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Lapis Lazuli The empty, black void of space. Nothing was out there. At least, that's what most would suspect.

Except sometimes you go by a window on your space ship, in the silent din of space, and there's a blue girl standing outside, her hands pushed up against the window and just staring at you silently. Or possibly yelling. If she was, could you tell? Either way. GAHHHHH!

Eventually she'd notice that she'd been noticed. And she'd wave. How long had she been out there? She was completely blue! Was that normal, or was she just so cold? Gahhh!
Staren Guest Room - SSC Stranger than Fiction (Location #5)

    The 20x15' room at the center of the ship has been turned into a social hangout room of sorts, with a couch, table, bed, and other furniture matching the carpet in autumn colors, the walls still the same facade of stone as most of the rest of the ship. There are a couple of flatscreens against the wall, and windows on each side. The spiral staircase to the upper and lower levels is in the port-aft corner, and an expanding divider can be stretched to divide the room into two cramped but serviceable bedrooms.


    At the moment, Staren has led the others to one of the windows to admire SAO-1 Earth out the starboard window, one can clearly see some of the new islands.

    And then there's a blue lady pressed up against the glass(?). Staren jumps back, then stares for a moment. "I guess someone had better go out and... talk to her?" He turns and heads down the stairs.

Hub - SSC Stranger than Fiction (Location #0)

    The walls, floor, and ceiling of the Stranger than Fiction's lower deck are covered with a facade that makes the structure look as if it are constructed of large stone bricks. The 'hub' room is about 25x15' across and about 7 1/3 feet tall. The teleporter pad is in the fore-starboard corner, the doorway to the lab is in the center of the fore wall, and the doorway to manufacturing is in the center of the aft wall. A spiral staircase to storage and the residential deck is in the aft-port corner. Through thick transparisteel windows, you can see space outside. Large storage cupboards are against the walls here.


    Staren pulls a spacesuit out of one of the lockers and slips it over his clothes like a jumpsuit-hoodie -- the 'helmet' hardens and the body contracts to fit him. The entrance to the airlock is actually a hatch in the floor here -- once he and any others have climbed down and the hatch closed behind them, it depressurises and a hatch in the side of the ship opens.

    From Lapis's view, this is a small, house-sized castle floating in space. There were people at a window, and now a hatch in the base -- the least castle-y part, where there are thrusters and stuff -- has opened and Staren and maybe others are standing there. At this point Staren realizes talking may be difficult. He tries a combination of radio and holding up a tablet with the word: HELLO to see if she responds, smiling a bit awkwardly.
Dorian Pavus     Dorian's on board the ship, wanting to get a good look at the new islands that have appeared in this world. The concept of a 'virtual' world is still quite new to him, to the concept that it could overlap -- and in some places, overwrite entirely -- the real world, is something that he almost can't believe. But he's seen it with his own eyes, he can't doubt it. Now he wants to get a better look at it, to see how and where the virtual world's encroached on the real one, make sure it's not going to have any immediate negative effects that he can see.

    Dorian doesn't expect to have to fight anything, so he hasn't come here in his battle gear. No, this time he's in a smart white suit with a slightly unusual cut. The lapels of the blazer are straight, lacking any sort of sharp angles to them, and have a silver trim. He wears an inner vest of the same color as his blazer, also with a silver trim, as well as a dark, slaty blue-green shirt and a lighter teal tie. Gray socks and smart but comfortable black dress shoes completed the look.

    It's hardly worth dressing to fit in if he carries a staff, though. So in its place he's carrying a black cane with a silver dragon head at the top. The eyes are of some sort of bright, sky-blue crystal that those with the power to sense energy would probably be able to tell are somehow magically reactive. And of course his hair and mustache are immaculately groomed. He doesn't like to be seen in public otherwise!

    It actually takes him a moment to see the girl on the window. He glances in that direction, glances away, then turns back in shock. "''Fasta vass!''" he exclaims, drawing back from the window in a sudden move. Hopefully no one's standing behind him, or he's going to hit someone! Once he realizes Staren knows the the girl, he relaxes, placing a hand on his chest. "Maker's breath," he sighs. Then as Staren moves to go talk to her he notes, "Do tell her to be CAREFUL! Some of us have lifespans we're trying to NOT have shortened. ''Kaffas'', I think I lost a year of my life."
Tomoe Tomoe was not in heavy armor, nope she was an 'elf' in a form fitting spacesuit, well vacsuit she wans't expecting trouble right? This should be okay? She's looking a bit more confused than Staren is, she had been helping to catch up Mr. Joestar on just what he walked into with Priscilla's homeworld. She was also enjoying the whole suit. <<This is a lot like Eisen's outfit I love it.>> 5R
she chirps and she's well looking at the strange girl out the window.

"Yes I'd like to not have my short life ended sooner, but ... what does wait? Is that who i think it is?"
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan stares owlishly, deep blue eyes blinking once every so often.

He'd seen a lot of things that stupified him in this multiverse. A Kraken. Ghosts. Abyss. Even traveling in space itself was a shock, and now there was a tiny blue lady outside of the ship! At least, Staren seemed to be moving in for first contact. Jonathan took several more moments to regain his bearings. Tall and broad shouldered, the hundred-and-ninty-five-centimeter tall nobleman looked the dashing part in his knee high black leather boots, with star shaped buckles, and a red vest decorated in flowery designs overtop of his typical white button-up shirt and cravat-bola tie combo. The Joestar family crest was embrodered on the vest's back, an ornamental star.

