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Faruja The Holy City of Mullonde is still in full-on Ajora's Day celebration mode. In theory, they should be over, but an outpouring of faith is never seen as bad in the most sacred of places in Ivalice. Services, prayers, street preachers, as well as more typical holiday revelers are kept to sane levels by patrols of Templar.

Thankfully for any visitors and potential indiscretions, they're in a slightly more forgiving mood right now.

It might be hard to escape being festooned with holy tracts, wreaths, and crosses though. The city is clearly in a welcoming, if watching mood. The Templar are out in force, particularly after their little demon problem some time ago.

Anyone asking in a more political vein would be easily led to a sizable building. Though neatly appointed with the religious iconography typical of the city, it may vaguely look like a modern office building. Compared to the nearby church and buildings of other functionaries, it's positively tiny. Inside, it manages to be both well appointed, and yet humble. At an office with a gold plaque, Inquisitor Faruja Senra sits, a large desk and several wine glasses and white wine bottle on the table as he awaits his next appointment. Beside him, a pair of habit-wearing blonde-haired lamia sit. One has a santa's hat upon her head. Those led in would be escorted by a young knight, quiet but polite.
Archer of Brown      Two horsemen come riding into town this day--one on a palomino, the other on a paint horse. Of the two, the man on the left seems more at home on a horse, while the one on the right seems more at ease receiving platitudes from passers-by. In fact, the older of the two men even returns the favor, distributing peppermint candies and little gingerbread cookies.

     Neither man looks like they're from around. The man on the palomino is dressed as befits his status--a legend of the Wild West. The man on the paint horse is dressed in riding clothes, and very nice ones at that. A frontiersman and a Yale man eventually make their way to the sizable building in which Inquisitor Faruja currently resides. On the way there, they happen to make some conversation.

     "Tell me more about this religion of theirs," says Senator Mason, turning a wooden cross over in his hand.

     "Big, talking rat gave a sermon just the other day," Archer eloquently replies. "It's just about what you'd hear in your normal church, just changed some words around. You got your Pharists as the Romans or maybe the Jews, your Judas feller, and of course your Ajora as Christ."

     "Interesting," says Mason. "And they even refer to their God in the same way."

     "They do," confirms Archer. "But I reckon it wouldn't do to go around mentioning that. Fellers over there might want to speak with us." The Heroic Spirit nods to the Templars posted around town. He's a man who doesn't need to be watched to feel like he's being watched.

     "This isn't my first rodeo, Bill." The senator ignores the way the Spirit bristles at being referred to by name in public. When they arrive, he hitches his horse to the nearby post and heads inside. The Spirit follows after, spurs clinking softly. They both enter into to the office. "The office of the Inquisitor," I presume? Mason's an older man, almost grandfatherly, with curly white hair and wise blue eyes. He smiles warmly at Faruja.
Faruja The pair certainly get a few odd looks! Mostly at their choice of mounts; horses are an extremely rare sight. A young boy even comments on the 'strange four-legged chocobos' while pointing! They love the candy though. Even a few priests seem quite happy for a minor diversion. Preaching is hard work.

The pair themselves, less so. The general populace is somewhat used to outworlders.

The pair also might get the general feeling of being watched, and not just by the Templar. Amidst rooftops and other quiet areas, the occasional ninja or thief keeps an eye out on the two foreigners. For Archer, at least, it would be trivial to spot them. They might be impressively good at their jobs, but they're still mere mortals. However open the city might be, there's a lingering sense of paranoia.

Which soon fades, at least upon being spied on. The guards and functionaries here are far more open about their paranoia. There's a sense of confidence and authority here like many a proper office of law, mixed in with the arrogance of those who dare proclaim to be the judge of mortals in God's stead.

Faruja Senra smiles warmly, stands, and offers a deep bow.

"Faram's blessings upon thee both this most holy of weeks! Senator Mason, and...oh, my! Why I /do/ believe we hath met before. The Mass, yes? Welcome, and welcome again to thee both! Please, sit. Wine, gentlemen? Ye art in the right place. Please, make thineselves comfortable!" Comes the rat with every single politeness. He pauses, head tilting as he studies Archer for slightly longer than the good Senator.

