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Bloody Revelations     A long way from hiring local help on rough waves, following the trail of Lintha hostages, now that there is a lead from one of the cooperators whose family was released, those committed to bringing the demon pirates down once and for all get to sail in style. Though there is only a mild wind to go by, they make good speed on the deck of a sleek, dark ship of styled teak and finely engraved soulsteel, cutting through the water with ease. As the only vessel sent out, the Mist Veiled Siaka is a mid-sized vessel built for pursuit, without a fleet to slow it down, and obtains the range of a fleet anyways by its crew.

    Their companions about the Siaka are almost wholly undead. The captain is of course, Moray Darktide, the handsome and finely dressed Solar Exalted and fervent patriot of Skullstone and the New Order, but almost the whole crew is a form of zombie. A far cry from the Mask of Winters' horrific, mindless, flesh-eating hordes, these walking corpses, are perfectly preserved, and though quiet and a little stupid, strut about the ship with purpose, dressed as sailors ought to be, and handling rowing, rigging, tools and swords just fine, under the direction of a small handful of ghosts, intangible and nearly invisible during the day. It's weird to be on the same side like this, but the difference in class between the two Deathlords is incomparable. Hell, the difference between a good man and his professional undead crew is a huge departure from the weird things the Abyssal Exalted had previously sent to work with them. It feels a much less wrong to be supporting a Deathlord given some time aboard a perfectly functional ship with a perfectly inoffensive crew.

    Since they still don't have precise coordinates to Bluehaven, due to the unholy /thing/ All-Seeing Eye had accidentally contacted last time, Moray Darktide has called upon them when their info lead to him tracking down a Lintha pirate fleet at sea, less than half a day's sail to catch up to. A relatively small one, he expects five ships vs one to give little trouble. The Elites have a few hours to get their sea legs under them, find positions they like, scout out the area, check their gear, or just get comfortable, as Darktide navigates via some utterly fucked compass with five needles and no map.

    When they do spot ships on the horizon however, they've already heard them. The cries of men, the frothing of water, and the crash of splintering wood carries far over the surface of the waves. As indicated, there are five ships, but one of them is already burning and sunken halfway into the ocean by its aft. The other four vessels, covered in odd growths of coral and sculpture of greened brass in wave, tentacle, and frankly phallic motifs, are in states of various damage, with the biggest probably-flagship the least touched, all flying black and silver flags. Their sails aren't unfurled, and no oars sprout from their hulls, but they circle at high speed and at many different criss-crossing angles, with many figures voluntarily jumping overboard as they go.

    The Lintha fleet is locked in battle with a smaller, but perhaps more impressive enemy: a massive ship tender fitting two triremes of oak and clad in jade, flying flags that for the first time indicate the Elites have run into the Realm itself. Whatever they've heard about that nation, their ships are large, robust, and heavily armed, as numerous powerful ballistae on deck swivel and trade shots with the Lintha, small catapults fling iron balls into their hulls, and a massive blast of fire and noise announces the firing of an honest-to-god cannon, smashing the entire prow off an unlucky frigate. Swarms of arrows fly from the decks of all seven ships involved, and streaks of light indicate Essence-use from at least a few fighters in the mix.

    The timing is perfect to pincer and seize the Lintha at their weakest. The timing is incredibly awkward if they hope to avoid entanglement with the Realm, if that's even possible anymore.
All-Seeing Eye      All-Seeing Eye stands upon the main deck, the breeze gently toying with his hair. He hasn't missed the opportunity to dress for the occasion. A form fitting tee with horizontal blue and white stripes is complemented by a navy peacoat and khaki slacks. Simple, but apropos of sailing. The pea coat can always be shed belowdecks if need be. For now, he appears to be enjoying both the scenery and the make of the ship. At the very least, he's smiling as the sun bears down on the warm brown skin of his more human appearance. He quells his distaste for the undead admirably. As his contact in fallen Lookshy said, sometimes one must get a little black upon one's hat.
Seifer Almasy      So Seifer Almasy is king of the moon now.

     Yep. That happened.

     It's why Seifer is staring at the red tattoos on the end of his hand rather than gawking at all the undead and demons and shit. Normally undead, demons, and other things are firmly in Random Encounter Territory - you kill them when they pop up and they drop stuff or money. Seifer once made enough for tickets to the theatrical rerelease of The Sorceress's Knight by beating the shit out of zombies for like three days. He dragged his ass into that theater bloody, smoldering, beaten, bruised, and exhausted, but by Hyne did it feel good.

     Right up until it turned out they had remastered it and added a bunch of crap. Then he got real mad and yelled at the usher until they agreed to refund him his ticket and his popcorn. Then he watched the movie anyway and it turned out it was pretty OK. Not great. But OK.

     So ordinarily Seifer would probably be killing these things. But, you know, right now, he's in kind of a weird mood. He keeps holding his hand up to the light to look at the red tattoos the way other people might admire jewelry. He keeps putting on a stupid grin and mouthing the word 'sir' to himself at odd points in time. And there's a weird exhuberance when he does move around the ship, like he's bouncing out of his skin with excitement about something.

     "Hey there. I'm Seifer Almasy." He introduces himself to pretty much everybody the same way, holding out his hand and with a huge, huge childish grin, "Lookin' forward to this. Celebrating. Big life changes, you know. No big deal. I'm king of the moon now."

     When they actually arrive at the site, Seifer's got his gunblade slung over his shoulder. There's a ton of laser blasts going on, which is awesome, but it's a naval battle, which is less awesome, and there's like two groups of guys there, which is double less awesome. Seifer swings around and leans against the deck railing, looking at The Rest Of The Party.

     "So I'm, you know, basically just a merc here, right? Don't feel like I should make the call on your weird politics, but if I was gonna take a shot, I'd take a shot now and damn the torpedos or whatever you guys have. Sharks. Damn the sharks. Do you shoot sharks? Like, undead sharks? You should get on that. I'm a military genius."


     "Anyway in the event my tactical advice matters you should do that. Two fleets means ganging up on one, plus we're the fresher, so we can turn around and bust the other one. And these don't look like the kinda forces that'll turn on us rather than keep shooting each other, at least for a bit. You go in hard and fast and they won't know what hit 'em."
Tomoe She keeps coming back to this world, she had got this vibe from older Union Elites about creation and only after her own experiences does she understand. There may be no fixing it or the cost would be damning yourself to do it. Still, she'd helped to make it worse she has to try to set that much right before she even considers getting as far away from this world as she possibly can. With that in mind, they are here to hunt some horrible monstrous thing. The undead will always unsettle her, yet the crew here does so less than say the late Mask of Winter's forces did.

