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Kushiko A back and forth discussion, not to mention sparring, had been a means to an end, as it seemed to Kushiko that Lemeza was looking at either making, or otherwise designing something based on more practical experiences with others.

To that end, given the practical nature of design and access to her own tools meant that Lemeza would need to actually come to her, as opposed to them meeting somewhere else--though meeting elsewhere, in places where one could conduct testing with these weapons was still on the table.

The place itself was her ship, something simply called an Orbiter, the vessel not too far out from the Grand Dorado Metropolis, which made it pretty easy to get a little shuttle to. The vessel itself was pretty big, akin to a cargo vessel that had another ship attached to it, the sihoulette akin to a spade or some kind of manta ray. A small, personal vessel is sent up for Lemeza to board the ship, though where he'll be able to board onto is effectively the bridge itself, a secondary airlock not far from the smaller ship already attached to the bow of the ship itself.

In fact Lemeza would find himself-- once he disembarked from the small shuttle that is--led to a small circular platform from within the lower level of the ship, before it rose up into the Orbiter itself, where Kushiko herself would be waiting. Patiently, at least, in the guise of another of her Warframes--this one being 'Mag' as it's called, fingers gliding over a wide console that are displaying a number of claw and talon-style weapons, including ones more suited for brawling. No montiors in a traditional way--nor chairs, Lemeza might immediately notice once he's on the bridge.
Lemeza Kosugi     This visit actually serves multiple purposes for Lemeza. First, and the whole point of this meeting, was a super special weapon to help him compete more effectively with other Elites in combat. Gunplay and whip tricks can only get him so far. Second... space. The final frontier. And one in which Lemeza has NO FREAKING CLUE how to work in without suffering Exploding Head Syndrome. So he's gonna ask Kushiko about that.

    He can't help but let out an impressed whistle at the ship's interior when he boards. "Very impressive, very impressive. I never expected I'd actually be up in one of these vessels, orbiting a planet instead of being stuck on one. But, that's one of the perks of a Multiverse." He reaches for his notebook to start sketching, but figures it might be a bit rude to map out someone else's home -- even if it's just for research purposes. His eyes catch sight of the claw rack, which gives him cause to smile. Yeah, he's almost certain to find what he's looking for.

    "So is this where you actually live?" Erm. No sooner had he said the words than he started trying to figure out where in the hell he even /got/ the idea. It's a freaking ship, for crying out loud!
Kushiko A faint noise from the somewhat monocular eyed Warframe. Even if it doesn't have a face, the energy swirls within the half-transluscent dome, the little silverish gilding of it's body--even the shoulder bits seem to float by some precise thing, decoratively. Were it not for some other knowledge, one'd easily confuse the faceless frame for some power armor or other thing. Human-like and yet not.

<"It could be more interesting. It's usually in another place,"> she begins, her voice echoing slightly as she sweeps two fingers, collating some of the holographic images together from where she's standing, before they shrink down into her palm. It's then she seems to focus on what he's about to do, before making a faint 'hmm'. <"If you want to sketch some, you may, but please keep it solely to yourself. As you guessed, yes, this is my home. I've tried to be a little less... distant."> she finally admits. <"Still, you're intuitive.">

She turns from that partly raised area, before stepping to ne side--the back of this bridge area has a ramp, it appears, a hydraulic pulse preceding it lowering down, steam hissing from one side as she starts to walk down.

<"It's also where we keep everything we need."> And speaking of needs, there's a faint growling sound from just beyond--a dog? At least, it sounds like dog. Once Lemeza follows a bit, it's... a truly /massive/ animal that the Tenno is gently soothing, purple and black fur. And a snout and ear that resembles more batlike features. <"Kiras."> she murmurs. <"My Kubrow. Kind of like a dog."> The exacting details are things best left unsaid for now, given the current topic. <"So, you were thinking about a claw that's not just a weapon, but something you can use for climbing too?">
Lemeza Kosugi     This gets MORE interesting? Okay he's GOT to figure out this space thing. But, as for other things. Lemeza's not about to go sketching anything if he can't share it, since sharing was the point. So that's a wash. And yet, that dog-like thing... that is a big dog. Kubrow. That is a big kubrow. Named Kiras. Warrants further investigation. For another time.

