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Owner Pose
Kudamon     And so Kudamon is seated in one of the holodecks! He offered to talk with Riva and offer her some lessons in how Digimon work and how they might be dealt with when they become a problem. Since he's still recovering from the fight, he's got bandages all over and still looks all rough and tired. But he has that serene smile on his face.
    The holodeck isn't simulating anything. It's a plain white room, like a box. It's probably the room type he uses for his reports, as a matter of fact. It's large enough to fit a small house inside, but no larger than that.

    He's seated in on a pillow near the center of the room. The pillow is floating, and has little tassles that also seem to defy gravity. It bobs in the air much like he does when he's doing his idle hovering.
Riva Banari Riva's arrived at the location, holding a tablet. Unlike usual, she's wearing a more casual dress of a black shirt and slacks with a trenchcoat. She's looking over data from the Union's networks, being vaguely studious. Kudamon can tell she's trying to familiarize herself with the basics of Digimon to go along with what she's learned with her experiences in the Digital World, at least if he sees what she's been reading.

The holographic room draws a bemused look from her for a moment, but then Riva notices the wounds. "Oh goodness! Are you going to be all right?" Riva asks Kudamon. Oddly, perhaps, she looks fine. "Can I get you some medicine or anything? I like the 'wise sensei' thing you've got going though. Very zen." She points out.
Kudamon     Kudamon smiles more warmly, approving of the studious mood that Riva is in. It'll make it easier for him to try to impart knowledge on her. His expression alights with surprise, however, when she offers to give him medicine. He shakes his head gently, "No, thank you. Medical provided me with some painkillers in case I need them. My data will mend itself with time. You don't need to trouble yourself on my account."
    As for the wise sensei thing, he doesn't give a response to that either way, mysteriously leaving how intentional that may have been ambiguous.
    "Before we begin with any explanations or lectures, can you tell me the basics of what you know of Digimon? And after that, any pressing questions?"
Riva Banari "Well... If you're sure..." Riva makes a concerned noise, before nodding and sitting down, folding her legs under her as she taps at the tablet. "So I've been looking up some things on the Digital World. According to my information it seems to be a world created as a side effect of human communications and computer technology. The beings there, Digimon, live and work in a variety of ecosystems based on the nature of the areas they inhabit. You mentioned that there were thee main classifications of Digimon. Vaccine, Data, and Virus, and that there's a complicated relationship between the humans who work with the Digimon. And also I saw mention of Digimon evolution based on various complicated factors that people continue to study to this day, hoping to unlock the secrets of Digimon and through them, the Digital World."

Riva grins. "Is that a good start?"
Kudamon     "That's a good start," Kudamon agrees, nodding his head once. He spends a moment trying to think of how to start. His eyes close, his serene smile remaining. When his eyes open again, he motions with a paw, and strange distortions accumulate in the air until an image is formed. It's an image of the known Digital World, at least the one Tatsuto is from, based off of distant landmarks.
    He then motions again with his paw, manifesting a sphere, a whole world, with continents, islands, ice caps, weather... "These are the Digital Worlds that we know of." He pauses for a beat. "A Digital World can have an entire history well before the advent of computers, or it can have an artificially accelerated history, like Tatsuto's. In both cases, it seems like we represent Human civilization in some way."
    "Digivolving is not as complex as it may seem. Digimon, once they reach a certain age or acquire enough energy to do so, evolve into a higher form. This form, at least in my world, is dependant both on species and on their choices and personality, as well as the environment they live in. Digivolving through accumulation of energy is usually temporary." He reaches up to tap at the gold digivice hanging off of his collar. It displays stats, even the level of damage he has, if Riva looks at the screen close enough. "This is a Digivice. According to teachings given to me, Digivices are very mystical objects that represent a tool to bring a Digimon of a young stage up to even the highest evolutions with the power of heart from a partner." He reaches to turn the Digivice around, showing Riva the symbol of Friendship on the back. "Mine seems to be themed toward Friendship. Tatsuto's is themed toward Kindness. I gain energy to digivolve to fight beside friends and protect them, whereas Tatsuto gives energy to Plotmon to protect those who need protecting, particularly the weak, or even misunderstood enemies. It's the emotion itself that powers a Digivice."
    He releases the Digivice. "Human emotions have a strong effect on Digimon. I hypothesize that, if a Digivice were to not be present, a sufficiently powerful burst of emotion at a critical time could still force one of us to evolve when we need to. A Digivice is just there to channel that emotional energy more efficiently."
    He twitches one of his ears. "Vaccine, Data, and Virus are the three core Attributes, but Digimon are also classified by Type. Beast, Reptile, Godman, Knight, et cetera. While an Attribute is a loose idea of which Digimon is naturally suited to fight another, Type is like 'dog' or 'cat,' whereas the species would be, say, 'golden retriever' or 'siamese'. Just a way to classify a large number of species."
Riva Banari Riva nods, and leans in to look at the hologram of the Digital World in more detail. "That's /really cool/. I've never seen a world like that before. Kind of a... reflection, or parallel. Something that's connected, but separate. I like it."

She thinks, and then peers at the Digivice, nodding ."That's also really neat. Do all Digimon get them or just certain ones?" The explanation of what produces power causes her to nod. "That makes sense. Like the ruins we found, right? These emotions seem to be really important and fundamental to how you guys work."

She sits back down again and taps at the tablet, taking notes. "Attribute, Type, Species. Got it. That makes sense. People do similar things with animals in our real world too."
Kudamon     "Digivices are actually supposed to appear for specific human-digimon partnerships," Kudamon explains to Riva, smiling at her uncertainly. "Mine is an odd duck, a Digimon is not normally responsible for their own Digivice." He taps his claws against it nervously, because he's not really sure how to explain something that defies his understanding of the subject. "Doctor Hunter and Tatsuto both have Digivices, but they're the ones responsible for their own. They only have one dedicated partner. My Digivice doesn't seem constrained with a one-to-one partnership, though."
    He lets out a sigh. Then he continues, "Yes, exactly like the ruins. Each of those positive traits we explained can correspond to a partnership. This signifies the nature of the partnership and often represents the strongest emotion in the human side of it, or some sort of path they are meant to take. Some Digimon species have symbols on them to represent different emotions. Like paladins and knights, of a sort." He takes a moment to examine his own Digivice, because, again, he's not as sure about his as he is about the general guidelines for how they work.
Riva Banari "That's odd. I wonder why yours works different than others?" Riva rubs her chin for a moment. "But Doctor Hunter and Tatsuto... So they have specific partnerships that allow them direct connections with their Digimon... Like a focus." She nods.

The subject of the traits causes Riva to gesture. "So if someone had a symbol like yours, they would also evolve in the same way as you do... And there was a record of all of those symbols, so one can find ways to help the Digimon deal with those people who keep wanting to cause trouble." Like Hunter. Or Black Tailmon.