    His fashion seemed, both bizarre and very classical, at the same time.

"It's impolite to refer to a lady as 'it', Miss Tomoe. She may be blue, but that is very clearly a woman."

He chides her gently with crossed arms, having apparently forgotten to continue fiddling with his radio to tap into that 'starknet' thinger-majigger that he'd been told about. Clearing his throat, Jonathan waved at Lapis politely from the window.
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli would fly over to them, on wings of water. She'd land in front of them and smile. "Hello, space faring species of seemingly human descent. I am Lapis Lazuli of the... of Earth. I have not come to destroy you or take over your ship, I have merely come to... ummmm..." She tapped her chin. "Make friends! Yes! I have come to make friends! I will not destroy you, i promise. Unless you force me to! In which case I will destroy you down to mere specks and end your likely short lives!" She said it all with a big, bright, cheerful smile.

And not a word of it was likely heard. Since, you know. Her species could hear in the vacuum of space, but none of theirs could. So instead she just looked really nice and friendly, her hands folded in front of her lap, a big smile on her face as she talked about destroying them with a wanton dismissal. Maybe it was for the best that they couldn't hear her.

At least she looked friendly. And would come inside if they offered.
Staren     The tablet changes to display: :)FRIENDSHIP:) and Staren waves for Lapis to come into the airlock.

    Once the hatch is closed and the airlock is re-pressurized, he speaks: "Welcome! Friendship is very important to me, so I'm happy to help. Um..." He rubs his helmet. "I'm Staren. This is the SSC Stranger than Fiction. Pleased to meet you, Lapis Lazuli." He offers a hand to shake.

    Once greetings have been exchanged, he says, "Come, let's go somewhere a little more comfortable..." and he climbs the ladder back up into the hub, shucking and stowing the vacsuit and then leading up the stairs back to the guest room.
Dorian Pavus     Definitely unusual. Not the most unusual thing that's happened to him in his time in the Multiverse, but definitely up there. But hopefully Staren can deal with the issue. He'll stay inside and wait until Staren -- and presumably the 'passenger' on the outside -- return. He doesn't want to chance his unfamiliarity with the suits used for protection against that environment out there causing him to botch putting one on. Wouldn't to to pop like a balloon out there. Ever so unbecoming.
Tomoe Tomoe hit an derp moment and she looks very ahem sullen? No that's not the word, Jonathan has caught her good and she just ahems. "Your right I do know her. It's been a while ..." She looks to Laipis for a moment and she does not hold Jojo on chiding her, he was right entirely about it. Even if there are techinaliotys in there but no matter.

"Hi there it's been a while. Lapis!"
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan performs a light half-bow. The whole 'destroy you' thing was off putting, if not a little rude, but he would maintain his manners none the less. "I am Jonathan Joestar, it's good to meet you."

It was actually impressive that he had enough dexterity to actually bow with how bulky his muscles were. "If you don't mind me asking, how were you surviving out there? In space, I was under the impression there was no oxygen.."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded and then smiles. "HHello! A pleasure to meet you! I am Lapis Laz... oh. You do know!" She follows him, a big green on her face. She then waved at them. "Tomoe! IT is great to see that you have not passed on!" she said happily, then hugged the girl. Before... turning to jonathan.

"I am a gem. We are a space faring race, we do not require food, air, water or any such things. Our bodies are hard light constructions, covered with internal sensors.
Staren     Staren nods at her explanation. He'd put 2 and 2 together and figured she was a Gem a few seconds before.

    After he's led them back to the guest room, he motions for Lapis to take a seat if she likes. There's the couch, a chair or two, and a bed. "Well, I... am a bit of a unique case, long story short I'm half-human and I explore and study and make stuff and help people and this is my ship-house. What sort of things do you do? What goals do you have, I mean what do you want besides friendship?"
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan didn't realize Staren was half human, it was an interesting thing to find out. It was..harder than he'd expected to open his mind to the possibility that inhuman things weren't always an innate threat, but after spending some time in the greater multiverse, he found himself easing into the idea. All of the non-humans or half-humans or quarter-humans or ten-quadrillionth humans he'd met thus far had been nothing but pleasant and upstanding people. To tell the truth, it was rather refreshing.

        "A..Gem, you say? Lapis Lazuli."

Jonathan tried very hard not to look amused. "I see. That's fascinating."
Dorian Pavus     Once everyone's safely inside -- and Dorian's confident letting go of the part of the wall he's perched himself won't result in him getting sucked out of the ship -- the mage steps forward as well. He also offers a bow to Lapis, one of those flashy, flourishy things, and introduces himself. "Dorian Pavus, Altus mage of Tevinter. How do you do?" he offers pleasantly.
Tomoe Tomoe says "Its good to see ytou and I don't plan on chekcing out just yet I'mnot eveh thirty yet!" She's just engaging in some word play given how crasy things were it was possible. She then gets huged and hugs back. "Gems really are something."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli blinked a few times. "Other... than... friendship? I do not believe Steven has told me of things past friend ship. Oh! We can watch the tv! Have you seen the littlest butler? It is quite amuzing, because the butler is smaller than the average butler! Yes, those of differing sizes and appearances are amusing! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

... She was... interesting. "Like this sapphire I met once who had hair that was an extra centimeter in length! Yes! We had many, many laughs about such things!" she said, clapping her hands with delight as she... tried... futily to fit in.

