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Sierra Kereson The shrine identified as the ideal entry point into the underground has certainly seen better days by the time people start filtering in, whether it's through following the black-haired shrine maiden waiting for them specifically or through finding some other path in through teleportation or other shenanigans. It's not a particularly fancy place, looking like a stereotypical Shinto shrine complete with a large donation box, a nice view of cherry trees in the back, and a rather conspicuous hole next to a hot spring that seems to be the focal point of today's investigation.

While the shrine maiden joins a blonde in the hot spring, multiple oddly dressed figures with varying levels of hat and wings are lingering around said hole in the ground:
One with a poofy cap wearing pink and purple with blonde hair.
One with long horns also wearing pink and purple with blonde hair.
One with a tiny red hat wearing black and white with black hair.
One with floating dolls wearing pink and blue with blonde hair.
One with a large tome and poofy hat wearing pink with purple hair.
One with a massive backpack and green cap wearing blue with blue hair.

The six gathered around the hole are busy muttering to themselves, turning only once they realize that more people are arriving. There's a moment where they talk over each other, but the gist is easy enough to understand: Earth spirits and dangerous youkai have begun emerging from the hole, and they've collectively requested assistance from outsiders to investigate what's going on. Payment will be provided upon identification and neutralization of whatever's causing these emergences.

An opportunity for questions is provided by the six, but some of them seem insistent that the Elites don't waste too much time before heading into the foreboding hole.
Shining Tiger There is a young man in what appears to be a long tanktop-type outfit, black and exposing the sides of his lean muscle and his exposed arms. He's wearing gauntlets and boots that are lightly armored, with pants with what appears to be either a tiger, a dragon, or some mixture of the two on them in gold.

He's got a spear. Attached to it is a big bag, enough to contain someone's house if they were living really cheap. A sword is sheathed to his side, and he twirls the spear around, not allowing anything to fall off it, as he passes by the six people.

"Okay, so you pay me for neutralizing the problem. Youkai. Don't die! Got it. Thanks for the talk!"

And then, the young man, one Shining Tiger, moves to just dash forward and leap down into the hole. He has no time for exposition.
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha doesn't normally make it back to her nation of birth very open. Usually just one or twice a year, depending on events that may be happening with her family. So it's been a while since she's seen Japan. Although this Japan isn't her Japan, it's close enough. Truth be told, Nanoha had not intended to be coming here today. She had other plans. But those plans had to be rescheduled. So now Nanoha has some free time she didn't expect. And the report of potential dangers drew her attention.

    Which is why a streak of pink light can be seen trailing through the sky over this Japan, before slowing and curving over towards the shrine. Nanoha slows to a hover before softly touching down on the path outside the structure. She's already in her combat dress, staff in hand. She gives a smile and a bow of her head to the waiting shrine maiden, before following her in.

    After the brief explanation, there's an offer of questions. Nanoha ponders for a moment. A moment too long apparently as Shining Tiget proceeds to just jump in. Enthusiastic, that one. But Nanoha does have questions, asking, "Is there anything important you can tell us about the spirits we might find in there? Anything useful? Like what to expect from them or how to stop them? Or for that matter, why they're here and what they're intending?" It's a tad strange for a hole into the underground to just appear and start threatening a spirit invasion.
Muramasa Muramasa takes in the sight of a well-kept shrine. It was pleasant to his sensibilities, to say the least -- in both lives he'd lived, the sight of cherry blossoms was soothing. The same way a mooncast night was. But, he wasn't here to relax and wax poetic, he supposes.

His lower body garbed in the attire of a samurai, he adjusts the white haori over his body, its underside a floral silkscreen, as he moves to make an offering with a clap and bowed head. Proper respect had to be shown after all.

And, if he were lucky, he'd be able to make use of those hot springs when all was said and done here, today. The red-haired swordsmith raises to his full height and squares his shoulders, "Mm." he nods, in Nanoha's direction, as she'd asked a useful barrage of questions. In the time it takes her to receive her answer, he reaches down to the lip of the hole and places his hand on it, breathing in. "Trace on."

Structure Analysis, a spell that was able to inform him of the structure and composition of objects or places by filling them with his magical energy. He was hoping to gather information on what to expect down there that way.
Sierra Kereson "Before you go, take these." The one with the floating dolls grabs one of her floating dolls, stringing one of its limbs a few times and casting a quick spell on it before letting the doll float over to the group, pausing to stare as Shining Tiger just dives right into the hole.

"... Can we really trust them with this?" She lets out an exasperated sigh, drawing a chuckle from the one with the poofy cap.

"We'll have to for now. It doesn't look like they'll be getting up anytime soon, and it's not as though we can go in there ourselves." The one with the poofy cap responds, glancing over at the shrine maiden and witch taking it easy in the hot spring. Nanoha's question, meanwhile, draws the attention of the one with the large tome as she closes it and tucks it under her arm.

"Neither the spirits nor the youkai have been particularly dangerous since they appeared, and they've been content to just rest and relax around here. I detected an immense heat signature from further below. I don't know what it is, but it seems powerful enough that even the youkai above ground-"

The one with the massive backpack helpfully gestures at five of the six gathered there, excluding only the one with the tome.

"-would not be able to stop them. As we all live here, we'd prefer if the ground didn't explode out from under us. The youkai underground probably won't kill you, but don't get careless. Their danmaku... Shots will still hurt if you aren't on guard."

Muramasa's analysis of the ole reveals that it's stable enough to enter and exit easily enough, eventually leading into a massive underground cavern that shouldn't be able to exist without everything collapsing on itself. There's a second, larger hole going straight up and down through the cavern that leads to the geyser, providing a second potential entry point that's also incredibly dangerous without sufficient protection against the geyser and heat. Both the cavern and geyser hole go deep enough that it could very well reach the magma layer, the former winding around multiple times through a region that feels strangely 'built'.

Built literally, even, as though there's a city of sorts down there.
Muramasa Removing his hand from the hole, Muramasa nods slightly, a thoughtful frown on his face. He knew where to go, now, but the feedback he'd received was puzzling. Not only was the structure below them impossible by practical means, but as well, it seemed to have been constructed with purpose. Idly, he wondered if they'd find the palace of the dragon king under the aquifer.

Muramasa looks back over his shoulder with a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner. "We appreciate the warning. Danmaku 'shots' is it ... we'll stay on our guard. Alright, I'm heading down now."

Leaving Nanoha to conclude her business, he lowers himself into the hole and drops down.
Shining Tiger Tiger is in the hole first. He lands in a crouch, safely, and then moves to pick a direction. He decides to go down the direction of THE CAVERN, because he has no heat resistance and the geyser will kill him.

