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Spider-Man     ACT 1: ENRICHMENT

    You have been asked to arrest Daniel "Overdrive" Jimenez, a high-risk ex-Maggia driver believed to be employed by the criminal syndicate responsible for the surge in the illegal exoenergy technology trade. Jimenez is known to have at least one exo-tech vehicle, and is suspected to be Enhanced. Collateral damage risk is substantial. Pursuit-capable vehicles are recommended.

    "I'm not really sure how to take this one. My gut says 'stop him before he gets to a car', but his plan is probably 'get to his car' if anything bad starts happening, so... Well, I talked with SHIELD, and they talked with the police, and the police may be ready to clear out some streets in case of really bad things, but I still don't like what might be going on here. Try to be careful, but also? I guess, try to be really, really fast."

    Overdrive's den is an old, rather expansive chop shop. Cars go in, different cars go out, legally speaking; it's presumably how this criminal group manages to get anything moving in the modern era of license plates. There's several shut garage doors leading out to the streets, and those leading fast onto expressways. A main front door leads to the auto service storefront, and a loading bay at the back is open with several deliveries of car parts (in? out?) visible. This place is more squat, two stories with the interior space likely not having a second floor in the garage. Finding Overdrive will be difficult, considering the last ten years haven't had a photo taken of him by anyone, police pursuit or otherwise, without his racing helmet on.

    Might be roof access, if one takes ventilation. That's Spider-Man's intention. Aside from that, all there is are the wide shutter-door vehicular access points, the loading bay, and the front door. How will you approach?
Nova Terra     "Griffin, you ready on that drop?" "Yes ma'am, just awaiting your order." "Alright, stand by, I'm reaching the property now."

    Nova is following much the same approach as she attempted in the previous arrest. She's already cloaked as she approaches the vehicle repair structure from the back. The loading bay looks nice and open and should provide an easy entrance for the invisible Ghost. She starts heading that way.

    The fact that they don't have even a partially decent idea of what this guy looks like is going to make things difficult. To that end, if and when Nova starts to come upon people, she begins to reach out into their minds with her own. Starting with their surface thoughts, she hopes to learn something about Overdrive's identity, or location, or both!
Spider-Man     ELSEWHERE...

    Jeanne is currently being transported. After being knocked out and captured by SHIELD last night at the apartment of World Security Council Secretary Alexander Pierce, she's being transported in some kind of heavily armored van. They seem to be under the impression that some heavy power suppression systems used for various enhanced folks. They seem to have been under the impression she would stay knocked out for far longer than she did. When she wakes up, she's moderately restrained in a metal-barred containment area at the back of a transport unit. A thick glass slit of a window shows something that looks like open fields past city limits rolling by outside. Several armed SHIELD men are sitting in the transport further ahead as well, plus the driver in the compartment up front.

    Certain events triggered yesterday may yet come to pass today. However, for now, Jeanne's escape is what needs considering. They haven't noticed her process of waking up, so she has the drop on them, as long as she can find some way out of the restraints and make her own way out of the containment area.
Axel Scoping out the loading bay from a nearby rooftop, having opened a portal into an alley and then climbed, is one dark-cloaked, hooded young man. Axel is the one in the hood, here for two reasons: making connections with the locals to help benefit his cause, and getting paid. Finding out about these exoenergetic individuals is just a bonus. The shady black cloak makes him look like a cultist, but he doesn't cae what they think he looks like. He's getting violent.

Leaping off the roof into a landing crouch on the ground, Axel's first order of business is to find his way into the loading bay. Getting closer, to the point that one might almost hear him coming, he disappears, reappearing in a blink and a crouch behind a car, getting close enough to look and hear what's going on without exactly getting spotted. His teleportation isn't very long-range, so he had to actually walk nearby first, but hopefully he can blink around to replace 'actually having any talent in stealth' and listen in briefly to any talking they might have to get an idea of who the mark is.
Spider-Man     This approach means Nova Terra won't be having to maneuver around doors, and clue people in to the idea that the doors are all haunted. The mechanics and such working here are mixed with an assortment of hoodlums, hooligans, gangsters, and ex-Maggia soldiers, which gives their surface thoughts a tinge of gross criminality, but Nova is able to learn a few things. Overdrive almost never leaves this place, and his vehicles are numerous. Some find him creepy to be around.

    She gets hints of Overdrive's identity when she touches on his surface thoughts themselves. They seem to be... thinking about Nova Terra?! At least in some kind of generic sense, as a mysterious telekinetic ghost. That's the most recognizable thought among the whole mess of workers and layabouts detected in the main garage area, but he's also thinking about Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Ryouma, and several others. It's not hostile, but this gives Nova Terra some clues about what to look out for. As for the internal layout, she gets to see some of what Axel sees, which is...
Ritsuka Fujimaru Unfortunately for Jeanne, she still hasn't quite learned the identity of Pierce nor gotten any information on... Well, ANYTHING following the whole drugs and maybe-forced testing thing. She hasn't had much luck on the subtlety and investigation side between getting delayed by security, blasted through doors, then going on a rampage.

At the rampage was fun until there were just too many SHIELD operatives to immolate on a limited mana pool. Still, with the new problem of being stuck in a transport and having her powers suppressed, she's now faced with a new obstacle of figuring out how to get out of there! Burning down the truck would be the obvious answer, but she can feel the unnatural tug of those restraints keeping her powers in check. To what extent, she isn't sure.

