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Okada Izou      The Summer Festival.

     It's a tradition where Izou's from. Izou's festivals are the festivals of pre-Meiji Japan. They're kimonos and yukatas, they're swords at the hip and fish bowls and fun masks. They're food stalls and fallen leaves in front of shines. They're fireworks. They're people laughing and having fun. Izou had to look long and hard to find one of those, to find a place that matched, closely enough, his own memories. It was...

     Well, it was hard. And it was painful. Sitting here under the floral-print umbrella in his festival outfit, Okada Izou watches children run by with paper fans and simple toys, laughing as they go. He watches families walking through the leaves on the ground, on their way to pray at the shrine for good luck and health. He smiles, a sad smile, at people wearing masks and playing around, a sad smile that he hides behind a jug of some sweet alcohol he'd picked up from the festival grounds. Izou closes his eyes as the smell of festival food flows across his nose, sweets and savories and everything in between.

     These aren't happy memories for him.

     The last time he was at a festival was...


     Izou pushes the thought away and spins his umbrella lightly. It keeps the falling leaves off him, out of his very fancy outfit, but serves no other purpose. It just looks nice.

     Hell, it's not even hiding a sword. He's wearing *those* on his hip, quite openly, like a lot of other people hereabouts. It's so you can tell that he's a samurai. It keeps people from bothering him as he drinks on the stone bench.

     The sunset's already hitting. He's waiting for someone. Occasionally, someone casts a glance at the clean-shaven swordsman, his hair bound up in a tihgt ponytail, but they say nothing. Nobody's stupid enough to pick the pocket of a man with that kind of aura. With that kind of blood-soaked scent.

     But they do pity him, because they think he's waiting for something that won't ever happen.
Sarracenia      So, those people may be quite surprised when a fairly tall young woman with copper-colored hair and a shining red yukata approaches Izou. She has aquired a red paper parasol of her own, and both it and the yukata have gold floral designs. The yukata fits her figure quite snugly, and an even shinier red ribbon thick enough to cover her entire midriff is tied in an ostentatious bow behind her.

     As promised, she is still wearing her crown, but she did have her hair styled in a more traditional oriental fashion. Her hair is styled into a single large orb at the back of her head complete with chopsticks X-ing their way through it. The rest of her long tresses spill about her back and shoulders like a waterfall at sunset.

     At first she isn't even sure that Izou is Izou. He cleaned up so nicely! She approaches somewhat cautiously and raises a hand, both of which are covered in black velvet gloves that are long enough to disappear into the billowing sleeves of the yukata. " that you, Izou?" she asks, blinking a few times in amazement.
Okada Izou      The Manslayer looks up.

     He stares at her.

     At first, he's not sure what to say. A lot of bad memories that had been flowing through him just take a hard stop. She's dressed exactly as he'd imagined she'd be, and she looks exactly as good as he'd thought. The yukata hugs her curves. The ribbon's tied just right. Her hair's rolling down her back, matching the color of the sunset. She tears through thoughts of fire, through thoughts of the past that this world brought back so clearly, and in an instant he's on his feet and scratching his head with the jug hanging off his hand.

     "H, hey. You..."

     He can't say anything. The words are stuck in his throat. He looks her over again. Then again. Then he just looks up at her, his yellow eye meeting her blues.

     His face is red. He scratches his cheek and looks away.

     " look incredible. Even more'n usual. You're turnin' all the heads here, Sarra."

     I don't belong with you.

     Hands stained with blood don't belong touching her. Not even her glove.

     What's a dog doing here?

     He snaps his own floral-print umbrella shut and hangs it from his back, falling in beside her. "..."

     "Th-this isn't, world, but..."

     "...I wanted t' give you the authentic festival experience, y'know?"

     He looks up at her again. "An', well, this was as close as I could find, an'..."


