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The forums are one of the largest buildings in ElecSquare - itself less a 'square' and more of a cluster of buildings built upon a giant platform suspended above the void, representing Electopia's digital hub in cyberspace, surrounded by various other servers and homepages on their own floating platforms, connected via floating pathways in the gloriously complicated tangle that is the internet.

Inside the forums, the main feature in the main room would have been the large vertically-oriented screens on the walls every few feet, displaying messages and acting as inputs for any navi who are accessing the forums directly. Indeed, there were more than a few on there, looking up information, posting about hobbies and interests (of themselves or their human partners), or just shitposting whatever spicy 'internet meme' is the hottest of the moment.

Above ceilingheight of the ground level, though, are the threads - literal threads of data, connecting the giant monitors, each other, and the large data repositories throughout the rest of the building. Data - new messages, mostly - would be constantly woven into the threads as people post, creating a tapestry of threadwork that is beautiful in its chaos.

Not so much for any of those now. Because the place is on fire.

There's screaming. There's smoke. People - mostly the digital navi with a few multiversal visitors - are running out of the building trying to get clear.

This is digital fire, sure, but it acts and feels very much like the real stuff. The entire place is in danger of going up in smoke if it's not contained.
Sierra Kereson A physical internet is not something Sierra would have pegged as possible in her lifetime. VR's made great strides, of course, but the technology on display in Elecsquare has the witch (wearing her big dumb witch hat, of course) looking rather wary of everything as she passes by a webpage for something she doesn't quite understand.

"These have to just be suit actors..." She mutters to herself as light from the flames in the distance reflects off her glasses and gets a small wince from it reflecting directly into her eye. It's only after a moment's annoyance that she notices the screaming accompanying the fire.

That kicks her brain into gear. Breaking into a run, she weaves through the crowd running away from the fire against all good judgment, one hand reaching up to tighten the strap on her hat so it doesn't go flopping away while her other hand dips right into the satchel at her side. Pulling out a soggy mop from the fist-sized container, she holds it overhead and soars over the visitors, swinging herself onto the top of it as the damp mop head only seems to be getting damper by the second.

"Remain calm, everyone! Keep moving, but don't push! Just clear the area while I save your butts!" She shouts with the bravado of someone definitely trying too hard to sound reliable. Once she's within rock-throwing range of the fire,  she whips the mophead around to face the fire, then starts blasting waves of snowy air forwards to try and stop the flames from spreading further.
Blurr     The multiverse is just full of surprises, isn't it?

    Blurr has been inside of many machines created by all sorts of different kinds of people from all around the galaxy before, but none look quite like this one.

    Well, all right. At first it seemed kind of typical, with data threads, and panels and what have you, but fire? And furthermore, fire that looked and behaved like actual combustion in physical world? At least, it would appear so.

    Anyway, drawing upon that presumption, he'd search the building's utilities for some kind of fire suppression system. If there is one, it should have activated by now, right?
Liza Grier     The specific reason that Liza had wandered into the part of Sector Zero that has to deal with tangible virtual nonsense is slightly obscure and more of a long story. A hub of internet forums --one of the prime beating arteries of communication and culture in the information age and beyond-- suits her aims perfectly in theory. It's a shame and a problem that it's literally on fire when she gets there.

    She's arrived with exactly the amount of adjusted presence that someone infamous does when they go on line and don't intend to be known instantly, but don't care if someone realizes it was them after the fact, having dressed down to a still very auspiciously red 'episode character of a cyberpunk anime' getup to mingle amongst the navis and other assorted visiting weirdos. There's still a chunky micro-PDA narrowly slotted into a bracelet under her sleeve, currently running an e-mag program, and generally being the most 'real' thing about her half-digital presence. She'd only just set a username too.

    "Oh fuck's sake." are the words first out of her mouth at looking upon the carnage. She glances over her shoulder, but shakes her head right after. No way someone had preemptively set the blaze to prevent her from gathering any information. She hadn't made enough enemies here yet. For now, she settles for punching in some digits on her wrist device, which ejects a dull red crystal like a spent casing, and causes a bolt of bright crimson light to ostensibly drop out of the sky and into her hands, taking solid shape after a single pulsing flash . . . as a fire extinguisher. Just an actual fire extinguisher. Rated for use in microgravity, sized to be hooked to a backpack, with a fancy pressure hose, but it's still just a fire extinguisher; bright red and everything. She pulls the pin and begins spraying as she walks, gushing expanding foam over the data threads and big floating electronic architecture as she heads towards what appears to be the center of the inferno.
Forte Blurr dives into the building, and can find an admin panel fairly easily. What luck!

