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Forte Why exactly there are two copies of Forte (or more accurately two copies of Bass.EXE, one of which calls himself Forte) is a long story, and an ongoing one. The short version is that someone gathered up the byproducts from a bunch of glitches in reality, and used them to duplicate Forte as he used to be - and he came back wrong. And then the Watch managed to fix him, with the help of scilab's Dr. Hikari - though in the process the Watch drew aggro from other parts of Scilab.

Bass.EXE has needed some time to recover from the ordeal of nearly becoming a monster, and some more time to be brought up to speed on what happened. In the meantime he's been put in a cozy little cabin out in the woods here - owned by a Watch sympathizer - where nobody's likely to stumble across him... or assume he's just some random multiversal if they do.

And now, it's debriefing time. Nothing so formal as an actual 'debriefing', mind - just a chance to finally talk to him face to face, now that he's not A. Turning into a monster or B. Unconscious, which had been his two previous states till this point, and to figure out what happens next.

Forte goes on ahead, expressing a desire to secure the meeting site. For the rest of the group, it's a leisurely hike from the nearest warpgate, winding through the woods, over a creek, through a valley...
Rita Ma      Why does Rita care? She knows in her heart exactly why she does. Someone steeped in rejection and unbelonging who is wary of trusting... someone corrupted by others, who fears turning into a monster and hurting those around them... even if it's not quite the same, even if they're very different people, she couldn't turn her back on that.

     But if challenged, she'd have a hard time putting it to words. Rita's thankful that her reputation as a certified good girl means she's unlikely to get drilled on why, exactly, she's helping.

     "I thought he'd be staying at SciLab," she muses before Forte splits off. "I hope nothing happened. Dr. Hikari seemed pretty sure he'd be treated well, but... he's not all of SciLab, is he?"

     At present, she's dressed in her usual cropped-jacket-and-skirt combo, gentle blues and greens set off by the thin red ribbon in her blonde hair. A bit of wax paper pokes out of her overstuffed lunchbox, probably full of snacks to share. Food, after all, is a wonderful social lubricant.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Ei, sib, might I hath som of that? Gramercy." Despite his size, Bercilak doesn't actually take much, assuming Rita hands some over. Something large, dead and local is strung up along the haft of his axe. He, too, realizes the value of food as an offering.

     He seems at home here, even dressed as he is. Tight black denim pants, motorcycle boots that find purchase in gnarled undergrowth, steeper inclines and well-worn trails alike. A white tank top strained by a barrel chest, and an olive-drab 'vest' (the sleeves were torn off) don't offer much protection against the elements. There's the sense that he wouldn't much be bothered even if that protection is necessary, the way he's smiling. The axe, as tall as he is, its head large enough to shield most of Rita's upper body, is held with ease against his shoulder by one hand.

     "That we shalt espy," he intones neutrally. "Lanhure, Forte hath I demed, and demed just--I am muchly bihowen to imete Bass.EXE, and per happes, sonli, to deme him so als."
Forte Through the valley, past the bridge, winding through the trees...

... And here is the little clearing, and the little cabin...
... And Forte and Bass, fighting each other to death in the little clearing.

It's *very hard* to interpret this as any sort of sparring or training session or duel - there's gouges in the dirt from missed shots, and bits of the trees missing around the clearing, and it looks like there once was a cute little water pump in the clearing - it's been bisected, leaving two halves of ornate metalwork in a puddle of muddy water, and there's a bit of ground that could have been a campfire once but has since been blasted into non-existence. Aside from the damage to the grounds, the two are clearly not pulling their punches as they aim attack after attack at each other.

The two are fairly evenly matched - Forte can fly, but Bass still has his armcannon. So far it doesn't look like they've managed to land a hit on each other, dashing about the clearing as they have been, but that's about to change, the pace of the battle reaching a crescendo...

"Megacannon C!" yells Bass, skidding to a halt, and aiming his armcannon at Forte. It glows, ominously and violently...

