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Millium Argent      IT IS TIME.

     To go on a seafaring journey into the depths of the ocean!

     After having her next concert delayed, and then begging the guild for equipment, Millium Argent finally, *finally* is set to seek out the coordinates that she recieved from CYGNUS some months back during a routine plumbing of an old underground lab. There was only one problem; The coordinates of the next lead wound up being....right in the middle of the deep blue sea.

     And this is why Millium(and Claire) is borrowing a submarine! It's been refitted with modern weaponry and repaired, likely being a piece of ancient tech that was scrounged up somewhere. But it's okay. It works now! And unless you've got your own underwater transportation, then you are inside of it right now!

     Specifically the bridge, where Millium herself is seated in the captain's chair, virtual screens and holo keyboards in front of her. She's got a huge smile on her face right now, watching the myriad marine life drift by past the bridge's view.

     Claire herself is seated off to the side at one of the navigation and communication stations, a pair of headphones atop her head, red eyes peering across the radars and screens before her. And there are plenty other stations to occupy. Mainly for the control of weapons such as missiles and lasers. The rest of the sub is staffed by guild personnel, and will be handling pretty much everything else outside of the bridge, so...

     "Alright! We're going to cut a path through the ocean and find out just what's down at those coordinates! Let's do this!" Millium cheers, thrusting a fist to the air cheerfully.
William Pauwel A chance to go beneath the deep blue sea!? A trip to find awesome BURIED TREASURE!? An opportunity to end up ATTACKED BY HORRIBLE AQUATIC MONSTERS!?!?

How can Will NOT be here?

    Of course, the fact that this happens to be a Guild-Sponsored operation doesn't exactly put him at ease, necessarily. Will's inherited distaste for authority figures that can at all look like 'THE MAN' means that he's naturally just a bit on guard... But apparently not On Guard enough to not look like he belongs in a submarine under the sea.

    Apparently he found a navel uniform somewhere, because he's wearing one right now! The ordinarily cowpoke-looking Chaser is standing behind Millium and to her right, seeming every bit like some kind of CO or second in command, even though there's a sense that he should maybe be down in the engine room or something. Maybe later??

"Hopefully there's no coral," Will says, frowning. "Can't deal with coral. Ugh."
Kotone Yamakawa There was an old animated movie song that was stuck in her head now, thankfully Kotone had enough control to not sing it out loud. The damn song though just keeps going in her head and she's going to have to come to accept it as the price of the trip. She was happy to lend Millium a hand on this and she made sure to take one of the stations there shoul it be needed. She was also enjoying the view but thinking man that's a lot of water, thats a whole lot of water. Though if she spots any coral? She'll shiver visably when she does.

"Please let there be no Coral, I will just find a way to set the very oceans on fire if there is more coral."
Rory White Using a submersible that someone salvaged from ancient times and CLAIMS to have repaired on a voyage to the DEEP DEPTHS is NOT what ROry would consider safe. Who tests these things? Who has the math? Who really understands what true water pressure is down there and yet remains among surface dwellers?

    In short: does anyone REALLY know how to repair a submarine in the Guild?

    Rory's having a terrible time tamping down on this anxiety. Over and over again the worried thought lights through her Cyberbrain.

    What's worse is that Kotone doesn't seem concerned even a little by this possibility. If anything, Kotone seems to be enjoying herself for the most part. Rory is loathe to make her worried too.

    "Emotions... are... unacceptably self-contradictory." She ends up unexpectedly murmuring to herself, barely loud enough to hear. The AGI is roaming around in a feline shape managed by her Flexbot.