    The Warframe's got it right. Lemeza starts digging around in his backpack for a couple things, and pulls out a Thermos of curry, a steel claw, a Nalgene bottle of curry, and finally a small amber crystal. He clears his throat in mild embarrassment before putting away the curry for another time. "I was indeed considering such a claw. See here, this Grapple Claw can dig into damn near any surface and let me hang from it, but it's absolutely useless for combat. I can barely even draw blood with it. And I need something to put this--" he holds up the amber crystal, "--the Treasure of Life in. I'd like to be able to draw out its power, in case my homeworld's civilization goes to shit in a handbasket and we need to start over after all. We're kind of short a creation god right now." With that, he rubs the back of his head very sheepishly, clearly just a bit uncomfortable with explaining this. "That might have been my fault. So it's kind of on me to fix it."

    He starts comparing his claw to the others on display, seeing if any of them look similar. "So, I was thinking. I need something stronger anyway to take on the combat junkies out here, and I need a light loadout. In summary, I need claws that can seriously hurt an opponent, let me climb walls, and channel life energy. Think any of these here meet all those requirements?"
Kushiko A few moments of gentle little half-tussle, half-scritching goes on as Kushiko listens to Lemeza. Maybe once they got to know each other better or once Kushiko gets further out of her proverbial shell of intense privacy, she might consider it.

She doesn't necessarily lift her head, but there is a weird sense of being looked at, even as she's seemingly got her attention on Kiras. The batsnouted Kubrow gives a sharp bark before clambering up and padding over to her 'home', as it were. Another circular bad, but it looks like parts of some high tech medical equipment--which it is, because she needs certain genetic maintenance here and there. <"Hmmn. I don't think that's something we can think of solely as claws, then."> she muses thoughtfully. She brings up a personal holographic display, and brings up an image which Lemeza knows well enough--Valkyr. More specifically, in that 'Hysteria' aspect of hers, the talons of energy that extended from each fingertip. Then she sweeps out another image on the proverbial 'rack' as it were--Venka. This one is actually really nice, when it gets down to it--a simple gaunlet, but another gesture, and one can see something triggered underneath the animation, and the three blades extend. It also features hooked, smaller blades that extend just a bit along the gauntlet itself. It's a lot like the Grapple Claw, minus that feature.

<"There's some potential here, and some wisdom in keeping the style of claw similar to this however. This one can benefit because,"> she gestures to the topside of the gauntlet. <"You can use the hooking here to parry."> A faint sigh as she considers that last requirement. <"Many of our weapons can be modified to handle certain energies, and may well be able to handle that.">

... then a slightly more sympathetic sound, given the embarassment she heard from him. <"You're trying to fix it. That's more than most people would probably do if they were responsible.">
Lemeza Kosugi     Lemeza looks on as Kushiko cycles through each claw type. The Valkyr's "claws" don't seem to suit him, but the gauntlet Venka has does! Retractable claws on a gauntlet. Yeah, that's actually more than enough. It'll take him a bit of practice to get used to - but hey, he spent the better part of five years making bullets bounce just so. Learning a set of claws would be simple in comparison.

    Although. The Warframe sighs audibly upon hearing the requirement that it be able to channel energy. "Erm. How hard /would/ it be to modify one of these claws to be able to control life energy? Judging by your reaction, very hard, though it's possible? And, erm..." Kushiko's reassurances catch him off guard. "Well, yeah I'm fixing it. But you say most wouldn't, given the chance to try? You seem to have little faith in the goodwill of others."
Kushiko <"To be fair, they can channel energy already."> she admits. <"Whether it's something to mount the crystal you're talking about safely is another matter."> As to demonstrate the point, she gestures for the holo to stay floating in the air--from the underside of her arm at her wrist, a compressed disc-looking thing becomes visible and falls into her hand. The disc itself swiftly expands and unfold like a puzzle to reveal an elegant, tri-bladed glaive, her fingertips deftly gliding along the inside of it.

And then, parts of her, the parts where there's more color, along her knees, her midsection, her shoulders and hand, begin to glow. No, that's not quite it alone--it looks like, and might even feel like something roiling energy, lighting dancing and arcing just beneath the surface. The glaive reflects this--motes of light and energy pulsing, radiating from her hand like it were a living thing. And then she gives the blade a very sharp spin, the whirling motion casting a ribbon of light so well that it makes another, shimmering solid outer disc of light that's traced by the three blades.

<"Forgive us. It is not so much that it might be hard, it is that we know well this is important, and stay concerned. This life energy may not be much different from the Void--parallel, but not opposed."> That's her honest hope. After all, it's her Void energy that animates these Warframes. Maybe...

As to the notion of goodwill... <"It's not that so much as... we've seen enough instances where people simply are not responsible, or are quick to forgive because of circumstances beyond their control. Just because they are, does not erase what has happened."> A mild noise as she stops channeling that energy, glancing towards the crystal in question.
Lemeza Kosugi     When Mag starts with the light show, Lemeza diverts his attention entirely to what's going on with the energy pulses. It's rather impressive how one of these weapons can pulse energy throughout the Warframe, though the professor's wondering just what effect this would have on a flesh and blood being. Eh, shouldn't be THAT much of an issue.