"Tarnished Shards A," intones Forte, several mass-deleting shards appearing in front of him, and orienting to aim at Bass...
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      Rita has seen Bercilak at his most serious in a fight, and she's seen him, several times, less serious, fighting 'for fun.' This is neither. Does she have a cultural equivalent to frat bros?

     "Chuse one. I shalt hondle the othere." It's a quick, terse aside to Rita.

     "EI! EI! EI! SIB!" The axe is tilted towards the ground, the slain elk sliding down the haft until the weapon is free. Bercilak doesn't even summon his armor, but he does leap-- "FORSLEU THY ROLL, SIB!"

     Between the two of them, arms and legs spread wide to obstruct as much of their view of one another as he can. The edge of the axe is pointed down, at the ground, nigh resting upon it, his grip loosened up almost entirely to the butt of the haft. This is frat boy de-escalation Bercilak.

     "'TIS NOT THAT SERIOUSE!" He can only keep his eyes on one at a time.
Rita Ma      Fraternities themselves may come and go, but the concept of "hooligans" is culturally universal.

     Rita is in the middle of holding out a delightful-looking piece of sashimi in rice paper when they emerge into the clearing. Her eyes go wide. It drops to the ground, followed a moment later by the rest of her lunchbox. "Got it, Mr. Bercilak!"

     Why are they fighting?! This was supposed to be nice! ... No, that's the wrong question to ask. Whose side am I on?

     The answer to that is easy. Forte is her comrade. Bass isn't.

     It's very very difficult to avoid being grabbed by someone who has both superhuman speed and a dozen invisible limbs. It is, further, difficult to escape being grabbed by someone who can leave her fingerprints in metal by squeezing.

     In an eyeblink, Rita is in front of Bass, wrenching his armcannon off to the side with her hands on both his wrists. Incidentally, her body shields him from Forte in this position too. What seem to be invisible bands of force encircle his legs, upper arms, and torso as well, with something like the tactile experience of being hugged by a very large snake.

     Her expression is intense, but pleading, not angry. "This isn't how it's supposed to go, Mr. Bass! Please stop! I don't understand!!"

     If Forte was expecting a fight, he'd have come alone. Bass is more likely to know why.
Shotaro Hidari Shotaro and Philip are a little late, having had to finish a different case right before getting over here.  Of course, when they did...

Shotaro sighs, he wishes he was surprised, but he's not.  Philip is more curious as to what will happen.  "Do you suppose if they fight the stronger one will consume the other's data..?" Shotaro gives him a look which Philip just shrugs at.  

One CYCLONE JOKER transformation later, and Kamen Rider W is positioned not between them, but in a position to either go for one or the other.  Hopefully to back up either Rita or Bercilak the moment their Bass decides they want to fight to the death still.  

"Listen to them, whatever is going on isn't worth a fight, especially as one as serious as you two were having."
Forte Bercilak's timely intervention is enough to get Forte to hold his fire, the shards hovering in place instead of speeding on towards their target. Bass goes to fire regardless, aiming his shot around Bercilak, but it gets wrenched away at the last second by Rita's grasp. And the appearance of a Kamen Rider on the stage gets both to finally stand down...

... at least physically, the armcannon reverting to a hand and the antegent shards disappearing. Verbally, though, they haven't stood down at all.

"... He shot first," says Forte, breaking the ensuing silence.

"What - *you* shot first!" yells Bass, who looks like he's ready to start shooting again, if people would just let go and get out of the way.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Hit matters not," says Bercilak, his voice now at more conversational volume. He's facing Forte, but the tone of Bass' voice is picked up on, and his spread-out posture is not relaxed. "Illeoqs." It would be perfectly reasonable not to have any idea what the fuck that word means. Thankfully, Bercilak gestures with his head. Towards the spot of Rita's dropped lunchbox.

     "Rita's fodening. Bisideforth, mine own." One more, towards the slain elk. "Do oure yefts esteme so liti to thee, that thou wouldst rathere outshed the blod of thy contre? Is his sin so gret thou wouldst ifighte him e'en ayenst the will of we..."