    ... But she does give William a LOOK. A hard stare from an expressionless face. "You are CERTAIN this hull is rated for these depths?"
August Kohler There is one thing every redhead science nerd dreams of doing: manning the weapons terminal on a super submarine. This is currently what August Kohler is doing, sitting firmly in the chair and watching the readings, making sure NOT to fiddle with things, yet. August is instead turning towards Millium and Will, trying to understand the gist of his readouts. "Weapons /look/ optimal? Optimal enough that I could press all the switches and gratuitously kill anything that attacks us, atleast." Not very inspiring words, and August is aware of this, though at the same time, he's starting to have faith that they'll survive their adventures in Tellus. Maybe because despite a billion odds otherwise /every time/, they keep surviving. "So, what do you think's down there?"
Mel Brock     As Mel will explain to anyone who asks, the Firestarter is a ship tailored to vacuum and atmosphere, but not water. She could probably get away with going fairly shallow for a short amount of time (assuming she gives her ship a thorough cleaning afterward), but dipping any further than a few meters underwater, or for any longer than a few minutes, would probably start causing the ship more serious problems.

    So Mel is riding Millium's submarine. Her request for a Marshal-issue water suit finally went through, so she's wearing that now, and seated at whatever passes for a sensor station. Not far from Claire, in fact.

    Her remark to August is simple, said with a hint of amusement while her eyes remain glued to sensor readings. "I dunno, but I'll bet you five credits it wants to eat us."
Millium Argent      "Ehehehe... Well I mean... there probably won't be!" Pause. "Maybe." Not a very good captain.

     Claire rolls her eyes and keeps her gaze on her screens. "Everything looks normal. Water pressure at safe levels, power consumption is middling, energy barrier is operating at 100%." She touches a finger to one screen and starts to sliiiiide a bar upwards a bit. "Increasing engine speed."

     There's a shift, and then a whirr of energy as the underea craft starts speeding through the water more noticably now. Millium meanwhile nods at August and gives him a thumbs up. "Good job, Augustus Caesar! Anything tries to kill us, you set it on fire! In the water!" That made no sense. "Also uh... did I miss something?" She asks, tilting her head a bit. "Why's everyone so afraid of coral anyway? Did coral beat you all up and take your lunch money when you were kids?"

     God damn it Milly.

     Still, she does answer August's question. "Uhhhhh.... I dunno!" Marvelous. "But I'm sure that it's got something to do with the Azure Star Project. After all, CYGNUS said so, and an AI can't be wrong!" She hands her shoulders then. "I just wish it weren't so underwater! It's a drag!" But it is what it is! "Hopefully whatever's down there is intact, and then we can figure out where to go from there."

     Time passes, with small talk happening on the bridge for most of it. But eventually...there's a blipping sound on Mel's sensors. BEEPBEEP BEEPBEEP BEEPBEEP. If she looks, then she'll see on her radar one large energy signature, and a good handful of smaller ones, perhaps six in all approaching. Claire can see the same thing, and glances aside to the marshal. "What do you have over there?"
Rory White With things settling into the usual mission routine of 'all hell breaking loose', Rory decides to take a secondary sensor station. Sonar is not too different from radar when you get down to it, it works on the exact same principles... "I wish this ship was Mesh-designed, there'd be no need for physical stations or this awkward reporting back and forth of information..." With alarms and beeps going off she DEFINITELY doesn't want to be in the dark about what's out there!
Mel Brock     "Contact," Mel says immediately; her voice is smooth and all business at once, years of training and experience taking over. "Five small energy signatures, one large. IFF systems not responding, which means we probably want to be ready for an attack. I'm gonna see if I can get some sensor readings on these things," the Marshal adds, fingers playing across the console. "I'd listen on passive sonar, but I'd have no idea what the hell I'd be listening for." She's not exactly an experienced submariner, after all. She's just trained enough to fake it.
William Pauwel     "You know how you have that thing with walls?" Will replies on the topic of the Coral issue. "It's like that. Except with lightning, less lumberjacks and more weird toxic spores." Heaven knows that the last thing anyone needs anymore is 'more coral' in this neck of the woods. Will is just fine never seeing so much as a polyp ever again, thank you very much.

    TIME PASSES. The groaning of the submarine's frame surrounds them with constant reminders that there's SOMETHING OUTSIDE that can and will murder each and every one of them if it manages to get inside. That something is the ocean. For once, something on Tellus is approximately just as dangerous as an equivalent on most Earths.

Except maybe for the sea monsters.