The controls are easy to understand and well-labeled, too. Unfortunately, they're also all admin-locked. What bad luck!

In order to bypass the lock, Blurr will need to complete a water-sprinkler themed puzzle involving a scavenger hunt through corridors filled with random encounters, capped with an annoying sliding block puzzle to get the admin credentials in order in order to activate the controls. What fun!

(Or he can just hack the controls probably)

Liza and Sierra both arrive on the scene, one shouting instructions and blasting snowy air, the other brandishing a fire extinguisher and deploying it tactically. Both manage to contain the blaze and keep it from spreading...

... and with that, more people manage to get free, nearly emptying out the building as it becomes marginally safer to leave.

"Hey! What's all this, then?"

Someone emerges from another room, floating towards them. This person, using that term lightly, resembles a floating cigarette lighter with arms and a head with flaming eyes and mouth where the striking mechanism would be.

"Someone's dousing my beautiful fire! After I worked so hard to set this whole place ablaze!"

He(?) gestures pleadingly at them. "Look, it's just a bunch of internet forums, nobody cares right? Just let it all burn to the ground in one beautiful blaze of glory!"
Sierra Kereson With the majority of the visitors freed, Sierra breathes a sigh of relief before coughing and hacking at the smoke still being smoke and stinking up her lungs. It doesn't stop her from blasting magical snow out at the flames, but it does keep her from posturing for a little bit. She doesn't quite notice Blurr's arrival during his search of the utilities, but she does spot Liza coming in with that fancy backpack fire extinguisher.

"Huh. I should get myself one of those." She murmurs to herself as she watches her for a few moments, although her attention is quickly grabbed by the lighter-shaped... Thing. Person. Maybe. She doesn't bother hiding her stare as he(?) speaks, using her finger to draw an outline of the person's shape in the air as though she was trying to figure out where the rest of the body is.

"Yeah... Uh. Sorry, but my job's to stop exactly this kind of thing from happening, so..." She shrugs lightly as she pops a squat atop the still-dripping and still-floating mop, wrinkling her nose just a bit at the suggestion to let things burn.

"I can't do that, either. And since you just admitted to all the arson, I'm going to have to take you in. Can't let you go around doing all this freely, you know..." As Sierra speaks with a tired groan, she reaches into her pouch and takes out what looks like a chewable vitamin tablet, then pops it in her mouth and munches away. She doesn't quites top sweating, but she does look a bit more comfortable even in the intense heat from the flames.

Comfortable enough, even, to stand on the mop and twirl dramatically before pointing at the lighter. "So! If ytou don't surrender now, I'll have to mop the floor with you!" She chimes in a far higher-pitched and more artificially upbeat tone than moments ago. Louder, even, which would probably be convenient for any stragglers on their way out.
Blurr     In this strange little corner of cyberspace, Blurr's avatar or whatever it is that represents online people is just the default nondescript silhouette that most sites stick on users who have not set a profile picture. He is able to locate some admin tools--well if there is a fire supression system it ought to be one of these right? Or at least this would likely be the way to get it fixed and active again if it's not responding the way it should.

    Or it could be the way to take control of the entire site...

    Anyway, forget puzzles and scavenger hunts that probably mostly involve things that are associated with other planets' languages and cultures about which he knows very little if anything at all. Instead, he starts attempting to hack through the security, likely by somehow tricking the system into believing he has the appropriate permissions.

    Then someone finally confesses to having committed the arson. That doesn't particularly draw Blurr's interest. Besides, it seems the lady with the cleaning tools has the situation well in hand, and he doesn't exactly consider it his job to enforce other people's laws.
Forte The strange zippo-man takes a step away from the twirled mop, as if expecting it to be a deadly weapon of some sort. "Yeah, so I set the place on fire, whatcha gonna do, huh? Arrest me?"

"Oh, wait, yeah, you just said you would..."

