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Yunomi Stadler     Post-Factory, the usually chipper tanuki had been unusually surly to the staff, going as far as to snap at one of the medics tending to her. Frustraited, in pain, and overstressed from the events surrounding Namamura's capture and fighting Lute and the Kaiju, the mage had lashed out. And now the room was dark. She sat up in the bed, brooding, waiting for whatever poor sap had to give her medical clearance to leave and return to Nivix for work.

    Pity the poor fool.
Yunomi Stadler     Post-Factory, the usually chipper tanuki had been unusually surly to the staff, going as far as to snap at one of the medics tending to her. Frustraited, in pain, and overstressed from the events surrounding Namamura's capture and fighting Lute and the Kaiju, the mage had lashed out. And now the room was dark. She sat up in the bed, brooding, waiting for whatever poor sap had to give her medical clearance to leave and return to Nivix for work.

    Pity the poor fool. (repose to see if it catches in the scenesys)
Bruce Banner Doctor Banner is making the rounds at the Medical Center this evening. He's been trying to keep a relatively low profile lately, concentrating his efforts on more effective ways to keep his other half at bay under varying circumstances. His demeaner is rather causal, like any other resident doctor at a medical center might be. He stops by the desk on the way through the room corridor and snatches up a couple of charts. Most of them seem to be the routine battle injuries of what, to him, seems like a never ending struggle.

The doctor stops at one chart in particular. The patient seems to have sustained quite life-threatening injuries, but seems to be recovering fine, at least physically. Notes appear jotted down regarding snapping at staff. Thoughtfully, Bruce adds this one to the top of his pile. A moment later, he arrives at the door of the tanuki in question.

"Hello? I'm just making the rounds this evening and checking up on a few patients. May I come in Miss Stadler?"
Yunomi Stadler     Yunomi lifted her head up, and was about to say that she didn't want visitors -- but she recognized the quiet Dr. Banner... and... well...

    IT wasn't DeClere. Who would have had her head on a pike if it was she who had been snapped at.

    Her fine eyebrows went up, ears flicked back, and she gave a meek nod. "Sure, Dr. Banner." she addressed him. And she rubbed the back of her head.

    "... routine, things. I guess, if you can call having a ten tory creature fall on you routine. And acid. Lots of acid..."
Bruce Banner Bruce slowly enters the room, as Yunomi details a bit of the cause of her injuries. "Well, I agree those aren't exactly 'routine', but I can't say I'm surpirsed as much as I once might have been." He smiles a little as he walks over, checking the charts and montioring systems along the bed where the tanuki lie, to confirm that his charts and hers are in synch. "Though honestly, I barely if ever remember what the...other guy...tangles with. Typically it's a blur, flashes of intense memories or moments, but not much else. I usually have to rely on Tony or JARVIS for the run down."

Bruce pulls up the doctor's stoll that's nearby and has a seat. He causally crosses his leg over his knee and examines the chart, looking up at Yunomi. "So, how are you feeling today? Considering you had a ten story creature drop onto you of course. I see you snapped at some of the staff, but I imagin that's likely frustration."
Yunomi Stadler     "I'm fine." Yunomi staunchily says, her arms crossing as she shifts in the bed. Her ears still pin back, and she gets all the outward charm of a wet cat.

    She's also very different from the 'young' girl who had done a presentation on vines last year. She had the look of a college student now, the same that might have been wide-eyed in wonder at Dr. Banner's talks.

    Aside form the ears and the tail, anyway. Those weren't usual.

    She shifts her weight again, and she rubs the back of her head. "... I'm fine." She repeats, though softer and unconvincing."
Bruce Banner The good doctor remains steadfast and calm, allowing the woman to vent with her first response. The frustration is certainly evident. "I'm sure you're fine, but at least let a doctor confirm that fact for you." The smile Bruce presents is a trusting and warm one.

