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Nero      It hasn't been long since Caster, the guardian of the path to the 'Promised Land', was defeated. And with his defeat, the seas parted, revealing the way forward. Since they had taken more than their fair share of damage, Hakuno decided that they should turn back for now. Since then, she's focused on monitoring the spread of the 'Black Grail Virus', and refining her 'White Grail Anti-Virus'. But now, after deeming herself ready, it was time to go.

     Frankly, she was tempted to waltz right across the parted sea and investigate that distant temple/castle by herself. But it was well observed that whoever was running the show had multiple Servants under their command, and Nero was just one Saber. Reliable, but just one. So, while standing at the place where they stopped last time, the Master decides to call for assistance. Fingers brought up to her ear, the brunette forms a holographic earpiece and speaks into it, amber eyes narrowed as she stares across the parted sea, corrupted, eroding territory all around them.

     All the while, Nero stood close by, sword drawn and ready. Never know if Assassin might tear out of an alleyway and try to stab Hakuno in the back now.

     Damned tricky Assassins. Being all... tricky and stabby. Tsk.
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Ah, I do hope everyone's all rested up for this," Ryouma says from behind Hakuno and her imperial Servant, having arrived moments earlier with his usual bow and smile.

    Oryou appears to be munching on a frog leg.

    "There are still many unaccounted-for Servants potentially in this mysterious master's employ. With any luck, they aren't all waiting for us in ambush."

    That'd be bad.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz has had long enough to recover, though the talk of the 'Promised Land' has left Crys very wary, her past experiences in the multiverse having shaped that for most of her life. The pointy-eared Newman was quick to respond to Nero's call for aid and she shows up looking far better than she did last time.

"We'll deal with them if they do, Mr. Sakamoto. Don't worry I had to hunt worse things than Servants in my time."

She looks to Sabre and her right hand.

"I'm ready to go."
Riku Riku, as expected, is back for more. He's come this far in the company of Hakuno and Nero and Ryouma and the others, it's time to start pushing this to the end.

So it's no surprise, really, that he's there, emerging from a dark hole in the air near the gathering and folding his arms, looking across the parted sea. "So. Are we ready to fix this problem yet?" He asks. "It doesn't matter how many Servants they've got, we're going to make it through." Confident, today.
Archer EMIYA      "Seems like the only person I can trust to clean up messes around here is me. A shame really, but I guess it can't be helped."

     Archer appears shortly behind Riku, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder before stepping in front of him. He takes a brief moment to observe the area and the current party, but other than that he just proceeds to fold his arms against his chest and quietly exude a smug aura.
Nero      Hakuno looks towards Ryouma as he arrives not too long after with Oryou. ... Is that a frog leg? .. ..... Why? Where? How?

     No nevermind.

     She just smiles mildly at his observation. "Right. We have Lancer, Assassin, and Caster accounted for. That leaves... Saber, Berserker, Rider, and Archer unknown. ... That is, if there are Servants of that class with them..." A hand comes to her chin, and she looks back over to the parted sea path. Hm.

     Nero meanwhile continues to stand by Hakuno, and she glances Crys' way when she arrives. "Aha, Lady Crys, you are here too. Good, good." Planting her sword into the ground, she smiles proudly. "Have no fear. No matter what sort of ambush they decide to throw our way, we will not be led astray! Because I am here! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

     Hakuno siiiiiighs, and decides not to comment. Instead, she steps forward and proceeds to walk onto the ground of the parted sea. Riku's words reach her ears and she laughs. "Yeah. I think we're..." She raises a hand and brings up a holo screen with a rough map of the area. "... approaching the center of it all. Once I plant the anti-virus core there, then everything should theoretically be solved." A wry smile forms. "... But that's not taking into account who or what could be waiting to stop us."

     Nero, while walking along with Hakuno glares at Archer and points her sword at him. "Archer, I will fi- No, that does not work. After all, you are here already." She huffs out a breath and refocuses ahead. "Nevermind! You can be dealt with later!" Hakuno shakes her head and nods back at Archer. "Hi Archer. I'm glad you came. With you here, I feel a lot more confident."

     There's not much more conversation after that. The path is clear, but long, with the only thing for scenery being the two halves of the parted sea just... sitting precariously still. Will they suddenly give out and come merging back together without warning to drown them as Moses' final 'screw you'!? That would be mildly bad.

