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Gaius Van Baelsar Serori took up the Black Wolf's semi-joke on the tea to hones heart. Which though the Legatus did not mind, it had him a little bit caught off guard. Though he had been wanting to display to all the power of the Dreadnought class ship; The finest class if airship ever built to that of her sister, the Agris; He did not take into account one of the higher officials honestly coming on board.

At least not yet.

Yet, the Legatus is a calm, collected man and he runs a rather tight ship, so it was very minor things that just had to be adjusted for. One to explain to his men what to expect, including to not stare-- cause if any of them were caught staring he make them scrub the Vanguard's down with toothbrushes.. including a full ten labs around the whole hanger alone.

Secondly was making sure that there would be no obstacles in the way. Because though Eorzea did not have the means to deal with the Airships, there was other threats to always keep mindful of; Even as high as the Dreadnought could fly...

Finally was the simple matter of himself, actually. Though his adopted daughter Livia was not making such a task easy. Actually fussing over her own father's collar as an example. Though some may say it would be an adorable sight have one's own daughter stand there trying to say 'its crooked' and having your own father go 'its not' and the two fussing over it; But for Gaius he was a bit of an old dog.

He was not overly fond of being reminded that sometimes old dress styles are not exactly up to par as of now. Given he has lost count of how many Uniforms he has had. Though while he handles making sure he himself is ready, Serori will find herself being brought up by one of the transports very much like the one at the ruins.

Her approach on the Dreadnought would have had the smaller airship run along side, which only demonstrated perhaps that sheer size of the vessel-- given it had to house 6,000 troops and a bit more. Then it made an easy bank over to actually line into the Hanger and then with a gentle, but brisk turn it came right into landing within the Hanger itself.

From there she be greeted by a tall fellow, though he wore the Centurion armor, but the helm was tucked under his arm. The third eye actually missing from him and he-- he would guide her through the hanger. Which not only had several maintenance crews working, but troops marching along to a cadence of their own, and the Magitek Armors themselves being checked over.

The place was made of black steel, cables run along up high, and what seem like florescent lights keep the area lit. As they walked the Centurion would explain what some of the things were. Such as the airships, the drone Vanguards, the Magitek Armors, and even explained a bit on the hanging Magitek Juggernauts.

Once they arrived at a door, he placed up his hand, a blue scanner ran along his hand, while he tapped in a few numbers on a pad. Both went green and the door slid open with a slight hiss. Inside the halls were a touch narrow, but to be expected. Though the walk was not long and in the center of the hall a rolling sidewall could be seen for faster access to points on the large Dreadnought.

When they arrived to the meeting room, the door slid open and the Centurion motioned for he to step inside. As she would have walked in, the lights would have flickered on by themselves and the massive windows on the side of the wall would start to reveal the outside world beyond the windows. The clouds as far as the eye could see and the ground so far below. The table itself was a beautiful dark wood table. The chairs were much the same. The floor seem to be made of polished marble. It was easy to see that this area was more design for elegance then military function. As for the Centurion he stepped in side after she did and stood by the door. "The Legatus will be here shortly ma'am."
Serori Tea. It's such a simple thing, isn't it? Dried leaves steeped in hot water until it's brown or black or red or whatever other shade -- tea is hardly anything at all. Why, then, had so many cultures surrounded the beverage in ritual and significance? A few dried leaves and hot water could mark an important meal, a spiritual journey, or a sentimental occasion such as a marriage or a funeral.

Today, it would serve as the excuse to draw Serori out for an unprecedented look into the true might of the Garlean Empire.

No escort accompanies Serori, except for the pilot and single crewman manning the small vessel which brought her to the agreed-upon rendezvous point. Once she steps onto the Garlean airship, she is on her own, fully in the care of Gaius Van Baelsar.

If she anticipates any difficulty, she doesn't show it. Serori presents a figure of frightening confidence and competence. From the very moment she is in their care, she lets nothing slip that she doesn't mean to be seen. Her expression is calm, yet not so self-assured she appears haughty; she knows very well she outranks and outpowers the men around her, but she doesn't rub it in anyone's face. At seeing something amazing -- like the Dreadnought coming into view -- she lets her astonishment be known: these Garleans are likely proud of their Magitek wonders, and she doesn't diminish their deserved pride by scoffing at one of their greatest accomplishments. It doesn't matter what she's seen in the Multiverse; here, today, she's seeing something new and remarkable, and she shows a rank-appropriate level of genuine appreciation.

