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Cirra Constantine     Alexander Academy, the very deffinition of upper crust education. One expects the uttmost from it's students, to be pinnacles of society, the hope of the next generation, the shinning beacons of the future!

    Some students don't respond well to this pressure, or just aren't the paragons that their parents think they are. Normally the Academy's atmosphere helps keep students in line, but the last few weeks has seen that atmosphere change slowly.

    A fight has started to brew in one of the off the side areas of the academy grounds. Two middleclassmen boys are pushing each other around, the pair are known for their dislike of each other. "Come on!" one boy shoves the other perticularly hard, and the second has had enough "You son of a bitch!" And swings back at the first, just managing to clip his jaw. It continues like this, escalating. "Without the Ice Queen here, you've got nothing to stop me from beating you sense-"


    A blade lands point first into the soft grass, behind it is a girl in silver and bronze armor. The entire gaggle of onlookers and rubberneckers turn to look at her. Both of the boys swallow hard lumps in their throats.

    "Are you two fighting?" the silvery haired woman asks.


    "You look like your fighting."

    "No-not at all!" The two boys force smiles on their faces and put their arms around each others shoudlers like old chums and start backing away, "just..just acting! Yeah! Drama class!"

    The shivan woman glances aside at everyone, "Good."

    The two boys make a break for it in and run.

    Cirra sighs, "A few weeks is all it takes for disciplin to slack around here?"
Annia Shirley The atmosphere around the Academy sure is better than what she had on Shiva, that's for sure. For one thing, noone knows her. Which means some people will try to be friends. She's never been interested in that. So in a way this has been a more annoying week for her than she wanted to, but she's started to get her reputation built up as the 'don't bother with' girl keeping to herself.

Annia is still proper looking though, uniform well kept, sitting under a tree nearby the scuffle, a book in hand to keep up with studies and homework while she has time for it. She rolls her eyes at the two. Animosity is worse than indifference for her.

But then they get interrupted. Ahh, sweet silence, finally.

Hopefully noone will break that pause. She rather not have to find another place to sit right now.
Kyra Hyral     Not everyone in the "upper crust" wants to act like it! Some people enjoy /doing what they want/ and Kyra has certainly been up to that in the more recent months. This is especially the case for Kyra as Dominic has noticed that she's scored a few "points" via skipping classes so she can run off and visit various multiversal locales.

    (Besides, it's not like she needs to take a /typing/ class anyway. What kind of bullshit elective is that??)

    More importantly, in this moment she heard word that a FIGHT was going to happen. Though she did not have much of a standing on the 'Caretaker' profession board, she did know that cleaning up after a fight usually scored a lot of points. Therefore, at first word that one middleclassman was finally going to kick the ass of that other middleclassman, Kyra came RUNNING.

    As she runs, she loads up her needlegun, all eager and ready to shoot those poor injured boys full of potions. Unfortunately, by the time she arrives, both of the boys run past her in the opposite direction. "...hey! Hey, where are you two going, aren't you going to fight??" Kyra sounds /disappointed/ as she whirls around to watch them flee.
Lyria Mason Disciplin? Lyria had enough to try to stay out of trouble and that was it and she was totally not upper crust. No her mother had kicked the door down really and that is how Lyria and her siblings had ended up here at the school. She mostly was known for her creations working as intended or going up in a explosion of some kind. The fight however had got her attention and she was curious to see who was going to be in this. The sperent like drone known as Remora slithered along after Lyria as she came to find just where the fight was as things seems to come to an aburpt end.

"Well there goes that enterainment..."
Landon al Cid      The Prince of Ramuh has been really, really busy lately. Between the political crisis unfolding in Shiva and the general situation towards the Extraversals, nevermind actual homework and diplomatic studies, Landon hasn't had much of an opportunity to actually *relax*. Nor has he had much cause to, really. Every day feels like new and unpleasant weight upon his shoulders. Every day feels like some new pressure is about to appear. Some days, he wonders if he's not just going mad - if the whole thing isn't just the onset of his madness writ large. It would almost make more sense to be a delusion than for the Extraverse to really exist.

     Landon wasn't /looking/ for Cirra - nor was he looking for the fight, per se - on his way across the Academy grounds. Quite the contrary, he was mostly doing homework on his mPad. The sound of the brewing fight caught his attention, as such things are wont to do, but by the time he had made his way over there, Cirra had already put the fight to rest.

     Landon slides his mPad into his coat and smiles. "You really don't need to be so harsh with them, you know. You just scare people when you're like that. It's not as if the school is falling to pieces; there's plenty of people keeping the peace here. You aren't dealing with my sisters."

     He offers Kyra a light wave, taking note of Lyria and Annia out of reflex. A swordsman should always know what's around him.
Dominic Masoch Dominic was out to break up the fight, or let it go far enough that someone racked up a bounty for excessive violent and then break it up. But instead, it got broken up right at the start! Which means his job from the Disciplinary boards is moot. Which means that it's time to pick on someone. Someone translating out to 'Kyra'.

Two hands come down on Kyra, one on each shoulder as she watches the two middleclassmen flee. Both of them squeeze her shoulder, but not too hard. More of a playful gesture.

"Serial Truant Hyral," Dominic says in a 'way too official to be serious' voice, "You are under arrest."
Cirra Constantine     "Not with the Ice Queen of Alexander Academy around!" the boys both shout as they run past Kyra, aparently intent on not stopping until they've earned the Runner Job.

    Cirra pulls the blade out of the ground and dismisses it in a puff of magic, the Judge Blade returning to whatever realm of law and order they come from. She turns to look at Landon, "I'm not trying to scare anyone. It's been a long trip back from the testing grounds and I've been hearing strange rumors on the way." The silver haired woman glances at the others gathered, Kyra and Annia both get a glance, Dominic she knows is on the Disciplinary board.

    "And you know I would never try and scare your sisters." she frowns.
Annia Shirley Great, people just kepe piling up here, instead of getting quieter. Better to ignore.

Easier said than done anyway. She sighs to herself, maybe low enough that noone heard it.

A judge, a girl with a needlegun, and a prince. What about the turtledoves and partridge in a pear tree?

She undoes and redoes a button on her shoolshirt, only because its something to kepe her hands busy. It does help vent out her top too, because she's from colder temperatures, this place under the sun can be warmer than she's used to.

Even if Cirra looks at her, she tries to simply keep a low profile and not attract attention.
Kyra Hyral     Just before she turns away to watch the pair, she gives Landon a friendly weave with her needlegun-wielding hand.