Only one way to find out. Still pretending to be unconscious, she slides over to the bars and starts trying to pry them apart slowly. She's doesn't quite have buster gorilla strength, but she's still decently strong! If any alarms are raised or she just doesn't make any progress, meanwhile, she'll shift to plan B: try to push out as much fire as she can even with the restraints holding her power back. It might kill her, but it's better than being stuck in this transport going who knows where!
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Don't worry, Oryou is very fast," Oryou says to Spider-Man, although she hardly needed to point it out. He saw it first-hand! She's no speedster, but she's a match for most vehicles.

    "I believe for this one, it would be best if we didn't sound the alarms too early. If we can find his personal vehicle before he boards it, we'll cut his escape."

    Ryouma, remembering he's a Rider. How unusual.

    "I can go in from the front and pretend to be a client. Oryou can stand by the garage door. She'll be best equipped to stop whatever comes out of it, if anything does."

    Ryouma adjusts his hat.

    "I should be able to distract their lobby crew long enough for you all to find him, hopefully."

    Ryouma heads toward the front door, ready to act like he's a car owner who needs his car to disappear. He's probably going to be terrible at it.

    Oryou's just going to float over to the big vehicle door and wait to the side of it, floating impatiently in the air.
Spider-Man     Now that Axel is inside, he gets a good look at the layout. A large upper-floor office overlooking the garage is full of maps covered in routes visible through the windows, and there's a beefy-looking Chitauri staff hanging on one of the walls. A "replica", surely. There's a back room where several vehicles are covered in tarps. And there's, weirdly, a side room off in one corner of the garage where a lot of posters of the Avengers are put up, alongside a couple fancy replicas of their gear. Merch! For some reason.

    What Axel hears is the usual mess of a chopshop, mostly people chattering about car parts and other suchlike. Someone mentions something's going to "Overdrive's rides" and takes the part into the back room that has the things covered in tarps. Someone mentions "deliveries for Jimmy" before the conversation turns to a somewhat bullying tone and uproarous laughter.
Spider-Man     The repression unit on Jeanne begins to hum. Eventually, the whine reaches a pitch where an alarm starts going off. Beep beep beep beep beep!! Jeanne can feel it failing badly, sputtering and starting to overload. One of the armed men is already getting up the guns. Shouting, of course, things like "STOP NOW, WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" And other such absurdities. It doesn't last long, because fire opens. When Jeanne opens up the throttle so to speak, suppression overloads and sputters out, and she's free to burn the men in the transport in this limited space, hopefully before they start blasting away with automatic weapons.

    As soon as Jeanne provokes a conspicuous noise with the shouting, a strange crunching sound occurs at the front cab and the transport skids to a stop. Jeanne just needs to find a way to clear herself from the transport and the men within to safely get outside.
Axel Axel gets a good look on things. He relays where the cars are, and takes a picture of the room with his phone (flash off) to send to Spider-Man to give him an idea of where to go if he wants to web it. And then, he spots the office.


Axel disappears, inky darkness briefly surrounding and coming off him as he does, as he reappears inside the office. His first order of business is to move for the maps, taking pictures of them to send to the others to get an idea of where Jimenez might go if he makes an escape, before walking over to the Chitauri staff.

That's real cool. Axel actually moves up to examine it, see if it's real (he doesn't know enough about this world and this guy has superpowers, maybe he keeps an actual magic staff in his office, who knows). If it's real, he's actually just going to try and throw it in his inventory. Otherwise, he leaves it there, and starts poking through desk drawers and anything else of use. Quietly, of course, but if someone walked in on him it'd be bad.
Nova Terra     Nova is a little surprised as she is apparently in the thoughts of one here. Although not specifically, it's close enough. Must be information gleaned from the Farnum raid. Maybe this 'Overdrive' is even the rude man on the screen that Nova encountered. Not that it really matters either way.

    But being inside the building, being able to see the layout and the man's apparent interest in the Avengers, Nova has an idea of where to head. Specifically, she's looking towards the side room, where her visor is picking up on illustrations of some of the people in question.

    Nova silently makes her way up to the entrance into the side room. She peeks around into the opening, checking the room's interior.
Spider-Man     Ryouma heads to the front. From there, a mix of failed cultural bridges and attempts at criminal code-phrases ensues, so complicated that no linguist alive could ever describe them. For what it's worth, it somehow manages to draw both a chunk of the mechanics and a chunk of the hoodlums, as well as pulling the manager from his office. The whole thing is a lot of confusion for a lot of people. Oryou gets into a solid ambush position; her Readied Action will surely work effectively here. It's likely to be very abruptly prompted, shortly.
Spider-Man     Axel gets access to that office. Several maps, each displaying key drop points and meeting points for ongoing deals. By acquiring this early, and while the manager was conveniently drawn away by Ryouma, Axel has managed to acquire leads on several meetings being done with some kind of distribution and smuggling expert known as Jackson Arvad, marked on the map as meetings with "WISP". A good lead on a future suspect, though Overdrive isn't in this office, nobody is! Axel can yank some of those emergency exo-tech weapons though, to take for himself or to confiscate for Spider-Man.

