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Owner Pose

A somber girl with long purple hair tied up in two drill-like horns and dark robes sweeps about, under a single spotlight. "Long ago, before the Earth had fully cooled, and life had only begun, there was an ancient darkness hidden behind the moon. And it's name was--"

A short musical video plays, featuring BB eating at a cafe with faceless people, running from the right side of a generic street to the left, then a background-to-foreground arm-pumping school daze sprint with toast in her mouth, two battleships locked into combat with all sorts of laser beams flying everywhere as strike craft zip left and right -- with a zoom in on the cockpit of a cherry-pink fighter: It's BB!

This proceeds for a minute and a half, before the title spot displays:

BB CHANNEL, across a spinning five-petaled flower mark.

It's an anime opening, and multiple large TV billboards around the Multiverse played it, before showing:

Five color coded idiots - Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Black - eating egregous pyrotechnics and sparks from an enormous black crab-like creature with a vertical mouth and a red ribbon on its left eyestalk that shoots exploding bubbles at them.

Shouting in pain, the Power Rangers ragdoll backwards through the air for a speed cut, and leand in smoking heaps on the ground before their transformations cancel. Scrabbling against the earth, they look up at the strange Large Black Messed Up Crab-Like Kaiju Creature and grit their teeth.

Narration begins:

"Who will stop the rampage of the Black Krab? How will the Power Rangers get out of this mess? Will there be enough budget left by the end of the season? Does anyone care about the Power Rangers any more? Find out on: BB Channel~!"

The feed, with a little <Live> at the bottom, shows a city in turmoil with extremely prop-looking debris scattered around.


Yeah the Power Rangers are fighting a giant enemy crab and need help pretty BBadly. How counter of a guardian... are you!?

Conveniently, the purple-haired girl from the intro has switched to street clothes and is currently livestreaming via a totally mundane smartphone in a pink case, from the sidelines, cheering on...

The crab. "BBelt out! That's fifty points a ranger! This is easily my best monster yet, I'm the greatest!"

Kale Hearthward had been eating potato chips while watching television. "Oh, this show looks neat. Hey," he calls to whoever else is in the Paladins' break room. "What does 'live' mean?"


The wind starts blowing, heralding a feathered savior.

"Beware, those who disrupt safety and threaten the peace!"

Kale swoops in, diving towards the ground and jet boots flaring at the last second to come to a dramatic stop and then slowly and dramatically lowering the last couple inches to the ground, a very convenient and not at all artificial wind dramatically billowing his cape behind him.

"For you have attracted the attention of -"

He pauses, and glances towards the person holding the camera(phone). A tiny but forceful gust of wind picks up, trying to nudge her hand over *just* a bit to make sure he's properly the center of the focus.

" - Kale Hearthward, wielder of Breath Weapons Gobo, Periactus, and Tabtrack - the East Wind Regalia! Make peace with oblivion, for no rampage will go unstopped-"

He draws his left-hand sword, and attempts to position it *just so* so that the sun glints off of it and into the camera, dramatically.

"- For as long as I live and breathe!"
Utsuho Reiuji Utsuho, having been rather abruptly introduced to what television is several days ago, assumes she is looking at a show. Right up until the little <LIVE> appears, and also until she thinks to ask someone and finds out that this is not what's supposed to be broadcast right now.

Then, of course, she wanted to go look at the kaiju. And everything else.

Which is why, right now, a flaming meteor falls from the sky and, somehow, brakes just before it hits the street. That's because it's not a meteor at all - it's Utsuho, surrounded in a sphere of fire that is now going out since she's not flying like a maniac. She touches down as the last of the flame goes out, encased foot first, and dusts herself off.

She looks at the camerawoman, at the Rangers, at Kale, at the monster - and seems to be making up her mind as to what to do. "Hey! Hey, whose devil is this? Are you trying to make it go away or what?" She is probably loud enough to be heard past Kale, and she shows up on camera a few moments later when she zips over to him. "Are you going to fight it? With a little sword? I could do better. ...hey, you were on the TV!" That part she called to BB, because Utsuho watched the intro. At least someone did.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Who *will* stop the rampage of the Black Krab?

     Someone is on their way. Not just to try, but to bolster spirits. To encourage those who failed to get up, dust themselves off, and suit up again. Scrabbling for purchase on the rocky earth of a no-doubt familiar Fight Locale, they'll hear it before they see it. The roar of thrusters, the whine of an antigrav engine. And... guitars?

     That's right! An uplifting, inspiring dad rock solo echoes through the City of Debris, a prelude to an Intro Track. As Kale Hearthward, wielder of Breath Weapons Gobo, Periactus and Tabtrack moves to direct focus on himself, lyrics ring out:

It's a bright horizon, ooh, and I'm awakened
I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin', ooh, the clouds are breakin'
'Cause I can't lose now, there's no game to play
I can tell there's no more time left to criticize
I've seen what
I could not recognize
Everything in my life was leading me on
But I can be strong
Oh, yes I can

     "Gate up," says the armored green figure, stepping off of his massive hoverbike, extending a field of rejuvenation around his person. The bike disappears, the music fades as he extends a gauntleted hand to the Red Ranger. His back is turned to Black Krab, The other hand is closed around the haft of a massive greataxe which rests its weight upon his shoulder.

     That voice... sounds familiar. He looks over his shoulder. It's Utsuho. *An* Utsuho, but not the one he met. "We shalt ifighte hit, verily. Thou'rt wel come to join thy strength to ours, Utsuho."
Njall Rinc     ELSEWHERE...

Njall Rinc changes the channel on the television in the latest iteration of a cafe that came into existence solely for his benefit. He'd moved around a little to quiet down his immediate surroundings, and he knew that he was getting close to reaching his limit on that, but-- this is an unusually jarring and abrupt way for things to twist against him.

His grip on the remote loosens slightly as the feed switches to LIVE and he is forced to reckon with the image of a giant crab beating the crap out of the Power Rangers. Something halfway between a sigh and a groan leaves his lips.

He checks the local warpgate connections.

"Cecilia, Natia, Nymeth, get your coats. Treasure, come on." Njall says.

"I don't waaaaaant to save the Power Rangers," Nymeth whines, complying anyway.

    HERE, NOW...

A few steps out of the warpgate, Njall surveys the situation and reaches a hand out towards Cecilia. She hands him her gun, which he fires several times into the city. Two portals open up near the crab, each on opposite sides.

Returning the weapon to Cecilia with a word of thanks, Njall orders people to their portals and then steps on through one himself.

Natia, a suspiciously ordinary-looking dark-haired girl with altogether too much energy to her, bounds out of the flanking portal and immediately swings a suddenly flame-wreathed fist at the rearmost leg of the crab.