     Thankfully that's not the case, and their journey completes uneventually. Walking back up onto land on the other side, what greets them is... not blackness and corruption as they might come to expect, but thriving fields of green, with flowers and trees and flowing rivers. Like a slice of nature cut out of history, untouched by any sort of corruption. or maybe it's something else?

     Hakuno marvels aloud as this sight, though also remains confused. "... Wow... this place is beautiful, but... it doesn't make sense." She murmurs, bringing a hand to her chin as she tries to puzzle it out. "...According to the map, the virus definitely is originating from here, but... the visuals don't match the coordinates..." She shakes her head, and comes to a stop on a dirt path, some sort of temple or castle in the near distance. "......." As she falls silent, Nero picks up the slack as she speaks up. "Be alert, my Praetor. Someone approaches." She states prudently, hands upon her sword clenching.

     From far up the dirt path, hugged by trees, a pair of footsteps pads down. Until finally, a familiar sight comes into view. A blonde young man wearing ancient Roman armor, with a blue and gold spear hefted on one shoulder and an easy smile on his face. Longinus. "Weeeeeeell, well well well... look who made it! The little lady! And her watchdog too! Oh and the guy in the dapper suit, and then..." His gaze stops on Oryou for a second or two. ...And then he clears his throat, moving right past her to Riku. "...Oh it's the edgy kid! Nice to see you! And the miss with the funny magic, and...." His eyes stop on Archer. ".... ....." A hand comes to his chin as he looks the red clad Servant up and down. "... Hey, nice coat. Where can I get one those?" He asks merrily, making a fingergun with one hand.

     ...Look at this loser. This is the wielder of the Divine Spear, everyone.
Ryouma Sakamoto     "That's right. Four... and it's not impossible Lancer and Assassin are within, as well. No, more than that, there could be irregular Classes as well. Isn't this exciting?" Ryouma asks, keeping his smile on. It is! A bit. In the sense it's ~the unknown~ and there's really only one way to find out.

    He loosens a bit, laughing. "Well, I'd feel bad for anyone who crossed this particular team, so it might not be that dangerous." They're all quite remarkable. It should be fine.

    "Oryou will handle it if they can't," his partner suddenly says, having run out of frog to chew on. She floats closer by his side and he nods.

    "That's good, thanks Oryou."

    As they move onward, Ryouma is forced to agree with Hakuno about the field's out-of-place beauty. "How odd something so dangerous comes from such a nice place. It might be the work of a Servant," he says, just before Longinus comes in.

    "Sir Longinus. Nice to see you again. Were you sent to stop us again?" Oryou stares, and licks her lips like she's hungry.
Riku Riku looks somewhat amused at the situation unfolding between Nero and Archer, and shoots Archer look with a smirk. Archer's a big boy, he can handle himself against Nero. At that, he turns and looks over in the direction of the parted sea and gets moving. "Do you really think they have a full set?" He asks Hakuno as they move on. "Why didn't they just send them all at once?"

That said, they get to the paradise on the other side, and Riku immediately squints at this. "You're right, this doesn't make any sense at all." He looks up, frowning at the sky, then turning his head to look into the distance. "It didn't look this clean and shiny last time we were looking up here, or am I wrong?"

Oh, and then Longinus. "Oh, hey." Riku doesn't seem to have a problem being called 'edgy', at least. Guess he's just owning it. "Maybe he could make you one." He replies. "Are you here to char with us or are you here to fight. Either's fine with me." He remembers that battle. A rematch might be just the thing for him... But there's no sense in using energy he doesn't need to.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz says "Who is to say they are limited by one of each, we should be ready for things to get really dicey and it's good to see you again as well Sabre."

She notes with a faint grin.

"I have likely done more than some of the servants we might be facing."

She sounds like she means it but she could just be cocky? It's hard to tell given her very long service to the Union in the old war.

She will move on but keep note o Hakuno as she does want to make sure she's kept safe. She also looks to Riku and nods then glances at Archer.

"I see we meet again. I'm here for the invention we were given Sir Longinus."
Archer EMIYA      Surprising absolutely nobody, Archer seems to have Nero's complaining completely tuned out. He does however, give Hakuno a curt smile and a look that suggests that she should try to keep her rabid animal on a shorter leash.