On the inside, she's more amazed -- amazed like she'd been on her flight to the ruins, in awe of the world and its beauty, and the challenges it represents -- but she's not among her own, and she has dignity to preserve.

Which is why she's come dressed in something a bit outside the usual.

Last time she'd been seen, she wore her usual chestplate and battlesuit. Today, she looks more like a warrior. The suit she wears is fitted, but it also gives the impression of being as rigid and scaled and shaped as genuine armor, instead of just a snug, matte black bodysuit. Sleeveless, but high-collared, the suit itself is intimidating, and made moreso by her mid-calf boots -- layered like platemail, and sporting wedge heels that elevate her slight height -- and matching gloves and scant, snug, delicate-seeming chestplate, all in shades of smoky gunmetal instead of glistening white. A matching armored ring is worn near the end of her tail, which dangles free. She has no scouter today -- just a small earpiece for her radio.

All of it is made for her, fitted to her, and designed to enhance her alien appeal and intimidation. She is a soldier, a fighter, and someone who is very capable. Anyone who looks at her will not make the mistake of thinking otherwise.

The Dreadnought itself is as intimidating, and as beautiful, in its own way. Serori steps aboard it with a real thrill picking up her heartbeat. The hangar makes her feel very small, but that's just part of the appeal. As Serori stands waiting for Gaius, she can't help looking around at everything, keen eyes absorbing every astonishing detail. "Thank you," she says to the Centurion, in a tone that says she's distracted and a little breathless.
Gaius Van Baelsar Serori would not have to wait long. For as the Centurion stands in wait the door soon slides open once more to the meeting room and soon Gaius Van Baelsar walks in. Though it would seem rolls are reversed in a slight ironic fashion perhaps. For this time she was the one in armor of great appeal and intimidation and he was in a standard Garlean Legatus uniform.

It may remind someone of a uniform seen on soldiers of today, perhaps canny to Marines really, but the colors were that of primary black, with a trace of red and some gold. His black boots had a slight heel and the leather was polished. The black gloves on his hand seem to made of a leather material as well.

His black hair, with its peppering of grey pulled back in a more proper fashion, with his dress uniform hat under his arm and those gold eyes though-- those gold eyes never change. "Colonel, I hope I did not keep you waiting long." Gaius said with a gentle smile on his features, before giving a nod to the Centurion who then stepped out.

At his hip though was also a noticeable weapon, a handgun of some type covered over out of sight. Defense even here, seem to be a key factor. Then again after the assassination attempt and the Ala Mhigo issues, could one play him?

"They will be bringing the tea in shortly, please. Have a seat and I have to say your armor is most impressive." Gaius says as he rests his hand on the back of the chair, not taking a seat until she does. "How was the journey here?"
Serori Serori lets her warm smile show itself at his arrival. The sharpness of her features lends a certain constant state of mischief or wickedness to her every expression, but for as long she smiles at him, it's wiped out by something soft, something genuine. It's plain to see he's made a good impression, in her books; otherwise, her guard wouldn't be so reduced.

"Thank you. You cut a striking figure yourself." It seems mischief isn't very far away for long; already, her smile quirks sideways, and she lets out a little laugh. "I don't wear this often. It's too...fancy?" Laying her fingers on the light chestplate, she shrugs. "It's as combat-ready as anything I wear, but more for show, I think. Parade armor, I guess you'd call it. I'd almost wish to have a uniform like yours, but I think I'd be overlooked. You don't have to worry about /that/."

Glancing him over -- and making note of the weapon -- she continues. "The journey was without incident. I was given a good look at the outside of your dreadnought; it's remarkable, Gaius." Here, she becomes a little more animated. "The /size/ of it alone -- I almost can't believe it can /fly/. The hangar at the Citadel is immense, but it's obviously not /mobile/, and the possibilities, here -- the manpower involved -- it's astounding your Empire can manage it. The level of required discipline /alone/..."