Treasure follows after her, bulking up from Smol Sphere Droid to a combat robot around twelve feet tall. He doesn't follow up her attack, instead moving to stand protectively over a Ranger in belt-out.

Njall emerges close to BB, along with Cecilia and Nymeth.

Cecilia is a platinum-haired woman in blue-and-silver, with an ornate-looking flintlock pistol that definitely doesn't actually work like one.

Nymeth is a green-haired young woman with prominent curled horns and wings dressed in an oversized red sweatshirt, black sweatpants, and oversized winter house shoes. She droops visibly and clearly doesn't want to be there.

"Why didn't you bring that luchadore guy instead? He could punch the crab. Just--!" Nymeth complains, swinging a fist into the opposite palm and looking Very Grumpy.

In a diner on the outskirts of the same city, a hunched shape picks at a slice of pecan pie. It's difficult to tell where the fork begins and the chrome-ensconced hand holding it begins. Other diners keep their distance. They're all looking up at the one TV mounted over the counter, anyway.

Mack swivels his long neck and turns amber-tinted eyes to the screen. Several seconds pass.

The fork clicks against the plate. "Excuse me, miss? Check, please."


A city bus is stopped at the edge of the debris-strewn battlefield. A scab of metallic debris clings to the top of it. This is about as far as they're going to go. The scab uproots itself with a groaning and popping, rolling off the edge and landing on the street. It grows legs before it gets there.

Mack weaves his way between stopped cars and precisely-placed slabs of debris to face down the crab monster. He ends up behind the hoverbike, the fireball and the obvious protagonist, a five-foot shape that shambles into sight. Mack raises a chrome hand to a scrap-sewn mouth.

"Hey! Can I see your license for municipal broadcast of a for-profit street fight?" He's pretty sure this isn't a thing, but if there's someone nearby who is behind the fight crab, they'll probably correct him compulsively and give their position away. He has no idea that the bystander with the phone is at all relevant.

A pot of water simmers a delicious broth, ready to continue marinating for several more hours yet before the time of consumption would come. A red haired teenager breathes out, and wipes the sweat from his brow as he steps back, a television playing as background noise off to the side.

Reaching for a tall glass of water to begin relieving his thirst, he nearly spits his drink out as the T.V. station abruptly cuts into something very pink, and purple. Something that made his head hurt, as an even taller glass of water made herself the host of the spectacle.

More importantly, there were people in danger .. and some small part of him couldn't stand watching those colored soldiers for justice fall down. He had to do something. He had to be ...



Jumping onto the scene from off camera, Muramasa is garbed as usual, except for one difference. Indeed, because this is not Muramasa ... the golden mask upon his face tells a different story. It's SUMMER ISLAND MASK.

The Guardian of Summer, a whole season early! Or would this make him Spring Island Mask ... ? There's no time to dwell on that.

"Evil be warned, I .. am an ally of justice! And you'll make for some good taiyaki!"

Alaya, BB's escaped! Recruit a team of sword idiots with attitude!

... Is how EMIYA's recruitment process went. Probably. Sadly, there was only enough budget to afford one sword idiot, but at the very least, more will naturally show up to help. 


Archer appears in perhaps the most anti-climatic way possible. Walking. Black boots carry him to his destination, as he cuts his way in front of the Power Rangers and places himself between them and the Giant Enemy Crab.

There's no bow. No swords. No form of retaliation. Just a rubbing of his temple in frustration before looking straight in the camera.

"It might be a bit of a tall order, but can I perhaps request a villainous monologue? It'd help set in the fact that I've apparently opened some sort of Pandora's Box."

There's an extremely long pause as Archer looks away from the camera. He speaks again, though this time, underneath his breath.

"BBandora's BBox."
Robin Sundance      There's making an entrance.

     And then there's making an entrance.

     'Always be the most interesting thing in the room,' as he likes to say.

     One of the buildings is leaning on its side. It's hanging awkwardly, crumbling, pieces of it falling under the stress of the giant enemy crab. Suddenly, it cracks. The whole top of it starts coming down in chunks, shattering on its way to the street.

     There's somebody riding one of the chunks.

     The white-haired man's scarf trails rainbow sparkles as it falls. He's not really hanging off it so much as standing on it, letting it plummet along. It gets close to the ground. He front-flips off it. In mid-flip a set of keys jingle. And then-


    A pair of coat-tails spread from behind him. Gauntlets and boots, armored red, form. A helmet wraps around his face. A black bodysuit overwrites his clothes. Last, but not least, a pair of key-shaped antennae lock around his eyes.

     He hits the ground in the Iron Man pose just as the chunk of building hits behind him. There's a spectacular spray of dust as he rises, glass shattering, catching the light of the flames in an incandescent show.

     "Masked Ranger, Thief."

     His armored finger flicks upwards. "The thief who steals back the smiles of the downtrodden."

     That sure is a hell of an entrance.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      After helping the Rangers up, Bercilak's attention is naturally drawn to Thief's entrance. How could it not be? "IGLADEN!" He throws his arms wide. "ESPY THE ACOMINGE OF MASKED RANGER THEF," he cries, gesturing towards Robin with the hand not holding the axe. Wait...

     Summer Island Mask is defending the spirit of Summer? But... "Thou'rt overerli," says Bercilak at normal volume, reaching behind him. He pulls out his cape for Mask to see. "Espy thee mine cloak? Helleria and helleborne."

Summer Island Mask: L-look, if Santa can come early, so can I!

     The Green Knight snorts, muttering an inappropriate joke under his breath. You stop that.
BB Collapsed on the ground, the belted out Regulation Two Girls And Three Guys struggle to raise back to their feet, their overacting of their damage seeming somehow more real.

"We have... to draw the monster... to away from people!" Red gasps.

Blue nods, pushing his dirtied glasses up his nose. "That's right - the Angel Grove ZeoRanger Memorial Empty Warehouse District and Park!"

Black brings a knee up under himself. "Yeah. The one we got for kicking King Mondo's butt!"

BB, nearby, who has taken a moment to cut to commercial and is selling a bottle of Sakura Pills~* in the middle of the livestream, is immediately asked to pay attention to Kale! Tossing the bottle over her shoulder and spinning her camera to face Kale, BB content creator smiles and complies. While she does a close-up of Kale's awesome sword and clothes and outfit -- just like a new character on a Toku Show -- when Utsuho barges into frame.

"It's my devil!" BB announces, stance wide and fingers V'ed besides her ear. "Because it's my extra-special BB Channel!"

Hopping back to balance on a pile of rubble, visible 2D channel frames appear about her, scrolling graphics like a green screen dropped behind her, but double-sided and hovering there unaided.

