with a look that said 'where did you pick this one up from!?'

     She just averted her eyes, being the one who looked amused between the two of them now.

     The black clad youth gave the mention of fish some thought, a hand coming to his chin in thought. "Hrm..." Frankly, he was certain he could get something that tasted better at a restaurant. But that would cost money. Money he had, sure, but still. "Sure, why not? We'll go with that!"

     Fragarach shook her head. "I have no pressing matters, so I suppose I can remain present for a while longer." She wasn't interested in eating however. Raine still couldn't get her to try anything out. It was weird having her stare while he ate, but alas!
Ineryon      Baron Valos nodded to Raine, who was entirely grateful that the drow now had confirmed the brunette's gender for absolute certain!.... or so it seemed from the dark elf's point of view. "Mister Raine it is.... or just plain Raine? There are a variety of customs in this Multiverse, and I prefer to respect the cultural traditions of others, so long as it does not hinder my progress towards my ultimate ambition in life." Which was, ironically, to find a way to reverse the flow of life, but that was another discussion entirely!

     When Raine took the 'lead' and made the decision that they'd be dining with Ineryon, the spearman glanced at Raine, then canted his head towards Fragarach, "Is she.... by the by... /your/ female?" In the world of Boston(Earth?), most mammalian species were patriarchal in nature, even if there were a few exceptions, more often in the arthropod kingdom. Before actually receiving an answer, his ears stood up attentively so that he could listen in on Raine's reply(unless Fragarach decided to defiantly object?) while he instantly went about to the task of locating a fish. Homing in on their skeletal structure, made primarily of calcified matter, Ineryon thrust his spear into the surface of the bay, impaling a large wriggling scaly. Pulling it up, he tossed the thing into his bucket, still half-alive, and suffering from its wound. Next, the tall sylvan speared something else.... except that its only real source of bone was its beak-- it was a squid!

     Hoisting that to the surface, he remarks, "Now that we have sufficient nourishment, the two of you may choose between a mollusk or icthyoid feast!... I will consume whatever is left behind." This was considerably generous of him, but like he'd told several others, perhaps even Finna; he was an outcast among the drow, and in Ineryon's case, because he was /comparatively/ soft-hearted and hopeful.
Raine Arland      "Hah?" Raine blinked at the question. /His/ female? His? Apparently the thought was so amusing that he couldn't resist. He soon wound up bursting out laughing. "Pfffbt-Ahahahahaha! Oh man! Oh wow ahshahahshbashJANA" By this point, he'd doubled over a bit, holding his stomach as he laughed raucously. "Me? ....And her? I don't even know if she's capab-ghrk!"

     Fragarach intervened at that moment. Namely by reaching out with her tail and wrapping it around Raine's throat. She proceeded to casually choke him while speaking, his gagging sounds becoming background noise. "Disregarding this one's theatrics, the plain answer would be no. I do not belong to him. Or anyone. We just so happen to assist one another for the moment." She sounded rather bored about it though, as if she'd explained this countless times before.

     Once she was satisfied with the quiet that came from shutting up the black haired idiot, she released him, eyeing the results of Ineryon's fishing exploits. "...." She soon looked away, uninterested yet again.

     "Sheesh, a little warning would be nice!" Raine complained before returning to relevance. Though he really didn't seem that bothered. Moving along, He eyed the catch and rubbed his chin. "I guess I'll go with the...ich-whatsitcalled? Yeah that thing!" He pointed to the latter. "So, how good of a chef are you anyway?"
Ineryon      Not thinking it peculiar to have asked the question he did, Ineryon is utterly astonished when Raine exhorts as he does, showing just how jolly one can me. The dark elf tilted his head to the side, doumbfounded, when the brunette was unable to control himself, until he's able to emit a few words that receives Ineryon's almost undivided attention! Before the young man can finish his sentence, he's being strangled, and Baron Valos raises a finger, opening his mouth as if to protest, although, no words come from his mouth as he sees that Raine doesn't fight frantically for his life; this suggested she was not truly attempting lethality in her pursuit, but rather, a muffling effect.