"What /ever/ might this humble Servant of the Lord do for ye two?" He inquires, emphasizin 'Servant'. Oh yes, he knows that feeling after spending much time around Saber.
Faruja The rat blinks, and asides to Archer. "I pray ye found the service interesting. Might I hath the honor of thine name, Ser?" Spoken like a proper knight, this one, even if he's in robes and clearly possessing magical skill by those with the ability to sense such.
Archer of Brown      "You can call me Archer, Reverend. Archer of Brown, if more of us start showing up. Word around the Multiverse is there's plenty of Servants around, so that don't seem too unlikely." The Spirit takes a seat, doing so in a way which ensures his back is to the wall and he can see everyone in the room. It may even involve sitting with his back to a corner.

     Senator Mason makes a displeased face at Archer's use of the S word, but doesn't otherwise say anything. "Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Inquisitor," he says with a smile. It's genuine, unlike Archer's which is only polite. "We've actually come here to canvass, or, as they call it in D.C., to stump. I understand the Multiverse is a place with its own share of problems, and I'd like to extend an offer to you."

     Archer removes his hat and places it in his lap. The man's manners are very decent, given his time period.

     "Are you familiar with the Holy Grail War?"
Jeannette Thompson Could have only taken a day or two off on her job, normally, without being in an official capacitiy. Her limit would have been showing up at what amounted to a Christmas Mass in a forigen church. Any other pleace, she could have sold it as 'diplomatic outreach' or a 'goodwill mission', one of the primary objectives of the Task Force she was assigned. But not a forigen religious ceremony. There was simply too many issues with the public at home to risk that, which required... disappearing for a few hours.

Walking into a churchman's office was a much less risky manuever, esspecially when said church held more clout than most governments. It's why that, despite wearing plain clothes once more under a dark-colored cloak, she was shadowed by a man and a woman of impressive builds, eyes scanning the festivities, the kids wandering around, the priests plying the ware of salvation and good works. They wouldn't force anyone out of the way, but they did have an aura that it might be good to clear the way, all projected at the calm looking woman ahead of them. They'd walk to the same building that Archer had come from, the man peeling off to stand at the main door, the woman following her to the edge of Faruja's door, as she moves to knock on the door itself. "Reverend? It's Ms. Thompson. I was wondering if you had a moment?"
Faruja Faruja says, "You can call me Archer, Reverend. Archer of Brown, if more of us start showing up. Word around the Multiverse is there's plenty of Servants around, so that don't seem too unlikely." The Spirit takes a seat, doing so in a way which ensures his back is to the wall and he can see everyone in the room. It may even involve sitting with his back to a corner."
Faruja "Ahh, so ye art aware, then! Well, I shall therefore dispense with the skullduggery and double-speak. Faram bless ye both, 'twas so much more simple as a Temple Wizard. But the Lord asketh of us what he wilt! An honor, Ser Archer of Brown!" Smile! Like a good politician-slash-priest, he's quick with those. It's even mostly honest! Archer's clearly earned some brownie points.

Faruja doesn't bother letting an almost feral grin show upon his face as the Senator makes his intentions clear. It helps when you have a /lot/ of sharp teeth as a nezumi.

"Bloody right! Ivalice alone is drowning in them. Well! I shall veer to politeness' sake, and give ye both the lay of the land, as they say. Currently, the Holy Church, and Ivalice art embroiled in a conflict between the nation of Alexandria, as well as the more powerful nation of Archadia. Both deny the Holy Saint Ajora, and seek to take our rightfully owned land for themselves. Heretics, the lot of them!" There's well and true hatred there. The Inquisitor snarls, and one of the lamia places a calming hand on his shoulder. The conflict appears to be very much personal.

"A war, that in both sides, we art under-equipped to fight. Both in manpower and armament. Though Ivalice is a font of magical knowledge, Alexandria possesses greater numbers, and Archadia both the advantage of numbers and magitech given their...unique natural resources. Thankfully, the Elites of the Union as well as mutual distrust and an understanding with the neighboring lands of Ordallia hath kept this nation from being utterly ripped apart."

He pauses, then gives a bitter chuckle. "Nevermind the looming threat of civil war, with both rebels protesting the treatment of the common-blooded man amidst the nobility, and our governing Crown remaining silent despite the twin threats nipping at our proverbial heels." He tries to look warm, but fails. There's pure /worry/ in his single-eyed gaze.

"...Tell me thine world is less in dire straits, at they say?" Politician or not, he wouldn't risk Ivalice's problems upon anyone else.