While there, if Muramasa catches up, he talks to him. "So, how bad do you think it'll be down here?"
Sierra Kereson OST BEGIN:

Upon descending into the hole, it quickly becomes apparent that the geyser's done a number in this area because it's humid, muggy, and kind of gross. It's not particularly dirty, or at least it's no more dirty than an underground cavern would normally be, but it just feels gross to be in. The cavern is weirdly spacious, too, with stalagmites (or are they stalactites?) and odd outcroppings coming out of the walls and ground to break up the uniformity of it all.

It doesn't take long for the group to start drawing the attention of what's living down there: Multiple smaller creatures (with some that look vaguely humanoid) peek out from side-paths, some with wings, some being little more than glowing balls. There's even a child in a bucket, a black cat, and a couple of farming and household tools gliding around, seeming wary of the group.

Some of them even start attacking the group, firing a surprisingly large amount of colorful balls and beams from several angles. None of them are particularly powerful, though.

One of the larger observers comes forward, wearing a whole lot of brown with a ribbon going around her body thatl ooks vaguely like a spider's web. She floats through the air a few feet above the ground while staring right at the Elites.

"Oh? Humans? How unusual. Are you going to the festival they're having down below?" She squints briefly, not seeming to have too much trouble seeing anyone thanks to the dim light still filtering in from further above. "You look like it."

Another observer approaches wearing a Persian garment in brown and blue, her expression considerably less hospitable than the previous one. "Have humans come to explore the underground? You're better of just going right back where you came."

<<"Be careful. The youkai underground are different from us.">> The voice of the one with the tome comes through one of those floating dolls. The second observer doesn't seem to be paying any mind to the first one, several of those orbs already floating overhead. She doesn't fire just yet, though, as if she's waiting for a response.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      The relative peace of the shrine has likely been disturbed a number of times by the monsters which arise from the hole. It's disturbed again, today, by the steadily growing roar of approaching chemical thrusters, laid atop the whine of some manner of high-tech engine. Flocks of birds depart from trees at the coming of the Green Knight, astride his heavily-armored metal steed.

     The only question he might've asked--'why can't you guys go down there and beat them yourselves'--was answered without him asking. None of the five yokai here could defeat them. Of course... that does leave the shrine maiden, doesn't it? He is a bit curious... but there are monsters down there, someone's home is at risk, and he does enjoy a good fight. As the heavily armored figure dismounts from his bike, it disappears, gradually eaten away by some manner of blue light. A cloak of winter grasses and wildflowers billows out dramatically behind him as he leaps into the hole.

     The sound of his impact is notable, as is the splash, should there be any standing water within the muggy cavern. The beams and orbs thrown his way bounce off of his armor, his patient stride uninterrupted as he advances to bring his strength to bear against the weaker ones--his axe is absent, and this mostly involves pure brute force. Grabbing, crushing with his hands, throwing them against the hard stony walls, until...

     Two observers arrive. One is simply curious. The other, clad in brown and blue, seems hostile. "I am afine where-sum I stond, gramercy," says Bercilak back in a passively challenging tone. If she doesn't want him here, she is welcome to do something about it. Perhaps he even wants her to. The fact that he's now summoned his axe--a straight-edged, beared thing of enormous size. The very point of the edge glows faintly green, sharpened to a single molecule by nanites, the cheek of the head evidently housing some manner of advanced technology for how bulky and blocky it is.

     The doll speaks up--that's convenient! Bercilak speaks to it, looking over his shoulder, the axe casually slung over the opposite one. "Five of six art not strengthi ynough to hondle theim that go above-forth. Yet what of the one with the boke--oth the temple maiden?"
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha blinks as a floating doll makes its way towards the group. It's not the first time Nanoha has worked with a floating doll before. Far from it. She's just not sure what this one specifically does. Regardless, Nanoha does nod, "Thanks." No doubt they'll find out its purpose later!

    Nanoha nods along as her questions are answered. It seems that this group are not entirely sure what's happening down there either. And from the bits of conversation she caught, they can't find out. That leaves it up to the Nanoha and the others! Nanoha smiles, "Thanks for the information and the warning. I'm confident we'll be able to handle ourselves down there." Probably.

    Nanoha makes her way over to the hole, looking down into it after Shining Tiger and Muramasa have already gone in. It's probably the opposite of where Nanoha is used to going, no doubt cramped and providing limited maneuvering options. But Nanoha will make do. She raises her finger, a small pink orb flashing into existence. It brightens, before beginning to orbit Nanoha. She looks down into the hole, "I wonder what monsters we might find down there."

    Nanoha's staff chimes, <The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls.>

    Nanoha blinks at her Device for a moment, before chuckling a little, "Well, that's not creepy at all. Where did you hear that?" Raising Heart simply chimes in response. Nanoha looks back to the hole, before stepping off the edge and floating down into it.

    After the initial drop, Nanoha is actually surprised as the cavern opens up, providing a decent amount of space. Well, that's not so bad! She quickly catches up with the others before beginning to move forward. But soon enough, she notices that they are not alone down here. Which isn't surprising. Though the nature of the creatures observing them is a little unusual. Nanoha's seen some things like this before, though not often...

    Though as they start firing light at at them, Nanoha raises her hand to produce a pink barrier just beyond it. The balls splash against it, but it holds easily enough. It seems these ones are not that dangerous. Nanoha doesn't retaliate immediately, instead trying calm them... They can understand language, right? Well, it's worth a shot, "Please don't shoot. We're not here to hurt you!" Not these ones, anyway. They don't seem to be the dangerous threat those above are worried about. That is apparently coming from further below.

    Thankfully they do actually find some who are willing to talk. Nanoha tilts her head as they are advised of a event happening further down, "Ohhhh? A festival? Well... I guess that's where we're headed?" Nanoha looks at the others she has come with, before looking back, "What kind of festival is it?" She then nods back at warning to be careful, "Thanks. But we need to see what's happening down there."
Shining Tiger As the various youkai attack in the cavern, blasting out, Tiger slides forward, and starts kicking them in the face. Nanoha's saying 'we don't want to hurt you', while Tiger is immediately on the aggressive, proving that wrong. He *wants* to hurt them!

