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Ein Wow! It's that one event center parking area! You know the one.

There is Only One

Sparsely populated by cars, the area here is moderately lit by white lights that wash the area in greyscale. In the shadows behind a pillar, not hidden at all, is a large red... 'vehicle', of some sort, like a sled or four-blade jet-ski done dirty by a plastic toy manufacturer into some technological and overdesigned mess.

It kind of looks like a folded up mecha, but instead of a head, it has the top of a lighthouse. Weird.

Anyway it's triple parked... in the darkness.


A tall high school student in white collared shirt, khaki pants, shoes, and combat harness lurks at a corner and peeks around of the FUUTO EVENT CENTER, before combat rolling around the corner into the...

Completely empty area near the top of the staircase. Checking left and right, he crouch-runs up to the door and checks the door.

"Zi-O... You must be here." He mutters, and then slips inside.
Dark Generals         A WHILE AGO:

"Listen here, Chase. This is a mission of the utmost importance, do you understand? Failure is absolutely NOT an option."

Brain says this, emphasizing every word with an exaggerated motion with his whole body, several Roidmude in the background of their Secret Headquarters (read: Heart's favorite noodle resteraunt) getting their newly hacked internet set up working up to snuff, complete with wi-fi mesh extenders to increase the broadcast range. "Uooooh....with this we'll be able to stream with no worry about bandwidth.." one mutters.

"I can finally see what all the rage about those 'flash sales' online are about now, even when you guys are watching --" "Shhh! You can't say that name aloud!"

    But that's a story for another time.

What's important here is that Brain is willing to put aside his differences and work with Chase. And the best part is, he doesn't have to bother Heart with this kind of thing; if he and Chase can do it alone, Heart will surely praise him, Brain knows.

The bestest part is that Medic will be the one eating crow after talking all that garbage about him, too. He'd finally get one up on her, and her salty tears will be sweet to his tongue, like cotton candy.

    Brain's glasses glint.

        RIGHT NOW:

A lanky man with flaxen hair looks around nervously as he approaches the strange machine in three-step bursts. Step step step, stop, look around. Step step step, stop, look around.

    " .... is ... this it? No, it must be."

What else would be designed to look this stupid, and parked in such a perfeclty conspicuous way?

"Alright...! This is it, Brain's big victory!" With a subdued cheer, he quickly enacts his master scheme, which is ... hitching a steel cable to the Time Mazine's aft, which was linked up to a tow truck that was supposed to be driven by the only person among the Roidmude with a driver's license.

    Yes, this is why Chase was of such critical import.
Chase      Chase is with Brain. Not because he wants to be, he really kind of dislikes the man. No, he's here because he asked him to, and at the end of the day, that's really enough reason for him. Dark Generals are more menacing when they travel in pairs anyway.

     "But I do not have a-"

     Brain isn't having any of it as he explains the plan. Chase can't get a word in edgewise, and eventually he's left in the driver's seat of a pickup truck. At least it has air conditioning and his favorite tunes.

     When Brain gives the signal, he simply blinks. What is he supposed to do? He does not know how to drive a motor vehicle. Then again, his time in the JSDF had him in the back of various jeeps and other car-like things. Perhaps if he just...

     Recalling what he's seen other drivers do, Chase pushes the drive stick into the correct position and slams his foot on the gas. He doesn't ease the poor thing into it at all, and there's the distinct sound and smell of rubber tires burning against asphalt as the thing slowly begins towing the Time Mazine away.

The boys begin towing away the TIME MAZINE. It's slow going, at first, progressing down from the fourth of five floors. Immediately, Chase and Brain hit a snag -- literally -- as the tow truck pulls out into the driving path and the Time Mazine obliterates a support column like it's nothing, jerking the heavy crane-winch backwards. The whole tow truck's front wheels leaves the ground and yanks around, but steadies as the Mazine clears through the rubble like a teflon-coated bullet, the Future Plastisteel relatively immune to falling painted-foam toku debris.

Down into the second floor, the halting goodboy driving of Chase is plagued by actually having to regain maneuvering...

But he doesn't.

He just sits there, with his foot on the brake, and the Time Mazine coasts to a stop at the back of the truck. Then, he simply drives it at ten mph crawling down the entire way. He pulls out of the parking garage, and onto the street, and everything is totally safe and good!

Excellent driving, with a fantastic scheme, see the Time Mazine ridden out onto the street and pulled into the front yard area when--

The parking structure caves in the entire third of the building under the knocked-out support column, causing an immense cacophony.