Then her eyes landed on Dorian and she smiled. "Oh? Do you wish to dance, human? I am afraid that I do not believe you and I may fuse. But I may try with you, if you so wish." ... Well, he did flourish his bow at her.
Staren     Lapis doesn't know what she wants? Curious. He also suspects that this sense of humor is faked to fit in. "I /do/ have TV, although I don't know a show about a little butler, we can probably find it. I have no idea what you're talking about dancing having to do with fusing. Um... Although for future reference, while there's certainly a potential for absurdist humor in some cases, making fun of differences of appearance probably isn't a good idea. People can be sensitive about that. Learning the line is hard. But I appreciate that you're making the effort! Puns might be a little easier to learn." He begins to pace around the room. "Come on, there must be /something/ you want, something you like doing. Although I suppose 'fitting in with people who weren't raised by gems' is a pretty good start. I..." he stops for a moment.

    "I... sorry, I don't want to overwhelm you, but I get it, I do, peoples' society is alien to me too. Once when I was a little kid adults told me to look at people when talking to them, and I said why, and they said to show you're listening, and I said well shouldn't I turn my ears towards them then, I don't listen with my eyes. People are doing seemingly illogical, irrational things all the time, except I don't have some planet somewhere where everything makes sense, I'm just weird and I've had to learn to fit in too."

    He starts pacing again. "TV and books is a good place to start. They often emphasize or narrate what people are thinking and feeling, and even if the situations are fictional, for a story to work the characters have to act like real people. You can learn a lot about how people think from stories... It might make you a little warped, but eh, better than not getting it at all, right?"
Dorian Pavus     Dorian's response to the 'fusing' statement is a confused one. He sputters a moment, before regaining his composure. And when he does, he sends Lapis a sly look. "My dear lady," he says, with JUST THAT tone, "I never 'fuse' with anyone on such short acquaintence," he says, in a teasing tone of voice. Yes. Yes that totally is a dirty joke. But unlike Jonathan Joestar, Dorian is no gentleman. In fact, he's anything but; he wears his 'Pariah' badge with pride.

    However, yes, he does have some decency in him somewhere. Once the joke is made, he chuckles, and straightens his behavior up. "That was unworthy, I apologize." He doesn't bother to explain how or why it was unworthy. He just goes right to Staren's words. And offers a commiserating look. "That I can understand," he offers. "My own world didn't even know what the concept of 'electricity' was, aside from magically-conjured lightning. And now, here I am, inside a SPACESHIP. To my world, ''gaatlok'' weapons were the greatest secret in my world; lo and behold, an entire world-of-worlds to whom ''gaatlok'' is something completely ordinary."

    And here he... actually loses some of that bravado. his tone is honest as he adds, "To be QUITE honest, it's... rather little overwhelming at first. And more than a little humbling."
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan worriedly looks around the room. Tomoe and Miss Lazuli seemed to know eachother, Dorian was being as well mannered; if not overly pomp. Staren however, as good as his intentions were, was acting rather strange. Babbling slightly, Jonathan picked a good moment to intervene when the other man left off. "My intention isn't to be rude...but, stories are just that..stories. I think..that the best way to learn about people is to be around them. While there's always a grain of truth to any good fiction, there isn't actually much to learn from someone who was imagined. Very few people have a personage compared to Nicholas Nickelby, you know."

Jonathan's tone is gentle, and near the end, takes on a humorous demeanor. It didn't cross his mind that Charles Dickens might not exist in other worlds. " ... though, I can definitley understand the feeling of being is that saying? A 'stranger in a strange land'? The most advanced form of transportation was horse-drawn carriage, where I'm from. The idea of a human flying in the sky was prepostorous, nevermind sailing among the stars."

    "Yet, here we all are. It's amazing in its own way, isn't it?"
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli blinked a few times, then nodded. "Oh, yes. I have read through many of earth's books. But I do not wish to do that any more. I have spend millenia trapped inside, I no longer wish to sit and observe. I wish to see life. The life of such creatures as yourselves! So short lived, yet so amusing!" Then... Patted Dorian on the head. "Oh, do not worry. just because you are not a gem, does not mean you are not worry of fusion. Steven would say you are still special!"

"And oh, yes. Humans flying through the air is so strange. You are all such weak bodied. You can barely survive a full minute in space! How ever did your species learn space travel? So delicate. But you create so many wonders! Your planets are so full of great treasures that the gems could not create in millenia! Like jewelry! And Cars! And pop can holders!" Only the greatest inventions listed. "Your species is so marvelous for being such weird and delicate creatures that can die from things such as falling."
Staren     "Dickens was paid by the word and it shows." Staren quips at Jonathan.

    At 'short lived', Staren folds his arms, "Speak for someone else."

    He listens to her, ears and tail flicking, then runs a hand through his hair. "Alright, I guess reading didn't work. The one caveat with Jonathan's suggestion is that by interacting with people you risk pissing them off... All I can suggest is to find the ones who will put up with you and do what you can for them."

    He paces a bit, and then stops. "Lesson 1: Emphasizing how weak and squishy people are, even if you're trying to praise them and show interest, comes across as insulting, even if you are just stating facts. If you have to bring it up, don't, uhh..." he makes a vague circling gesture with a hand, "...I dunno. At least act like you're /aware/ it's a sensitive issue. I'm sure there's a diplomatic way to put it, but the skill to come up with it is beyond me."

    He paces as he exposits: "To answer your question: Human technological process increases as there's more technology to work with. If you encountered a society a thousand years earlier, it would be much less advanced, and ten or a hundred thousand years before... For a long time, humans didn't do much. Language allowed knowledge to be shared, ideas to be communicated. Now if ONE person learned that a plant made you sick if you ate it, or how to plant and grow plants that made good food, they could tell others."