    "...Cirra?" she asks the two boys a little too late as they are soon out of earshot, fleeing the Ice Queen. "Damn, so she's /here/ already." Kyra doesn't appear to be terribly surprised to hear this news.

    She starts to turn, perhaps to confirm the presence of Cirra since she knows that people running from her is not that unusual so clearly she must be nearby. But before she does, a pair of hands fall upon her shoulders. "" she jumps a little in surprise and lifts her head to peer over her shoulder. Then Dominic talks. Kyra gasps, "H-hey! You promised that I'd get a /warning/, mister!" He didn't sound serious but...Kyra has that sort of 'not sure if serious!!' look on her face. Maybe she's just playing along. It's enough to get a few murmurs from people nearby. "Don't make me resist arrest because I definitely will."
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason pauses for a moment to see the fight is basically done and she looks to Kyra and then to Dominic sighing almost in a mockery of real boredom.

"I guess it can't be helped, it's not like being back on the Serpent's Tail."

Which at least Kyra would know is her mother's ship. The mention of the ice queen being about, that would be Cirra it seems.

"Looks like she is here already Kyra it was a matter of time. I admit during the stuff what was pulled on our Extraversal guests I wish she'd been there."

Seriously bloody cowards afraid of the future and what was out there? Lyria saw nothing but an chance for her self and her world ot make quite the name for it self.

"Oh it could be worse seriously she's just harsh like a ship captain needs to be."
Soan Sagittarius      It's funny just how theses meeting happens, sometimes! Wander down a corridor, follow some Student Marks for some extra credits. You can never get enough of theses, anyway, even if after a point they just become something else on a record.

     Soan Sagittarius is coming around the corner of the corridor, holding over his shoulder a backpack, walking at his usual, relaxed, quiet pace. He can hear the distinct sound of people running away in fear, as well as the general shroud of conversation of voices he recognizes.

     "Oh, don't worry," Soan speaks up, coming up around Dominic and Kyra, giving them a grind. "It's not like he's going to cuff you, anyway." He says.

     The Thief then gives a look around at the sudden crowd gathered. People trying to not attract attention to themselves. Cirra, Landon are two very notable features. A girl he don't know. And, of course, Kyra and Dominic.

     He gives a squint briefly at a recycler trash can.

     Then back at the first two. "Hello, hello everyone. Landon! Ms. Constantine! Lovely to see you two!"
Landon al Cid      "I'm fairly certain that scaring my sisters is impossible so long as they're together," Landon notes idly as he watches the two boys go, "I think it multiplies their powers."

     "What sorts of rumors are those? I think the Disciplinary Board has things well in hand, though I admit, you know I usually ignore most rumors. They're nothing but troublesome gossip, in the long run." Landon slides his hands into his pockets and looks around. "Besides. It's not as if we're on Ramuh. Come on, let's go say hello to Kyra, Dominic, and the lady over there. People might be less afraid of you if you did such things, you know? If they saw there was a girl under the ice mask."

     "Hello, Soan," Landon adds as Soan arrives.
Dominic Masoch Dominic gives Kyra a big grin when she gasps and feigns being upset at him, "Oh I did, well. I suppose you get off free today, then, due to my sense of honor and duty." He releases her shoulders and lets them fall to his side, looking to Soan, "I don't even have my handcuffs with me at the moment. I used my last pair to subdue one of the Neverfails."

One hand falls to his side, casually resting on his belt while his other raises up into a wave for Landon as his name is mentioned. He gives both the Prince and his most notable of bodyguards a wave, "Hail to you both and good day!" He shouts cordially.

And then he waves to the trashcan that Soan just looked at. It must be Mirielle, right? "Good day to you too, Miss Edelweiss," He greets to a completely unrelated trash can.
Mirielle Edelweiss     There is a stirring in the crowd, as rather pushy but otherwise nondescript group of people work their way through, before carting off some OTHER nondescript (and yet scruffier and malcontent) people from the crowd. Most of those concerned with Disciplinary Actions would realize what's going on - the crowd is being surrepticiously thinned of people who Troublemake. Ever. Not just, like, the people who would actively concern anyone - people with point totals under 10. Rumor mongers. People who gossip over the watercooler. They're politely told some things, or simply told to 'buzz off' with leverage applied. Nonviolently!

    Then, near a very large and austere looking tree, a student in geomancer robes knocks on the side twice.

    Mirielle opens a little hidden door, and steps out, in her best school uniform, looking rather freshly showered. "Okay. I can do this. Make sure nothing bad happens. Inform /everyone/ that the penalties will be harsh. I am not above excommunicating someone." She growls, and a Ninja who wasn't there before nods, salutes, and vanishes.

    Then, keying something into her mPhone, Mirielle Edelweiss, TOTALLY NORMAL AND NOT SHADY AT ALL STUDENT breaks from her escort to approach Landon. On the way, she smiles at Dominic, coming from the other side. "How perceptive of you, Mister Masoch." She offers, spacily, before stopping short.


    WHO... IS THAT GIRL?!?!?!??!

    Mirielle begins furiously texting, stopped dead in her tracks.
Cirra Constantine tt"You're teasing me again." Cirra says flatly. She moves ahead with Landon, falling into the predictable bodygaurd position. "And I mean the rumors and news of Shiva. And whispers of people /not/ of this world."

    "No offense to Dominic Masoch, but that sort of thing is beyond the Disciplinary board." she pauses, looks at the trash can the boy is talking to, then back up at him with a slightly concerend and confused look on her face.

    "And Soan," She nods to him, it segways away from the aparently crazy disciplinary board member.

    Mirielle draws Cirra's attention, as the Judge looks at the other girl, the wind catches her silver hair, fluttering it perfectly in the wind as she reaches up one hand to brush some of it behind her own ear. "Good morning."

Kyra Hyral     "Oh well that's good, Soan, or people will start staring." Kyra says, turning a little red in the face when Dominic admits that he doesn't have any handcuffs on him because they were already used. "...what? Really? They actually give you guys handcuffs?" Meanwhile, something on her clinks like a a menu item select noise and she digs into her hoodie to produce her phone, checking her texts.

    She frowns at a mysterious one that says 'clear out 17 points.' but elects to mostly ignore it.

    She eyes Soan for a moment before looking off to the approaching Cirra and Landon and...the mysteriously appearing Mirielle, "...huh, it wasn't a refuse bin this time." she comments, recalling a certain earlier conversation a few moments ago. "Well Lyria, you know how strict Cirra can be about...things." Any of the things. "Speaking of. Hi Cirra." She looks at the silver-haired girl, sizing her up, this being the first official time she's seen her.
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason pauses at Soan as he shows up and there's a bit of a grin on her face.

