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Stanley Padgett     The travel to Lampport is simple enough, as usual, the Warpgate isn't under restrictions or anything like that, but Lampport feels... tense. On edge. Like there's a rubber band stretched too tightly against the fabric of reality. Those who have been here before will notice that people on the streets are testier than usual. The street lights seem dimmer, more hesitant to shine their beams into the murky winter night. No snow. Just haze and a thin layer of ice that's forming on surfaces outside... the Happycade Game Junction. The place is dimly lit, save for fancyandcomplicatedneonlights, there's the smell of old carpet and popcorn and electronics and sweaty kids and the din of video games in Attract Mode. The place is closed on a Friday night, by special request.

    Harrison Speck, the owner, is a tall man in his 40s, with the world weary look of someone who knows that he can't escape his past. He's working sweat off his glasses with a handkerchief, as he looks to Stanley and Charlotte, who are already gathered. "I'm still not quite sure what sort of leverage you think doing this here is going to have. Beaufort isn't about to be... cordial. Not with you two. Not after what happened with The Game." Though, there's a note of pride in his voice. "I just wish I could have been there to see you all break the whole system to the ground. I had gotten out of town when the whole... time quake happened. It's been a weird few months, let me tell you."

    Stanley smiles and puffs up a little bit, as he sits at a table with a now warm cup of cola. "If you want, we'll have you look at the Box. Honestly, once we do this... exchange, you'd be the one who understands it the most, having designed the whole thing."

    "I just... programmed and did the research for it. Half of that stuff they had came from the Japanese incidents. Reverse engineered and all that. I just... I just had the broad strokes and..."

    Stanley waves a hand. "I'm not beating you up for all of this, Mr. Speck. You did what you could, if anyone's going to run a one man crusade against NovaTech, let that be me." A beat, and he smiles at Charlotte. "But I'm not running a one man crusade, am I?"
Charlotte Newman     "Maybe," Charlotte's reply is clipped, "But you're not *alone*, at least." She's seated herself at one of the break tables, normally covered in backpacks and nachos and currently mercifully clean; wearing her usual mix of blacks and neon pinks with a light jacket resting on her shoulders.

    In front of her is the accursed Box itself. Innoculous to all who don't know what they're looking at; unmistakable to those who do. Seeming to just be a fancily carved wooden crate with some electronic connectors on the side. Charlotte rests her hands on top of it, drumming her fingertips gently on the wooden surface.

    "I'm only sorry we didn't work with you more closely, Mister Speck. But with Miss Rook's contribution, I feel like we... skipped a few steps, ahaha..." She glances up towards the others gathering, then lifts her gaze further towards the front.

    NovaTech's goons wouldn't dare risk destroying something this valuable by ambushing them, she tells her anxious thoughts.
Ishirou Ishirou shows up, taking a look at the box and listening to things.  He takes a moment to look over the box with his enhanced senses, trying to get a feel and data from the box itself, but while he does this, he looks back towards Stanley and Charlotte.  Charlotte is going to be protected by her allies in the Watch, but Stanley doesn't have such allies... officially anyway.  

"So... why even give them the box?  What do they have over you to want to give this up and let the status quo go back to how it was before?  Right now it'll take them time to reconstruct things to go back to how they were before..." he muses, trying to figure out what plan Stanley has.  

"Talk to us, what is the plan here?" he asks, turning in his hoodie towards Stanley and Charlotte.  
Stanley Padgett     The smell of grease and cheese wafts through the wall tonight. The Arcade might be closed, but the adjoining Jimmy's Grotto Pizza is open and operational on a Friday night. People are coming and going out front, a cadre of Youths hustling pizza deliveries out the door.
    There is no "Jimmy" who owns the place. The booming voice of Jan Kotzya can be heard dimly, muffled, as he bark orders at his staff for Many Pizzas.

    Ishirou's initial scans will determine... The box is magical, and looks right, and it's got the bits in the right places.

    But there's nowhere near enough magic coming out of this thing to be THE Wishing Box.
Rufus Shinra *SCREEEEEEEEE-*

That's the sound of the hired car pulling up to the side of the street.

"Heeeeeeyyyyy-" says Rufus, popping open the door and stepping out, leaving the car to zoom off. "You must be... Stanley Pargett and Charlotte Newnan, right?"