She actually shakes her head. "Your Empire is impressive inside and out. I keep expecting to find flaws, but if you've got your cracks, they are small enough to overlook. I hope my own will be as accomplished, someday."
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius sits where he does and smiles ever so slightly as she speaks. He mostly listens to her and a glimmer of light hits those gold fierce eyes as she speaks about the might of the Garlean Empire. He does not interrupt her at all and becoming more about how animated she becomes as she speaks.

"Our Radiance has done us all well, for none of this would be possible without him," Gaius admits at the end of it. "He had a vision and he saw that vision through his times as a military leader to becoming the Emperor he now is. Shoes that are had to fill, but ones to inspire to be."

The Legatus then sits back in his chair as he then looks out the window at the sky around them and the ground so far below. "But we are not without our flaws. Politics, even in our system of merit, are still politics and people shall always be people. Yet as all things, growth will happen and eventually, these too shall come to some understanding."

Gaius then looks at her, "Just as the Empire will come to an understanding about the world they now reside within, as I have." The Black Wolf clasps his hand together, resting them on the table. "As for the armor, it fits well enough. As you seen from myself, I tend to walk in my armor more then this dress uniform. For the Garleans Military, the armor is ever as fitting as the dress of clothing. Even our Emperor on his thrown, wears armor designed for him and one could say-- even perhaps by him."

The Legatus then shrugs his shoulders lightly. "So not out of place or style, Serori."

The Black Wolf then gives a mild nod of his head, "But it is my hope that one day, the Confederacy will have full access to such marvels as these airships. To even work with some of our armored suits with a blend of their own technological might." He then points his index fingers toward her, "As there are things your people and the confederacy have mastered that we have not. Bloody hell," he then chuckles, "There are things this multiverse has that we can only fathom. That is the beauty if this world. It is every changing, ever growing, ever adapting. The challenge of it is ever dangerous, intriguing, and inspiring."

"It is forcing our own R&D to think up ways of offense and defense that never had to be thought of when just handling cranky dragons and magic wielding Eorzeans."
Serori In the midst of his answer, she finally sits. The armor she wears proves to be as flexible and accommodating as it is light and ornate; leaning into her seat isn't difficult or uncomfortable in the least. Though her natural grace may be contributing to the total ease she exudes, it's apparent that her suit was made with form, function, and relaxation in mind. For a soldier, she's got it good.

Serori turns her gaze to the windows, and the panorama outside. She listens to him, but the scenery continues to hold her rapt, too. Every cloud, distant hill, and silvery flash of water is given its due appreciation. "'Cranky dragons', hmm? Something else to see for myself. Saa...this world fascinates me, now. I don't think I'd have paid it much attention, if I hadn't met you myself. The Garleans have always been impressive on paper, of course, but I suppose my own interests have kept my attentions a bit introverted, lately."

She pauses, then, slanting her gaze his way, she picks up her interrupted thoughts and heads off in a new direction. "You're right that the Confederacy can prove to be a vast resource, but don't let it intimidate you...or distract you. Your Empire has succeeded because of its focus and vision, as you said. If you become too embroiled in the Multiverse beyond, you'll lose sight of your true goals. I am lucky; I had nothing before I came to the Confederacy, and so I made it my life. You have much more to lose, if you let your focus falter."

"Not, of course, that you should be afraid to let your influence spread. Your forces are large enough -- and capable enough -- that making your mark on the Multiverse is certainly possible, and you should learn of your new enemies before they come knocking on your door. You /do/ have options." So what point is she trying to make, then? The little smirk returns, and she cocks her head to the side. Apparently, she's not going to get around to makng it /quite/ yet. "What will you do when the Eikons are no longer a threat, Gaius?"
Gaius Van Baelsar Gaius leans back in his chair as he goes to tab his thumbs together in idle thought on what she says. "Yes. To lose focus can be a waste of resources, time, and energy.. and time-- is not something we all have much of." He admits in idle thinking, before he looks over to her. "We are moving at a two front operation, in truth. Not only the handling of Eikons whom are the larger threat, but the conquering of Hydaelyn itself."