     "S-so what are festivals like on your world, anyway?"
Sarracenia      Sarra actually flinches a bit when Izou stands up so fast. As he looks her over a few times she can't help but blush similarly and giggle a bit, and when he finally says she looks incredible she practically beams with pride and smiles. She even glances a round a bit with just her eyes to see if she really is turning any other heads. But, she is soon looking down into Izou's eyes again. "Well, of course I look incredible~ I always do, after all. But, I must admit that this style of dress does look quite flattering on me." she says, looking herself over and bending one leg just slightly at the knee to strike a pose, spinning her parasol behind her. She even has traditional wooden sandles, black in color with a red strap that dimples her black stockings between her toes. And apparently she couldn't resist a bit of whimsy because the black shoes have the shark face of a Bullet Bill.

     She smiles again as he speaks up again, and during his pause before he asks about her world she slips in beside him and slips an arm around his. "Festivals on my world? Hmm...somewhat like this I suppose, though there is less focus on traditional clothing. And...I am usually not on the festival grounds trying the games or festival fare until I can manage to slip away from my parents."

     She looks around for a moment, then takes a deep breath before exhaling and smiling. "This sort of festival is different though. Just regular people having fun, enjoying themselves, and honoring the past. I do hope you will give me the entire tour!"
Okada Izou      " really do."

     He doesn't say anything else about that. When she strikes a pose, he fingers his sword-belt. It's clearly not aggressive. Just a nervous habit. A tic. Something he does.

     "I like the shoes," he says quietly, "They're nice. They'"

     "Whole outfit's 'you'."

     She takes his arm.

     She takes his arm, and that thought appears in the back of his head. You're not a *hero*. You're a killer. You murdered people. Yeah, okay, you murdered people for a revolution, but don't deny. You're good at it. You're something evil.

     Even touching her arm is something that he's transgressing some important boundary. He doesn't fight her. He doesn't fight back. His hand trembles slightly, but that's the only evidence that he's thinking anything of it. "Yeah..."

     "Oh, uh, yeah. Absolutely. They got...lots of good food. We gotta try some of it. Plus, there's all kindsa games, stuff you can buy. I didn't..."

     He lowers his head slightly. "I didn't bring much money, but what I got should be fine to treat you to somethin' to eat."

     Of course you didn't bring much money.

     His hand trembles again. It's like he *wants* to take her hand, but something's stopping him. "...hey, Sarra?"

     His voice gets real quiet as they walk through the leaves. "What kind of world do you want for the future?"
Sarracenia      Haughty bravado is normal for Sarracenia. Someone agreeing with her bravado is...not. She is obviously caught off guard by the continue compliments, and when Izou finally stops she is much less haughty and much more shy flattered. She just smiles softly and gives Izou's arm a squeeze. "Thank you." she says quietly, then blinks. Is her outfit being 'her' a good thing? Most people she knows might not thing 'being her' is a good thing! She peers sidelong at Izou, wondering if he is really being honest with her or if he is working some angle. He might even notice the look of suspicion.

     As he keeps talking and the subject of money comes up though, she just waves it off and smiles. "If you had plenty of money I might consider it points against your hero score. Real heroes do not do what they do for money after all." she says, forgetting about her previous concerns for the time being. "And besides, what point is there in being wealthy if I do not share my riches sometimes?"

     She reaches into the ever present satchel she carries and pulls out a palm-sized bag before handing it to Izou. "Here. I am not sure of the conversion rate, but I am sure Sundew gold coins can stretch quite a ways." She shakes the bag by the strings, causing the unmistakeable chime of a bag full of money. "And before you object, just consider it a retainer. Heroes shouldn't seek wealth, but they should be compensated."

     When asked about what she wants for the future, the princess has to pause and consider. "Hmm...well, I would like a world where anyone can do or be anything they want, provided they don't maliciously harm others to get it and don't mind working to get it. And of course a world where I have a massive following of admirers~"
Okada Izou      He does notice the look. A Manslayer doesn't live as long as Okada Izou without noticing things like that. Without noticing looks from people who might be ready to stab him at any moment. Yeah, she's not gonna, but Izou just doesn't let down his guard. Especially not here. Not in a place like this. a world like this, where memories are strong.

