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Lunara Traveling the Multiverse as she often does when things are feeling dull and boring, Lunara finds herself wandering into the Cavern of Life. It was almost as if she was drawn here once she became close, perhaps by whatever mystical power is allowing this place to even exist as it is. The dryad was awestruck by the incredible variety of life and climate from the moment she entered the place.

     After spending a while running around in an attempt to see everything, she eventually stopped and just stared in wonder. "In all my years, I've never seen or dreamed of anything quite like this place. This even gives stories I've heard of the Emerald Dream some stiff competition..." She muses to herself. As is often the case with her, she traveled here alone.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga has also found herself in the Caverns of Life, having wandered for whatever reason. Inga generally considered it to be the gods pushing her where she might be needed, wether it was true or not. This place at least was a pleasure to be in. It brimmed with life. The anima in this place was strong, coursing through her veins. She thought she could feel the beating heart of Gaia herself, her finger on the pulse of life-giving magic.

The wisewoman is sitting on a patch of grass surrounded by wild flowers, her eyes distant, having long ago slipped into a trancelike state, hypnotized and practically drunk on the energy. She'd been wearing a wool cloak over her long linen dress, but she'd tossed it aside and rolled up the long sleeves, even going so far as to remove her boots. A walking stick carved with norse runes lays across her lap, dark eyes staring, hardly blinking...

Until she hears a voice. Blinking, Inga shakes her head and looks toward Lunara. She smiles softly. "Hello," she greets.
Yari Takane To say it's been an awful past day for Yari is an understatement. First, she learns that one of the Fed's own recent undead might have utterly screwed with Sanary. Second, she learned that one Toph Beifong is likely involved.

The ninja had been so angry that her daughter all but ordered her to get out. And after all the magic she used recently? The ninja looks more pale than her bronze skin probably should. Even her scales seem far less vibrant.

As it is, the pair of Inga and Lunara would come across Yari enjoying the sunshine, laid out on a flat rock that's nice and warm. In an obnoxiously neon-pink two-piece. One might wonder if she's dead at first, or simply asleepy.

At least until she rolls over, and one eye lazily blinks. No, she's not getting up.

"Miss Lunara? Miss Inga?" Slight confusion, but it sounds welcome.
Lunara Surrounded by so much unspoilt nature, and feeling the life force of the place flowing through her, Lunara is in a very good mood. Inga's greeting startled her a bit as she hadn't noticed the woman before that moment, but she took it in stride and responded with a nod before speaking her own. "Hello."

     It was then that the pink of Yari's two piece catches her eye and the dryad moves closer to get a closer look. "Oh, hello to you Yari." She says as a smile forms on her dark lavender lips.

     "Who would think you could soak in the sunlight inside a cavern. This place is so full of wonder. How are you both?" She asks as she glances back toward Inga and turns to stand so that she can see both women at once.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga blinks again, eyes widening slightly in surprise as she looks over toward Yari. "Oh, Yari, you are here too? I must have...drifted for some time," she says. Inga's little spot was a bit hidden by the verdant landscape. Inga grabs her staff in both hands, planting the end into the ground and using it to help haul herself to her feet, obviously struggling but also obviously accustomed to it. Once standing, she moves out from her little spot to better see the others. To Yari, she tiltes her head, frowning gently. "You don't look to be in the peak of health at the moment Yari. What is wrong?" she asks, moving over toward Yari, likely to prod her as a healer is want to do.

"I'm quite well," she smiles to Lunara. "A fine place, indeed. As we've not met...I am Inga Freyjasdottir, wisewoman," she introduces, bowing her head a little in Lunara's direction.
Yari Takane Smirk. "The day that I can't outsneak a mage, Miss Inga, is the day I retire." That little taunt doesn't last long though. The prodding is allowed! All of the signs point to 'extreme exhaustion'. Likely of a magical sort.

Deeeep sigh. "I wasted a technique recklessly, and so I'm paying the price. Oh well. Mission accomplished."

Then, her teeth grit.

"...Plus there's a new 'irritant' that needs to be shown its place." There's a snarl to her voice, and from the ninja, that's a rare thing.