    But then there's a BEEPING, which can only mean THEY'VE GOT COMPANY. "Tarnation, I was expectin' to run into trouble, but not so soon. What've we got? Some kind of... Of giant sea turtle dragon thing!?" Beat. "Or maybe it's that one... Hermit Crabtopus we met that one time?"
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa may be bothered but has put it out of her mind there's nothing she can do now and might as well enjoy the ride, she gives Rory a look for a moment tiling her hed a bot at the Flexbot fopr a moment did she hear what Rory muttered? Who knows she does not comment at all about it. She has a duffle on her back that likely has some gear for underwater operations in it but for now she's just wearing her smart clothing and seemingly was still in good spirits.

Kotone will go and grab hopefully a weapon station if there's a free one s sadly all things are going to hell now in a handbasket.

"If you want to know a bunch of coral from this world tried to infest all of us to be it's puppets, That's what!"

Milly has her answer now but she'll check the weapon systems to see if they are online, and if not she'll try to find a comm system to man.
August Kohler "Who knows, maybe the Coral actually is an evil lumberjack in disguise?" August asides, keeping one eye lazily on the weapons readings. However, soon, they get sensor readings, and there's contact. "Well, that's concerning. Lemme see which of these readies the weapons..."

The German will begin flipping switches slowly, anything that does not appear to be a red button or 'fire all the torpedoes'. Once he's flipped enough switches, he sits back, hands hovering over everything he didn't flip. "Alright, weapons are optimal and ready to fire. Probably."
Millium Argent      "Wow, well uh...okay! So coral are evil. Got it!" But then they've got signals! People are reporting back and forth! August and Kotone are arming the weapons! Everyone's gearing up for trouble. Will gets a glance and a unsure shrug. "I have NO IDEA what's out there! But uh... I think we'll find out soon!" She smiles cheerfully at that. "Hey, maybe they're just lost and wanna ask for directions, huh? Huh?"

     Claire gives the girl the most withering, sidelong look she can manage. And then she just shakes her head. ".......There's a large energy buildup detected out there..." Her eyes narrow. "Brace yourselves." Rory and Mel will be able to see that those six blips are taking on a vague diamond formation, with the largest at the back. And their blips are getting larger and larger...charging up energy.

     Then they burst.


     The entire submarine shakes with the rush of several impacts that everyone can see strike against a translucent barrier that fades away after a moment. And then they have clear visual. ...They're some sort of robotic sea sepents. With gleaming green eyes, silver and blue metal, and their jaws opened wide and streaming blue arcs of energy.

     "What the heck!?" Millium starts once the visual is up on screen for all to see. "How the heck did they get down here!? Where'd they even... Ahhh! Augustus! Koton! Return fire! Return fire!" She shouts, thrusting out an arm. On August's side, all of the switches he's flipped cause several gauges to light up and then fill with charging energy. Once they're all done, some manner of turret controls, and a view of the ocean from outside the sub can be seen with targeting reticules. ...Aha, this is a manual aiming system for the laser weaponry of the ship. Just aim the turrets with the sticks and press the firing buttons!

     On Kotone's side, a very similar setup appears, but this one seems to be linked to a display that shows a graphic of several missile tyles. Normal, a couple jamming, and one seemingly powerful photon missile... It's up to her how to use them, but she'd better decide quick!

     Because those aquatic machines were charging up again for another volley. Claire speaks up then. "Shields are down to 75%. We don't want to keep taking those hits."
Mel Brock     Mel has a sneaking suspicion she knows what's coming. Even before the attack comes, she's yelling, "Evasive! Evasive, we've got incoming, high energy-" The sub rocks. There's a muttered curse. "Keep us moving! Throw off their targeting as best you can! They're charging up another shot, be ready!" Her fingers continue to dance across the console, this time trying to get a narrower read on the serpents - specifically, trying to spot any weaknesses they could exploit. "Kohler, Yamakawa, you think you can take one of those things out? They moved into formation before firing, I think there might be something to that."
August Kohler Luckily, August flipping the switches doesn't blow everything up. But soon, the ship is rocking due to the impact of several robot sea snakes, August holding on tightly to his chair. Once he's gotten a grasp, he checks his readings and figures out what it is: laser weaponry. And there's a pair of joysticks! He grabs both of them, grinning because this is way more like a video game than he thought it would be. "Yamakawa, I'll focus on the small ones. Fire missiles at the large one!"

