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Ryouma Sakamoto EARLIER

New ads. Now they just have to wait for their first offworld client. It's not long before the door knocks, but it isn't opportunity, it's chaos. Half a dozen Japanese men, all dressed fancy, and making no secret of the fact they're armed with various firearms and even a couple of blades.

Be a shame, one of them eventually said, if something happened to your office, detective. Or that pretty face behind you. Protection's pretty cheap, all things considered. Won't put a dent in the finances to pay up, right?


There are several armored trucks parked in front of the office. One of them has been crushed by a bookcase, evidently thrown out of a window. There are countless bullet holes disfiguring the office front. Police cars around the scene have been destroyed and left flaming wrecks, with law enforcement having already decided to not send more reinforcements and wait for bigger people to show up.

It's especially bad for civilians, who've started fleeing through their backdoors and yards rather than brave the front street.

Amidst the chaos, what started as half a dozen yakuza members is now easily close to thirty, maybe fifty. They have the section of the street locked down and surrounded. Before them, in the doorway of the office, are their targets. Ryouma, a man wearing a clean white uniform with a white brimmed hat, sheathed katana and revolver to his left. Oryou, a woman floating in the air just a bit behind him, wearing a black and red school uniform and a long, scaled scarf to go with her absurdly long black hair.

"Ah... this is bad, Oryou," Ryouma says, adjusting the hat on his head. "It's too bad you did that, we could have talked it out."

"Oryou feels pretty justified decking one of them through a window," Oryou says, flatly, but Ryouma shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I meant hurling a bookcase out after him and crushing him into his car. I think they're angry now," he says.

"Oryou can just eat all of them if they bother Ryouma," she answers.

"No, no, that's not a good idea," he sighs. Well, how to fix this.
Josuke Higashikata This is what happens when Josuke wanders -- the Joestar curse rears its ugly head, and he finds trouble. In this case, 'trouble' is a blocked-off street and shooting. And God only knows what else is going on in there. Unfortunately this means Josuke's stuck behind the barricade, in a world where he's at least TRYING to be nice and not scare the locals. If it was his own world he wouldn't care. But this is someone else's. Someone else will have to clean up after it if he makes a mess...

For the time being he stays on the outside, trying to look into the area, pouting thoughtfully. He does look like the archetypical 'Japanese delinquent', with that hair and wearing that long-coated school uniform. But aside from that he's at least TRYING to be good. For now. That probably won't last long.
Steve Rogers      Reports of an Enhanced threat off-world are the first real stress test of how this whole /Paladins/ business is going to go for the Avengers, or at least for Steve Rogers. Tony may be able to saunter into a room like he owns the place no matter who's inside it; Tony's a creature of the modern world. Steve, to hear some people tell it (frequently Tony), is a relic. He's still adapting to the idea of phones in every household and not being at war with Japan. He's one of those people who uses the same password for every account on the internet and who actually locks his luggage with a spin-wheel instead of a keypad.

     But he's also a soldier. And the best thing for a soldier is to have a conflict in front of them.

     Thank God for the Yakuza.

     Steve Rogers emerges from the warpgate by *ramming into one of the overturned police cars*, shield out, full-force. He's six-foot-and-change, over two hundred pounds of raw unbelievable superhuman force, in full star-spangled gear, and looking at him, it's pretty easy to believe he's got a plan.

     Right now that plan is to simultaneously hit these Enhanced with a police car...

     ...and make room for what comes next.
Cu Chulainn The report comes in. Big confrontation in Tokyo, flaming cars and broken windows and possible masquerade breach all around. In Japan to investigate a possible (but sadly false) lead on a Grail fragment, the duo were the closest agents to respond, and when an act like this is being committed, it could possibly be in their jurisdiction, so better to assume and apologize later.

Two men in suits, one with blue hair, a ponytail, and crystal earrings, and the other with slicked back purplish-black hair and a pair of black gloves, arrive at the scene. The one with purplish-black hair, Felt Haddask, walks past any police presence (if there is any), holding up a badge (which he closes way too quickly to identify what it actually is). Once that's done, Felt moves to set up. Pulling out a spool of wire and attaching it to his glove, the wire magically lifts up as he starts to pace around the main part of the street where the fight is going on, setting up a thick wired-boundary once everyone is inside. It wraps itself around telephone poles and street lamps, and the secret to is that if someone who Felt doesn't like touches it, he's gonna electrify the wires and attempt to knock them out.

While he's doing so, Cu Chulainn moves to speak up. He's dressed in a black suit, holding his red spear behind his head as he flashes a fang and talks as if he's completely sure of himself. "Alright, alright. I recommend all of you stand down and surrender, unless you want this to get ugly. No need to make a bloodbath, yeah?" A wince towards Steve Rogers, as he pushes into the car and moves to attack. Cu Chulainn takes a defensive stance.

They're probably gonna have to fight, after all.
Haguro      Word of a new detective agency had reached Haguro fairly quickly, and welcoming newcomers to whichever iteration of Tokyo this agency is located in is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Establishing contacts outside of the Fleet and the Concord is never a bad thing, especially with intel gathering being tricky at times. Better to find an expert that nobody recognizes to do that sort of thing, right?

     Except from the looks of things, keeping a low profile might not necessarily be in their skillset. Haguro's not too far from the barricade herself, looking like an office worker in a fancy uniform without her usual ship-like armaments on her person. Instead of turrets and armor, she's only brought a bottle of sake, a bonsai tree in a plastic bag, and a few space-occupying books nobody would ever bother reading. Surely she wouldn't be the sort to get involved, right?

     No, she's getting right in there. Taking Steve's sudden appearance via car projectile and Cu's and Felt's appearance with badge and spear in stride, Haguro whips out her revolver with a definitely-too-practiced series of twirls before aiming her revolver towards the mass of yakuza and firing a few warning shots at them in rapid succession. "Stand down, or we can't guarantee your survival!"

     Her words may fall on deaf ears, though, as some/all of her warning shots were shot directly at the yakuza. It's fine as long as it looks impressive, right?
Tony Stark A situation involving people throwing bookshelves around, Enhanced suspects, civilian panic, and a whole mess of armed combatants aggressing in the middle of a population center. This isn't a 'checking out the churros or yakitori nearby' or a 'jet over from a local summit' situation.

This is an Avengers situation. Well, ok. An Avengers-as-they-are-Paladins-operatives situation.

As Captain America crashes into the situation hurling around police cars into armed Enhanced(?) Yakuza thugs, Iron Man comes tearing out of the sky with salvo of whiiin-phSHOOM repulsor blasts to clear a landing area aggressively in the wake of Cap's projectile car, before levelling out just short of the ground with his hand-jets and back stabilizers flaring into overdrive, thunking down onto the ground with a graceful, of loud and metallic, 'whunk'.

Aiming generally 'around' him, Tony's mechanically-enhanced voice rings out across the street.

"Evening, gentlemen! You seem to be having fun, but unfortunately, we're the fun police. Put your... wizard mafia stuff down and nobody else gets hurt."

Both palms hum in a spooled-up repulsor 'hweeen!' to accentuate his point.
Amon Amon isn't here to cause trouble.

Since his previous foray into the outside world had gone rather well, he had taken to collecting groups of Equalists and venturing out to explore new technologies. The learning curve was relatively steep, and a lot of the things out there didn't make a lot of sense at first. But there were some familiarities, and although they were antiquated their cars were only a /mild/ attention-grabber. The only one among them who was always a visible anomaly was Amon himself.

The distant whine of sirens is what gets his attention. Amon taps his driver on the shoulder and directs him down the streets towards the flashing lights. Some things are universal, and while they aren't quite identical the fact that the police are down there is something that he can see plain as day.

But it's the scorched remains of some of them that really draw his attention. An opportunity presents itself... and those men bear devices familiar to him from his previous venture. It could be useful to take them.