    Speaking of Spider-Man, he's snuck into the tarp-vehicle room Axel directed and is trying to plant web traps on the vehicles in it.
Spider-Man     The man in this room is definitely Overdrive. Not because his face is recognizable from ten-year-old mugshots or anything. It's because... he's wearing a racing helmet. The racing suit too, even. Must be ready to work soon. He's on a couch watching a recently-released superhero movie called Ninth Inning; he seems to be quite a fan of all sorts of heroism things, judging by his merch-laden environment.

    The moment Nova takes a step into the room, there's a gentle animal-like growl from somewhere, nearly inaudible. She can psychicly detect wariness and almost hostility from somewhere, but it's not Overdrive.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ryouma is entirely too honest for his own good. Awkward attempts at insisting he was part of a heist and really wants his car off the records become less and less consistent, and so he decides to resort to a trump card.

    "Ah... right, I was sent here by mister Thompson. I believe you all know him better as Tombstone? Unfortunate, what happened to him a short while back. But he was rather adamant, no pun intended, that his rivalries aside, I could not find a better place for this."

    That's either going to kick the hornet's nest hard, or make them docile. Ryouma is really hoping on the latter.

    Oryou pulls a bag of frog-shaped candy out of a pocket and start tossing them into her mouth one by one.
Ritsuka Fujimaru Of course she's not going to stop. Jeanne isn't one to be cowed by threats of violence considering how often she threatens it! She's a little slow on the draw, though, and takes a few bullets to the chest for her trouble before burning the shit out of the guards.

"Not nearly as patient as the police in that city... Good. These ones have some sense." The Dragon Witch chuckles lightly as she picks some of the bulelts out, wincing at the pain and eyeing one of the removals idly before taking note of the crunching noise. It's not normally the sort of sound she'd associate with a car, but it /is/ a SHIELD vehicle and not like one of those trucks she's hitched a ride on from time to time.

Either way, it looks like there's only one real way out of this. She can't just leave from another entrance, or she'll be pursued by whoever's left. The only other option is to suppress or kill everyone blocking her path. Conjuring up a trio of spears, she grabs one while leaving the other two floating beside her as she heads for the front of the vehicle. "I know you're over there! I only need one of you alive to drive, so the rest of you can choose if you want to face me like the ones back here or sit down and live!"

There's something wrong again. Why is she even giving them that opening?
Nova Terra     Nova glances around the room interior, her visor quickly highlighting the lone individual within. Considering this is a man wearing a racing helmet and suit indoors, and not in a vehicle... It seems to match the description. Also his apparent interests match up with the thoughts she picked up on.

    Nova backs out for a moment, radioing to the others quietly, "Target located. Moving to subdue."

    Nova slowly moves to enter the room... But then freezes at the sound of growling. An animal. Admittedly something that might be able to detect her presence at the least, regardless of her cloak. She's going to have to move fast!

    The air shimmers as Nova crosses the room quickly to reach Overdrive's position. She swings the butt of her rifle at his helmet, attempting to disorient him with the sudden blow and knock him to the ground.
Axel All the exotech weaponry goes in the inventory, no exceptions. Alien rifle, gunstaff, some heavy weapons. Axel keeps the gunstaff in his 'back pocket', kinda wanting to see what this stuff does. Then, he sends the data from the maps to the others, especially his employer, trying to get those good boy points.

Now it's time to bag their guy, now that he's cleaned out the office. With the loading bay more clear thanks to Ryouma, Axel blinks back down there, and then goes looking for Overdrive. He's not in the tarp room, it appears, and he's not in the office, so there's only the side room. But he doesn't want to just waltz in there if he's wrong, so Axel crouches behind a car again, and waits. He's looking for an opening, or for Nova to respond. No need to screw up her op.
Spider-Man     That does get Ryouma attention, for all the wrong reasons. Several goons move past the front desk towards the door, intending to bar him in. Tombstone was a Maggia boss. Overdrive was ex-Maggia. Either Ryouma is here with Tombstone's info, or he's here on behalf of the Maggia. "Tombstone, huh? He's not the Big Man anymore." The manager says, "Used to own this town, and now he doesn't. I'm not here to let stuck-up Maggias or anyone who'd listen to his courthouse bootlicking run anything around here. What the hell do you want, besides a short neck and a long swim?" It's getting /menacing/. Which is why it's very likely to suddenly burst into violence towards Ryouma in just a moment.

    That's when there's a noise like a car crash from back in the garage. Oryou's prepared strike has about a half of a second to try to lash out at an 86 Pontiac Grand Prix 2x2 that's flooring it right out the garage door.
Spider-Man     Jeanne gets to the front of the car. She threatens the man inside. He doesn't respond. He's utterly placid, incredibly calm as if Jeanne was making a totally normal request. That's around about until Jeanne does something like try to wrench the door open or pull the man's shoulder to get his attention, which is when she'll see that his entire chest has been caved in by a brutal weapon, something not blunt. A few drips of blood cross her vision from above. They come from a man in a full-face military-style mask and a two-piece deep-purple suit, wearing a pair of spiked gauntlets that hum with exotic energies. He's lept atop the cab of the truck with a pair of hefty metal boots. The purple glow of his HUD flickers ominously.

    "Your presence is requested." He mutters through voice obfuscation. Then he boost-leaps back to the back of the transport, then strides into a waiting limo that just pulled up. It's a long one, and out here in the open fields, it's terribly out-of-place, but here it is, a ride just for Jeanne, pulling up to her.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ah, surrounded.