And then, August begins firing. The joystick system makes it so his aim is actually pretty good, and his trigger reflex is as rapid as a gamer's should be. He's specifically aiming for the eyes of the sea serpents, though if that shows no results, he moves to fire into their mouths, because that's always a good weak point.
Rory White The whole vehicle SHAKES and Rory very quickly realizes... "I'm not trained to use these sensor readouts... hopefully this is correct. The enemies are long and very dense. Robotic sea serpents? Whose idea was it to shove off without doing at least a few training exercises?" If her voice wasn't so cold due to intense focus, she'd be trying to inflect some anger for sure.

    "Agreed, Marshal Brock. They are likely using their own bodies to form a a stabilizing field for projecting that blast... which means we are dealing with an automated defense system. I recommend we fight evasively and cautiously, they may have other abilities. We can always retreat and try again."
Kotone Yamakawa So with task at hand Kotone focuss she looks for somewhere she can jack into the system? Nope no jacks such is life on a world like this, she'll have to use the manual computer displays. The ship gets hit and she has no idea who or what are attacking them she knows they are going to have some options with the weapons she has at hand and she's going to end up firing off the jamming ones first, she's going to try to make the attackers lives harder and them les likely to get hit again.

"It's going to be one of those days I think. LEt's get to it! Sounds like some drones, we might have tripped somerhing comming in this way. Jamming torpedos away!"
William Pauwel Suddenly, SEA SERPENTS!?


    Will grabs onto the back of Milly's chair for dear life as suddenly everything starts shaking like they've stepped onto the set of the latest Star Trek series. "Pretty obvious where they came from! Those're probably some kind've guardian robots or something like that!" Or there's someone on Tellus who daylights as a submarine privateer with a fleet of vaguely robo-snake-shaped ships. In all honesty, Will can't just write that possibility off.

    "Dangit, if we were on the surface-- but I can't exactly shoot through the hull!" He mutters, moving over to a nearby console. "Hold on, lemme see if I can't divert some excess power to the shields or somethin'!" Hopefully not from life support.

But then, they can probably go without the oxygen scrubbers for a few minutes.
Millium Argent      "Ahehehehe...." Millium giggles sheepishly at Rory's verbal assessment of the situation. "..But I mean! I read like...three pages of the manual!" At this point, Claire speaks up. "Shut up, Argent. The manual was three hundred pages." But there's a roll of the eyes. Again. "Just focus on not getting us hit. The barriers can't take too much fire and we're not going to blow up here."

     I got it, I got it!" She shouts, taking the sub's wheel and veering it aside to start taking evasive action. As she does so, swerving out of the way of minor laser bolts, August and Kotone are returning fire at last. August will find that the enemy isn't just going to stay stationary and let themselves be hit. No, they take evasive motions too, swirling through the water and returning fire. The five smaller units do so, vaguely protecting the big one from risky fire with energy shields.

     Kotone's jamming missiles are sent out, and they explode a good distance away, releasing particles that temporarily prevent outwards communication. But it's the perfect opening as they cause the machines to jerk about, their operations confused. The shields get dwindled down after a few shots each, and then August will notice that shooting them in the eyes...doesn't really do anything! They're robots, they have secondary optics!

     But firing into the mouth *does* produce results! He takes out three this way, when mid-charge, they're struck, and the energy overload causes them to explode. But they have done their job. The largest one hanging back has it's jaws opened wide, a massive orb of shining blue formed. Millium seems that on the screen, and then freezes. "Ah....that's not good, huh?"


     A massive beam of energy fired right at them! Millium is already taking those evasive movements, but- "WILL WHATEVER YOU WERE GOING TO DO, DO IT NOW! DIVERT ALL POWER TO SHIELDS! WE DON'T NEED TO BREATHE!"

     "Yes we do, you idiot!" Claire shouts immediately after that stupid order.
Mel Brock     When did Mel find the time to pull on her breather helmet and properly seal her dive suit?