She checked her inventory window for a moment as they find their targets engaging the Realm, well given she's worked with Solars, she expects things not to go well for her if it came down to it. She looks over to Seifer for a moment.

"It's been a long time Seifer hasn't it. Our main target are the Lithan. They are man-eating pirates. I'm going to be focusing on them."

The Salamander's wings are already flared out as she's ready to go after the enemy once they join in the battle. She looks to All-Seeing Eye.

"You know more about the Relm than I do if you have any advice it would be welcome."
Gawain Gawain is here, dressed in a black suit with a gold tie. He's been busy for the past few months and not able to go on a direct mission, doing paperwork and officer work and toy deals, commercial shoots, the sort of thing you do when you're one of the wardens of a massive organization. But as much as he enjoys doing all that, the knight enjoys being able to actually fight and help people in person the most.

So, Gawain's walking the main deck, glancing around while they wait. When Seifer introduces himself, Gawain shakes his hand, a bright smile on his face. "Well-met, your highness. I am Sir Gawain, Knight of the Sun, of the Round Table, and Warden of the Paladins. I take it your ascendancy is new, so congratulations!"

When they eventually reach the battle, Gawain stares up into the light of the sun, stares at the the two competing enemies, and then summons his armor onto himself. It's bright and shiny platemail without a helmet, engraved with a floral pattern. Summoning a blue and white sword to his hands, Gawain steps back on the deck, and then starts running across it.

At the apex of his run, Gawain moves to launch himself off the ship, high into the air, and try and angle towards one of the Lintha ships. If he can land on the flagship, that's his goal, otherwise he'll land on the closest one. Mid-flight, if he needs some extra reach, he fires off some thrusters on his sword to give himself extra oomph, to send himself briefly flying forward, so that he doesn't land in the water. Once he's actually landed close enough for the Lintha to hear him, though, Gawain's first action, before to make a declaration.

"I am Sir Gawain, Knight of the Sun, of the Round Table, Warden of the Paladins. Lintha, I give you one chance to surrender, or I'll be forced to engage in hostilities. Please find and wave a white flag at your earliest convenience!" The sword is held to the side. If they don't attack Gawain or continue fighting, he won't attack them. He has faith that if they do attack him, his great endurance in the sun will allow him to not get ganked immediately.
Bloody Revelations     At seeing the naval brawl unfolding, Moray Darktide picks up and unfolds a telescope. It is in fact the first telescope anyone has seen here, and perhaps slightly unsurprising given the delicate glasswork needed for it. Snapping it back together, he seems to have decided on his strategy after a glance. "Intercept speed! Straight ahead! Aim directly for the stern of that lagging ship! I want to practically ram them!" Without even a moment's hesitation at the ridiculous order, the spooky intangible second mate beneath him relays the orders to the zombies, and of course they crank the oars double time without thinking; they're zombies, they don't question orders and they don't get tired.

    Gawain's absurd leap off the deck takes even the Solar by surprise though, with the gust of air kicking back his coat and nearly dislodging his cap. Over the ocean, the distances involves are quite significant, which means he has to make significant use of his magical rocket thruster to bridge the gap, but that just makes it even more surprising when he crashes down onto the broad, flat deck of the Lintha pirate vessel, coral shattering and wood splintering beneath his boots.

    He is aboard a ship packed with pirates, probably a hundred in total. All around him are men (and a few women) with unnaturally tall and angular builds, with bronzed skin tinged various shades of green and bleached hair, covered in erratic tattoos, aesthetic scarification, and odd piercings, wearing ornaments of coral and shark's teeth and frequently about half as many clothes as they should be. Savage as they are known to be, even these frightening-looking pirates stop a minute, hands still on the riggings, railings and drawstrings, to stare at what the hell had just dropped into their midst, and try to guess from where.

    One of their number quickly picks out the shape of the Mist-Veiled Siaka against the horizon, and all around him, Lintha draw short bows, long and wicked daggers, and strange hook-tipped swords bristling with spikes. An older man, perhaps in his late middle age (it's difficult to tell) and covered in scars tips back his head and laughs at Gawain, irreverent and nasty.

    "Now this'll be a story to tell back home! The idiot who fell out of the sky! With that kind of tall tale, I'll have to take your teeth back as proof, or else no one will believe me! Hahaha!" He too draws his sword, seemingly completely unphased by what should be an extremely impressive entrance out of sheer arrogance more than anything else. The gesture is misleading though; his other hand sneakily goes to his belt, and then slips out a baroque wood-and-brass pistol from a catch, firing almost point blank at Gawain with a plume of fire. The crew take it as the signal to move in before the smoke even clears.
Bloody Revelations     As Seifer desires, the Siaka closes in right away. The Solar draws a shining golden daiklave, shortened, broadened, and curved for boarding action, and sweeps it to signal the release of both the ship's ballistae, firing massive arrows tipped with barbed black iron spikes into the rear of one of the smaller ships still screening the flagship, grappling it with a pair of thick chains. He himself leads the charge, hopping onto one of the chains and running down its length as if it were a wide and sturdy bridge, fearlessly leaping onto the Lintha decks and immediately disabling a ballista crew with two swings the murder the gunners and a third to sever the bowstring. Shortly after him, many of the ship's zombies follow suit, wordlessly clambering under the chains hand-over-hand, brachiating clumsily but accurately to the captured vessel, and meeting the pirates sword to sword.

    The decks are somewhat depleted of men as many of them have already jumped off. The reason for why becomes apparent soon enough, as swarms of Lintha (these ones with gills) begin climbing up the hull of the massive ship of the Realm, using the hooked points of their swords as climbing tools to scale the sides, getting halfway up before the trick is noticed and they come under arrow fire. Where they climb aboard, they immediately slaughter the marines adjacent to the railings in whirls of blood and steel, but are then engaged by a pair of men in black jade armour and an unarmed man in blue robes, where they are immediately held at stalemate at three separate points, their dead dropping into the sea.
All-Seeing Eye      The apparent lack of wrongness is nevertheless cause for concern. This model of rule is dangerous precisely because it seems acceptable at face value. And because an attempt to remove it would seem, at face value, an unwarranted act of aggression. Eye doesn't allow this train of thought to show on his face. The whole way here, in fact, he's worn an incongruously calm, patient smile, like a man awaiting a finely cooked meal. The unholy thing he'd discovered had not only intruded into his mind, it had dared to influence it. This thing had dared to take control of his body, to mar the perfection that Autochthon's light so painstakingly sculpted. She would be made to pay, her children burnt from the earth like lancing a festering boil. When the last of them died screaming, then he would find her, and end her too. This, he knows with utmost certainty. It is the only way he can respond, the only price which can be paid for such a sin.