"I'm the helper of humanity who everyone really wishes had louder theme music so everyone had more warning I was coming, BB! And you're all now a part of the only programming your senses need, the BB Network! You must have heard of the BBC - and don't worry!"

She fires off a starry-trailing wink at a camera-spot/viewer that isn't there. Her purple eyes glow villainous red.

"I'm coming for you next, British Broadcasting Channel! There's only one BBC -- and that's BB Channel~!"

She claps, and the 2D Frame goes away. "But that's another time. Right now, I'm just making sure this monster gets the full power of his contract. And his contract says:"

She produces a sheaf of papers with a turn of the hand, and a pair of reading spectacles. "It says here 'I want to destroy the Power Rangers' and 'I will pay anything'. Simple simple!"

She throws the papers over her shoulder too -- upon inspection, they're totally blank.


The Power Rangers lift to their knees, and then their feet, clearly battle-damaged and showing bruises and cuts on their faces and tattered clothes - one step below 'clearly chest bandaged' in terms of Toku Damage - "Right - We'll draw the monster away. Come on, guys! It's M--"

The five Power Rangers all, in unison, present power coins with their outstretched fists. And then, the five Power Rangers, all freeze in place as time stands still, as BB nonchalantly (and visibly, to everyone), walks over and just plucks the five coins from their hands and clicks her tongue.

"Old news! You're not allowed to re-BBelt without my permission! You'll get these back if your help wins, Power Lamers."

She hops back to her original position as time resumes, the coins disappeared in a smear frame.

"Now." Theme musics - many, an Ultimate Super Battle medley - begin, a rising action of violence.

"The Power Rangers summon strange allies to the fight. Black Krab, vengeant remnant of villains past, stands against the color coded compatriots..." BB narrates, before Mack interrogates her on her permits. She looks blankly at him. "Are... are you serious?" Crossing her arms, she just gives Mack a 'seriously, dude?' unflattered look. "Did Rita Repulsa? No. I asked her how to kill the Rangers and she laughed at me. BB's just doing as she learned from you all, sempai!" She complains. "Just go with the flow. Like that girl!" BB points at Nymeth, before bring a baton twirling into her hand like a handheld microphone, MC'ing the next bit:

"Who will win? Go go!" BB cheers, bouncing up and down as she pumps her fist, while staring directly at EMIYA.

In stopped time, she red-eye grins at EMIYA while drawing her thumb across her neck.
BB Rearing up, BLACK KRAB howls in monster, before... an English subtitle track picks up:


The crab gestures with a claw, striking a pose that only a giant crab monster can, enormous rubber-lookin' claw raised high as it...


On the party. "OH WAIT KANI:"


Then, in a cone of suspiciously soapbubble-like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp crab-bubbling, BLACK KRAB begins barraging the entire area with explosive Toku Bubbles.
Robin Sundance      Thief goes running directly into the bubbles.

     It's a show and a half. He flips. He whirls. He dances through them, over them, around them, under them. The Rifler - the strange-looking grappling gun - fires bolts of energy shaped like grappling hooks, curving around them as easily as he does.

     Right up until one hits him in the back.

     There's an explosive shower of sparks from his back. Thief is flung forward into another bubble and another blast of sparks, and then another. He hits the ground.

     He also rolls forward, recovering spectacularly. Thief breaks into a dead run. The Rifler bolts punch through bubbles in his way. Explosions erupt around him as he charges forward towards the crab.

     It's a crab, so, it's all defense. That makes his solution.

     Thief bounds over a rock, a key in hand. It's got an old-timey-looking helmet on it. He twirls it between his fingers as he lands, sliding forward, and jams it into the side of his belt buckle. The belt buckle looks like a vault door. He slams his hand against the handle; it spins furiously before it belts out,


    The armor changes. The gauntlets and boots turn a rusted (but still pretty) silver. The bodysuit turns a brighter silver. The coattails shimmer with a chainlink pattern. The key-shaped antennae fall forward into an old medieval knight visor.

     He rolls under one of the crab claws, hand on his helmet. The Rifler snaps out. The chain trails behind it. The grappling hook closes shut and grows.

     It's a meteor hammer.

     Thief (Brigand) slides upwards and whirls. All of his momentum goes into crashing against the crab's legs to destablize it for others and leave it cracked and broken.
Kale Hearthward There's a lot of stuff going on. More people show up. Someone has a theme song. Robin attempts to steal Kale's screen time, which gets added to his rap sheet. The Power Rangers have their coins stolen in a time stop moment, which Kale assumes is just some mid-season twist. He's getting better at understanding these sorts of things. Next they'll slink off to some Secret Master for new Power Toys as part of the mid-season upgrade (which also opens up new SKU's of merchandise, collect them all).

And then the crab starts shouting (which is again how it should be) and then the bubbles go off. Kale spins his sword around, going to effortlessly and stylishly parody all of the bubbles that come his way-

- until the bubbles explode nearly point-blank.

"... Ow? Um..."

"... Wait, is this not a TV show? I thought this was just a TV show, like all fake, like that professional wrestling thing..."

The slightly bubble-blasted swordhawk snaps out of it. "Well, then! If it is real, I'll have to fight just as hard - and aim for actual oblivion!"

The wind picks up, and picks up further as Kale takes off, hovering up above the battlefield for a better vantage point. "Have a taste... of your own bubbles, crab!"

The strong wind twists in its path, picking up what remains of the barrage of bubbles and turning them all back on their origin point!
Njall Rinc Nymeth is in the middle of watching what's happening on her cell phone while BB is talking to her. Specifically, she's going back over the Sakura Pills~* commercial and looks dully surprised when she gets pointed at in realtime.

"I'm not... I'm not doing anything, though," she says.

Njall catches the discarded sheaf of papers, pulls out a pen, and writes in precisely what BB just told them, and circles POWER RANGERS. He doesn't do anything with these in the moment, instead waiting patiently with the sheaf of papers-with-things-actually-on-them in hand.

Treasure, the GIANT ROBOT, picks Natia up and puts her on his shoulder before circling around to the opposite flank of the BLACK KRAB. "Natia, deploy defenses!"

"Okay!" Natia calls. She raises a hand to the sky and a series of hexagonal purple-black darkness barriers begin to build themselves in patches around the Krab, providing an ablative barrier to herself, Treasure, as well as the members of her party that are over by BB herself.

She is very definitely a normal girl.

Sparks burst off of the barriers as they're struck by bubbles and shatter soon after, but for now at least the attacks do not reach her party.

The shoulder of TREASURE that isn't currently occupied by Natia opens up, revealing what is very definitely a gun port. It hums with a moment's energy before firing a beam of energy towards Black Krab's flank.