    "That led to a lot, but the invention of /writing/ allowed people to save a lot more information and keep it for people long in the future. People didn't have to have everything memorized -- if they forgot some advice, they could look it up."

    Staren keeps pacing, gesturing as he lectures: "The printing press, mass-produced writing, made it easier to copy and share these ideas. Books with good ideas could /eventually/ make it all around the world. Improved transportation networks, and eventually telegraph, radio, telephone, and internet, they all made it so that people could communicate across the globe /now/, not maybe see some book from elsewhere decades or centuries old. And the more people communicated and worked together, the more they could pool their knowledge to produce new inventions... including better ways to communicate, and the cycle continues."

    He stops and looks at Lapis. "That's how people made cars, and spaceships, and pop can holders. Jewelry's pretty old, as is art. People have always wanted to make such things... although increasing technology means more tools for aspiring artists." He gestures at a TV screen, which shows video clips of graffiti, impromptu sculptures, and the smokey musical lightshow from the taint.
Dorian Pavus     "It is," Dorian replies to Jonathan's observation of them all being here as being something amazing. "I've seen the odd nuggalope, but aside from that, nothing so spectacular as an automobile, at least not in my world. Unless you happen to tame a dragon, and with the unlikeliness of THAT happening, it isn't even worth considering." He seems utterly convinced of this.

    Lapis's words get a raise of his brow. "Oh! That's not..." He pauses then, realizing he'll probably have to EXPLAIN his joke to her, and... well, yeah he'd rather not do that. So he lets it go, with a chuckle. Of humans apparently fagilty, he notes, "Perhaps that's WHY humans do that. Even animals use tools, yes? Perhaps we simply utilize the tools we're given in interesting ways."

    With enthusiasm, he notes, "Say, for instance... I've seen those boxes they use to keep food cold -- refrigerators and freezers? I've been working on a way to accomplish this via magic so that Thedas can use the technology, and I think I've ALMOST got it."

    He quiets, though, as Staren plays Mr. Exposition! Most of it is actually true, though... "That does rather have an 'outsider' emphasis," he notes. "It may be the case, but part of 'blending in' is not letting everyone else know you're an outsider, and at least pretending you're supposed to be there." He doesn't speak to the progression of technology, because even if he's getting more familiar with modern (and beyond) tech, his world's still what many would consider 'archaic'.
Tomoe Tomoe had long been used to Staren when he got babbling a litlte she odens't seem too touble and honestly with how her life had been going lately? A hug was not an unelcome thing at all. She is content to sit back for a moment before she htinks.

"Fairly good ideas Staren but then again we are pretty crazy as a species." She doesn't look human, close but not quite yet she's talking about such? Odd really.

"Dickens is still good to read, the man had to eat, though humm reading our stories just give an idea of what we find enteraining. Then again what am I to say given my own passtimes which have had a nasty habid of threating to fry my brain."

She makes a bit of a face b ut seems to belooking over to Dorian for a moment.

"Sometimes it's best to just sit and watch."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli nodded. "Oh, yes! I very much do not belong, though! I am not of the human! In fact, I am of nothing but a gem! And the gems are the invaders of the world! Though, now I suppose I am a protector. But most gems are invaders. Some. Most. Yes. Most are. But I am not. I am a guardian of earth. Sort of."

She coughed. "I do not like to fight. But when something endangers Steven. Or Peridot. And... sometimes Rose or pearl. I will protect. But otherwise I like to travel. And Steven says what makes us different is what makes us special! So the fact I do no fit in is good!" Seriously, half of what he says seems to be going in one ear and out the other.

"And yes. Sadly, I was locked away so I missed most of the developing humanity's developments over the last few millenia. But i look forward to seeing how your species develops now! The multiverse allows us to do so much! I have already learned so much about the different cultures! For example, I have learned of a thing called a 'holiday', which is very amusing. There is lots of fire, usually. On the good ones. Oh, and have even acquired a 'girl friend'. It is like fusing, without the fusing part! I think. Non-gems are such strange creatures."

Then turned to Tomoe, her face suddenly getting deathly serious. "Sitting and watching is never for the best. Never, ever again." ... O...kay then.
Staren     When Dorian suggests she bleed in, Staren points out, "She's blue." He looks to Lapis. "There's a difference between being good at social interaction and... being the same as other people, though. So, you want to protect people, you want to avoid fighting, and you want to travel. Those are good goals! I'm not sure I can do much for helping you get better at them, though."

    As she says she loves holidays, he smiles, "People do love to party..." And when she says she's aquired a 'girl friend', he looks briefly surprised. "Well congratulations! Well, I don't know about the fusing part or what that's like..." He stops and stares into space for a few seconds. "...but having someone you can be that close to is very nice. It's because of her inspiration that I wanted to help you with friendship."

    He plops himself down in a chair. "The multiverse is inhabited by all sorts of people, not just humans. I imagine you'll enjoy seeing the endless variety of different societies and cultures and technologies people have."
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan chuckles slightly. Staren's impromptu lecture had him interested, as well, given his own world had only just begun to discover the wonders of the telephone, after all. "Humans are very inventive..I'd say it's our second greatest ability." Jonathan looked somewhat sad, for a moment, afterwards. Talking about human greatness dredged up memories of a less than joyous conversation from what seemed like so long ago. He was sure now, more than ever, that the assertions made that night had been wrong. If there was a limit to a human's ability, it had yet to be truly reached.