Gaius then glances over and the tea is brought in. The woman who brings it in, seems to be in more common of clothing, she also has elf like ears and tall features. She pours the cups with ease, setting one in front of Serori with her own sugar bowl and little things to change the flavor up some if she desires and does the same for Gaius, before she bows and makes her way out. All this while the Legatus continues to bring his attention back to Serori once more.

"After we have full control of Hydaelyn," He places out his hands slightly,"Then our full military support will be between homeland defense and at the call of the Confederacy itself."

"We already have one of the nations in our back pocket, though Eorzea is unaware of our under table dealings with them." Gaius says with some ease, "Though the status of those deals are not overseen by I nor my Legion. It is handled by another Legatus and his group."

Gaius then smirks faintly, "..A good man. Seen more wars then I could count on one hand and wise in many ways.. also a close friend of mine. If you ever have the honors of meeting him, don't be surprised by his more cavalier personality. I think it comes with his age."
Serori The tea cup is taken in hand, care shown for the little cup. The sight of it makes Serori smile again for reasons beyond courtesy alone. Surrounded by so much military might, the tea cup is delicate indeed, and the juxtaposition is amusing. Strange, how courtesy must be worked into the culture of something so powerful and strong as a massive military force. Saiyans never would have taken up the habit of tea cups and tea, no matter how significant the occasion or the reasoning. The only rituals known to her people were those of brute force, and the enforcement of strength over the weak; even the crowning of a new leader was once a bloody, barbaric affair.

The royalty of her species wore red cloaks for a reason.

"I'd like to meet him someday. Your Emperor, too." Serori takes a breath of steam, sampling the scent and flavor of what's in her cup; then, she sets it down to add some cream. "No matter how removed your Emperor would care to be from our affairs, the order needs to be enforced. A visit from the Field Marshal would be enough; I doubt a lowly Colonel rates your Emperor's time and attention. But, I /can/ point Lord Dracula to where he needs to go, and tell him when he needs to be there." Not a boast; he has better things to do than worry about diplomacy and schedules.

"So. The Eikons defeated, and Hydaelyn conquered. What then?" Serori sips from her tea cup, her black eyes peering past the cup's rim to meet Gaius's gilded gaze. "Will one world be enough for you?"

It's such a gently-spoken question, but such a /loaded/ one. What could she possibly mean, asking things like this, prying into his personal ambitions? Serori keeps her tone light enough, but there is something brewing behind her sly stare.
Gaius Van Baelsar The Legatus picks up his own tea with ease, seeming to drink it completely black. Her question for the moment goes ignored, or perhaps-- just being thought over. Aware that a wrong answer could be bad, but a lie could be also far worse.

After he takes a sip from the tea, he rests the cup down with simple ease. "As I said, our might will be turned to aid the Confederacy with their war. At least far as I will see it. The Emperor wants command over Hydaelyn. He has not shown care beyond her walls, only control over her and all that she represents."

Gaius' gold eyes lock directly with Serori, "..and perhaps like you-- seek the means to live forever. Though such means does not change my position nor the merit of favor I hold." He then look away about then staring back out across the skies.

"As for meeting him in person, plans are being made during your... truce time period. He has interest in seeing those of the Confederacy in equal curious notion. To look those who command her directly in the eyes to gauge the people I seem to continue to speak highly of."

Gaius then looks back over to her once more. "If this is done, it will be held either in the very court of Garlemald's heart-- or it will be held in the halls of the Ala Mhigan Capitol. A feast really. Music, dancing, all that normal operations of welcoming of outsiders to a land unknown to them.. in hopes of a brighter future." Oddly the Legatus doesn't sound over thrilled on the idea. If anything, he sounds a bit bored on the idea.

No fire in his voice, compared to how speaks of his men, his ship, or perhaps even the future itself. Perhaps just the ho-hum of politics really that is truly of his dislike.

"As you questioned about the dragons, aye? Hydaelyn has a few dragon species. One which was believed to be wiped out by the Allagans when they ruled the world. Another dominate species are those known as the Dravanian Horde. Cousins perhaps to the dragons kind that were lost..." Gaius voice takes a mild annoyed sound to it. "..and be not to soon if we run into them again one day.. Thankfully they are tied up in their war with the Ishgardians and become even more so since Bahamut was seen in the skies.."
Serori Immortality, hm? Serori doesn't smile in response; instead, Gaius is treated to a glimpse of predatory intensity. Being reminded of her own latest mission stirs the woman's ambitions, and like the tiger in the reeds, she is crouched in readiness. Soon, she will pounce, and have her prey.