Clearing his throat, Njall sidles on alongside BB and holds up her papers. "Excuse me, Miss BB. The terms of your agreement are that 'I want to destroy the Power Rangers' and 'I will pay anything'. The existence of Power Rangers is predicated on someone being in active possession of these coins and those forms."

"At present, though they have not been destroyed, there are no Power Rangers. Nevertheless it would be a contradiction of the rest of your contract to deliberately re-empower the target on arrival of reinforcements. How would you like to resolve this situation?" He asks, curiously.

Despite his approach, Njall doesn't seem to expect BB to just bring everything to a screeching halt over these particulars.
Utsuho Reiuji "You know of me?" Utsuho seems thrilled to be recognized by Bercilak, given she doesn't know him - she'd remember. That means she has a reputation! And that can only be a good thing.

When Mack requests a permit, Utsuho looks blank. She assumes this is someone else's problem, but takes a step so that someone else (Kale, as it turns out) is between her and Mack. Just in time for several other people to arrive; Utsuho's head swivels left and right as she tries to keep up with spotting all of them.

And she can't help herself. At Robin's, she applauds. This sounds strange, because Utsuho only has one hand, so she mostly bangs her control rod into her open palm. But she's trying.

"Oh, it's *your* devil? I thought you were just filming!" Utsuho doesn't seem particularly bothered by the fact that BB has brought a kaiju here or that it is currently attacking the Rangers. "I don't know what the BBC is though - oh, hey, you dropped this - " Utsuho wanders over to pick up the mysterious Sakura Pills.

She doesn't manage it. Utsuho gets partway there but is then interrupted by a momentary time stop during which BB swipes all the Rangers' coins and, then, bubbles. She loses track of things entirely for a moment when she spins around, thrusting her control rod in the way of the bubbles, a vaguely rectangular field erupting from the end. Bubbles hit it and pop, or vaporize in a pulse of heat from the barrier.

"Does this mean I'm still on TV? I've never been on TV before," Utsuho says, sounding pleased. "I'll fight the monster and show everybody how it's done! And - oh right, sunshine!"

With the barrier on her rod, Utsuho raises her other hand, and a ten-foot sphere of white-yellow-red, like a tiny sun with all its prominences and corona, appears about twenty feet overhead. It just hangs there, illuminating the entire battlefield with almost painful brightness and making the shadows extremely sharp, and completely fails to attack or do anything except follow Utsuho around. It moves ponderously but not heavily and tends to drift, like a helium balloon being towed around.

As for Utsuho, *she* charges the crab in a flying charge, then doubles back to return closer to the camera. What? She's found something fun and she's going to play with it.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants BB forces your NCU to run Time Stop...

     The Green Knight isn't *completely* stopped. He's moving, very, very slowly, as if there were some sort of Heaviness halting him. He's not fast enough to prevent her from taking the medallions from the Rangers...
And he seems to know this, because rather than try it, he instead advances on Black Krab, very, very slowly, his axe coming off his shoulder in a glacial pace.

Hostile nanoprogram terminated.

     "Verily," says Bercilak to Utsuho, when time resumes. "I hath imet thine other." A bubble slams into his chest, giving him pause. But he focuses not on the bubbles--rather, on the spaces between them. How are they dispersed? How many can Krab kreate? Bubbles slam into his armor as he takes off towards the monster.

     Remarkably fast for his size, Bercilak is head dead-on by a couple of explosions nevertheless, sparks flying from his armor and briefly knocking him off-course as he flies in, microthrusters leaving blue trails in his wake. Scorch marks and dents vanish and reform, before he closes in on his target: one of those claws.

     Leaping into the air, the towering knight makes an agile somersault, slicing with the edge of the axe at the crab's claw. Twirling midair so as not to leave his back open to attack, he follows up with a strike of the weapon's eye at the joint, a sweeping strike of the haft, and a surprise hook downwards to try and sweep one of those shelled legs opposite the one Robin's targeting. It's not to flip him over, however--it's to create an opening, as Bercilak darts past a swing of the meteor hammer to headbutt the underbelly from below with a sudden burst of thrusters!
Muramasa         "UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!"

Summer Island Mask cries out as he gets blasted off his feet, flying dramatically through the air and, when the camera cuts to his landing, he's somehow landed on an entirely different abandoned lot than the street they were on moments ago. Weird, huh?

The guardian spirit of summer fun rolls back to his feet quickly enough, waving the bubble vapors out of his face before falling into a fighting stance. It'd take more than some fourth rate bubble mix to put him down for the count!

<J-IC-Scene> BB says, "Is it a formality if you die?"
<J-IC-Scene> BB drawlingly. "Santa." Beat. "Island." Beat. "Mask." Beat. "Se-m-pai~?"

His head felt like it was going to split open, again. The thick and vascular veins popping out on his temples and around his eyes stung and throbbed as he staggers. It vanishes as quickly as it comes, the veil of his ego soothing the hairline fractures that threatened to expand.

"I won't die, even if you kill me. And if you ask nicely, I might even share this taiyaki with you!"

Holding his hands out, he uses Projection magecraft to form a large crab-cracker knife, which he takes to strike at the creature with great impunity. "Huooooh! Take this! SUMMER SLAAAASH!!"
Mack "What? No, of course I'm not serious," Mack replies, about as incredulous as BB is. He swivels his scrap-scaffolded neck towards her, briefly glancing across to Utsuho with a similarly-brief (and unfortunately ugly) smile, before his sunken eyes fix on the colorfully-coiffed narrator. "I just wanted the actual mastermind to speak up so I could draw a bead."

His right hand seems to unpeel itself from the heap of slightly undulating junk. There's something with a polished wooden grip and shiny gold embellishments at his hip, and he's obviously going for it.

Mack's head suddenly twists around to face Black Krab. He raises that same hand, eyes narrowing, and the air in front of him ripples momentarily. Bubbles burst on the surface of a briefly-visible half-dome of translucent energy, splashes of what looks like molten glass fading in and out of sight. Mack looks somewhat surprised at the Toku-splosive nature of the attack, like he was expecting something totally different.

"Ha ha, that's kind of wild. Okay, anyway --" He glances back at BB, taking a few sidesteps to put the towering Bercilak and the GIANT ROBOT between himself and the Krab. "-- I don't suppose you're a load-bearing narrator? Sometimes blowing up the monster-maker disables the monster, where I'm from."

Mack does not follow through on attempting to Instant Hell Murder BB. He has a nagging sense of peril in that regard, and he doesn't know if that's his sixth telling him to cut it out or not. Instead, he flexes the fingers on his already-extended right hand, his palm abruptly heating to incandescent brightness. Tongues of flame leap off the surface, aimed to lash across the Black Krab's wish-hardened exterior!
Archer EMIYA BB is apparently still upset about last time. Either that, or they just don't like EMIYA. Both are completely valid. The red eyes tell him all he needs to know, anyway.