A moment later he sighs, setting the chart more onto his lap. "Technology, science, magic. Whatever it may be that brings thoses that visit here back to health from unseeming injuries, heals much of the bidy. But I'm sure you're still a bit sore. I mean, I've had procedures to reset bones. While the bone is certainly healed, there's still quite a bit of pain associated." Bruce puts on a look of simple concern. "I just want to make sure you won't be in any excess discomfort as you work your way back to your daily routines."
Yunomi Stadler     "I'm an Izzet, Dr. Banner." Yunomi gives a wide smile at that one. "I think that's the anathema to routine."

    The girl rubs the back of her neck again, and closes her eyes as she heaves a sigh. "Just work, then fights, then more works and more fights, and occasional bagel downtime. But work consists one day of 'building up manavimne resistance' and the other is cleaning vents that lead to volcanic pockets. And I don't think anyone in Ravnica's even heard of OSHA."
Bruce Banner Bruce cannot help but chuckle a bit. "Well, I'm sure if OSHA were a multiverse superpower, we'd likely have more to worry about. Though I do know what you mean about routine. Personally, I ty to avoid to many well... high stress types of jobs." Banner slides the stool closer to the side of the bed. "I know you'd like to get out of here. Not many patients are all like 'Oh, I know. Let's stay in the hopital a while!'. " Burce does this voice in a little sing songy manner, trying to elict a smile from the young woman. "Would you allow me to just do some routine tests to make sure you're doing as well as you say? I promise I will do my best to get you back on your feet and out of here if you are indeed fine."
Yunomi Stadler     "Sure... but you might have to fight Renee DeClere for it." Yunomi fires back. "You might have heard of her. She's on my dad's team. Gifted combat surgeon. Real close to my brother from another other Estano." she begins talking, rapidfire and of inconsequential things. "She's taken care of pretty much all my medical needs that Jiang Fu or The Doctor couldn't take care of... she was my PCP for a while, you know. Only three people are on the list to give me shots... this isn't going to involve needles, is it?" she questions, looking up.

    "Because strange people approach me with needles... and I turn into a rock."
Bruce Banner Doctor Banner is a bit beside himself as the tanuki rapid-fires jibberish at him. He simple takes a deep breath and waits a moment. Patience... that's all that's needed here. When the woman finishes her avalanche of speech, the doctor intervenes.

"I may have heard of or run into Ms. DeClere at some point. Though it doesn't surprise me that your father has his own specialists. He's very...careful...whom he trusts. I wouldn't be surprised if there were guns trained on me this very moment if he knew I was doing rounds this evening." While this fact might bother Bruce, he doesn't evidence it in any way. His familiar watch, which maintains vigilant watch over his vitals, remains silent in this discussion.

"Yes...I do see here that your short list of needle givers is rather...short. I shouldn't need to draw a blood sample, but if I should, I will ask you. I'd like you to trust me, but I will not press the issue if you would rather one of these three listed folks take the sample, Miss Stadler." The doctor's bedside manner reamins calm, cool, collected, if not a bit confused by the spout of information he had to just process.
Yunomi Stadler     "... no. Not you. Not here." Yunomi states. "If there was any chance of someone hurting a Unionite, they wouldn't be found on the floor. I'm decently sure Prime would have run over them. He has /ways/." Yunomi replies... then she freezes up again, and she shakes her head. "They took samples when I was admitted. Easy enough when sloughing off acid-burned flesh." She admits, and she raises a forearm. "You can't even see the scars."
Bruce Banner "I would imagine he does." Bruce acknowledges in a more solemn nod. He reaches out his hand to examine the forearm. "If I may?" He pauses his moment for a moment, and puts his hands up, open palms facing Yunomi like he were being held up for a robbery. "See? No needles. I don't like surprises either as I'm sure you can imagine." He continues forward if he's allowed to do so to examine the arm.