"Hey Soan, Prince Landon, Dominic, It's good to see you all I heard you already been out and adventuring already in the multiverse."

She turns her attention to Cirra for a moment having somehow avoided the gaze of Cirra apprently the Gods had liked her most recent offering she mused to her self.

Good morning to you as well Cirra. As for Exteraversals it's not rumors, non humes, people that do not have magic and their technology runs on explosions to put it simply. It's going to be interesting."
Annia Shirley Annia Shirley rubs her temples a bit. Even more people. She knows she's in school, but really, why here out of all places? She needs a better spot.

She was mostly unnoticed after all, so she stands up, and moves behind the tree, enough to be hidden by most, but not all of the 'schoolmates' here. Beside simply wlaking away, which would make her noticed probably, she has only one other place she can think of.

She has good agility, which is used here as she jumps up, holding her book under her arm, she lands on the one of the lower branches, and skillfully bounces back and forth along the others and into the higher branches of the tree she was sitting under, so she can find a comfortable spot on a thick one near the trunk. A V-shaped enclosure she can lean into.

She's pretty light, so she doesn't need a huge branch either, at least.
Landon al Cid      "I tease you often," Landon replies cheerfully. "Yes, well...we'll talk about the news some other time. The people not of this world, though, that's quite factual. There's a whole Extraverse out there, if you can believe it. Filled with all sorts of things. I was hoping you might join the Light Warriors, so I wouldn't have to drag around a small cadre of my father's team every time I go everywhere. He'd know I'm safe if you're with me."

     He shifts his attention over to Kyra, Dominic, Mirielle, and Soan. "Good day, everyone. This is my bodyguard, Cirra. Cirra, these are Lady Kyra Hyral of the Hyral Family, Sir Dominic Masoch of Masoch Communications, Lady Mirielle Edelweiss, and Sir Soan Saggitarius, a dear group of friends of mine. I'm afraid I don't know the other two," he adds at Annia and Lyria, "But I offer you two greetings, as well."

     "I was just about to go get lunch with Lady Edelweiss as an apology. Would you all care to join us? I believe they're serving pizza today in the dining hall, after all. Incidentally, Lady Edelweiss, I can't help but notice that you look very nice today. Did you get dressed up on my account?" Landon tugs at his collar a bit, as if looking at his tie. "I feel somewhat mussed, now. I ought have gone back to change after class, but the flight to Ramuh..."
Dominic Masoch "Of course they do. How else would I detain people?" Dominic asks to Kyra pretty plainly, tilting his head a bit and then reaching out to pat her on the shoulder as she checks her phone.

Dominic isn't inherently someone Mirielle thinks would interfere. Nor is he a delinquent or a rumor-monger. He does recognize this exact situation, as he had seen it once before. It was immediately followed by the phrase 'Never back out on your debts' to someone else, which was then followed by a pair of Monks busting kneecaps. Dominic had just been there to collect the bounty on the person she turned in.

Either way, he knows absolutely definitively not to mess with Mirielle at this exact moment. So he looks towards Lyria and gives her a friendly wave, "Yes, I have been into the Extraverse."

Cirra gets an explanation for her look, "Ah, Lady Edelweiss appeared out of the recycling bin the last time I saw her. I had thought I recognized her." He's not crazy. He just mistook a trash can for Mirielle.

"Greetings, Lady Cirra. It is a pleasure to see you." He gives her a respectful and somewhat gentlemanly bow. Annia gets one as well now that Landon has pointed out her presence.
Soan Sagittarius      Soan is not mad either. It's not paranoia to just look at some random trash cans to see if someone will come out of it. It's just another extension of looking out for things that are unexpected! He's not crazy! It's just his Job getting to him! When the two main groups in this suddenly crowded location gathers closer, Soan takes a step back to not get smushed into everything -- and not get into Mirielle's path.

     He don't fully know what the heck is going on, nor /why/ would anyone even dare to try to hide into such a ridiculously bad tree of a disguise, yet she did. No, her sudden stop on the way to Landon was telling on some degree.

     "You just learn to roll with it." The Thief says, snapping back to the conversation, tipping his head toward Cirra as she is presented. "Very nice to meet you! I've heard of you quite often, in the Department."
Mirielle Edelweiss     For a moment, Mirielle gives a bit of a spaced-out look to Cirra, as she mentally does inventory. Then, before she can begin cross referencing Cirra's face with her mPhone and a small notebook, she is introduced. She slowly slides her notebook back into a pocket before smiling airily. "Ah. Miss Constantine. It's a pleasure to meet you. I usually pride myself on being able to remember personages of interest but..." She frowns, then forces a smile. "Well, it's very nice to meet you." She replies, as she rapidly begins to recalculate. Then, etiquette be damned, she starts FIRING OFF texts frantically. There is a general sense of tension from the Normal People Who Are Not At All Responding To An Emergency All-Hands-Make-Everything-Perfect-Call, and many of them start checking their phones as well, surrepticiously. Then, she looks up. "Ah, um, no reason, um..." Texttexttext. "... Landon, I was just..." Texttexttexttext. "... You know, taking a shower..." Texttext. "... Because I tend to take my showers..." Text... text. "... When I can. Busy school life. Lots of studying. I'd love to--"

    There is a look of utter horror that slowly crawls across Mirielle's face as Landon casually goes 'oh, sure, why don't we all go get pizza, together, with this huge crowd of faces, that's ha ha ha so wonderful, right?'.

    The color drains from her face. She slowly slides her phone away. "Ah... Sure." She murmurs, her dreams laying broken and shattered at her feet. "A-anyway, sorry, yes, I'm Mirielle. Mirielle Edelweiss. It's very nice to..."

    There is a sort of dark, horrible 'I will literally kill you where you stand, and you will WATCH ME DO IT' look that she gives Dominic as he comments about her coming out of trash cans. Not that it's not true, but just... She'll kill you, Dominic. And from your blood will she bring forth the ritual of erosion, wiping that action from the face of time and memory.

    Kyra likewise gets an 'I hate you with every fiber of my being' look, but it's... It's too much. She ahems, composes herself, forces a smile and a bright look, and returns to the topic at hand. "The cafeteria? I could, you know, arrange someplace on Chocobo. A diner or other establishment! To celebrate..." She looks as if she may throw up a little bit. "Miss Constantine's return!"
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason ist just wtching as things play out and she looks over to Kyra for a moment and she nods in agreement but does not say anything more as Cirra is indedd here now. She does seem in good spirits about LAndon as she looks to her for a moment and had to wonder about that she's been meaning to speak to Kyra about that and she might just do that in a moment.