     He lowers his head a little. "Y'know I did what I did for money, right?" he says quietly. "I killed people for money. Yeah, an ideal, too, but...I got paid. A job was a job. And I'm good at it. Always have been. Even when I was a little kid, I was good at it. 'cause..."

     "Using a sword is learning how to kill."

     "An' I've been a genius with a sword since I was a little kid. The moment I held it in my hands I knew how to kill people."

     His head gets a little lower when she offers him money. He extricates his arm from hers and pushes the money back at her. "I'm not on retainer. I'm not here to be your retainer. I don't wanna be the hero you keep on your payroll, Sarra. I don't mind gettin' paid for doin' a job, but..."


     "...bein' your boyfriend shouldn't be a job."

     "....wantin' to be with you shouldn't be somethin' I get money for."

     He looks up at her, and his eye is defiant. "I still got pride as a samurai. I mighta thrown away land, status, everything else. I mighta spent my life for a revolution that thanked me with a beheading an' this scar." He points at his neck. "But I still got pride."

     "I don't wanna be your kept dog."

     "I wanna be the guy you rely on 'cause I'm there for you."

     He gets quiet after a minute. " don't give me any money, okay? I got enough to treat you to something. I got enough to give you somethin' nice. I made sure to save it. You can buy anythin' you want, but don't give me money for bein' your boyfriend."

     "...unless that ain't how you think of me, I guess."

     He rubs his arm uncomfortably, looking away into the crowd. There's a lot of people here. Some of the men are, in fact, turning to look at Sarra. A beautiful foreigner in a yukata is going to draw stares, even if it's just because she's a foreigner, and thus, taller than pretty much everybody else here. But Izou? Nobody looks twice at Izou. He might as well not even exist. And it's obvious to Sarra, too, that nobody's looking at him. That nobody's looking at them over drama.

     He doesn't answer the topic of a future. He'll probably address it in a minute.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia looks surprised and a little hurt for just a moment as Izou pulls his arm away, but once he's explained she just looks embarrassed. A friend of hers once said something along the same lines concerning money. But, the part about taking the job for the momeny catches her attention. She holds the small pouch in both hands and hugs it against her chest lightly, more out of instinctual habit than anything, like one might a rejected gift.

     She winces as he points to the scar and ends up putting one of her hands to her neck as the image fills her mind. She looks rather annoyed at the use of kept dog, but that fades with the next thing he says.

     Once Izou is finished, Sarracenia just gazes at him for a few moments with a neutral expression. Finally she sighs softly and puts the pouch back into her satchel. " wasn't money for being with me. It was for spending on me." she says, then pauses a moment. "But...I suppose I would be lying if I said I felt like my mere company was enough to keep someone around. Out of all the people I've met, my company was enough to keep...maybe three? Four?"

     She looks Izou in the eyes after that, then bows lightly at the waist. "It was not my intention to insult you in any way."
Okada Izou      She bows.

     A princess bows to him.

     Even bowing lightly at the waist, she's bowing to him.

     But it's what she says about maybe three or four people being willing to spend time with her that really gets him. He scratches the back of his head. He looks down at his feet. Then, with a bright red face, he says,


     And he offers her the jug of sake.

     "Take off the crown for a little bit, Sarra. Have a drink with me. See the world with me."

     "You ain't gotta be rich, or a princess, or nothin'. I just like you."

     He grins, and his face is still sort of red. "You were fun to fight, y'know? You're *crazy* an' I like it. I really like it. I really like bein' around you. I really like talkin' to you. An'..."

     "An' I really want you to think of me as your hero. Not a hero. Your hero. Sarracenia's hero."

     He tilts his head sideways, letting his ponytail fall to the side. "Even if you ain't a princess, I still wanna be your hero, 'cause it makes me feel..."

     "Well, it makes me feel like, maybe, even with hands soaked in blood, even with this scar around my neck, that maybe I'm worth somethin' to somebody as somethin' more than a guy who murders people for money."