     A glance towards W, a momentary confused twitch of his brow. "Four?"

     His red eyes are back upon Forte. "Rememor thee wel whanne ifirst we imet. Speke sothli--and withoute mencioun of ifirst who-sum-ever insmiten. What is thy grimmledge with him, Forte?"
Shotaro Hidari The hand of W shoots out, pointing at Bercilak in a pose, "Yes, four."

Behind W, Philip is lying unconscious on the ground.  

"I agree with Bercilak, it doesn't matter who shot first...because you both seem eager for this fight.  Neither are you both actually standing down despite what appearances you are putting on.  So out with it!"

"What's really going on here?"
Rita Ma      Rita's cloaked tentacles slacken a little around Bass- enough to allow him a little wiggle room, and to make it less uncomfortable. She trusts him enough to turn away and look at Bercilak and Shotaro, but not enough to let go.

     I'd give a lot to be a mind-reader right now. Forte seemed... almost excited, even just a minute ago.

     "They are good snacks," she murmurs forlornly. Bercilak's kill catches her eye in particular, for obvious reasons. "I worked hard on them, you know."

     Bercilak and W have already asked the crucial question, so she simply gives them space to speak.
Forte Bercilak's chidings hit home. It's not as obvious as it might be for some people - Forte's not as expressive, but his eyes move to the side when Bercilak phrases it as disregarding his and Rita's hospitality, in the manner of one embarrassed.

Likewise, Bass relaxes his stance - a *litte* - when W points out that no he's not actually standing down.
"He wants to go join Scilab," says Forte. "As a netbattler. As part of the *system*. As the *enemy*."

"And *he* was trying to recruit me to go attack it!" says Bass, who doesn't at all have the same restraint on his expressions. "I understand you all aren't exactly working within the law all of the time, but he was talking actual straight-up terrorism!"

"I don't know about you all, but I don't really like the thought of another me going off and hurting the people I'm trying to protect!" continues Bass.

"..." says Forte, glancing back at the trio (or quartet) of his comrades, similar thoughts clearly on his mind, but not voiced.
Shotaro Hidari W sighs, pulling the Gaia memory out of his belt.  The armor seems to blow off into bits, as Shotaro stands there again.  He's rubbing' his forehead a bit.  He's not entirely surprised to hear this, Bass wanting to join up with those who saved him isn't unreasonable.  Though that situation is complicated.

Forte wanting to just blow the place up also makes sense, given his own experience with them.  Rubbing his head for a moment, he isn't exactly sure what to say.  "Forte, chill.  I think that situation is a bit more complex than simply wanting to go blow it up wholesale."

"It's true that it's got problems, and there is something going on behind the scenes.  Something that its people are being manipulated by.  I think it's going to take a gentler touch and investigation."

He looks at Bass and nods.  "It's your life and your right to live it how you want.  I also can't blame you for wanting to repay things for people who did a lot to try and save you.  The doctor there especially.  There is something going on behind the scenes though, and Scilab isn't exactly running a clean ship...the virus breeding comes to mind."

"That doctor isn't the whole of Scilab, remember that," he says, and then... "So before things go bad, let's sit down and eat some snacks...and talk this out."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Ah," intones Bercilak, shifting the axe so that the massive weapon rests upon the blunt eye, upside down. "So, 'tis lik swich." Usually, when Bercilak says 'it's like that,' he doesn't get it at all. But his posture drops into something more relaxed, and there's a sense that he might, actually, get it.

     "Verily, W."

     He holds up one finger, showing it to both programs, as if to say, 'one second, guys.' Balling his hand up into a fist large enough to close around the slain elk's head, the Green Knight rears back and strikes the ground sharply. The impact causes a small crater, a plume of dirt erupting to sully his clothes all the way up to the bottom of his pectorals. Bercilak chuckles lightly, then grabs his axe. With it, two wooden stakes meant to hold a spit sprout at opposite ends of the pit.