     The appearance of Lintha ships on the horizon then, is met with all but open delight. The sleeves of his jacket bulge with artificial shapes. His imagination runs wild, his golden eyes alight with inspiration. "Hello!~" Eye offers a somewhat absent-minded introduction to Seifer, and to anyone else who might yet be unaquainted. "All-Seeing Eye, Warden of the Paladins, Head of Public Security, and, let's not forget, Chosen of Autochthon." When Tomoe asks him for advice, he gives a shrug. "Don't agitate them, and be prepared to deal with posturing." That's the extent of his advice, based on the extent of his knowledge. Claslat has the benefit of being far, far away from the Realm's center of power.

     His vision zooms in on Gawain, and he chuckles airily as things don't appear to go the way the knight hoped. As the Siaka speeds towards the Lintha, he grins. "Oh, such a model Paladin, that Gawain. A shame his diplomacy doesn't seem to have taken." He tsk tsks. Yeah, it really sounds like he thinks it's a shame. When the ballistae begin to fire, he takes his chance. Shedding his jacket, the Exalt takes a running leap off the bow of the ship. A steel cable snakes free of his wrist, which bulges artificially as a crossbow sprouts cleanly yet unnaturally from it. The whip wraps around one of the flung bolts, snatching Eye from the air and carrying him to the target. He pulls himself up and stands atop the narrow footing, nimbly flipping forward at the last minute to land on the deck of the ship, beside Gawain. "Hello, comrade," he says calmly.

     While Gawain fights off the pirates immediately surrounding him, Eye peers through the deck with his penetrating vision. Any crucial hands below deck, like gun crews, swimming Lintha, or vital resources like pitch, are thereafter the target of rapid fire barrages of crossbow bolts and Essence blasts, which travel harmlessly through planks and coral to seek their targets.
Seifer Almasy      Tomoe addresses Seifer by name. He squints, like he's trying to remember her. Then, with recognition clearly not present in his eyes, says "Yeah! Sure! Hey! You! It sure has been forever, you."


     "/Man-eating pirates/?"

     Seifer's grin takes up almost half of his face. "Holy shit, is it *still* my birthday? Did I get two this year? These might be the *actual* best two days of my life.

     Not that he'd remember if they weren't, but hey.

     Gawain indulges him, and Seifer's face lights up like a JRPG dungeon with the magma filter turned up way too bright. /Your highness/. Oh yeah. *Oh yeah*. He could get used to that.

     "Yeah I'm still feeling it out, hey, you're a knight, right? Do you know if I can, like, knight myself? Add a sir to my name? Just kinda...y'know, polish that up? I mean I got the sorceress, I got the blade...just not sure I can go 'hi I'm /Sir/ Seifer Almasy' and that feels like a big part of the kit."

     Gawain goes running. Seifer runs after him, but Seifer does not have superhuman mobility, so instead he skids to a stop, hands on the boat's rails, and watches Gawain go, that huge grin plastered on his face. "'Sir' Gawain, huh."

     Seifer pumps both fists and squats slightly, a huge grin on his face. "That's fucking awesome!"

     And then Moray Darktide gives the order, the ship moving into intercept speeds. Seifer lurches a bit and grabs onto the deck, watching the water go by. Gawain could make a superhuman leap, but Seifer really couldn't. Seifer has to wait, and every second that passes, he's getting more antsy, with a wider and wider grin.

     Gawain calls for help long before the boat gets close. Seifer glances at the Solar, then at the other boat. They're in-range, but it's still a long-ass jump for Seifer.

     He flashes a huge grin at All-Seeing Eye, the Solar, and Tomoe.

     "You heard the guy! Here I go!"

     Seifer leaps over the side of the boat. A grey ghost with multiple arms and a flowing red robe just sort of bursts into being behind him, its hands full of weapons. One of those hands has a bright blue light in it - a bright blue light that looks suspiciously like a ship. The light is shoved into Seifer's gunblade at the apex of his arc. Seifer's eyes flash, and he swings the blade upwards.

                                 LIMIT BREAK                                  
                               MAIDEN'S VOYAGE                                

     A ship just sort of /emerges/ out of the ocean. It's a modern-looking ship - it looks almost exactly like Haguro, in fact, though not close enough to be mistaken for her - with the words MAIDEN FAIR scrawled on the side. Seifer lands on the bow. There's a blast from the horn.

     Gilgamesh is driving the boat.

     Seifer puts one knee up on the prow of the ship, drapes an arm over it, and shouts, "FULL SPEED AHEAD!"

     Greg blows the horn, and the massive ship accelerates. Seifer shouts, "NOT FAST ENOUGH!"


     Gilgamesh looks at the camera, shrugs out of the side with his arms, and then drums his fingers against the throttle before turning it full side.

     The entire ship just comes *plowing* towards the Lintha vessel.

     Aaaaand it isn't stopping.

     ....aaaaand it's still not stopping.

     Seifer's grin is wild and ferocious. "COME ON, YOU CANNIBAL SONS OF BITCHES! LET'S DO THIS! YOU GOD DAMN /CHICKEN WUSSES!/"

Tomoe Tomoe watches as Gawain makes for the other ship she know what he's going to try to do and she'll hold back and see how it pans out, she's got Caliburn out and isn't fooling about today as she waits. "Get ready for measuring contest but don't try to set them off. I can do that, thank you Eye."

She is thankful it's more than she knew a moment or two ago and it's something she can act on when she gets her game on as it were. She'll be quick to leaps into the air seeing that Gawain's offer of mercy has been rebuffed.

"Well Eye? Here we go."

With that she takes flight to join up with Seifer, Gawain and Eye.

She saw Seifer is in good spirits about this, he's about into being the knight as she is. Even if deep down part of her still whispers she's a fake. It's not been as loud as it used to be. Tomoe will come crashing into the deck hoping to disrupt some of the pirates as she lands and she'll stet to engage with her blade, she's got a job, keep attention on her so her allies can do other more crafty things.

"Too bad you didn't want to Parley!"

She calls out as she starts going to town with her sword and she's also got the mourning wall out, Fairy Knight vs Pirates GO!
Gawain " king was a knight, so I am sure you could be knighted! If in doubt, ask your court wizard!" Gawain says before he launches off. As he flies through the air, his thruster boost isn't very long, so the knight only barely reaches the deck, the flames sputtering out in mid-air. Despite that, his landing is graceful, though he sighs when his diplomacy is rejected. "Very well." Gawain expects a sword fight. He awaits to get charged by a sword, ready to counter...