She finally manages to calm down.

Her tail points to Lunara. "Inga, this is Lunara. Lunara, Inga." She finally offers. There, everyone knows each other. Suddenly there's a pack yanked out. Sandwiches and booze are offered to the pair.

"But ignore my grumblings. How are you two?"
Lunara Lunara nods as Yari introduces her. "That's me, first of the Azerothian dryads, Lunara of Val'sharah. Anyway I'm fine, I was just feeling... what's the word? Bored? So I ultimately wandered here. Feeling much better now though, almost feels like this place has some sort of healing power, I can feel the life energy flowing all around. I may have to come back here again sometime." She offers before accepting a sandwitch and some booze before sitting to rest her hooves as she eats.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga pokes and prods, lifting Yaris eyelids, checking her pulse, examining her skin...then nods. "You could have come in screaming and I might not have noticed," she says to Yari, grinning. "Well," he begins, digging into the small pouch at her belt. "I can at least provide you with some herbs to speed along the process of regaining your energy," she says, pulling out a couple packets of herbs and handing them to Yari. "Drink this. Brew with just boiled water for six minutes and eat more red meat--the bloodier the better," she says.

Satisfied, Inga turns back to Lunara. "A pleasure to meet you Lunara," Inga says, taking the offer of booze and food. "Oh, well this is nice. Thank you Yari," Inga says, taking a swig of whatever it is!

To Lunara, she nods. "Mmm. The anima flow is very strong in the place. Intoxicating, isn't it?"

To Yari, a smile. "What have you been doing? Shear any sheep lately?" she grins.
Yari Takane Yari chuckles. "You'll rarely be bored if you look hard enough in the Multiverse. It /is/ something, though, isn't it?" She taps her armlet, and brings up a screen of the magical flow in the area.

"I should send this data back home. Nnn. How's things at home, Miss Lunara?"

A look to Inga, and she takes the herbs.

"Miss Gorgon will scold me, but alright. Alright. Thank you, Inga."

The booze happens to be wine, closer to a Chardonnay than anything else. Garlean grapes, in fact.

The sandwich is braised chocobo.

Finally, she laughs. "Nothing so please, I'm afraid. Linh is growing up. She wants to be a knight, you know? Like Mister Gawain." She sounds /way/ too proud right now.
Lunara "Intoxicating is a good way of putting it. I hope it's not really addictive, though I suppose I can think of much worse places for one to decide they never want to leave." Lunara muses before taking a few more bites of her sandwich and washing it down with a big sip of her drink. Lunara is unusual for a dryad in that she isn't opposed to eating meat, though she still only does so rarely. The wine was nice also, and she figures she may have to introduce Yari to moonberry juice sometime.

"Things back home are uneventful. The orcs and goblins continue to desicrate the forest with their wanton expansion. But my sisters and I continue to slow them down." Her mood seems to sour just a bit as she speaks of home matters, but it passes quickly.
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga raises a brow. "Whyever would Miss Gorgon scold you?" she asks.

To the news about Linh, Inga smiles fondly. "Is that so? Well, that is a fine aspiration I think. So long as she doesn't turn out Christian," Inga grumbles quietly.

Inga makes a bit of a face at the wine. Not her taste apparently, but she'll drink it all the same.

Inga turns her attention back to Lunara. "Is this not your world then? What are orcs and goblins if I may ask?"
Yari Takane Yari waves her tail. "Too much red meat is bad for Au Ra. Dulls our scales, and turns us susceptible to cold more than we tend to be. It's bad for me." Seems the ninja actually respects the Doctor, even /if/ she's increadably shadey.

Yari's not exactly an upstanding citizen anywya.

The ninja shakes her head. "I'll not have my daughter giving in to /any/ mindless religion." Pause. "Or that's what I'd like to say. As long as there's not an Eikon involved, it's her path to walk."

Eyes close. "Good luck. Don't draw too much attention from the Multiverse in your fight. You don't need more complications, Lunara." And she's pretty sure where the Confederacy would fall on that particular conflict.

