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Rose Quartz Rose Quartz is ducking into the Big Donut. Even though she doesn't HAVE to eat, the adorable Universe boy has convinced her to try the sugary confections. It'll be her first time really eating on purpose! She looks down at Donut Boy and Donut Girl with a little confusion. While she doesn't understand 'money' very well, Steven gave her some and explained the basics. "I would... Like to buy a... Doug's nuts? Do nots? Oh! Donuts! Yes. Doughnuts!"
Guest4 topaz Guest makes his way through this.. new place. This town he's never sene before. Through sights and sounds completely alien to him. He looks into every window, trying to discern something.. untilhe stops in front of the donut shop. He looks in and freezes, seeing Rose Quartz. He takes his goggles off and looks at her with his own golden eyes, blinking, before he slowly heads into the shop, putting his goggles back down and his hood up.
Rose Quartz With a smile, she pays for the donuts, before patting Sadie on the head. Reminds her of Steven, a little. She's short, chubby, and has curly hair. And she's human! The big woman ducks out of the shop and sits on one of the tables, looking into her donut bag introspectively.
Guest4 topaz Guest looks back at her, seeming shocked above all else. He doesn't even acknowledge the short human girl or the human male with elongated ears. He just keeps lookign at her. He steps back outside, trying to stay out of her general sight.
Rose Quartz Taking a nibble of one of the donuts, Rose has a not totally displeased look on her face. "Is this food? It's delightful!" she says, nibbling on the donut a little more. She gives a giggle as crumbs sprinkle her dress.
Guest4 topaz Guest moves a little closer, but not too close, just.. watching her. This was the high-commander of the rebellion.. what was she doing just walking about and puttins stuff in her mouth?
Rose Quartz She looks up at the sky. "Six thousand years... And humans still continue to surprise me. Imagine, bread wrapped around sugar!" she says, taking another bite.
Guest4 topaz Guest widened his eyes at that. Six thousand years.. what had just happened? Had he wandered so long he just lost track of so much time? How could he miss human civilization building up so much?! He decides enough is enough, and moves to be a bit closer to her. "Ahem..>" he clears his throat to get her attention.
Rose Quartz "Hello! Are you... Oh! Topaz! It's been too long." she says, immediately recognizing him. "You look like you've seen a ghost! But truly, where have you been? It's been six thousand, two hundred, eighty seven years, five months, a week, three days, twenty hours, three minutes and fifty seven seconds since you disappeared!" she says, swooping down and hugging him to her chest. "I thought you'd been shattered."
Guest4 topaz Guest freezes up when he's being hugged. He's still not sure what is happening.. but decides to play along and puts his arms around her as much as he can in return. "I.. no. No such luck for the Homeworld Gems, thankfully. I... it's been that long? How?" He is still quite in shock, then he jjust shakes his head, before he salutes. "Golden Topaz, sabotage and spying division, reporting in after a long.. well, to be honest.. AWOL, ma'am."
Rose Quartz "Well that's not important now. Not only did we..." she pauses only briefly. "Win the war for earth, with the recent unification, there are so many strong humans to help us defend against any 'bad guys'." and she chuckles. "They're only humans, but they do so much with what they are given."
Guest4 topaz Guest blinks. "We.. we won the war?" He just looks down, eyes wide... before looking up again. "Did we get any captured gems back? What about Onyx? Did anyone find her?!"
Rose Quartz Staring pensively into the sky... "Come with me." she says, standing abruptly and holding out a hand to Topaz. "I have something to show you."
Guest4 topaz Guest looks at the hand, then back up to her face.. before he takes the hand. "Alright..."
Rose Quartz She leads him into Steven's room and there onto the warp pad. Not saying a word, she warps them to the strawberry fields.
Guest4 topaz Guest steps out onto the field, looking around, pulling his hood down and goggles up. "This.. I knwo this place.. everyone had to fight here, even the saboteurs..."
Rose Quartz "This was... where we fought the last battle... Before... The diamonds. It was terrible. The diamonds... they... I can't. I can still see it. So many of us... I couldn't save anyone but Pearl and Garnet..."
Guest4 topaz Guest looks back to Rose. His facial expression stays roughly the same, but tears quickly well up in his eyes, his breath catching. He brings a finger to his eye and pullsit back to see the water, as he looks over the field. "This is where it all ended... no more war, but.. no getting our friends taken captive back.." He looks down. "No getting my love back..."
Rose Quartz "No... She's still... here." she says, leading him back to the warp pad. This time, she takes him deep into the temple, down to the bubble-room. Reaching up, she calls one of the bubbles down. "They didn't shatter us. Not most of us. But what they did. It tore their minds. You can't imagine what it was like, watching them lose control like that." she says, holding out the bubble with his lovers gem.
Guest4 topaz Guest looks to the bubble, tears streaming down his face, kneeling into a fetal-like position, holding the gem to his chest. "No... no no no... please.... this is worse than her being captured.. to have her here, but..." He begins to sob, just clutching the bubble tightly.
