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Rhapsody         Ravnica, Sunday November 6, AU24.

    After far too long, a report comes from the Thirix Spire that their special project has been completed. The only people that received the message of completetion are Rhapsody, Ryxinel, Sidonia, and Corona Arclight.

    The massive room that contains the finished body for Thianel is lit by bright lights and is, now, empty except for the construct. He's an impressive sight to behold, especially with the suggestions that Corona Arclight provided. There are tubes, running from the top of the room down into his back, likely pumping in something vital to the machine. There's also a large lift below the construct, his chest open, waiting for one final component.

    As Rhapsody enters with her brother, she steels herself before so many other magewrights of the Guild. This was another moment of joy in a very difficult time. Her brother speaks as they move around Thianel, "Once Corona arrives with his core, we can start activation."
Corona Arclite You never start a job you don't intend to finish.

At first, that's all that reason Corona was involved. Rebuilding the artifact dragon was a project she could dig into to help her friends, and not get involved in the dramatics. But as the mysteries got deeper, hypocritcy ran rampant and innocent folk were put at risk she wasn't able to just turn tail and leave them hanging. She'd stuck her neck out for a few friends, their friends, and a place that wasn't her own but was kinda becoming a second home. When it wasn't boiling to bursting seams like a overclocked distillery at least.

But for now it wasn't about the politics and mysteries. It was finishing that job that now seems like it was started an age ago.

"Ah think he knows what's comin' finally." Corona's drawl is as distinct of an announcement as the cling-clang of her spurs was, holding up the protective casing of the core as she ambles in. "Been glowin' brighter than been in weeks."
Rhapsody     Hearing that familiar drawl, both Ryxinel and Rhapsody turn to Corona. "Corona! It's good to see you. Thank you so much for keeping him safe. With everything... well I don't need to explain it, do I?" Rhapsody greets, muses, and then catches herself. She'd give the fox a hug, but with the case and her brother eagerly slipping past her, it could wait.

    Ryxinel motions for the case, "I agree, thank you, very much, Corona," he starts. "In light of how this happened, I've prepared an additional protection for his core in the future. It is also the interfacing device, so, we need to insert his core into that first, and then," he motions at the open hatch, "You can enter his core. You've done a great deal, and even influenced his new frame. I think it's only right that you have that honor." The magewrights in the room, goblin, human, and otherwise, murmur and nod in both approval and agreement. There is no doubt, the Brimsteel woman has earn a whole guild's respect.
Corona Arclite "While Ah don't think he'd been at any big risk here, there's just been too many unknowns crawlin' 'round to risk it." Her tail gave a few swishes at the praise all the same as Corona lightly set the core next to the rest of the remaining apparatus near Thianel's new body. "Better safe than sorry, y'know? Considerin' how hard it was fer her to leave -this- part intact..."

Ryxinel had explained that before while they worked, that normally the artifact shattering spell would be total destruction. It took a lot of control on the part of the -caster- to spare even a small piece of the target.

And why would she of done that if upsurping Rhapsody had been her true motive? You don't leave that sort of potential retaliation behind.

And maybe that was part of the reason why Corona had dug deeper into the mysteries afterwards and helped with the investigation between construction sessions. To her, that sparing effort meant more to her than whatever load of supposed evidence against the wayward magewright had turned up.

Corona took a moment to readjust her work gloves after setting the core down, then turned to the other with her usual mischevious machinist's smirk. "Just tell me what Ah gotta do. Ah'm as eager to hear these sprockets spinnin' again as y'all are."
Rhapsody     Ryxinel leads Corona and Rhapsody over to the lift where there's a sort of 'roll cage' custom made for the crystal core that Corona was carrying. "First, this..." he says, moving around to the opposite side of the lift, currently at waist height. "This will act as an interface and a spell-shield if certain spells are cast. It's mizzium, and enchanted in a similar way to Rhapsody's blue spell-blade, so it can protect the crystal from a spell. The Mizzium frame should protect from just about anything else. Just.. be careful when you insert. The open arm there, once it's closed, will fuse to the frame. There's no taking it back out or opening it once it's closed."
Corona Arclite While Ryxinel is explaining Corona pads slowly around the apparatus and looking it over. This was part of the rebuild that even she hadn't seen in its completed state yet. Some processes were still a secret to the dragon. And in all honesty she still didn't entirely understand the more arcane aspects of things so it was probably better he did it himself anyways. "Quite a thing ya put together here."