     Walking forward, he's somewhat taken aback by the rather tranquil scenery. Last he heard he was pretty sure there was talk about mud and Fuyuki's grail. If that was the case, the place should be on fire and absolute hell. He really doesn't have time to think on what exactly is up however, as he's greeted by Lancer.

     "Ha. Sorry to disappoint, but you can't buy Mystic Codes like these at any Old Navy. You're better off making friends with the Church if you want something similar."
Nero      Hakuno smiles ever so mildly at Longinus as he greets them. "Longinus... you're looking well." A sigh follows. "...Are you here to stop us, or are you going to let us pass?"

     Nero just levels Aestus Estus at him. "Move aside, or you will face the same fate as Caster." An ominous smile forms. "And I do believe that Lady Oryou is looking rather hungry over there. Perhaps we should feed you to her?"

     "Whoa whoa, hey hey now." The Lancer says, both arms raised in a placating motion, one holding onto his spear still. "You people are so quick to jump into a fight, sheesh! I'm just here to lead the way!" He says that, but then smiles confidently, "Though I mean, I wouldn't mind throwing down, but y'know. Not really part of the plan today. So put down your sharp and pointy things, turn off your edgy superpowers, keep the demon gods in your right arms sealed, and keep a tight leash on your monster girlfriends, okay? Awesome."

     Hakuno frowns a little bit suspiciously, but... Longinus *has* been the most reasonable of the people they've met. For someone that's tried to kill them anyway. ... She glances at Nero, and then at everyone else, and then nods. "... Okay, lead the way then, Mr. Longinus."

     Lancer grins as Hakuno agrees to a cease-fire, and gives her a thumbs up. "Excellent choice, little lady. Follow me! Our lord and savior is waiting to meet you." And so he turns and waltzes right off. "Try not wander off now. Who knows what might happen if you do." He says with an ominous turn of tone as they approach the temple stairs. The large building looks like it has more than one floor, and it's wide enough that whatever is on either side remains unknown.

     Up the stairs, they reach a pair of large double doors that open up on approach with a stony creak, revealing the inside of a temple. The whole building, inside and out, seems to be made of some sort of smooth white stone with swirls of grey and black mixed in here and there. Marble? Either way, the main entranceway of the temple consists of a large open area, with stairs that lead up to higher floors on either side, along with side hallways on opposite ends as well, who knows what's down them? Where Longinus leads the group is straight ahead down the center, over a large etched in emblem on the floor that seems to be an entrance of some sort. He moves past it and to a set of doors at the opposite end of the temple entrance, pushing open the doors and walking into an audience chamber.

     "Annnnnd here we are! Hey, Person of Lordly Calibur! I brought them!" He calls over to the back of what appears to be an audience chamber. A figure sits on a white throne. A young man wearing white robes, with a red sash over it. His hair is long and brown, with a golden circlet over his head. ...He actually looks someone unassuming. Like some extra that walked out of a farming village from ancient times.

     ...But standing at either side of the throne, are familiar, and not so familiar figures. ...a man shrouded in a shadowy mist, with two sickle blades sheathed behind his waist. Red eyes gleam through the mist that faintly obscures direct sight of his figure. It's Assassin.

     Longinus walks over and takes up a spot next to him. Then, on the other side of the throne, stands a giant of a man, with bronzed skin and rippling muscles. Scars mark his body here and there, with shackles around his wrists and ankles, and broken chains attached. He wears nothing but an off-white cloth around his waist, and his hair is mid length and black, with a scraggly beard to accompany it. A grim look lies on his chiseled face and a golden gleam almost obscures the white of his eyes, deathly silent other than the occasional huff of barely repressed rage.

     Putting them aside, the young man on the throne speaks. "Welcome, welcome. I've been waiting for you all to arrive for quite some time now." He says with a forthcoming smile. "This here is but a small fragment of the land of Canaan. And I... was called here to fulfill my obligation to the World. Late as I may be."

     Already, Hakuno frowns, and brings up a very small screen to run a scan...
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Canaan?" Ryouma asks, before hitting a closed fist in a palm. "Of course! That's been under our nose all along!"

    He seems to be fanboying.

