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Psalm     It's not quite the type of Bard that the locals might be used to, that's for certain. Or maybe it is, and Psalm is just being kind about it. Whatever the statement, the redhead is... having a good time tonight.

    The noise can be heard clear out of the Salty Tuna down the piers of the Moraby Drydocks, a loud and raucous noise of pirates and sailors and people having a Really Good Time, all with the backing of music. Miss Songsteel is up on top of bar table, swishing her skirt and singing a rather bawdy sailor's tune in Elvish. It will not be translated for your protection. It is very bawdy.
Xau'ra Tayuun There is music playing and those of the Drydocks seemingly taking the time off to enjoy themselves in the bar, at least-- most are. There are still some at work, grumbling at the racket as they work, because you know-- they can't have fun while others can. Buuut such is life.

As for the male miqo'te, he is sitting on the roof of one of the white stone buildings. His arms draped over his legs. He is wearing his leather armor, but lacking his ever faithful hat this time, with just his goggles alone. Depending on the time of day, depends if the red-lens head-ware is on his face or ontop of his black hair with white strands mixed in. Given that it is night, they are resting on his head.

He listens to all the insanity going on inside the tavern and tilts his head ever so faintly. Those gold eyes seeming to glow against that black mark across his face and against his dark gray fur. The male Miqo'te doesn't seem to be in any rush to join in the fun. He is very content to sit outside and watch the show for now.

Though resting beside him is not only his quiver and bow, but also his two swords. Which he may get around to sharpening or-- he may just keep them in his scabbard and sharpen them later.
Allyn After the rather devistating battle against Ifrit, once he is finally for the most part healed up by the good guys, Allyn's found himself in the port town again, this time remaining in his human form for the visit though. He's listening a little bit to the bard, but for the most part he's doing something he doesn't do very much of. He's drinking and quite heavily by the looks of his table as there are six or eight empty mugs and he is working on a ninth, though only about halfway through that one. It also looks like he's one through five or six plates of food as well, he shakes his head at a waitress, "I'm fine, keep them coming until I've had enough, will you?" he raises an eyebrow, but then smiles.
Mihk Lihzeh     Another local that seems bored or fed-up with the rowdy festivities wanders along the cobble streets, reading from a leather-bound tome of one ilk or another, murmuring softly as she marks notes with a quill within the pages.

    Mihk heard the news about Ifrit, and is silently cursing herself for not being in attendence. Getting that close to a Primal, feeling the pure Fire-aspect. A firm shake of her head. That's apprentice thinking. "Focus. You are better than this. Complete the lesson plan, then you can join the revelry for a while." she murmurs to herself, as she passes underneath Xau'ra's perch.

    And out dances Miss Magatha, carrying part of the party with her out into the streets of the Drydocks! Wait no, that's 'being tossed out', as the slightly soused lady flips off one of the waitresses, and screams back into the bar. "I'LL TAKE MY MUSIC SOMEWHERE ELSE THEN! I DON'T NEED Yoooouuuuuuaaaawww nuts." He shoulders slump a bit as she clutches at the bottle she was tossed out with, downing the dregs and looking around a bit. It's still a Friday night, and there's got to be more for her to do than get tossed out of bars for calling the barman a raging ???????.
Xau'ra Tayuun Xau'ra takes notice of the female miqo'te passing under him. By her fur complexion he can take a gander to what tribe she may hail from, yet by her stature and the fact her nose is in the book, he can also guess that she is not from the Shroud.

That makes her-- safe.

Xau'ra whistles down to her before he grins those fanged teeth from above, "Oi! Keep your nose to much in that book and a pirate may whisk you away! Can never to be careful with those sea-dogs about." He then watches as the bard gets thrown out from the bar and winces a little. "..Also never know what you could miss."

Xau'ra then grabs his two swords and his quiver, along with bow before he hops down, with an easy swing of the bow to his backside and keeping the swords in the other, he extends out his hand to the female Miqo'te, "The name is Xau'ra Tayuun. Though you can just call me Xau."

He then glances toward the female bard just to be /sure/ she is alright.
Allyn Allyn blinks as Maggie gets tossed out of the bar, "Watch out for the railing, don't fall over." he calls out, before doin the rest of the contents of his mugs and then flags down the waitress to get a refill. He lances out to the street for a few moments and raises an eyebrow when he catches Xau's movements and chuckles some to himself a little. "People are just falling out of the sky it seems." he glances up at the sky for a few moments, "It rains people here?." and shrugs before oin back to what he was doing.
Xau'ra Tayuun Yet as soon has Xau'ra shows himself some Yellow jackets then yell out, "Xau'ra Tayuun! We like to have a word with you!"

The male miqo'te winces a bit and then gives the female miqo'te a shrug, "Or I fear we will have to part ways and save introductions for later. Was a pleasure though!" He then quickly jumps up on a crate and over onto another roof as a few Yellow Jackets give a bit of a chase while yelling, "We know you took it and you know the rules on place on you!"