     He reaches for her hand. There's a moment of hesitation. "I ain't insulted."

     His fingers twitch.

     And then he grabs her hand and drags her into his arms, hooks the sake bottle around her waist, and looks up at her with a broad grin. "'sides."

     "We're both kinda fucked-up, right? So let's be fucked-up together."
Sarracenia      Sarra's face goes red as well when Izou adds the simple number of five. She looks down shyly and fidgits a bit before looking up again. She listens to all that Izou is saying. He says he likes her craziness. There's been others that said they like her, but only one other that she can remember saying he liked her craziness. And she wonders for a moment if it is a bad omen that he too has hands stained with the blood of many.

     By the end of his speech, Sarracenia's eyes are watery and she can hardly hold Izou's gaze for more than a few seconds. The battle with her own self-doubt really never goes away, and it makes it incredibly hard to entertain the idea that someone really does like her for her and isn't just saying so to take advantage of her in some way. The inner turmoil is no doubt visible on her features.

     Just when she is about to say something, her hand is taken and she is pulled in against Izou. With their height difference this might be a rather advantageous position for him, but for her part Sarracenia eeps and blushes heavily as she looks down at him with wide eyes. "I...I am not cra-..." she starts to say out of habit, then she stops and blinks before letting out a long sigh. And with the hesitance of someone who is taking a huge risk and has no idea how it will go, she slips her arms around Izou in return. She doesn't even notice the looks from the crowd, even though in most situations she would be soaking up the attention like a sponge.

     Instead, she closes her eyes, a tear sliding down each cheek, and nestles her chin against Izou's shoulder. "...I...I am not sure I would be able to remove the crown myself. Would...would you...?" she asks. "Then...I will have a drink with you. You, who would be my hero."
Okada Izou      Izou has clearly not thought about the advantage of being a short man pressed against a tall woman, because he's still just kinda grinning at her, that same awkward, dumb grin. Just...grinning at her the whole time. When she leans down to put her head on his shoulders, very delicately, he reaches up and takes the crown from her head. Slowly. He gets it. This is her putting away her pride for a vulnerable moment. He's not a total idiot. He's had to be in this kind of situation, where he had to choose between pride and something else, and he'd chosen pride. And now...


     She's choosing him.

     Carefully, he takes the crown off, and slides it into the pocket on his belt for safekeeping. He'll give it back to her. She can trust that he will.

     Then, with a sly grin, he grabs her backside, squeezes, and pulls her down into a kiss with the hand that had removed the crown. It's a rough kiss, but a deep one, one that holds for a good thirty seconds or so. Above, the sky's gone dark, and the fireworks are starting to blossom in the sky. It's literally a kiss with fireworks.

     When he releases her, he smacks her backside again with a broad grin and offers her her sake. "Now that you're just Sarra, I don't feel so bad about bein' a little handsy," he says, hooking his arm around her waist and hugging her up against him. "'cause I kinda think you're even hotter without the crown."

     His fingers slide into hers. "So."

     "Have a drink an' let's go to the shrine, huh? Somethin' you gotta do before anything else when you're a couple."
Sarracenia      That dumb grin has a wonderful affect of drawing the princess's mind away from her troubles and concerns. She can't help but at least smirk a bit at it. She holds her breath though as he removes her crown...

     Then nearly jumps right out of his arms at the sudden squeeze to her backside. A surprised yelp escapes her and her face goes almost as red as her dress. She doesn't even have time to huff indignantly before she is pulled into a kiss. Her entire body tenses and her eyes remain open for most of it. They finally flutter a bit near the end of the kiss, but once she is released and he has once again manhandled her posterior her cheeks (on her face) puff up and she lets out a growly 'hnnnn!' before...


     Her pride as a proper lady, not to mention a princess, just can't handle it! One of her velvet-clad hands swats Izou's cheek! She pulls away and turns away from him, huffing some more. "Regardless of how hot I look without my crown, that is no excuse for such boorish behavior! I cannot even...I mean you...! And you thought...!"