Hey, more for her. After about five more sips, the ninja is /out/. Thankfully if either want to carry her back to Dun Realtai reventually? She's a small, light ninja!
Lunara Lunara is a bit surprised to be asked if she was of this world, as most assume not based on her appearance. She shakes her head before speaking her full answer. "No, I am from Azeroth. As for orcs and goblins, well, actually orcs aren't from my world but have settled there. They are large muscular humanoids, notable by their green, brown, or grey skin, and large, tusk-like teeth on their lower jaws. They are very agressive and some practice dark magics."

"As for goblins, they are quite small, with green skin, and long pointed ears. Goblins seem only interersted in making a profit for themselves, no matter what they have to do to make it. They build machines that they then use swiftly cut down and burn large areas of the forest in Ashenvale, where I currently live."
Inga Freyjasdottir Well, it certainly isn't going to be Inga carrying Yari. Inga has enough trouble getting herself around. She chuckles though, shaking her head as Yari falls asleep. "I will have to note that...sadly, my knowledge of non-humans falls rather short," Inga sighs, looking to Lunara. What is she, Inga wonders?

"Ah...interesting. Tusks? Goodness. That must be..." Inga stares off for a moment, then blinks. "Ah, I see. Interesting. They look quite fearsome," she responds. "There's trouble on your world then? Of course there is trouble on every world..." Inga shakes her head, taking a seat on a rock, hands resting gently on her staff. "I hate to see forests of the things that was most shocking to me about many places in the multiverse was how...bare they are of trees. In one of my is a city. A city of tall metal and glass buildings, hardly a tree to be found outside of the park. It's unsettling. I took up a second residence in order somewhere that felt more like home," she explains.
Lunara Lunara nods in agreement with Inga about the lack of forests. "I have lived in the forests on the continent of Kalimdor for thousands of years. It's only been recent that these newcomers to the land have begun to destroy the forests."

"My brothers and sisters defend them from these invaders, but I'm the eldest, and maybe I'm just old and cranky about it, but I guess you can say I've been a bit more... aggressive, in my 'defending'. But enough about that. I can't imagine living in one of those metal, glass, and stone cities, makes me uncomfortable just to visit one."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga's eyes widen. "So that is why...the threads are so long..." she says quietly, almost under her breath. Inga shakes her head. "You are that old? I have met others but...very few who...are so long-lived. It is still difficult for me to fathom," she replies. Difficult, especially knowing she is one, and that she is only at the very beginning of her life it would seem.

"I am glad there are those who defend the forests. Certainly, we used wood...we had to...but it is nothing like some places. Mm...the city is...well, I would not be there perhaps if it were not home to someone I loved," Inga shrugs.
Lunara "Right, I don't totally condemn the use of wood. The kaldorei elves, who are sort of allies of my kind, still use wood to construct some of their buildings and weapons, but the difference is that they live among the forests, their capital even being built atop a tree so large I'm not sure words can describe how vast it is. These invading races however, they choose to destroy the forest and live atop it's remains instead." Lunara explains before changing to the subject of how old she is.

"But yes, I am quite old. My father is the son of an elven goddess, and a sort of forest god, and has lived beyond recorded history. Even though I am his first daughter, I don't know who my mother is sadly. However it happened, I do not quite share my father's power, but I do possess some nature based magical ability."
Inga Freyjasdottir Inga nods. "Yes. I think it is mostly that there are just SO many people in that world. Too many people. The earth struggles with so many people," she says, idly tracing the runes on her staff with her thumb.

Inga shakes her head, smiling softly. "I would like to ask you many things about having lived so long...I have...become such myself. I see many visions of the future but..." Inga shakes her head. They mostly end the same for her. "I wonder how I will cope, I suppose," she shrugs. "But that is not for now, I have been here too long I am sure and I believe I should get home. But if you would like to talk more, you may visit me in Dun Realtai.I have a cottage there among a grove... I think you would like it," Inga says with a nod, reaching into her pouch again, pulling out a strange, golden orb. "I has been nice meeting you," Inga says as the orb begins to glow. Inga's form then levitates off the ground, the glow spreading to encompass her before she disappears.