The satomobile pulls to the side of the road near the ruined police blockade. Ordinary men and women fan out from the car, presently unmasked to lower their profile. It's only Amon who stands out like a sore thumb, wearing an opera mask that is unbeknownst to him /perfectly/ recognizable to the locals. Especially, perhaps, to these men.

Only the villain of the opera wears such a mask.

But soon his eyes land upon Oryou, floating in the air. His sympathy for the apparent victims in this wanes, and he raises a hand to indicate that his people should stop.

Clasping his hands behind his back, he observes as Captain America comes barreling out of the blue, Cu Chulainn arrives with that strange spear in hand, and... a salary woman with a revolver?

The familiar sight of Iron Man is what brings his interest back to bear. Did he say something about wizard mafia?

The masked man motions forward with two fingers and slips along the peripheries of the conflict, resuming his relaxed posture as he goes. His people fall in, some drawing bolas and the rest merely creeping forward with gauntlets on their hands.
Steve Rogers      As the car, and Iron Man, lands, Captain America stands up straight, his shield hanging at his side.

     "Sorry, but," he holds up his hand, "Are you /actually/ the Wizard Mafia, or are you just harassing a wizard for mafia-related reasons?"
Ryouma Sakamoto     It's good for Josuke's non-involvement policy that he hangs out by the barricade. It's not-so-good for it when an Avenger pushes a flaming car into one of the armored trucks being used as cover, toppling over a trio of men and attracting a lot of attention.

    Then Cu also does that, and the car crashes are obviously starting to agitate the troublemakers, because they couldn't care less about Ryouma and Oryou anymore. Haguro's warning shots make doubly sure the newcomers have the Yakuza's attention.

    And let's pretend for a second all of that wasn't enough to get their attention. Tony Stark puts on a show and calls them a lowly mafia. He has their attention, especially after those repulsor blasts knocked a few of them around.

    Amon and his men may as well not exist, given the fact they don't go out of their way to attack anyone yet. Proximity might still prove a problem though.

    The two dozen men still standing help a few of their compatriots up, but more importantly, now their guards are up. Some draw katanas, runed and glowing - some have green circuit-like lines suddenly glowing through their clothes and skin along their arms and legs. A few animate asphalt and concrete into small dragon-like golems, while others are focusing on making shields of energy preemptively.

    They are in fact a wizard mafia, as in a mafia made of wizards, and not a mafia that mafias at wizards, although they might be that too.

    It starts with gunfire, magically enhanced. Some bullets are icy, some fiery, some are just going faster. The gunfire is just cover for the specialists to engage.

    Steve and Cu have to contend with suddenly superhuman men swinging magical blades at them. Steve is assaulted by a man whose katana is slithering like a snake, the metallic blade able to curve around obstacles! Cu is dealing with someone whose twin wakizashis are making awful, ear-rending screeches.

    Tony Stark has the attention of the golemancers, whose small asphalt dragons charge with fury.

    Haguro has more gunfire concentrated on her than the others, but two martial artists are moving through the bullets to try to reach her with enhanced punches and kicks!

    Josuke and Amon+Men don't have direct attention, so much as they're in range of the bullet storm that's ongoing. Some kind of defense or cover will definitely be desirable!

    As for Ryouma and Oryou... well, Ryouma seems to have gone pale from the development. Oryou is standing in front of him, handling the bullets.

    "This is terrible, we haven't even paid the mortgage yet!" Ryouma bemoans.
    "If you had killed all of them, this wouldn't be happening," Oryou helpfully points out.
    "Oryou no."
Steve Rogers      The slithering snake katana comes within a hair's breadth of cutting off Steve's head. It's only thanks to extremely quick reflexes - *stupidly* quick reflexes - that he's able to tilt back and instead only take a rough scratch across the chest as the katana serpentines its way around his rising shield. To his credit, he doesn't panic, or freak out; Steve's response is the response of a well-trained super-soldier.

     He gives the guy a firm right hook, followed by a vibranium shield-bash at the arm. There's a good chance the arm will end up broken. There's a better chance the katana will end up /not in the arm/, which...well, you know, Steve's not really sure if that's better or not.

     He steps back, getting a bit of range in case the first strikes weren't enough to put the wizard mobster down, putting up his fist like a classic boxer. Granted, a classic boxer in red-white-and-blue, but a classic boxer anyway.

     "I think they're the Wizard Mafia," he says to Tony offhandedly.
Josuke Higashikata And suddenly there's a bulletstorm Josuke needs to dodge. The thing is, Crazy Diamond is mostly unseen by non-Elites and those without superhuman powers themselves. So... well, he doesn't have any qualms whatsoever about summoning his Stand to defend him.

A glowing purple aura sparks to life around him, and then the pink-and-blue being rises from his body, taking shape from his own features. And as the bullets head towards him, the Stand throws punches at the bullets at insanely fast speeds, intercepting a good bit of them. There are likely too many for him to completely knock away with his Stand however; the bullets are knocked away from his main center mass though, and instead slice into the arms and legs of his uniform, grazing the skin underneath. He winces, emitting a pained grunt.

Though... that aside, all of these guys seem to have their attention on the fight itself. So... well, it's time to skirt around the perimeter and try to fix some stuff. Flaming cars? No problem! He heads over in that direction to start trying to fix those.

Mind, there's a reason he's doing this -- he's got an idea. Though, well... he's probably not going to stay unnoticed if these cars just suddenly fix themselves.
Haguro      Another American? Between Captain America and Iron Man, there's going to be quite the interesting follow-up! Maybe. After dealing with the wizard mafia first. "Wouldn't that be Wizard Yakuza? I thought Mafia was more of an Italian or American thing."

     Not noticing the arrival of Amon's crew just yet, Haguro holds her free hand back to signal towards the officers that may or may not even be there any more. "We'll handle this. Evacuate anyone that's still in the area!" She speaks with a confidence uncommon to herself, almost believing in herself as she watches the wizard mafia turn their sights towards the rest of the group!

     Said confidence dissolves immediately when the return fire includes flaming gunfire. Haguro squeaks and ducks behind one of the overturned cars, giving the martial artists an opportunity to get into close range with her. She starts engaging them in VIGOROUS FISTICUFFS, relying on her shipghost strength and agility to meet their magically enhanced attacks!

     Also, wrestling moves. Namely, trying to catch their flying limbs against herself and weathering their strikes to swing them at each other like people-sized bludgeons.
Amon A spike of anger surges through the back of Amon's mind. No, it isn't just a bunch of normal thugs fighting a powered being, it's a war between competing powered beings, spilling over into a neighborhood full of uninvolved individuals. Opportunity merges with ideology and once again the situation looks favorable to the narrative that he is attempting to play to-- and coincidentally, the ideals that he actually sincerely holds dear. There is a scattering of the Equalists as they scramble for cover. Nobody dies-- there's a few grazes, one leg wound that sees two Equalists seize a third and drag him behind their car.

The satomobile is sturdier than the local cars. It's WILDLY less safe, but it's a lot sturdier, and presents actual Hard Cover.

Amon reacts differently from his men. He pushes into the gunfire, his attention zeroing in on those with projectile weapons. He tugs on them in the tiniest, least noticeable increments. So little that even they might notice-- so little that nobody /else/ is going to notice, either. But it's enough that the curtain of bullets spraying into the surroundings is always a hair away from him.

Except for one.

The bullet catches him in the side, drawing a momentary flash of blood that he's ready for but knows better than to /present/ as ready for. Amon staggers back mid-stride, one hand falling to the bloody wound.

Heavy breaths reverberate out from his mask.

He straightens up.

He keeps walking.

The bloody hand rises as he comes within striking distance. Several quick jabs come out in rapid succession as Amon takes account of the pathways of power running through his circuity-lit target. He's fairly certain that the spiritual physiology of these people is close enough to his that he can plug them up and shut them down.

Just like a bender.
Tony Stark This situation is the kind that Tony Stark excels in. Not because he is a genius, or because he is a self-made superhero.