    Ryouma laughs awkwardly. "No, no, of course he's not in charge anymore. But I'd like to think he wasn't wrong when he said you knew what you were doing. Think of me as a friend he's giving a good tip to, not any sort of underling. Please."

    That is almost assuredly not working.

    Outside, the garage door is run through by a car. Oryou is, almost immediatly, in the vehicle's path. Arms outstretched, full strength on display, hair lashing out like a dozen pair of extra arms. She's going to try catching that car, and then straight up suplex it into the concrete. Her hair might be especially unkind to its wheels while at it.

    Whatever happens, a CRASH certainly resounds. And Ryouma takes that as his cue. "Well, I believe I should get going now, there's all that crime I'm not doing that I could be doing!"

    With his own speed, he tries to knee one of the men blocking the way out in the stomach, and then bounce off his shoulders and out the door. Or out the window. It doesn't matter. Out is good.
Ritsuka Fujimaru Someone's already killed the driver. Well, so much for that idea. She lets out a weary sigh as she's about to try and figure out how to just drive the damned thing herself when the odd looking man in the face mask and suit shows up.

He doesn't appear to be a threat to her yet. "Oh? And who exactly is it that's looking for me?" There's many more questions to ask, but the practical concerns are set aside for immediate convenience in not having to deal with transporting herself.

Besides, it could be interesting. Following Mr. Purple out the back, the Avenger chuckles lightly as she spots that completely innocent limousine. "Ah, whatever. This'll have to do." Stepping over, she waits a moment to see if they'll even go as far as opening the door for her. If not, she'll just get in herself and take a seat like she just owns the place. "Where are we headed?"
Spider-Man     What happened when Nova went to bean the man hard with the butt of her rifle? Well, he was disoriented, sure, and he was knocked down, certainly. But whatever animal instinct detected her has well detected her attack. As soon as the noise sounds through, and as soon as Daniel realizes he's been struck on the head, the animal growl turns to a roar. An engine roar, specifically a 1980 Kawasaki Craig Vetter Mystery Ship, a fancy motorcycle, that's slammed out of the tarp room and into Overdrive's room. It's covered in webbing that has somehow failed to stop it at all, and it tries to skid and slam into where it vaguely approximates Nova to be, knocking shit over like a bull in a china shop. Overdrive is barely capable of even understanding what's going on, but he desperately tries to let the bike seemingly pull him aboard and floor it out the garage seemingly of its own accord. Another bike and a big muscle car try to join in on the exodus out the back!
Spider-Man     Axel gets to watch the weirdest thing in the world, which is seeing a squad of two fancy motorcycles and a muscle car barge out of their area of their own accord, try to mount a rescue operation on Overdrive, and yank him out on an attempted exodus through the streets, alongside whatever shenanigans Nova Terra gets up to to intercept them. Spider-Man is already swinging into action, shouting out, "Wait! Hey! No, you're not supposed to do that on your own! How did you /break my webs/?!" Apparently they're stronger than they look.
Axel As soon as the wild vehicles start tearing through walls and grabbing Overdrive and driving off on their own, Axel blinks, nodding mindlessly, and realizing that he's not paid enough for this. Living vehicles with animalistic instincts, okay. But he can handle it. Moving up, not caring who sees him, Axel sprints towards the tarp room with superhuman speed, moving to literally leap onto the top of the car that's escaping and plant himself on top of it.

Assuming it doesn't immediately buck him off like a horrible car-horse, he's going to try and ride it on the route forward with Overdrive, hoping that the vehicles don't split up. If they do...that'll be a problem. Oryou's nearby, so Axel glances in her direction and gestures his thumb forward, out the garage. He's indicating he's going to ride the car and to please not smash it into bits, though if she wants to join him, he doesn't mind that.
Spider-Man     Oryou suplexes a car. Honestly, this all on its own is strange enough. But she also has to deal with the fact that it seems to maneuver more than any car ought to, especially a car with no clear inhabitants. It "stumbles", tumbles, dents and bangs up, but lands on its wheels. And while Oryou is focused on it, another of Daniel's bikes -- the one not carrying him, a Honda CBR600F Hurricane -- tries to slam into her from behind and crash her out of the way, or at least get her off-guard long enough for the trio of vehicles to get the hell out. The muscle car almost makes it onto the street when Spider-Man swings out and fires several strands of webbing, trying to stop the thing from getting away. He struggles with frankly unexpected levels of strength, trying to get Oryou, Ryouma or anyone else an opportunity to board it. Axel's one of the ones who does, right then!

    Speaking of Ryouma, Ryouma manages to get out of there amid the confusion. No less than eight grabbing hands go after him, one of them almost snatching his hat. He's out on the street in time to see the shenanigans going on at the side. Loooots of screaming rubber.
Ryouma Sakamoto     That car is definitely not a normal car! Then again, Spider-Man had warned them about it. Oryou, trying to keep that unusually agile car into her grip, eats a motorcycle to the back, which makes her release the first car and tumble onto the ground. She looks extremely unhappy, to no one's surprise.

    She hisses at the bike, turning her fury (and her muscles!) against it, since a motorcycle is going to be a lot easier to keep a grip on than a large car. But she doesn't try to tear it up!

    That's because Ryouma is on his way, running away from the assured chase behind him and quite glad to have retained his hat. He makes a leap for Oryou - or for the motorcycle, specifically.