There's a dark-cloaked woman who is let in after a moment. There's a look to the pair, for permission.

He calls out warmly, "My Lady! Lord's blessings, such a surprise! Come in, come in! Never a moment is a waste with ye, mine dear! Senator Mason, Ser Archer of Brown, might I introduce lady Thompson, a dear friend, and companion of most curious means. What might I assist thee with, mine friend?' Best to give warm vibes to break the ice!
Archer of Brown      Both men stand when Jeanette enters the room; one was raised to do so, and one comes from a time in which even brutes did so. "Miss Thompson? Pleased to meet you."

     The Heroic Spirit bows his head politely to Jeanette. "Ma'am."

     Mason and Archer both sit back down, the former doing so with a bit of a grunt. "I was just informing the good Inquisitor here that Archer and I are for hire, so to speak. We have a certain conflict in our world, one in which alliances and foresight are the key to victory. Only one team can win the Grail and claim a wish, and we'd like to be the one that does it. To that end, we're offering our assistance to the Multiverse at large, in return for assistance. That offer, of course, is extended to you as well."

     Mason pauses for effect, giving Jeanette a warm smile. "Unfortunately, that also means that the two of us might be meeting you as adversaries at some point, all in the name of accruing favors. It's strictly political. After the conclusion of our war, I'll continue to aid the Multiverse. I think, in spite of the conflict between the superfactions, this place is something which must be preserved, and I'm best equipped to do that from an impartial position."
Jeannette Thompson Jeannette Thompson walks into the office, as the other female moves to the door outside, standing outside it with a hard stare that was boring clear though the walls to the outsideof the building itself. Jeannette walks in and extends her hand to Faruja, without a preference as to if he shakes it or kisses it. "So good to see you, Reverened. And your guests." She says, calmly moving to offer her hand to the raised Mason. To Archer, she gives a nod, recognizing a professional guard when she sees him. "Forgive me for interrupting your conversation. But I don't think I'm the..." She trails off, before sighing. "Oh, what I would give sometimes to be five years in the past." She notes, before moving to sit down herself.

"I do beleive I know some people that may be in the need for people such as yourselves. I do not, of course, as someone like me does not beleive in providing a lterr of marque to a pair of freebooters. And I would certainly be interested to learn why you're attempting to claim such an artifact. A... patriot must know her nation is not at risk, after all."

A glance over to Faruja indicates she seems to resist her current business for what Faruja's doing.
Faruja Faruja's smile grows slightly as Jeanette is honored by the pair. Seems the Inquisitor approves!

"I hath heard of this conflict in...passing." His slight pause might hint to more than that, but the rat is keeping those cards close to chest for now. He has a Saber to protect, as a friend, after all.

"While I doth not intend insult, I must say: might ye bequeth upon this humble servant of God thine wish? Generous, thine offer, however I /do/ so enjoy knowing what I enter into as far as political agreements go." A pause, and a tilt of his head.

"Curious, as well. 'Holy Grail'. 'Tis an object of significant religious merit, in thine world, as I hath studied. Where dwells thine Church in all of this?" After his encounters with a certain Aoko, he may well have an idea. Best to ask from a native, though.

His hands raise. "As a theological matter, I /am/ curious about this 'Grail'. A similar object...nay.../objects/ art storied in our lore. Assuming thine world's Church is not a pack of incompetents, then they wouldst either war most desperately for a genuine article...or 'tis a forgery and shares a name only. Speak thee, kindly, upon the nature of this grail and its relationship with Holy Far...ahem, /God/."

His head then tilts the other way upon Mason's pause.

"Overall, the Holy Church is itself a neutral organization by nature. Confederate, Union? We seek all God-fearing souls, and there art a sight amongst each. Still. Mine particular Office sides with the Union most openly. Take that into consideration. I shall defending mine compatriots most vigorously. That said, shouldst ye otherwise not harm the Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, nor overly threaten innocent souls? I am willing to forgive attacks upon mine person. Spare mine Acolytes and other functionaries? Politics. I know. Dear Lord, I know. Keep that in mind, good Sers, and all is but water ever-flowing beneath a bride as the whims of politics dictate."

Faruja, of course, devours his latest sip of wine, and kneels upon the offer of a hand. It's kissed like a proper Temple Wizard before a gravity spell punts out the chair for her pleasure.