Right about then, a floating window pops into existence a few meters behind and up from the floating lighter person. "HeatMan, what's takin' ya so long! That place should be well ablaze by now, we're behind schedule!" yells the vaguely scottish man looking through the virtual viewing window.

"Sorry Mr. Match! These people showed up and I think they're trying to-"

The sprinklers go off with perfect comedic timing, as Blurr manages to bypass the mandatory puzzle sections of this stage.

"... put out the fire."

"Bah!" yells Mr. Match. "We do this the old fashioned way, then - target the interlopers, an' DELETE! I'm sendin' ya chip data now!"


"Let's get things LIT!" yells HeatMan, flipping forward vertically and doing a handstand - which causes the ground to light up where the combatants are standing, and then erupt into massive pillars of flame!
Sierra Kereson "Y... Yeah. That's-oh. Right, you don't have..." Lapsing back into her usual tone of voice momentarily, Sierra gestures at her ears, squinting briefly at the lighter's head holes. "I mean, unless those are...? Anyway."

She clears her throat, hums briefly to get her voice back to where it was, then grunts in irritation when the floating window pops up with someone else speaking now. Instead of balking at the interruption, though, she takes that moment to marvel at the naming scheme they have going on.

"Heat, Match... Yes, that works perfectly!" Snapping her fingers, she pulls a heftier bottle out of her poich, but holds onto it as she instead jerks back reflexively at HeatMan's offensive maneuver of handstanding at the lot of them!

She's not quite sure what to make of that. "Is... Is this a bit?" She sounds confused at first, but that confusion soon gives way to fright as she notices the ground lighting up beneath her. Sierra's reflexes are mostly on point, though, as she stomps on the front of the mop just in time to fling it and herself forwards, but not without suffering some singing from the flames coming way too close for comfort.

"Hot hot hot! But like they always say, if you can't stand the heat...!" Still hurtling forwards, Sierra flicks that bottle over to grasp it by the head like she's about to swing it. She never finishes that statement, though, as she just keeps hurtling forward and zips over HeatMan at the last moment. She flings that bottle at him from one angle, then swerves sideways and launches her real payload: A vial that bursts open in midair to shower him with numbing poison!
Liza Grier     "Just internet forums." Liza parrots it back in a dry, half-hearted tone that actually suggests she might agree. Her whole posture slowly tilts to the side of 'tired of this' when she releases the handle on the extinguisher for the brief moment the floating lighter makes its appearance.

    When 'Mr. Match' makes his presence known, though, she reverses rather abruptly, straightening back up on her feet and switching her attention to the floating comms window at once. "Communities built by the masses are the first to go, huh? The capacity for average people to communicate and learn is worth that little. If there's even a point to this, it's not hard to guess what it is. And here I was expecting this to be some kind of computer virus or angry DDoS attack." She breaks the cap on the extinguisher pump with a sharp, chicken-neck-snapping twist. "I guess I'll ask when I come for you next."

    When the floor becomes ~~lava~~ fire, Liza's first act isn't one of self preservation, but cocking back and hurling the half-full fire extinguisher with exactly the form of one used to using flying toolboxes to inflict brain damage through armoured helmets. The canister, of course, cannot take the abuse, and ruptures violently, not only sending jagged bits of twisted metal in the ensuing propellant explosion, but dousing a considerable area in thick, asphyxiating foam. The amount of fire it'll put out is significant, but not immediate enough to actually negate the attack.

    Liza goes up in flames in the meantime. It looks like something that would be immensely and debilitatingly painful to human beings in general. The extent to which it was any of those things is left in question when she comes barreling out of the flames in that blood red sealed armour, helmet down, optics glowing menacingly, fists clenched and crackling with electricity. She tackles the navi head on, with the kind of throw-forward approach that's too dangerous to be advisable for anyone not wearing a hundred pounds of armoured tactical gear. The suit gloves flash and spark where she gets her hands, repeatedly recharging and discharging intense electrical shocks fit to cause full body paralysis to a human being. She isn't sure how effective those are on a lighter, so her goal is to pin it down and begin pummeling it repeatedly with the armoured knuckles and see if that or the flashes of lightning do the job first.
Blurr     Score. Blurr pushes past the comparatively primitive security on the admin tools, and finds the fire suppression systems. Why they didn't just activate on their own is still a mystery but one that doesn't need to be pondered right now. Now just what -other- useful things are in here...?