And then Gawain gets shot in the chest. It's a clean shot, impacting with his plate mail and sending vibrations through the armor, hurting Gawain quite a bit. With a normal target, they'd likely be struck dead, an idiot who fell from the sky. But Gawain's not a normal target. Even though the blow certainly hurts and wounds him, the sun's blessing shines over him, allowing him to take the shot with ease, keep moving. As the pirates strike on him, the Knight of the Sun actually frowns, as he flicks the wrist holding his blade. "Ah, how dishonorable...when mercy is rejected, I must use my sword."

Excalibur Galatine ignites, the holy blade wreathed with brilliant fire, as he moves to spin around and strike through those coming at him. If they attack, their swords and shots impact with him and his armor, drawing blood, shattering metal, causing grunts of pain, but Gawain keeps going. Once he's finished spinning, he'll flick the flames back off and turn towards the one who shot him. A point of the sword towards him, a knight's challenge. He doesn't move to strike the pirate, though...

Because Gawain plants his boots hard into the deck of the ship as Seifer shouts to brace. He steels himself to not get thrown overboard, waiting for his allies to join him aboard the Lintha vessel. Well, this is going to be one hell of a fight.
Bloody Revelations     The rear guard ship is quickly swarmed over by the marines of the Siaka. Darktide himself is almost more than enough, and his experience with the Lintha shows, in the way he navigates their sword techniques and almost presciently dodges their shots, turning away before they've even loosed. The zombies are frighteningly no slouches either, mediocre as fighters go, but five cuts above the usual corpses, and when they fell a pirate, they move on instead of stopping to feast, only dropping when riddled through with arrows or decapitated by a hooked sword.

    With nothing screening the back, Seifer just ploughs right on through at high speed with his summoned ship. The one he is chasing maneuvers to try and avoid him, still queerly without aid of the wind or oars of any kind, or even a paddle wheel. In part of its turn, he smashes directly into the side, and it immediately begins taking on huge volumes of water, almost split in half. Only some of the crew begins abandoning ship however, as those with the gill mutation are perfectly comfortable fighting him on a sinking ship.

    A series of shots is loosed at him to start with, and then they come in with their long, squared, hook-tipped blades, daggers in the off hand for most of them. Despite being called 'pirates', at least a third of them scream 'highly trained swordsman' to Seifer's experience, using both weapons to simultaneously strike and defend, the spikes on the hand guards and pommels to attack at odd angles, and the hooks to try and catch his gunblade or yank his wrists or ankles. He's badly outnumbered, but not nearly as badly as Gawain.

    The front ranks that first leap at the opportunity to catch him are scythed down in the blink of an eye by the whirling flames of Galatine, those who survive rolling away and clutching smoking, seemingly unnatural burns as they roll around on the deck or crawl overboard to try and douse themselves in cold seawater. The rest look significantly more hesitant about approaching now, including the captain.
Bloody Revelations     Their hands are forced, however, when the Alchemical and Salamander show up to split the issue three ways. A large bulk of the Lintha seem to go for Tomoe right away, before they've even demonstrated their abilities, fixating on her for some quality she isn't aware of. Presented with a shield-bearing foe (a rarity out at sea), they use those hooks to try and catch the edge and pry it from her grasp, or failing that, only defend themselves from their blade while their allies swing from the rigging ropes to slash at her head, or climb up from the deck railings to stab her from behind.

    They don't quite realize what's happening when All-Seeing Eye begins shooting the floor. It takes a few moment for the screams and gurgles of unsuspecting Lintha Brothers and Sisters being shot in the head, neck, and shoulders from the ceiling to reach the deck. The flagship's sailcutter ceases completely, alongside a heavy ballista, but try as he might, he can't find any section like a galley for rowers. The treasure hold is also half-full, which means they were probably caught here by the Realm, rather than vice versa.

    Speaking of which, the 'crumbling and weak empire in decline' is doing a more than solid job of doing what they set out for. The actual cannon on board the tender blows a circling Lintha frigate to smithereens after a long period of silence. Flaming bolts land in the hulls of the other craft even as Lintha bolts, arrows, and spears bounce off the trireme hulls as often as they plant into it. Crews bearing the Water Fleet's crest fight the intimidating cannibals tooth and nail, combating their bloodthirsty savagery with firmly entrenched hatred of their own.

    The three men embroiled in combat are obviously Dragon-Blooded. Water twists and flows around the armoured pair, gracefully following their movements, blocking arrows and smashing aside melee fighters as they go. Too-quick parries and chops from their swords shatter steel hook-blades and lop off limbs and heads. The older man who is completely unarmed casually deflects blows from all sides with movements of his elbows and slaps of his palms, brushing swings wide over and beside him, and retaliating with palm strikes that cave in chests with blasts of light, low kicks that sweep Lintha up into whirlwinds of air, and barehanded chops that sever necks.

    A ship captain comes at him, and he snatches hold of his sword-bearing wrist, sliding his foot out and then snapping his elbow inside-out with an upwards jerk of his other forearm. Sandal scraping over the deck, he snaps that foot back in behind the captain's ankle and sweeps off his feet, who releases his sword, which is then used in a swift, turning slice to chop his head off. Wind whips up around the martial artist, turning aside a volley of arrows. He is clearly the senior officer aboard the ship, and at a signal, a fourth, hitherto unseen sorcerer unleashes a massive blast of emerald lightning that explodes the deck of a cruiser and causes a tremendous fire.
Seifer Almasy      So to recap: Seifer summoned a temporary battleship (which is now gone) to ram the enemy vessel (which is now sinking) and now has no way back to the main ship (which is coming in behind them) and is alone on deck (which is full of a bunch of angry pirates).

     Who says plans never go the way you want them to?

     Seifer lands on the deck and brings his gunblade around into one of the Lintha's paths. The gunblade hilt catches the sword in a parry. Seifer pushes the sword upwards and out of his path; his own blade spins upwards as he whirls, flashing upwards in a seamless reversal. The slash carries through into several gunshots, cleaving the bullets in half.

     Then he gets shot.

     Like, right in the chest. Seifer doesn't /wear/ armor; he wears a trenchcoat and what is usually a shirt (or sometimes a bellyshirt if he's feeling like he wants to show off his sick abs). Getting shot in the chest is /bad/, especially when he's surrounded by people he can *immediately* tell aren't rando pirates but are hardcore, ridiculously talented, swordsmen. He's bleeding. He's bleeding bad.

     But he puts on a big damn grin anyway. Now it's not a wild, whooping, excited grin, although there's still excitement in his eyes - now it's a bit more...rictus.