No, it's because his first impression of the situation was right and Steve Rogers' wasn't, and that gives Tony Stark a dark and terrible power. He will Remember This.

"Captain Rogers, your deductive powers are striking as always." Tony quips back, firing his charged repulsors at the shielding mages to disrupt them before hopping back and alighting on bootjets and back verniers to hover in mid-air, dropping his palms down to align his wrists with the asphalt golems as two mid-sized wrist missiles flip into active, shooting off into the summoned creatures with predictably explosive results.

"Alright, Wizards of Oz! This is your last warning! You follow that yellow brick road right back to where you came and stop with all the magics, and I'll forget you tried to cut my friend's head off!"

Tony's helmet-HUD marks Amon in the periphery of the combat zone, and Josuke fixing cars.

"Steve, eyes up, we've got friendlies and Enhanced noncombatants around."

Haguro is conversational, and as Tony moves to pepper the shielding mages with more palm blasts, Tony responds in kind. "Right, right. Becuase of the Japanese boat ghosts." Tony asides off-handedly, turning his head to wink at Haguro.

With his full faceplate on.
"Friday, note to self, figure out how to wink in the Mark Nine?"
"Pinned for later."
Cu Chulainn Words are ignored and bullets start flying. Felt moves to dive for cover, not being able to take bullets. Cu Chulainn, on the other hand, is built for this. He can see them flying at him, picking them out in mid-air as he swings his spear to start deflecting the gunfire away. Several of the 'faster' bullets manage to outspeed him, impacting in his (already-previously wounded but mostly-healed) shoulder and side. The lancer winces and groans, as his torn-suit is replaced magically by a blue bodysuit. He's definitely a Servant.

And he's taking those wakizakis head-on. They manage to slice against his arm as he moves to block, drawing blood, but it doesn't seem like it's doing too badly against the spearman. Instead, he moves to twist the spear to push the twin blades backwards and try and force the man to stagger, before moving to spin and strike the spear hard into his side, avoiding slashing into him and instead using it as a usually-effective blunt instrument.

"I guess I'll go easy on ya, since you're so bad at this you have to wield /two/ swords. Remember me when you're in the hospital, yeah? Name's Lancer." Also, wow, that noise sucks. Hopefully it's not an indication of something even worse to happen.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Steve's blow resonates against the man like it struck metal, not skin. It still visibly staggers him - in fact, possibly worse than if the shield had been a normal one, since all the force went straight into him. He drops his katana, and the blade reverts to a normal one as it leaves his hand. But he's not down for the count. He pulls a a butterfly knife out, flicking it open. There is a flash of intense, burning light as the knife opens, and the man tries to use the moment to shank Steve in the neck!

    It'd be hard to say if the mobsters can see Crazy Diamond or not - but they certainly see magic-like energy doing something, and the man now registers on their radars. On the other hand, they're spread... pretty thin by the state of things. Although nothing stops Josuke from fixing flaming police cars, a single mobster assaults from above following a tremedous leap! It's a flying dropkick, and his foot is trailing a mix of fire and lightning that looks like it'll explode on impact.

    Haguro doesn't need to tell the remaining policemen twice, they know they're out of their depth. And let's be real, those criminals, they did not expect her to suddenly wrestle them. And win. The two are knocked into each other like ragdolls, leaving one permanently grounded and the other unpleasantly stunned. A third comes to their rescue, amidst another wave of enhanced gunfire. Rather than being unarmed, this one starts hurling throwing knives towards Haguro. The ones that so much as graze seem to be able to sap life and mana! The ones that don't... suddenly stop in the air, arming themselves like spiked mines ready to detonate.

    Amon braves the gunfire and strikes the rear lines, the ones setting up support fields. His guess is right. Whatever magic they're using, it's tied to their bodies enough that they can be shut down. A shield goes down as Amon's target falls, and the two closest take notice. The forcefields they'd set up to prevent Haguro from firing at them are turned around, trying to sandwich Amon in their crushing embrace.

    Concrete and asphalt, animated or otherwise, isn't much of a match for Tony's typical firepower. Rocky shrapnel explodes in every direction, the two men controlling the golems backing away to figure a new plan out. This seems to involve unifying their skills, and also swearing at him in Japanese. The wreckage of one of their armored trucks suddenly twists and contorts, as the two combine efforts to animate a single truck golem together. The golem promptly rips its engine block out of itself and hurls it at Tony.

    Lancer is in his element, fighting someone with two swords. It's obvious the mobster can't keep up with the Child of Light's agility, and repeated strikes from the spear's blunt side are enough to send him flying back into a car. He crawls out of the wreckage, spits blood, and perseveres, sadly! Wakizashis aren't throwing weapons, but that doesn't stop him from hurling one straight for Cu's head. It screeches like a flashbang, a distraction the Yakuza is more than willing to exploit by dashing in with a thrust for the chest.

    Eventually, Oryou gets tired of being Ryouma's bullet sponge, takes a deep breath, and lets loose a cone of fire from her mouth that engulfs a few of the gunners and silences some of the gunfire. Ryouma reaches for his revolver, finally accepting he can't talk his way out of this one.

    "Oryou, please be more careful, we don't need to kill any of them. That'll just anger their boss," Ryouma asks of his partner.

    "Oryou is only giving them near-lethal burns, don't worry," she answers. She's technically correct, none of them have died from being on fire. Yet.
Josuke Higashikata Josuke doesn't really have time to dodge out of the way of the drop-kicking mobster. However, his Stand is already out, so he moves it to intercept, crossing its arms before it. The flaming, sparking kick impacts with the crossed arms of the Stand, throwing Josuke back with a yelp of surprise, and causing him to lose his mental grip on the Stand. It disappears as he hits the ground. Fortunately he's only down, not out. He gets up, facing the mobster that attacked him. He's just about to resummon his Stand and let loose with a rain of punches, when...

Fire engulfs several of the gun-wielding mobsters, and Josuke's attention briefly goes to that. Not for long, though; he knows he can't afford to take his eyes off this guy for long. He scowls as he turns his gaze back to the mobster who'd attacked him. But instead of attacking...

"Let me through!" Josuke entreats to his attacker. "Some of your buddies just got roasted out there -- I can help them! But I can't do anything for them if they're dead!"
Steve Rogers      "Well," Steve says in Tony's direction as the guy flips out the knife, shaking his hand lightly, "We're definitely not in Kansas anymore."

     He brings up his shield as the bullets and the knife come flying in. The bullets just bounce off, splattering around in generally-not-the-direction-of-normal-people, which is probably kind of impressive in and of itself. The knife hits the shield, and Cap moves around, grabs the man's hand, and brings him swinging down over his shoulder with enough force to dent metal. If the guy hits like metal, and hitting the guy feels like punching metal, then gravity and the ground are the best chance he's got.

     He backs up, as Haguro is surrounded by spike mines, and as the Equalists move in to engage. Cap doesn't need to see that they're normal people, and Haguro, despite her impressive wrestling technique, is as far as he can tell just a girl in over her head. The police appear to be clear, so now it's just a matter of minimizing casualties.

     So he does what he does best.

     Surrounded by men with guns and swords, Steve Rogers throws away his shield.

     The shield goes *spinning* into the hovering knife-mines, ping-ponging like a pinball. There's no way a normal human could've planned that, let alone planned sending the shield whirling towards the Equalists - or, rather, towards the guns of the men the Equalists are engaged with.

     As far as he knows, they're just people. Captain America is a man who wants body counts as low as possible.

     Even if that means throwing away his shield against a bunch of wizard mobsters.

     "What's a...ya-kooza?" He asks Haguro as he brings up his fists in two-fisted boxing style once again.
Amon Amon doesn't slow his attackers down. He could-- he could take care of this himself, but that's not the point, and he can see what his unwounded followers are up to. A pair of them have slid beneath their satomobile and crept up along with him as he took out one of the shield mages. As they push in towards him, he doubles over as if his wound is troubling him.