"Oh, a magical refridgerator? That would be most useful. Admitedly, most of the research I've done since coming to the greater multiverse has been focused on the Occult..when my journey is over and done with, I'd love to bring back some of the 'modern achievements' home with me. Perhaps it could help restructure Windknight's Lot, even."

    Lapis had an interesting perspective, to say the least.

"Your people age very slowly I take it?" Jonathan questions, he was somewhat worried about that 'invasion' bit she mentioned, but there was no use fussing over something that couldn't be helped at the time. He'd cross that bridge if he ever found himself approaching it. "It must be fascinating to watch a people grow, though I'm not sure what a..'girlfriend'"
Dorian Pavus     "Yes, I heard about that," Dorian notes dryly, to Tomoe's mention of passtimes threatening to fry her brain. "I'm told those video games will rot your brain anyway, even if they AREN'T specifically programmed to do exactly that. Doesn't stop people from playing them, though." Himself among them, in fact. Though he's not going to admit that, oh no.

    Lapis's admission that she doesn't belong gets a tilt of his head. "I rarely belong anywhere I go. But that doesn't stop me from pretending as though I do." He smirks.

    Staren's pointing out that Lapis is blue gets a flat look. "Yes, and?" He notes. "As I said, 'pretend' you belong there. Sometimes that's all the difference." Staren's mention of there being more than humans gets a nod. "There are indeed. Even in my world alone, there are several different races of people."

    Jonathan's words of 'second greatest ability', and the sad look, gets a look of understanding from Dorian. he might not know exactly what the problem is, but he knows that face. "Ah. Yes indeed. Second only to our capacity to hurt each other, yes?" Though Dorian seems delighted when Jonathan seems interested in the magical refrigerator. "I just need to fix the enchantment so it won't need re-enchanting at intervals. Not every world that could use them would have mages on hand to 'recharge' the enchantment."

    And then he snickers at the mention of not knowing what a 'girlfriend' is. "I believe that refers to a woman that one is courting," he notes. "A woman so courted is a 'girlfriend', a man so courted is generally referred to as a 'boyfriend'."
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli shook her head. "Oh, no. We don't age at all. To be honest, the idea of aging is quite strange to us. You humans with your 'life times'," she said with a giggle.

Then looked confused. "Um, no? There are no courts involved. I am her girl friend, we have not sued each other. Is it common for humans to sue each other when they are dating? Though, she is a princess so... I believe she has a royal court? Though I am told that is a different type of court. Or do you mean a sports court? Oh! Yes! Greg has told me of the balls with baskets! It is such an amusing sport, this balls with baskets!" she said happily. "Running from one end to the other to put a ball into a strange hoop, for no identifiable purpose. What will humans think of next?"

She then... just kind of... "I would like to try this, if that is okay?" as she walked to the tv and started... pushing buttons. Distracting herself, at least.
Staren     "Pff, nonsense, videogames /engage/ your brain, practicing your problem-solving skills! Or, y'know, just being a way to have /fun/, and there's nothing wrong with that. 'Rot your brain', honestly..."

    He kind of stares at Jonathan for a moment. Doesn't know what a 'girlfriend' is? He's about to launch into an explanation, but fortunately, Dorian has it covered.

    Lapis finds ages funny! He deadpans with more than a hint of salt, "It is a strange idea. They're just used to it because most people don't get a choice about it."

    "Another use of the word 'court' means showing romantic interest in someone. Yes, it's a word that can mean many things. And the purpose of basketball, like many other sports, is to win the game, to show your skill and athleticism and overcome the challenge of the other team."
Jonathan Joestar "To hurt eachother? No, I wouldn't say that."

Jonathan stares into his palm. But, he was looking at something deeper. At the ripples beneath his skin. At the veins stretching up his arm, and the pressurized life fluids surging within. "What is it that makes humans different from animals? Does an animal know courage because it may attack something larger than its own life? No. It does not understand 'fear' ... to know fear and make it your own, that is courage." Jonathan says, somberly.

"A human being's greatest ability does not come from the mind."
"It does not come from the strength of their arms, or their legs."
"It comes from your heart, the ability to own your fear..that is Courage."

His somber sadness smoldered into determination, and as if recalling a treasured memory, his hand clenched into a tight fist. A great man had taught him this when he needed it most; even if great sorrow were attached to memories of him, Jonathan could not falter. He had to move forward, with bravery and grace.


The atmosphere around him cooled as he received an ample explanation for the terminology. He looked confused as he glanced at Lapis, but did not voice what was most obviously on his mind after that clarification.
Dorian Pavus     "'Courting' is an activity," Dorian offers to Lapis's words. However then he offers, "But that is an activity I am NOT going to explain." He seems amused nonetheless. "I'm not going to be the one to give you the 'birds and the bees' talk." Thankfully Lapis also seems distracted by the television, so... whew. Crisis averted!

    Staren's seeming offense at hearing that video games are said to rot one's brain gets a chuckle. "I didn't say /I/ believed it, now did I?" he points out. "There are far worse ways to rot your mind." Dryly, he adds, "Drinking lyrium, for instance. Makes you think all mages are something to be destroyed."

    Jonathan starts to talk then, to explain his views. And Dorian takes on a thoughtful expression as he listens. "Well..." he notes. "I have heard that true courage is not the lack of fear, but action despite it. The ability to ignore the instinct to run away. That sort of thing." He pauses then, noting the somber look on Jonathan's face. Dorian is not as much of a bastard as he likes to make people think. So he reaches up, intent to offer a comforting pat on a shoulder.