     The hook swords are clever. They're good for attack and for defense. They're good for catching weapons. That is something Seifer absolutely cannot allow.

     Fortunately Seifer is absolutely stupid good at this.

     Like disgustingly good. Like 'he should charge money to let people watch because it's basically a form of high art when he swings his gunblade' good.

     He lets the first Lintha take him off his feet. He hits the deck, dropping under a swinging blade that would've taken off his head. The gunblade comes sweeping upwards to catch that sword by the hilt and direct it into the path of another sword. At the crossing point, Seifer's booted foot swings up to kick it away, and he spins up from the kick like a dancer, landing on both feet. Another Lintha comes in and Seifer lets him grab the wrist, tosses the gunblade up in the air, moves with the tug, punches the Lintha in the face with supersoldier strength, catches the gunblade, and bisects the Lintha's chest. He spins the hook sword off his body and turns to meet the encroaching crowd.

     Now it is much harder to tell how much of that blood is his and how much is somebody else's.

     Seifer shouts a loud, wordless battle cry as he goes charging to back up Gawain. He said he'd do it! And that dude's a knight. It'd be rude if he just let the guy flounder, even if other people went and backed him up. Besides, easier to cut down on the outnumbering.

     "HEY I FORGOT TO ASK," Seifer shouts over the sound of battle in Gawain's direction as his blade turns aside incoming attacks,


     The deck nearby explodes into flames at exactly that moment.

     Seifer's stupid grin gets even bigger. Now shit is on fire.

     It /is/ his double birthday.
All-Seeing Eye      Even distracted as he is by shooting fishmen in a battle, Eye notices the reactions of the Lintha to his comrade's flames. This brings a smile to his face, and he nudges Gawain, pointing at the wounds Galatine inflicted. His search, and its apparent fruitlessness, sees his pleased smile falter slightly. But only slightly. There is, after all, a chorus of screams from belowdecks his augmented hearing is more than capable of hearing. A few of his shots are deliberately aimed to cripple and wound rather than kill, to further elicit those sounds.

     He dallies, for a moment. No rowers, no paddle house... that's when it hits him. The last scum they'd dealt with had some manner of great beast chained to the bow, didn't it? "Seifer, was it?" He calls out to the would-be knight. He makes an extremely disrespectful, absent gesture towards the captain of the vessel he, Gawain, and himself stand upon. "Deal with this, too, if you would," he says, loud enough for the captain himself to hear. Seifer seems a talented enough young man, especially with that sword play. Why, he'd almost say it's passable.

     And what does /he/ do, after insulting the captain on his own ship and shooting unaware Lintha like fish in a barrel? He peers forward, rather than downwards. His vision zooms in, penetrates the bow of the ship. If there's some sort of chain or other tether holding some nebulous sea beast, his next shot is aimed right for it--a strange bit of intangible mist that materializes into a solid, sharp crossbow bolt right before striking. This ship has sailed far enough. If he can manage it, he'll make sure that mist's trajectory passes harmlessly through the Lintha surrounding him and Gawain, just for added contempt.
Tomoe The fight is on now and Tomoe is getting a whole lot of attention, just as she planned yet this may be a bit too much. The hooks catch her shield and she's forced to pull back to keep from losing the shield. Which limits he attacking somewhat. She wrenches on the lines to pull her shield free, and some of the attacks from above score a hit or two, there's no blood though, just a strange red wireframe but it's also clear she felt that form the look on her face, she twists catching the ones from behind as she goes, she's got a whole lot of them here, perhaps Mooncutter might have been a better weapon to use here, too late for her to weapon swap.

SO she makes due launching into a sword art which breaks into a serious of strikes followed by several whirling slashes which should help keep the pirates at bay for the moment, she's clearly aware she's going to have to trust in Gawain, Seifer and Eye to take out things as her job is to keep the enemy tied up as possible.

She also makes note of Seifer calls out she yells back.

"A magic user who focus on direct magics and indications generally!"

Oh then there's fire, there's a whole lot of fire now she can roll with this maybe she should make it worse in a moment. She's also aware Eye has a plan in action, well to Tomoe he seems to have one.
Gawain As the burns affect the Lintha weirdly, which All-Seeing Eye moves to point out, Gawain realizes that the warriors are hesitant around him and reignites his sword with another flick of a wrist as the captain refuses to duel him. When Eye indicates that he wants Seifer to fight the captain, Gawain moves to address the frontline pirates instead, keeping his sword facing forward. "Come at me! I will grant you honorable deaths!"

As more attacks surely hit Gawain, he starts to wear down, though still durable. His face is cut, drawing blood, and his armor is getting bashed up. But besides that, Gawain continues to fight. His swordsmanship, as visible by the various swordsmen, both allied and Lintha, is very good - he's not just reliant on the flames. Seifer's a better swordsman with his Gunblade, which is also why Gawain would let him duel the captain, but the Lintha are up against a serious threat. He slashes hard and fast, parrying blows and dancing around the deck of the ship, taking hits that come his way. As the fireballs rain down, the knight takes the opportunity to answer Seifer.

"What she said! In my experience, they tend to be mysterious and enigmatic individuals with the power to twist magic into being, the ability to transmogrify and see into the future, to shift the battlefield with a single action. Brilliant sorts- agh!" And then Gawain realizes talking while getting stabbed is difficult, and gets back to fighting.
Bloody Revelations     There are, amongst the common vicious pirates here, at least some members of that 'sword brotherhood' the Lintha are apparently known for. Though far from orthodox or elegant, they'e experienced, ruthless, and on par with highly elite mercenaries individually, albeit without significant organizational tactics. The motley crew of snarling cannibals can be cut down without much trouble, especially for the three sword-wielders aboard, but those visibly taller and stronger than the rest, with pointed ears and snarling fangs, are ferocious combatants who aren't above fighting dirty, not entirely unlike the berserkers of old with how they treat wounds as severe as having an arm removed, i.e. ignoring them. The idea that the entire West fears them becomes more plausible, realizing that there are probably war fleets of these guys.

    It becomes especially more plausible when All-Seeing Eye finds his mark, and a swift shot at a chain link leads to another bolt shearing, then gradually more giant chains being ripped free from the bow of the ship, and then finally the whole vessel bucks, almost tips over, and then coasts to a halt, dead in the water and steadily being riddled with more burning arrows and hammered with ballistae.