It is, of course-- but he has more self control than that.

From both sides the Equalist soldiers emerge, coming up from behind with a flurry of rapid jabs that are no less disabling than Amon's own, and rather more animated because their own wounds are substantially less serious.

The gears turn rapidly in the masked man's mind. The endgame here is simple enough.

Once this is through,
once they're subdued,
he's going to take their power.

Just like that sun-bleached extraversal.

A blur of color draws his attention from the battle around him towards Steve Roger's shield-- and then around towards the man himself. That one is familiar with Stark, which is an incongruity in his mind. Where did /that/ one obtain his abilities? They aren't mechanical, and he doesn't glow. His physique is exceptional but not as otherworldly as some of his feats.

Amon hums thoughtfully to himself.
Haguro      "Boat ghosts...? That's not completely wrong, either, but I meant that more because they're Japanese. N-not that a Japanese person can't be in the Italian mafia, but..." And away goes the confident voice even more. "... Considering the locale, I don't know how... Erm. Active they would be compared without..."

     There is no way Haguro can continue that train of thought without it sounding very wrong. Time to focus on fighting instead of Iron Man's weird faceplated stare! With one of the martial artists down for the count, she's just about ready to give the second a running kick the head when she's thrown off balance by a knife embedding itself in her shoulder. Crying out sharply, she can feel it sapping her strength, and she yanks it out forcefully with another cringe of pain.

     Is that blood or oil? It sucks is what, but it's not the sort of injury she can just shrug off right away. Luckily, Captain America shows up right on time and deals with those pesky knife mines as well!

     She'll have to ask about the shield pinball thing later. "Thank you, mister... Eh? Oh. Yakuza are criminals involved in organized crime. Extortion, protection rackets, laundering..." As she rattles things off, she flings the removed knife at the stunned martial artist's leg before bringing out the revolver once more. "Those knives are magically enhanced, too... Don't let them touch you!"

     Once her warning is shouted, Haguro twists around into a crouch to back Captain America up with more gunfire aimed at the wizard mafia!

     Yakuza. Mafia. Whatever.
Cu Chulainn Huh, an actually tough human. Cu Chulainn's impressed a little, and decides to get into it. Right as the man with the two blades decides to /throw/ one. And then use the distraction to try and stab him in the heart. That's no good, but it's a good trick, and the blade is moving fast enough for it to be hard for him to dodge entirely, he's gonna have to take it somewhere, even as the screeching stuns him enough to slow him down.

So Cu drops his right hand off the spear and moves it to catch the blade, straight in his palm. It's excrutiatingly painful, though Cu is far more durable than a normal human, and he has healing magic, so it's not going to be as bad as it could be. As that hand's blocking the sword, though, the other hand spins the spear down to his chest, moving to block and deflect the blow, though the screeching effect lets it still scrape against his side and draws more blood.

With a brief moment, Cu brings his knife-stuck hand up to his mouth, clenches the handle of the blade with his teeth, and just /yanks/ it out.

Moving his thumb on the injured hand against the blood and starting to (slowly) shape a rune across his palm, the wound is going to start healing faster than is normal, flesh and muscle stitching itself back together. Cu grunts about it, though his expression is mostly...actually enjoying himself. This is because he's a crazy Ulster man from closer to two thousand years ago than now. With that left-handed spear, Cu Chulainn moves to swipe into the guy again, and send him flying towards Felt's wires.

"Felt, now!" Cu shouts, if it impacts. If the man goes flying towards them, Felt's going to discharge electricity through his wires, strong enough to incapacitate but not kill. It's certianly going to hurt, though, being, well, electricity.
Tony Stark The Iron Man Mk IX armor is just as resilient (if not moreso) to small arms fire than previous ones, and previous ones took air-to-air missiles and tank shells fairly well.

The gouts of flame and fire, though, do more than the bullets themselves. Bits of ice wedge into armor plates, and here and there combusting matter mini-staggers Tony's suit, rotating his shoulders, turning his head, catching his step. They're annoying, but in volume - dangerous. Steve goes to shield the 'lighter' combatants, Tony stands strong against the summoner's second attempt at a threat.

And a threat it is. A giant vehicle golem! Tony cants his head up as he follows the impressive summoning with his eyes, before aiming both wrists at the golem and bringing up a targeting reticule.

"You were warned, Gandalf." He mutters, befo--

Before he's put into the ground by an entire engine block, the Mark IX grinding against the ground with the heavy metal brick smashed into his chestplate.

"Contusions detected." Friday notes worriedly.
"Oh yeah? Yeah, didn't notice." Tony groans back. "Divert power to central RT."

The engine block, and the sky above Iron Man, erupts into a column of extremely bright crimson light as Stark blasts it into slag and metal mist with the Unibeam, righting himself with his back-jet.

"You're done." He announces, re-levelling his wrist lasers and firing off a scything burst vertically across the animated car. "Stop them from animating the rest of the cars, people, they pack a whallop!" Stark calls out, ejecting the palladium battery from his right wrist and replacing it in one swift movement.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Owing almost entirely to the fact that Josuke didn't fight back, his particular mobster friend seems to pause to consider the offer. Josuke doesn't LOOK like a cop, and he doesn't seem to be armed, or lying... this is good enough for the man, who lets him pass. The man, also, decides to just bolt. Maybe he realized this is unwinnable for them. Or maybe he's hoping for a promotion when he reports all this to his boss. Who knows! Either way, Josuke has free access to burn victims. They are in fact not dead, just critically scorched.

    Steve is right, slamming this guy into the ground is a good way to disable him. It's loud, but it leaves him free to go do something else. His shield buys Amon's men room to operate, and even frees up Haguro from being too surrounded by those mines.

    If it's any consolation to Haguro, they're all very blatantly Japanese. That bouncing shield got the annoying knife guy off her, on the bright side, and with Amon distracting the rear lines, there's nothing to stop her gunfire. It's easy to land a few good shots - presumably to disarm and incapacitate the gunners, not kill them. This... does not prompt return fire.

    Actually, gunfire stops altogether across the battlefield.

    Amon's men do a good job keeping him from beng pressured. Two more of the Yakuza spellcasters fall, intensely agitated at their magic now being nonresponsive. That, is why the gunfire stopped. The magi have noticed Amon's work. They're not Clock Tower magi, and yet, this is Deeply Offensive to them.

    Cu and Felt's plan works to perfection. A single blow is all it takes to send a human flying when it comes from the doggo, and then the electrified magecraft takes care of the rest. The battlefield's getting quieter with every body that drops.

    Things only become lively again when Stark's Unibeam thunderously rips an engine block apart, followed by cutting an animated truck into tiny pieces.

    The summoners, and every remaining, standing, magic-able mobster regroup. Magic flares out from them, as they unify their mana pools into a single one. The summoners get to work. Tony's warning is justified.

    Metal, concrete, guns, ammo, broken blades and weapons come together into a great, crunchy mess of parts. The part assembles into something resembling a Japanese dragon, a thin serpent with large wings. Only it's made of chunks of car, road, and weapons. Its wingspan is great enough to shield the summoners and their cohorts.

    It doesn't quite roar so much as it makes a cacophony of gun and car noises. And then it BREATHES BULLETS AND SWORDS at Amon and his men, very specifically, as well as Steve and Haguro, who are closer. Josuke is out of range owing to both cover and being near wounded mobsters, while Tony, Cu, Felt, Ryouma and Oryou mostly have to deal with the sudden tailwhip from the beast. Luckily, it doesn't smash buildings... because Oryou catches the tail, and lets off an annoyed grunt.

    "Imitators annoy Oryou," she says, and Ryouma, now actually armed with his revolver, laughs weakly.

    "Good work, Oryou. Let's finish this up, the longer this draws out the more dangerous it gets.

    He twirls his revolver, and takes a single shot towards the base of one of the beast's wings. The bullet that flies out is flaming blue, obviously backed by magic, and makes quite the dent. It'd be trivial for someone else to lop one of the wings off now.
Steve Rogers      "Ah," Steve says, enlightened. JAPANESE Wizard Mafia.