     The tall one closes his mouth and lowers his arm, waiting for Fragarach to explain while her 'ally' struggled to catch his breath. "So, then, Miss Fragarach, by your say, it is clear that the odds of Mister Raine objecting to any of my attempts at courting you would be... within a very minute fraction of one hundred percent?" Since the dark-haired man is busy trying to regain his air, Ineryon doesn't bother asking Raine himself.... beyond that, it seemed as though Fragarach was first and foremost the one with the pants, courtesy of the fact that she had the ability to constrict Raine's wind-pipes without too much recourse available to Raine, at the moment. Finally, the dark elf started to head over to the area where the fishermen had set up a small impromptu grill set up for get-togethers, all the while, remarking, "There is a strong chance that once we reach our destination, Miss Fragarach will be flirted with by some of the other males, if it becomes obvious that she is not in an exclusive romantic or sexual relationship with another party."

     Ineryon smiles, "...Other than that, they'll probably give us a reasonable berth, should we display prohibition towards being solicited. I do not.... however..." He stares at Frag, "...think you should try to strangle any of the fishermen, unless they touch you, first. They are local, and if any manner of dispute ends up in trial, you will have fewer testimonials to avail you, especially since you were seen nigh crushing the life from Mister Raine, here. Beyond that... I will partake in the squid."
Raine Arland      "....." She was not used to having so much attention. People usually wrote her off as a familiar and that was that. And she was fine with that exactly as it was. But of courting and romance and flirting? All alien concepts. "...I suppose. In a manner of speaking." She finally answered on the subject of Raine intervening.

     Raine himself interjected at that point as they made their way along to the grilling area. "Heh, you can do whatever you want! It's hardly my business. ...Unless you wind up hampering our teamwork. Then it's my business!" He seemed no worse for the wear, the only indication being him rubbing his neck slightly. Fragarach stared silently down at him, and then turned her attention to the dark elf on the matter of the fishermen.

     "If that is the case, then the solution is a simple one." The air around her shimmered and soon, her body vanished from sight, leaving a trail of magic plumes as she 'dissipated' into thin air. "They cannot 'flirt' with what they cannot see."

Ineryon      Baron Ineryon grinned very faintly at Fragarach when she mentioned that Raine wouldn't be inclined to stonewall the dark elf's attempts to endear himself to the woman, since it meant that she might've been within reach! The question still remained as to what it was that this apparitional she-elf found enjoyable, thus allowing the drow to bribe her; the truth was, whether a man promised lifelong commitment in the form of marriage, steady employment, money, or even just a twenty dollar bill in a Red Light District, the core foundation of all mutual cooperation could be summed up as the whole 'you scratch my back and I scratch yours', with potential arrangements involving Fragarach amounting to a heavy challenge, via her distinct indifferent to anything that's crossed her path, as far as Ineryon knows.

     As she blinks out of optical existence, Ineryon can still feel her thoroughly indeed, and he looks sidelong at Raine, "What... is your teamwork? What I mean to say is, if you are both a team, that means both of you profit from the system that you have both established, even if the benefits are lopsided, and favor one significantly more than the other." Evidently, he hasn't heard much about the Legend of Raine, yet! This isn't to say he knows much about Frag, by the same token. When Fragarach explains that they can't flirt with what they can't see, he chortles very mildly, almost inaudibly so, "Heh... In the late twentieth century in such cities as this, folks would call up Phone-S3x hotlines and flirt with folks they'd never laid eyes on prior in their life. I imagine a tantalizing voice such as yours would give rise to the vast imaginations of these fisher-people; provisionally, some may have already taken view of you an interval previous to now, and would remember how...."

     He stops, then tries to calm down and phrase himself in a civil manner, "....ravishing you are, Miss Fragarach." With that, Ineryon and the other two finally reach the BBQ, and one asks, "...Hey there bud. Good ta see ya again.... Say, that two-legged, pointy-eared mermaid with ya? Saw 'er pop outta sight, 'n here I was hoping to say a few things to her!" Ineryon says nothing, and moves towards the grill to prepare the food, leaving Raine and Frag(?) to deal with the old man.
Raine Arland      Fragarach didn't comment. She most certainly had heard him, but she was currently hiding her presence, as she usually did on worlds that required it. Or when she got annoyed or irritated. Perhaps this was the latter case. Raine watched this all and shrugged. "Don't mind her. She gets like that sometimes." He chuckled to himself at that.

     "As for our 'teamwork'...I guess you could say she's the magic, and I'm the muscle?" He brought a hand to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully. "Yeah, something like that~" And a nod followed. As they reached their destination, Fragarach continued to not speak or say anything. Most of these normal people had no way of detecting that she was still here. As long as she didn't touch anyone or say anything.

     Raine supported her silence with a careless shrug. "She's not here anymore. Vanished into thin air." A smile followed. "That's magic types for you, huh?"