When they reach the actual talkers, Tiger breaks stance, and gives a wave. "Shining Tiger. Are you the ones causing the yokai invasion, or know who that may be?" He wants a fight, and part of him's considering just punching the one who was a little hostile. It's clear on his face, too.
Muramasa Muramasa slides behind Nanoha as she projects her energy barrier, opting to take cover behind it rather than attempt to charge forward, holding his empty hand at his side, as if there were actually a sword there to be drawn. "Right. It'd be best if you all settled down, you don't seem like especially bad youk--"

Unfortunately, any attempt at de-escalating goes out the window as Bercilak and Shining Tiger charge in guns metahprically blazing as they simply smash their way through the mostly harmless small fries. "Was that really necessary..?"

His frown is small but meaningful. But, this isn't the time for discourse regardless, given two more figures appear before them. "So there's a kind of festival going on, huh. The humans who live above this place asked us to resolve the commotion causing youkai to spill out and make trouble above ground." he explains, succinctly.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Muramasa has his answer fairly quickly. "I am the Green Knight. I yeve unto others what-sum-ever is yeven unto me." He's clearly not the one from the middle ages, given his powered armor--but the behavior, the theme of the armor, the fact that he's swinging an axe around and especially (though somewhat anachronistically) the manner of speaking all track. "Note thee I hath smiten not ani which yeve me the ilk-same courtesi."

     His t-visored, horned helmet returns to the two youkai who've been willing to use their words first.
Sierra Kereson <<"That, and we're not... Permitted to go down.">> The one with the large tome (Patchouli) responds through the doll.
<<"It's an awkward situation.">> The older one with the poofy cap (Yukari) adds. <<"But yes, we would have gone down if we could. The shrine maiden... We would have sent Reimu, but...">>
<<"They're too comfortable.">> The one with the dolls (Alice) replies with a somewhat annoyed tone. <<"It's a hot spring, and it's drawing visitors to the shrine.">>

"Are you talking to yourself? How strange. Even your language is weird." The one with the spider webs (Yamame) peers at Bercilak, curiously at first, then more warily as he manifests that axe. She launches several long strands of webbing at the rock formations around her, pulling herself backwards to give herself some distance from the green knight in particular.

Nanoha gets a warmer response, although she still looks wary. "They're having a big feast down there now. They won't turn away anyone, but... You're looking for the
power of the youkai who got banished down here, right?"

The one in the Persian garb (Parsee) stands her ground, raising her hand briefly as more of those glowing balls start to form. "Are you coming to look for our cursed power? Humans truly are foolish." She shakes her head, turning to Shining Tiger with her eyes narrowing at his expression moreso than his questions. "So what if we are? Why not? I'm jealous of the light above ground. I'm jealous of the gentle breezes!"


Parsee fires off a volley of shots, spreading out from behind her in a fan-like motion to try and catch everyone off guard. at "I don't have anything against you, but I can make up lots of reasons to attack you!"

Yamame seems a little more relaxed about the whole thing, at least, but that doesn't stop her from firing off her own spells, bullets trailed by spider webs that create a thoroughly unpleasant and stomach-churning sensation. "I don't know anything about who's going up there, but I've seen plenty of them passing by. If they are..." She replies to Muramasa and tops it off with a shrug, zigzagging well ahead of time to try and make herself a harder target. "Well, I haven't punished a human with diseases in a long time. I may as well have some fun!"
Shining Tiger As Yamame and Parsee reveal that they are in fact, up to no good, Tiger starts moving. The shots blast into him, sending him reeling in pain, but he keeps pushing as he tries to dodge, before seeing those spider-web bullets. He leaps on top of one, specifically on the web trailing it, and starts running along it, back towards Yamame! The poison bleeds through his shoes to almost knock him off and deal some damage, but he keeps moving, as a silver aura of energy starts to flare up around him.

"Sure thing! Let's have some fun. Nice to meet you!"

And then he moves to just kick Yamame in the face, leap off into the air to kick Parsee, and try and zone around them to prevent maneuvering!
Nanoha Takamachi     A big feast? Nanoha wonders what exactly it is that they eat... Hopefully nothing too disturbing. As they are asked whether they are searching for the 'power of the youkai', Nanoha looks confused. She's not aware of what they're talking about. But it might explain a little about what's happening down here. Power tends to draw others to it, for good or for bad. And if it's for bad... Well, that could be bad for the surface.

    Unfortunately, diplomacy breaks down as these Youkai become agitated. One looks to be acting cautiously, but the other two are actively looking for a fight. Nanoha frowns, "It doesn't have to come to this!" But apparently it's too late. Nanoha raises her hand, once again a Round Shield forms beyond it, the pink spell circle absorbing some of the bullets fired by the two. But the shield quickly cracks and then shatters, allowing several shots through.

    Nanoha grunts and backs up a bit, floating up a little into the open space of the cavern. She raises her staff above her head. Diplomacy did not work. Perhaps a show of force will make them think twice. Nanoha calls out, "Axel Shooter..." A dozen orbs of pink appear in the air around Nanoha. She then says, "Avalanche Shift!" Another dozen orbs appear, and another. It seems like the Aerial Mage is no without her own danmaku.

    Finally Nanoha swings her staff down towards the two Youkai already attacking the group, finishing with, "Shoooot!" The orbs begin to burst into beams of light that dance their way through the air towards Yamame and Parsee. One of the other, multiple of them at a time, Nanoha keeps up the pressure of the beam assault, guiding them in from multiple directions at multiple times to keep them guessing.
Muramasa Muramasa, though a heroic spirit, is only a pseudo-servant in this incarnation .. in other words, his body was just as physical as a normal human's, rather than a massive clump of ether given form, as was usually the case. Even with the magic resistance ability of the Saber class, all of the curses and bullets of energy being thrown around would bypass his defenses easily if he were hit directly. "So it's a fight, then? I'm just a blacksmith, but if you won't back down ... !"

        "Trace on."

Green light spills from his hand, wrapping like a wireframe into the shape of a sword and sheathe, swerving his body through the openings he could find in the bullet hail, stomach turning as his arms and sides are grazed by the multitudes of projectiles. The blade seems to hum aggressively as Muramasa dives forward at superhuman speeds, a lightning fast barrage of thrusts that appear almost like one motion launched at Parsee. "In a single stroke."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Hmph. He figured that it might be the case--that it was laziness. He thought so, from the moment he saw the spring. Were it not for the others who make their home here, he'd turn and leave. This 'Reimu' shall need to be tested--for if she's comfortable sitting in a hot spring or chatting with visitors while her home, the shrine, is in danger from monsters or cave-ins, he's unsure if /anything/ will spur her to action. Unsure of her virtue--of whether she deserves her station.

     Yamame and Parsee are not attacked, just as he said to Muramasa, until they make attacks upon him.