     He catches Amon's look and misunderstands it completely, giving him a friendly wave shortly before Felt electrifies the area and Tony blows the golem to shreds. Tony gives orders that Steve absolutely agrees with, and Steve's about to go do it, when all of a sudden he's confronted with, well, a giant dragon. There's a right thing to do here and a wrong thing to do, and as it rears back to breathe, Steve does what his body does best.

     He grabs Haguro's arm and the arm of the downed Yakuza member and he throws them out of the path of the breath.

     His shield doesn't come around in time.

     Cap throws up his arms as bullets rain down on him. Some of them get in flesh. Some of them tear past body armor. A sword nearly skewers him; he dodges it at the last minute, a slow-motion head tilt. By the time his shield returns and he catches it he's bleeding heavily, and there's at least one sword just sticking out of his side like it's King Arthur's own and he's the rock it was made for.

     And, judging by his body, he might be.

     The shield is a welcome relief. He huddles behind it, crouching down to minimize his body mass and direct as much fire as he can upwards. Upwards is safe; upwards is Tony, and Tony knows better than to fly in front of him. Upwards won't hit the strange flying girl, the girl he just saved, the Iron Yakuza, the Equalists, or anybody else. Upwards...well.

     The breath pounds on him for what seems like forever. But when it finally finishes, Steve rises.

     He reaches over and pulls the sword out of himself with a wince.

     He's never used a sword before. He discards it.


     Steve starts running.

     Right at the dragon. Muscles that can move a car start pumping. Everybody gets a damn good look at just what kind of human being can go from Zero to Thirty with very little start up time. It's not super-speed; it's just *bulk*, *velocity*, and *distance*, as Steve charges right for the dragon. He's going fast.

     But more importantly, he's going fast with a vibranium object in front of him.

     Steve hurls his weight behind the shield, his weight, his strength, everything.

     "Everything you've got!" Cap shouts as he proceeds to *body-check and wrestle the giant car dragon*, "Empty everything you've got into it!"
Cu Chulainn The thug is down and out, and Felt's gonna deal with him later. For now, they have a much, much, MUCH bigger problem on their hands, and one that is explicitly and clearly insane magic. Luckily, it's only a small street, so they can shut it down as much as possible. But as he's considering logistics...

The tail swipe comes in, and Felt goes flying back, skidding across the ground. He's injured, bruised, and may have cracked something, but his mage-enhanced physiology keeps him alive and moving. Sadly, the wire fence comes pulling back as he loses control, collapsing and rolling back up on the spool. That leaves this to Cu Chulainn to solve the problem. And in his part of the tailswipe, he's doing better, moving the spear up and skidding across the ground, kicking up concrete beneath his feet. He's bruised from the sheer impact, but left on his feet, which is enough for the follow-up attack.

Channeling burning red energy into the tip of Gae Bolg, Cu Chulainn takes a breath, takes several steps back, and then sprints forward and /leaps/ into the air. He goes spiralling forward from the superjump, launching himself at the dragon's torso, moving to pierce the closest thing it has to a heart with a fierce strike. Hopefully, working with everyone else's strikes, they can take this thing down before it does too much damage to the environment.
Haguro      Pausing the reload, Haguro weighs her options as the assembled dragon-thing comes into view. What's her best option in this sort of situation? She doesn't have her usual cannons to work with, the revolver's a... Revolver, and she can't exactly transform in the middle of a city without massive collateral damage.

     It's not that hard, then, for Haguro to get flung out of the way as she's distracted. She rolls clumsily a few times before managing to catch herself, pivoting around one hand on the ground to rebalance herself while getting a better view of the situation. Her eyes open wide in shock as she notices that nasty hit Cap's taken in getting her out of harm's way.

     "Mister! You..." She starts, then stops. He did this of his own free will. She can't just /tell/ him it was unnecessary or a wasted effort! No, she'll have to just eat her own fears and make it up to him another way.

     "... Yes, sir! We'll worry about the injuries later!" Biting back that pain still pulsing through her shoulder, the cruiser sprints for the dragon. With Oryou on the tail and Captain America going for the front, Haguro aims for something with less risk of head-on collisions: A wing. It's a hard target to miss, at least, and she too opts for trying to wrestle the thing down. Once she's below it, she leaps upwards and tries to snag it in mid-ascent with her only good arm, aiming to bend the whole thing around to its other wing and force it onto solid ground!
Josuke Higashikata Josuke remains where he is for a moment, staring down the guy that attacked him. Thankfully the guy was willing to just leave. And Josuke doesn't stop him. No, he's more concerned with those burned guys; they don't look like they have much time left. Once the guy's out of the way, the teen is making a beeline for the injured mobsters.

He might not be in the immediate area of the 'breath' of that serpentine dragon, but he still ducks because HOLY CRAP THAT IS DANGEROUS! "Geez...!" He'll hav eto take a few moments to tune things out, so he can concentrate on healing these guys. Which will leave him exposed.

Should he remain unharmed, once he's got the burned guys healed (they might not regain consciousness immediately though), he'll try and get them out of harm's way, behind cover. Crazy Diamond should be able to lift them.
Amon Cars have a circulatory system, but it isn't the way that a human does. Amon can't perfectly and subtly influence the golem that is at once conjured against him and his men-- and even a less subtle display of his power would require a bigger source of water to handle it, besides. What, then, is the solution? The magi he just disabled? No, they're made of meat, too flimsy. The surrounding cars? No, he can see the holes being punched in them. Whatever they're made of, it's not the same stuff /his/ vehicle is made of.

Amon turns. His men have had the same idea, but they don't /just/ turn and begin to move away. They seize the magi they just disabled and drag them along with them, both so that their Point can eventually be made... and because they actually aren't in the business of just straight up murdering people most of the time. They are certainly terrorists.

But the message has to be right, and a bunch of bloody pulp is no useful message right now.

Amon springs towards the car. The breath of bullets and blades closes in.

He reaches the edge of the door, and his men shove the magi they seized to the ground near it as they move to the other side.

There is a momentary spray of blood as they each get caught -- to varying levels -- in the blast, just as they slip partway into cover. Amon is tougher than he has any right to be, and he /and/ his followers are armored, but this time they definitely get hit in ways that they didn't mean to. He masked man slips sidelong into the car with an aggrieved grunt, blood blossoming out beneath him across the seat.

One of the Equalists doesn't make it-- whether they're /alive/ or just bleeding out is momentarily immaterial. The other makes it onto the other side of the car and forces his 'hostage' down.

For a moment the vicinity is silent, as the breath of the dragon recedes.

Amon sits up in the driver's seat. The car cranks, the sound of its engine turning over heavy. His hand slips to the gear and the heavy satomobile roars to life.

He ignores the dragon. The dragon has no life of its own, no vitality. When they were struck and their chi blocked, these men's magical works could no longer exist.

The satomobile comes about, pointing at the summoners and the mobsters who fueled them-- and Amon guns it with a roar.
Tony Stark Feeling good about the fight for a moment, Stark takes stock of his situation. He's still got his wrist and shoulder missiles, full smartguns, the majority of his RT power, armor in the yellow at wors-

The massive cobble-dragon slurps up the surrounding metal and material, and even the remains of the rest of the cars, and swings its tail full force into the Mark IX, indenting the side of his armor in painfully and leading to shear metal-on-metal sparks as he's momentum-carried off into the side of a building, leaving a crater of rubble and a haze of drywall and brick.

Yeah, make that orange-red armor state.

And he doesn't come back out for a few seconds, long enough for Steve to go all Sword-In-The-Bod, and for Amon to gun his engine.

Emerging from the pile is first metal-sheathed arm, and then a faceplate with two lit optics, one cracked along the ballistic glass. "I'm going to pay for that!" He calls, his state of disorientation clear, before he pushes out of the second-story building and into the air on bootjets. "And so are you."