Mokyouin Geiz bursts through the window of the Fuuto Events Center, combat rolls, and smoothly transitions into a pumping sprint as he begins *gaining* on the truck.

It does not help that Chase drives like a grandmother.

"COME BACK HERE!" Geiz shouts, Terminator running behind the vehicle as they pull out onto the street. "MINIONS OF ODA ZI-O!"
Reliant There is a moment, brief, in which time stutters. It's so subtle that you probably wouldn't notice it if you weren't some sort of machine life form with highly sensitive processing equipment; as-is, Brain and to a lesser extent Chase can probably detect a momentary discrepancy in the time they experience and the time that actually passes. It's not quite like the heaviness, though. Not exactly.

The instant afterwards the cab to their tow truck opens from the passenger side and a man with a stubbly moustache and goatee and mid-length, somewhat unkempt hair slides in beside Chase.

"Hey," The man says, not actually all that suspicious considering the circumstances. He has the sort of confidence that you'd expect from somebody who routinely infiltrates places he shouldn't be by just acting like there's nothing at all strange about his appearance.

"Hold onto this for me until somebody comes along and asks for it, okay?" The intonation suggests a question, but it really isn't one. He performatively places a flip phone with a circular yellow symbol divided in half and encircled by red.

The man glances back at the pursuit, then looks towards Chase.

"I could, uh--" He gestures towards the steering wheel. "While you deal with that. He's not going to go away."

You get the impression that he tried to stop this already...
Chase      As expected, Chase's daring escape isn't going too good. At the very least, the truck is still in one piece, even with the amount of collateral damage he's causing. Perhaps this plan of Brain's will work, even with the massive oversight.

     As he pulls out of the parking garage and onto the streets, he notices what appears to be a human sprinting at top speeds in his side view mirror. He can't really judge how close he is with the mirror alone though as it says objects appear closer, so he sticks his head out to check.

     "I do not know who Oda Zi-O is, but you are wrong. I am helping Brain."

     Bringing his head back in to pay attention to the road, they notice that they have company. He doesn't say anything, instead just squinting at the man. He's used to these sorts of things by now, and at the very least, if he was going to stop them, he'd have done so immediately. He still, however, doesn't know who they are, but they're right about one thing. He needs to get rid of the guy chasing them.

     Chase keeps one hand on the steering wheel as he continues his granny driving, while reaching into his jacket with his free hand to nab his Break Gunner. He pushes the barrel of the gun against his upper arm for a brief moment, before pointing the weapon out the window and right below Geiz's feet.


     The weapon announces its intent, before firing a spray of bullets that do not hit the combat harness wearing weirdo, but create a flurry of sparks to try and deter him.
Dark Generals     "Yes...yes...!"

Brain practically skips behind the tow-truck as it pulls their prize along. He doesn't seem all that phased, even as it crashes through a support pillar. Or the resulting crash a good couple of minutes later as the lack of said support pillar causes a disaster. ... well, he does become a little less jubilant, a grimace lining his features as he nervously rubs the tips of his fingers together. " ... w-well. Surely, this isn't that big of a deal, right?"

As typical of Brain's awry schemes, a bigger problem quickly presents itself in the form of Geiz running full throttle directly at them and easily making ground. "What? Wait. Stop. You're running at us too fast, AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE?!?!?!?!?"

Brain, having realized that standing still was not the play, begins running to catch up to the tow truck, too.

Naturally he's much slower than Geiz and as a result of that, he felt an immense amount of fear from seeing his victim about to run up on him like a bad habit. It's only natural then, that he doesn't even notice the shift in time as something odd happens between Chase and a stranger in the cabin.

As Brain trips and cries out, forced to face his own mortality, his salvation presents itself in the flutter of a red jacket that briefly washes over his face, and a strong hand reaching down to gently offer itself to him. "Oh, you tripped? Are you alright, Brain?"

    Brain looks up, and his joy mixes with mortification. "H.."

"Heaaaaart! Forigve meeeee! I look so pitiful..this is bad...but wait, why are you here?"

Heart extends his hand and grasps his blubbering friend to pull him up and deposit him on the truck's bed, next to the winch. "Oh. Medic told me you were up to something, and I got worried, so I came to check on you two ..."