    Regardless, she's looking between the sensor readout and the windows with increasingly quick, tense movements. After a few moments, she seems to come to a decision.

    And then she's up across her feet, running across the bridge to the frontmost viewport. The Marshal plants her hand up against whatever transparent material is holding the ocean at bay, focusing all her attention outside. With something between her and the outside, she can't be anything resembling precise, and at this distance it's hard to even judge general range. So there's only one thing Mel can really do.

    The water *THUMP*s as, somewhere in the drone's general vicinity, there is a sudden burst of concussive force. All she can do is pray it's close enough to inconvenience the thing at all; if she throws off its aim by even an inch, or even just gives it pause, that's something.
Rory White "......." The blank stare that Millium gets from Rory from that is almost CRUSHINGLY harsh. But Rory has no time for these shenanigans. Her focus goes on the sensors again...

    She begins to call out every motion the sea serpents do to help the coordination, as any navigator ought to. Of course, any weapons fire she can detect is also announced!
William Pauwel "WE DON'T NEED TO BREATHE, RIGHT!" Will has no time to complain! He has no time to bleed! HE HAS NO TIME TO BREATHE! There's also no time to think about what he's doing, because there's a giant robotic sea serpent breathing a massive column of white hot death all over them and their submarine. Will's fingers are flying across an engineering console! He's crossing some wires that he apparently just yanked out of an access panel! He's diverting ALL NON-ESSENTIAL POWER to the forward shield projector!

That means all the refrigeration systems switch off. So do the air purifiers. And the fans. And most of the lights.

...Weapons and engines are still online, though.

"OKAY, we've got PROBABLY thirty minutes before the air becomes toxic and we're all dead," Will chimes from his controls. "And around ten before the air scrubbers can't keep up, and then we die in twenty minutes. So keepin' this up is PROBABLY UNTENABLE!"

"I've given the shields all we've got, though! So--" Well, we'll see. That beam might still get through!
Kotone Yamakawa Things are certainly not going as one might have expected them to go but she's trying to roll with things, the jammingmissiles will cut them off from outside help but it will also disrupt the attackers, the photon missile will be saved for later as she arms the normaql one and opens fire on the robotic guardisns. The torpedos find their way into the water seeking out the cloest of the attackers she can only trust in everyone else. 5R

Kotone doesn't seem too happy as Will does somehing to the air supply oh she's not happy about this the rest she gtets but dear god she's going to whap WIll later.
August Kohler This is sort of a bad plan. Except it's also a good plan because they can handle this. Ten minutes is plenty of time to kill a bunch of robots. Well, August hopes so, because he really doesn't want to sit here fearing his death, so instead he's just buying into the lie that this is an excellent plan in order to occupy himself while he does his job.

Speaking of which, now that he knows that shooting them in the eyes is useless, and they keep dodging. As Rory calls out their movements, August nods. "Alright! I'll fire ahead of them." The turrets move rather gracefully as they turn and shoot to fire either at the mouths of the serpents, or at wherever possible when the serpents are dodging, trying to fire into their movements. August may also be praying under his breath.
Millium Argent      Millium gives Rory her best 'oopsie' look managable.


     ...That includes the air!? But it's okay, they have thirty minutes to clear this all up and not die. Tat's okay. That's totally fine. They can do this. They've faced worse. This is okay. This is totall okay.

     This is not okay.

     Claire looks furious, but she has no time to complain any more than she has because. FWAM! That beam of white hot death impacts the sub, and then blazes past. Mel's psychic depth charge explodes, tossing the escort drones through the water and causing a slight change od trajectory in the beam. Millium's shoddy evasion barely scrapes them out of the way of direct fire after that.

     It dissipates eventually, and when it does, and the murky depths of the ocean are back in sight, there's a deeeeeeeep breath, and a then a sigh of relief from the worst captain on Tellus. "....Status?" Claire glances down at one of her screens. "....Shields down to 13%. We take another hit, we're dead."