    Suddenly, the floor starts to heat up, and fire jets out of it in a massive column where Blurr's online representative was just now. Only it isn't there any more. It's almost like he teleported from one place to another, completely clearing the flame jets. Fast in the physical world, and even faster in the digital, it seems.

    Now, back to those admin controls. What else can they do? Particularly against some kind of being made of fire. Are there coolants around here for any purpose? Organics use them for preserving food don't they? Or cooling their warm mammalian bodies when it's too hot out? Or you know, for just about anyone, keeping high-power machinery from overheating and combusting spontaneously. Anyway, if there are he'd try to manipulate the system into pushing a large volume of them at once out of the sprinkler spouts nearest Heatman. Fast and high volume equals high pressure....hopefully they aren't too toxic to anyone who is actually physically present.
Forte Forte says, "Ah ha ha! Burn, burn, DELETE, burn!" chants HeatMan, flipping off from the handstand to his feet (or lack thereof). "Ha ha! Yeah! If you can't stand the heat, don't go flinging water bottles around like that! Do you really think you can hurt me with-"

He gets a mouthfull of the actual poison payload as he's talking.

"- Agfhffffph! That tastes foul! What did you hit me with, I can't feel my legs!"

"HeatMan, snap out of it and - hey!" Mr. Match cuts himself off as the foam goes up. "It's a distraction! Dodge her!"

"Dodge who?" says HeatMan, just before getting grabbed and thrown hard to the ground.

"Bah! Of all th' fire navis t' get stuck with... Battlechip! Slot in!"

And then water blasts out of the sprinkler heads, further punishing HeatMan.

"... Dang it, slot in anyway!"


Now the entire floor heats up, emitting a steady stream of heat upwards towards everyone present!"
Sierra Kereson "A gentleman never asks and a lady never tells!" Sierra shouts in return, gloating at HeatMan's reaction to the paralytic goop. Searching her pouch once again, she seems to be having a bit of trouble coming up with something else to throw at him, and she's slowed down further by gawking at Liza opting for the more hands-on approach. Devising a new plan, Sierra finds whatever it is she's looking for just in time for the mysterious sprinkler rain to come courtesy of Blurr.

"Is someone...? Whoever's doing that, keep it up! Sister Fister, drink this!" Yanking yet another vial out of her pouch, Sierra finds her maneuver interrupted by HeatMan's more widespread attack on everyone. Stomping her mop down, the cleaning instrument starts fading into icy flakes as it opens up just enough of a gap in the encroaching flames for Sierra to dive through to relative safety, although she has to stop and bat the flames out of her cape and suffers quite a few nasty burns thanks to not really having anything resembling armor or fire protection.

"This isn't even a kitchen... You could be making so much more money working at a restaurant!" She shouts at HeatMan as she finally tosses that vial towards Liza, the contents designed to amplify her strength and speed for a short while.

Despite being a liquid, it also tastes like the crispy part of a mozarella stick.

"But if it's chips you want, then it's chips you'll have!" Instead of throwing something else at the lighter-shaped thing, she starts chanting in some strange tongue, ominous shapes appearing in front of Sierra. She brings her hand back dramatically as runes swirl about in front of her, and then she backhands the pile of shapes, launching them at HeatMan. The hex bits don't quite hurt on impact, but their true function is revealed as they seek to drain the energy right out of him!
Liza Grier     Though Liza has no idea what she even has a grip on, the fact that it responds to her punching it seems to be enough for her. Between rapid blows of heavy gauntlets against lighter chassis and the flash and crackle of stun glove lightning, she utters the somewhat baffling phrase "Keep it up. You'll go sideways eventually." in a slightly distorted, crackling tone through her faceless helmet speaker. The fact that nothing about this is remotely safe appears to be something she's just willing to deal with.

    She has no idea who Sierra is, but the girl is throwing around questionable bottles filled with powerful conconctions, so she must be a chemist. Liza knows what to do with chemistry. Without even looking, she catches the flying vial with a snap of her hand, then abruptly crushes the glass in her grip. Blood drips from her squeezed palm, but not a drop of the compound within.