He finger-guns at both of them. "Hey! Glad to meet ya. Nice place. Very... boxed chain retail suburb cul-de-sac. In a good way."

His eyes glance at Harrison, but he doesn't speak a greeting to him.

"So! What's the plan here. Bomb in the box? Hired goons blocking the exits? Guns hidden under the table?" Rufus goes as if he's about to duck under the table and check, but then stops himself. "Hah, actually, no, I should let it be a surprise about what you're packing. I'm sure you've got some nasty surprise lined up, whatever it is."

"And - Ishy, right? Hey! Good to meet you too!" Rufus goes to clap Ishirou on the back hard enough to stagger him if he's not ready for it. "What's your part in all this? Lemme guess - the alibi, right? 'No, officer, this fine upstanding Paladin can give an affadavit that we weren't anywhere near the scene of the murder'. Good stuff, keep it up."
Madeleine Cadrasteia     Madeleine looks back and forth between the building's signage and her phone a few times before noticing Stanley and Charlotte inside. She shrugs to herself and walks through the door. "I thought we'd be attacking a server farm or something, not... a children's arcade. Eugh, that pizza doesn't smell right."
Kukuru Kukuru, as expected, looks like she's about as carefree as she always is when she arrives at Lampport in her usual white, green, and brown combination of a frilly shirt and just as/even more frilly skirt that practically radiates ease and freedom compared to the tension evident throughout the city. Even with the dimmed lights and awkward tension surrounding everything, she's still smiling as brightly and vacantly as she always does, although...

Part of it is actually an act for once. She's not so blind as to be ignorant of how heavy things have gotten, but someone needs to keep everyone in high spirits. That's why she doesn't arrive empty-handed, either, bringing her usual plethora of cold drink pouches and little sandwich bags filled with homemade crispy meat snacks from some kind of source.

No soda this time, since she dropped the boxes on the way home, and she wouldn't want to distract anyone with having to open those carefully or risk having sticky fingers the entire time.

"I don't really know what those steps would've been, buuut..." She starts after Charlotte speaks, trailing off with a lazy hmm before scratching her cheek lightly. "Yeah, I don't really get what we're going for next with this box thingy, either... Hmm. Do we really gotta give it back?" She asks with a loud yawn, letting her one open eye drift from Ishirou to Stanley slowly. "Maybe... Oh, Rufie, nooo. No bombs. It could..."

She forgets why she's objecting in the first place, then shrugs and finally remembers to start passing the snacks and drinks around. "If we're gonna break NovaTech anyway... Oh. Maybe the bomb could be our signal on where to go~" And just like that, she's come back around by the time she turns to Madeleine. "Oh, that's a good point, Maddie~ Unless the server farm's in the arcade? That'd be a shame... But we'll know where to aim once it blows, right?"
Ishirou Ishirou staggers forward a little, from the slap on his shoulder and he gives Rufus a look.  "Hopefully nothing like that, sir..." he says, with a frown.  "Also my name is Ishirou..." he states plainly, before looking at the box again.  

"Oddly, it's... magical but not /that/ magical..." he frowns.  "Maybe it's how they interface with it.." he says, thinking and seeing if it has something to interface with... an operating system or anything like that.  

To Madeleine, he shrugs, "Smells normal to me, given the area..." he says, knowing just what kinda pizza you get from a hole-in-the-wall place like this.
Charlotte Newman     Rufus busts into the place with all the energy of a corporate executive who thinks he's cool. Charlotte straightens in her seat, curling one hand's fingers over the box's edges when he starts questioning it. When he goes to look under the table and stops himself-- he gets just far enough to see her other hand wrapping fingers around the handle of her bat.

    "Are you wearing a wire?" she asks Rufus in a 'You have to tell me if you're a cop' sort of tone.

    Her eyes shift to Madeleine, who gets a finger-wiggle greeting, "Please don't bring up pizza too much or Mister Speck will be talking all night."
Touta Konoe     It's the first time that Touta's arrival into Lampport isn't one that he'd consider a pleasant experience by any means. While the current tension is bad, the sensation alone as if this place is on the precipice of bursting...There's a sense of relief as well. Even if the citizens of Lammport are definitely feeling the strain, they still feel it. They're aware of it on some level. Even if it's dim now... "It's nice to get to see the neon around here a bit more..." The lights are still here.