     Millium stares at August and Kotone and points dramatically at the bridge's viewport. "FIRE EVERYTHING WE HAVE! UNLOAD IT ALL! DESTROY THEM!" She looks like she's just a few steps away from panicking!
August Kohler As the shields are damaged even worse, and another blast impacts the ship, August begins to lose his cool. He's actually getting worried, and is even offering dumb plans like 'ram them'. So when Millium gives the order of 'fire everything', the Redhead salutes, and moves his hands away from the joysticks to fiddle with the control panel. He flips all the switches. All of them. And then he spots it.

The red button.

And then, he presses it. He has no idea what will happen. He doesn't even know what it does. But it is probably going to do something really really useful, or alternatively really stupid, as he grabs a hold of the control sticks and begins firing everything he has at the robotic serpents. "Come on, guys! We can do this!"
Kotone Yamakawa To go out like this? Seriously to go out like this she is not going out like this she arms the Photon Missile and fires it at the enemy formation of creatures she fires all teh damn rmaining missiles in such a way Itano himself would approve.

"I am not going to die like this, I will not have killed by Will on my TOMBSTONE!"
William Pauwel -=FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM=-                          

    Will yells as the shield suddenly BURNS DOWN TO BASICALLY CINDERS and he's NEARLY THROWN FROM THE CONSOLE. Claire's assessment is undeniable. One more good hit is all they've got left. If they take another, that's it. Finito. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Will pales at the horrible sea serpents still swirling around the submarine. T-they're coming down to the wire here. Will is still far too young to just /die/ here, too!


    "Aaaaaah t'hell with it all!" Will scrambles back to his console and starts crossing OTHER wires. Suddenly, whatever's left of the shield's useless dregs flicker out and disappear. But conversely, all that power that Will shunted that direction is suddenly being forced into firepower and maneuverability. "If we've only got one hit in us, then whatever was left in the shields weren't worth it anyway! Diverted all power to weapons and engines! Milly, keep us weavin'! August, Kotone, fill 'em with all the lead you've got!"
Millium Argent      This was it.

     There were basically no more actions left to take. Other than UNLOAD EVERYTHING and PRESS F TO PRAY TO JUNO.

     And then August mashes the BIG RED BUTTON. What happens after that is.... All of his turrets stop firing. Almost as if they locked up. Click click click. Nothing. DID IT BREAK!? No, something's going on. The energy indicators on the console that were partially empty blue were now slowly filling back up with red...

     Meanwhile, Kotone fires the PHOTON MISSILE. It arms, and then bursts out of the submarine, slicing through the water. The serpents all take evasive actions, but it's too late. The remaining two escorts are blown away by the resulting explosion of concentrated death, leaving a sphere of swirling light in it's wake that dissipates.

     Once it clears up, all that's left is the leader unit, banged up but still functioning. And it's charging up another one of those shots! "Augustus Caesar! What's going on? Fire! Fire! Fiiiiiiiire! Or we are all going to di-GWAHGH!"

     There's a beep, as August's energy levels go full red. And then all turrets concentrate and unleash a massive blast of pure crimson energy. Slicing through the water and going right for the lead machine.

     It lets loose it's own blast in retaliation and both beams impact one another, struggling back and forth...back and forth....and then...the submarine's beam wins, slicing the white one apart, and punching a hole directly through the enemy.

     There's a moment of pause...and then it starts to explode, systems unable to sustain the damage. Once it finishes blowing up gloriously, everything is quiet. ".........." Millium stares listlessly out into the water. ".....We won....." She looks around at everyone. "...HAH! WE WON! TAKE THAT!" She cheers, hopping out of her seat with a fist raised.

     Claire also breathes out a sigh of relief and checks her radars. "...We're approaching something..." Up on the screens, everyone can see the shadowy shape of a massive structure sitting on the ocean floor as they approach with their puttering sub at this point. "....It looks like a city..."
Rory White ARE YOU KIDDING, THE CONSOLES THROW SPARKS WHEN THE SHIELDS ARE ON THE FRITZ?! Rory is very glad to be inorganic here... and dismayed as well. Did nobody think to install heavier-duty circuits and safety systems? The bridge should be the #1 most protected and heavy-duty engineered part of the ship where safety's concerned...