"It seems I arrived just in time, hm?" Heart supposes, with a smile, before slipping his shoe under a nearby rock and easily kicking it up in front of him like a soccer bell to punch, sending it flying at Geiz to bowl him over moments after Chase's spray of Toku Blaster Sparks give him pause. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but, it seems like we need to borrow this for a little while." he then says, using that same hand to smack the hull of the Time Mazine.
Reliant "Oh, he's talking about the strongest Kamen Rider," The man beside Chase explains off-handedly as if it is a completely uninteresting fact, like they're passing a convenience store, helping steady the wheel completely unnecessarily.
Ein If there is anything about Mokyoin Geiz, he is absolutely fanatically determined to see his justice done.

If there is another thing about Mokyoin Geiz, it is that he is kind of a headstrong dumbass. He sprints right towards two Roidmude Generals fully thinking they're servants of the 'strongest Kamen Rider' untransformed, grunting and puffing and shouting at the top of his lungs.

"You can't get away from me, because --!"

Kaidou arrives, and begins getting the crew away with this.

"Ghh-!!!" Shot at and toku blasted dangerously while still running, his arms cross, both hands prying dials off of holsters on his forearms. Both thumbs twist dials, and both index fingers depress buttons.

His left hand cocks back and hurls the contents of his hand into Chase's weaponfire, the reflexive action saving his life from certain Just-Short-Of-Death-Thanks-To-Mashin-Chaser's-Billed-Role-But-Not-Heart's, as...

BIKE sounds, and the unfolding piece of automotive technology nobly sacrifices itself as an excuse for an explosion vfx. Then comes another sound.



Through the fire and flames, three plastisteel-yellow letters fly out -- the katakana for RIDER -- and a rock.

Over the sound of chom-chon-chon-choNK of letters is a sharp crack of stone on forehead and a sound of human duress, before K A M E N R I D E R - GEIZ singsongs, and the red-armored man leaps through the fire, his axe announces OH NO loudly in hand.

"That's critical to stopping Oda Zi-O! You don't understand!" He shouts, like all riders shout, swinging his axe in a flurry of swipes at Heart, mixing in a sharp knee strike that extends out into a full kick. "Even if you're an evolved roidmude--!"

Leaping *over* heart, his axe transforms into YUMI-mode, and he hangs there, firing a saturating barrage of shots while getting egregious air-time. "--my mission is bigger than you!"
Dark Generals Sparks fly as the axe crashes repeatedly into Heart's arm, which the Roidmude uses against the weapon as if it were a weapon all in itself, extending his fingers into a knife-hand to clash directly with the weapon at hand. The edge bites deeply into his favorite coat's sleeve as the two exchange strikes with eachother that below and blow away the dust in the air.

"Zi-o, is it?" he says, before Geiz's knee impacts him roughly on the chin and, for the first time drives Heart back several steps. This gives the Kamen Rider enough time to make the bound over his lush head and begin his assault in earnest on Chase.

Brain, meanwhile, seethes on the truck bed. "Guh...Medic, curse you! Sending Heart here...t-this is the worst outcome! He's witnessed me in my greatest moment of shame, even if we do bring this back home, it won't have any meaning! Uaaah!"

Thankfully, someone else was taking care of actually doing this while Brain wallowed.

Heart observes his damaged arm, oil leaking out of the lacerations; the cracks of his human facade. Heart's lip twinges ambiguously as it droops to his side.

    "The so-called 'strongest Kamen Rider' ..."

He clarifies himself, "I don't care. If it's a tool as criticial for defeating such a person as you say, then of course I'll be the one who takes possession of it. After all ... if there were such a thing as the strongest Kamen Rider, he would assuredly be my enemy."

The air seems to grow thick as the pressure rises and time dialates under the power of "slow-down", which Heart takes advantage of to move in on Geiz while he is engaged with Mashin Chaser and brings his open palm low to seemingly strike him in the gut, only ..

In his scuffed hand, a bright red orb of dead heat power has formed and is released as Heart thrusts, intent on launching both Geiz and the blistering sphere back into the rubble to explode, in proper tokusatsu fashion.
Reliant "Oda Zi-O," The man beside Chase says, rubbing at his chin, "IS the strongest Kamen Rider. He is... all Kamen Riders, simultaneously. And enemy... well, I don't think he thinks of any of us as significant enough to really be that. More like..."

He claps his hands together, "Pests! But it's still important that he comes about. Geiz wanted to stop that today. But his window of opportunity just closed, thanks to you."
Chase      Chase brings his arm back in right before the energy arrows slam into it. Sadly, he can't really dodge with a pick up truck, and so shots pepper into the moving vehicle, making the Grim Reaper almost lose control. The tires make an awful screeching noise as he does his darnedest to keep himself from driving into a sidewalk, his brow furrowing and beading with sweat as he concentrates. He really needs to get a car license after this.

