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Drowned Ophelia Night; Night was calm, here, in the crystal valley. The light above reflected on the still, perfectly clear waters at the center of the valley, and all was calm and still. That is, save for the fire; A camp, pressed up near the edge of the waters, the fire light thrown in a thousand shattered directions. A simple lean-to camp, and beneath the canopy sat a woman. Her black shirt, with the falling raven, marked her as the Drowning Doom - and yet she was alive. Full and flush with life. Staring into the flames, quiet and still, with twin blade hilts poking out of either side of a spiked belt. There was nowhere to go, and nothing to do that'd make things better. Thanks to Staren's fat mouth and Ainsley's confirmation, Ophelia knew she was doomed. Doomed to whatever was happening in her after they 'rescued' her, doomed to return. A slow ichor trickle made its way down her cheek, and she flung it away absently. Before letting her chin sink to rest upon her wrists. Go back and try to save what she could? Or try to keep those.. people.. from getting themselves killed, sneaking into the Eastern Continent? Decisions, decisions.

Forgotten Ophelia:

Themesong: Iced Earth - When The Night Falls
Argast Wyrdseeker     What drew Argast to the crystal valley? Only one being knew, and that was Tzeench himself. Be it forbidden knowledge of Ophelia being there, or just mere chance, Argast and his warband had made camp nearby. The Sorceror Lord himself made his way towards the center of the valley. He needn't fear anything, for his magicks would see him through. "How strange....a pure place like this. Seemingly untouched by the war outside..." He says. At the moment, he had not noticed the other camp, but he was in full sight.
Alden Lazy night, pleasant weather... good time for a snack, adn a walk around the lake, chewing on a rather large sized piece of cooked meat. He brings Katze with him, just in case something happened, and is good, becuase he was a bit too lazy and distracted to spot the flames in the distance, and thus, the Shinki is the one that points it out for him!. The pair decide to investigate, the fluffier digimon walking closer to the camp, sniffing the air curiously, and simply peeking at the person there!. He is confused, it kind of looks like a certain person but... not quite!. He ends up interrupting her meditation with a soft, "Hi!", waving from the edge of the camp.
Drowned Ophelia Ophelia's head snaps up as something big, and in black armor, with pointy bits and more people in black armor with pointy bits show up. She immediatly slips away from the fire, drawing one of her blades with a whisper of steel. Face grim. DEMONS?! .. Well, they weren't wearing bondage gear or trying to spank one another, so it was hard to tell.
Which is when Alden shows up. Ophelia starts, spinning the other blade into the other hand as she crosses them with a clink of steel on steel. Before pausing, and lowering them slightly.
".. What.. are you?" She finally asks, a soft frown on her lips. "Are you a demon? Or one of the.. the other things? And is he with you?" She rolls her shoulder, indicating the CHAOTIC WARBAND OH MAH GARD over yonder. Between Staren, Ainsley, Inga, Berserker and Kotone she'd found that things were a -lot- more complicated.
It wasn't just humans/demons/tear drinkers anymore.
Argast Wyrdseeker     Argast looks over and the eyes under his helm widen. "Ophelia? What happened to you, Dark Lady?" He asks. It almost sounded like legitimate concern as well. "Do you not remember me? Argast, Sorceror Lord of Chaos." He says. He then points to the camp of his warband in the distance. "They are mine, and we were allied...the drowning doom must be a mess without their Queen."
Alden The digimon seems vaguely canine, with a yellow furred tail!, and what seems like a tiny neko girl perched on a shoulder. He was holding a somewhat large piece of meat, not unlike a leg of ham. "I'm not related to any demons!, I am a digimon, Beast type.... you can call me Alden." he offers politely, smiling and showing a set of sharp fangs!. He blinks when she mentions a 'friend' and turns around slowly to see the other person, blinking and letting out a deep growl at Argast, "What are you doing here?" he asks.
Drowned Ophelia "Drowning Doom...?"
Frowns Ophelia, her forehead creasing. And for a moment, the ichor dribbles down her cheeks - Eyes half lid. A curl of mist from between teeth, lips blackening, ice on her breath as the words call to some buried memory from a twisted spell-
And then she shakes it off, smoothly moving beside the .. the.. wolf-thingie-mon. And his tiny toy. Appearances could be deceiving, but at least he wasn't spikey, giant and black.
"I'm nobody's queen." She spits, spinning both blades and raising them. ".. You're mistaken."
Argast Wyrdseeker     "Hrm...sealing spell, perhaps? Your still in there...I can see it." Argast muses softly. Then he looks to alden, and one could feel the smile under his helmet. "No reason. Merely investigating why this place is so serene. How are your friends? Recovered from my little...spell?" He asks, with a dark chuckle following.
Alden The wolf-thingie-mon turns his entire focus on the chaos wizard, growling again, "It's where I live for now." he says softly, moving a bit closer, and not really noticing Ophelia's struggles. The laugh and the taunting seems to make him mad, "We are more than fine." he says, flames flying from his muzzle for a moment, before he seems to regain control, making a sign to Katze, who grabs the D-Arc.
Argast Wyrdseeker     Argast sighs softly. "I've not come here to fight. I'd rather not have to smite you, creature." He says, taking a knee. "Digimon, you say? I've not heard of such things, even with the knowledge granted unto me by Tzeench."
Alden The Gabumon nods, relaxing a bit, "I will only say, I am far stronger than I look." he mumbles, still somewhat cautious, but moving a bit closer, "We'll, we are made from computer data." he says casually, "I have noticed there aren't many digimon worlds in the multiverse, that I know of."
Argast Wyrdseeker     "Computer? Data?" Argast asks, clearly hearing new concepts. "Forgive me, but these are words I know nothing of. You may have me confused with my dark brother Alpharius. He is from the far further future."
Alden Alden nods a few times, realizing what is going on, "I guess I come from a more... technological world." he says softly, "IT's a bit complicated to explain... but I can say, I don't work exactly liek most living things."
Argast Wyrdseeker     Argast is even further intruiged by this, listening intently. "Please, do explain." He says, sounding fascinated by technology. "My world is so far behind...Tzeench, the changer of ways, has blessed your world. For my lord is not merely a god of evil, as change itself is not inherintly evil."