A pair of swords are pulled out of thin air to deflect the oncoming crab bubbles. Something that should work if they're normal bubbles, but they're not normal bubbles. They're bullshit Tokusatsu monster bubbles that make you spark on contact.

Archer flails and spins a bit from the damage, though he ultimately regains his footing, planting his feet wide.

The Swords in his hand disappear as a bow and crimson spear take their place.

The Thief mentioned something about wearing the monster's defenses down before using a decisive attack, something that seems somewhat like sound advice. After all, Power Rangers is just an American Adaptation of Super Sentai, a show that every red-blooded Japanese boy has watched.

They load the spear into their bow, the long shaft sinking to help it fit.

Pulling the string back, Archer aims straight up, the muscles on his arm straining a bit to keep the bow pulled before he finally lets go.

There's a mighty roar and a streak of red as the modified weapon flies through the air, before it suddenly breaks apart high and the sky and begins raining down thousands of red darts on the Giant Crab.

For you see, it may be a strong attack, but it's a strong attack made up of a lot of tiny attacks.

The math checks out.
BB While running through the cloud of explosive bubbles isn't a great or grand plan, it is a plan that brings Robin Sundance, aka B-B-B-BB's favorite person right now, crashing through explosive bubbles with his chained hammer, to sling out and fiercely impact--

BWNN. Like a cherry-pink Smash Ultimate shield, a large bubble-dome of translucent force pip-pip-pip-ing the damage with white flashes of damage that reduce the color saturation of the barrier field... But that color saturation begins to re-fill. Truly, the worst kinds of defense - a damage gimmick!

Kale's worry about the reality of BB's Channel are well-founded as sparks fly at HIS location, wooshes of hot air bursting around his headfeathers. BLACK KRAB laughs. "KANI-HI-HI! KANI'M AS REAL AS CAN BE, YOU KANI-OT STOP ME!" The crab hissingly sing-songs, gyrating oddly and doing odd dances as it bobs on its scuttling crab legs. The red ribbon around its eyestalk trails two long streamers as it waggles about, bringing up a claw to block Kale's piercing attack and getting ground into the pavement a few feet by it. "KE-HI? I KANI-BELIEVE IT!" It howls, twirling about to send its other claw straight into Kale's gut and send the bird flying NONCONSENTUALLY.

As the crab dabs on the party and fornight dances its pincer claws into people's chests or bashes into their sides, BB is approached. The phone she had been recording on had long been ditched as she squatted on a piece of debris, elbows on her thighs, hands propping up her chin as she watched a GIANT ROBOT begin engaging her giant crab with point defenses that splash against KRAB SHIELD with a 'pvwoom-pvwoom' of shield repulsion.

"Hah?" She mouths, turning to place her spectacles back on her eyes and--

Snap into place like a smear frame rubberbanding across the intervening space, looking over Njall's shoulder at the papers. Clicking her tongue, she scowls. "You can't do that, sempai, you can only find papers like that via discovery in court." BB grouses sourly.

The five power medallions of the Power Rangers flip through her fingers in a waterfall as she goes through one long, elaborate, extra-sour roll of the eyes. "You're right. How silly of me. If there's no Power Rangers to destroy, the contract is invalid."

For some reason, BLACK KRAB's shell shatters at that point where Summer Island Mask and Bercilak's attack convene under the bright-shining sun of Utsuho's nuclear power. Nuclear radiation is like spicy solar rays, right? It's totally the same, sempai. The Keeper's mighty charging headbutt coming in *through* the shield to crack upon a shockingly fragile shell. He instantly gains an understanding: the Black Krab had already been defeated previously, and violently finishered by the Power Rangers' Megazord. At the moment of destruction, though, instead, something else happened.


With a shattered belly and skewered through the crab-cracker knife, the crab flesh underneath begins to cook. Honestly, it smells pretty good! It only gets better when Mack begins applying the full flame-broiled grilling techniques of the barbequeue kings of the East.


BB throws up both hands, the coins tossed into the air. "Fine! What a smart sempai I have." She grits her teeth while smiling, a grinding squeak-squeak that causes metal sparks to fly eerily. "I guess since Shinkenger over here--" She gestures to Mack. "And the rest of you showed up, the *Power Rangers* aren't really defeated. But they can't be *Power Rangers* without their stupid power coins--"
BB They fall to the ground. "Power Ranger It Doesn't Matter Which Season, My Crab-Friend Blew Him Up Red!"
"The same! Blue!"
"The same! Black!"
"The same! Yellow!"
"The same! Pink!"
"The five too-old-to-be-teenagers-any-more with attitude authorized by zordon: Power Rangers Defeated!"

The huddled-in-cover-behind-some-pillars forms of the Power Rangers are highligt with color coded spotlights that seem terribly out of place with how they're trying not to get blown up by a crab.

However, the temporary contract-lapse pointed out by Njall causes BLACK KRAB to have been KANI-OWNED by a severely crippling round of attacks!
Kale Hearthward Kale gets KANI CLAWED. This is less than ideal. It kinda sucks, really. "OOOF!"

The wind gets knocked out of him - and abruptly, the winds in the area also die down, and he falls to the ground, barely managing to land stabily and without taking damage.

"That's... ugh, what's with this whole thing, the giant crab monster, the cheerful girl who's directing all this, the power rangers-"

He looks. There are the rangers. There are the coins, scattered on the ground.

Opportunity strikes.

Kale manages to get his lifebreath back together enough (and his lungs back together enough in general) to get up and start air-dashing across the ground, closing in on...

... Not the crab, not BB, but the coins that have been scattered across the ground. "There," he yells, as a sudden and opportune gust of wind sends the coins skidding across the ground towards him, where he goes to catch them and fling them across the battlefield towards the cowering rangers. "CATCH!"
Muramasa Hopping back, the crude claws glance off of Summer Island Mask's glistening and bare abs. Not just meat, it looks like you could grind crab on them too!

But that's not what's important here. What is, is that it is now bright and sunny and warm out. Even though it certainly is January ... the weather was fit for a perfect Summer day!

    "With this perfectly amiable weather, I can feel my strength growing!"

He's not actually getting any stronger, though. "Now all thats left to do is pound the crab meat and mix it into some batter to deep fry!"

"After that, I'll serve you up with some Watermelon slices!"


Clearly gathering magical energy as he begins to release a dramatic yell, he brandishes a volleyball! Where'd he even get that? Actually, you probably shouldn't ask.