She gave the rigging a light shake, just to test the stability for herself. Every clink and clang of machinery, or absence of in this case, meant something to her. Those vulpine ears weren't just for looks, Corona could hear a problem that other mechanics would never even think of with her astutely trained hearing.

"Kinda a shame it takes somethin' like this to consider such upgrades... but that's kinda how science goes, technical or magical, ain't it?"

She leaned over the top of the interface for a moment to look up into the opening of the metal dragon's body. One would think the strange conglomeration of gears and springs with wires and mana elements that replaced electronics wouldn't even work together, but that is what innovation did. Find ways to do things that couldn't be done before.

Sometimes you had to break a few of the rules you knew and write new ones to replace them to do it. This project had been as much of a learning experience for Corona as it had been fufilling the promise to help.

"Everything looks to be in order. Once that mis-sizin' issue was taken care of." Corona ahemed softly into a fist as she stepped back again. That one had been partially her fault and partially the magewrights, as they had been working off two different measurement systems that they were more familiar with. Once they had put their heads together and made a converstion system between the two, every piece be it a mechanical gear and strut or mana relay and processor rune clicked perfectly into place.

The grey tail kept flicking about as she walked to the front and looked up at the head. The Izzets had provided the arcane components for Thianel's senses, though Corona had included a few of her own mechanical ones as backups as well. A powerful pair of gears and pistons in both the jaws and neck would give Thianel a rather formidable bite for when magic wouldn't be enough.

Also handy for crushing cans and empty barrels.

Eventually she meandered back around from the other side, grinning from ear to ear. "Ev'rything looks to be in order." Corona paused to pull her work goggles up over her eyes, and walked back over to pick up the core.

"Let's get this boy back up an' runnin'. He's been impatient."
Rhapsody     The core slips in without even the faintest sound of a scrape. The open arm on the interface frame closes, there's a small flash, and it would look like the whole part was always a single piece of mizzium with no clear opening. Satisfied, Ryxinel sighs happily, slowly picks up the core, and carefully hands it to Corona, regardless of the mizzium that now protects it on everyside. "At your leasure."

    Rhapsody, who has been mostly quiet through the process, seems expectant, eager even. This was the first of two people that were finally coming back to her. Soon, hopefully, they'd all be together again. She simply nods to her brother's words. Nothing else needed to be said. The construction was done, the little error in the process was corrected, and now all that needed to be done was one final connection.

    "Once you're up inside, the frame should light up with the some writing. It'll guide you on how to connect everything. . . Don't put it in backwards, alright?" Smirk. A joke. At this point he fully trusted the other engineer.
Corona Arclite "Would ya rather Ah put it upside down?" Corona replies with a snicker. A joke in return for a joke, as they both know it's been built so there's only one correct way it'll even fit to prevent such a mistake.

Corona takes the core with just as much care. Just because it's encased in a ni imprenetrable, indestructable unit now is no reason to get sloppy. She reachs up to set the core inside the opening in the underside of Thianel's chassis, then pauses to pull a small metal panel out of one of her belt pouches. "Here." She flicks the panel to Rhapsody. "Affix that inside the panel that'll cover the hatch while Ah'm up inside all the mechanical and magical guts."

The panel is nothing more than a plate of metal with two images carved in relief with a cutting torch. One of course being the Izzet Sigi. The other being a fox tail hooked around a gear that, no surprise, was Corona's trademark.

"Artists gotta sign a piece of work, after all." Corona adds with a wink, as hard as it is to see behind the reinforced brass goggles, before grabbing the edge of the opening and hauling herself up to climb in.
Rhapsody     The guildmaster, not expecting the toss, fumbles a little with the item tossed her way. Once she has a look at it, however, she just grins, "Happily," she muses. Once Corona is up on the lift proper, Ryxinel gives her a hand by activating the lift to cause it to rise up so the woman could work from the lift. Even though Thianel stood 20 feet, it'd still be pretty cramped. There was a lot of stuff in there!
Corona Arclite ... Oh, right, lift. Corona was so eager to get to work as usual she kind of overlooked that the platform could move. She's use to having to climb around heavy machinery on her own to get to that one broken part that was hard to reach. Being small and nimble had as many perks in this profession as being large and strong did.