    "Biblical Servants! You've obtained one, maybe multiple catalysts, to summon some of the world's oldest heroes! No, truly, there would be few matches for such famous names, barely any legends older or more known than them. In a normal Grail War it would be winning strategy!"

    Maybe he's a bit off, but...

    "That's why the old man kept talking about Salvation. You are... are you trying to recreate Heaven here, in the Moon Cell? Or maybe something else?"

    He just wants to talk.
    Ryouma is a doof.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz looks to the Lancer for a moment he doesn't seem to be ready to fight.

"We have learned the hard way in our line of work, to do it that way or it bites us in the rear pretty hard."

She nods though falling in to follow the man who killed the hope of his world's humanity. Either way, there is a cease-fire and she gets moving along. She keeps her eye out for trouble after all, but the temple doesn't do much for her she can get people working on it or even designing something like this digitally but here it's more of a distraction.

"Not from Earth here I'm from a planet called Coral so forgive me of my ignorance and I never heard of a location on Earth called Canaan. So just what is your deal I heard plenty of people offering salvation to be working for gods or forces of darkness and ruin."

If there anyone able to sense thing here there is something very dark and very bad that has some faint hooks into Crys on a spiritual level though it's hard to tell just what it is. She pauses for a moment

"I heard of it I worked with a few people in the past who were followers of that faith."
Riku The truce is struck, and Riku walks along. "Demon gods in arms? Really? Who'd do something like that?" He asks, glancing around perhaps questioningly to see if the person responsible might speak up.

For academic purposes of course.

The temple itself seems to make Riku squirm. Not just because of the imposing and beautiful architecture, but also the people within.

He stops before the throne, and looks over the man sitting there along with his help. "Well, this is certainly a display." He focuses on the young man for now. "Your obligation, huh? You do see what it's doing to the rest of the world, right?" Looks like he's getting right to the point. "You're going to need to pull back and have a do-over."
Archer EMIYA     

     Pleasantries are exchanged, but Archer already made up his mind long before he got here. Talking isn't going to clean up this mess, only violence.

    I am the bone of my sword

     In a flash of green and red, Archer is armed with a rather unassuming bow in one hand, and a large spiral-shaped sword in the other. He spends very little time nocking the bow string with the sword either, the weird drill blade stretching and distorting into a more arrowish as he pulls back on the bow.


     Archer lets go of the string, letting the destructive arrow fly forward and towards the throne.

     Whether it hits its intended mark or not, the arrow explodes rather forcefully, probably ruining the area and decreasing the overall property value. A pity.
Nero      Ryouma finally catches on, and Longinus holds back a snort, looking away as he tries to maintain some sense of ceremony about the proceedings. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Damn it don't laugh!

     Hakuno, meanwhile, it most certainly not laughing. Especially not as the data she's collecting comes in more and more detailed by the moment. She tries not to let it show on her face too much, but a cold sweat forms. This is pretty bad, isn't it? Not just because of the three formidable Servants standing guard, but also because of the one on the throne. He looks like a plain old young man, but... She knows better.

     The brown haired man on the throne smiles at Ryouma's spot theorycrafting and chuckles, "... Well, you're partially correct. Everyone here is from biblical times, yes. But I did not summon them. We were always here, within the Moon Cell's recorded Throne of Heroes, so to speak..."

     But before he can elaborate further, Archer decides that the only way to deal with this is violence. And he fires Caladbolg right at the throne. Hakuno's eyes widen. "Archer, there's something you need to-" KABOOM!

     The explosion rocks the audience chamber, marble debris flying all over and kicking up a cloud of dust that obscures everything. Did he get them? ... ... Nero, who was ready to act, but not quite as resolute as Archer about striking first, stands in front of her Master as the smoke clears, and... what they see is a giant of a man standing before the throne, an arm outstretched and palm opened, where Caladbolg had struck. ... He seems unharmed, aside from a burn mark on his palm, which he closes into a fist. "........Nnnnnrrrrrrghhhhraaaaaaahhhhhh!" And then, with clenched teeth, the musclebound giant growls, and advances to an earthshaking roar. He bursts forward into a dash, and slams his fist right down where Archer is with ground shattering force. That movement reveals however, that the man sitting on the throne is perfectly fine. Perfectly fine and smiling.