    She's only just in time to respond to the new chip turning the whole area into a blazing pyre. Slamming her wrist control, tiny emitters at various points on her suit come on with pinpoints of bright blue light, and contoured bands of tangible energy rise from the suit's surface, thickening and forming glowing layers, which only just start to fade again before the heat crashes into her.

    The field over her suit flares bright blue-white, shimmering like a high-intensity aurora borealis. It keeps the flames at bay long enough for her to get back up again, locate 'HeatMan', and resume her doggedly seemingly-suicidal attack. Layers of the energy barrier flicker, thin, then burn out as the raging flames work through them. A rising whine like a flywheel can be heard from the capacitors straining to recharge the shield against the ambient damage, and gradually losing. Red warning lights blink and an audio cue blares inside Liza's helmet HUD. Down to the last shielding layer, she hits an emergency override, and steam gushes from the backpack ports, venting insulation to buy another twenty seconds.

    It's so she can teleport a sleek black cylinder into her hand from her inventory, thumb the button, and spring forth a hissing blade of bright red energy as long as her arm, and use it to lay a withering assault of heavyweight two-handed slashes on HeatMan, sparing no particular thought to keeping up a guard. Once she spies the opportunity, she suddenly reaches out with her off hand and seeks to grab the navi by an arm, whereupon a metallic card --palmed by sleight of hand at the same time as summoning the e-sword-- attaches and begins automatically forcing a nasty, brute force hacking attempt.
Blurr     And now the -entire- floor is on fire. As fast as Blurr is, if there's nowhere to dodge -to-, it doesn't do him much good. Still, the nondescript avatar manages to avoid the brunt of the damage by clambering up on top of one of those big screens.

    Okay, this guy is -really- starting to get annoying. Him and whoever that guy in the floating window is. Well he definitely doesn't need to be told twice to keep up the coolant assault, at least until there is no more coolant to squirt.

    He focuses his attention on the admin tools again. What else could they do? Or, rather, what could they allow him to get into? He'd try hacking even deeper, push into the backend. Seize control of the whole system, maybe then he could make it forcibly eject him from the site and lock him out permanently. At least delete his account! Or something.
Forte "Aaa- wait, these don't hurt, what's with - AAAA!"

HeatMan gets energy drained. It's not pleasant. It also creates an opening where Liza can just simply slam that hacking card home, destabilizing him further.

"Damnit - get up! I'm loading a program advance!" yells Match through the window, furiously scrabbling through his folder through of battlechips offscreen.

In the meantime, though, as the battle has gone on, there've been some odd little things happening. It's almost like little glitches - literal glitches given physical and visible form, popping up here and there throughout the battlefield - only for brief moments before disappearing, though. They look like off-colored little bits of purple coal.

And when Elza and Blurr launch their hacking attempts, a whole bunch of them pop into existence, spread out throughout the battlefield, and then just as suddenly disappear.




"Get - get off, stop talking about potato chips and kitchens and DIE!"

HeatMan gets to his lack of feet and gets some distance between himself and the combatants, and lifts both arms up, bringing his hands together...

HEAT_SHOT_ ::>              
HEAT_SIDE_ ::>              

And together the hands fuse into a giant FIRE CANNON.


The blast of pure heat that issues forth is simply unbearable, and the whole building is now like the inside of an overheating oven!
Sierra Kereson "How do you like that? Now, lay your lid down, and we can put you into a reform school or something!" Sierra shouts with all the fervor of someone that's less concerned about actually reforming HeatMan and Mister Match, and far more about looking like she's doing a good job in attempting to do so. Between that and throwing questionable 'herbal supplements' at Liza, there's definitely room for improvement in Sierra's attempts to look like the heroic-type.

She's still prepared for the fight to continue, of course, although she's not quite prepared for all those strange visual anomalies. It looks to her like bugs, but... no, that's something she'd only see with bad rendering or something. Unless... These people really aren't costumed crazies?

That's just raising too many questions on top of the ones that already exist. Just what is HeatMan's and Match's plan here? Who's this lady with the suicidal brute force strategy? Who's messing with this lighter avatar from somewhere she can't even see? How the ell is she supposed to get past the wall of flames?!