"I see." The saiyan woman looks aside, the steam veiling her gaze and her thoughts. Something tugs her lips into a very slight frown, but it's gone after she takes her next sip. "I don't like to get pretty for just anyone, but if it's your Emperor throwing the gala, perhaps I'll consider it. Especially since there's not likely to be much else happening during truce times. I may even dance, if I find the right partner." Serori fires off a teasing wink after her attention returns properly to Gaius.

"The Ishgardians? I don't know that you've mentioned them before. Humans, right? Or close enough to it? And they specialize in hunting down dragons, from what I remember reading. It's starting to make sense to me, now. Soon enough, I'll have your whole world figured out, and then it'll be off to the next project." This seems to drag her back into thought, for a moment; then -- "Immortality, Gaius? Why?"
Gaius Van Baelsar The Legatus does take notice of the wink and only gives a bit of a smirk. Though he keeps the topic more at hand. "The Ishgardians are actually of the Elezen species. Tall.." Gaius looks up for a moment searching for the word, "Elves." He then takes a sip of his tea. "They are overseen by the High See-- I think it is.. and under his command are the Holy Knights of Ishgard-- Dragoons."

Gaius shakes his head faintly. "Not a subject of my department, I must admit. That would be my old friends who works there in their lands from up high and out of sight." The Legatus then looks down at his tea for a moment. "They are also religious fanatics to the point they do some /heavily/ questionable acts from what reports have been brought up about them. If you smell, look, or even seem to dare favor the dragons-- they will mark you for heresy and toss you down what they call the Witch Hole. A drop no normal human can survive."

Gaius snorts at all that faintly before he takes another sip of his tea. "They, like the Eorzeans.. are very wrapped up in their gods." Then he looks at one of the walls. "..though one may turn to us and say we are wrapped up in our machines-- and perhaps be it-- they would be correct in some level."

The Legatus then sighs faintly before taking another sip of his tea. "As for why does our Emperor seek Immortality, because he desires to see the war to its end and perhaps see the Garlean Empire continue to grow and expand." Gaius looks out the window once more. "The Garlean Empire was of his creation, as you recall my story to you in the cave. Yet I sometimes wonder if it be the noble thought that he wishes to see his life dream come to fulfillment or if he fears death, as so many men do.. but fearing death-- that is hard to believe."

Gaius then looks to her. "For a man who won countless wars, pushed the boundaries, I dare not believe he seeks it cause of fear-- but probably to see it all come to a closure of growth and prosperity." Gaius then looks away, "But do not concern yourself, Serori.." His voice becomes mildly soft as he looks back at her once more. "I've not told him about how you seek the same nor have I even told him of Vi'Sharra's own gift. For though he has voiced his desire to me-- he has also told me that seeing Eorzea brought under the flag of the Garlean Empire would be enough."

He then takes a final sip from his tea. "Ambitions-- no matter the age-- can be the drive to keep one alive, even when odds are stacked again them. Ambitions and hope." Gaius rests down the cup once more. "You asked me on the radio if I was a straight laced cadet-- and I told you I give you the answer over the tea."

Gaius then looks at her again. "The Centurions I served under had great respect for me, but they also said my name in great fury sometimes. For though I was one to get the job done, prove myself time and time again with my ferocity, loyalty, and cunning.. it was that same cunning.. that also got me in trouble."

Gaius then smirks, "...after all.. you don't get called the Black Wolf for always being out in the open... because I have learned he fine art of Espionage and Sabotage." He then moves the cup aside easily. "I am sure that in itself states how much trouble I would get into from time to time."
Serori The empty cup is set down. Mindful of its delicacy -- her hands remaining gentle and restrained, despite their ability to wreck whole mountains -- Serori hefts the tea pot, and refills her cup. The same service is offered to Gaius, suggesting that, despite the crass nature of her native society, she has taken the time and attention to learn other arts outside those which benefit her in combat. Perhaps her time marching through the Confederacy's ranks exposed her to enough other challenges that she felt the need to develop anything like 'good graces'? Or maybe someone thrust the lessons at her unbidden.