     A small tree is grown a little ways away from it. Bercilak fells it in one stroke, reaching out to keep it from falling towards anyone. The stump is used as a chopping block, after the tree is split into more manageable sections, and the branches flensed from it in artful, quick strokes.

     He talks, as he works. "Per happes, Bass," says Bercilak, turning sideways so that the two can look at each other, "Forte may seme to thee immoderate. And per happes, by his awening, thou may seme overtraistful. Ak thou shouldst unk both rememor that thou'rt cut of the same draperie, if one lokes fern ynogh bihind in yeres."

     "Sware me this--who is it that thou lest to ishild? For whom wouldst thou shed thy blod?"
Rita Ma      Rita's expressiveness has more in common with Bass than with Forte: the uneasy grimace that crosses her face is plain for everyone to see. If she really had her mind made up on SciLab, good or bad, she'd more easily take sides. As it is, she looks pained and conciliatory.

     The invisible 'force bands' slide off of Bass entirely. Rita's hands release his wrists, and she steps to the side to not obstruct their conversation (not that she was tall enough to block eye contact regardless).

     "Mr. Bass... I know it's really awful, to think of someone out their wearing your face and hurting the people you care about. But Mr. Forte really was you, once. If he thinks this way now, don't you want to know what made him change his mind about SciLab?"

     She turns to look at Forte in turn, still pleading and a little pained. "I still don't know much about what made you leave SciLab, Mr. Forte. But I understand that... the people there really cared for you, once. That you had a happier life, before awful things happened and you had to leave."

     "I know SciLab only means bad things to you now. But if you were smart enough to figure out its flaws, won't he be, too? And until then... do you really want to take that happier life away from him, the same way it was taken away from you?"
Forte "The virus breeding... they were doing what with them?" Bass blinks. "I'll... have to go look into that, then."

"You are proposing surgery with a scalpel on a limb that's already rotten through," says Forte, to Shotaro.

People stand down. The two don't seem to be ready to attack each other now, at least.

"... The people I want to protect? Dr. Hikari - well, the older one, Tadashi Hikari, I guess now also Dr. Yuichiro Hikari and his kid... some of the other researchers from back then are still around... Dr. Cossak, and I guess I also have a brother now?"

"And - a lot of other people there, I bet. I've been away for years, from my perspective." He points a thumb at himself. "They'll all be lining up to get to know me when they see how good I am at what I do."

"So good they'll clap power limiters on you and force you into a cell," says Forte, neutrally.

Bass's cocky expression fades. "Mmmhf."

Rita asks Bass's next question for him. Forte answers. "All I did was excel. They wanted someone to run security checks, penetration tests; to see if someone could break into their systems and cause damage to them. I did."

"I was, apparently, *too* good at it. And then some catastrophe happened, *while* I was locked up, and they blamed me for it. And tried to execute me."

Bass crosses his arms. "That can't be the full story..."

Things at least calm down enough now that there aren't likely to be any more flare-ups. There's no seating outside (now that the former campfire has been un-made) but inside the cabin there's a folding table and chairs that can be brought out and set up.

"... I'm still not fond of someone with my face going after the Watch," says Forte.

"Yeah, well, maybe if you kept staying away from my- from *our* world, you wouldn't have to," says Bass, taking a seat. (Forte remains floating instead of sitting).
Shotaro Hidari "Rita was there, she saw more than I did, and likely could tell you more about what she saw," Shotaro says to Bass.  "There was also the fact that when we were trying to help you, someone had told Scilab's forces that we were criminals.  That is, instead of trying to help restore you.  Worse, Hikari knew nothing about this.  There was also apparently a plant in their forces, who claimed to be 'on our side' but I doubt it."

"I don't disagree with Forte, something sticks in this place.  Unfortunately, rot just can't be cut out.  It's got to be exposed before it can be cut out if the limb is to be saved using this analogy.  There is also what Forte says, and given it's what happened to you already," he says towards Bass.  

