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S6     Access points outside of the command deck are rather widely spaced out in FANTOM headquarters, with limited physical security. It's simple enough to isolate one for the desired work; and S6 isn't going to just let her spotter work entirely solo. After ensuring the room is secure, she steps back out into the hallway.

    "I will deterr anyone who approaches until you are finished. As far as I am concerned, hazardous maintenence is underway in this space."

    "Don't take too long if you can help it, I4."

    It's pretty much an isolated primary terminal in a small, sterile room. Similar to the main terminals used by Operators; one of the backup units sometimes used to get orders or debriefs. But in an out-of-the-way portion of the base where disturbance should be less likely.
Ishirou It's just accessing data, he's done this a hundred times.  Why is now any different?  Well, it's because he is /definitely/ not allowed to do what he's about to do, instead of it being...somewhat unallowed.  This is definitely crossing a line, a very big one and if they are caught it's going to go badly for them.

I4 looks over to his partner and gives her a nod.  He doesn't say anything, the less they say the less that might be used against them.  He moves to the terminal and looks back once more to S6.  He's got a bad feeling about this, but right now...

Well, the desire to /know/ is stronger.  S6 suggested the idea, but now...screw it.  He starts logging in, but not stupid enough to use his own user information.  Instead, he spoofs and makes it look like the connection is happening elsewhere.  Also, that I31 is doing it, and they owe him at least four favors.

Just that...they technically don't know they are repaying it.  By routing it weirdly, he goes to try and actually dig into the truth behind why those two decided to desert.
S6     The gazes meet, and S6 nods once before the door closes. She locks it, then assumes a guarding posture on the other side, her arms folded behind her back.

    Once the connection spoof takes, and the access bypass succeeds, the network opens up. Being an android has certain perks, and one of those is that data-surfing is a much less abstract, disconnected process. Cyberspace simulation comes easily, manifesting the network as a series of corridors and rooms that one can glide through or manipulate in seeking the data they want. This for instance is basically Personnel, with the digital walls plastered by dossiers of the numerous androids fielded by FANTOM. A number of the dossiers are missing, though. Some, expectedly, are simply super-locked-down such as the commander's, or the rescued android B8 of Norte. Others are straight up missing. Of note, the missing files include S4, S27, and P33.

    They must be somewhere else, given those androids are still active nobody would just delete their information, right?
Ishirou Somethings are expected, he figured the Commander's data is sealed down tightly.  B8 also being sealed up is not surprising.  He assumes that they're in the know on B8 given their already way above clearance knowledge, and the standing orders not to go around talking about it in unsecure areas.  

However, the three files in front of him, or that should be in front of him.  Going to see directly where they went might be noticed, so instead, he went for the less secure route that nobody but him or dedicated system admins would bother looking at.  Even then, it's not like he couldn't cover his tracks.

He looks at the history of the files instead, looking at when they were last changed, running that by other files that have the same change date and then file out all of the information that it wouldn't be and go to where the bread crumbs lead him.  
S6     Backend paths, the digital road less traveled. Nobody seems to be using this pathway at the moment. For a talented hacker, the defenses here are easily bypassed without raising any concerning alerts or notifications. The initial bread crumb would be S4's file; known now as D4. This leads to a sealed off directory that, when broken into, exposes its contents: Hundreds of androids, each one classfied as Deserter.

    The desertion problem might be larger than initially thought.

    About one in five of the deserter dossiers are unsecured, though also marked Terminated and containing the details of that unit's elimination; either by an elimination team or, in some cases, found destroyed in the wild and presumed prey of Nullborn. It can be assumed that the secured files are androids who are still 'at large', or at least, status unknown.

    D4's contains her last known coordinates, south of Indus in the sand-choked residential quarter. S27 and P33's files are also here, tenuously linked to D4 with investigation tags. More tags link all three to the Combat Android Research Institute, but a deeper dive hits another layer of security courtesy of CARI.
Ishirou Knowing where they are isn't why he is here...after all, he can figure /that/ out on his own.  In fact, it gives him an idea of a cover story, in case this goes long and security is tripped.  He sets up some programs to trigger only if they are specifically looked for, specifically to why I4 himself would be searching here.  Enough to make it either look like he was searching into where they might have gone, or that someone else was digging for that.  

Now, the links with CARI...this is actually why he is here.  The /why/ they were looking to be decommissioned...and if all of these androids were 'rogue' for a reason.  While busting into CARI was hard...there was a way in the form of the tags.  He masks his data with the data that should be in the tag and shoots himself into the CARI computer, hopefully where the data he was looking for is.  
S6     CARI's defense network puts up more of a fight. Again, it's through skill that I4 proceeds past it, even if things get a bit dicey at a few points. No alerts have been triggered by the time he dives into the CARI network itself. Construction records, orders for civilian outlets, replacement parts and unit orders for FANTOM, the primary data stored in this server doesn't appear particularly relevant at a glance. This is the sort of stuff one would expect to find in the computer systems for Indus' main android construction entity.

