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Rhapsody     Night comes. The light of day fades to the dark of night. All around Ravnica, lights can be seen flickering in windows of buildings, street lights, lanterns, atop towers, and from fires. The city truly glows with a light all its own once the sun has set, however, many people seem to filter up from the undercity as the sun dips below the horizon. The law abiding citizens of the city do not care to be below, and the ones that enjoy the undercity may start to creep to the surface now. However, that's hardly the focus of tonight's attention.

    Nivix, one of the twin spires of the Izzet League, towers over the Izzet Sector. The 'summit' of this tower reaches so high into the sky that if there were any clouds visible on this clear night, it would touch them. A sign Fuki may be watching for is visible high in the sky. Smoke coming from the very top of the spire, indicating that someone is working the Dragonsforge. With Rhapsody making her rounds in the Izzet Sector, and Sidonia ... unaccounted for, this would be the shinki's best opportunity..
Fuki     Night, the Shinki's best time to do anything. The darkness makes for a good way for her to plan her assault and with the windows flickering with light, the need to be careful is low. Most will probably be consuming food, some getting ready for bed for work bright and early the next day... and some... may not even make it through the night. But this is of no consequence to the Shinki at hand, her mission has been clear from day one and now, she scans the skies, waiting.. and watching.

    And almost like a Sioux smoke signal, she spies what she was waiting for. The Dragonsforge is active. "Time to make my move..." she smirks. With a small checklist being done, the more important members of Rhapsody's family away to her accounts, she nods and with a tap of the trinket, the wings sprout in and up the Shinki goes. Flight is nothing new to her, however, flight on this scale, a human scale, has still given her those giddy feelings of happiness, "I should take Lute on a flight one day... but mission first, everyone else later."

    With her face steeled in resolve and back to the stoic glances she normally gives, she makes her way to the top of the spire, carefully metering out the mana usage of the trinket so she has her escape plan. "Now, this should let me contend with whatever is there... he said that there was enough mana to use it without drawing from me." a pause, "As if I had any to begin with."

    With a tap tap tap, she lands on the outer edge of the spire, slowly making her way towards the outside entrance to peek her head in... o O (Where oh where is the dragon here... oh where oh where can he be... with long snout and hard scales, oh where oh where shall he be....)
Rhapsody So high atop the spire, the Shinki may have difficulty finding an entrance along the sides. No, these are dragons you are dealing with. They don't fly in from the sides, they descend from above! After enough looking, and should the shinki reach the highest point of the spire, she would find an opening through the roof! It's clear that the ceiling of the spire can open wide enough that Niv-Mizzet would have been able to fly in himself, but on this night, the opening is small. Enough to let the heat of the day out of the building and to allow the cooler air of the height at which the spire reaches, in.

    Inside the spire. the hoard that once belonged to the great red dragon rests along the back wall. Across the rest of the lair, there are computers, half finished projects, a sparring mat, and a spattering of other sorts of furniture that a trio of teenagers would live their lives upon. The trio wasn't OLD, after all. Physically, children, mentally, in their twenties, and it shows with the discord of the room. To one side of the large chamber, a large pair of silvery doors, likely mizzium, stretch from the floor to the roof, and are only barely open. It is in the right place that these doors would lead to the Dragonsforge..
Fuki     With the failure to find an entrance, up she goes and up... "Damnit, where are... oh.." hello, big wide circle on top with a good sized opening... "Dragons... right." she shakes her head and drops herself in after making sure everything was clear. And with that, she looks about and nods: Dragon hoard, check. Computers, check. Couch? Why... but check. Large silver doors that are barely open with an ominous look there? Yep. "If this wasn't a horror movie that I saw on the Shinki Movie Network... I don't know what it would be."