Steve asks for 'everything he has', and Tony Stark delivers that with extra, aiming at both flanks (and wings) as Cu Chulainn and Haguro go for the centerline with their mighty blows.

Iron Man unleashes a fiery hell of both full braces of wrist micromissiles, empties both palladium forearm lasers, and empties both missile pods in the shoulders for good measure, the bassy roar of easily over a hundred missiles rumbling across the dragon's flanks as the laser beams aim to clip off any motive force those wings, especially the weakened ones would give.
Ryouma Sakamoto     It's a team effort, but it works out.

    Steve bodychecks the dragon - between the pressure he puts on it, its damaged wing, and the fact Oryou is holding its tail, the dragon won't be avoid attacks or moving in the slightest. The car chunks, the concrete, the weapons, groan and creak as they struggle to remain one coherent entity, mana rapidly bleeding out from cracks and breaks.

    Cu leaps right atop it and strikes at its... well, it's not a heart, per se, but it's a core made up of all the trucks' engines crunched into one. And damaging that is a pretty good deal, because it sends explosions inside the beast internally.

    Haguro cripples the dragon further by breaking both of its wings against each other, which costs the golem's serpentine body to crash onto the road, and to no longer be shielding its magi creators.

    Enter Amon. And his car.

    None of these magi are in a position to take a car crash to the face right now. All their energy went into the creation of the golem. This goes about how you'd expect, though Amon has enough time to slow down and not brutally murder several of the Yakuza members if he actually wants to go for a tamer crash.

    As for him or his men taking hostages, none of the downed mobsters have any hopes of escaping him or his men, so it isn't hard.

    With the dragon on its literal last leg, it seems to veer upward and prepare something, only to be shut down by Tony's sudden hail of "everything he has". The golem, mercifully, doesn't explode, but rather just falls apart into a mess of its original components.

    It goes without saying, but any Yakuza member still standing surrenders.

    Josuke, on the safer side of everything, has plenty of time to save Oryou's burn victims, and even to get them somewhere less likely to suddenly be hit by chunks of the destroyed golem. Hard to say if those guys are going to feel gratitude for it, but they don't seem likely to be able to continue a life of crime regardless.

    With things over, Ryouma, with Oryou back to floating behind him, puts his revolver back in its holster and approaches the center, scratching the back of his head nervously.

    "I'd say this reminds me of my childhood, but there were considerably less firearms and more samurai," he says.

    "Oryou can incinerate the last of them so they can't do this again," Oryou offers.

    "Oryou please no," Ryouma sighs, exasperated.
Josuke Higashikata Josuke sighs in relief once the formerly-burnt mobsters are relatively safe. That's SOME of them saved anyway. Josuke might try to pull some of them out of the way of Amon's car... or try to save a few that don't instantly die to that, if any fall under that category. He didn't figure he was going to be able to save ALL of them... but if any of the ones he DID manage to save have families, it's EVERYTHING to them.

Once the dragon falls apart, Josuke stands up from his place. His Stand has been dismissed, in favor of being able to greet the new people. He looks around first though. "...Geez, what a mess," he mutters. Then addressing the group at large. "Everybody all right? I can heal or fix anything real quick if it's needed," he offers.
Tony Stark As Stark's heads up display, cracked and quietly pointing out all the places that his suit is damaged (which is most of it, especially his chest), he lets the emptied missile hardpoints collapse back into the recesed wrist and shoulder ports from whence they came, ejecting both forearm laser batteries and leaving the smoking ports empty.

Alighting on the ground softly with his mostly-functional repulsor jets, Stark moves first to Steve Rogers, who is already waving off help. Then, with a glance to Haguro and Cu (who both seem Fairly Fine), Iron Man approaches Amon's satomobile. "Hey, are you alright? That thing have an airbag?" He asks, popping the faceplate up as he does so for some fresh (and filled with smoke, but fresh) air and to get that annoying crack out of his view.

"Detective! Are you and your... firebreathing girlfriend alright? Authorities are on their way."

Tony looks left and right. "Is everyone good? Kid, you okay?" He calls to everyone, then Josuke in particular.

Magic healing, huh? "Good work, by the way." He offers to the healing noncombatant. "A big goose-egg on the casualties counter is always welcome."
Cu Chulainn As the dragon goes down, Cu lands back on his feet, taking a heavy breath. He moves to use rune magic to heal more of his wounds, as Felt steps up to the center, eyes sweeping over the situation, before he turns to Ryouma and Oryou. "Felt Haddask, Pescheour Foundation." He doesn't present a badge. He's not actually sure whether they'll be familiar with it or not, either. But because of Oryou radiating so much magical energy, Felt assumes...

"You and your Servant have quite the skills!" Felt assumes that Ryouma is her Master, because he didn't check if Ryouma's a Servant and Oryou's magical aura is really big to kind of squash it for him anyways. "But, uh, you nearly caused a masquerade breach, so I need to ask you some questions to keep this running smoothly, and also ask you to not throw guys into armored cars where possible in public." Felt hates diplomacy. He's not actually very good at it, and prefers situations where he straight up just edits memories because they're less complicated.

"What are your names, Servant class for the miss, and situation? Do you have any knowledge about the Grail shard that summoned her, and any others?" Felt focuses on that last part, most. Grail shards are an important part of his job, after all.
Amon Amon does in fact slow down when it becomes obvious that he is going to hit these people. It's probably not that big a difference. It is a 1920s car, made of solid metal and remarkably weighty. Even trying /not/ to kill anybody, he'll probably manage it simply incidentally. The car screeches to a halt a moment later, and the man within assesses the damage done to himself.

Numerous cuts. One puncture wound. The bullets had problems staying intact from the force of what was going on around them. As far as he can tell, both from his own sense of the composition of his body and at a glance, his life isn't in immediate danger. The blood loss will need... correcting. But it can wait, and he can slow it down.

He puts the car in park, turns it off. Slowly he rises, the car door opening with a distinctive thump. The vehicle itself is barely damaged from hitting-- however many people it hit. The masked man assesses the wounds and consciousness level of the scattered summoners and their batteries around them. Carefully, meticulously, he selects the least wounded. The most able to still resist.

The pain of moving is forced down. His father had taught him how to endure pain like this. His brother hadn't wanted to inflict it, and eventually refused to-- but it was something that he could do. With discipline. With effort. Breathe in, breathe out.

"You were formidable." A deep, level voice rumbles from behind that mask. It is not the voice of a man bleeding so severely. He drags the magus to a kneeling position, with a strength that is no more of a wounded man than the coolness of his voice.

With one hand he holds him in place, and with the other he draws his head back to press a thumb to his crown chakra.

Their spiritual biology /is/ close enough. It's a little bit different. The structures are more spread out and varied in scope-- more like a series of reservoirs with veinlike gates existing parallel with the ordinary circulatory system. But it's recognizable enough.

With a subtle violence that isn't quite so obvious on the surface, he dams up the floodgates of the magus's magic circuits so that they will never
open again.

He releases the man, who is Obviously Not Dead, but something just happened for certain.

It is only then that he turns towards Tony. His mask is slightly askew-- ugly, scarred flesh visible along the line of his jaw.

He adjusts his mask.

"What is an airbag?" He asks.
Steve Rogers      Everything's done.

     Steve slings the shield over his shoulder as the dragon collapses. He breathes in, then breathes out, then breathes in, then breathes out. His heavy chest rises and falls slowly as he takes a moment to take stock of his wounds. Tony asks him if he's okay. Josuke offers healing.

     Steve waves a hand as he bends over. He slaps his face, then straightens. "I'm alright. Nothing vital got hit. I've been shot before, I'm fine."

     He's not.../super/ fine, he'll need some recovery time, but he doesn't want to be a burden, and his life's not in danger.

     It's post-battle, so Steve's taking charge. He gestures at Josuke. "Make sure any civilians who might've been caught get your attention first. Any police officers, anybody who wasn't Enhanced. Then see about fixing anybody in critical condition. The more lives we can save, the better."