     "... I take it that this is your answer, then? To reject salvation?" He asks, his eyes gleaming with a hint of red. "... That's a shame." He shakes his head, even as Assassin and Lancer remain standing by the throne. "I was hoping that you all would come to understand and accept it."

     Longinus, however, just sighs, divine spear still resting on his shoulder.

     By this point, Hakuno's scan is complete, and she shouts. "Everyone! I'm transmitting data to you now!" She says, standing behind Nero as her fingers blaze across a holo keyboard. And then she hits send.

     What follows are Servant parameters.

     Servant Class: Savior
     True Name: Jesus of Nazareth
     Strength: A
     Endurance: A
     Agility: D
     Mana: EX
     Luck: A
     NP: EX

     Nero blinks at the data that streams across her vision. "My Praetor, surely you must be jesting!" She shouts as she loops an arm around Hakuno's waist, and leaps backwards out of Berserker's range. "If that data is correct, then...!"
Ryouma Sakamoto     Suddenly, explosion.

    Ryouma backs away to not get swept up in the rainbowy death unleashed by Caladbolg. He's semi-relieved the opposition survived, but also very much not, because it speaks a lot about their abilities.

    Then identities come out.

    Ryouma rubs the back of his neck nervously.
    "Ah... this is going to require a lot of forgiveness, isn't it... Oryou, do as he asks!"

    Oryou nods, and suddenly lunges at Longinus. Her hair rattles in every direction, putting all of their strength into binding the Lancer by his wrists and ankles and snapping him onto the ground hard. But now she's busy with Lancer, and Ryouma was kind of hoping if Berserker tries to punch him, she'd be there to do something about it.

    Nevermind if Savior does something.
Archer EMIYA      Archer jumps back as the hulking servant slams the ground in front of him, narrowly avoiding the brunt of the attack. He doesn't quite get out of it completely unscathed however, as various debris from the impact tear at his exposed skin and clothes, leaving small tears.

"Ha. Salvation. If you are the real Jesus of Nazareth, you already know there's nothing of me worth saving."

     Despite talking shit, Archer is fully aware of how thoroughly boned they are to fight against a Savior on top of several other servants. Luckily for them, Jesus was dumb enough to keep his bane in the same room as him. Or maybe he wasn't dumb, and just never expected it to be turned against him, in which case that's understandable.

Unfortunately for the son of God, Archer's pretty proficient in turning weapons against people. Breaking in a full sprint, the nameless spirit attempts to take advantage of Oryou's attempt to bind Longinus, a single strong hand outreached as he desperately attempts to grab on to the Lancer's spear. A touch is all he needs to drastically turn this fight in his favor. A touch and to live, to be more precise, but he's banking on living through sheer stubbornness.
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz did want to give them a shake but then comes Archer and just says "...Krieek."

She now is moving back they have broken a serious rule that seems to be across the multiverse that of hospitality and this is bad, very bad. Something isn't right here, but it's too late.

"Oh Falz this."

She knows that name from some of her own comrades. Whelp she's going to some hell of that much she's sure but then comes the Berserker and she'll summon a photon sabre of some sort and she'll sping into intercept she says nothing, whatever is behind the corruption here is going to answer for what souls have been dragged through it. For now, though she needs to fight and she will. The DB Sabre strikes out as Crys lunges at the Brezeker.
Nero      Longinus really didn't expect that they'd come right for him instead of focusing on the BIG ANGRY MAN SWINGING HIS FISTS AT THEM. No, as Berserker slams his fist into the ground, causing it to shatter and crater, with chunks of marble scattering every which way, Ryouma sent off his wife to attack him. He's mid-sigh, when suddenly HAIR is grabbing at him. "Whoa what the- Hey hey hey now!" He shouts as he's suddenly bound up.

     Kind of a silly move, isn't it? I mean, Assassin is right there and all. He doesn't stand idle either. Immediately, twin shotels are drawn as he moves to slash at Oryou's binding hair, but Hakuno is a step ahead of him. "Saber!" She calls, and then a red streak swooshes in, deflecting the strike with her own, and imposing herself between Oryou and the would be assailant. "Hmph! You will not be laying a single scrap of steel on Lady Oryou as long as I am here!" She says, leveling Aestus Estus at him. ... This is also a risky move though. Hakuno is left wide open, isn't she?