With Xau'ra yelling back, "Someone has to keep you twinkle-toes in shape!"
Mihk Lihzeh     CLAP. The book snaps closed as someone speaks. Mihk looks at Xau'ra before responding. "Mihk Lihzeh." she replies simply, before glancing over at the bard being thrown out. "Serves her right, such bawdy and rowdy behaviour." her left hand lifts, and she touches her spectacles briefly, adjusting them before continuing... which is interrupted as Yellow Jackets come running past in pursuit of Xau'ra. "Ruffians and vagabonds, naught else to be found it seems."
Psalm     Maggie snorts a bit as she watches her Guide getting chased off by the cops. AGAIN. Stupid cops. Though...
    She wheels a bit to face the other catperson, peering at the booky lady with a small measure of disdain... Before that changes over to joy. "A NERD! Hello nerd!" She giggles happily, sauntering over towards the nice Arcanist, adjusting one of the straps of her dress back into the proper position. "All these people milingabout looking all Important and stuff. Hello!"

    Oh shit, she's spotted a Protagonist!
Allyn Allyn pokes at the chunk of meat he's been brought out and then frowns at it for a few moments, examining it closly and then shakes his head to the waitress, "sorry, it's too cooked. It needs to be a little more raw or I can't eat it." he smiles, then watches Maie and the stranger from his table for a few moments. Well, looks like something interesting might go down.
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk quirks a brow. "Pardon? What in the nine hells are you talking about? I do not understand what this 'Nerd' is." seems /someone/ is a little bit sheltered, or perhaps just hasn't gotten around to exploring the new huge Multiverse thing that's happened. "Well, Moraby Drydock /is/ the central shipwrighting port for Limsa Lominsa. I heard the Admiral is planning a new Flagship." she imparts, brusquely, arms folding over her chest, making her robe puff a little. "Do you have a name? Or should I simply call you 'Bawdy Floozy'?
Psalm     The redhead giggles a bit and twirls for the Miq. "Ah, well, Floozie is something I've been /called/ but the name's Magatha Songsteel. You can call me Maggie~" A little happy snort of breath, before the Bard blinks a bit, looking around. "Well, that's a thing, sure. I'm not really one for shipbuildin'. I mean I like to ride on em an I like sailors, but..."
    A shrug. "What's a booky girl like you doin' alone on a night like tonight? Couldn't get a date~?"
Mihk Lihzeh     Ahem. Mihk adjusts her glasses again, closing her eyes and gaining a smirk before responding. "I prefer my studies to... imbibing enough liqour so as my brain refuses to store information for a night." she replies simply. A shrug at the Bard's name. "Mihk Lihzeh." is offered in return, though she doesn't unfold her arms.
Psalm     Pfffff. "Studies. Come on, Mihk. Ain't a time of night for this sorta thing. There's more bars!" Maggie snorts, grabbing the Miq's hand and tugging her further down the docks. "Man, it's great, I've been exploring this whole place lately and there's just SO MUCH that the Calamity didn't bust up over here in La Noscea. Much nicer than the Shroud." She sticks her tongue out and tries to maneuver the pair up and away from the docks towards a quieter part of the town. This bar's name is The Raven's Haunt, and seems to be not quite the crowd of drunken sailors.
Mihk Lihzeh     Well, that was unexpected. Mihk can't react before she's grabbed and dragged off by the woman, stumbling to remain upright. "H-Hey! Unhand me at once!" she mewls, ears pinning against her skull. The young Arcanist can't really resist though, she's not exactly a physical masterpiece of her race. "Well, La Noscea was far from the battlefield. Bahamut didn't get many passes over it before ... well, before whatever happened." she provides, mumbling at that particular gap in her knowledge (And if Maggie's spoken of it to others, everyone's knowledge).
Psalm     Maggie finally does let the young Miq go as she tugs the girl into the bar and smiles. The place smells of meat and ale and smoke and lovely things. Not booze and vomit. A much nicer outfit.
    "Well that's a blessing, I suppose. Though again I just like seeing places that aren't wrecked by the Apocolypse, you know?" She sticks out her tongue, beofre waving down a bar-elezen and waving some cash. "A bottle of white, s'vou'plait!"
    She gets a bit of a glare, but the waitress does shuffle off.
    Maggie looks to Mihk. "Okay, wine isn't imbibing, right?"
Allyn Allyn chuckels and shakes his head. People around here are odd, too odd for him anyway. Ah well, none of his business anyway, so he keeps to himself and goes back to eattn and drinking. Have to recover some of that strenth from bein out of it for a few days or so after all. Maybe that's why he's so hunry. "You have anythin a little more interestin than this meat? I've eaten too much of it I think, somethin better, but just as raw?" he inquires of his waitress when she stops by.
Mihk Lihzeh     There's a pause, and incredulous stare, before Miqo'te palm meets Miqo'te face. "Imbibe means 'drink'." she says with a long suffering groan. "Did your parents not teach you these simple facts?" she then asks, trying to catch the waitress' attention with her free hand. "Excuse me, a glass of water, if you please. And perchance some bread if there is any."