    But then the way the expression of Jonathan's face changes once he realizes exactly what Lapis was talking about...? Dorian can't help but laugh. It's not a mean laugh, but he /is/ amused. Dorian naturally assumes that Jonathan is confused at how such a thing could work. That is, Lapis apparently being female and yet still courting a woman. "Yes. That is a thing that happens in the Multiverse," he confirms. "Love comes in many forms, Mister Joestar."
Staren     "I think calling it 'birds and bees' would only confuse her, anyway." Staren comments softly.

    Fortunately, the subject is quickly changed! Staren nods at the assessment that drugs that make you go crazy are the true brain-rotter.

    He nods at Dorian's assessment. "I've heard the same, and agree... although personally, I think it's the ability to have abstract thoughts, and hopes and dreams, that seperates us from animals, and courage is one of many such.

    He assumes Jonathan's confusion is because given Lapis's... weird social behavior, what could /that/ relationship possibly be like? He doesn't comment.

    Although he agrees with Dorian's assessment about 'many forms', nodding. "Yeah."
Tomoe Tomoe laughs. "Actually it tends to help stimulate the brain and can fend off a lot of old age problems actually but that's a long story." She may have just hunted down the joke for EXP, who knows but she's still amused eitehr way Lapis is looked at for a moment. "Maybe so but there is one upside to dying of old age. No social order or leader can last forever. I heard of a world hwere they have undying rich people who have strangled held things for generations."

She notes "Everything has it's upside at least." She looks to jojo for amoment and she listens for a moment.

"Being able to bite back the animal impluse to run or not think clearly, yes I have to agree with that. Followed by that I'd say Empathy is a close second."
Jonathan Joestar "Many forms..r-right."

His cheeks reddened. It was a very alien idea to him, and to be frank, he didn't get it at all. Never the less, he did not wish to be rude. Thankfully, the topic turns back into something more comfortable, in short order. "Perhaps. Oh, I've been meaning to ask, have either have you come across any ...odd, structures, in the worlds you've visited? Very old. Aztec, signs of ancient acupuncture research? If you have, or, if you come across such a thing..."

        "I must ask a favor, would you inform me of such?"
Staren     Staren is from a world that's served as a multiversal crossroads for three hundred years, so he doesn't really understand the variety of possible relationships being a novel idea.

    "I don't think I've seen such ruins, but I'll keep it in mind if I do see anything. And sure, I'll let you know."
Dorian Pavus     It's all Dorian can do not to laugh again. And he really wants to tease Jonathan a little. But that would be unbecoming. Besides, Jonathan's asking a question! He blinks, then shakes his head. "No, I'm afraid not. The word 'Aztec' isn't one I'm familiar with. Nor 'acupuncture', to be honest. It sounds like a form of torture natives use." He shudders a bit.

    however, like Staren, he nods, agreeing, "If I stumble across any ruins and that word 'Aztec' comes up, I'll be certain to let you know."
Staren     "Acupuncture is medical treatment by inserting fine needles at specific places in the body." Staren exposits. "In some worlds, it helps unblock people's chi and such, where that's a thing. Aztec:" He points at the TV Lapis isn't in front of, and it starts displaying something like google image search results for aztec. "They're an ancient mesoamerican civilization from Earth."
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan nods. "Thank you."

Staren provided an accurate clarification. "Yes, my family was steeped into the Occult of various cultures, as a..hobby of sorts. My mother was fascinated with an Aztec mask before her death, and I took up archaeology to research it. The mask was an apparent execution device, using stone needles to pierce the brain ...but. That wasn't quite investigations into the mask's purposes made many people suffer. I have to prevent whatever may else exist on the subject from falling into the wrong hands.

And, it might lead him to it...The Stone Mask, how many lives had it ended? Not just his own father, or his home, but a close friend and mentor. The innocents of Windknight's Lot. Every bit of havoc his adoptive brother wrought with it, was a sin he shared.
Staren     "An 'apparent' execution device?" Staren echoes. "What did it actually do, disconnect someone's spirit from their body? Or unlock their psychic powers? Or, it could suck their spirit /into/ the mask... Sorry. There's just so much crazy stuff in the multiverse..."
Dorian Pavus     Dorian just WINCES at the thought of sticking needles in people. "That... sounds like a Qunari warrior's ritual trial rather than a treatment for anything," he comments. He is, however, not a man of science. Well, not of medical science. Magical science, yes. Medical, no.

    As he listens to Jonathan explain, though, he blinks. "Well, the Orlesians have a fascination with masks. But most of theirs are metal, or porcelain. None of them would be caught DEAD in a mask made of stone."
Jonathan Joestar Dorian's joke is not lost on Jonathan. He couldn't laugh at it, though.

"Any of those would be better alternatives to what it does. The mask..changes them, somehow. They become an Immortal Monster that won't die, even if you burn it to cinders. It feasts merely on blood, and forsakes its humanity...a creature that is cruel beyond words. When the needles pierce the victim's brain..."

        "They're transformed, into a Vampire."

Just talking about it made him relive the awful memories of that night. It was at the front of his mind. Dio, who rejected his humanity and murdered George Joestar in cold blood. His life fluids were a salve to activate the mask's power, and what had followed...

There's only so much a human can accomplish...

            Hiding does you no good!