    Fuki carefully makes her way towards those large doors, eyes scanning the doors to get the composition and only getting unknown from the scans. Mizzium is something she's never dealt with but with them barely open, no one's going to notice her slipping in and keeping to the shadows, assuming there are some.
Rhapsody     Approaching the doors, the temperature would be felt starting to climb. The sight of the Dragonsforge would make it apparent what it is for. While weapons and armor can be made here, the amount of smelters, and other assorted devices for collecting and pouring metal, are here in high number. A glance across all of these would also find Ryxinel moving between a number of them at a quick pace. Seems that he was making some more mizzium right now, in fact!
Fuki     Heat... something that she didn't know if this body could take very well and, in an oversight, wondering if using this ice charm would have been the smartest choice, but it's too late now. She's in the area and what she sees before her make her smile. Oh how the Confederacy could use a lot of this. Perhaps the recipie would have been on one of those computers, maybe she'll go back and have a look. For now, however, she slips up to the corner and nods, taking the ice charm in hand and...

    She doesn't have her subtley here... no real stealth systems, no small form.... so she starts, boldly... "With the blue and a tiny spattering of red... we have... Ice lance..." and with a thrust towards one of the machines... she lets a lance of ice fly out, the red to give it a bit more destructive power and protection from the heat around the area. "Rhapsody's sibling! Face me!"
Rhapsody     If Fuki had slid to the right corner, she may notice a silvery wall above her, made of the same 'unknown' material as the doors. Etched into it, however, was a -massive- equation. So much Math that even an Algebra teacher, a Calculus Teacher, and a Trig teacher would just take one look at it and walk out. This equation, somehow, translates into the formula that makes Mizzium. Today, however, this was not the goal. The goal was the dragon that the lance was heaved at.
    Caught entirely off guard, the red finds the sudden spear of ice crashing into one of the cauldron's as a very unpleasant surprise. The half-finished mizzium alloy ruined due to the attack. Ever so slowly, the dragon's head turns to glare at Fuki. If only looks could kill. He was, after all, still a red dragon, a sort known for their anger even in Ravnica. "I don't know who you are but I will melt you down for my next batch!" he roars out, actually -charging- across the forge toward Fuki with every intention of doing as promised! He just has to get a hold of her, first.
Fuki     Fuki smirks, that got his attention. As the Dragon starts turning his head, her recording starts. She's going to enjoy this. "I am going to be the one who ruins you. That's all you need to know." she smiles that wicked smile and with a small incantation.. "Wings of blue, take me to the sky. Fly~" and those wings furl out once more and UP she goes! "Limbering, lumbering dragon, too large to do much, huh?" she spies the stuff on the wall, that... that will come later. She doesn't have time to take sightseeing photographs of the place!

    "Your worlds magic is nice, its easy to use too when you don't have a natural reserve. I can do something like... this!" she thrusts out the ice trinket once more, not aiming for the dragon this time as a fulisade of ice shards shoot towards the now unguarded furnaces and factories that house the mizzium. "YOu need a place to actually MELT me down now,. I'm about to put that on ice... and hopefully, permanently!"
Rhapsody     Ryxinel actually throws his arms up, expecting the storm of ice to come crashing down upon him. In fact, he was so ready for it that a wall of flame erupted before him to block the shards. When they don't even connect with his wall and instead begin to slam into the devices of the Dragonsforge, well, "STOP!" he gets -really- angry. A lot of this was Niv-Mizzet's legacy, and he wasn't about to let it all come crashing down around him!

    In reply to the destruction, the wall of flame that the dragon had called for is yanked from its foundation on the floor, condensed into a large ball of flame between his hands, and then thrust out in the shinki's direction! "I don't need forges to reduce you to a pool of slag!"
Fuki     Fuki's internal sensors start blaring. 'WARNING: INCOMING PROJECTILE!'. With a turn, oh, hello fireball. This, this is something she should have expected. Naturally. If there were trinkets to let her do it... EVERYONE HERE CAN DO IT TOO! "Well shi..." and the fireball lands home, causing the blue winged Shinki-person to brace herself against the impact... "Nnnnngh, hot hot hot hot hot!" as soon as it starts to cool down... there's some of that synthflesh scorched up and the clothing set on fire. A small incantation to cool herself off with the trinket and...