For now however she pause and bows slightly to the prince.

"I'm Lyria Mason, I'm the daughter of Yoko Mason the owner and operatot of Serptain Tail Shipping."

the mechanical sperent like thing tht was with her and seemed to be behaving it's like it knows do not cause problems with Cirra /around/.

She also looks over to Soan for a moment.

"IT's good to meet all of you."
Cirra Constantine     @emit
5tCirra nods her head to everyone introduced or introducing themselves. "The pleasure is mine. I just returned from my class B liscense. But the Judge Magister's thought it'd be better this way," Annia gets a sideways glance from the Judge. That woman is clearly suspicious, she thinks.

    "My return?" She looks perpplexed for a moment, "I've only been gone a few weeks. WE hardly need to celebrate an absence that trivial, but if Landon wants to take you all for lunch, I'm hardly one to stop his generocity." She pauses there, looking at Mirielle.

    "If you have business that urgent to attend too, I'm sure Landon can buy you lunch at another time."
Kyra Hyral     "Well uh...I dunno, you'd hold their upper arm or something? That's supposed to work, right?" Kyra asks, somehow still on the subject of handcuffs. "I mean I've seen it work." Maybe the upper arm trick only works on mages with a dump stat in strength.

    There is a pang of irritation as 'of the Hyral family' is added to her introduction and quietly she resolves to speak with Landon about that later. "We're all in the Light Warriors." she adds to the introduction, "And that is Lyria-" she says, pointing out the Levanti. "Oh, lunch with you, Prince? That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

    There's another DING from her phone. Kyra looks down at it JUST as Mirielle shoots her a DEATH GLARE of Stormfist proportions.


    "Who the /fuck/ is sending that-" she mutters, putting the number into Moogle to see if she can find an owner.
Dominic Masoch Oh hey, did someone just cast Doom 3 in here? Maybe Zombie? Because Dominic sure feels like a dead man walking.

"Oh. Lunch. Yes." He says crisply and in a detached tone. For all his brazen and lack of fear of messing up Ramuhan politics, he's going to lock down now and go for the most diplomatic way he can, "I could eat, but I am also very busy. I would not wish to intrude upon such a social gathering and upset anyone."

He looks around slightly and then looks over to Kyra, "I'm sure they're just spam messages."
Mirielle Edelweiss     The number in question that is sending her GO AWAY messages can be traced to an unlisted phone which, when traced, is registered to an Alexander Academy student who is on extended sick leave due to unforseen circumstances, has never met Kyra, and has no reason to be sending her those messages.

    Truly mysterious. It's probably nothing.
Landon al Cid      "I offered her lunch as an apology," Landon informs Cirra seriously, "I was quite harsh with her earlier, and it was wholly unfair, so I thought I might make it up to her with lunch. I hardly think a group gathering counts as a fair repayment."

     "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Mason." He glances over at Annia, hiding in the tree, but decides perhaps it's best not to push it. He's got enough problems on his plate right now. The heart of a high school girl is a dangerous thing, after all - particularly a high school girl who's Mirielle is.

     "But yes, I think a bit of lunch with everyone would be lovely," He gestures gently, "It would be a nice way to spend the time before my next class."

     He offers Mirielle an apologetic look as he informs her over the Light Warriors club chat that hell make it up to her /properly/ later. Landon is the sort of man who /sticks/ to his promises.
Soan Sagittarius      As things starts heating up, Soan has... vanished. Perhaps he was on the way somewhere already on the path here, or his meager social skills has, at least, recognised just how awkward things are here right now.

     Dragoon Man fights Chaos. Not the crazy, hopeful, easily-wounded hearts of school girls. If someone become aware of this weakness, the world could be in danger.
Cirra Constantine     "You were harsh with someone?" Cirra looks at Landon. "I'm shocked." she says flatly, deadpan.
Landon al Cid      "What does that mean? I'm not normally harsh at all," Landon protests, "I lost my temper. It's these damn talks, they're getting to me." He rubs his brow and sighs.

     "It wasn't her fault and I felt quite terrible about it after all was said and done."
Kyra Hyral     Kyra's silent for a long moment as she does a bit of internet digging to figure out who that number belongs to. She doesn't seem to have much luck though, "Weird, it belongs to a student here but she hasn't been here for a while due to illness. Maybe you're right, Dominic. Maybe it was a mis-text or something." She shrugs and puts her phone away.

    It still leaves her a little annoyed and suspicious though. Dominic tries to excuse himself over something in the air and Kyra mutters something quietly to him before leaning back with a satisfied smirk.

    "Regardless, let's do lunch! It would be fun."
Annia Shirley Annia Shirley might be suspicious, alright. She's hiding after all. She was there before, and now she's hiding. Maybe she just doesn't want to be seen. Or mingle.

After a moment though, ther'es some humming from the tree, musically filling the air around her, mostly to tune out the voices around her, maybe. But noone would know that without asking either, probably. She rather not be asked.

She does listen in though. The Light Warrior is being thrown around alot, she doesn't really know what that is about either. She picks up several names around too. She commits those to memory for now.
Cirra Constantine     "It means," Cirra starts, "That yo're the last person I'd expect to lose your temper. If you did snap at someone, it means you're under more stress then I've ever seen before. Your entrance exams didn't make you stressed enough to shout," Cirra crosses her arms and levels her gaze at Landon. "You need a break from one or the other to focus on the most important one and work through it until you're ready for the other."
Dominic Masoch Dominic was about to make a retreat not unlike Soan did, when Kyra murmurs something to him and he has to stop. He lets out a 'tch' sort of throaty sounds that indicates he's just been caught by her somehow. He 'ahems' a moment later to clear out his throat and then says, "You are correct."

He places his hands into his pockets and says, "Very well. I shall enjoy having lunch with you all." Whatever Kyra said has halted his retreat and forces him to re-evaluate the social gathering. He puts on a somewhat pleasant, if still nervous Mirielle might make his life hard, smile.
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason smiles a bit at the Prince but does hold back a little bit for now she listens as they talk things out and the subject of joining the Light Warriors about Cirra at least has come up and she looks over to Kyra with a bit of a look on her face like Lyria does have something on her mind. She look to Kyra while Cirra contiunes with hte prince for the moment.

"Kyra can I ask you a question? I had something I have been wanting to ask you and your friends..."
Mirielle Edelweiss     As things are talked out, and Mirielle takes a moment to call the alert status of her entire network through a few text messages, the sense of tension ebbs away, as a number of people start dispersing.