    A thousand thoughts run through her Cyberbrain. Largely the possibility that if they fail here, it's going to be an entirely preventable disaster and her reinstantiation will never forgive herself for letting these people do this without more forethought or preparation. What a crushing scenario to exist with. 'Lost best friend in the Multiverse to heroic stupidity.'

    But all the yelling brings her out of this strange funk. There's little she can do here, everyone's already firing everything she's got. So instead, grisly contingency plans for how to get Kotone's brain out of here intact start playing through her mind.

    Not that anyone would know it, what with her staring blankly at the console.

    BUT THE GAMBIT WORKS! "Confirmed... the target is breaking up!" Relief? Yeah, she sounds a bit relieved. So those grisly contingency plans are quickly filed away.

    But then the group starts moving again and she shouts loudly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WAIT FOR THE SHIELDS TO RECHARGE. THERE MIGHT BE MORE DEFENSES!"
Mel Brock     Mel stares silently out the window into the murky abyss beyond.

    "...goddammit, particle beams don't work that way. Lasers don't work that way."

    Quietly, the Marshal massages her temples.
William Pauwel     Two beams meet. Water flash-boils furiously around the point of contact. All they can do now is hope and pray and wish loved ones goodbye. But then... The impossble happens. They're... not dead?


    Diverting all power to the weapons actually worked for once! "WOO!" Will cheers, pumping his fists into the air and almost punching a pipe out of its joint. "We made it! We made it and we AIN'T DEAD! Hahahahahahahaaaa!" He falls back, sinking into a conveniently placed chair. "Hoooooooboy, that was a close o--"


He's... Forgetting something??

Will sniffs the air. The stale, awful air.


    "Hup!" The snappily dressed Chaser jumps out of his seat and back to the console. Crossed wires are un-crossed, dials are turned back. Will diverts energy back to necessary things like 'shields' and 'breathable air' before he forgets to do either and everyone drowns and/or suffocates. "Close one. Uh."

A... City?

Will blinks, leaning over to peer at one of the nearby screens.

"...Huuuuh. There really is something down here... That was a heck of a defense system, too. Wonder what this place is?"
Millium Argent      "Wooooooow...." Millium intones in wonder, staring at the vague sight of the city in the murky depths. "... So this is what's down here... Huh! I guess we've got a ton more work to do yet!" She surmises, stretches her arms above her head and yawning. "Phew! I'm beat! But still we're not-" Rory says they should stop.

     "....Ahahaha...yeah, I guess so, huh?" She says, rubbing the back of head sheepishly. "Alright, alright... turning us around. We'll come back another time then!" And with that said, the blonde's hands return to the controls, and the sub turns around, beginning it's careful ascent back to the surface...

     Claire isn't looking forward to writing that report and assessing the damages. But whatever! Progress was made! They are finished! For now.

     And everyone lived. Just this once. Everyone lives.


     She eyes August, contemplating choking him for a moment. Then she does the same for Millium.

     The thought is shelved. For now.
Kotone Yamakawa Kotone Yamakawa has no idea Rory has a plan to save her, but she'd be thankful, she'd be glad though it's not needed. She just slumps at her stations. "I suggest we tempt n9ot fate further and go to check it out ... once we have had a chace to repaire the craft going in now might be a bit unwise..." All the while she's thinking god damn it will and this world sharing a name with a company on her home world. She's starting to wonder if somehow someone unifed from this Tellus on to her world ages ago and founded the company. It's likely just a cosmic fit of irony though in the end.
August Kohler Oh god, they're going to die. Oh god, August is actually genuinely scared that everyone else is going to die, and he hasn't done enough to protect them, especially as his weapons systems stop- wait, no. Wait, the red button is /working/.

The Ray of Death pierces through the enemy beam, destroying the final foe.

August stands up, and raises a single fist to the sky. Everyone's alive. Their final gambit worked. "We're alive! /You're alive/!" And then, he turns to Claire, quirking an eyebrow, before glancing at the city. "Wait, what did I do?"