Then, his single eye is upon all involved. Jeanne has his attention.

There's a smile. "'Tis the right of it all. What doth ye intend, for this artefact? Bluntly put, for mineself, as always I intend to witness its' authenticity and use. Shouldst it be false and unholy? Destroyed as any other Heretical device. For the Lord, in His Wisdom, doth not grant aught that which is not gained by exertion, and bloodless sacrifice." His thoughts might be clear, here, about the grail wars. Surely God wouldn't ask death and strife for miracles!
Archer of Brown      "No insult taken. The both of you have your own worlds to protect, and you've only just met us." The old man nods, taking the reactions of the other Elites in stride. He folds his hands in his lap and gives a nod of acknowledgement to Faruja. "I have a great deal of respect for sincerely religious people. They're something of a rarity in my world."

     "Sincerity's always been pretty rare, Al." Archer interjects his opinion, but otherwise allows Mason to continue. One day, the old man's going to be kind and honest to someone who'll take advantage of it. The Spirit frowns. He doesn't like the Inquisitor's smile, but maybe it's just the sharp teeth.

     "In any case, let me frame my motivations in a way that's more familiar to me--patriotism," he says, gesturing with an open-palmed hand to Jeanette. "It's an admirable thing, if you know what you're standing for. My fellow Americans don't. Most Americans, most human beings, don't even know who they are or what they stand for, except in relation to what this celebrity is doing, what this news anchor deigns to tell them, or what that friend of a friend is posting on Face Book." The senator's senior status shows as he enunciates each half of the word.

     "First, I thought only in terms of nations. I thought that America needed saving, because I was and still am an American senator. But when our world Unified, when I saw the celebrating and the joy and then the almost /immediate/ return to the grinding, bloated tedium that passes for life among all the world's people, I knew. Human beings as we know them are an endangered species. The world, as we know it, is becoming a world of seven billion transistorized, deodorized, advertised, brand new, vacuum packed, steel-belted humanoids, utterly unecessary as human beings and as replacable as double A batteries."

     Mason looks past Faruja for a moment, as if he's seeing something else, then looks to Jeanette. "America isn't finished. The individual? The single, solitary person? Absolutely is. We're just the most powerful nation, so we'll get there first. I want to stop that. I want to break the hold--no, the spell that lies over the people of my world. They go home every night and watch television after working for less and less, and they'll believe anything that little tube tells them. Who knows what /shit/ is going to be peddled for truth ten years from now? Twenty?" He forgets himself for a moment, then looks to Jeanette. "I do apologize for the language, Miss Thompson."

     "My world is in a lot of trouble. Not because of mages like me or spirits like him, but because of the ignorance, the stupidity of the common man. The most powerful nation on earth is also the most stupid. We used to admire intelligence, and now it intimidates us. I watched, with tears in my eyes, a man try and tell a scientist that the moon does not orbit the earth. We hate innovation, we love stagnation. And we really love war, because that makes us money. My world needs a dose of smelling salts to get people to wake up and take control of their own destinies. I think the False Grail can do just that."
Jeannette Thompson Jeannette gives a quick nod, herself. "A priest is something to be respected. We may have to... differ on what respect religion in general should get." She mentions. "The State itself would get a little more, I should say. Your accents indicated you as Americans, so I wouldn't be suprised about that." Her smile gets a bit more fierce, her tone a bit more frosty. "Though I am a minor student of history, and I know that 'patriotism' can be used in other ways. Your country has aided our enemies in the past, you know. Harbored the government of our enemies simply because we invited the Soviets to help us instead of your... Uncle Sam? A little ancient history, as far as politics goes, but enough to make your language a little suspect."

She leans back slightly in her chair. "You may have a point that the world you live in is... stagnating. Consumerist, though I would have thought that was the point of capitalism. Tell me, Senator Mason. How do you think a magical artifact would change this? Galavanize your people and your world? You seem to assume that, since they got themselves into this mess, they are unable to extricate themselves out of it. Are things so bad that you'd replace democracy with supersitution?"

To Faruja, she moves to pass an envelope. "Before I forget. Call it a donatiton, but this is payment for your generous meal, earlier. I am glad to give it you you, and I will not accept it back. Call it a personal code."
Faruja "Stupidity? Might that be the wages of mortal sin? Nezumi, Bangaa, Viera, Human? I find such a curious lack of virtue upon the lot of us as a species as a whole. The weakness of we imperfe..." Faruja pauses, sighs, and flicks his tail.