    Mostly, those people who were all checking their phones.
    Mirielle herself is quite calmed down, having been ameliorated by Landon's radio promises, and her spacey look of PORTENDING DOOM is replaced by a more normal spacey look of being...

    Well, Normal Mirielle. The conversation between Dominic and Kyra catches her eye. "Oh, I'm sure it's just random spam. But, well, if you're being harassed, I can look into it for you. Free of charge. Don't even worry about it. I'm very sorry it happened."

    To Dominic in specific, she just gives a little smile. "I wouldn't worry. It should be fine." Comes an airy comment, before it's back to Landon, and Cirra. But Cirra is helping Landon feel better, and Mirielle will get her chance.

    Soon. Very... Very soon.
Kyra Hyral     Kyra's smirk widens a little as this imparted information seems to motivate Dominic to stick around. Of course, considering the arrangement it would be sort of for naught towards satisfying his obligation.

    "If it happens after today, then maybe, Mirielle. They're so close together I think it was just some kind of weird mistake." Kyra shrugs. Why would she go away right now anyway when she has friends to hang out with. "Eh? What's your question, Lyria?"
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason looks to Kyra as she has a bit of a look on her face before she muster it up and ask.

"I was interest in joining the light warriors, given your guys focus on exploring the multivese I'm quite interested to join you, given your golds and habit of ending uip in quite memorable situations!"
Landon al Cid      "I hardly feel that's enough, Lady Edelweiss," Landon replies firmly, "I made you a promise and I do intend to keep to it."


     The Alexander Academy Dining Hall is something of a fascinating study in randomness. Students whisk across the room at paces best described as 'frenetic' or 'frantic', carrying lunch trays of locally-grown (and excellent) meals to and fro as they pack in a quick meal between classes. Students of all ages eat here for free, as the cost of the meals is included in tuition, and a very large segment of the population takes them up on that.

     Landon has managed to secure a table for the group, along with a large local pizza and drinks. He did so himself, refusing to allow anyone else to do any of the work; it was possibly important to him that he do it himself. Nonetheless, it's good food. It's not *amazing* food, because it's still a school cafeteria, but it's an /elite/ school cafeteria. The chefs are chefs, and not schmucks.

     Landon sits back down, finally, and reclines a bit, a smile on his face. Truth be told, he looks much happier after all that than he has in recent time. The exertion was comfortable, and much less frustrating than the mental exertion of politics. "So, then. To good friends and fair foods, hm?"

     He takes a slice of pizza, lifts his plastic fork and knife, and starts cutting into it with the table manners of a nobleman.
Cirra Constantine     Somewhere in this transition, Cirra has changed out of her armor in into something a little less obvious. Well a black long lseeved shirt and miniskirt is less obvious /for Cirra/. She's kind of a work in polar opposites a lot of the time.

    "Tell me more about this ...Extraverse. Can people really exist without magic?" she asks when Landon returns. "It doesn't seem possible for a world to work without it."
Annia Shirley There's a schoolgirl that did follow... for some reason. Free food likely being that reason, but still sitting away from the rest. She just listens in right now. She's heard stuff about Light Warriors, so she's kept keeping mental notes of whatever it might be.

Pizza is nice though, she hasn't eaten that in a while. She also eats with rather polished manners. She taps with the tip of a plastic fork on the table, some regular rhythm, like a song she has in her head.
Akurusu Yami A few members of the Gigas class stand near one of the doors entering into the dormitories, making snickering remarks at a young Medusa-tier student. Said student appears to be wearing robes that are, quite simply, goofy. They're Calculator robes, emblazoned with various symbols of pluses and minuses and mathematical formula.

With a swagger one places his hand on the boy's shoulder, "This is our eating hall. For warriors and real heroes. People who have more power get to decide stuff, and we don't like you sitting there..."

His compatriot stands beside him, both of them looming over the young lonesome boy at the table.

A gauntleted hand comes to rest lightly on both of the Gigas tier student's shoulders.

"People who have more power get to decide stuff?"

They are spun around, coming face to chest with the Demon Prince of Music Room Four.

Akurusu Yami.

He stares down at them, disdainfully, "Get to decide stuff. That's the best you can f***ing manage you f***ing piece of vermin? People who have the f***ing /will/ determine things. F***ing /determine/. And I /determine/ that you miserable, sh**licking losers just lost your right to come into this hall. Get out of my sight."

The two boys take off at a run, rushing into the exterior corridor.

Akurusu looks at the Medusa-tier student, "You know their level?"
The boy blinks and shakes his head, eyes wide.

Akurusu frowns, "Figure it out. Make them fear you. If you blind, confuse them, or worse, you can wear whatever you f***ing want. They'll be back. I'm not your f***ing savior."

He strides over to the food line, metal shod boots clicking on the floor, shaking his head.
Kyra Hyral     To the question of Lyria, Kyra looks thoughtful. "I have no problem with it but I'd want to bring it up with Soan and Kamon. Well and everyone else around too!" She glances to Landon and Dominic.

    Suddenly, scene transition. At last, the promised pizza.

    Kyra's pretty happy too since it does give the likes of Landon and Dominic time to relax for once and not worry about all the Ramuh politics or world politics in general. Or about bounty points (LOOKING AT YOU DOMINIC).

    "A knife and fork?" Kyra looks at Landon in askance, brazenly addressing her own slice with her hands like some kind of barbarian. "If I knew we were going to be this fancy today I would have worn my business hoodie." She teases in between catching a stretchy bit of cheese between her teeth and the slice she's gnawing on.

    As she eats, she pauses, hearing the clinking of metal boots that don't sound like standard armored greaves or whatever it is they have the Knights wearing these days. Boots that sound like hers but aren't really. She narrows her eyes. "Mmm. It's /him/."
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason says "Oh I figured as much but since I know you the best I wanted to bring it up with you, first right and I'd be happy to talk to them on it."

Then the transition happens.

There is food it is good, and there. "Yes, we had a number of Guests on Victory day who could not use it from what I'm aware of. I spoken to many already as well. Heard about how many worlds suns are just ... long running controlled explosions called Fusion reactions rather than a God."

She looks over to Landon and Dominic milling over her eariler talk with Kyra about joining but there's a lot going on here. She's just moving to eat her slice with her hands.

"It's proper to eat this food with your hands."

She's at least chewing it for a moment before she contiunes.

"I'm not kidding about it either, it's just ... I wonder about worlds where they don't have white magic, they are totally reliant on lesser forms of healing..."

She pauses for a moment as things get more metal she just pauses now looking over at Akurusu and just watches him with intrest.