     "I see... I will deal with the Kamen Rider. One of you, drive the car."

     Chase does not elaborate any further before he kicks the door by his side open. He has to wait for a bit, but eventually his trusty Ride Chaser drives itself out of an alleyway, and rides side by side with the pickup truck. He jumps onto it without a second thought, grabbing onto the handles of the motorcycle as he slows down to match the same pace as Geiz.

     "Then we will deal with Oda Zi-O."

     Letting the Ride Chaser enter autopilot again, Chase lets go of the steering handles as he grabs hold of the Break Gunner again and slams the device into his palm again.


     There's a flash of purple, followed by the sound of crashing metal parts and a guitar riff as Chase becomes Mashin Chaser.

     With his transformation complete, the roidmude now drives way too close to Geiz, bumping his rider machine repeatedly in an attempt to ride him off the road. Sparks fly every time they connect, but eventually he starts to get impatient, and simply extends an arm out as he grabs the Future Rider by the shoulder and lifts him off his bike.

     "Now leave. If you do not... Then die, Kamen Rider."

     Declaring his ultimatum, Mashin Chaser chucks Kamen Rider Geiz on to the road, letting the asphalt and momentum do all the work. He won't die from this. He knows this, but at the very least, as a human(???), it's going to hurt.
Ein Mokyoin Geiz - Kamen Rider Geiz - is a relentless pursuer, but he isn't an *invincible* one. Kaidou's interference with his plot at the Fuuto Event Center, and the clear determination and skill he shows in his high-speed battle against Heart, Brain, and Chase proves...

This act has changed time even further from what had, apparently, been a stable cycle before. The ripples of Heaviness contend with crackling red and yellow jagged time-lines as the Future Guardian trades blows. Something about what is happening is making the Rider even more dangerous - to both himself and Heart. Still... This is Heart. The highest authority among all Roidmude, blessed with the emotion of Joy.

The joy of battle.

His axe transforms again as Heart reaches for him, his hand thumbing a button on his ridewatch attached to his belt, and the belt's wristwatch-button itself.


It announces, but Heart strikes him by the gut -- by the driver, and grips, and something pops there, a loud crackle as something in his driver crumples under the force of the fist's swelling pressure and detonated back, a smear of motion in the Heaviness dialating out until the time-crack-winged Rider flies into a nearby passing cargo truck and crumples the entire cargo area around him in a large explosion that flips the truck and sends eighteen wheels of contents scattering across the road in a giant burst.

It is one of the most violent finishers Fuuto has ever seen.

And from it, the burning wreckage, a red armored figure runs, staggers, struggles on the path. His driver snaps and pops, but in his hand is another ridewatch, which he spins the face of. "I also don't care. I'm the one who will set right time. I don't need a self-driving car stealing my time machine."

He depresses the stud, elliciting a DRIVE from the ridewatch.

And then Chase rides him down on a motorcycle and sends him sprawling into the remains of traffic around a growing ring of automotive fire and horn noises. His transformation breaks, finally, his driver cracking and disengaging from his waist, leaving his personal ridewatch on the street before him, and the Drive ridewatch...

Somewhere in the middle distance, between him and Chase, where he was first struck.

Bloody-headed and clearly in extreme agony, he reaches, desperately, to finger-scrape on asphalt and grunt in heightened need as he wills himself towards the one salvation he has left.

His head falls, after that, dead or unconscious. It is uncear at the distance. You'd have to stop and check.

Sirens sound in the middle distance.
Dark Generals     Only pests?

That was concerning, but ... no, it was just as Chase said. If they did come face to face with this Oda Zi-o, they would defeat him with all the vigor of their bodies and spirits. Heart, after having discarded Geiz to his fate and not having the interest to ensure he'd been killed outright, straightens his posture and tilts his head in the odd man's direction at the cab.

"You're saying that this Kamen Rider hasn't appeared, yet?" and more importantly, that because of their actions, he would in the future at some point. It was a consterning statement, he supposes, as he steps up alongside Mashin Chaser in solidarity.

In the meantime, Brain helpfully explains, "This is a time machine. That's probably why that Kamen Rider said it was an important tool to defeat Oda Zi-o."