     He gestures at Haguro. "Miss, I don't know who you are or what you were doing on an Enhanced battleground, but I'm glad you're alright. If you want to help out, see if you can pick up some of the smaller pieces, take stock of anything that might be dangerous. Some of those weapons were nasty and I'm sure we'll need to confiscate them."

     He gestures at the Equalists. "If you could start rounding up these men, that'd be helpful. Cuffs, rope, anything you've got to hold them while we sort out the wounded."

     "Tony, you've probably got something to help with cleanup, right?"

     Steve walks over to Amon. He's limping a little and favoring his side. He holds out a hand. "I'm sorry about your loss," he says, "He fought bravely."

     Then he looks between Tony and Amon.

     "It's a thing you put in a car," he says, "So you don't die in the crash. It's a pretty neat idea, actually. Like a big pillow."

     "Speaking of crashes," Steve says to Tony, "I wish we'd had a house to drop on these witches."

     He grins.

     He is *so proud* of that one.

     "It's from the Wizard of Oz," he adds to everybody else. Steve Rogers does not want people to experience what he has to experience on a daily basis.
Tony Stark Tony Stark blinks noncomprehendingly at Amon. Steve assists with this.
These are new feelings.

"It's a safety device. We're going to have to chat over lunch, aren't we? We are, that's a rhetorical question." Stark replies, switching from Superhero With Bruised Ribs to Tony Stark in the span of a few heartbeats as he relaxes.

Captain America asks him if he has something 'to help with cleanup' and the Mark IX just opens up in the front (with some difficulty around the chest) as he steps out of it in one motion.

"Friday, help with cleanup?"
"Of course, boss."

He smirks at Steve before moving Ryouma. "Tony Stark. Charmed. This going to blow over for you?"
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Oryou doesn't breathe fire, Oryou breathes love," Ryouma's partner insists, as she strikes double-Vs with her fingers on either sides of her face, pointedly aimed at Tony.

    Felt has a few questions apparently, and Ryouma smiles sheepishly, looking back at Oryou. "See, please don't throw a bookcase out of our window again. You're making our new allies concerned." Then he looks back to Felt, and takes his hat off to bow politely. "If I were a Servant, you could call me Rider," he says, "But my situation is a bit more complicated than that, so you can call me Ryouma."

    "Oryou is a Magical Girl class," Oryou answers, still striking the peace signs with her hands.

    Way over there, Amon ensures that there is one less magus plaguing the Earth. Somewhere, a Clock Tower official has a seizure caused by pure, unexplainable offense at something he doesn't know happened.

    "We're fine, though, thanks," Ryouma says, before he notices that this isn't the case for everyone. Amon and Steve, notably. "Ah... Oryou, would you mind helping our friends? It's the least we can do, no?"

    Oryou nodnods, and floats over towards Steve, first. She invades his personal space with seemingly no hesitation, inspecting his wounds like a child looks at a plate of triple chocolate cake that was just slid in front of them.

    She starts licking the blood off Steve.

    He might have a mind to complain about it, but he'll immediatly feel fantastic tingles of healing power from it that might keep him from doing it. Or not. It's still weird.

    Ryouma looks at Tony, repeating, "Ryouma, nice to meet you. It'll be fine. I think they got the message we didn't want to pay for protection."
Josuke Higashikata "Yeah, I'm fine." Josuke rubs at the back of his neck. Tony's mention of the casualty counter, gets a nod. "I figured things were gonna get ugly. I got a lot as many as I could."

Felt's words draw his attention then, and Josuke offers, "I can try to put everything back the way it was before the fight." So it won't look like MAGICAL MAYHEM just unfolded in the area. Steve's words get a nod as well. Though as Steve starts giving orders? Surprisingly...

Josuke nods. "Yes sir," he responds. Perhaps an odd thing for a delinquient to do. But Steve's manner right now reminds him a little of his grandfather. So... yeah. He's gonna start checking the area for injured civilians. Though he pauses as some girls starts licking Steve. And blinks. Because that's kinda weird.
Haguro      If there's a lesson to be learned from all of this, it's that leaving home without being fully armed is a bad idea. Haguro groans painfully as she rolls herself out of the pile of dragon-golem chunks, pushing herself up with her good arm to finally get a better handle of everything else that's going on with the situation.

     "I'm alright. A few wounds, but I can manage." She gives Josuke an appreciative nod while rubbing her shoulder, trying to stem the bleeding... Oil leaking.. Whatever it's doing. Turning from Josuke to Amon and Iron Man, she glances towards the car before turning to them /very/ quickly and deliberately.

     On second thought, she'll leave explaining airbags to the man that she had mistaken for a flying robot. Instead, she turns to Captain America with a more formal salute suited for someone that's actually in an army. "Oh! My name is Haguro, fourth of the..." It's only then that she notices the American colors, the star motif...

     "... I-I have a couple of sisters." She tries to hide the rest of that introduction rather badly, quickly realizing that having to explain that she's the ghost of a ship that was at war with an America-fan's home in the past might be a little awkward. "I can handle some removal, yes... I don't have any rope, but I'll figure out something."

     She's not going to figure out something. She's in decent enough shape even after that fight to start working on gathering gear and freeing anyone that's trapped, at least! Cu and Felt get some curious looks as they get to work maintaining the masquerade, inwardly relieved that she didn't make it worse by transforming or anything crazy. She perks up slightly when she hears a Grail War being mentioned, though, giving Cu a knowing nod before getting back to work. Haguro does pause after a while, though, to hurry away and back to Ryouma and Onryou with a large bag.

     "Before I forget. Um.. W-welcome to the neighborhood!" She offers the pair a bow, then holds out the bag. Inside is a smashed bottle of sake and a sake-drenched bonsai tree. It's... Probably okay, right?
Cu Chulainn As Cu heals his wounds, he moves to step up to Felt, and is the one to nod to Josuke. "Do what you can. Less work for the cleaners will probably make 'em happy." Standing up next to Felt, he speaks with a cocky grin. "Yo. Lancer-class Servant, Cu Chulainn. So, you're Rider, Ryouma, and...magical...girl...Oryou, yeah?" He pauses between magical girl to show his extreme hesitance saying it as a class-type. "Nice job, little lady. You've sure got some kick to you."

And then she runs off to lick Steve. That's awkward. Felt, meanwhile, doesn't press on the Grail shard thing - if he's not responding, he probably doesn't know anything, especially now that they've clarified that they're /both/ Servants. So, Felt speaks to Ryouma, carefully. "So, do you have Masters? And, oh, before I forget, these guys are...not maguses. They come from 'the Multiverse', which is exactly what it sounds like and exactly as weird. If you're considering us allies, that means you're one of the good guys, so it can't hurt to tell you that, right?"

Despite being magical MIB, Felt is very easy to think someone's one of the good guys. It's his flaw, probably.
Amon Amon draws his hand away from his side and shakes Steve's hand. At the same time his gaze sweeps from the man before him towards the fallen Equalist. Things were such a blur that he only just realized that the man is dead. There is no pulse of life, no circulation of blood. If he was there even a moment ago, the man was gone within seconds. His acknowledgement of this is a grunt.

He cares.

Of course he cares.

But probably not enough.

"They all do." He manages, after a moment.

The idea of the airbag elicits a thoughtful hum from Amon, but he shakes his head, "No. The satomobile is a new invention. Safety features are... pending. But that is a good concept, and I may have some use for it myself."

He draws his hand back, and nods towards the remaining Equalists.

Most of them had stayed out of the way. There were only about half a dozen-- three are scratched, one dead, two badly wounded. The three 'fresh' equalists move in to secure the magi with their bolas, since it's the best restraining device they have at the moment. Their instructions are, however, amended:

"Bring them to me."

His focus swings back to Tony as Equalists tie up and drag wizard yakuza over into Amon's general vicinity. There is a... routine to it, that is perhaps unsettling. They're all dragged into the same pose Amon just forced the previous magus into.