But Kyra is here, and he knows that if she caught him trying to chase a bounty at this precise moment, he'd get a half-dozen darts to the spine and a lecture to boot. So Dominic lets the two boys make their escape. The Fencer, instead, looks down at his pizza.

The Dark Prince of Music Room Four. Dominic narrows his eyes again. He has to internally approve of some good, old-fashioned, vigilante justice. He won't voice that, though, mostly because of the fact that doing so would be bad for someone who works for the Disciplinary Committee.

He looks over to Kyra and smiles, instead. As if to show her that he's totally not running off to work right now, "At least he helped that boy out."
Cirra Constantine     Cirra raises her hand between Landon and his plate of pizza, "You know the rules." she tucks her hair behind one ear and leans over, taking a bite from Landon's pizza, chews and swallows. Is this... a couple eating!?

    "I don't taste any poison." Nope.

    Trouble brews in the adjacent hallway, and Cirra begins to rise to her feet, then Akaratsu, the Demon Prince of Music Room Four interveans. "Hmph... I can't agree with his methods, even if I can't argue the results."

    The irony is lost on her.
Cassandra Dolet A group of students start doing a dance line through the cafeteria line.

Cassie Dolet is not to blame.

Cassie sashays through a completely different line, books balanced on her head and in her arms as she eyes the cafeteria, spots a Certain Group Of Always Entertaining People, then starts making her way over.
Landon al Cid      Landon watches the madness with Akurusu for a long moment. He looks back at Lyria.

     "Yes, I'm aware. I don't want to get grease on my hands before class. I might need to finish up an assignment on the way, and if I need to use my mPad after eating pizza...well." He chuckles. He's not offended by it; a lot of people seem to think the nobility doesn't know how to interact with commonfolk. He chuckles at Kyra. "I don't think it's all that FANCY, Lady Hyral. But, you know, we humes figured out tools for a reason, after all. May as well make use of them."

     ""Ah, yes, that was kind of him, wasn't it?" He offers to Dominic as Cirra takes a bite of his pizza. He gives her a sidelong glance, but he doesn't say anything. It IS technically the rules! She's a bodyguard. She's supposed to guard his body. "I can't say I approve of his language, but at least he was willing to help the boy. Very kind of him."

     Landon, too, once was into metal, after all. It was a brief, private, and embarassing phase he doesn't talk much about. He was never much of a rebellious kid, after all.

     He lowers his head to Cassandra. "Good day, Lady Dolet."

     He also tilts his head over at Annia, watching her for a moment, as though he's trying to place her. Cirra's question disrupts his chain of thought. "Yes, evidently. Isn't it mad? How do you have gravity without Gravity? How do you have light when your light source is like a constantly-exploding Bomb? I can't imagine living under such a thing."
Akurusu Yami Aku pushes his way towards the meat counter. He pauses, regarding the meat.

He stands, staring at it.
As if considering it.
Judging it perhaps?

He sees the juice dripping from it. And looks at the 'chef.'

"Rare cut."

The chef nods, apparently used to Aku's preferences.

He slices a hunk of meat from the as of yet unprepared meat waiting behind him. He pauses only to sear it, flames seeking high as he plunges it into the raw flames for only a few brief moments, and then places the charred slab onto a plate.

Aku nods, briskly, taking the plate and walking towards a table.

He pauses, looking at those gathered at the table.


The diners scatter as Akurusu sits..

He unlimbers his guitar, resting it against the harsh wood, as he takes a knife and cuts open the meat.

The thick, sanguine juices from the inside flood out into the plate as Akurusu feeds. Aku pauses half-way through his repast, and with care slides his guitar from its casement.

The instrument pulses softly, the air seeming to grow staler, darker, but yet more portentous.

Aku looks at the plate, and the meat..

He makes a few more harsh slices, picking up strips of the rare flesh and swallowing them ,before he turns and lightly drips the bloody juices onto the strings.

A soft, sepulcheric tone resonates as the strings seem to draw up their own feast, ebon black strings almost gleaming as the fluids disappear into them as quickly as hope on a cold dark night.

Aku turns his head to the gathering, looking at Kyra.

He hrmphs once, and then turns back to his instrument, lighting drawing his fingers down the now bone dry strings.
Kyra Hyral     "Oh, but that's what napkins are for, right?" Kyra continues to tease. Among friends, it's obviously not meant to be taken that seriously. Just a little lighthearted joshing! Apparently this is a thing for her when she is relaxed. She stares for a moment as Cirra just helps herself to Landon's food and-oh, right, poison testing. "Wow." she says quietly, "That's so delightfully oldschool! A Hume poisons tester!"

    Kyra catches that look from Dominic and...actually misinterprets it a little. She smiles back but she didn't know that he's actually itching to get up and resolve some conflicts that the DARK MUSIC PRINCE already got to. "Oh, yeah, not to sound morbid or anything but worlds without white magic are filled with lots of dead and/or risk adverse people it seems. I haven't been able to look at that too closely so far. But the multiverse is pretty awesome, Cirra, you should go check it out sometime. And those bomb suns are pretty intense. The one on Faruja's world gave me some sunbur-oh, dancing again."

    Excuse Kyra for a moment as she pulls out her phone to record the dance line that winds its way through the cafeteria. Only the pricking of her skin alerting her to the fact that a fel gaze is upon her tears Kyra away from the recording in progress. She looks up, green eyes falling upon Aku...and narrowing. With a huff, she looks away.
Mirielle Edelweiss     Mirelle is sitting at the table, with her pizza, eating it normally. Like a normal person. She eats the gooey, delicious, cheesy pizza, and she doesn't say a word. She sits there, and is very intently eating her pizza. Students come and go, and some even approach her with books, or papers, and try to talk to her, and she very POINTEDLY ignroes them. After a bit, people get the memo, or people are GIVEN the memo that, currently, the service desk is closed.

    After eating her first slice, she eats the second.

    Bite. Bite. Bite. Landon is sitting there, talking and laughing.

    Bite. Bite. Bite.

    Cirra takes a bite out of his pizza to 'check it for poisons'.

    Bite. Bite. Bite.

    She very methodically eats the crust of her pizza, and lays her hands on the table, and adjusts her glasses, and smiles airily. The smile is soulless. Her stare, dead-eyed. She doesn't interact. Akarusu gets an intense sense that he could probably write a really good broody metal opera but he just can't place WHERE THE VIBE IS COMING FROM.

    The dancing gets her to break her Doomtastical reverie, and she takes a moment to appreciate the coordination.

    And the Cassandra Dolet.