     From that moment, the axe comes off his shoulder, and he gives it a twirl, warming himself up. "What is that to me?" he asks of Parsee's jealousy. Parsee's shots thud against his armor, occasionally causing his upper body to flinch from the impact--but his movement is unhindered. Danmakus 'bihowe' him not, it seems, though he does weave with surprising agility so as not to block Nanoha's shooting, once he notices friendly bullets. Tiger was in a hurry to fight them, but he keeps up that patient stride despite juking around Nanoha's bullets, or turning aside to let Muramasa past.

     "Wende above-forth *withoute* smitinge theim that bilive ther-awei." Where the green plates are struck, they are briefly burnt and scored, but the metal quickly begins to mend itself. Even Yamame's poison shots don't seem to bother him for long after the initial impact.

     The haft of the axe lands with a metal clank in the opposite palm. He's ready. Bercilak steps forward with his left foot, the edge of the axe on the right side of his body. He swipes, disciplined, fast, right to left, at Parsee, ignoring Yamame for the moment. It's a feint. The real attack is even faster, the axe halting at the apex of its swipe as he makes three rapid thrusts with the blunt eye of the head, attempting to stun her with battering blunt strength.

     For such a big guy, he's quick--as he pulls the weapon back from the last thrust, he changes his grip masterfully, the head now on the left side, both hands easing up to make a longer reach as he attempts to hook her ankle into the gap between the beard and the haft, and pull her off her feet!
Sierra Kereson "Don't you know? Fighting is how we solve things here. It's fine as lnog as you follow the rules!" Yamame chimes in response to Nanoha, seeming amused by thewhole thing staying as far as possible from Muramasa and Bercilak. Their weapons are still pretty freaky, after all.

"Nice to meet you! Let's see how long you last!" Yamame's agility is impressive, as demonstrated by avoiding exactly one of Nanoha's beams and still managing to reply to Shining Tiger. That doesn't last for long, though, as that maneuverability with both flight and spider webs isn't enough for her to compete with a fight hobo launching himself at her foot-first. She yelps at the impact, flying back several feet and considerably shaken to the point that she can't quite see the rest of Nanoha's attacks coming her way until it's already too late, and there's a distinctly loud explosion by the end of it!

Guessing where those beams are going isn't really a thing she nor Parsee can do, either, the angrier of the two youkai having her own issues in dealing with everything coming her way. With the beams coming from several directions and Shining Tiger coming from another, the best she can do is brace for impact. She does seem considerably sturdier than the web-wielder, at least, although that's of little comfort to her when the rapid-fire laser barrage and swift kicks fling her right into Muramasa's and Bercilak's waiting weapons.

At least she's sturdy enough to not get skewered entirely, just mostly. Parsee takes the bait from Bercilak's feint and dodges right into his followup thrust. Whether it's instinct or pure dumb luck, she actually manages to brace her hands in front of that axe head to take the impact there instead of in her gut, but her attention being focused entirely on not getting battered by his flurry leaves her open to Muramasa's own rapid thrusts. She only sees the one and tries to do what she did with Bercilak's early thrusts, but that only ends up leaving her everything-else open to terrible stabbing.

Overall, it doesn't take much to stop Yamame and Parsee. Although they had been considerably more dangerous than the smaller youkai, the Elites' combined might proves to be too much for them. Yamame is still conscious, if extremely dazed while Parsee has already passed out in a hunched over pose.

<<"You really did a number on them. Oh, we're almost there!">> The horned one (Suika) pipes in through the dolls next, sounding somewhat excited despite not being physically present. Somehow, though, the doll she speaks through looks considerably more animated than the others. <<"The world where we live is just ahead!">>

She certainly sounds excitable about that for some reason.
Shining Tiger Yamame will be a fierce opponent...Tiger seems excited, until, she immediately goes down.

"Oh. Okay!" He didn't even get to draw his sword!

Instead, he listens to Suika, and moves over to Yamame and Parsee. "You guys have any loot?" If not, he shrugs and moves on deeper into the caverns. He's trying to formulate a technique, but he needs to see more of one of the others for that.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak's axe halts the moment Parsee is downed. There's no need for anything further. Shouldering it once again, he steps over her and advances, his slow march resuming. Heavy footfalls clank against the rocky ground within the cavern, echoing throughout. Though he nods at Yamame, his words are reserved for the communication dolls.

     Since they've got a bit of time... "Hark, Reimu." If it isn't her that answers, trust and believe he'll pull a 'put Reimu on the phone. "What manere of shrine maiden relaxen in a spring owhils her shrine and hom be endaungered bi devels from bineth?"
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha actually feels a little less concerned as Yamame mentions that fighting down here is common. And that there are rules. Nanoha's aware of places that have similar teachings. And for the most part they are good places to live. A little different to what many consider the norm. But being open minded to such differences in societies is important for someone who travels across worlds frequently. Plus people living in societies like that tend not to get to excessive, like fighting to the death no matter the cost.

    As their opponents prove to be surrendering or otherwise knocked out, Nanoha ends her bombardment and breathes a quiet sigh of relief. She floats back down to join the others, looking them over, "Are you alright? Anyone need a break or shall we continue on?" Apparently they're almost there.

    Though as Shining Tiger approaches the two downed Youkai to check them for drops, Nanoha frowns, "That's rude!"
Muramasa Muramasa pulls back, pointing the tip of his sword towards the ground as both of their opponents cease fighting back. One of them, he event felt rather bad for. Maybe it was the way that hunched over pose looked, but it was the appearance of someone who had been well and truly defeated.

Muramasa's eyes look over to Bercilak in a small squint of approval before he turns away -- if he was going to chew out that shrine maiden, there was no need for him to do so as well. Besides, Bercilak's vernacular was good for delivering such a tongue lashing.

The sword he held cracks and shatters into light as they begin to move forward. "Thank you for your concern, but this body is as spry as can be -- I've still got plenty of energy to spare." he nods to Nanoha, with a thumbs up, before the group collectively mosies forth.

His only reaction towards Shining Tiger is an incredibly disappointed look. You know, the kind old people give kids who skateboard and dye their hair and talk about eating shorts.
Sierra Kereson "Loot? If you're looking for stuff, you'll want to head further in." Yamame replies with a pained grimace as she points further into the cavern with one hand, then starts rubbing the bruise from getting kicked square in the face. "Normally, you'd have to get permission from Parsee, but..."

Parsee groans.

"She'll be fine. Be careful going further in, though. There's way stronger youkai than us, and they'll eat you up if you aren't careful." Yamame warns with a pained giggle, lurching over to Parsee to start dragging her off to safety.