Bruce randomly presses along nerves and pressure points, asking "Do you feel any pressure or pain when I do this? How about here?" If any pain is indicated, he stops immediately. "The samples we have already should suffice. We might need another one further along your healing progress as a baseline comparative, but again, we'll make sure that your comfort is considered if it become necessary."
Yunomi Stadler     At the open palm to see that Banner has no needles, Yunomi raises her eyebrows and gives the Doctor the best 'really?' look she can muster, but she does lay her arm forward at his behest. "Yeah... I can't imagine you have any like for surprises... so is it an adreniline reaction, then? Your transformation?" she inquires, politely.

    "No, just poking fingers." she replies, then she gives a wry smile. "I'm decently sure my baseline hasn't changed in the years I've been with the Union." Yunomi replies cheekily. BUt she
Bruce Banner "A patient with a sense of humor. That's a good sign." Bruce smirks as he continues the examination of her arms. Things seem to be healing at a good pace, Miss Stadler. And if you're not overly sensitve to pressure, that means the nerves and muscles are reparing nicely."

Bruce leans back a moment, somewhat thoughtfully, to answer the tanuki's question. "As a matter of speaking yes, it is. Think of it as a fight or flight response gone into overdrive. The...other bascially my primal instincts of survival. Er, well it's a LITTLE more complicated than that, but that's he simpel answer. I have some control of it if I control the change. Increase in heart rate and adrenaline are the keys though I suppose." He offers his wrist to the woman, showing her the timepiece on his wrist. A softly blinking green led '74' flashes on the display. "That's why I have to monitor my vitals."
Yunomi Stadler     "So your transformation is at least partially controled by... the... hypo... hypothalamus." Yunomi deducts. She has a thoughtful look to her as she leans over to examine the watch. 74. She gives a slight smile, and she reaches to her pocket, and pulls out a watch of her own. This one has a digital read-out behind the rather plain face.

    "This is the one my dad insists I carry with me. It's a locator beacon. When I'm wearing it, it'll activate if my vitals drop below acceptable rates and send alerts to my dad and the Union. Pretty handy when I'm dealing with a mouthy opponant. Like Doom."

    She gives a scowl. "Or writhing tentacle angels from beyond the sixth circle. Really. Never go to Beli's Paradisio. /Craaaazy/ place."
Bruce Banner "You are correct. There's no 100% guarentee with the control, but I've gotten quite good at it when necessary. Still, i do try to avoid bring the Big Guy into delicate situations."

Thoughtfully, Doctor Banner examines the watch in Yunomi's hand. "I imagine that would be quite a handy thing to have. Tony has us Avengers wired up in some way, shape, or form back to JARVIS in case of disaster or city invading alien armys led by a god from another realm." Bruce's face is semi serious, semi humor-filled if even he doesn't know how to feel about it at times.
Yunomi Stadler     Yunomi frowns.

    "I'm familliar with that paticular God, in two incarnations." she mutters flatly, and she draws her hand back. Her hands curl into loose fists, but she drops her hands to the sides of the bed, her jeans-clad legs hanging over them. "So... am I good to go, Dr. Banner?" she asks, the friendly tone leaving her voice.
Bruce Banner Bruce can tell he's touched a nerve, and not the physical one. He draws back thoughtfully a moment. "Then let us speak of him no more, since it's not important now." The doctor firmly nods his head.

"What *IS* important is your health and well-being, Miss Stadler." Banner's tone is more clinical, but he tries to maintain a good-natured tone, hopeful that the girl's mood will at least be positive on the way out of this place. "It seems that the staff tests have all returned with postive signs, and you appear to be returning to health rapidly and well."

Bruce scribbles down a few notes, and signs on a line. "The notes say you don't need anymore tests for the short term, and you are free to return to your daily routines. If there's one language that's hard to translate even in the multiverse, it's doctor's scripts." A soft and warm smile. "Now please sign here and be careful out there. If there's anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask."
Yunomi Stadler     Yunomi accepts the datapad, and makes a quick squiggle in crazy moon-language that translates to 'teacup', and then adds, in english, 'stadler' after it. She hands back the pad, and slips off the bed.

    "Thank you, Dr. Banner. That's the nicest exit exam I've had in years." she compliments the good doctor, then exits the room in a quick manner.