    Something does stand out though. Hidden under a few security layers, nested in multiple irrelevant directories of technical data, an encrypted folder labeled 'BUNKER'. Cracking this open is like stepping into the office of a conspiracy theorist. Photos of various locations, captioned with questions like 'Here?' or 'Possible Site'. Numerous android files including S4 and the more relevantly interesting S27, and P33; these dossiers linked to unit sitings near the locations some of the pictures were taken. It's like a board of photos and articles connected by red strings, all linked to the phrase 'Bunker' and the questions 'Where?' and 'Why?'

    Investigations are usually FANTOM jurisdiction; CARI's involvement is highly unusual, but the reason for CARI's involvement isn't spelled out in the documentation, nor is any further clarification other than that the institute is looking for something and the deserting androids are somehow related.
Ishirou Weird, the missing androids and something called 'The BUNKER' is sat out in front of him.  It feels like he's gotten to the end of a chain, but right now he has a cause, not a reason.  Ok, think this through I4.  How did we get to this point...

Ok, let's focus on what the BUNKER is.  He searches for that term first, trying to be discrete about it, but prepared to heavily mask his tracks if things get bad.  Even if he triggers something now, he could easily buy enough time to get something.

First, what is the BUNKER, what's the connection...and what is CARI even doing involved in this?
S6     It seems that, largely, figuring out what the Bunker one of the questions being asked by that maddening 'conspiracy wall' collection of data. What is it? Is it a location? Where? Are renegade androids gathering there? Is it an ideology that renegade androids are adopting? Bunkering down to avoid the Nullborn war? These kinds of questions are all over the data, linked to various theorizing documents. Someone's asking the same questions. But the fact that it's CARI... Are they trying to figure out why androids might desert?

    Various documents are arranged under 'Bunker Theories', with topics ranging from the idea of androids becoming war-fatigued and attempting to retire, technical glitches in their systems, something ominously called Ghost Theory, and at least three different speculations on whether a community of androids could function. One cites FANTOM as a functional community and exposits on that.

    "Who's in there? What kind of login is this..!?"

    Someone else is accessing this part of the server. But those safeguards are holding; they clearly can't see who or what is in the system just yet.
Ishirou Hmm...someone is here.  He drops a keylogger and attempts to use junk data to hide himself in.  Stuff like deleted or changed files that haven't been quite cleared up, or corrupted parts of the storage system.  Places people wouldn't bother to look.  He's more curious about what some of these terms are, but BUNKER is a theoretical place where Androids live after deserting the war.

He's more curious about ghost theory, he tries to get some information on that, while trying to confuse the person trying to be in the same digital space he is.  The fact that they just announced themselves means that they only have the ability to be here, not that they have the technical skill to figure it out.  
S6     The document on Ghost Theory seems to be about the structure of android minds and how this might cause rebellious tendencies. It claims to soundly disprove the idea of a ghost in the machinery with data that seems to have been pulled from multiple android subjects; Data from S6's mental subsystems is amidst the examples, stating that normal function is not impeded and there are no behavioral anomalies.

    'Unit S4 exhibited unusually powerful emotions, but this is considered an anomaly. Through examinations of other units such as I17, P33, S6, and R21, the process appears to be unrelated to tendencies of rebellion, and so we must look for other possible causes for this abnormal behavior.'

    "No response. Whatever it is, I don't think it belongs here. Notify security. I'll lock this hub down, might be a virus of some sort. We can't have it contaminating the archives."

    It's not a hacker or intruder alert; but rather, the viral quarantine notification that goes out. The entry points are starting to close. No need to leave empty-handed, but sticking around is getting more risky.
Ishirou I4 is sure this might be the ticket, a virus alert would be handled far differently than an internal investigation.  He quickly uses the junk data he's got around him and transforms it into some viral data.  He sents it around and deeper into the system, while he uses a single one to try and jam the way out of the hub.

It wasn't going to hold forever, and he didn't need it too.  He's going to grab everything he can relate to Ghost theory and related documents, and then bolt out of here before anyone knew what was going on.  The viral fragments will easily mask his movements.

At least enough for the trail to go cold.
S6     "Ah shit, there it goes."

    As whichever human sysadmin is now occupied with trying to quarantine what looks like a rapidly spreading viral infection, copying the remaining files on ghost theory and the theories about this Bunker thing is both quick and relatively easy. Escaping the system is as simple as retracing steps, though naturally covering those tracks as well takes up a bit of extra time.