Reimu, meanwhile, doesn't answer right away following Bercilak's query, although one of the dolls does slump a bit after a few moments.

<<"It's not hurting anyone. The spirits up here are peaceful, and it's drawing in more visitors to the shrine. Why would I stop it?">> Despite her irritated tone, Reimu doesn't sound like she's getting fired up at all. She's probably still lounging around in that hot spring.


After the dust settles from the battle against the two youkai and everyone's ready to proceed onwards, the cave continues further downward. Muramasa's earlier readings of an underground city prove to be true, as the Elites find what appears to be... An underground city! One that's in the middle of the festival that had been mentioned earlier, even, judging from all the noise and smells. There's food stalls, cheers and shouts indicative of people carousing and drinking way more than they should be, and there's even shady vendors peddling wares and surface goods like cell phones and multi-tools.

If not for some of the locals accosting the group, there'd be more time to actually check it all out. One in particular is even nearly as tall as Bercilak, and she doesn't even pelt the group with bullets. Instead, she just hurls a massive boulder right at the center of the group, then leaps after it to shatter the giant rock with flying kick that launches fragments of stone all over the place.

When that dust clears, the figure responsible can be heard and seen laughing. The horned woman with the manacles and strikingly statuesque figure (Yuugi) appears to be in good spirits, moreso when she takes a sip from the sake dish in her hand. "Hey, you're pretty good. Dunno who you are, but they say a rowdy welcome is best for a rowdy guest!"

She laughs raucously, resting one hand on her hip as she glances at each person in the group as if sizing everyone up. "Is this what surface fashion is now? But you don't look like the ones just above us... They almost never come down here." She shrugs, then holds her hand forward and flicks her hand back in a 'come on' sort of gesture. "Whatever. I like you! We'll have lots more fun, so let's keep going until you can't take it anymore!"
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak will Remember That. He scoffs at 'not hurting anyone.' "Outnome thy hom-mates, per happes."

     The sight of the festival in the underground city draws a smile to his face. Unfortunately, no one else can see it, because of the helmet. As the last of his wounds heal up from the earlier fight, he pauses, smelling something. The helmet comes off--and those who haven't met him will see, for a moment, that he is indeed the /Green/ Knight. Got green skin, a green mohawk, and a green beard thick as a bush, this one--as well as startling red irises. Looking over his shoulder at the others, he grins, his helmet tucked under his arm. "Illeoqs!" he exclaims, his head nodding towards the food stands. "Fried ietinge!" He's all about getting some of that.

     But the locals aren't. The boulder is hurled, clipping him with such force as to bowl him over. When Yuugi's strike shatters it, shrapnel breaks against his armor, one piece even lodging into his face--before it is alarmingly pushed out by his extremely quick healing factor. "Bahaha!" He gets to his feet, nodding at her and slipping the helmet back on. "Irighte thou art! COME AT ME, THANNE, MINE COURTEISLI HOSTE!"

     The axe is readied once more, and Bercilak charges in--but not on his feet. Microthrusters embedded in his armor push him across the ground, his cape flowing behind him as he leans forward to shoulder check their horned host. They cut off immediately after the tackle, and Bercilak presses his attack, stepping forward. His grip chokes up on the axe, revealing more of the haft, which he slips behind Yuugi's neck with expert precision, attempting to wrangle and throw her towards the others!
Shining Tiger Both Nanoha and Muramasa are disappointed in Tiger, but at the very least, he doesn't try to take stuff from them when they tell him to go further inside. Instead, the martial artist heads in to see the festival, where there's an underground city, and a massive woman hurling boulders. The boulder comes flying in at the center of the ground, and when it shatters, the fragments smash into Tiger, who bats several away with his fist and takes several more through his aura. He burns it brighter, ramping up his superhuman ability, and...

Removes his bag, sets it on the ground where he can keep an eye from it, and grabs his spear. There's a wild grin. "Good to know! Shining Tiger, human from up above, will fight you! In fact, I see your heart!" His aura begins to glow brightly, as his fist starts to power up. "I've learned a new technique! Screaming Quake Fist!"

But he does not use it. Instead, he charges forward, and moves to jab that spear straight into her stomach, before pulling it up to go under her chin. He's not trying to kill her - just do rapid blows and cause damage, and also wear at her defenses!
Muramasa         " -- ?!"

Muramasa brings both arms up to shield himself as the rock nearly crushes him, only to be sent flying from the colossal impact of the Oni's kick. His armored boots slide across the stone floor, sparks flying. He didn't seem shocked at all to have found an entire town down here, though it did confirm that his sensing earlier did not lie; it was a curious case. But that was so for many things in life."So, you just wanna' scrap with us until you're bone tired? Fine. I already know you all like to settle things as rowdy as possible down here, so I don't mind it. Fair's fair, we'll just beat answers out of you."

He preferred not to fight if it wasn't necessary, but as far as youkai and oni went, these ones weren't half bad, so he didn't mind humoring them. Bringing his hands down into a drawing position, he quickly projected a sword with a pitch black scabbard, reinforcing the damaged portions of his body with magecraft to keep his performance topped up.

Charging forward with a z-formation slash, he quickly hops back and extends his hand, glowing lines racing down his arm. "Now!"

    "Sword Barrel Open Up!"
A hail of sharp weaponry rains down at the oni, almost like danmaku in its own way as he changes his stance to grip his blade with both hands, its form being altered through magecraft to transform into an odachi twice his height, filled to the bursting point. "I'll borrow this. HOOH!"

Muramasa slashes down, splitting the air with a blast wave of energy.
Nanoha Takamachi     As the city comes into view, Nanoha's eyes go wide at the sight, "This is incredible!" She's been in underground bunkers, underground caves, underground ruins... But an underground city like this? It's remarkable. Nanoha starts getting excited at the prospect of walking the city's streets. Especially at the height of a festival!

    Unfortunately that excitement is curbed as a large boulder comes flying at them. Nanoha swiftly bursts to the side, stopping into a hover after avoiding the heavy impact. But that was just the attack's preparation! The real meat of the attack quickly follows as the rock explodes, unleashing a wave of debris.

    Nanoha steadies herself, raising her arm to cover her face as the bits of rock pelt her. Her barrier jacket thankfully absorbs much of the force, but she still feels the impacts, causing her to wince. She'll probably be a little bruised for a while.