     She growly huffs again and starts storming off toward the shrine. "W-well, are you coming?!" she demands, and despite all her huffing and objecting and storming...she can't quite hide the smirk on her face. For even if that was rather boorish and far as she is aware there are fewer more sure signs that someone actually finds you appealing than attempts to grab one's...assets.

     And even though she pulled away, she holds the hand Izou had clasped out beside her with fingers spread wide as a silent invitation.
Okada Izou      Izou gets smacked.

     He rubs his cheek and laughs. "Damn, you're strong, you know that? It's pretty great. I don't think I could tolerate bein' around some shrinkin' violet I gotta defend all the time. I already knew you were strong, but, whoo. Whole different thing gettin' smacked!"

     He rubs his cheek slightly as he she starts storming off. He hops forward. He's very fast, after all. Swift And Powerful As A Falcon, indeed. He's already beside her as she holds out her hand. His fingers slide into hers again, and tighten. "Not that I won't save you if you're in trouble."

     "But I like that we could fight back to back, too."

     They walk. A couple people glance at Izou's face. A couple people watch Sarra walk. People mostly just part, because they're Elites and they have that energy.

     "You liked it," he teases. He's feeling a little more sure of himself, now. A little less...concerned. A little less like he can't hold her hand.

     Then he rests his head against her shoulder. "You're gonna let me do it again, later, too. I'm pretty sure." His grin widens.

     But when they come upon the shrine, he gets quiet. There's a lot of people praying. A lot of families lighting incense. A long line. Izou, quietly, says, "You go here to pray for good luck an' success. It's pretty common to pray for success in work. Or school. Or luck with money, or luck with women."

     "But it's pretty common for couples to pray for success in love."

     The fireworks continue popping, painting his face in all manner of colors as his free hand goes up to scratch his cheek. He hands the bottle over to her. The line's moving slow. "I figured, y'know. You'd like that."

     "Even if it ain't with me."

     He tightens his fingers around hers, though, at that. ""

     "For now, while you're just Sarra...what kinda world do you wanna see the most, Sarra? Not the...'everybody is happy, everybody loves you', thing."

     He looks up at her. "What kinda world would you die for?"

     It's an odd question. But it's a question that's obviously important to him. The scar around his neck is proof enough of that.
Sarracenia      Sarracenia looks proud of the fact that she could slap Izou so hard and checks out the mark on his cheek a few times just to stroke her ego. "It is true, fighting back to back with my hero would be the best." she agrees. And now that Izou has broken the tension Sarra starts noticing the looks in her direction. She doesn't exactly pose for them, but she makes sure to swing her hips just a bit more than necessary.

     Izou claims she liked it. Sarra huffs. "I-I did not! And even if I did, such behavior is unacceptable in public for any proper lady regardless of her princessely status!" She eyes him from the side as he rests his head on her shoulder and says she'll let him do it again. " not make me give both cheeks a matching mark." she says with a slight smirk and a bit of a giggle. Slapping people is fun, after all.

     When they reach the shrine and see the line, Sarra sighs softly before listening to Izou. "Mm. Success in love would be nice." she agrees. "...even if it was with you." she adds with a teasing smirk.

     She blushes at the squeeze to her hand and returns it. "Why would my answer be different now? But...what world would I die for?" That one gives her pause. She really isn't sure she would willingly die for any kind of world. She lightly swings her hand with Izou's as she thinks on it. " cliche as it may sound, that really is what I want. A world where people can do whatever makes them happy without regard to the class into which they were born. And I would not say I want -everyone- to love me. But a noticable following would be nice."

     She thinks a bit more. "But, the only world I would really die for...would be the world where my hero and my people survive because of my sacrifice."
Okada Izou      Izou grins. "Fine. Then I'll do it again in private. I'll do it a whole bunch more in private." He's clearly teasing, just a little.

     He laughs.