    Only a few moments pass after exiting the CARI network before the entire system falls off the interlaced Indus network. Quarantine in effect. A good haul of data to pour through, obtained before the Institute disconnected itself, though some of it seems to be construction procedures that were also stored in that encryption layer, it might be useful later for informing field repairs or something.
Ishirou That is a lot of data, maybe not all of it useful.  Well, not all of it /immediately/ useful, but at the least, he can comb through this theory.  Though, no ghost in the machine?  Weird.  He wonders if the data lists him or anything.

He'd be surprised if there wasn't.  

Well, once he's out he can start going over stuff.  He logs off and moves out of the room.  He nods at S6 again.
S6     S6 steps aside when the door opens, then falls in step with her companion, "R31 passed by, but made no inquiries. Nothing else to report." Keeping her hands folded behind her back, this gives her walk a more formal appearance, "You appear to be all right. Were there any unforseen issues?"
Ishirou "Apparently a virus broke out, net shut down in places in the city," I4 says, after a moment.  "That was about the only thing that happened that was unforeseen," the android says calmly.  Once he's sure nobody is around them he speaks.  

"The BUNKER is apparently a theoretical city where androids who defect go.  I think that is where the missing ones go, the ones that aren't killed either by us or by the Nulls."

"I also found some things on Ghost theory that were interesting...which is going to take time to explain.  However, CARI is involved in all of this for some reason.  The missing androids and where they are going..."
S6     "I see," is all S6 says in regards to a mystery virus. She has a pretty good idea where that came from, but it's not worth bringing up.

    "Surroundings are secure," she confirms. A hand raises, gently cradling her chin, "A place where deserters go..? ...Mm. If you're right, it might be where P33 and S27 went." Her head tilts, "Ghost Theory..? I'm not familiar with the term--" Her hand drops suddenly, "The Institute is involved. I don't like the sound of that. If you're right, than this Bunker might be in danger."
Ishirou "Ghost theory is...about the Android mind.  It claims there is no 'ghost in the machine' and has theories around rebelliousness.  It's also about emotions and androids, and that they are not linked to rebelliousness.  I got a lot of data to go over, to make sure that I got a firm grasp, but it seems that emotions are not only not unexpected, but the reason for the commands MIGHT have been related to fears of rebellion..."

"And the fact that this proves there is no connection...well is weird."
S6     "Nnh..." S6 falls mostly silent as she processes what I4 says, lowering her gaze somewhat with a pensive expression. At last, though softly, she repeats, "Not unexpected..." Her tone is also quite confused, "...Androids do not possess emotions. Yet it is not unexpected for them to express... That does not make sense."

    She shakes her head, casting the thought aside.

    "Well. It is good that it isn't putting you at risk of going rampant or the like." After a moment of thought, she nods, "I'll leave the theoretical examination to you. Relay what you have on this Bunker to me; I will focus on that objective. If we work together, maybe we can find something."
Ishirou "Can do, I'll pass the info off once we get back to our rooms.  I'll dig into the rest...siiiigh, guess I have another over night session," I4 says as if he's not excited by this prospect.  "As for the data, I'd not worry about it right now, I am sure there is a logical reason burried.  My going theory is because originally they thought it'd cause rampancy, and then it didn't.  They just haven't really gotten to a policy on it yet...or perhaps they prefer it this way?  More control..." he shrugs.  

"Also, hey, that hurts.  I was never going to go rampant..." he says with a frown.  Maybe she was joking.  
S6     "Mm," S6 nods once, "Only take the urgency you feel is required. Maybe all-nighters aren't the solution to everything." That might hurt a lot more.

    "I wasn't concerned about you deserting. I trust you, I4." S6 nods once more, "We are partners, after all." Her head tilts just slightly, "But it is nice to have confirmation; to know I am right to not be concerned."
Ishirou Ouch.  

"Well if you put off this stuff you might get hurt.  It's stuff you might need right now.." And certainly not an obsession.  Though to the second part he smiles at S6.  "Well...thanks.  It's good to know you worry about me." A pause, "Huh, and here I thought you uh...well, I guess emotions aren't unexpected anymore, huh?"
S6     S6 considers it for a moment. A long moment, in which her hand lifts up to cradle her chin in thought. Eventually, she speaks again, "Understood. You know how you are most effecient, I won't interfere."

    And then she starts walking again, heels clicking on the facility's sterile floor panels. Her voice comes out curt, a well-practiced line that's been heard many times before, "Emotions are forbidden. Let's get to work." It's unclear if she just slid back into a comfort zone or if this is some kind of joke. If it is, it's not a very good one. Then again, S6 isn't really known for her sense of humor.