    The light show is amazing and all, but it's not really what Lemeza's interested in. And Kushiko's clarification that creating his desired weapon wouldn't actually be /difficult/ gets him to relax a bit. "Alright. Yeah, it's important, but there's no need to worry if the process is simple enough. What do you need in order to make this happen?" He holds up his Treasure of Life in his fingers, looking it over as if appraising it for the first time.

    "Oh... it was entirely under my control." Lemeza gets the feeling he wasn't clear enough earlier regarding the circumstances of his acquiring the Treasure. "In fact, I intentionally went out of my way to kill Mother at the behest of some ancient civilization that I'm half-convinced was mistaken about the whole thing. The point was to keep her from destroying humanity, but I'm not entirely sure she would have... at any rate, as I said earlier, I'm responsible for the mess."
Kushiko <"We channel our own energy through ourselves into the weapon. Depending on how they're modified, they can absorb life from others."> Kushiko briefly remarks, before letting the glaive fold back into itself, and reattach just above her wrist. But then it's time to listen, and she ends up studying the crystal itself, before making a contemplative sound. <"I have the material necessary to make a Venka normally. Modifying it to make sure it handles that energy rather than Void energy...">

Her head bobs briefly in thought. <"There's a type of crystal that can only be found in outposts in the Void itself. It might do the trick for altering it for this, so you can put that in it. Make the claws here a medium."> Might also help that they could theoretically obtain some Forma, now that she thinks about it. <"... probably going to end up getting a Forma--something we use to modify our weapons so they can handle more power to begin with, but more specifically to have a way to embed that crystal in the claws.">

A faint noise, after a moment. <"We're glad to hear it. Not that those things happened, but that you acknowledge and work to fix it, nor letting it drag you down either. Balanced."> If her frame could display it, there'd be a smile there, which at least her tone conveys.
Lemeza Kosugi     "Hm. Yeah, I don't have any energy of my own, at least any that I'd want to draw upon." Lemeza's a human archaeologist, not a battlemech, so that's a very valid concern. "Alright, so we just need to get some special components to finish the assembly. A void crystal to attach a life crystal. Don't suppose you have any lying around?" He's hopeful that he can get his custom-made weapon sooner rather than later. "I'll definitely help you locate and gather replacement supplies for what you spend. Perhaps moreso. Forma, crystals, and some of those artifacts you showed me at the Shrine of Adversity. As a bonus." Yeah, because he's not at all interested in claiming those artifacts for himself. Nope, not at all. "Though, this sounds like an expedition best suited for more than just us. Put out a call to the Concord for us to explore someplace within the Void you've been itching to investigate. Ya know? Get some mileage out of this."
Kushiko <"I wish,"> Kushiko sadly remarks. <"The problem with these crystals is that when they're not /in/ the Void, they will decay. Anywhere from 12 hours to 36 hours, on average. More of them together means they can decay a little less faster."> She gestures to a table that looks like an extremely advanced 3D printer. "Molecular forge. Foundry."> A single armature is present, and a number of cubes appear, before entering some kind of little 'idle' animation.

<"Truth be told that's one of the places we wished to take you to, given your desire for exploration, and indeed, it is one of those places we can find those relics."> And quite possibly expose them to other Void surges and they can find even more nifty things. <"I can imagine more than a few interested--either for the resources we can usually find there, or simply because they want to better themselves."> Not a bad thought at all, when it gets right down to it.
Lemeza Kosugi     Rats. Lemeza's Claws of Life will have to wait. "I see. So we forge the base of the weapon, then travel to the Void to complete its construction. Will the crystals still degrade once bound to a weapon? That could be a problem if I'm to keep using it..." Despite being an explorer, Lemeza's not looking forward to constant trips to some weird space realm just to maintain his gear. "That said. Yeah, let's see who we can bring along for this. It'll make things a bit livelier." Plan of action, set.
Kushiko <"Ah, a good concern--no, once it's woven into the weapon, it'll be part of it, distilling the energy those crystals put out."> Given what was said earlier, this actually might work out /really well/ when it gets down to it. Get those crystals, maybe get some stuff that Zek could use, as a fellow Tenno. Yessss. There's some potential here. <"Might want to bring Staren and Zek, off the top of my head. Zek because he's Tenno like me, and Staren because I know he could get some ideas from seeing things there.">