     He rubs his cheek a bit more with the hand holding the jug. But he doesn't say anything else. When she says 'even if it was with you', his face goes a little red, again. He's kind of a blushy puppy, isn't he? He's certainly got that 'little scruffy dog' energy, even though he's all cleaned-up and handsome. "I'd like that."

     She asks why it'd be different. Then, "Because I think the ambitions of somebody with power are different from the ambitions of somebody without, y'know?"

     He scratches his cheek as they move forward. "I just...I dunno. You've got power. You're strong. You're royal. I'm a scruffy killer. The world I wanted to see was one where guys like me didn't need to exist, I guess. Even now, I kinda think about that. I'm done with causes, but..."

     "...but if there's a cause worth fightin' for, I guess that's one worth it."

     He looks up at her. "You know that what I was fightin' for was a *monarchy*, right? Like, we wanted the Emperor back on the throne an' power in the hands of the people."

     He passes the jug to her. "What about ambitions? You got any ambitions?"

     He holds up his hand. "Don't worry. I ain't judgin'. I just...dunno how to make conversation, I guess? This is stuff that my..."

     A dark look comes over his face.

     "...that somebody asked me when they were gettin' to know me at one of these things. An' this place...brings back memories."

     Not all of them good ones.
Sarracenia      Teasing or not, the threat makes Sarra blush once more. They are just two blushy messes it seems!

     Izou pointing out that there could be differences based on power makes Sarra think. "It very well might make a difference, but taking off my crown doesn't really remove my power or change my way of thinking. But, I suppose if I -didn't- have power I might wish for something like...having power?" She shrugs and giggles.

     The question of ambition also give her pause. "For the moment I think my only ambitions are finding my hero and gaining public recognition. My other ambitions were decided for me at birth. I will take over the Sundew Kingdom some day. I have not really considered what I might do after that day. I don't think I would want to forcefully expand the kingdom. I barely want to rule the kingdom I have."

     Sarra blinks at the dark look, then gives Izou's hand a squeeze. " know, part of having a girlfriend is being able to talk to her about things." she says before taking the jug. "W-wait, you want me to drink after you?!"
Okada Izou      Izou blinks at her. "Yeah? It's alcohol. An' you already kissed me. Might as well, right?"

     "Nothin' improper about that."

     He looks thoughtful. Then, his face goes a little dark again. "That guy...he used to say 'power comes from people.'" His head tilts at her, and the dark look evaporates. "You could make it a constitutional monarchy, y'know. I think that's what it's called. When the monarch answers to a..."

     He screws up his face. "Parliament?"

     "I think?"

     "I don't remember. I ain't the smartest guy in the world." He hangs his head a little. The line moves some more. "But you could just do that, y'know. Lets you...y'know, hold onto the bloodline or whatever, but you don't have to rule yourself. Hell, the Emperor didn't even rule when it was the Shogunate."

     He looks up at her. Then he looks away. "Sorry. I'm not...ready to face those memories just yet. An' this place's exactly like the world I died in. Down to the time. I think there's a revolution comin' here. Probably a livin' Okada Izou ready to go take part. Ready to get his head cut off by his own friends without even knowin' it."


     " life ain't exactly sunshine an' roses. I don't know that you wanna hear about it yet. An' not tonight, y'know? I'm in too good a mood tonight."

     "So let's not talk about the bad shit in my past."

     "What kinda power would you want?"
Sarracenia      Sarra huffs softly as Izou points out they kissed. "I did not kiss you, you kissed me..." she counters weakly but finally takes a small sip then cradles the jug.

     "A Parliament, huh?" Sarra considers. "It would put more power in the hands of the people and likely ease tension between the rulers and the populace.

     As Izou says he doesn't want to get into those memories right now, Sarra smiles gently and nods. "I see." she says, then hees. "What power would I want? Immortality and eternal beauty! Getting a following would be wonderful, but why would I want it to end? And just imagine how many heroes I could meet over eternity!"
Okada Izou      It's certainly...strong. It's definitely something that someone who doesn't drink a lot would probably find, uh, *powerful*. With a *kick*. She probably won't be able to have more than a few sips - not because she'll get drunk but because it's just hard to drink at all.