    If it has a rider, he's going to try to slam him off the vehicle with a strike from his suddenly-materialized katana. If not, he gets to work trying to get the vehicle to obey him.

    Come on, supernatural ghost Rider powers, work your magic.

    This means neither of them try to board the muscle car Spider-Man is holding in place just yet, because that bike's an easier target, and something Ryouma could actually make use of in the chase.
Spider-Man     The door opens for Jeanne, and she's brought in. At the back, she finds terribly luxurious seats. At the front, she finds three men. The driver past the window is hard to see, but his silhouette looks vaguely familiar. The man with the black-and-purple suit is silent, and remains masked. And the third is strange. "Your own personal flight to New York City! The Big Apple, the capital of the world, the City of Dreams /and/ the City That Never Sleeps! I flew out the moment I heard. Couldn't stand to wait." He's wearing a mask? No, he can't be. It's the opposite of a mask, his skin is shrunken and twisted along his skull in an unnerving way, and his skin is given an inhuman green tinge that contrasts strangely with his rather normal suit. Even his ears are weirdly contorted to points.

    "I'm a big fan of your work, miss. Been following you since you started your work around that museum. Big fan! Prowler, offer the woman some drinks, for god's sakes, she's got to be dry as a desert." The near-silent man shifts enough in the limo to offer Jeanne some wine that's more expensive than she could probably count to with peasant girl math. What does he want with her? No explanation for that quite yet.
Nova Terra     The target having some escape vehicles is not unexpected. The intel provided at the acceptance of the mission indicated as much.

    What is unexpected is those escape vehicles driving-apparently of their own accord-in in order to help their driver-currently not inside them but rather at Nova's mercy-escape. Indeed, Nova had managed to knock Overdrive for a loop and was about to try and restrain him when a motorcycle comes charging into the room. Nova looks surprised. Or she would, if you could see her. What you can see though is the motorcycle jolt as it hits something and a blur go flying through the air, smashing through a window and landing outside.

    Blue light washes over the ground to reveal Nova lying there. She groans a little before climbing to her feet just in time to see the sentient vehicles pull away with their target. Nova's rifle, that had been thrown from her hands, zips back into them at her telekinetic command and she fires off several shots at the retreating vehicles. Probably putting a few holes in them, but not enough to stop them.

    Nova frowns in annoyance, before reaching up to tap the side of her visor, "Alright, I'm giving the order."

    It's a good thing that the Griffin, Nova's covert ops starship, also has a cloaking device. Otherwise the people of this city might get into a panic about yet another invasion from space as the ship flies overhead. As it stands, at most people might be a little curious as to where those thruster sounds are coming from and why the air looks a little blurry.

    Releasing its prepared cargo as it passes over the chop shop, the invisible ship rises away once more. The Dominion Vulture hoverbike plummets towards the ground before the hover engines kick in and bring it to a stop, floating just a foot off the ground. Nova quickly runs over and jumps onto the bike, attaching her rifle to the side and twisting the throttle. Rocket engines on the rear kick in the the bike launches forward in chase.
Ritsuka Fujimaru Does it really have that many names? How pretentious." Jeanne scoffs in her usual smug manner, already looking right at home among Shrink Face, Purple Suit, and The Driver. Strangely enough, Shrink Face's appearance doesn't seem to bother her in the least, and she even smirks when he requests that Purple Suit gets her something to drink.
Maybe it's nostalgia.

"It's good to know there's some people that recognize greatness when they see it. But tell me, Mister..." She gestures at him vaguely, most definitely not drawing attention to his face by drawing the outline with her hand in the air.

She's totally drawing attention to his face. "What is it you're looking for from me? I'm not a complete dumbass like my former self... Used to be. If you have a deal to make, let's hear it."
Spider-Man     Axel is just slightly too late to get on before they get out the door, but thankfully Oryou fucking suplexes the muscle car and gives him a moment to dive onto it while Spider-Man struggles to hold it in place. The boy-spider man-hero screams with the effort of holding back the super-bike, until suddenly he's off his feet. Or, more accurately, a large chunk of the concrete inside the garage just came loose from the ground, and Spider-Man is still stuck to it. The car takes off, with Axel aboard, and Spider-Man kind of surfing behind it attached by the webs. He tries to do what Axel asked, and get the fuel intake open with one free hand. He can only barely manage it, and when he starts wrenching it open, the car seems to actually fight to wrench it back closed again. It stays in formation with the bike carrying Overdrive, though, trying to protect him from some police vehicles that just joined in, a couple of local pursuit specialists.
Spider-Man     Ryouma finds a really, /really/ weird situation. The bike has its own clear, distinct animal will. But, considering that Riders are ghosts that were, for the most part, designed to deal with Ridden Things that consist of stuff like horses, the only thing that he finds weird is that the Grail modernization has to be rolled back a fair bit. This thing is going to fight him, but it's not going to win unless he loses focus or messes up too badly. He manages to gain control of the Hurricane! Oryou could probably keep up with the chase, but honestly, she's probably not going to turn down the extra space it has for her to leap on and grab Ryouma from behind. Time to go, either way; Overdrive is peeling out, and is making the way onto the streets. He's just recovered enough to start getting a hefty submachine gun out, and start trying to blaze away behind him at Ryouma's pursuit!
Axel Axel just barely slides onto the top of the car, planting himself onto it and lifting his head as it starts to move, before slowly rising to a crouch during the chase. It's not trying to wrench him off, luckily, but the fuel intake being forced open is harder. Axel's gonna need it open if he's going to do something hilariously unsafe later, which if everything goes wrong, he will. So, with both hands, he summons the gunstaff back into his hand, and using its reach, moves to slam it hard into the fuel hatch, trying to rip it off. And then, presuming he succeeds, he's going to take the gunstaff and point it in front of Overdrive's motorcycle.