"How do you feel about tentacle soup?" Amon asks Tony, as dead-serious as he ever is.

What Oryou is doing with Steve /immediately/ draws Amon's attention away. He raises a hand in her direction, "I will have myself looked at by my people."

At last, the masked man turns his attention towards the lined up magi.

One by one, Amon repeats the process he performed on the first.

One by one, he robs them of their means.

He doesn't have the time or energy to get to everyone here-- or the minions to line them up. As his men untie the magi, Amon asides to Felt: "These will not be a problem anymore."

Amon staggers over to the dead Equalist, and lifts her up beneath the arms. A second joins him, draping her carefully across the back seat of their car.
Steve Rogers      Josuke gives him a 'yes sir.' Steve smiles. Good kid. He nods at Amon. Haguro introduces herself, and Steve introduces himself to her (and Ryouma, and everybody else). "Captain Steven Rogers, United States Armed Forces. Don't worry, ma'am. I've already had the...Japanese boat ghosts...explained to me. It's a little bit odd, but you seem like decent girls, so..."

     So I'm just trying to ignore how many people you probably personally were involved in killing, and how many of them I might've personally known.

     Thankfully, Steve Rogers isn't the kind of man to hold a grudge, so the thought goes unspoken. This is helped by Oryou just sort of...

     ...sort of...

     Steve backs away. "Miss, I, uh,"

     He stumbles over the thought.

     "Listen, I'm really flattered, but I don't really,"

     "I don't,"

     "...I don't think you're really the right partner for me to dance with."

     He gives Tony a look that clearly says /help me/.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Not so much doesn't know anything, so much as he's still thinking about his answer. Ryouma doesn't like sounding all serious and stuffy, and it's a pretty serious and stuffy topic! Luckilyl, the matter of masters brings a nice way to respond that isn't going to be too weighed.

    "Ah, no, it's nothing like that. You might say our master is Humanity, or maybe the world itself. It's that kind of situation, you see?"

    Ryouma places his hat back on, angling his head back a bit so he's looking at the sky. "Dark times. But, also, beautiful times. Shattered Grails and Foreigners, the only surprise is that it took this long for someone to be called, right?"

    Is that too cryptic?
    Ryouma's a dork, he might just be trying to sound and look cool in front of new friends right now. Because he's such a boring, mundane person once you get to know him.

    While Oryou is busy with Steve, Ryouma accepts Haguro's gift, smiling sincerely. "It's very appreciated. Once we take care of all the bullet holes, we'll be good for business again."

    Then he turns towards Amon, musing. "Ah, that's too bad. I'd like to think they learned their lesson and won't use their gifts for this kind of purpose again. But since you came to save me, it'd be rude to question your methods."

    Meanwhile, Oryou continues to feast. It's starting to become unclear if she's doing it because she likes the taste of blood (she does, a lot), or because she wants to heal Steve since Ryouma asked. (It's both.)

    "Please stop squirming, Oryou isn't done nursing you. Humans die if they bleed out." They sure do.
Tony Stark As the Mark IX closes up and turns to start clearing rubble and debris out of the way to help Josuke put everything 'back the way it was', Tony Stark flips out a pair of large, black plastic rimmed glasses, snapping them open with a flick of his wrist and sliding them onto his face.

"A magical girl and... We'll pen you in as 'a complicated', sure." Tony gives a big smile at Oryou, before a more businesslike appraisal of Ryouma. "Captain Rogers and I work with SHIELD - we're members of the Avengers. We're also members of the Paladins - like Felt and Cool over there."

He pronounces it 'cool'. Tony isn't gaelic, he's MURICA.

And as he turns, to watch Oryou lick Steve, his grin is almost malevolent. He's wearing his smartglasses. "Flag timestamp negative thirty and on for archival purposes."

Friday is apologetic, even in Steve's ear. "Sorry, Captain Rogers."

Steve gives him that helpless look, and Tony is halfway to turning back around when mouths 'boat ghosts' back at Captain America, winks, and then Amon is asking him about... tentacles?

"I'm down with calamari, but hold the alien. Hot or cold soup? Cold soup seems like a no-go. I know a place that does these amazing little slices, a greek place I think. Just amazing, buttery, melts in your mouth." He rapid-fires.

To Felt and Josuke, Tony light-apologetically asks. "Either of you good with buildings? I can get a crew in here in the next twelve hours to fix it, but if you've got a masquerade, I'm not sure you want me helping too actively. The suits, and all."
Josuke Higashikata Josuke will be running around doing stuff, but he will eventually offer, with a bright, almost goofy smile, "My name's Josuke Higashikata." He doesn't give any titles or rank in any organization so he's probably just a random kid running around the Multiverse. He does nod to Felt's explanation of the Multiverse. "That's about it."

Tony's question gets a nod. "I'm gonna try to fix that too," he notes. "I'm gonna try to minimize the amount of visible damage, so nobody wonders how it happened. I dunno how much I can do, but I'll fix as much of it as I can."
Amon "Their wings have been clipped," Amon replies to Ryouma, "but they still have two strong legs. If they cannot bring themselves to walk, they should not fly."

He considers Tony. It's always hard to figure out what's going on behind that mask. The only thing there is to go by are his eyes-- and they're not always easy to see. But in these circumstances, along the well-lit street (though some of the lights may be strobing police lights), it's not hard to catch glints of them. They're so flat and dull that it's hard to imagine that there's really a person back there.

Or it would be, if he wasn't bleeding. Breathing. Talking.

"They are a Water Tribe specialty. Keeping warm is a priority. But I do not mind trying things your way." He replies.

Catching up with the introductions, he adds towards Ryouma and Steve, "Please excuse my rudeness. I am Amon."

It isn't a course correction that he's accustomed to making, these days, but he makes it reasonably well and convincingly. There are things he wants to accomplish with these people... and things he wants to find out, before burning any bridges.
Cu Chulainn Felt just sort of...'huhs' as Ryouma explains. He sort of understands it, but not entirely, something to do with Foreigner and being summoned by He doesn't know the deep magical theory, he's a puncher, so he doesn't understand it too clearly.

He does, however, turn to Tony as he responds. "I appreciate the offer, but if your suit's doing the work, might attract attention, yeah. I don't know exactly how the fixers will handle it. Might blame what they can't cover up on structural damage, deciding this stuff is thankfully not my department."

Felt moves to grab his phone at this point. "I'll check the rest of the situation while you guys keep up." And also those guys Amon told him won't be a problem anymore. When Felt finds out what happened to them, probably by their testimony, he'll likely be a little bit horrified. It's not something that doesn't exist in his world, but it /is/ a magus's worst nightmare brought to fruition.
Tony Stark Tony waves off Amon's wavering on the subject, nodding to Felt in passing about the 'not waving around the Iron Legion'. "It's fine, I'm always in the market for new food. We'll do yours first, and I'll pass you a phone when we do it. Then, we can talk over the next SHIELD party or something and I can make arrangements to do mine then. Easy."

Stark watches the process with the thumb on the crown of people's heads, and the the statemen that they're no longer a threat.

The hard questions could be asked. What he's really doing. But...

He's not the focus, tonight. Ryouma and Oryou are, and what a focus they've become.

"Steve, if you're done making my night, could you go spin up the Quinjet? We can clear out before the authorities get here and make things easier for Felt and Cool."

It's a good excuse for Steve to extricate himself from the dragon lady kissing his booboos.
Steve Rogers      Steve gives Tony a mouthed 'thank you' before he extricates himself from Oryou completely. His face is a hot red. "Excuse me, miss. Listen, I, I appreciate it, the help, but I'm fine. Really. And I need to go..."

     He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. " thing with the jet."

     He's stepping back every time. "Spin it. Up. Thank you. It's not that you're not a really...I mean, it's..."


     "...have a nice night ma'am."

     And then he heads for the Quinjet.