    "You need a lot more than a fireball to get rid of me, Forgemaster." she taunts once more, maybe she can taunt him into a rage. A raging dragon, to her, is a poor aim dragon... "What would happen if I made the roof come down? Or made more of those forges explode? Maybe cool down a bit and we'll see how we can do this!"" and with this, the gem glows a bright blue and another ice lance, wreathed in fire, comes shooting out, though the gem gets dimmer from that, "Mm... he did say limited charges..."
Rhapsody     A small smirk of satisfaction finds its way onto Ryxinel's face when Fuki gets hit by the flameblast. "You're in a forge, of course its hot," he snarks at the shinki before she starts taunting him again. There's a pretty visible twitch in the red's right eye from that. Hell, if this was animated he'd be getting tic marks, and lots of them. "You'll do no such thing!" he barks out, taking a breath. Eveyrone knows what that means when it comes to fighting dragons, however, the ice lance has been well timed! When it slams into the dragon's shoulder, it sends his cone of flame off to the side as he's spun around. No chance to catch sight of the trinket's dimming, but the ice lance has clearly left its mark. Ice against a red dragon? It's super effective!
Fuki     "Snark gets you nowhere, dragon." she chides, watching the lance hit the mark and the breath go wide. She watches the trail of breath and nods, taking a few snapshots of the roof as she spins around, gotta get that formula. Even if its part of one... she will come back to get the rest. "Yes, I think I will bring the roof down and then watch this spire crumble into dust... taking you with it." she smirks a bit and readies up another spell. The Dragon is reeling a bit, so it's a perfect time to go after the forge equipment again!

    The gem brightens up once more, now only if Fuki knew a way to see how much magic is left on it. A chill starts to overtake the area, chill being that it's actually noticable from the heat of the forge cooling down. Then white... white drops of something. Snow. Fuki's making a blizzard in a forge and the gem is quite bright from it! "Let's chill this overnight and see how long it takes to break! Sudden chill should break a heated up element..."
Rhapsody Thermalshock is a Very Bad Thing when it comes to the equipment in the Dragonsforge. Just the snowflakes touching down on the molten metal causes very loud pops and crackles. Larger water drops cause tiny explosions of metal where they fall. Any bigger and the spray will go everywhere. The sudden chill actually sets Ryxinel shivering a moment, still regaining his composure from the ice lance a moment earlier. Knowning full well the danger of what a sudden snowstorm in the forge can do, he opts to do something a little more drastic.

    In a flash of fire and rage, Ryxinel is suddenly a fair bit larger, and a fair bit more dragony. While no where near the size of his father, the sudden emergence of a dragon double the size of a horse is likely to be a problem. The breath blast that rushes out from Ryxinel's true form strikes the ceiling, then begins to reign down from the roof and along the walls as he desperately attempts to counter the blizzard that is being caused.

        This, of course, means he's not paying attention to the shinki.
Fuki     To be a successful assassin, one must have a few things. One of those things, Fuki forgot. A blade. She never actually prepared this body for such infiltration and assassination measures and as such, she didn't bother to put even a hidden blade in her boot. But, where there is a forge, there has to be weapons, even weapons that haven't been fully finished and ornated yet. With the blizzard still raging, and that gem dimming slightly... Fuki nods and rushes off towards one side of the room, twirling back on her back to take a few more pictures of the roof, where she can see some of the formula that isn't encompassed in flame.