    Nanoha lowers her arm again and looks at their attacker, "Look, we're not here for trouble! We're just trying to find out what's going on-" However, she blinks as she is asked about her fashion, "A-Ah..." She looks down at her combat dress, then back up again, "W-Well, not really, no. It's actually a bit more on the unusual side, as far as everyday fashion goes. Ah-" Apparently now is not the time for a fashion discussion though as the others begin to attack back. Drawn in by the combative nature of this society, Nanoha figures she should probably join in too. This may be one of those situations where showing strength is the only way to get respected here and that might get them some answers!

    So Nanoha levels her staff towards Yuugi, a spell circle appearing on the ground beneath Nanoha. While the others move in to engage Yuugi up close, keeping her busy, Nanoha charges up her spell. The orb of pink forms beyond the tip, quickly growing in size.

    Nanoha waits for her opening as the others unleash their own strikes that Nanoha follows up with her own, calling out, "Photon Smasher!" The large orb bursts, a large beam of pink rushing outwards to smash into Yuugi, before continuing onwards. Of course, Nanoha has aimed the shot to NOT hit the city, the beam fading out into nothing before it hits the wall of the cavern. Just in case it might cause some debris to fall.
Sierra Kereson Bercilak's and Shining Tiger's apparent amusement mirrors that of Yuugi's as the oni meets their attacks head on, not resorting to firing streams of bullets despite that seeming to be the preferred strategy for this region of the world's denizens. No,she's content to just stay right there on the ground, stomping forward and shaking the ground beneath her as she steps right into Bercilak's shoulder-check with her own shoulder. Although he can feel something giving way beneath his charge, there doesn't seem to be any discomfort on Yuugi's face whatsoever.

She looks excited. "Not bad, giant kappa! But..." She peers at his helmet briefly. "How do you keep the water in?"

Shining Tiger comes in with his spear, and Yuugi's doesn't miss a beat as he comes in. Still holding that sake dish perfectly level, her free hand swings over to catch the spear right in her palm, not seeming particularly bothered by getting stabbed right through the hand like some kind of beefy stone-faced muscleman. "That's more like it... It's been ages since I had a real fight here! Not that I mind spell card duels, but it's just not the same, you know?"

That last bit seems to be directed more at Muramasa and Nanoha. Muramasa's rain of weapons is met with a barrage of danmaku manifesting nearby, Yuugi's own bullets swirling around until they form dense blue spheres that only manage to stop a few of the oncoming weapons while the others nick at her from the sides. Bercilak's maneuver catches her just in time, however, as the green knight catches the oni around the neck and manages to fling her right into the odachi's wave of power.

Of course she's not going to dodge it. She braces her free arm and one leg up to withstand the blow entirely, smoking and bloodied, but not losing any of that boisterous spirit or her laughter from earlier.

"Very good... So where are all you from, anyway? It's been way too long since I've seen outsiders, but I can tell none of you are from around here You're strong for humans... I haven't felt this excited in a long time!"


With Nanoha firing at her from range, Yuugi does adjust her tactics just a little bit. As she engages with the three melee fighters at close range, waves of bullets start bursting out from around the four almost like the lines of a flower. The air outside of jump-kicking range starts to fill with a strange energy. It's uncomfortable at first, signaling what's to come next: Explosions of pure white energy that are just as visually impressive as they are dangerous to the flier.

The explosions don't stop there, however. They flow inwards back to Yuugi as she raises her fist, glowing white from concentrating all that energy into that one spot. She stomps her foot once before dashing forward at each of the melee warriors, delivering a single punch at each one of them that inexplicably feels less like a punch and more like being crushed from several directions at once!
Shining Tiger Yuugi takes the spear through the hand. Tiger is impressed, as he pulls it back out, backs up, and prepares another attack...but then visually impressive explosions echo around them, and...!

A massive crushing fist. It comes flying into Tiger. He just smiles, and moves to leap up. He goes up, and then lands back on top of her hand, replying. "You're really cute! -er, cool, but you're cute too! You know how to live the good life. I'll have to come down here again and fight you again sometime, but for now, let's finish this up..."

Leaping up off her fist, Tiger moves to land behind Yuugi, and then turn rapidly. He moves to land a punch straight into the small of her back with a full force of silver ki behind it, heating up enough to burn into her flesh and sear it lightly. She'll probably be fine, no real scars, but it should be devastating.
Nanoha Takamachi     Bullets begin to fly out from Yuugi, beginning to explode in the air. Including around Nanoha. The Aerial Mage quickly blasts off, weaving her way around the bullets, dodging their explosions as she tries to stay ahead of them. As she does so she calls out to her Device, "Raising Heart, watch the patterns and plot a course through the barrage!" The staff chimes, just as a bullet catches Nanoha in the chest.

    Briefly blown off course, Nanoha recovers her controlled flight. Her white jacket is a little scorched where the explosion caught her. But she's still intact! And thus she continues the aerobatics. But it seems it's not just to avoid the danmaku while her partner prepares. She's also forming a bunch of her pink orbs, dropping them behind her to hover in the air while she flies.

    It takes Raising Heart time enough for Nanoha to do a full orbit of Yuugi while dancing around the explosions. But finally the Device chimes, <Pattern determined. We can do it.>

    Nanoha nods, coming to a halt as she points her staff towards Yuugi and calls out, "Meteor Striker!" All the orbs laid out by Nanoha in an orbit around Yuugi all burst simultaneously. They rush forwards as beams, zipping their way through the barrage of exploding bullets, skirting the edges and passing through openings as they make their way in towards Yuugi herself. But not exactly on Yuugi.

    All the beams reach the same point at the same instant, combining into one large beam just a short distance away from Yuugi and blasting at her.

    After her attack, Nanoha comes to a hover replying, "No, definitely not from around here. But a place called Midchilda. You should check it out some time, I think you'd enjoy it!"
Muramasa The blade of the odachi shatters after the slash, leaving him with fading motes of light in hand to guard himself with. "Geh .. !"

She was one tough nut to crack. But then again, Oni usually were. "We came here to assist the shrine with its troubles." he answers, nebulously, with an even expression. Sucking in his breath, he barely avoids getting flattened by her sudden attack, his evasion leaving her knuckles scraping a gash across his chest from the force alone that sends him flying. The swordsmith firmly plants his feet against the red tiled bend of one of the nearby roofs to push himself back, damaging it in the process. "Sorry..!"

His ribcage had been rattled from that blow. He knew for certain that would have taken him out of the fight if it had hit him dead on. "You don't mess around, do you, Oni?"

Taking the moment of breathing room afforded by the ever aggressive and stalwart pair of Bercilak and Shining Tiger, he quickly rolls over the options in his head before deciding on one, beginning the process of projection. "Trace on."