As the lift is moving up Corona flicks on her headlamp so she'll be able to see even in the cramped conditions, then picks up the core unit and gives it one last check over just to be certain. As well as locate the writing that was to be instructions.

To the casual view there was nothing different from one side to the other. But when someone knew what to look for the subtle marks between front and back, top and bottom where there. A little slot there that a tab would hook into, a slight difference in the surface here where two conductors would sit together.

It was the little touchs every inventor used to make sure their special work couldn't be easily stolen and copied. Corona had her own similar little touchs, and thinking about how much it infuriated the few outlaws that had been bold enough to steal her stuff always made her smirk a bit.
Rhapsody A few moments and the lift comes to a stop. With Corona likely half to mostly inside of Thianel's chest, the mizzium frame lights up with the writing that Ryxinel had mentioned. Safeguards ontop of safeguards, but with something like Thianel, who was now a surrogate father to the whole family, the dragon was being safe instead of sorry. The writing glows, and even glows brighter when the correct connections are brought close. If it's an incorrect connection, it dims. Of course, this close to being complete, the crystal under the casing is glowing -very- brightly, in anticipation. Corona probably had a knack for reading that light, by now. He was ready, and he was thankful, there was no doubt of it at all.
Corona Arclite Corona had always been one to talk to machines as she worked on them, but she had been sure to comment to the core whenever she'd been around. Keeping Thianel up to date on what was going on, both with the rebuilding and with the Yunomi situation. Even if he couldn't communicate back other than flicker and flashes, she knew being forced to sit and wait would of likely drove him mad so to speak.

In the end the headlamp isn't really necessary, between the illuminated writing and Thianel's own glow from the core.

"Clockworks aligned.. self-winding coils wound.. Arcane conductors ready to interface..." Corona gave a light tap to a magical guage that seemed to have no other purpose than wobble a needle back and forth to show that something was running. "Doohickies... doing." A light shrug, as she regripped an upper edge and realigned the core, using the other gloved hand on the bottom to support and guide it. Line it up with the waiting insertion point, make sure the waiting connectors line up, and all the instruction runes are brightly glowing.

"Welp, here we go." Corona gives a push, and after a moment some of the magipunk machinery starts to spin to life, activating the loading device to pull the core into place while she guides it. Grinning the whole time. "1.21 gigawatts ain't gonna have shit on what yer gonna be puttin' out!"

Then she stepped back onto the lift, giving it a thump with the heel of her boot and spurs to let the others know. "He's loaded up and ready to crank up!"
Rhapsody << >>

    "Noted!" Ryxinel calls out, the lift starting to come back down as everyone in the room, besides Rhapsody, scatter. While there were no tables or control panels, a lot of runes start to glow in the air, controlling this, that, or another thing inside. When evertyhing is done, it's likely Thianel will run rather quiet, but on 'start up,' well, that requires a lotta power.

    The tubes connecting to his back shudder as something starts to pass through their inside. Outside, however, a stream of both blue mana surges down one while the other is red. Ryxinel was using the power system Niv-Mizzet used in his rarely used Mana Tanks, converting the power generated by the opposing mana colors crashing into each other.

    Power through explosions. How very Izzet.

    At least such power didn't cause any exhaust or waste. It was clean conversion into the power batteries inside. While the magewrights work, Ryxinel is out in front, where Thianel's gaze would fall once he started to come around. Rhapsody eventually moves to the same place, and waves Corona over as she deserved to be there when it happened.

    As everything sounds like it's going well, Ryxinel tosses Corona a radio. "During self-calibration, that's the only way he'll be able to communicate until everything else is online." And as if on cue, the dragon's voice comes over the comm. It sounds different, but he doesn't seem bothered by it.