"Forte might be from a different world, but on one part, your stories are the same," he continues.  "If you think the Watch is going to turn a blind eye to what we see there either, you're mistaken.  This isn't an open and shut case, either," he says towards Forte.  

"There is a great matter of unsolved things, and I think we just scratched the surface.  If you want to work inside Scilab, I can't stop you...but I would advise you to be careful who you trust until the unseen people are rooted out."
Rita Ma      Rita's shoulders and spine are a barometer for the tension in the room. When it eases up, she droops in relief.

     The tone hit her immediately, but the content is still bouncing around in her head as she bustles around inside the cabin. The wax paper, thankfully, saved most of her snacks from ruin; once she's unfolded the table, set up the chairs, opened the blinds to bring in some sunlight, and set up napkins and water- she's a very industrious girl- she pops open the lunchbox too.

     An ice pack inside has been keeping the seafood snacks cold: soy-sauce-drizzled shrimp, sashimi slices on little dollops of sticky rice, tuna bites with sesame seeds on toothpicks with some kind of mildly sour sauce. It doesn't have the immobilizing heartiness of the horrible beasts Bercilak loves to grill, but it's delicious enough to raise the mood.

     "Mmm," she says around a tuna skewerlet, nodding to Shotaro. "They were raising and battling viruses in some kind of cubes. I shut it all down, but I think I've got some of them still on my phone. They're sort of cute."

     "FireMan- or FlameMan? I don't remember his name- was there with the Officials. He tried tobetray them and help us escape when they attacked us, and said he was with 'World Three'. I still don't know if that's something we should be happy for, or worried about."

     She tries to prompt a change of topic onto something less incendiary. "How is life at SciLab right now, Mr. Bass?"
Forte "... A plant..." says Bass. "Also bears looking into..."

He samples some of the food, nodding appreciatively at it. Forte does not. (Nobody has yet seen Forte eat, actually, ever?)

"... From what I gather from the news and what I can glean from info boards, fairly quiet. There have been incidents, groups threatening the peace... all of them have been dealt with before they could cause too much damage, though. I'm eager to get back and find out for myself, though..."

He points with a skewerlet at Shotaro. "I'll be careful, I promise. And I'm going to look into the things you've mentioned..."

Then to Rita. "Including the virus breeding, and what's going on with that..."

And then to Forte. "..."

He doesn't say anything right away. There's a sense that he knows that if he says what's on his mind, he'll start up a new argument, or maybe a new fight.

Forte just stares back at him, unflinching and unmoving.

"... Well, how about the rest of you," he says, instead, returning his attention to the trio (quartet). "If you're the people Forte's trying to protect..."

"... Then who all are *you* protecting?"
Shotaro Hidari 'What are you trying to protect?'

Shotaro stands up, as does Philip.  Before you know it, they are back to back. Philip, looking at a book, and Shotaro grabbing his fedora, still firmly on his head.  "We're the two in one Kamen Rider W.  We protect the city of Futo.  Anyone who would make the city cry, we bring the justice."

"And the one who keeps this softboiled detective in line, as well as provides wisdom to those who need it..." says Philip, which causes Shotaro to wither a little.  "We also reach beyond, to protect the smiles of those who need our help outside of Futo."

They decide to sit back down, dramatics over.  Shotaro and Philip are trying various things.  Philip looks sunnily at Rita, "What's this sauce?" he asks about the slightly sour sauce.  

"Good, I'll keep you to your word on that," he says towards Bass, when he says that he'll be careful.  "We wouldn't want to have to break you out of prison'd be messy and might fall into whatever 'World Three' is.  Though I doubt one thing, Miss Ma."