"This is my ultimate final attack!" Actually, it's not. "Within this ball is the culiminated strength of Summer, and all those who partake in its joy!" Actually, it's not. "That's right ... this is the true meaning of Summer!" Actually, it's not.

    It's just a volleyball.

Tossing it up into the air, the hero squats low and takes to the air and smashes it as hard as he can, sending it rocketing at the downed crustacean like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Only, this meteor had crab on the menu!

What a truly fearsome volleyball. Or, a BolleyBall, if you will. "GOOOOOO!!!!"


The impact conveniently knocks the Power Coins of Questionable Origin into the air, making them easier for Kale to direct to their proper place.
Njall Rinc "You threw them on the floor in a public place, Miss BB," Njall points out. He does however hand the papers back -- most of them blank, since he just wrote down what she said for the topmost one -- and cedes the point. "I assume that you'll take care not to do the same in the future, and be certain not to pry into secured information or agreements of yours."

Having said these very specific words, Njall walks over to where BB discarded her cell phone, picks it up, and starts going through it. This time around he doesn't actually comment on anything about it though. He just walks right back to where he was standing beside her, and goes. Through. Her. Phone.

"Rude," Nymeth complains. She has since literally sprawled out on the ground and started playing a game on her phone.

"T-that /is/ pretty rude, Lord Rinc," Cecilia says in a tone of light disgust, placing a portal in mid-air in front of them and then another underneath BLACK KRAB which sends one of his opportunistic claw attacks back up at his underbelly.

Elsewhere, TREASURE gets pushed back by a swipe of a KRAB CLAW that sends sparks flying up from his chest and tumbles to the ground, much less articulated than his actual joint appearance should suggest.

He's probably just playing along, but Natia gives a cry of surprise and glares at him.
Utsuho Reiuji Utsuho Reiuji's nuclear fusion does feel a lot like the sun. Weird! (Or maybe not that weird, if you think about it.) It's certainly enough to make you feel like you need sunscreen, with the tiny sun obediently following her around like the weirdest pet ever.

But... Bercilak has met the *other* Utsuho?

"She's not even me!" Utsuho objects, waving her control rod around in an energetic fashion that also makes it probably dangerous to get near, given it still has the energy wall stuck on the end of it. "She just has my name and my face and is really good at pretending to have Lord Yatagarasu, too! We're not the same at all!!" uh huh

Utsuho doesn't really calm down so much as turn back to the crab because she'd rather deal with it than Bercilak for this current moment. She flies, circling, only to catch a horrible crab claw (krab klaw?) in the gut that sends her head over heels. Fortunately, she can air brake. Unfortunately, she's lost her shield somewhere along the way, but it's not like she really needs that anyway.

", that smells delicious... I want to cook too!"

Utsuho makes a short gesture with her control rod, and the mini-sun, hovering overhead, simply... starts to descend onto the krab. That is *not* going to cook it. That's going to vaporize it, judging by the intensity of the core and the fact that it's already starting to make the ground surface smoke and pit. It may be advisable to get your attacks in fast unless you want to run through that.

"Anyway, I'd never lose to a stupid big crab," Utsuho calls, having heard at least part of what BB said. "With Lord Yatagarasu's power, you'd have to send something way bigger! Like..." She hesitates. "TWO crabs. No, three. At least! And what'a sempai?" She does not have to worry about the Power Rangers. They are someone else's problem.
Robin Sundance      An ultimate shield. That is, indeed, to be expected. Thief even said as much; don't lead with your strongest attack. You have to wear it down.

     So, everybody does, and then EMIYA just tears through what remains with a powerful multi-attack. It is, indeed, not his strongest attack, but a rapid-fire assault - which, technically, is exactly what Thief told him to do. Thief laughs. That's good - although he suspects BB has something else up her sleeve, it's a clever subversion of his advice that clearly actually works. EMIYA obviously knows enough about the genre to play along. When Kale goes for the coins, Thief actually grins. Good plan.

     Well, then. The shield is down, so there's nothing stopping him.

     Thief holds up the key. He slams it into the side of the Vaulder. He turns it once. The vault door starts to spin. Loud alarms start going off. The belt loudly announces,


     And Thief pulls the key back out. It goes into the back of the Rifler Hammer.

     The helmet symbol appears in front of Thief. He starts spinning the hammer above him furiously. It whirls, faster and faster, a trail of laser-light following it. Around and around the ring goes, faster and faster, faster and faster, until the sound of it is roars around the battlefield.

     The hammer hits the symbol.

     The spiked hammer splits into seven.

     The seven spikes trail light behind them as they roar with explosive might straight into the crab.

     Thief turns around and puts his hand on his visor.

Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Back to thy hole, crabbe!" and other such insults are flung the crab's way--all to keep the brunt of its attention on him. An expert showing of the defensive capabilities of his weapon follows--the broad cheek, used as a target shield, his grip choked all the way up. The haft, used as one would a quarterstaff, coming in under those pincers to bat them aside. The heel, swept upwards to knock incoming attacks harmlessly upwards. As his strength is matched against Black Krab's, cracks appear in the asphalt from the force of those blows. Following one of those deflections of a pincer, the other swipes in and earns a clean hit on his torso. It should be bad.

     It looks bad. That snip would be an Un-Belting for Agility Heroes. But the Green Knight is a Fortitude Hero. Lifted briefly off his feet as a distressingly large gouge is cut in his armor, sparks flying from the point of impact... he laughs, thrown to the ground hard enough to leave a large pothole in the street. As he rises, that hole seals itself up, and he cracks his neck.

     "Thou kani-stonde ayenst me," he says, beating a fist against that huge chest harness and approaching once more. It's time for a combo. Thrusters fire, driving his knee towards Black Krab's mandibles as his axe is lifted, head facing downwards. The blunt eye is driven with both hands into the top of its head, just between the eye-stalks. As he lands, Bercilak changes his grip with a deft twirl, eases all the way up, and makes a two-handed sweep with the very edge of the axe, aimed at the frontmost two legs. Bringing it back up, his hands shift back up the haft for a quick one-two-three of edge-butt-edge, and finally... the piece de resistance...

     "Nay, she is not," says Bercilak cheerily to Utsuho, leaping backwards to get in the air again. He has to make a thruster-assisted roll to avoid getting clipped by her waving shield. Summer Island Mask's volleyball races past--and he gives chase. Just as it's about to smash into Black Krab, he makes a home-run swing with all of his might, driving extra force into it to seal the deal, as Robin's spikes explode all around.
Archer EMIYA THE CRAB DABS ON THE PARTY. It hurts Archer physically, even as he uses his bow to help block it. But more than that, it hurts emotionally.

At this point, with power coins flying everywhere and certain people shouting about burnt crab, it's best to finally end this.