"Ah," Heart intones, "I see. Then we can use it for such a purpose as well, of course. I trust you'll be able to use it well, Brain? You're quite skilled with these things." Heart appreciatively voices his encouragement.

Previously down in the dumps, Brain takes a deep breath and springs up as if he were loaded like one, suddenly teeming with energy, " -- yes, that's right, because I...Brain, am reliable, ready, and raring to get to work on it, H-heart...!!"

Heart nods his head, as if it were the most normal thing in the world; or maybe, as if to say, 'yes, this is how Brain is after all'.

Heart pauses and casts one more look to the downed Geiz, considering, before shaking his head and giving Chase a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"While it seems we had a little bit of help from an unexpected someone, it seems that we have succeeded in securing this ... vehicle. What shall we call it?"

Brain pushes his glasses up, "We'll have to draw lots when we get back," he puts negotiably, to hide that he hadn't considered that just yet.
Reliant The man in the tow truck's cab scoots over and assumes control of the vehicle at-request.

"You can't," he says, drearily. "Neither can Faiz. If, all of the Kamen Riders that currently exist and will soon exist and did exist stood before him, all together they would not be enough. That's why Geiz came here. It's a little like... trying to kill an infant Hitler."

But he clicks his fingers together, and says, "Don't worry. We have a plan. This is all a part of it. You'll get your time mazine."

And so, Kamen Rider Geiz falls.

From off the side of the street comes a woman dressed in business wear-- black slacks, a grey shirt, and a black blazer along with a dark overcoat that definitely conceals some kind of under-arm weapon. A hime cut heavily defines her outward presence, and it offers her an initial impression that is mismatches from the grimly amused curve of her lips.

Naoyo Kaido pulls over and hops out of the cab of the truck. Time shudders, though Heart, Brain, and Chase seem exempt from whatever he's doing. Tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket, he rocks back and forth energetically for a moment.

"You're not weak," he says, "and I'm not telling you these things to imply you're weak. It's that Oda Zi-O is that strong. And a part of what I-- we're doing, is setting up the circumstances so he's a threat that can be fought instead of just a natural disaster. We need Kamen Riders."

Smiling thinly, Kaido withdraws a hand from his pocket to point towards Chase, and Heart, and yes-- even Brain. "You three? You were made for it. Metaphorically! Mostly."

The stern-seeming woman moves alongside Geiz and picks him up in a fireman's carry. Between Kaido and the woman, the woman seems more physically formidable-- though judging by everything that's happened so far, it's fairly clear that the man doesn't live on physique.
Chase      Mashin Chaser hits the breaks on the Ride Chaser as he watches Geiz eat pavement and untransform. Perhaps, just perhaps, both him and Heart were a bit too much for them... He really should check on them, just to make sure he's alive...

     The sound of sirens snaps him out of it. He clicks his tongue and scowls underneath his helmet. He does not want to deal with law enforcement. He's done enough damage for one day. He'll simply have to trust that the local law enforcement will take care of them.

     Turning his attention back to the pickup truck, Mashin Chaser revs his motorcycle back up and begins riding side by side with it again. He's not going back in to drive it again however, he'll just stick to quiet escort duty.
Dark Generals         "Is..that so?"

Heart queries, a small look of wonder flashing through his eyes and across his face as the man explains just how terrifying a force that Oda Zi-O was. Then we've gotten caught up in something rather big. But that can only be expected from meddling with a time machine.

With Geiz being seen to by the woman who appeared, an acquiantance of Kaido's he could only assume, Heart easily swings one leg up and hops with the other, seating himself easily behind Chase as he begins to drive forward to nab himself a nifty ride.

"You were a great help to us today, and I'm grateful. If Oda Zi-o truly is as terribly formidable as you're implying, then it's my hope that your plan comes to fruition. Otherwise ... yes, espcially with that 'Hitler' comparison, I can only imagine it will become everyone's problem."

Heart smiles to the man, "Metaphorically or not, we'll endeavor to defeat anyone who would threaten us or our precious friends. Thank you once more for helping us with this 'Time Mazine'; as far as I'm concerned, you two are also our friends from here on out."
Reliant "Keep an eye on local businesses. It doesn't start dangerously-- but you'll see how it starts," Kaido says to Heart. He punches a fist against his own hand and says, "Don't worry! We'll defeat Oda Zi-O."

It's the woman who speaks next, the instant Heart has said: //as far as I'm concerned, you two are also our friends from here on out.//

"I'll hold you to that, Lord Heart, but I promise you won't regret it," The shrewd woman says, razor-sharp promise of danger on her voice. It's not threatening, exactly-- she is simply that sort of woman. She produces a business card and tosses it flippantly to Heart.