    What's not as pleasant though... "Man..But the place really feels like it could have used the day off for a bit of cleaning too..." It's something he's trying not to mutter so blatantly but when he arrives something about the smell just sort of hits him. It's definitely not as bad as what they've been through before but given this is supposed to be normal well...It wasn't important enough

    Touta's actually been here near the beginning. Seemingly just to linger on the edge of the room as everyone's been coming in. Since the other day he's had the privilege to see Stanley and Charlotte prepare, and as the two re-solidify their resolve, even he's got such a pleasant grin on his face. "You both already know I'm gonna be making sure to pull some extra weight this time around. Besides, I've got a bit of an investment in the both of ya now." The tone of his words come off sarcastic, even if it was a bit of truth. He hopes the two know well enough that regardless of what might come next, he's been here and he intends to keep playing his part in all this. As for allies, even if Stanley's not an affiliated faction member it's not like he's the only non-affiliated right? And if anything...Touta finds himself gently nudging his shoulder, as well as looking to Charlotte, "You both had a good dinner. I'm hoping you had a good night's rest since then. You two ready to put on a show?"
Rufus Shinra "Yes! A signal bomb - like a firework! That blows up in his face! Good idea, Kuruku!"

Madeline arrives. "Hey... you!" Rufus doesn't know her name. "Good on you to join us."

Ishirou gets a look. "Why *are* you here, then? The box is stolen property, right?"

To Charlotte, Rufus doubles over in obviously feigned laughter. "Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha. That's a knee-slapper, Newnan. Oh, oh wait."

Rufus feigns looking offended. "Oh - you were serious. Oh dear. Well, if you really think I'm smuggling something..."

He spreads his arms. "Best frisk me, then, to make sure, right? Make sure to pat me down really good, you gotta be certain."
Stanley Padgett     Stanely spots Ishirou *looking* at The Box, and then smiles. "You like it? Just don't say The Words around it, we're still not sure what sets it off. It is very magical and very real and we're trading it for information from Mr. Beaufort. One of the last two in charge over there at NovaTech." A smile. "Also, our friend Issac's dad." A sour tone at the end of that. Too many people tangled up together personally for this all to be... coincidences.

    Rufus gets a smile, as well, and Stanley pushes over a tray of gas-station quality nachos and cheese. They are lukewarm. "Mr. Shinra, right? I appreciate you coming out here, though... Maybe you can talk some sense into him. Get NovaTech to call the whole thing off, turn off The Reversal, let Lampport and the Neon City go." He doesn't sound very optimistic about that.

    Kukuru? Stanley gets up and out of his spot, letting the others chit chat a bit, and he just... Hugs her. Just hugs her and holds on for a bit. A hand rests in her hair, and he whispers something to her, before finally letting go, and helping her get her snacks out on the table.

    "It is stolen property, and we stole it. To be fair, NovaTech has been doing nothing good with the damn thing, so... now we're evening the odds." Stanley smiles, maybe a bit too broadly, before looking to Madeline. "No, but we DO have a plan. No breaking stuff tonight. Hopefully."

    Harrison Speck looks nervously at the rest, before huffing. "I do have insurance, Stanley, and arcade machines can be replaced."
Charlotte Newman     Charlotte nods to Touta with an affirming sound, "Everything was great, thank you again." She spares a glance at Stanley, then back to Rufus when he propositions her. Her expression flattens immediately.

    To the idea of frisking down Rufus Shinra, Charlotte's only word is, "Galatea."

    Her silhouette distorts for a second as the Living Statue separates from her. Raising her cannon, Galatea loads it with a heavy click-chunk, then levels it at the Shinra executive.

    Charlotte lets that hang in the air while shifting her attention to other people, "Oh, miss Kukuru! How are you doing tonight? And mister Ishirou as well, have you been doing okay?" Her eyes shift to Stanley when he talks about trading the box for information. To back it up, she pats the top of it, "Yeah. We definitely have a plan this time. We're not running in headfirst on half a soda and a prayer anymore."