Shotaro looks over at her, "I don't think they were there to help us.  I think they knew we knew something was up and decided to make a last-minute deal with us.  If we had gone along with it...well, I am unsure what would happen.  Right now we know nothing about them, rather if they're the cancer in Scilab, or an attempt at a cure...but they are underhanded."
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "Him lest to protect, so als," says Bercilak to Bass, jutting a thumb in Forte's direction. "The lothfolk, ayenst iforce of authorite--as was ibered ayenst him. I shalt aloue Rita and W to speke thire own swaringe." His thumb is pressed upon his own chest.

     "I lest to protect the -spirit- of the lothfolk. To protect plei and sporte, loveship and lusten--al the wais in which lifsom folk make actual thire hertes. I lest to protect imeninge of chusing, that alwais, thire may be souls aflame which I might fraist. To me, ivel is that which maken the beauti of the soule mondeiene and dredsom and pesteled into so much dust." One fist crashes into the other to demonstrate this. "From above, theim ivels smite. Nigh alwais, from above. Swich is why I enjoined the Wacche."

     "Per happes his rekeninge is not the unhalved stori. But W spekes sothli. Swich is not reson to see his stori dismitten, it is verily reson to survei SciLab mo forthli. Especialli if thire art ifolke in monge theim which thou lest to protect."

     Bercilak chokes all the way up to the beard of the axe, using the blade to skin the elk. A leg is unceremoniously torn off, the wildman chewing on it.

     "Ei, W. Wouldst thou iminde brenning yon chater-wode?" He gestures with the limb towards the fire pit, before wiping the scarlet stain from his mouth with a dirty forearm. Apparently, Bercilak doesn't have a flint handy. A sharp spit, meanwhile, is grown from the earth, via another tap from the axe. He spears the elk and sets it upon the stands over the pit. "Gramercy."
Rita Ma      Rita's eyes trace the line of Forte's gaze from Bass, to him, and back to Bass again. Her expression is a slightly flustered, partly forced smile- the kind you smile when someone's just made a gaffe, and you're trying to signal the festivities should resume.

     "Ah... Who I'm protecting." The question seems to startle her a little. She sets down the toothpick on her napkin and rubs the side of her head. "A while ago, I'd have said 'humans'- er, 'people'." Implicitly setting herself apart from them. "But I think... I know myself better now. I can be more specific."

     "Whoever doesn't have enough food to eat. Whoever lives somewhere unsafe, or with a leaky roof, or doesn't have anywhere at all to call home. The poor, the sick, the refugees. When I look at people like that, I see myself, my family. That's who I have to protect. Does that make sense, Mr. Bass?"

     She looks really serious during all that, but she perks up and smiles a sunny smile as soon as her cooking's complimented. "Mustard with lemon juice, Mr. Philip! I'm glad you're enjoying it!"

     After swallowing a shrimp in one bite, and looking a little embarrassed for it, she asks: "Mr. Forte, how do you feel about Dr. Cossack and Dr. Hikari now? I think if you talk about your feelings, and the reasons why you feel that way, Mr. Bass will understand your views better."
Forte Bass nods along. "World Three sounds familiar, yes..." he says to Shotaro.

Then he stares at Bercilak.

"I don't... know if I understand you?" he says.

"But I think I get the gist - evils always hit from above? And that you think porn is important? And I should take Forte's story to heart."

He shrugs, at that last one. "I'll find out the truth, soon enough."

Forte doesn't comment, but he does nod at Bercilak.

And then to Rita, Bass blinks.

"But... The people that don't have food, or a place to stay..."

"... Why don't they just go find food, or go find a place to stay, then? I mean, there's plenty of food around, right?"
Shotaro Hidari Shotaro's head hits up, "You can call me Shotaro when we're not transformed.  He's Philip," Shotaro says towards Bercilak.  Though he takes a moment to process the request.  "OH!  Sure.." he says, it seems like a huge waste to transform for this, so instead, Shotaro pulls out a lighter.  

Of course, he has a lighter.  He's /hardboiled/ in every sense of the word and also a fan of the old noir movies.  He uses the lighter to try and light the fire pit.