            <<Radio, active. . . . Finally.>>

    He sounds relieved, not upset in the least.
Corona Arclite Once the lift is down Corona hops off, but rather than duck for cover like most of the room she just ambles over to where the dragons are waiting. Her ears do visibly turn back towards Thianel and the noise the start-up is making, but it sounds like everything is cranking up as its suppose to.

She catchs the radio tosses to her. Smirks at the voice comes over it a moment later. "And we know that's working." Holds the radio up to her mouth as she turns back to look up at the artiact dragon.

<<Good to have ya back with us big fella.>>
Rhapsody     <<Thank you..>> And he'll probably say that a dozen times or more in the next few hours. For now, the dragon's self-calibrations have started. Every piece of him starts to move then go back to neutral, starting from the tip of his tail through the eyelids for his optics. Everything is reported as 'pass', odd as it from a 'normal' point of view. The attached tubes finally detach with a snapping hiss, retracting back into the ceiling above. Everything goes quiet for about 30 seconds. Runes go out, and the whole guild, and possibly one fox, waits with held breath.

    It's a long 30 seconds, but finally a familiar glow shines from Thianel's optics. The entire construct shifts, relaxing from the 'stiff' neutral position. With how he now moves, and looks, he's more like a true dragon than he's ever been. The small movements seem natural, almost like Niv-Mizzet was actually standing here instead, just with a lot of engineering instead. A -loud- breath is taken inside, held, and exhaled, and then he nods.

            "Well done!"

    The amount of cheering that goes up from the magewrights could put a sports stadium to -shame-.
Corona Arclite Corona takes her hat off for a moment to wave it in the air along with the rest of the whooping and cheering. "Yeehah! Now that's the moment that makes all the hard work and confusion worth it!" Mind you 'confusion' refers more to the other things going on, but most people will just assume she's talking about the measurement issues they had.

Celebrating moment over with, she puts her hat back on and adjusts it to sit properly betwix her ears, flicking fingertips along the brim before letting go. Tugs the goggles off and lets them hang back down around her neck again. Grinning the entire time. "Sure there's gonna be plenty more cheerin' when the rest of the guild hears the good news too."
Rhapsody     The construct gives a nod. Rhapsody, finally just -glomps- Corona for lack of a better word. This was easily the highest moment the Izzet have had in the last three months. Thianel can only smile at the moment. "I'm quite sure the League and the Union will be rather happy about it," he muses. There's a tilt of his head, and then he glances down, noting the chest plate not yet affixed. A new hand reaches over for the plate, lifts it, and he has a long look at the dual insignias on it. "Well earned,". The plate is put into place, a loud locking noise heard. About a dozen deadbolts locking the plate in place before everything else slides into place. It was invisible unless you knew what to look for, among all the scales. There's a rumble as he settles down, next. A lot of nods and thanks are given to the other magewrights as the file by, welcoming the dragon back to reality.

    After a few moments, and the room empties out, the news passing through the guild like a wildfire. Thianel, now, moves onto the elephant outside. "Again, the work and determination both of you have had made this go far smoother, I feel, than you give yourselves credit for. However, we all know what needs to be addressed, next. When I was within just the core, I saw blurred images and muffled sounds at best. I could only piece together the occasional word while you attempted to update me on the situation, Corona. So, with all of you here, please. What has happened since Presentation Day?"

        That would take a while..
Corona Arclite Corona Arclite lets out a small yip of surprise when the taller dragon latchs onto her. She knew all the hard work was appreciated but considering the emotional rollercoaster Rhapsody has been on she wasn't expecting such a blantantly outward display of it. She's got one arm just free enough to reach up and tug her hat partway down over her face in a moment of modest embarassments. "Aw shucks, pardners."

For as much as the moment of Good Things finally happening was needed, it is by necessity short-lived once all the other workers are out of the room. "Yeah, well, Ah figgered even iffen ya couldn't fully understand ya'd apprec'ate at least the intention. Didn't want ya thinkin' they'd all forgotten 'bout ya."

Once Rhapsody lets go though the mood gets serious again. Corona let out a soft long sigh as she straightened out her hat. "Ya might wanna sit back down, big guy. This is gonna be one doozy of a long story..."