He might not have enough action time to do this all at once, but Axel's preparing to try and fire a blast directly in front of Overdrive's bike, forcing it with animal instinct to either stop or skid and slow horribly. The problem is Axel has no idea how to use this thing, so it might also blow out a window or a fire hydrant or something.
Spider-Man     Nova gets her deployment. Thankfully, she's got invisibility and solutions like that to keep the heat off of her, plus a number of Paladins and general police dudes rushing in to take the place by storm. With the chaos behind her, she can hop on her hoverbike and blast off, pursuing the trio of rogue vehicles and the single rogue driver that is Overdrive. Luckily, she can keep up with the thoroughly enhanced vehicles. Unluckily, the bike makes it tough for her to use invisibilty to deal with Overdrive swinging the submachine gun in her direction and spraying away.

    The man himself is silent, but his thoughts are sort of along the lines of "Holy crap, I know these guys! This is so cool!" In not so articulate a wording, considering his head injury.
Ryouma Sakamoto     What Ryouma expected was that the bike might have an AI or something, after seeing Spider-Man and Tony Stark's suits. This is clearly not the case. This bike is... well, living, breathing creature is probably wrong, but it's clearly not just a machine.

    Things to ask about later.

    Gaining control of the Hurricane will do for now, and Ryouma is all too happy to see how far he can push it. And yet, in fact, Oryou plops down onto the motorcycle behind him, never passing an excuse to wrap her arms around her husband.

    Machinegun fire pelts the two of them as they begin chasing Overdrive. Oryou's hair surges forward, intercepting most of the bullets, even if a few make it to them. She makes sure he's the one taking them, while she's still doing fine. Bruises on her are better than on Ryouma.

    "Oryou thinks this is very romantic," she says.
    "We're in a life-or-death chase and being shot at," Ryouma points out.
    "... so?" Oryou questions.
    Ryouma thinks about this long and hard.
    "... I guess it's not the WORST date we've had," he laughs.

    For now, he focuses his driving efforts on catching up, while Oryou focuses hers on keeping both the Rider and the vehicle from getting blown apart.
Spider-Man     "Buuuusiness business business. You of all people should take pleasure in the little things! Have some fuckin' respect for hospitality, you know? I'm not throwing my money in your face for my own health." The man says, oscillating between intense friendliness and admiration, and weird surges of hostile, bullying behaviors. "Please. Mister... was my father. Call me Green for now."

    "Iiiiiii want you to do what you do, the stuff I admire. I just want it to be eeeeeeasier for you. At my age it's hard finding people who share my, haha, hahahaha, my /hobbies/, you know? Someone who knows that revenge is a dish best served /burning/." He leans forward, grinning so wide that his twisted skin pulls back to show every single tooth. "I want yooooouuuuu to kill the people who wronged you back in NYC. I want you to burn them the way they deserve for the wrongs that they did." He singsongs briefly. "I know something you don't know~! Names and places for the men who were working with the Scorpion with their pretty little weapons, /and/ the ones who were doing /all kinds/ of testing with those fancy drugs of theirs."

    His voice turns vicious. "The people whose bombs got in the way of you solving that problem, right? The people whose weapons complicated everything so you couldn't solve the drug issue? The people whose little stupid idealism feuds alllll broke up you fixing a couple scales that needed balancing. I can, heheh, hehehahaha, give you their friends and their helpers. Don't you want 'em?"
Nova Terra     Nova actually isn't invisible anymore, having been forcibly decloaked by being launched out of the building. But, details. She swerves left and right on her hoverbike as she tries to avoid the machine gun fire. The bullets zip past, or smash against the bike's forward armour. One does catch Nova in the shoulder, causing her to let up on the throttle a little at the surprise pain. While the suit absorbs most of the impact, so there's no blood, she still feels it.

    Kicking in the throttle once more to try and catch up, Nova lines her bike up with the three vehicles ahead. She presses a button. A small opening on the front of the Vulture slides open, before launching an object out of it. The grenade arcs through the air towards the escaping vechiles, before exploding as it impacts the street near them.
Ritsuka Fujimaru "Hah! Good man. I would have burnt this car to a crisp if you fed me a line about doing this out of the goodness of your heart." Jeanne laughs again, taking a sip of whatever's offered before leaning back to get a better look at Green. "Nobody good and decent is ever a fan of my work."

Green's not as well-spoken as him, but his heart is still in the right place. "That's a lot of information you're offering, Green. The chance to kill them, too... It's like you're some kind of guardian angel sent just for me." She grins more widely as his voice turns, and there's a dangerous glint in her eyes as well.