     "A lot of heroes better than me, probably." He scratches the back of his head. "Although I guess I'm already immortal, huh?"

     "Wait, what's the word for a dead guy who ain't agin'? I don't mean 'ghost', that 'immortal'? Or just 'dead'? How's that work?"

     "...y'know, the Concord...could probably help you get there." Izou says, "Could probably help you find more things you'd want, too."

     "Probably won't be easy to get in. But...if you've got a strong ambition like that, it's definitely a step up. They love ambition. They love people who wanna fight to see the world the way they want it."

     "Yeah, I mean...a parliament means you ain't gotta rule, too. You get to say 'I'm the Queen' but you ain't gotta do anything, right? An' then..."

     "Well, you really could be Just Sarra with me."

     "I, I mean. If that's somethin' you'd like."

     They reach the shrine. Izou grabs a stick of incense and lights it in a brazier. He holds up the hand with the jug like he's praying. Then he looks up at her.
Sarracenia      Such strong drink means that even a sip makes Sarra start coughing before handing it back to Izou. "G-goodness. You drink that like it is water!" she exclaims, still coughing a bit. "What's the word for...hmm. I can't think of any words besides Heroic Spirit."

     At the suggestion of the Concord Sarracenia thinks for a few moments. "I had considered that when the Confederacy first broke down. At the time I was uncertain just what the Concord was actually offering, but remaining completely unaligned seemed like it would leave my kingdom open to attacks by anyone. But, I have been reconsidering lately. Do you really think they would take me?"

     Sarra giggles at the comment about parliament. "That doesn't mean the ruler doesn't have to rule. It means the ruler and the parliament have some measure of combined power." she says. She watches as Izou grabs an incense stick and follows suit. She lights her as well and holds up her free hand. She doesn't really know what to do but follow Izou's lead here. "Do we ask for things? How does it work?"
Okada Izou      "I drink a lot. Also, y'know. Ghost."

     He waves at himself, as if to remind her that, yes, her boyfriend *is* a dead guy with a body made of Literal Magic, faster and more durable than an ordinary human being, and drinking something stupidly strong is the only way he *could* get drunk.

     "They might. I dunno, but they might. If you've got ambitions like 'more power' an' stuff like that...yeah, probably. An' immortality sounds like just the start, right? There's so much crazy shit out here." Izou flips out a camera and holds it at her. "You know this thing can take *photographs* without eatin your soul? Isn't that crazy? Who ever heard of a thing like that?"

     "I made sure to ask." He looks proud about this.

     Then he stows it back in his pocket and takes her hand. "You're prayin' for somethin'. Askin' the gods for a blessing. I..."

     His face is red. It's not hard to guess what he asked for.

     "...but that's it. Then we go an' we get food an' we enjoy ourselves, an' then maybe we go back to my apartment an' fall asleep on the couch together or somethin' like that, if you...uh...if you wanted."

     "B-but just fall asleep!" He adds hurriedly. "Maybe a little kissin' an' stuff. But...y'know..."

     "Mostly just fall asleep?"

     "I might wanna spend a night outside your castle. An' my apartment in Grand Dorado ain't bad."
Sarracenia      Sarracenia rolls her and smirks a bit at the whole ghost thing, then giggles at the camera. "If you think that is crazy, wait until you see a camera that lets you talk to other people at long distance!" she says as he takes her hand. She thinks about a wish and closes her eyes. "If it is not too much trouble, spirits of this shrine, I wish for lasting happiness with my hero." she says, then opens her eyes and looks at Izou. She sees the blushing and blinks in confusion. It may not be hard to guess for most, but Sarra is pretty naive despite her adventuring nature.

     His plans for after the shrine make her blush and giggle. "A night outside the castle would be nice I suppose. But first, I would like to try several of those items on a stick that festivals such as these are famous for." she says, then hees. "And do not expect any more gripping of my posterior this evening."