The distortions in time repeat, and the pair are gone-- along with Geiz, though if any of them SHOULD choose to take his driver, no resistance is offered for some reason.

This time distortion is not, however, favorable to the emergency services arrival time.

The business card bears distinctive markings that presently have no meaning, and a name accompanied by title:

                     RIDER SERVICES RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT                      
                             DIRECTOR HAMADA MAKOTO                            
Chase      "Built for it? I am not-"

     Mashin Chaser is speaking, presumably through an open truck window, but he pauses to think.

     He says he's not Kamen Rider, but multiple people have compared him to one. He hates Kamen Rider, but it feels like he understands what it means to be one better than most people. It's weird, his opinions on them seem almost paradoxical at times, and just thinking about it makes his head hurt and his vision whiten. But for now, he powers through the feeling and finally decides to admit it. Also because he really does not want to have a crippling migraine while driving.

     "Yes. I suppose I am. I think the question now however is... How do we become Kamen Rider? I assume it will happen regardless if you help us or not. Correct?"
Reliant Time flickers more violently when Chase calls for answers to specific questions. It is like having a conversation inbetween heartbeats, in the darkness between one blink and the next. Kaido strides up to Mashin Chaser, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Roidmude," he says, "have one of the saddest stories of all."

After a moment's more silence, Kaido prods Chase in the chest, "You're already Kamen Rider, and always were. When you fell in battle, you became Mashin Chaser instead. But the heart of you didn't really change. For all that you..."

He mimics the BREAK DOWN motion energetically, "Well, you don't feel right hurting people, do you? And it makes you angry when they kill roidmude. The only thing you need to be Kamen Rider again, is to ask."

"And you--" Kaido turns towards Brain, suddenly stern. "Don't do it. Find your own Kamen Rider spirit, and let your friend have his. You have it in you, I promise."

Then, at last, time returns wholly to normal, and the pair truly are gone.
Dark Generals With the card in hand, Heart wordlessly commits it to memory; that name, it felt familiar in some way, but he couldn't really put his finger on it. Of course, he recognized what Rider Services was, but ..

There was no use running his head ragged trying to recall it and, at least for now, Heart chalks it up to a sense of deja vu. "I look forward to it," he says, genially.

And he meant it. Even with that sharp tone, he could't help but discern that there was just something good there, or perhaps that it didn't necessarily mean she was cross. Medic had come to be similar to that with others in many ways, after all.

Chase the asks a particular question. And he receives a certain answer, and the flow of time resumes as it should.

Brain grinds his teeth, "What..? Just what's that supposed to mean, as if I would ever want to be one? That guy. Heart might've befriended you two just now, but that doesn't mean you can get off saying whatever you want -- !!"

With a hand held up to silence him gently, Heart shakes his head and leans back on Chase's chaser in thought. Chiroptera .. he wants to be a Kamen Rider that both Roidmude and HumaGear can look to, to protect them. To uphold his values. But by and large, Kamen Rider is merely a symbol of oppression to keep so called 'kaijin' in line.

"Chase. Do you want to be a Kamen Rider?" he asks, honestly.

Just what the exact nature of this line of questioning is, he does not clarify. But, Heart is like that, one could suppose.
Chase The Ride Chaser goes into autopilot as Mashin Chaser's hands fall to his sides. Felled in battle? Became Mashin Chaser? Kaido is lying. He never fell in battle once, and he was always Mashin Chaser... Wasn't he?

     Yes, of course, he knows who he is, and always has, he's Chase. He's Mashin Chaser. The Grim Reaper. A protector. He's Roidmude Number...? Number? Number? Number? Number???

     He doesn't know his number, it never even crossed his mind up until now, and there's a distinct sense of dread that washes over him for even having the thought in his head. Like something is telling him to forget before he hurts himself...

     Is he scared to know? It won't change anything. It's just a number. If he can't even remember it, it probably doesn't even have a meaning to him... So then why is he frightened???

     Mashin Chaser clasps his head in confusion, before Heart's question snaps him out of it and gives him the push he needs to leave his headspace for a moment. He places his hand back on the handle bars, before replying.

     "I... Think... Yes."
Dark Generals Brain swallows thickly, But Heart simply leans forward and places his strong arms on Chase's shoulders to steady himself for the ride. "I see," is all he says and seems to fall into a deep thought of his own.