"I couldst go on for hours upon our weaknesses. Forgive me. Mine land is most dour indeed, and our religious concerns equally so. Still, all art God's children, nay matter mere flesh. Our souls art as one! And every single soul a precious candle to be kindled. For without that, we art lost, for the Lord is within all." A pause. he sighs.

"Right. Point being, I shall assist those whom seek enlightenment upon God and magick alike, for the smallest amount of harm upon innocent souls. That is, enlightenment, as what magickal knowledge the people of Ivalice shall impart of use upon thine own, Senator. Any conflict aside? Let us jointly consider the honor of all involved. The Lord shall ensure purity otherwise." Spoken like a true believer, this one.

A rub of his head. Faruja pauses.

He takes the envoleope, and smiles. "Utterly appreciated, and it shall go to those more deserving than I." Likely to some cherity. Faruja enjoys those widely.

A bow to the trio. He raises a glass. "To words pure, with naught but faith and desire for the equality of men and mer alike, common and noble alike." That, if nothing else, he hopes to find amongst the trio before him.
Archer of Brown      "Come now, Miss Thompson. I'm an Independent, not a Republican. I have respect for the State and the Market only so far as they serve the people. That is the primary function of civilization. Once an entity stops serving its members, it becomes a machine, and they become parts in that machine. The point of capitalism was to empower the individual. It worked once, but now it doesn't. Big stick diplomacy worked once, but it doesn't. Divine rule worked once, but it doesn't. Do you take my point?"

     "Capitalism /became/ consumerism, because somewhere along the line humanity thought that life should come to us instead of seeking enlightenment for ourselves." He nods towards the Inquisitor. "But it's not just material goods that humanity consumes. They consume ideas and beliefs too. They consume the illusion of choice. I have to believe I'm a better senator than my previous opponents, but do the people of Connecticut know that, or did they only vote for me because they saw an opportunity to make a choice?"

     "The issue with changing the world without the Grail is power. Now, I'm not going to throw around words like Bilderberg Group or Trilateral Commission, but the fact of the matter is, there exists a clear convergence of interests between points of consolidated power. The media, the money. People think the government is part of it, but we've just become the dogs to their masters. We're there to provide that illusion of choice. Some countries don't even get that illusion."

     "There's a saying--you can talk about the system, or you can be a part of it, but not both. It would take me more years than I have to save humanity through those means. The Grail, however, False though it may be, is not superstition. It represents genuine research and ingenuity, devised by human minds with human hands. Magic is just a system operating by certain parameters. What I do with my prana is no less natural than the refraction of light through a prism or buoyancy--both of which were, at one point, thought to be witchcraft, I might add."
Jeannette Thompson "Discarding a label like that doesn't mean it would describe your teachings. I know a lot of 'indepedents out there pretending they're not Royalists, but that doesn't mean they stopped beleive in hereditary rule. From the sound of it, though, you seem to be one who is quite for the people... at the expense of the machinary meant to assist them. I can agree with what you're saying, of course. People should have choice, true choice, in their own affairs, and you should be a servant, not the master. But people must serve the State, as well, the machinary that keeps things running smoothly. That keeps your ideals of a free peoples from being a mob of 90 percent burning the other 10 percent at the stake. Leaders are needed to keep things running. People who understand that it is both a privilage and a duty to serve properly. Perhaps you are one of those people.

"The problem, is not that you use magic. Oh, I've dealt with enough of it to understand that it's nothing to be feared. Systems similar to the type we have for scientific discovery. My concern is what you intend to do with that power. What your ultimate goal would be to resolve this issue." She cocks her head. "And depending on the answer, if this is something I might talk to some friends at Joseph the Second Federal District."
Archer of Brown      "True enough. We're not a very unified group, or much of a group at all. What distinguishes us is what we aren't, which I suppose is distinguishing enough. I suppose it's just a knee-jerk reaction I have, after having so much experience arguing my case at rallies."

     "What I would use the Grail for is this--awareness. Not war, not a bloodbath, not an anarchist state where everyone is too busy policing each other to get any meaningful work done. I want to wake my world up. I want humanity to be aware of itself again. How can a people govern themselves if they're mired in ignorance? A world in which everyone's interests are represented fairly can only exist when the people of that world realize their lives have value. I have the wish, the Grail has the power. Between myself and it, there will be a workable solution--and if there isn't, I'll destroy it."