"I was also trained in espionage, in a way." Once again, she seeks out a little cream, but no other kind of decoration. "Not to fit in, but to hide, observe, and plot. I was a scout for my empire, and as a member of the Planetary Trade Organization, I was often sent to research and observe new worlds to be conquered -- or eradicated. There wasn't nearly as much opportunity for fun and games. What mischief kept /you/ entertained?"

Resting her elbow on the tabletop, Serori props her chin up with her hand, appearing very interested to learn something new about him. The smile lurking around her lips and in her eyes is also warm, but still on the sly side, like she's still teasing him.

"Cunning minds need to be kept challenged. I imagine it must have been very interesting around here, while you were a cadet."
Gaius Van Baelsar "It was. Yes." Gaius admits as he allows or fill himself his own cup of tea. There for a moment was a sly boyish grin. "Very much so." He raises his eye brows in idle thought, before shaking his head slightly. "Though the true art of it all came later in my life when I was let off the leash a bit more."

"Used such to yes, blend in, but also to do much as you stated-- hide and plant things in places for tactical positioning." Gaius then takes a sip from the renewed tea cup. "Sometimes.. also get close to a few targets in order to either gain the needed intel or... remove them entirely."

Gaius gold eyes for a moment darken in that thought, but such darkness does not remain long. "One will do what is required to prove themselves and to gain the attention needed to get the approval to continue to climb the ranks. My goal in my youth was to be ever equal if not better then his Radiance.. I wanted to be a Legatus, must feared and loved.."

The Black Wolf then motions with his hands, "Dreams, ambitions, and hope. As you said when we started to speak, one should never lose focus... and I got my deepest desire." He then goes to take a sip from the tea again.

"Though, tell me about this Planetary Trade Organization a bit more. As I do have hopes to send some of my men.. or perhaps even myself to aid in your mission."
Serori Serori had been almost playful in the looks she'd been giving him, and the words she'd been choosing; now, the lightness in her tone shifts again, becoming something more soft and understanding. If there is any pain to be found in her words, it's mild, and of the empathetic "You do what you must to achieve your goals. You regret no actions taken, if your actions take you one step closer toward realizing all you've been fighting and plotting to realize. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?"

A dark, bitter humor tinges her next words, though it's no more repellent than the tea. Like the tea, it's a fitting accompaniment to the conversation. "It isn't that easy in the end, is it? You get what you want...but the journey costs you."

Serori gives a slight shake of her head, takes a breath to begin voicing her next thoughts, and then stops -- hesitates. A thin wrinkle appears between her brows as they sweep down toward one another and shade her expression in stormclouds. At least she is defiant in the face of what haunts her; many others would crumple and despair. "Regrets are the luxury of the retired and the defeated. What I have done, I would do again, even if it costs me the same amount of pain and loss each time."

Drinking from her tea cup drowns any angry flames licking at her thoughts. "The Planetary Trade Organization. It's a force for galactic conquest. Once, it was under the thumb of a tyrant who wiped out my species and my planet; then, it was taken by force by our Prince, who lived to see his vengeance achieved. Now, that Prince is stranded on a distant world out in the Void, and Son Gohan of Earth -- a half-breed of saiyan stock -- leads the Organization in seeking new worlds for domination on behalf of the Confederacy. We seek species to subjugate, resources to steal, and worlds to scour for sale to other, richer worlds. Primarily, the Organization deals in resort worlds and minerals."

"The Organization will help me realize my own deepest desires...and then, I will decide whether or not I have a need for them." She shrugs, and leans back in her seat, idly uncrossing and re-crossing her legs so her left thigh now drapes over her right. "...what other desires do you have, Gaius?"
Gaius Van Baelsar The Legatus listens to her words on regret and he nods in silent agreement. He also listens to her explain what this organization was. Curious group really and her final remark on it causes him to get a minor smirk. "A woman almost after my own heart.." He says with a playful tone in his voice.

"As for what my desires are," A dangerous smile almost crosses Gaius face for that moment as he lifts up his tea cup once more almost to his lips. "That-- is a story to tell for another time and perhaps.. another place entirely.."