    Mirielle goes for another slice, and consoles herself that at this point, the cheese has cooled to a temperature that wasn't burning her mouth for lack of caring or attention paid.
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason says "I have only been to one location off world so far I need to get out and explore more."

she pauses at Cirra and politely does not comment hey it's her job it is the prince, she gets it. She looks to Kyra with a bt of a grin at her friend and then pause as the dangers come in she sighs smirks at her fellow child of the first flood.

"Uhoh we have some more company."

She looks o the Pince now and pauses at Mirielle's reaction to Cassie's rrival. Then finally speaks up to the prince.

"Prince Landon if you have a moment do you have any issue or concerns if I were to pursue joining the light warriors?"
Cirra Constantine     Cirra remembers that phase, you won't escape that memory Landon.

    "Not so much a poison taster." Cirra hmmns, "more like, if he gets poisoned, being poisoned in turn is my suitable reward for letting it happen. I have to share my fate with Landon, no matter what."

    "To that end, I'll join the Light Warriors and travel this Extraverse, with its exploding, burning suns, its people without magic and other strange ways." She nods to herself.

    She glances at Aku as he feeds his guitar, "Mh.... so the rumors are true, he is a Dark Knight."

    Then, CONGA LINE. Cirra frowns, "Please refrain from making the other students dance, it interrupts what they're doing."
Dominic Masoch     Keep your head down, Dominic. Soan managed to escape, but you didn't. Just keep your head down don't get involved in ANY of the brewing trouble.

    He returns Kyra's return smile and then goes about the matter of staring intently at his plate and eating his pizza studiously. If you aren't looking at the elephant parade in the room, it surely won't trample you.

    He looks up at the dance line as it passes through and lets out a soft 'huh' as it goes, before looking at the approaching Cassandra Dolet and giving her a nod of his head. And then he just goes back to silently eating.
Cassandra Dolet "Hey, I didn't make them do a darn thing." Cassie protests. "The flash mob, that was all me, really, the conga lines? That's base, really. Ask the other Dancers." Cassie sniffs, a mighty noise of someone who disapproves of such base things like a conga line. She does seem to be hiding a small smile, though.

"Prince, Lord Masoch, Kyra, eyyyyy, how's the pizza?"
Landon al Cid      "It really is bizarre," Landon agrees with Cirra thoughtfully as he eats, "It's...I've only been to two worlds so far, but one of them I visited only through slumber. We fought a tyrant-god-king who wielded sunfire in his hand. The other was much like our own, but they had technology independent of magic, and a small girl transformed into a massive dragon before my eyes. We fought her down, and she returned to herself. It was most unusual."

     "Ah, can you tell that already?" He asks, looking over at Cirra curiously, then over at Akurusu. "Is he really? I suppose it does fit...although he's a bit more, erm..."

     *Angrier than you*, Landon doesn't say, but he does think quite fiercely. He also *pointedly* doesn't comment on the bit about sharing her fate with his - he's *not* a moron, after all, nor is he a harem anime protagonist. He's actually *competent* at this sort of thing, and he knows that to say anything - at all - is to drastically alter the battlefield in a most dangerous way. So he keeps his mouth actually freaking shut.

     He glances over at Dominic and offers him a wry smile, then takes another bite of his pizza politely. "People simply seem to burst into dance when you're around, then, Lady Dolet. I suppose it's either a gift or a curse, depending on how you look at it. Would you care for a slice of pizza? I think our little group has more than enough."
Mirielle Edelweiss     Mirielle looks entirely dead eyed at Landon, and then her vision pans, slowly, to Cirra. There is a slight pause as she places down her crust onto her plate, and then she very intently asks Cirra Constantine a question.

    "So... Carrying some Poisona potions is out of the question, then?" She wonders, quite directly. She then smiles, and gives a very fake sounding laugh. "Ha! Ha. Ha." It's very mechanical. Then, she reaches into her uniform's numerous pockets and small utility pouches and withdraws a piece of paper. No, wait. It's magical paper. Becuase instead of carbon transfer, it's MAGICAL carbon transfer. Becuase science is magic.

    "If you'll be joining, you'll probably need to use the proper channels." She offers entirely pleasantly, if spacily. "And be vetted by the current members, I think the arrangement was?" She asks, as she slides the papers over the cafeteria table.

    A dark, horrible idea blooms in Mirielle's heart. Oh yes. Her black heart filled with an illicit joy at her thoughts, unchained by crushing, depressing reality. For a few moments, she lets herself enjoy that feeling.

    Then she squelches it, for burning bridges is a poor way to make inroads. You need to cross the stream that's known Landon closely since he was a child and has every advantage somehow, and building a bridge is a very good way to do it. As is, you know, bombing the entire landscape and reshaping the countryside until that vexing river is gone from time and memory.

    But, you know, bridges! Bridges are good.
Landon al Cid      "No, I've no particular objections to you joining the Light Warriors. Nor you, Cirra," Landon adds thoughtfully, "Why? Ought I? Or have we just instituted interviews? I suppose it *is* a good policy, and we did make Mirielle go through it - so we ought to make it fair to everyone, hm?"
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason says "It seems you been on some pretty interesting adventures already and ... technology alone? I admit I'm curious if it can be applied to my own work I admit."

She consumes more wonderful pizza and tries to not think about the fact the Guitar was /eating/ things. Why the heck did it do that? Eithere way she suspects she'll find out sooner ort later.

"I'm honestly not sure if you guys had some sort of hazing or would throw some sort of quest at us over it."

She grins at the prince.

"You can never tell given some of the stories already floating about about the Light Warriors."
Cirra Constantine     "There are a few things a potion won't cure." Cirra takes the papers, "But I do keep some, yes." she looks over the papers, she looks at Mirielle as those dark thoughts race through the other girl's heart and mind. Ice blue eyes threatening to pierce through and see what she was thinking.

    "Thank you." nope, Judges can't read minds. "Who are the current members?" she leafs through the papers and takes a pen out of her pocket, only it's a magical pen. She begins making marks on the pages.

    "He's feeding his weapon, though it has an ... uncommon form. It's something a lot of dark knights do. I don't because I have the Judge Blade." She frowns at a portion of the papers.

    "I don't have any parents, what should I fill in for that?" That was /remarkably/ matter of fact.
Akurusu Yami Akurusu looks at the plate, he looks at the guitar.

His eyes narrow for a moment. He grips the neck of the guitar, before axe-like, he resheathes it.

He stands, licking his own fingers clean of the juices from the meat.

As the conga line dances past him, he seems non-plussed and merely looks at Cassandra for a brief assessing moment.