Psalm     "No, I mean, imbibe means drinking things that are going to get you all sorts of drunk. You have to work at it to do that with wine." Maggie looks at Mihk like she's thick.
    But fine, whatever. Magie slumps into a chair with her bottle of wine and looks over at the catlady. "So, you're here for the Admiral's... boat, or whatever. Why a Friday night? All the people who work on boats are gone and stuff."
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk sips her water, then shrugs. "I have my reasons. Mostly concerning the local Sprites. Many of the Lightning Sprites have begun to get restless." she pauses, looking around to make sure noone's listening in. "My... compatriots... take a certain interest in Aetheric phenomena, and my work is more easily conducted with fewer eyes to witness it."
Allyn Allyn finally has enough to eat and drink it seems, he leaves a small pile of gil on his table and then glances around again. Well, at least thins are mostly quiet, so he continues to observe thins as they are for now. No reason to et up and mvoe anywhere else at the moment.
Psalm     THAT... gets Psalm's attention, and there's a sudden flash of not-drunk behind those eyes, before they go back to glassy and washed out. "Ah, a clandestine bookworm, now we're getting interesting." The redhead sucks down a pull of wine, beofre gesticulating with a bottle. "Funny you mention that, because there's been that shit going on over in the Shroud too. Local elementals being uppity and shit. So it's happenign over here too?"
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk narrows her eyes at the flash of sobriety, but continues on. "Yes. My compatriots and I believe it to be an after effect of the Calamity. The climate, the flow of Aether, even animal behaviors are changing, for the worse... but they can be fixed, controlled and reforged anew... if you have the right attitude and aptitude."
Psalm     Maggie bites her lip at that, before taking another long drink. "Hmmmmm. And so, your compatriots and you are now taking a look at how best... to rectify that, I suppose." Those green eyes flicker a bit at information, and she murmurs. "It wouldn't just be the sprites though, there's more to it than that. the disturbances are too large scale for something that... mild."
    And then she's slurring again. "But honestly, that's pretty common, I mena, all the shit's got mean lately, you know? So what, just kick the crap out of it and be done with it. Sell the good bits. Make some cash, clean up the countryside."
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk releases a sigh. "If it were that simple, I would not be here after everyone else has fallen into drunken stupors, or are too busy working." she remarks coldly. "Our... methods... are frowned upon... so we must work in secret, or be attacked by the very people we hope to protect."
Allyn Allyn can't help it, he ahs to comment on Magie and Mihk's conversation as he drinks down somemore ale or whatever it is that he is drinking at the moment, "We wont be tamed so easily you know." what's he ramblin about, maybe he's just drunk.
Psalm     Maggie grins at that. "All methods are questionable to people who do not understand." A glance to the others in the bar, and she swigs again, before plucking up a chunk of Mihk's bread. She can be seen swishing the wine a bit in her mouth before swallowing.
    Hey, that bottle of wine isn't getting any emptier. Hmmmm.
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk frowns now, ignoring Allyn's comment with a muttered 'stupid drunkards'. That frown remains, as Maggie's bottle still doesn't seem any emptier. "I've spoken at length about myself. Now I believe your turn has arrived." she says, leaning forward a little, lacing her fingers together before resting her chin upon them.
Psalm     Maggie smiles cheerily at that, before she sits forward, resting her arms and chest against the table. "Ah! Well, Magatha Songsteel, the Psalm of Deneith, Bard, Gadfly and General Solver of Apocolypses, at your service~" She flips her hair merrily, and flaunts.
    It's quite a strong Flaunt, with a sudden pressure of Charisma behind it. Mihk's not the only one with aether-skills here. Odd set from the redhead though. She taps her bottle on the table. "General adventurer myself, a simple lady with simple plans and simple goals, that's all~"
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk's ears twitch. It's a subtle gesture on her part, but to anyone that knows Miqo'te, her interest has been severely piqued. "A general adventurer with some potent skills." she remarks conversationally, leaving that hanging as she munches on her bread, and sips at her water.
Psalm     "And so I'm here as a olive branch to help Eorzea and the Alliance repair and rebuild and mostly to fight shit and get paid." Maggie says all of that without a single bit of shame, as she happily smiles. "I'm a mercenary by trade. That's the Deneith part. Back home it's the biggest guild of sellswords you can find." Another 'swig' of her wine.
Mihk Lihzeh     Mihk nods slowly. "Perhaps our, respective organizations could benefit from each other. My compatriots an I are relatively few in number, but we know the lay of the land."