     "I will never sacrifice lives to save them. The notion that one life is more valuable than another is the most toxic kind of poison, and it's exactly why, when I see my Grail war finished, I intend to mediate an end to the conflict between the superfactions. It's my responsibility to the Multiverse."
Jeannette Thompson Jeannette Thompson gives a slow nod. "Awareness. It sounds innocent enough, on the surface. I suppose all that would be left would be the application. And I think that you might find that the hardest of all. What are you going to make them aware of, hmm? Income equality, racial seperation, an abuse of rights? What about if it makes them realize they don't want things to change. Or that doing what is nessecary means taking matters into their own hands. If control of your government is so widespread, what you seek to give them may not end in a simple exchange of power, or people voting with their dollars. It ends in a revolution, and that means toy shall be seeing those lives you don't wish scarificed being done so on the alter of change. I appreciate your responsibility, Senator. But trust me, when I say there is a thin line between being a crusader and being a zealot."

She moves to stand. "I cannot promise you such support that you ask, but I will speak with my government. Realpolitick, you understand, means that we may ask for assistance as we would give it. The Federal Kingdom is a just nation, but we cannot dedicate forces without knowing there will be a return on investment for our people. If you are okay with that, than I think you are due my formal introduction.
Archer of Brown      "Of course. I'm not in the business of asking for favors without repaying them. And, as I said, I have an eye for the future, as well." He stands, which lets the stern Heroic Spirit know that he should be standing as well. The old man grunts with effort, and Archer moves for a moment to assist him. He places a hand outwards in a gesture of allayance, and the Spirit stops, allowing the senator to stand on his own.

     "You have my support, and Archer's support, if you need it--and that's not limited to combat engagements, I'm pleased to say. Archers from any Grail War make splendid scouts, and I myself am a member of the Senate Committee on Multiversal Relations. I'm also more than pleased to act as a neutral party for mediation, if you need that."

     Mason extends his hand. "I'd really like to thank you for your time, Miss Thompson. You've given me plenty to think about, and plenty to discuss with the Grail, should I reach it." His resolve is as strong as ever, but he knows better than anyone his body is an old man's body.
Jeannette Thompson Jeannette remains standing for a moment, note mobing to help the Senator up. More in terms of being diplomat to assistant and the Senator than a snub of anything like that. "We all must have eyes to the future. To what we can do in this brave new world we find ourselves in. Your support, I shall leave to the State Department. Your friends, I shall leave to a... different department. Sadly, my own position is the Commodore in command of an Indepedant Squadron. The only time you'll see me in a professional capicity is, perhaps, on a bombing run. Unless your state has a few vineyards. Raletza has delgated the position of Diplomatic Envoy of the Raletzan Argicultural District to the Barony, and I would simply love to see if we might exchange grape breeds." A smile, as she extends her hand to the Senator. "Thank you for your time, Senator." She raises her voice. "Warrant Officer, these two are fine." To the woman standing at the door.
Archer of Brown      Archer and Mason take their leave quietly, the latter giving Jeannette's officer a friendly smile as he does so. The walk out of the modest building is quiet, but confident, Archer casting his glance all around the place. When they clear the front doors and the Templar guards, the two have a brief exchange.

     "Doesn't seem like they're too keen on helping," notes Archer.

     "That's not the impression I got," Mason grunts as he gets back on his horse. "They're just cautious, and they have every right to be. They don't know us, and would feel better if we were on their side."

     "Why aren't we?"

     "Archer..." The senator gives the Spirit a meaningful look. They'll discuss it later. He gently urges his steed forward, barring any further discussion in so doing. The two figures begin the trip back to the Warpgate.
Jeannette Thompson Jeannette waits for a few moments, before nodding to Faruja briefly, smiling., "We'll speak later. I feel there is... more that you want to speak to me about." She says, before moving to the door herself. The Warrant Officer looks to her with a slightly annoyed geasture. "Oh, don't give me that." She says, walking toward the door. "It's called a power play. Mention ranks, positions, he knows what I am. We may need people like that in the future..."

She mutters to herself. "Or stop people like that. I'm not sure which."