     Even so, Savior watches as all this happens, a calm smile still on his face as he witnesses Berserker's battle, and the struggle for the lance off to the side. Archer sprints in and tries to touch the Divine Spear. The son of God knows that spear is his weakness. He kept it close by for a reason. And yet here it is now, about to be used on him. He can see it when Archer's fingers touch the blue shaft of the weapon.

     ...And yet, he smiles and does nothing. It's like watching a fascinating play from the audience. What is his plan? He certain has the power to stop this with a thought, but he allows it all to play out.

     Unfortunately, Hakuno has no time to think about that, as she scurries away from Berserker, and to the far side of the audience chamber to avoid being turned into Spiritron paste.

     With Archer out of range, Berserker goes for the next viable target: Crys. The girl with the photon saber is met with a raised forearm, the weapon slashing into it, but only cutting a little bit. How resilient is this hulking man? His eyes blaze gold, leaving trails in the air as he moves in quickly and sweeps a fist out at her from the side with an angry roar. "NNGGHRAAAAAH!!!!"
Crys Gattz With the fight going on she's got Berserker on her and she dances back she notices the man is not really hurt she has no idea who this is but he's giving her a serious Sayain vibe, which means she's in for a world of pain. she's pretty durable her photon armour and shield takes mot of it but the impact overloads some of it and she gets whomped good, she skids across the floor trying to get back up and does so before she starts muttering sending bolts of fire, ice, then electricity at the Berserker. Trying to keep out of Melee with him she says nothing but there's no real expression of hate, this isn't personal.

"What are you!"
Archer EMIYA      "My apologies again, Lancer. But it looks like you'll be responsible for your Lord's death once more."

     Getting exactly what he wanted from the enemy Lancer, Archer falls back as he processes what exactly he has. It doesn't take long to do so, in fact nobody could really tell he was processing anything at all with how fast he did it, but it's done and now he's ready to slay Christ. Honestly, not what he expected out of his job, but thems are the breaks.

     Lining himself up with Jesus whilst making sure he has a clear line of sight, Archer points a single hand towards the King of Kings and focuses. As if on cue, several copies of the Spear of Longinus appear beside him. They hover for a brief moment, before suddenly firing off at high speeds directly towards Jesus. He doesn't bother to invoke any innate power they might have, the fact they're the weapon that killed him is good enough, instead he merely focuses his power into turning them into deadly broken phantasms.
Ryouma Sakamoto     Ryouma takes a moment to tell Longinus: "I'm very, intensely sorry about this," just after Archer starts... okay that's kind of cool, actually. And unusual. Ryouma's never seen someone wield Noble Phantasm replication before. Is it magecraft? A Noble Phantasm? Something else?

    It's fascinating to watch either way.

    Except Berserker is still rampaging.

    Oryou has to use all of her strength to keep Lancer down. Ryouma's on his own. Even being vaguely adjacent to Berserker is enough to send him tumbling down several meters and bang his arm up.

    He draws his revolver regardless.

    "Oryou! Stay on Lancer! I'm fine!"
    She rumbles angrily.

    Ryouma lines up a shot for Berserker's shoulder, letting loose a blue-glowing, flaming bullet when he has a chance.
Nero      Nero is busy keeping Assassin at bay. Red and silver streak together, creating sparks as weapon clash against one another again and again. He tries to bypass her and keep Longinus' spear from falling into Archer's hands, but Nero refuses to let him pass even for a second.

     The gambit is successful, with Longinus shouting all the way. "Hey hey c'mon! Hey stop! That's totally foul play! What the heck- are you COPYING my spear? Damn it stop that!" The poor guy shouts, writhing in Oryou's hair and trying to break free, but to no avail. He just doesn't have the leverage.

     As those lances form one after the other, Berserker continues to let loose his fury upon Crys, with swift, heavy swings of his fists, ground breaking and debris flying everywhere. Any hits he takes seems to just glance off of him with minimal damage that he ignores to keep going. And then a shot hits his shoulder, making him jerk a bit. Then he turns to Ryouma, attention drawn away. Welp. He asked for this. The hulking giant bursts into a run, aiming to send the white clad Servant flying.

     But then Archer lets loose the flurry of Longinus Replicas.