The weapon seems to thrum and vibrate even within its casement.

The dark energies thrumming, a muffled rumble in tune with the conga seems to be trying to calling its thrums and vibrations seeming to become heartbeat like.

Aku lightly raps the guitar, before he gives a wary eye to Cirra.

He slowly walks past the gathered students, gazing down at them, eyes narrow and cagey, almost a jealous anger, but not an anger directed at them.

The door to the corridor opens almost of its own accord, revealing a younger blonde student bedecked in spiked leather armor.

She crosses her arms, frowning, "You finished stuffing your face?"

"I told you. I didn't come here for me," Aku responds, before he looks again at Landon's group, and then pointedly at Cirra.

"Tell your regal friend, if he's finished wiping his royal a** with silken paper that if he has need of us, I wish to see if the other universes are full of the same spineless, c***less f***ers that populate this one."

He turns, "Barbaccia, we return to Music Room Four."

The girl nods, backing away from the Prince of Ramuh's group, before following Aku out.

Akurusu Yami steps out of the door, pausing only for Barbie to step through before he slams the door shut.

The last view from within is his wild eye beneath his long lustrous black locks.
Landon al Cid      "How very rude," Landon observes slightly, but doesn't say more than that. It's basically impossible to infuriate him with something like that. If that was all it took, he'd've been /murdered/ in a duel a *long* time ago.
Kyra Hyral     "There are a few things that a potion won't cure..but for those things there are remedies." Kyra beams. "Or esuna I guess." She sounds super cheerful as she offers this bit of chemist wisdom, continuing to film the line of dancers even when Cirra harshes on it. Don't worry, the wonderful dancer line will be up on MogTube in about a few seconds.

    She stops eating for a few seconds to glare at Aku, green eyes smouldering with fury as he indirectly addresses the Prince through Cirra, claiming that he too wishes to see the multiverse. Once he's gone though, Kyra's quick to voice Her Opinion.

    "I do /not/ want him in our club." she says darkly, "And I will fistfight anyone who says otherwise."
Dominic Masoch Dominic nods his head to Cassandra, "Lady Dolet. The fresh pizza is excellent today. I believe they're using new meats as toppings, which I enjoy greatly." Pizza is nice to talk about. He can't blow up a room full of angry women with pizza.

He looks over towards Aku and the blonde girl at the appraisal of the group, but doesn't deem it worth pursuing as long as Landon isn't personally offended by it. If the Prince had had a substantial problem, Dominic would have voiced a concern, but beyond a comment of rudeness, Landon didn't do anything. And so Dominic looks across the table the Prince.

"I joined that Extraversal Questing Guild today. The one they call the Syndicate." He notes, providing a fresh topic to the mix, "I think the resources it provides could be excellent for exploration and quest-taking."
Lyria Mason Lyria Mason raise:looks to Landon and is grinning a little bit she seems in a good mood about it. She listens as Cirra brings up whom is in the club and then again? Things go full out metal as she watches the metal that is Aku. for a moment and the pause with the words he's got to say she just kinda stares. Okay Aku has giant ship anchors saying that and she just wits to see what happens there. She turns away back to everyone else and looks to Kyra.

"THat would be our resident metal head all right. So Sir Dominic have you hd any outings into the extraverse yet?"
Cirra Constantine     Cirra looks up as Akurusu gets up to leave, passing her by. Her shoulders shift as her feet widen in stance almost impercetably. She's ready to defend, or strike. It's not any concious response t or hate directed at Aku, but trained response. People don't approach Landon without going through her. Either metaphorically or litterally.

    Akurusu speaks disrespectfully and Cirra's face turns down. People have seen her frown, maybe even smile on occasion, but this, this is a growl.

    The Judge's fist tightens and the hilt of the Judge Blade grows like crystal in her grip.

    But the Dark Bard leaves. "I'm sure there'll be plenty to 'stuff your face' with." She says as anger tightens her grip.

    But the door closes, and Cirra throws her hand out to the side, a Law Card "The. Gate." The door glows blue and locks shut. The Judge Blade dissapearing from her hand.
Akurusu Yami The door seems to shake a bit, and the sound of despair issues from the far side.

Its a young voice of an underclassman, "Aww maaan!! The door's locked! I've only got fifteen more minutes before the next class!"

This is followed by the sound of someone running on the far side of the door.
Landon al Cid      "Ah...Cirra, it's really not that big a deal," Landon notes helplessly, "This isn't Ramuh. He has the right to say whatever he wants, after all..."

     Landon shuffles a bit in his chair, because he's basically trapped between three terrible cosmic forces.
Cirra Constantine     Cirra huffs! "Thats no reason to speak to you with disrespect." she holds out her hand, and the Law Card fades away from the door, returning to her hand. "And he's rude."
Landon al Cid      "But it /is/ his right," Landon rebukes gently, "And even were we on Ramuh, it would be his right. I would never stop a man from speaking his mind."
Cassandra Dolet There's a stifled noise from Cassie's section as she takes a seat, idly ninja'ing a piece of pizza to her. It's possibly a snort, or a laugh.
Cirra Constantine 5tCirra looks to the side, "I know that." she turns anbd picks up the papers, "I'll fill these out." She's gotten blunt and quiet, Landon knows thats the mood she doesn't want to be bothered. She can't just storm off in a huff though, that'd be against her duties.
Landon al Cid      "Well," Landon says after a long moment as he finishes his slice, "This was a pleasant lunch, wasn't it?"

     In much the same way that an assassination attempt is a pleasant encounter, yes, Landon is wholly correct.

     "It's always nice to have a meal with friends."
Dominic Masoch Dominic looks over to Lyria, "My excursions have been few, but interesting. I met a man who tried to kill me and then later gave me useful advice. I may make more forrays as time allows, but that will depend upon my classes and availability. Perhaps in two days hence."

He looks to Landon and then nods in agreement, "Yes, it was a delicious meal. But my phone just buzzed and I must head across campus to go check out rumors of a high-point target."
Mirielle Edelweiss     Mirielle doesn't sigh as things continue as they are continuing, and she doesn't gleefully interject or barb. She just sort of sits there, picking at her third piece of pizza's crust before finally looking around. "Well, Landon, this was pleasant." She offers, before looking to Cirra. "I have no compelling objections to Miss Constantine's membership, by-the-by." She offers, in a spacey kind of conversationally. Which is true. She has no COMPELLING objections. Spite is not really compelling, and honestly, it's not good business. She's had a lot of Feels today. It's really unlike her.

    She'll go brood over some numbers, she thinks. She likes numbers. They're very definite and comforting.