The bow in EMIYA's hand crumbles away to dust as he raises his now empty hand to the air, lines of green running up it as he begins creating the outline of a sword.

"A forever distant golden dream..Take this."

The sword isn't finished, it's merely a blob of golden light at this first, but he's lost his patience. He grasps the hilt with both hands now, bringing the weapon down with enough force to shatter both the dirt below him and the blade along with it, but not before it fires off an enormous earth-shaking beam of LIGHT at Sir Kani-Dabsalot.

Mack "I don't understand what you're calling me, but I think it's probably a little bit rude." Mack frowns at BB's innate sassitude. It's what the kids call a sassy attitude, but with fewer syllables. "I suppose I sort of deserve that..." He trails off. The smell of cooked (c/k)rab is wafting over. His mouth waters.

The sun(??) shines. Mack looks up, marvelling. He closes his eyes for a moment -- and then vanishes, just as the krab klaw swipes at him. It definitely connects: fragments of foreign steel scatter to the streets, and a him-sized indentation appears in the hood of a car nearby, followed by a quick skip to the ground adjacent. Actually spotting him, however, is a lot harder than it seems. It's like he just edited himself out of the shot. What an awful choice during a pilot episode like this!

In the midst of the whole mess of finishers getting deployed against this krab-slash-guy, Mack reappears. He's mid-skid on the pavement underneath it, and flings himself upwards the moment he gets to what he can reasonably guess is the legendary Weak Point. Pyrotechnics and kinetic flashes go off all around, and he adds to it in his own way, swinging his left arm upwards in what looks like a textbook Toku Punch.

The object affixed to his arm expands with a hiss and a flash-bulb flicker of blue-white luminosity. The revealed cylindrical portion of the object spins, locks with a clacking sound, and deploys its payload. A spike of gleaming silver leaps upwards at the instant of contact, moving with blurring speed and unreasonable force.

Mack uses the recoil to propel himself back towards the ground and telekinetically glide right on out of there before the inevitable boss explosion.
BB The Morphing Coins that were retrieved by Njall Rinc's clever thinking, kicked into the air by Summer Island Mask, and grasped by Kale Hearthward are thrown. Five glittering tumbling medallions of hope are cast towards five hands that don't cower for their own sake, but worry for the sake of the city they protect.

Jason stands first, hand outstretched. "Alright!" He bellows, fiery passion flowing out. His fist closes around the medal. "It's Morphin' Time!"
Zack rises, grabbing his coin, thrusting it forward. "Mastodon!"
Kimberly rises, grabbing her coin, thrusting it forward. "Pterodactyl!"
Billy rises, grabbing his coin, thrusting it forward. "Triceratops!"
Trini rises, grabbing her coin, thrusting it forward. "Saber-Toothed Tiger!"
Jason centers the group, thrusting out his coin. "Tyrannosaurus!"

Colored flashes, the roar of dinosaurs, and hometown hero power combine with a rockin' buttrock track that begins to guitar solo hard. It's audible, 'In-Character', a pervasive and powerfully empowering buttrock track of justice.

Red Ranger closes his transformed fist and then sweeps it before him. "We're back, and ready to morph into action!"
Black Ranger works his fist into his palm. "All of us, working together to defeat evil!"
Blue Ranger crosses his arms, head back and proud. "And defeat the meanacing monsters!"
Yellow pumps a fist. "From destroying our Planet Earth!"
Pink points, accusingly, at BLACK KRAB. "And ruling the universe with evil!"

Red brings his right fist before his chest, stance wide. "Look out, because right here, right now -- We're all the Power Rangers!"

He Raises his fist high. "Let's go with Megazord Power!"

In the distance, the thunder of mechanized dinosaurs roaring and a mighty Gattai Sequence happen as BB looks boredly at the situation. "Oh. Whoopee. The destined color-coded heroes win again." She sighs, hands on her hips and head shaking. Njall, with her phone next to her, gets a look, and then a smirk, and then a bright-eyed 'ooooh'. "You should keep it, sempai. I've loaded all the latest BBapps on it."

It's true! It's like some idol wota's phone except for BB. Kinda weird for her to have her own phone like that, isn't it?

BLACK KRAB, however, has other problems: Like the bubble-shield's re-appearance, but the incredible state of EXTREME DAMAGE caused by everyone. In the distance, the approaching five Zords roar loudly. "H-HEY EVERYONE, MAYBE WE CAN MAKE A KANI-PROMISE? MAYBE I'LL KANI-SURRENDER, PLEASE DON'T KANI-FINISHER ME AGAINNNNNN--"

After the CM's-- The Kani-Finisher! Again!
BB Like a loudspeaker, over the crocodile tears pleas of the Kani-Terrorist BLACK KRAB, the booming voice of Red Ranger calls out over the Multiple Simultaneous Swirling Hissatsu Finisher Gathering-Lights, Rising Suns, Coalescing Dramatically Beam Blasts, Callout Finishers, and Culinary Critical Finishes --

"Megazord Battle Mode, Now!"
An alert klaxon sounds. <Megazord Sequence Has Been Initiated!>
Shirou Emiya, Twice, worries about the state of crab meat after being cooked. Utsuho Reiuji, with the power of nuclear destruction, is the clear cause of that worry.

The megazord rises to its feet from tank formation, and Pterodactyl Zord lands to form the chest. The helmets horn clicks into place, and the warning sounds again:

<Megazord Activated!> with a ker-THOOM of lightningbolts falling from the sky and sealing the transformation circuits.

The five rangers, all as one, wait for a signal. A huge sword falls from the sky, equipped to the Megazord's hands, but they wait. The moment cuts away--

A volleyball of ultimate destruction.
A dimensional displaced crab-claw.
The falling of a nuclear sun.
Seven spiked crab-hammers exploding.
One Hungry Man, Thirsting for Sweet Crab Legs.
The image of the Holy Sword of Earth.
An Anti-Krab Pile Bunker's pneumatic TH-THOOMP.

"Alright! Everyone together now! Megazord Mega-Multiverse -- Thunder slash!"

For a moment, Angel Grove is a mushroom cloud viewed from far away. BB's annoyed expression is enhanced by the whipping of her ribbons and hair past her face from the NINE FINISHER MEGA MULTIVERSE ZORD FINISH obliterates the crab.

WHO, DESPITE HAVING THE SUN DROPPED ONTO HIM, STILL STANDS THERE, SMOKING, in the utterly untouched street where everyone had been fighting.

"I guess I KANI come-back!" Black Krab piteously yells, before falling over and exploding with a frame-chop to pyrotechnics around a large, mecha-sized bowl of BBQ Crab.
Muramasa With the delicious smell of BBQ Crab in the air, the guardian hero of summer breathes it in deeply. His mask doesn't even have nose holes.