They're not aimed at him specifically, at least. Even she can sense that this is all some kind of plot, but the temptation is too much to just ignore. "So. Are these enemies of yours? People that are getting in your way, people that stole something from you? Or..." She flicks a small flame out of her hand, and her gaze turns to Prowler to see what he'll do. "... Or are you just a nice person, I wonder?"
Spider-Man     Axel almost loses the gunstaff when the fuel hatch tries to bite it. Bite it? It has TEETH. For some reason, under the fuel hatch, a weird webbing of organic matter has grown, up to and including weird teeth. But with that, he seems to manage to "break" its "jaw", for a given value of what that even means. When he takes a shot at Overdrive, though, the kick of the gun is surprisingly significant. The impact, equally so. Overdrive's bike is forced to slow, and the man aboard grunts softly. He tries to fire back, but there's only a couple bullets left in his uzi. He lashes one hand out ahead, and a sedan on the side of the road ahead starts mindlessly surging forward, apparently remote-controlled and zombified rather than animalistic like these. The muscle car somehow "jumps" slightly, then lands on the side of the speeding zombie-car, trying to flip it over the top where Axel is standing, and slam Axel off!

    Trying to keep people from dying, Spider-Man, still skidding behind, at least manages to suspend the speeding, flipping vehicle with a heavy web-shot. "Gaaaah! What the-- How is he doing this to /any/ car?! That doesn't make sense! Some kind of technopathy, maybe, or-- Gah!" Spider-Man shouts as Overdrive reloads and starts a fresh SMG sweep.
Spider-Man     With Ryouma having a Rider's touch, and the vehicle frankly already being a supercharged crotchrocket of a bike, Ryouma quickly closes the distance. Even faster with Axel slowing the thing! Soon, he's right up next to Spider-Man and his skidding sled of concrete. "Oh, hi. So weird how you run into people at work like this." Spider-Man says, greeting Ryouma and Oryou again. "Woah!" Another spray of bullets. "I'll go when you do! If you've got a plan, I can distract him, try to web him up or something! What do you need?" He's here to help Ryouma with any plans now that they're closing in on this.
Spider-Man     Grenades! The blast rattles the machines, notably the muscle car especially. The muscle car itself seems to suffer a wound of sorts, starting to "limp" on an injured tire that isn't blown so much as seems to somehow lag a little. Something blasts a chunk of rebar out of the ground and Overdrive's hand reaches out to /snatch/ it as he passes. He's being forced to slow down further by the impacts, and starts pulling closer to Nova Terra, who has surged up past Ryouma and Spider-Man to get in range for this. The man himself is looking a little rattled by the blasts, his immaculate racing suit singed, his faceplate cracked, his body bruised. But he comes in for a side-to-side melee battle, like bikers of old and their on-road axe duels, slinging the rebar around with expert driving and moderately trained melee ability.
Axel Axel manages to break the 'jaw' of the car's fuel hatch, increasingly creeped out. Shooting at Overdrive turns out to be bad because Axel is launched backwards onto the trunk, almost knocked off the car, and can barely maintain his footing. This is made worse by the car's actions.

A zombie car is flipped over and straight into Axel, who while he has the reaction speed to brace, doesn't have the footing to do a cool slide underneath it. He /does/ have the reaction speed to, instead of getting hit into a building, only get slightly bruised by the impact and roll out of the way of the zombie car before it can crush him, but this means that the muscle car will escape. Axel doesn't want to be left behind, as he takes the gunstaff and disappears it back intoh is inventory.

He starts sprinting. Really, really fast, anime fast. But he's not moving for the muscle car. Seeing Nova's hoverbike, he gets really close, and then blinks onto the back of her seat, remarking to her. "Thanks for the ride, tip's already with Uber." Darkness blurs around Axel's hands, as his silver-and-red chakrams are summoned, and lit aflame. "I'll handle my old ride, make sure it doesn't charge us off the road."

The flaming chakrams go boomeranging back with amazing, masterful precision. They ricochet off of a lamp-post, and they move straight for the muscle car. Specifically, the fuel tank.

Yeah, Axel's blowing it up. Hopefully, that'll also distract Overdrive long enough for Nova to win the fencing duel!
Spider-Man     Green is drinking his own glass of wine. Or he was, when it suddenly cracks a bit in his grip. "Ohhhhhh, am I just a nice person? I'm the nicest person. I'm such, such, aaaaahehehehe, such a nice person. People don't /understand/ the value in a good, meaty bite of what they /deserve/, is the problem. The Maggias, the Vultures, even those wonderful little goons and their /silly little chemistry projects/. All they wind up caring about is profit."

    "Sure, I want to run the city, and its crime, and maybe the crime in a lot of other places too. But I don't need money, I'm far, ahaha, just /far/ more interested in making sure the crime is less about the /boring garbage/ they make it about. It needs punch. It needs drive. It needs to burn the wrongs out of the world. The Vultures are close, but they don't have ambition. The Maggias are close, but they don't care about revenge. The chemists are boring. I don't like their, ahahaha, their /clubhouse/, their stupid /secret society/, or the /invitations/ they think I'm interested in. All of them can burn."
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Ah, a plan?" Ryouma looks at Spider-Man, distracted.
    Right. He... didn't have one.
    But he has Oryou, which is like having a plan.

    "Oryou, can you come up with a plan?" he asks her, as he suddenly swerves the bike aside to avoid the hail of bullets Spider-Man warns about, because it's getting kind of hairy and it'd be bad to lose the Hurricane right now. Or take a bullet to the face.

    Oryou ponders, and then nodnods.