Rose Quartz "Don't worry... We made the bubbles. She's not in pain. She can't see what she's become. She's asleep in there. Having a wonderful dream." she says, pulling Topaz into her lap for a hug.
Guest4 topaz Guest stays in the position, instinctually, pressing to rose and holding the bubble. "At least.. at least she's peaceful..." He looks up to her, wiping his face a bit. "If.. if you'll have me.. oculd I stay here? I.. I'm tired of being alone.."
Rose Quartz "Oh darling, of course you can stay here. Your room in the temple is just the way you left it." she says, gesturing at the door.
Guest4 topaz Guest looks to the teleporter, nodding and standing, sitll holding the bubble. "Can..can I.." he doesn't seem to eb able to finish the sentence, looking to Rose as he holds the bubble tighter.
Rose Quartz "Be gentle... But no. We keep them here. To keep track of them. To make sure that they're all in their proper place. But you can come visit her if you want, and you can read her human bedtime stories too."
Guest4 topaz Guest looks to the bubble... then sighs. "I love you.." He presses his forehead against the bubble and then sends it back up, watching it float before he looks to Rose. "I'm ready to go to my room, now..."
Rose Quartz "Are you sure? Do you want to sit here with her for a while?"
Guest4 topaz Guest nods. "I'm sure.. I want to get used to seeing my room again first.. then I can come back. You said that Pearl made it? And... Garnet?"He seems peeved as he says the last name, fists clenching.
Rose Quartz Rose Quartz puts a hand on his shoulder. "I know you didn't get along with her. But please. She's one of my dear friends, and she's grown a great deal since you last met. Many things have changed."
Guest4 topaz Guest looks up at the bubble again. "One thing hasn't. Onyx is like that because of her." He sighs, then shakes his head. "But fine. I'll behave."
Rose Quartz Rose bops Topaz lightly. "That's enough. It's not Garnet's fault. If you have to blame anyone, blame the diamonds. They're the reason that... so few of us made it."
Guest4 topaz Guest grumbles a bit and then shrugs, putting hsi hands in his pockets. "Fine, fine... let's just go to my room, already." He then makes his way to the teleporter, waiting for Rose before they teleport to a rather simplistic roo separated into three sections. One acts as a small workshop, where Topaz once made noise-makers, directed and construction-level explosives, and other various small gadgets. The second is a training area, which had equipment to help him keep on his toes, from fighting mats to dummies. And the last is his actual area where he rest, having taken a larger, well-furnished bed, a single drawing framed on a nearby table to be the backs of him and Onyx, holding hands as they watch a sunset. "Everything is exactly the same.."
Rose Quartz "It's wonderful, how the temple remembers." she says with a smile, sitting down next to him and fluffing out her dress. "So what happened to you?"
Guest4 topaz Guest picks up the picture, looking it over. "I left. After Bismuth disappeared... I couldn't take the fighting anymore. I was sick of losing the people I loved, so I went AWOL. The violence wasn't getting us anywhere. The enemy would always reform and come back and shatter us, take more ground, make more Kingergartens.. it was a mess. Bismuth said she had something in mind, but... then she was gone. And so was I."
Rose Quartz "Even I don't know what happened to Bismuth. But she's still out there, I think, sticking it to those 'damn homeworld elites'." she says with a smile and not even a moment of hesitation. "I wouldn't be surprised if she's back on homeworld right now."
Guest4 topaz Guest shrugs. "maybe.. or maybe she got captured, tortured.. turned into whatever caused you to bubble ONyx. I don't know... I just miss my friends..."
Rose Quartz "I know. But don't be sad. They're not gone. They just need time to rest." she says. "We can heal them someday."
Guest4 topaz Guest nods and sets the picture down. "Someday..." He sighs, then looks to Rose. "So, there's only 4 of the Crystal Gems left?"
Rose Quartz "Well, it's a little more complicated than that. I don't understand it all, but there are different timelines. There are... Several others. From further down. It's complicated."
Guest4 topaz Guest blinks and raises an eyebrow. "O..kay.. so, what? There are thse who won't know me, and I won't know them? Is there another you?"
Rose Quartz "Not quite... It's complicated, and I'm not even sure how it works." she says as she proceeds to try and explain steven.
Guest4 topaz Guest just stares at her. "SO... in a latertime... you form a union with a human.. and make.. or become... some kind of hybrid?" He sits on his bed, looking at the ground. "That's, um... odd."
Rose Quartz "You have no idea!" she says with a laugh. "That's what he thinks anyways. It's so strange, but wonderful at the same time."
Guest4 topaz Guest smiles just a very tiny amount, but it's enough."I'm glad you have had such an interesting time while I've been away... I missed being with everyone.. and now there's new people to meet..." He chuckles. "I'm excited to see what life will hold for me now."