"Now Angel Grove, and its next Summer, is safe. All thanks to the ... uh ... "

What did the Americans call their version of the show, again? Right. "The Power Rangers!"

Any Japanese boy would be stoked to see the REAL Zyurangers, but this would have to do. "My job here is done."

And, this time, he actually did something. There's a first time for everything, huh?

With a flap of his floral haori, he turns and promptly exits stage left, practically disappearing. Don't question how, it's just what a Mask does.

... more seriously, though, Muramasa would be lying if he weren't somewhat concerned. The power of a grail was on the table, again. It's like that thing couldn't stop causing trouble for five minutes. And, that 'BB' character ...

Of course, she was her own devilish flavor of kouhai, it still left him with a distinct bittersweet feeling of loss. 'That' wasn't a life he could live anymore, but he had the distinct impression that she, much like Archer, had already suspected the truth of his identity and, his situation.

It was frustrating, but he'd have to just take things one step at a time. Or, it'd be more accurate to say, one broadcast of everyone's favorite BB Channel at a time.
Utsuho Reiuji "...unyu?" Utsuho can't make heads or tails of what Bercilak is saying half the time, and this is one of these moments. But he seems to be agreeing with her, so she'll take that as a victory. She seems pleased as she causes the mini-sun to descend...

<J-IC-Scene> Summer Island Mask says, "W-wait! You'll burn it to a crisp!"
<J-IC-Scene> Summer Island Mask says, "The crab meat's gonna' turn to ash if you keep that up!"

For all that Utsuho claims she likes to cook, she's only actually done it a handful of times. Most of the people she lives with find their own food, and Utsuho herself... well, she's a crow, and she ate a sun god once. She is not what you'd call a picky eater.

"Aah, sorry!" Utsuho actually arrests the descent of the mini-sun, though honestly it's still low enough that this mostly just stops the crater from being especially deep. (Of course there's still a crater.) The solar ball starts to shrink as she pulls out the energy, so that it's not just going to explode everywhere. "Let's grill this thing!"

There's a momentary niggling concern at the back of Utsuho's mind. Something about needing a grill to grill something. She forgets about it after a few moments when everything explodes, which makes her happy, deep down. Utsuho is, for the moment, satisfied when the mushroom cloud rises and the Zord poses.

Then she dusts her hand off on her skirt. "Well! Told you I could blow it up," she says, looking toward BB. "So now you know who did it! Do you need to know how to write my name? People were like 'oh that's old characters' when I wrote it out earlier but it's not THAT old, it's just an old pronunciation." She pauses, then: "Also you never said what a sempai is."

In a sane world, Utsuho would have waited for a response. But in this actual world, she smells something. She smells something good. Utsuho's head turns, as if magnetized, toward the giant bowl of BBQ crab. And then...

...Utsuho immediately lifts off and flies directly toward it. She appears to be trying to dive in it, or at least dive to stand on the edge of the giant bowl so she can steal more than her share.

Bird is easily distracted. As usual.
Njall Rinc Njall Rinc isn't stupid, and catches immediately that BB really wants him to hold onto this phone. That means it's probably trouble. In spite of that understanding, however... he smiles, nods, and pockets it.

"I'll BBe sure to keep up on the latest," he remarks indulgently, as a giant crab is destroyed in a nuclear explosion of converging attacks just a few yards away.

In some visual representation of what's just happened in the back of Njall's mind, a quest moves from IN PROGRESS to COMPLETE. An additional quest with an INVENTORY INDICATOR and the icon of a phone immediately adds itself to the very same log, not quite catching his notice at the moment.

                                [60] BBut is it?                                

"Go ahead and drop portals for the other two. I'd like to get home before it gets dark, it's so cold back home this time of year..." Njall asides to Cecilia, who looks very grumpy with him right now.

Nevertheless, Cecilia complies, planting a portal beneath Treasure and Natia that makes them pop out of the ground beside her. Nymeth gets up and stretches, the most animated she's been the entire time here. Her wings stretch too, flapping a little.

"Nope. We're getting hot cocoa," Nymeth insists.
"We deserve that much," Cecilia agrees, with a solemn nod.
"Hot cocoa!" Natia exclaims, this being the first she's heard from this side of the group in a little while.

Treasure reverts to floating head-and-hands form and trails after the group.

Njall heaves an exasperated sigh.

"Fair enough, I suppose," he mumbles, but BB is the only one close enough to hear it by now. He starts to leave, trailing along at the very rear of his party with his pockets in his hands.
Robin Sundance                                 CRIME OVER!                                

    The Thief armor breaks apart, leaving Robin Sundance standing there. He's not nearly as bloody as expected; there's some scrapes and scratches, but he didn't BBelt-Out and he didn't take a major smashing from a super-heavy murder attack.

     He puts one hand in front of him and bows.

     Then he straightens, presses two fingers to his lips, and presses his Trouble with extreme prejudice as he blows BB a kiss.

     There's cherry blossoms in her hair.

     He's not prescient. He just had them on hand (apparently? How does he keep doing that).

     "Au Revoir, BBelle Madamoiselle."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Bercilak touches down. Having tanked the huge pyrotechnic explosion face-first, the front part of his armor is blackened, his cloak set ablaze. Nanites smother and supress the flames at his back, tendrils of smoke gradually vanishing. Soot is scrubbed from his armor plates, his visor, and from that huge harness atop his chest. Shrapnel is expelled where it was embedded in those thick plates, signs of melting disappearing as plates are reforged and even buffed on a microscopic level.

     The armor then vanishes, but the axe remains, shouldered. Seven and a half feet of green mohawked, bearded burly biker stands where the armored figure did. He wears faded jeans, motorcycle boots, and an unusually thick belt of metal segmented plates--but most notably, a tank top with a slogan. WATCH IT BUDDY, reads the top line set over an image of a pirate skeleton wreathed in flames, sat astride a bucking horse. THE LAST GUY THAT CALLED ME GAY, warns the pirate skeleton, GOT AN OPEN MOUTH KISS.

     That huge hoverbike is called forth, appearing to gradually construct itself in a wave of blue light. He sits astride it. "God iwork, everi-bodi. Be assured that thou al iete wel and drink water!" The haft of the axe is tapped into the ground. All around him, watermelons sprout from the earth--his gift to everyone for their hard work today. "Fare thee wel! Exceptinge thee, Kale. Fare *thee* ille."

     Amidst raucous belly laughter, he guns the throttle and takes off.
Kale Hearthward Kale looks up, startled, when he hears his name.

"Well, jeez, no need to be such a still wind about it," he mutters.