    It isn't clear what he did to the propulsion for only a moment, and the next, the waves ahead of the ship bulge, swell, split, and shower back down in white foam and mist, disgorging the gargantuan head and neck of a hideous serpentine beast large enough to swallow any five men aboard alive with a four-sided maw filed with innumerable fangs. Four, jelly-like eyes with W pupils swivel independently as it rears up, its rough, scaly hide bleeding in a handful of places where it ripped its chains free. Sharp-edged fins bloom from around its head, dripping the sizzling acid that coats its slimy skin.

    The inexplicable motion of the ship comes down to being literally towed underwater by demons. Big, hideous, aquatic demons. Though Lintha attempting to surround the group are not prepared to deal with any of them, and even the Sword Brothers almost look like mook ninjas with Seifer dancing between their number and alternately concussing and skewering them, while they can only dent Tomoe's HP bar chip by chip, never mind their evident fear of Gawain's holy sword holding back their true ferocity, rather than scattering in fear of their freed war-beast, they rally with savage cheers of exhilaration as it turns its alien gaze back on the deck.

    That's because it doesn't attack them. The grotesque, unblinking thing not only ignores the Lintha, but appears to intentionally avoid them when it arches up high and comes crashing back down, slamming many tons of teeth and undulating maw on top of the gathering of Elites. It isn't /careful/, but it is deliberate, and even for those who duck out of the way, the wet splash of acid spews out on all sides, rolling over the deck, apparently treated to resist it. The Lintha caught in it are only lightly burned, but anyone else is at risk of being melted down to the bone.

    The two remaining escorts take that as their signal to unchain their Demons as well. Though they have the same general 'design', each one of them is uniquely hideous and misshapen, and easy to tell apart. The one that turns on the captured frigate finds that the Silver Prince's forces have long overtaken it, and the singular Solar Exalted slashes the rigging and is flung up to the crow's nest, where blinding light radiates from his daiklave, and the first swing against the charging beast horrendously scars and burns its face, driving it back from him with a shriek. Another menaces the flagship of the Realm, which turns and blasts its enormous cannon into the monster's midsection, and begins dousing it in fire and arrows to try and repel it when it takes an interest in devouring the marines aboard.

     Seifer spares a moment to wonder. Does that mean Caster knighting him counts? Or does he have to knight himself? Or does he have to have some other guy's court wizard knight him? Man, Knights outside his world are *weird*. Sure, he doesn't REALLY need the official knighting - he's a sorceress's knight now, /that's literally his lifelong dream/ - but it'd be nice to have! Nice to say 'Sir'. 'King Seifer' doesn't really sound right. Actually it sounds /dumb/. Yeah, no, he's never calling himself that.

     This extremely complicated thought process is happening while Seifer is cutting his way through the lintha in between him and the Captain. Because he just got told to fight the Captain, and by Hyne, he's gonna go fight that Captain. He'd've done it even without being told to, /but now there's orders on the line/, *and a hat*. "YOU GOT IT!" Seifer shouts at Eye as he goes.

     His foot hammers into one of the Lintha as he passes Gawain and the others. "I MEAN YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THEY DO MAGIC, RIGHT, SO IT'S JUST A SORCER-"


     Seifer hits the deck *hard* as the war beast does the same. He finds himself face-down, only narrowly avoiding super-deady acid. He can literally feel the air sizzle from its passing.

     "Shit," Seifer exhales, "And now there's demons."

     He's taking this seriously, we swear.

     Seifer springs back to his feet, just in time to take another blast of acid. He doesn't avoid the second blast; the acid gets him right on the arm and right in the eyes. He lets out a pained scream, grabbing his hand and shutting his eyes; it's eating into flesh already. Seifer grits his teeth.

     Right hand is useless. He holds his gunblade right-handed.

     Fuck it.

     Seifer strolls forward, changing hands. The gunblade feels awkward and heavy in his left. "Hey," Seifer manages, his voice a mask of pain as he shouts out to the captain, "Lucky you, Captain."

     "I'm blind as fuck and you fucked up my good hand. You got me outnumbered, surrounded."

     Seifer's rictus-mask spreads.

     "At least now it's almost a fair fight, you chicken-wuss. You might even stand a chance of winning."

     On the deck of a ship being dragged into the ocean, water lapping at his ankles, acid burns across his face and dominant hand, surrounded by cannibal pirates, Seifer Almasy takes up a stance.

     And he goes for it.

     Blind and left-handed slows Seifer down exactly not at all. Gunbladesmanship that transcends human limitations explodes across the deck as Seifer surges forward with brutal pressure. His slashes seem wide, but they're calculated, forcing the Captain back and keeping the other Lintha unable to approach. His blocks seem rushed, but they're perfect, catching sword and turning it aside to make openings to force the Captain on the defensive. His stabs are slow, but they're slow for a reason, faking openings and turning into slashes and twists whenever the Captain tries to attack. Seifer doesn't give him an opening Seifer doesn't control. Seifer doesn't give him an opening Seifer isn't the absolute master of.

     And at odd points the Gunblade goes off, and shakes, and goes from a simple blade to a vibrating murder saw, just to make things all the worse for the Lintha.

     "Gonna take that hat right off your head!" Seifer shouts gleefully. His head's starting to swim with pain, but that's fine. It's not a real adventure if he's not in pain.

     He's Seifer Almasy, he's king of the moon, and baby, he's gonna live forever.
All-Seeing Eye      Among the raucous cheers and savage shouts, there rises the bark of three distinct claps. Eye brings his palms together thrice in a brief, casual bit of applause for the newest spectacle. Outwardly, it appears as if he's paying this threat the exact same lack of respect as the Lintha. Inwardly, however, he is already running a particular Charm by the time it rears its monstrous, alien head.


     His HUD is overlaid with a purple grid, covering his allies, the Lintha, and the emerged demon. The squares occupied by the demon begin flashing. Lines trace a path between surrounding Lintha and the demon, his vision painted with trajectory paths leading right to his position. As the demon's head races towards the deck, warning messages pop up suggesting evasive action. The Exalt chuckles.

     "No," he says to himself in a chiding, playful tone. The Exalt takes his leisure, stepping only so far away as to prevent himself being crushed by the beast's head. This makes him all the more vulnerable to the acid. Most of it splashes upon his chest, burning first his shirt, then his skin. This much is permissible, even as it crumbles away like burnt clay. Beneath his skin there is not blood, but a black, oily substance, and musculature more akin to space-age fiber than sinew. Beneath it, the acid reveals something it can't melt through: bones and plating of the same material as the Siaka's metal accents. Soulsteel. Again, this is permissible.

     What is not permissible is the other wound he sustains from the brute beast. A few flecks of acid splash upon his cheek, sizzling and steaming away into nothing, marring his otherwise untouched face. As specially treated planks fly into the air and fall to the deck around him, Eye touches a finger to the wound. He then chuckles. "You were going to die before," he quietly utters with a wan smile. "Now, you will suffer--and /then/ you will die."