He traces Touta Konoe's black katana, the Juryokuken. Muramasa floods it with energy, causing it to become powerful. To become Broken.

Its form warps and grows, curving like a wicked wing as Muramasa leaps into the air with a spinning slash. "Twenty Times! Tengu Slash Cannon!"

The sword, as its name implied, had the ability to control gravity to magnify its attack power. The sword explodes with a powerful burst of force that he aims to smash down on Yuugi and bury her with twentyfold the force of his previous slashing attack. Of course, he was not an immortal vampire, and so he couldn't use the sword to anywhere near its full physical capabilities even if he could draw them out. Even with this much, he could feel the backlash cracking the bones in his arms.
Shining Tiger Also, Tiger remembers to answer her question, mid-strike. "Oh, right! I'm from China. But I travel everywhere!"
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "'Tis inside of me!" It's true. That's where he keeps his water.

     Where is he from? "From the sondred, brakken spirit of the planet Rubi-ka!" That's the easiest and most succinct way to describe the Shadowlands, the location of his current living arrangements. As she is flung towards the other close-range fighters by the butt of his axe's haft, Bercilak marches forward, armored boots clanking against the rock. He looks, curiously, from left to right, as Yuugi's projectiles form an interesting pattern.

     "Bihowinge..." he notes with interest. His hands travel down the haft, holding it towards the butt to make a blow that capitalizes on the weapon's reach. He thinks, because he's not from Around Here, that simply not touching the little orbs is all there is to it. When they explode the first time, he is proven wrong. Forced back, his swing knocked off course, Bercilak's armor plates are stripped from the space-age fiber below.

     "A most strengthi smite thou hath! Bahaha!" Those microthrusters kick on again as he attempts to charge her once more--only to take the brunt of the second explosion. When the smoke clears, everyone will spot the last few seconds of the Green Knight's head and right arm regrowing, the last bit of green skin stretching over red muscle.

     Having survived the blast head-on, Bercilak, closer now, switches his grip again, choking up all the way to the beard, holding with one hand, and punching forward with the blade to try and keep Yuugi in the final blast of Nanoha's Meteor Striker.

     As Muramasa moves in for his own attack, Bercilak, now unhelmed, grins mischievously. That looks like it could be something. Returning to a two-handed grip, he attempts to grapple the Oni, pitting his brute strength against hers to hold her, with the haft as leverage, in a clinch, while Muramasa makes those twenty strikes.
Sierra Kereson "'Cute?' Are you brave? Or are you a fool?" Yuugi's laughter echoes even with the sounds of the city around them and the noise of the ongoing battle, and Shining Tiger can even feel it reverberating from his stance right atop her hand. "Heh... Doesn't matter. You're strong, so come back anytime!"

As he jumps behind her, her attention is momentarily stuck to Bercilak when he charges in, holding her in place long enough to force her attention to the axe he's trying to hold her in place with. She slams her hands right onto his weapon to start grappling with the green knight, trying to pry him right off.

Also, it gives her a better view of his mohawk. "What kind of dish is that...?" For the first time during this fight, Yuugi sounds genuinely confused. It doesn't detract from her strength one bit, but there's only one of her and four of them. Furthermore, that distraction proves to be the beginning of the end.

Muramasa is the first to explain something about their purpose in coming down. "Shrine? Oh, the one with the barrier. No wonder they were able to afford people this strong. I guess I should thank them if I ever go up there!" Once again, Yuugi laughs despite her considerably bloodied state, even cracking audibly from the simple act of turning her head to Muramasa.

"And no, I can't mess around when I fight. Not fighting at your best is an insult to any warrior, so don't hold back!" Watching his next weapon materializing, she makes absolutely no effort to avoid the blow in favor of bracing her arms upwards to take it directly from overhead. With her arms raised, however, there's no chance of her defending against Shining Tiger when he slams his fist right into her back, a distinct searing noise coming from her back and a rumbling from her throat as he digs right in with that silvery ki strike.

Before she can move from that spot, Nanoha's orbs fall into position and explode right on top of Yuugi. The smoke doesn't even have a chance to clear as the beams start coming in, blasting her with shot after shot after massive beam directly impacting against the oni's massive frame. There's a distinctly odd exploding noise, and when the dust clears...

When the Yuugi's still standing. She's smoking, bloodied, and covered in burns, but she's still standing.

"Well done! I love how strong you are! We're friends from now on." Yuugi announces to a cacophony of cheers from the party-going youkai that had been watching their battle, finally taking a seat right on the spot and lifting her dish to her face. She tilts it back, then holds it away only to realize...

It's empty. She starts laughing again. "Would you look at that? Not bad! Not bad at all." Resting the dish in her lap, she reaches over to grasp her shoulder, wincing briefly as she pushes it hard with a loud popping noise.

"There's more than just the four of you there, right?" Yuugi looks over the group of Elites, eventually spotting the dolls just as one of them starts speaking again.

<<"Yuugi, long time no see!">> Suika's voice chimes in suddenly, actually getting Yuugi to stare at that one in particular.
"Huh?  That drunken voice... Is that Suika!? You look really different now. When did you pick up those tastes, anyway?"
<<"That's not her. It's one of my dolls.">> Alice speaks through a different doll with only a bit of annoyance in her tone. <<"And what do you mean by 'those tastes'?">>

Yuugi laughs once again, even clapping a hand against her leg before turning right back to the Elites without answering that question at all. "So! Who are you, anyway? Why did you come down here?"
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha slowly floats down to land on the ground once more as their opponent seems to be admitting defeat. And with the battle over, Nanoha has a new friend? This has totally never happened to her before. For reals.

    But seriously, Nanoha smiles after the battle is concluded. She's done plenty of serious battles where people's lives are on the line. She's also done plenty of lighthearted battles where the only thing on the line is pride. And maybe a harmless bet. The latter are always better, so it's nice this was one of those. Plus it seems that Yuugi is willing to talk now, which is a bonus.

    Nanoha walks up to Yuugi, holding out a hand to shake, "Nanoha Takamachi. Not bad! That was a lot of explosions. As for why we're here..." Nanoha taps her chin thoughtfully, "We were asked to investigate the happenings down here by those on the surface. Out of concern for what might be going on. Though so far it all seems relatively fine. There doesn't appear to be any trouble?"
Muramasa Muramasa lands on the cracked stone ground with a shudder. The Juryokuken had shattered once he'd finished slashing it, thankfully the fighting seemed to have reached a relative concliusion for now, given his arms felt like lore, battered and beaten puddy. "Friends, eh ... well, as far as violent rough and tumble types go, you're not too bad."