        G O O D    B Y E    J O J O

"Even someone with a good heart, when turned to undeath, becomes inhumanly malicious, and those who were bad to begin with..they are without measure. The Stone Mask's victims must be annihilated."
Staren     Staren ughs. "A shame. There are perfectly legitimate ways to become immortal. Anything we should know about these vampires? What hurts them, garlic, silver, holy water, regular bullets?"
Jonathan Joestar "They're all but invulnerable. Bullets ... fire ... they'll come back, eventually. Except from one thing..a wound inflicted by sunlight won't heal unless they drink blood. And if they're exposed to the sunlight directly, there's no escape. The vampire will be destroyed instantly."

        "That's their one weakness.."
        "The sun's energy."
Staren     "A wound inflicted by sunlight? But how do you..." Blink. "THAT'S what you did in the cave! You used sunlight, somehow!"
Dorian Pavus     Oh no, Dorian knows this is some serious business. Hence why he doesn't follow up on his joke. Jonathan starts to explain, and Dorian listens. He frowns. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with vampires as most people seem to know them," he offers. "I'm rather well-versed in undead and the magic of death," he admits, with no shame. "The closest thing to vampires we have are hunger demons. When they possess a host, they'll immediately begin seeking flesh and blood to consume. These demons CAN possess the dead, and then they become something close to the legends I've heard. Never anything sensual about them, though." A shudder.

    Though he pauses a moment, thinking. "...Actually that's very like your vampires," he notes, to Jonathan. "Being possessed by a demon is rarely good for one's overall disposition. Hence why I avoid it so, even though it DOES grant power." He nods to Staren's question. "Good idea. If they have to be put out of their misery -- and everyone else's -- let's hear how to kill them."

    And the secret weakness? "Well, that's a bit better than a hunger demon. Those have no such weakness. And in a living host, they can masquerade as the person, get close to someone, and then kill them. But that's any demon."
Jonathan Joestar The massive man's chest expands as he breathes in, and the same light that appeared in the caves began to gently roll off of him. "It's a special breathing technique that with enough training, some people are capable of..while Hamon wasn't intended to destroy vampires, it's rather efficient at doing so."

Jonathan's expression remained grim as Dorian explained what a 'Hunger Demon' was. "That sounds awful...perhaps the Stone Mask does possess someone. I don't think that's the case, but I can't rule it out..."

    Perhaps if it hadn't been taken, he'd know for sure, by now.

"All I can do at the moment is speculate, but going off of my prior research and what little I have learned of neuroscience after coming to the greater multiverse..I think that the mask alters the chemistry of the victim's brain. Changes how it works."
Staren     "A breathing technique." Staren echoes, deadpan. "Well. I can see I'll need to experiment with finding a way to harness sunlight to deal with the abyss... and any of these vampires."

    And the other thing Jonathan says... "A neurochemical change... could it perhaps be reversed, to... de-evil them?"
Dorian Pavus     Thankfully Dorian is not a vampire or in any way allergic to the sun. So as the light appears, he takes a step closer and -- what else? -- reaches out to poke gently at Jonathan's arm. It shouldn't do anything to either one of them, unless merely the touch of someone with dark magic within them would interact in some way with the Hamon energy. Dorian himself is human, and isn't accessing his magic at the moment, however.

    "I noticed this, in the battle with the kraken in Paragon City," Dorian comments. "I wasn't quite certain what it was but it seemed to very much not like my magic. Much to the kraken's chagrin, I'm sure." Staren's got a good idea there, too. "A good question. I don't like the idea of something that alters one's mind." The bitter edge to his voice seemed to indicate he had VERY PERSONAL reasons for this, but he doesn't say what.
Jonathan Joestar "Maybe," Jonathan says.

"The Stone Mask left my possession some time ago. I wouldn't be able to say for sure...I've been looking into modern acupuncture to try and determine, but without my original research notes, I'm afraid I've come to a dead end on that front."

Dorian touching the light was like sticking his finger into a lukewarm vapor. Golden lightning crackled as it conducted into his finger, travelling quickly up his arm. It felt far from unpleasant -- in fact, even just that small touch relieved any sort of small aches or irritation. The light faded beneath Jonathan's skin as he put his hand to his chin, in thought.

"Yes, I don't know why it reacted like that to your magic."
Tomoe Tomoe watches Jojo for amoment longer as she listen to what he has to say. "So you havebeen learning fast, I have to say I'm impressedIs spent the first few months trying to not die and just trying to not be distressed all the time." She watches the breathing for a moment "Dunno there I only really do faux magic myself, Dorian."
Staren     "So what happened to those research notes?" Staren asks.

Jonathan Joestar "My research was destroyed when I set my estate aflame, attempting to destroy the monsters that infested it. ...Unfortunately, that didn't stop the one I truly wished it would have."
Dorian Pavus     "Fascinating," Dorian observes quietly, to the effect of the Hamon energy. "I'd love to study that effect, see what other practical uses it could have, or whether it could be duplicated with standard magic." Seeing power as a tool to be used has its advantages, even if it does turn some people into ambitious, power-hungry villains!

    As for why it reacted to his magic so explosively in the kraken battle? "From what I can gather, given the effect here, it's literally the opposite of the kind of magic I was using. I was using necromancy to drain its life, and detonated the charge just as you attacked with your Hamon."