     The targeting calculations are altered. Rather than strike the beast's vitals, Eye now has the shot set to bounce between its eyes, blinding it--but not before bouncing between several Lintha. He wants the sight of dead comrades to be the last thing it sees. His golden eyes give way to expressionless soulsteel nozzles, which then spit forth blasts of lightning. They zip from target to target like angry hornets, moving with seeming disregard for the laws of physics.
Gawain Gawain doesn't get a chance to continue banter with Seifer. As he fights back against the Lintha, a massive demon rises from the water, and comes slamming down on the deck, spewing acid. Gawain narrowly misses getting hit straight up, which would have smashed him hard, but the acid melts through his boots and armor, causing him burns which are only not as bad as they could be because Gawain's trying to heal through them, the acid being faster. Screaming out in pain, Gawain tries to help his healing by reaching into his armor for a healing poultice, applying it to his wounds, the burning telling him that it's working. And then, he grips Excalibur Galatine with two hands. Gawain stares up at the unblinking horror, and then, kicking his feet against the ground, Gawain leaps.

This is going to hurt. He's already hurt. But either way, Gawain's going to try and slice through the monster with the flames and shining blade of Galatine, or at the very least, damage it hard. If he can land on top of it, he does so, trying to plunge his blade into its scales or dermal armor or what have you. "Take this, you beast! Rest beneath the waves!"
Tomoe This is one hell of an intense fight with these half demon pirates, she also knows if the party loses? They are dinner, hell she expect these guys to try and eat All Seeing Eye just out of being jealous of how pretty he is. She keeps fighting though as there seem to be more and more. They are chipping away her health and it will run out. Still each hit she take sis one her comrades does not, she can live with that. 5R
"We can talk about it later Seifer we have ... what in God's name is that?!"

She rapidly think her God has nothing to do with this thing as it comes down. If not for the mourning wall? She would have got a face full of acid the shield takes some critical damage though and it's durability drops heavily Tomoe herself gets an acid debuff on her Hudd indicating her armours been sundered and her defences have been lowered. She's forced to fly off the deck before she gets hit again, and rather than engage in melee she starts to chant.

Golden runes fly about her body, she's casting something big here, she's got magic she doesn't always use it that much but unlike some people, like Kirito? She will make use of it and has not let it sit idly by. She keeps channelling some sort spell finally as she finishes chanting her spell in badly mangled nordic? A massive blast of fire is let rip at the beast and any of the enemy crew that might be right near it.


They need to take this thing down even with how much of a beating she can take her HP bar's already deep into the yellow...
Bloody Revelations     As hesitant as the captain is to engage with a burning flaming holy sword of death, given his years of experience and certainly not his honour, being directly goaded by Seifer sets him off straight away. "Is that your last little comfort of black humour before I tear your head from your shoulders, /human/?! The idea your pitiful species could someday win against the Lintha in any way is already a joke!" he snarls, and then rushes straight into Seifer to meet him head on in a clash of blades.

    All things considered, he is probably the most skilled swordsman in the fleet. There is a reason he is fleet captain, rather than ship captain. It has to be at least a decade of experience, or so Seifer might assume, and so it isn't exactly easy, especially blind. There are several points at which he almost successfully takes advantage of it, no doubt having blinded his opponents multiple times in the past, but he ends up only ripping Seifer's coat with his hook, or skinning his hand with the blades on his hand guard. The few Lintha that seek to take advantage of the duel are either cut down by Seifer, or shot down on the spot by arrows from the stolen Lintha ship, and surprisingly competent zombie archers, apparently ordered to cover him.

    After a short struggle, Seifer finally gets the perfect opportunity to cut the snarling, fanged man's hand off at the wrist, and then hamstring him in the left leg, dropping him to the deck immediately in a slowly growing pool of blood, tremendous hat indeed toppling off his mass of white braids and shark teeth baubles.

    The horrific sea demon gets its fair share of karma when All-Seeing Eye manages to zap out all of its eyes in return. It isn't exactly hard; they are massive targets, and there are plenty of mooks still left surrounding it to bounce lightning bolts off of to hit all of them studding its head. Unable to see now, all it can do is thrash around violently, screaming and biting and vomiting acid, killing a huge number of the crew it was previously trying to avoid murdering, who begin leaping overboard in droves -even those without gills. It can't avoid Tomoe pounding it with magic, nor the ballistae slamming into its back, and at last, it falls straight into the edge of Excalibur Galatine, melting through its flesh like butter, and causing it to recoil in torturous agony away from its light. The smoking, bleeding, bolt-studded monster collapses beneath the water, leaving behind a blooming pool of dark green ichor, mingling with the red of Lintha and human blood. The crew abandoning the ship are starting to be picked off by sharks; a huge swarm of hammerheads has formed around the fleet during the fighting, and they're utterly massive.
Bloody Revelations     Moray Darktide takes the head off the more slender, slimy serpent that threatens his commandeered vessel with a similar flash of sunlit swordsmanship, and drops on the bow with a gasp of blood-soaked exhaustion. Directing the Siaka to begin towing its captured prize in the direction of the flagship. Zombies are recovering the bodyparts and doublecorpses of their fallen for reassembly later, and within range he waves the group down, then fistpumps in obvious approval at them having handled the biggest ship in the fleet.

    Though one of the triremes is limping along at half speed, and another is struggling to put out a fire, the Realm's navy has come through this remarkably unscathed, largely thanks to the help they'd gotten. The demon they'd been dealing with is beaten to a bloody pulp, but appears to have been bound and ensorcelled by their resident magic-wielding officer, and scores of Lintha corpses litter the decks, one for every three men in places, but then twenty for one where the Terrestrial Exalted marines had taken their stands. With two captured Lintha ships, there is no doubt that they begin to pull inwards, moving quicker than either the damaged Lintha flagship, or the Siaka towing its prize, can afford to.

    Reaching an intimate distance, bridging planks come out, and a couple of officers make their way over, sizing up the carnage and the Elites in the middle of it, with some obvious approval. A weathered, older man with a salt-and-pepper moustache, wearing a decorative helmet along with thick lamellar scales under his admiral's jacket, steps to the fore . . . and offers to shake hands with whomever seems the most leaderly at the time.