Honestly, he was both impressed and relieved that Bercilak didn't seem to have suffered any of the collateral damage from his attack. He'd gone well deep in to ensure Muramasa's blow landed true, and it was appreciated. Nodding, he faces Yuugi.

"Right. Basically, the people up top are getting bothered every night. You said something about a barrier being down?" he addends, after Nanoha speaks.

    "Also, I'm a simple blacksmith. You can call me Muramasa, I guess."
Shining Tiger After the fight, Tiger smiles. "Yeah, see, told you people become friends after fighting, shifu!" Strawberry Princess isn't here, and therefore can't hear him.

To Yuugi, Tiger replies. "I'm here to fight people and get paid. Shining Tiger, practitioner of the Radiant Heart Style!"
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak shoulders the axe, the armor gone from his thickly muscled right arm slowly regenerating--much more slowly than the plates which were merely damaged. There are, certainly, a few spots where he did suffer the leftovers of Muramasa's blows--but even though a couple of those spots appear to have broken through his armor, there is not so much as a peep of complaint from him. He knew was he was getting into! Besides, it was kind of cool.

     "Wel met, frend," says Bercilak to Yuugi. "I am Bercilak of the High Wasteland, cleped als the Green Knight." Yuuga's wounds heal noticeably faster--as do those of his allies--simply for being in his presence.

     "Nanoha, Tyger," he says, nodding respectfully towards them both. It's good to meet them in person! His helmet, notably, isn't regenerating. Maybe he'd prefer to keep it off at present.

     "Nanoha spekes sothli," says Bercilak to the oni with a smile and a nod. "The devels above-forth, and the shrine maiden Reimu, bid us wend here-awei bicause thy felaues up-comen to make batail with theim at the shrine." He pauses. There was also mention of a cave-in, wasn't there?

     "Oth that," he continues, "To brak the shrine wholli. I questioun whither she is worthi of her stacioun, hau-sum-ever. Charged with guarding the shrine, she relaxen in a hot spring instedde. Hmph." He spits.

     As a matter of fact... he's going to go do something about that. "I shalt espy thee al latter." The Green Knight clanks his way back the way he came, brow set in determination as damaged plates mend themselves, cut fiber re-knits, and destroyed armor slowly is made anew.
Sierra Kereson "Yuugi Hoshiguma. I was one of the Big Four of the Mountain with Suika, Yuugi the Strong!" She smacks her chest for emphasis with her introduction finally coming forth, rotating her shoulder shortly afterwards to work out some of the kinks from the battle mere moments ago.

To Nanoha: "Concerns? What, is it getting too hot up there because of one little geyser? It came from below, but it hasn't given us any trouble." She strokes her chin while peering over at said geyser in the sort-of distance as it launches yet more superheated water above ground.

To Muramasa: "If the barrier's down, we wouldn't know. Us youkai from the underground made an agreement with the youkai up there to stay out of each others' territory. We keep the vengeful spirits from going berserk and heading up there, they don't come down here."

To Shining Tiger: "How many of those dolls came down with all of you, anyway? A shifu, too... Explains the techniques you were using back there."

To Bercilak: "So the youkai up there really put you up to this, then. HMm... But the vengeful spirits are pouring out up there?  I can't think of many people who've left the Former Capital to go above ground. I only now of one, but she's-"

<<"She's got nothing to do with this, I'm sure.">> Yukari's voice comes from a doll suddenly, causing Yuugi to raise an eyebrow. <<"Can you remember any other times?">>

"Who are you if you know about that? Whatever. Hm... Let's see. A geyser probably means it's the Palace of the Earth Spirits. It's a building right in the middle of what used to be Hell here. A bunch of stuck-up folks live there. Strange ones, too, but..."

Yuugi's grin returns. "If you're that powerful, you'll have no problems there."
Shining Tiger "Oh, I didn't count." Tiger says, and nods. "Martial artist! Eastern-style. I hone my skills in the fight." Once they're all done talking...

Tiger's gonna go leave to get some rest. They can come back later, after he's probably got into more fights.
Nanoha Takamachi     Nanoha crosses her arms as she listens, looking thoughtful at the information provided. Thanks to their questions, they've got a better understanding of what's happening, "The geyser is from further down... Hmmm. It would make for a quick means of ascent, if a little dangerous. So it seems we still have some more distance to cover."

    Nanoha smiles at the others, "This is actually quite exciting! I've never been so far underground before and even deeper?" Although they do speak of a pause. At which point Nanoha looks down at the part of her jacket that is scorched, "Ah, yes. I suppose it would be wise to take some time to rest after the efforts to get here."

    Nanoha looks back up at Yuugi and smiles, "Thanks for the help. And the fight!"
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      With one strong leap, Bercilak's armored form rises above the hole. Without a word, he drives his axe into the ground. The hot spring that the youkai and Reimu are enjoying is suddenly overgrown with a mass of gnarled roots which push anyone in the spring out by sheer virtue of their volume and the rapidity with which they grow. Covering this hard lump of fibrous roots is a thick carpet of grass, which, despite efforts to tear it away, regrows quite quickly.

     Shouldering the axe, he points, directly at Reimu. "If thou lest the spring back, preve that thou'rt worthi of hit--for as I espy thee nau, thou'rt *not* worthi of thy stacioun. 'No one shalt be wounded,' saith thee--but thoU art not biliven here al-on." Bercilak nods at the youkai. Of the six, five aren't strong enough to go underground, and none of them are allowed besides that. It isn't fair to slack in her duties, when six other people might be out of a home for it.

     "Guard the shrine. Attend thy servicies spiritual. Preve to me thou'rt worthy of being cleped 'shrine maiden,' and thanne might I yeve thee thy spring back."

     Turning his back on them--even in the event angry danmakus are hurled his way--he calls the bike back, hops astride it, turns on his tunes, and rides off towards the warpgate, unassailed or not.
Sierra Kereson Bercilak is met with magic shots fired at him, but not solely because of closing the hot spring up with planty girth. The reason is far simpler than that.

He burst in out of nowhere on over half a dozen women bathing all at once. Of course they're going to shoot things at him, even as he escapes on his bike.

Over the coming days, Reimu and Marisa will wise up to his words, even if they were delivered in an upsetting way. They're certainly more upsetting to the shrine maiden than the witch, at least, thanks to the witch being largely quiet througohut the whole ordeal.

Next stop: The Palace of the Earth Spirits!