    He pauses, raises that cane, and concentrates... and the eyes of the dragon turn a dark, purplish-black. If Jonathan can sense power opposite to Hamon? Yeah, that's it. It's death magic. "My theory is that the two reacted to each other so explosively because they're what you might call 'polar opposites'," Dorian replies. Notably, he's keeping the cane FAR from Jonathan at this point -- he doesn't want to explode the spaceship!

    Tomoe's words get a nod, and Dorian puts the death magic away; the eyes of the dragon return to the soft blue color they'd been before. "That's true, if you mean the magic from Alfheim Online," he agrees. "But I have noticed that energy tends to follow similar rules whether it's magic or something else. I hear about people channeling the energy, and I realize I do much the same, only my energy comes from the Fade."

    Though he quiets at Staren's question. That's something he'd like to know, too. He frowns a bit at the mention of setting the estate on fire. "Ah, that was a waste," he observes. "Though this one monster must have been quite fearsome if you went that far to try and rid yourself of him."
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan nods to Tomoe. "I couldn't afford to stop and acclimate. There's no time for that.."

Dorian's activation of his death magic was painful. It felt like magma running through his veins, for an instant, as the two opposing energies clashed with eachother. Thankfully, it was in such a small amount that it didn't cause any real damage. No more than an extended muscle cramp would make, at worst. "Vampires turn anything they eat into a Zombie. The process takes minutes at the most. ...What happened that night was my fault. It was a massacre, London's constable and the officers were all massacred and turned into monsters themselves."
Staren     When Dorian says 'polar opposites', Staren claps his hands. "Ah! Yes, that's how my magic bomb warheads work... an explosive combination of fire and water energy! Light and dark are much harder to find... I wonder if they make an even more powerful reaction?"

    "We'd need some pretty esoteric shenanigans to get your notes back. Perhaps if there were some way to enter your memories... With one of Flamel's dives, or by other means... Who knows?"
Jonathan Joestar Jonathan nods. He didn't like this 'polar opposites' idea, but Dorian seemed like a good person. Death magic...he had to keep an open mind. Thinking back to Seras Victoria, not all 'dark' alligned abilities were evil. "I was considering asking about doing just that."
Dorian Pavus     "Sadly, that tends to happen when normal people get involved in supernatural matters," Dorian notes, of the constables. But it's in a sympathetic tone. "Preventing it isn't usually possible. Minimizing it, perhaps. But not preventing it." Oh yes, he knows the feeling of realizing that an innocent person as paid the price for one's own mistakes.

    To be fair, Dorian makes it easy to not suspect that he's a necromancer, always wearing white, being flamboyant and well-groomed, all that. And as for being a good person? As soon as Dorian noted the pain that the activation of that death magic brought, he would have stopped immediately. "Terribly sorry about that," he offers to Jonathan, honestly. There's a clear look of contrition on his face too, so he's not faking that.

    Staren's words of the possibility of a more powerful reaction get a thoughtful look. He raises a hand to rub his chin. "Possibly. Though there's also the matter of being from separate worlds," he notes. "I don't think it's so much 'light and dark' as much as 'positive and negative'. From a spiritual standpoint, necromancy would be negative energy. If Hamon is positive energy..." He trails off, gesturing with a palm pointed up, as if to say 'there you go'.

    He doesn't comment on Flamel... he's not heard anything that would lead him to trust someone who thinks an unannounced jaunt into someone's mind to 'temporarily break' something is perfectly fine and something that the person in question shouldn't be upset about...
Jonathan Joestar "I'm not so sure," Jonathan says to Staren. "You might be right. There are two different types of Hamon, Positive and Negative..when used together, they can induce a magnetic effect. But, perhaps if you approached the idea of a scale, you could be onto something."

        Staren's theory was taken under consideration.

Jonathan nodded to Dorian, flexing his arm a few times. "It's alright. And...I suppose you have a point. Even so, it was my mask. Everything I lost and everyone who has suffered since, its my responsibility. I'll put an end to it once and for all, no matter the cost."

Staren's worries were legitimate. But ...just as Jonathan just said, regardless of the personal cost to himself, Dio had to be stopped.
Staren     Staren's ears splay a bit at Joestar's words. "Just... remember, even if it is kinda your fault... don't let it consume you. If you snap from stress, you won't be able to help anyone anymore."
Dorian Pavus     Dorian nods to Starens words. "Precisely. Especially don't think that, because you feel that it's your fault it's happened, that you have to do it alone. Particularly not when you have people that would help. For instance, I offer my help, and I know full well what I'm getting into." He smiles a bit, in that rakish way he does when he's trying not to make it look like he's being nice.
Tomoe Tomoe Says "Neither could I I admit, butour situations were a biut different. I wee anotehr type of Vampire? God in heven that must have been horrifuic to deal with. A close friend had to deal with zombie out. They always seem to be varied a bit from world to world sadly. I heard there's a Vampire /cop/ out there too."
Staren     "Hey." Staren points at Tomoe. "The cop is fine. At least, past versions of her were." He looks to Jonathan. "Vampires are nasty on my world too. In some places, they keep humans like cattle. And there's a sort of feral wild vampire that's just a mindless monster, but it's still really tough to bring down."
Jonathan Joestar "...Thank you, everyone..."

Jonathan remembered the last time he had an eerily similar conversation. Maybe with everyone's help, he could defeat Dio and whatever force he'd amassed for good. "Maybe I should focus more on locating my other friends and comrades instead of trying to find Dio as quickly as possible. If we all worked together, I know we could do it.."

Tonpetti, Dire, Straizo, Speedwagon, Pocco and his sister..
        Jonathan hoped they were alright.