There's not enough time to figure this out all at once. No time to ask questions, no time to investigate, only enough time to just slow it all down, stop it all, and think. For Sierra, time truly does slow to a crawl before outright stopping, and she takes that internal eternity to weigh her options.

She's already drank one of her anti-heat potions, so the intense residual heat should be bearable. The flames are still going to be a problem, but there has to be an answer somewhere! Maybe... Ice magic? Too slow to stop it outright, but she might be able to pull out just enough to get through the flames and try for a more decisive strike. The other stuff in her pouch? Too expensive to risk using as flame shields.

She'll just have to time it right. As time starts to move in slow motion for her again, she starts drawing more runes in the air while approaching HeatMan. A narrow pillar of ice forms in front of her as the flame wall keeps coming, and she twists sideways right as the flames wash over the ice wall, turning the entire thing into steam and falling droplets of water. There's just enough of a gap, however, that Sierra JUST narrowly slides right past the fire, and...

Time stops for her again. She can feel her heart beating like she's about to have a heart attack, and she just stays like that long enough to actually calm herself down before things move normally once again, and she points at HeatMan dramatically while the other hand reaches up to tilt her pointed hat back just a bit.

"Do you understand what you're dealing with now? This is your last chance to surrender, so take a dive and we can at least make it look good!" She threatens once again, twirling around once before firing off her own burst ice magic at HeatMan in return. Unlike the pillar from before, this burst is distinctly more like an igloo poised to crash into and bury the lighter-man!
Liza Grier     "No point in yelling at it." Liza crackles in response to, ostensibly, Match. "The help can't deal with the fact that you're useless. I'll be finding you next, and I hope for your sake that you have some good answers." The e-mag card bleeps twice to confirm that its hack is finished, and drops off. The peculiarities of the bugged out 'coal' are lost on her, for now.

    This time, the attack is extremely telegraphed. With her hack complete, Liza is privy to the full sequence of program loads and 'chip' combinations. Her spontaneous analysis tells her that it crosses the threshold of something she wants to take to the face in exchange for continuing to assault the fire navi uninterrupted. The better part of valour being discretion doesn't seem to include retreating or taking cover, though; a glassy crunch means more spent telecrystals and a teleporter flash around her left forearm blazes into a broad disc of blue shield light, reinforced into a glassy, circular wall.

    Liza drops to a knee and turns her body behind the e-shield on her arm, leaning into it and engaging her suit's dampening soles to brace against the extreme surge of flame. The device crackles and screeches in front of her, the pane of solid energy fizzling and warping with the sheer injection of heat into its system. The thermal dump is diffused into it, turning the blue a pale violet, then bruise purple, then angry red, and then finally the shield craps out entirely, and the sparking, melted emitter is dropped, clattering at her mildly charred boots.

    Liza has a gun now. Teleported to her location during the attack. It's a very large gun. A belt-fed automatic not meant to be fired without a bipod at minimum, she hefts it in both arms, slaps the charging bolt, links it to her HUD, and then squeezes the trigger on HeatMan, and doesn't let go. The heat inside the building only gets worse when a leaping bonfire of thunderous barrel flash begins spewing through the muzzle brake, roaring with the sound of a tumbling avalanche, drowning out the clattering waterfall of brass ejecta rolling across the floor. It's not particularly fancy, but it's two hundred rounds of heavy armour piercing ammunition fired at nearly point blank, until the barrel tip glows a dull cherry red and the air reeks of smoke.
Blurr     HeatMan probably should have gone for the big AoE again. It's really the only guaranteed way to hit someone like Blurr. As it is, the Autobot saw that oversized flamethrower thing coming a while ago and the little white avatar currently representing him on the forums easily jumps out of the way.

    Still, why isn't the thing just -gone- yet? He should have been able to delete that guy already!

    He did notice those little glitches appearing, but they don't deter him from continuing to attempt to forcibly eject this guy from the site and totally ban him forever. Oh, and instructing the fire suppression systems to direct -all- available coolants to this very room, as well as increasing the water pressure in the pipes to the maximum possible capacity without causing them to rupture before shooting it all out as close as they can get to HeatMan and Match.

    If this place isn't burnt to a crisp after everything, it'll be absolutely drenched.

    But, it seems like the ladies have the situation handled already. It's just as well, he'd rather not draw too much attention to himself around these parts anyway.