    "I can tell at a glance that none of you are sailors, but a commendable effort nonetheless. We've been tracking this fleet for a week after this Captain Haquen had been so bold and foolish as to rob a ship of tribute from Wavecrest. Sending their foul beasts to the bottom will have more of an impact than culling their endless, incestuous brood. Tell me, so I might advise you appropriately: what is your business here." He does take a sidelong glance at the Siaka however, narrowing his eyes. "And what business have you been convinced for with the Black Fleet? All of Creation loathes the Lintha, but this is auspicious timing."

    He has a bit of a dangerous tone, but first contact with the empire seems to have gone without any inane zealotry or explosive mishandling, like is so frequently claimed. For all intents and purposes, they're dealing with a professional, pragmatic, and extremely powerful navy in these waters.

    Oh and they have at least one hostage too. Despite their best efforts, not all the Lintha aboard the ship captured by the Mist-Veiled Siaka had successfully fought to the death, and especially well done, they have a handless fleet captain.
Seifer Almasy      It's close. The guy's got more than half of Seifer's life as experience, and Seifer's handicapped in more ways than one. There's some cuts exchanged, none of them lethal but all of them bloody. One more set of wounds to add to the gunshot, the acid...yeah, he's, uh, by the time he disarms the Captain (literally) he's looking kind of wobbly. Like he might be about to fall over wobbly. But then the Captain goes down and Seifer lets out a wild whoop, kicks the guy in the ribs, and takes his hat. He puts the hat *directly* on his head without waiting. The victory makes the agony slightly less.

     Then he gets asked what he's doing here.

     "I dunno, man, celebrating, having a *fucking* blast, and getting paid at the same time? Dead guys can't take their money with 'em, you know. They're good tippers. And come on!" Seifer gestures at the pirates. "Cannibal pirates! With demons! How awesome is that? Who doesn't love-"


     "Right. Sorry. I'm forcing it so I don't think about the horrifying agony I'm in!" Seifer grins a big grin.

     "Also, /ow/!"

     "Listen if you wanna do this you go ahead and draw your sword and I'll fuck you up, but me, I just wanna get the fuck outta here and go home. And I gotta warn you - I'm blind, bloody, and using my weak hand, so odds are I'm gonna be wearing your hat on this one by the time I'm done."

     "Like a hat duplex."
All-Seeing Eye      The sight of their precious beast--a thing which just moments prior incited cheers of triumph--killing and melting Lintha as it thrashes blindly, fills Eye with both satisfaction and amusement. He spreads both arms wide, his striped shirt now more of an open-chested vest thanks to the acid. His head is thrown back, and he strolls around the ship, reveling in the fear which now runs rampant through the crew. The immediate and forceful reversal of fortune is enough to draw from him a fit of laughter, ringing out above the pained cries of sharkbitten Lintha and the death rattle of the slain demon. He cannot /wait/ to visit this upon Bluehaven.

     He sighs happily as the laughter subsides, even pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. The boarding planks are noticed, but not immediately addressed. No, instead, he searches the choppy water for signs of his reflection. The surface broils too much with the blood spilled by Lintha and that of their slain demons to assess the damage to his face. He frowns, and were it not for Seifer's challenge of their ally, he might still remain there, hoping to catch a glimpse. Alas, public relations are necessary.

     "Ah, /thank/ you, citizen," he says, quickly pushing off of the railing to stride urgently over to the apparent leader of the Terrestrial forces. He places a reassuring hand upon Seifer's shoulder. "I have it from here," reassures the Exalt. He offers his right hand to the Dragon Blooded officer, shaking it firmly.

     "All-Seeing Eye," he says. There is a moment's pause. If the officer is as shrewd a politician as some commissioned officers are, he will spot a moment of deliberation in those golden eyes. "Chosen of Autochthon. Believe me, were there any other option, we wouldn't be working with the Black Fleet, but we aim to deprive a dangerous terrorist of potential allies, and our first step in so doing is the annihilation of Bluehaven. /Which/ we happen to know the location of!~" He smiles, wrinkling his nose almost playfully.

     Leaning in slightly, he tilts his head towards the officer. "How does that strike your fancy?"
Gawain As the sea monster goes down, Gawain leaps off it and back to the deck, desummoning his sword once the Lintha are down, and taking a long moment in the sun to heal. He takes a swig of a healing potion, and then heads over to the wounded captain to try and stabilize him with magical poultices. Not fully heal him, which Gawain can't, but make sure he doesn't bleed out.

As Gawain's doing that, he does take a moment to talk to the Dragon-Blooded officer. "Sir Gawain, Knight of the Sun, Warden of the Paladins. We seek to hunt the Lintha and take out Bluehaven before they can cause more harm to the people of the seas, or assist dangerous entities." A nod to All-Seeing Eye, allowing him to handle most of the talking - mostly, Gawain's just corroborating him. Seifer also gets a gesture in his direction. "Ah, right! You seem pretty wounded, so once I am done with our captive, I can stabilize you. It should only be a moment." Seifer'll be fine, anyone that cool can't just bleed out, right?
Seifer Almasy      "What? This?" Seifer gestures at himself with his gunblade, "I'm totally fine. It's cool. No worries. Not at all."

     Flaws are a bitch.
Tomoe Tomoe is now settling in after the fight she's pretty hard off but not as bad as her allies it seems she will come in for a landing as the Realm forces make themselves known. Tomoe bows slightly as her wings fade away and she looks to the officer.

"Tomoe the Iron Lily. As for the Lintha? It's as Eye said and he's better with words than I am honestly. Still, we're aiming to put an end to these things being a threat."

Or entirely but this is Creation you always are going to miss something and she knows it. She also takes a moment to go over to Seifer.

"Hey man you need some help? Hell of a party but you look like you could use a healer."

Or maybe he doesn't as she shoots a look to Gawain for a moment like are you sure about Seifer? She doesn't want to see the guy bleed out...or die.
Bloody Revelations     The officer does not seem terribly impressed by Seifer at the moment. Even though he can safely assume the kid was strong enough to swordfight a batch of Sword Brothers and win, he looks to be far from peak condition, and his manners are pretty terrible. When All-Seeing Eye gracefully takes over for him, he decides to pay it no more mind.

    'Chosen of Autocthon' gets only slight, and wary, recognition from him, but if there's one single thing from that brief explanation that elicits a reaction, it's the mention of Bluehaven -the Lintha's storied secret hideout from which they have plagued the seas and the coast for centuries. The deliberation is short, silent, and obvious. Both the moral imperative to release the West from the terror of the Lintha, the personal drive as a red-blooded human and man of the Realm to destroy them once and for all, and the ridiculously prestigious achievement of being the Admiral who takes down Bluehaven, are all too much to pass up.

    "I see. More important business than most on these waters, by far. I'd like to speak with you in brief. If what you say is true, we won't keep you for long."