    The shadow she's casting on the road behind them seems to become pitch black and grow, like a massive serpent slithering along the road under the vehicles. It bubbles, like the shadow is liquid.

    Tendrils gush out like strands of hair, sticky, countless and corrosive, trying to wrap around the offending vehicles and begin dissolving through their plating and exposed parts, including the wheels. There's even a mana-burn effect thrown in, assuming any of it's even remotely magical. But the real meat of the effect is the binding and corrosive shadows.

    Ryouma shouts to Spider-Man: "Use your webs to slow them down even more! Between the two of you it shouldn't be able to put up much of a fight anymore!"
Nova Terra     Nova swerves to avoid damaged muscle car, speeding past it. As Spider-Man mentions technopathy, Nova counters, "I don't think so. It's more like these cars have a mind of their own. Literally."

    Pushing forward, Nova finds herself side on to Overdrive and his bike. Also with a passenger, "Who the hell is Uber?" No time for an explanation though as Overdrive swings at her with a piece of rebar. Nova rolls the bike over a little to avoid it, the metal scraping across the side.

    Nova reaches up to her back, detaching her psi-blade. The sword ignites and Nova swings it to clash again Overdrive's next swing. The two clash a few more times before Overdrive gets in a lucky cut, the jagged metal cutting through Nova's suit on her arm and drawing blood.

    Annoyed at the injury, Nova swerves her hoverbike right into Overdrive's, attempting to smash him off the road. Or at least shake him up.
Ritsuka Fujimaru Jeanne's stare is fairly even at first, but between what Green is telling her and the drinks she's consuming? It's not hard to see that she's warming up to Green. She laughs, she finishes her own drink, and then she leans back in her seat while peering out one of the windows. It's the window on the opposite side of the limo, but she's still looking out the thing.

"You want to be seen. To have all the city's eyes on you, on your vengeance, on the fires you've started. How absolutely vile." Jeanne breaks into deranged laughter for a moment, then crosses her arms and smiles at Green. It's a real one for once.

"Let's burn it down, then. To our new partnership, Green." She holds her glass up, then lowers it a moment later. She's kind of wobbly, but she has enough self-awareness to not risk spilling anything on the interior. That stuff's hard to clean!
Spider-Man     The careening car is saved by Spidey. Rather, the people nearby who were about to be hit. Axel's foe seems to somehow take an aggressive posture, seems to roar with hatred towards him for breaking one of its jaws of sorts, bristling with unknown organic interior. It even dodges a little, visibly, when Axel swooshes those chakrams at it. But it wasn't aiming from that direction. The roaring beast is instead forced to suffer the effects of the riccochet, crashing into its side and causing a small detonation in its side that takes out the fuel tank and leaves the wounded, screaming beast of a car tumbling dangerously down the road. Another one that Spidey quickly lashes into a suspended position between some nearby buildings.

    Unfortunately, this means Spidey got launched into the air, and has no more skiing options. Now he has to swing at /tremendously/ high speeds, and hopefully get Ryouma's plans handled.
Spider-Man     Ryouma's plan is good. The surging shadow works perfectly with Spider-Man's approach. As he's no longer part of the direct pursuit, now he has to be part of the terrain management. With both him and Oryou sabotaging the terrain ahead, there's plenty of danger. Shadows and corrosion start to sear through the plating of the Kawasaki, and the webbing that Spider-Man puts at wheel-height (not, thankfully for Nova, at hover-height) winds up getting into delicate machinery and mysterious moving organic parts. The bike is CRITICALLY WEAKENED, not to mentioned badly slowed!
Spider-Man     And, finally, Nova Terra's biketop melee duel, after several clashes, finally ends in her favor when she uses her bike's currently superior integrity against the Kawasaki's failing integrity. Straight-up ramming is dangerous for both, but only if neither has been suffering through magical corrosion. Sadly, one has; simply /smashing/ his bike is a troublingly effective solution, as the front wheel comes clean off and Nova Terra gets her vengeance against the monster motorcycle. Overdrive is thrown clear of this, twisting through the air, likely to slam against relatively-speaking fast-moving pavement -- until Spider-Man slings a cushioning web near the sidewalk he was about to land on. The silent rider, the Stig of Crime, lands there heavily, grunting briefly in disorientation and pain, but not death, at least.
Spider-Man     "Thaaaaaat's what I like hearing! That's the things I want you telling me! Listen, you follow my lead and you're not going to have to deal with these SHIELD idiots again. We'll start a fire, ahahaha, like you've /never seen/!" Green assures. "To our new partnership!" Prowler's mask hides his opinion on the matter. They toast. One fractured glass, and one whole.
Nova Terra     Nova hoverskids to a stop, leaning back and watching as Overdrive ends up caught in the webs. She didn't expect him to die from the fall, given his riding gear. Though if it did look that way, she might have considered softening the blow herself with her telekinesis. But the spider gets there first and she's fine with that.

    Straightening up and raising her visor to rest on her head, Nova simply smirks at him, before spinning her Vulture around and blasting off in the direction of the city outskirts. To find somewhere to get a pickup that wont shake the neighbourhood.
Axel Before Nova blasts off, Axel has already departed, making sure Overdrive is down. Stepping over to him, Axel takes a moment, and then thumbs up to the others. "We're good. See you on the flipside."

And then, a dark portal opens up, and Axel steps through it, closing it behind him. Mission complete.