    Turning back to look ahead, she smiles, a weapon... a finished sword, probably one of a few in the room that hasn't been sent out to be sold. The blizzard suddenly stops, the gem is dimmer now than before.. and a sword is now held in one hand. In hopes that he didn't notice, she brings herself flying more towards the dragon now in an foolheartedly attempt at a strike with the blade, though, with being so big and not used to actual combat... this might miss.
Rhapsody     Truth be told, Ryxinel was far more concerned with saving the forge than he was deflecting an attack. When the shinki lashes out with the blade, she'd feel it strike against scale, and beyond. An anguished cry escapes the dragon's muzzle as he backpedals, eyes coming down to glare death upon the shinki, "I will -end- you," he snarls before swiping at her with his other hand. At this point he would rather have her -out- than anything else. No more damage to the forge, damnit!
Fuki      Steel against scale is felt, steel against flesh and beyond is felt too... that sound of it connecting.. that wonderful, beautiful sound of it gives Fuki this smile, knowing that she's done her job. One precise shot... and.. Then the large hand comes crashing in, connecting and sending the shinki hard against the wall, the body crumpling down into a small heap. The head twitches robotically, eye twitching... it's not mangled but it does seem to be hurt quite a bit.. This body wasn't meant to be in actual physical combat and Fuki is learning this the hard way.

    With a quick snap, a large wall of ice encompasses Fuki and the gen dims ... nearly gone. "Damnit, not now, I need you ... I need you to stay working..." as she slowly gets herself back up. "Give me two more spells... please. Maybe three." the wall slowly starts to gain spikes on it.. "Please gem... I need you to work. Take magic from the flight gem, I only need a bit to get me to the ground after this and I can take a few more on my way."

    The spikes grow a bit more, then the entire glacial prison holding Fuki explodes outward, crashing into anything it can... and with the gem nearly depleted, she makes one more ice lance and aims it at some of the inscriptions on the roof. "Are those important to you? ARE THEY!?" she looks to the roof... wide angle mode... PICTURE SNAP! She hopes she got the entire formula with that one... but who knows.

    "I will bring this down. And let it be known... we're watching you." With a start, she launches that ice lance to the roof at the mural of the formula. "Bringing the roof down!" and with this, she takes flight and ... the wings are definately flickering, the magic is going out... and the gem on the ice trinket... is extremely dim, at most one more spell...
Rhapsody     A breath, a blast of flame, and quickly Ryxinel is drawing ever closer to the glacial prison that Fuki seems to have placed herself inside of. This dragon is -mad- at the moment, and wants nothing more than to turn the shinki into a bird feeder or a doormat. The flames keep pouring on, but when the icy spiked dome explodes, it catches Ryxinel clean, and a a lot of the equipment all around the Dragonsforge!

    "STOP!" Seeing the lance go screaming into the Equation above causes Ryxinel to panic... but this is Mizzium. This is the mithril of the Ravnican World. This isn't a metal that yeilds to anything easily, and while the lance causes the roof to shake, causes it to tilt inward a little, the possibility of losing the Equation is nearly zero. Still, this moment, and the injuries the Red has suffered from being point blank to the icy dome shattering has done its job. Scales are shattered, he's battered, broken, bleeding, and well, as Fuki starts to try and slip out, Ryxinel manages to move himself to one side of the room. A small terminal is there, and there's a button which gets pressed... That's when klaxons all over the Izzet Sector start going off.
Fuki     Fuki's already called for an extraction, it helps when you're in a few good to know groups. "She'll be proud." she comments, a smirk. Then, a laugh once the klaxons start blaring. And, as she's in a safe distance... a hope. The wings dissapear... sending the bodied Shinki hurdling towards the ground... and then into the awaiting transport below. "A few trinkets for Her... and a one for the Confederacy... and one for Murasame." a sigh comes to her, the Shinki recalling back, oh they're going to be so mad...

    "Serori will be happy, won't you think? Yes, I know she will. And Lu-Mey... and Souji. And Master..." a pause and one last sigh, "I'm going to have to do this again, that was fun..."
Rhapsody     The klaxons sound, Ryxinel slumps, and over all Fuki has managed to succeed in a lot of her goals. The forge is in tatters, Ryxinel is in ruins, and the entire Izzet Sector is on high alert. It won't be long before Union support as well as both of Ryxinel's sisters arrive in Nivix, but for now? Mission (Mostly) Accomplished.