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Rhapsody     VACATION!!! .. started tomorrow. Today, however, Rhapsody had been lounging around the aerie of Nivix, mostly considering just where to spend said vacation, though, she was certain that one of her other family members had better ideas. That or the 'green wing' of the Izzet. She had so rarely been outside of Ravnica that she was certain that someone else would have a better idea, and she didn't see it as a bad thing!

    Currently, she's just reading the last few reports of the day coming in from around the sector, and both of the spires. The aerie had been 'reorganized' ever since her rampage during the Mana Nexus incident. It was hard to tell what had happened in here now.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa knew she only had one chance at this. Rhapsody had been a figure she was aware of and Kotone had thought she could end up interested in the DI but she'd never had the means to contact her. This was her last chance before she would be on vacation for several weeks. Kotone was fairly formally dressed in her smart cloting as she now has managd to slip in one of the last appointments of the day to meet with Rhapsody. 5R
She'd be announced she'd arrived and she would be waiting to be let in or informed that Rhapsody wasn't going to be able to see her for some reason.
Rhapsody     Things had been winding down in the spires. There's nothing so regal or formal about Kotone's escort into the Nivix Aerie. Kotone would meet Rizix in the foyer who would then lead her to the central lift, call for it, enter, allow her in, send the elevator up to the top floor, and then motion for Kotone to proceed down the hall to the massive double doors that once allowed Niv-Mizzet to come and go as he pleased. When she draws close to the massive double doors, she'd see they're both open enough to allow someone of human size to comfortably pass by them.

        It wouldn't hurt to knock anyway, though.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa sees she could slip in, but that wouldn't be the best of ideas not to knock the young cyborg moves to knock with one hand and it's louder than one might expect she'll wait to see though if she's allowed in. She does call out. "Guild Master Rhapsody? I am Kotone Yamakawa I'm here for the apointment..."
Rhapsody     It takes a moment. Inside, Rhapsody flinches ever so slightly. Maybe she forgot? Maybe she was just in the middle of reading something. Maybe she was reading a notebook that needed to be hastily put away. Whatever the reason, there's a rustling about inside before, "You can come in!"

    By the time Kotone passes the doors, the guildmaster is on her feet and moving toward the great doors to greet her guest. "I'm glad you made it. I hope no one downstairs gave you any trouble?"
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "No other than someone asked if he could take off my arm to get a look at it. I politely told them, no." She seems more amused about it than anything given the goblin who asked took no for an answer? Things ended well and she smiles at the guildmaster. "I know I'm catching you at the last moment but there is a matter I'd like to speak to you on." Kotone then bows slightly for a moment. "I am the second in command of the Daedalus Initiative a group that seeks to map, explore, and learn from the multiverse." It's very simple at first no need to drop everything at once, right? While not showing Kotone is very nervous of talking to someone of Rhaps' station and power. How did she end up living a life like this?
Rhapsody     "Good good, glad to hear they took a no for an answer," The tone doesn't suggest she's joking, but it doesn't suggest she's serious either. HOW TRICKY. She turns, a hand motion causes the desk she had been sitting at to vanish into the floor. Another motion causes a table large enough for them both to sit at. Chairs follow, and then Rhapsody takes a seat opposite from where she expects Kotone to sit down. "That would be quite the task. The multiverse changes every day. Still, why are you coming to the Izzet League with this? I'm sure we could offer some help but our interests most certainly rest beyond simple cartography."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Simple Cartography is only bsic side effect of what we do. While we do map we seek out to learn, new materials, new species, new culture,s flora, Faunta no one has een before. New new uses for both technology and magic as well. Along with offering what aid along the wya we are able to. We seek to learn and we do need support. New materials, new magic, and new ways of doing science might have applications to a guild such as your own."
Rhapsody The guildmaster hrms lightly. It's a thoughtful noise more than anything else. "Some of that is more in-line with what the Simic Combine does. While they're the doctors of Ravnica, they have been quite interested in life beyond the city. When it comes to technology, however, that is where The Izzet League tends to shine. I can't promise you Mizzium because my brother is rather protective of it, but learning technology, magic, and how to use the two in tandem is something my father always pursued, and something we strive to advance even now. Our focus is anything that can improve the League, or Ravnica at large. Offering aid is something we try to do rather regularly, but with recent events we've been, ah... distracted. Once this vacation is over, it wouldn't hurt to look into this a bit further.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "I understand i have more matierl if you'd wish to go over some of our previous opertions. We're currently most active in the commonealth wastlands." She gives the number of Danse earth. "For aid effors but we have been doing a good deal in the void as of late seeking out things and we often run into interesting situation this isn't idle resarch there's just as much of a chance of having to deal with something that wants to eat us, fuse us into something or who know what else." She'll also pass the file foulder to Rhapsody and Kotone has gone through the trouble of organziing everything it's fairly nicely laid out with more details about the group and the operations they have been on.

"I also understnad you may not wish to fund us but even should someone from the Izzet such as your self be interested in coming along? One of our Members and a friend of mine is accoriated with your guild already that being Corona Arclite."
Rhapsody     The folder is accepted and browsed a moment as Kotone continues to speak, "Mmhmm, well it is certainly something I can consider, Kotone, don't misunderstand my position. I just would want to talk it over with my family before making a permanent decision about it.." Corona's on board? ".. Well that's a +1 for you. Corona was a massive help during the Mana Nexus Incident. I'll probably talk with her about it too. See what she thinks as well."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "She's been a good friend and a good help. She's one of the earilist friends I made in the multiverse actually." The informationw oudl have all the current active roster of the group as well in it. "Thank you for conidering this and givine me the time of day. I know I have caught you before vaction and I'm very thankful for that. Given everyting you and your family have been through I hope you do have a wonderful vacation."
Rhapsody     A nod is given to the woman, "I appreciate that. It was a really rough time, though we've come out better after all of it. I'll give everything a look over, talk with Corona and my family, and probably get back to you after vacation. Thanks for visiting, Kotone."
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa says "Thank you for having me guild master, it's been an honour and take your time there's no rush." It's not like the world's going to explode in the next few weeks. The winter solstis tends to be pretty quiet for the multiverse in general, right. "I'll see my self out and thank you again."
Rhapsody     A nod, "Do take care, Kotone. I'll see you soon."