Philip is enjoying the food, "I see...tangy!" he says with enjoyment with what Rita has cooked.  Though he looks towards Bass when he asks that question.  "There is food in some places, but others not so much.  You'd be surprised how much famine isn't caused by a lack of food, but a withhold of food to those who need it."
Forte Forte glances over at Rita.


"I still don't trust him. Cossak. He told me he'd always be in my corner, and - either he actively betrayed me, or he just wasn't there for me when I needed him most."

Bass frowns... but also nods a bit. Rita's scored some positive relationship points there, it looks like.

"Dr. Hikari... I don't know. Tadashi, I do know about. Tadashi was one of the good ones."

Bass nods, also, a bit less frowningly, but then pauses. "... Wait, *was*?"

He looks crestfallen.

"... Oh... um," says Forte, suddenly on the spot in front of the person he was trying to kill just ten minutes ago. "He... had a heart condition."

"Damn," says Bass.

"... Yeah," says Forte.
Rubi-Kan Vagrants      "O! So hit shalt be, Shotaro."

     Is porn important? "Mo oth lasse," concedes Bercilak to Bass. He's got the spirit. He has more to say, when Bass asks why people don't simply find food and shelter. "Thei may not ifinde fod, ne hom, whanne-so 'tis denied theim from on high. Whanne-so the loth-folk art punished for inseking swich things, outside the walls which were dight to prisoun theim." He shakes his head. "Not alon punished. Cleped bestious, ne, *avaricious*, is ani-man who durst inseke theim things out-bi swich walls."

     Bercilak's firepit goes up without much effort from Shotaro. That wood is bizarrely dry for having literally just been grown. "Swich is the wai of inequalite left unrefrained, Bass. To ranken and ranken, 'til it bicomes so swolnish that the bodi bicomes acustumed to hit. ...lik hau bestes may favor a leg whanne 'tis hert, 'til thei may walk non-othere wai but to limp."

     "And swich is wherefore the Wacche was dight. To the last, we smite swich ivel where we may." Slowly, he turns the spit. "Bisorwed am I for thy loss." This, he offers both to Forte and to Bass. He isn't the chef that Rita is, but he does well enough that between the two of them, anyone here can eat well if they want.
Rita Ma      Rita opens her mouth to answer Bass's innocent question, and finds that the words won't come out. How do you explain something like that to someone who's lived their whole life in a lab, surrounded by people who love and care for them?

    She reels it back from a twelve-hour dissertation to the simplified version. It's obvious from the way she picks her words that she's giving the Grade School Version.

     "There is enough food, and enough homes, for everybody. More than we need. But some people... not most, but a few... convince themselves that they deserve not 'enough', but 'as much as they can get'. So they take from other people."

     "And because they've taken more, they can hire policemen or armies. They can make the rules. The more you have, the easier it is to take from others, and the harder it is for them to get it back. And so those awful people leave everybody else with barely enough. Or sometimes not enough at all."

     "That's who runs the world, in most places. People who took until everything was theirs, so they got to be in charge. The world is good to people who are greedy, and bad to people who are generous and forgiving. And it shouldn't be that way, Mr. Bass. It doesn't have to be."

     Her serious demeanor, again, gives way to a smile- this one brave, rather than sunny. "So I want to be kind to the people the world's been unfair to. And to make the world less unfair."

     Her smile fades when Tadashi is brought up, replaced by a solemn quiet. But she isn't tense like before. If Forte and Bass are both mourning the same man, at least that's a kind of getting along.
Forte Bass nods along to Bercilak's words, pretending like he can understand most of it. He gest the gist. He thinks.

Rita gives the short version. He frowns. Forte just nods along.

And then there's some final words shared between the two, to cap things off.

"... I'm still not happy about having... you out there," says Bass.

"The feeling is mutual," says Forte. "... But if you're serious about investigating Scilab while you're there... then fine."

"I'll stay hands off. For now."

Bass seems to accept that. They're not friends, but - clearly they're not going to try to kill each other anymore. Progress?