     Savior watches as they come flying towards him, a smile still on his face. Ever so calm, ever so patient. It's as if he foresaw all of this far beforehand.


     Multiple spears pierce his body while he sits on the throne, and everything freezes. Berserker stops mid-charge, Assassin ceases his battle with Nero, and Longinus whips his head aside to look onward in shock as the son of God is pierced with multiple spears. ... Red blood runs down from his wounds, and seeps down the throne.

     ".... Thank you, Archer." He says calmly, before a wet cough follows. "...Now... we can truly begin..." His head hands. "...Awaken, Beast 000..."

     Those are his final words, before his life gives out, and he slumps over, dead.... .....

     ... Silence fills the chamber. And then Assassin, Longinus, and Berserker are covered in golden sparkles, their forms beginning to fade. "Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Damn it, wait a second! You didn't say that you were going to-" Longinus fades away before he can finish. And Assassin and Berserker follow suit soon after.

     ... Then the entire temple starts to shake, as Savior's blood seeps into the tiles of the floor, draining down through them. Hakuno's eyes widen, as the quaking gets worse and worse, more severe than anything she's ever felt before. "We have to get out of here! Now!" She shouts to the others, before losing her footing and tripping to the floor. Right then, the ground breaks apart as air pressure converges on the chamber, and on the vicinity of Savior's body, 'consuming' it, as it coalesces into a ball of light begins to expand rapidly, enough to threaten to fill the room and then even more after that. The ceiling breaks, and debris rains down from overhead.

     It seems like everything is going to hell fast. But first thing's first. It's time to go!
Crys Gattz Crys Gattz is having the devil of a time here and thanks to Ryouma she does not end up a pancake in hotpants. She is about to thank him but then the Saviour goes down form ARxcher's attack. Wait just as planned? What's going on here? Either way, she says one thing on the com-link, a single word.


She has a sinking feeling about this, then turns to do as she said.

She runs as fast a she can go she does not want to stay here, just what was going on whatever it was she didn't like it and had a terrible feeling about it.
Ryouma Sakamoto     "Oh... he was their master," Ryouma realizes.
    The idea of a Servant pulling the strings never occured to him. And now they lost Longinus, although they gained in Archer a seemingly infinite source of his spear. So maybe it's not too bad. Remains to be seen. He still feels bad for Longinus, though.

    But there's no time to worry about that.

    Oryou scoops Ryouma up, speeding away from blast as quickly as she can. Whatever it is, she knows she wants nothing to do with it, and therefore, wants Ryouma as far away from it as possible.
Archer EMIYA      "Well, I'd like to say something witty, but I think this is my cue to go."

     Archer isn't too thrilled that he got baited hard, but to be fair to himself, it's not like he could have known. Still, it's as he said, he needs to get going, and get going /NOW/.

Bursting yet again into a full sprint, Archer makes his way out before becomes a pancake.
Nero      Nero is left with no opponents to fight, and Jesus dead, and the servants all disappearing, and NOW INFINITE LIGHT is gathering up. Yeah. Time to go. Whatever this was definitely was not going to wait for them nicely. So she breaks out into a full sprint, scoops up Hakuno, and then they book it from the temple. Whatever else was in here? Not their concern. What *is* their concern is getting the hell out of dodge. The light expands more and more, almost on their tails as it grows bigger and bigger, destroying walls, ground, ceiling.

     They escape out the front, and then continue to run a little bit more before Nero finally sees fit to slow down and look behind herself. There, she can see it. The mass of infinite light gaining definition. Countless white wings forming from the light. They unfurl, and then more grow out to take their place, unfolding endlessly into an incomprehensible form. A cocoon of wings, infinitely expanding into itself, and outwards. It stretches comprehension. It's massive, dwarfing the temple entirely as it stretches up into the sky. Then, traces of the Black Grail begin to bleed in, spiderweb cracks of black and red spreading out from within to corrupt that radiantly infinite mass.

     Hakuno bears witness to this, feeling her vision growing static around the edges of her vision, as if her body couldn't comprehend the sight directly. "... Beast 000. Gabriel..." She utters out, the words just appearing in her head as she looks on at it. "... God's messenger. It will deliver Jesus' salvation upon all things equally, and without pause..."