    Shaking her head, the girl assures Mister Speck, "If all goes as planned, you won't have to call on that. But... It's good to know, thank you." With a little smile, she adds, "Plus, if you get video of your place being destroyed by executives from NovaTech, you've got a pretty good grounds for lawsuit."
Kukuru "That's why a lot of us are here. Isn't that right, Touta?" Kukuru chuckles lightly as she affirms his statement with a slow nod, turning her head aside again to yawn like she hasn't been getting enough sleep or something. Anyone looking closely at her face would notice that there's still the usual bags under her eyes, but not so much that Kukuru doesn't sound the way she usually does (tired, yet chipper).

<J-IC-Scene> Madeleine Cadrasteia says, "I am Madeleine Cadrasteia. Your voice sounds familiar from the radio, are you a certain Mr Shinra?"
<J-IC-Scene> Rufus Shinra says, "I'm rather certain of that, yes."
<J-IC-Scene> Kukuru says, "Oh, this IS the first time some of us are meeting in person, huh...? Aww, that's perfect."
<J-IC-Scene> Madeleine Cadrasteia says, "It is also *our* first time meeting, I believe." She offers a hand. "Madeleine."

Kukuru, practically beaming at Madeleine just from that, takes the offered hand in both of her own with a warm smile and practically hugs it to her chest. "He-llo, Maddie~ My name's Kukuru." The usual pause, then "That's Ku-ku-ru. Now!" Releasing Madeleine's hand, she does the same to Rufus and sways briefly in how elated she looks at finally meeting not one, but two Concord members in the flesh! Afterwards, digs around in her skirt's pockets that look like they shouldn't fit anything larger than her hand. "What kinda food do you like to eat, anyway?"

As she's digging, she's caught off guard by Stanley coming over for that hug. She takes it in stride of course, laughing softly and holding him tight for as long as he needs to whisper to her. "Hmhmhm~ Oh, Stanley.  You can, you know? It'd be super easy, too..."

A hand goes back into her pocket, and she fishes out a long envelope with the Concord's insignia on it that's also too big to reasonably fit in her pocket, then slips it into his hand once he lets go of her. "No rush, but you can always come by with that whenever, okay?"

Charlotte gets a bright smile in turn, and Kukuru opens her mouth just in time to let out another yawn. She's more sleepy than usual, it seems. "I'm doing okaaaay~ Thanks, dear. Ah, that's good to hear... It's important to be able to plan these kinda things yourself, too. Then other people'll know they can count on you when the big stuff happens and..."

Kukuru didn't think far enough to finish that statement, so she just stops right there.

The plan, meanwhile, has her tapping her chin and sipping on a juice pack. "No smashing tonight? Okaaay... Just a trade sounds easy enough. Wonder when they're gonna get here, then."
Ishirou Trading the box for info...

Ishirou doesn't like that but... it's not his plan or his world.  Maybe the information is that important...and it'll lead to a different way to solve things.  So he takes a breath and nods to Stanley.  "Alright, if you're sure about this.  If you change your mind... give me some time with it and I could probably get more out of it thought..." he says, giving up on the box for the moment.  

To Rufus, he side glances, "Helping my friends.  Also, I was there when we got the box, feels like I'd be leaving the job half done if I did nothing." To Rufus offering himself to be searched in the way he did, Ishirou makes a look but jumps when Galetea is summoned.  He steps away from Shinra, and closer to Madeleine.  

"Uh, nice to meet you," he says to her.  "My name is Ishirou."  Kukuru is also offered a wave, though surprised at how warm Stanley's greeting to the woman is.  
Madeleine Cadrasteia     "Ishirou, hm? I've heard about you." Madeleine smiles as if she just made a joke. "As for snacks, well, this... mystery meat will do." She opens one of the bags and pops a handful into her mouth. Chewing thoughtfully for a moment, she adds, "yes, this will do nicely indeed."
Rufus Shinra Charlotte gives something dangerous to someone. More dangerous than giving the box to Novatech, even.

She gives Rufus Shinra a reaction.

Rufus holds both hands in front of himself. "Well now, sweetheart, you know I didn't mean anything by that. Why you gotta bring the big guns out?"

"Besides, we all know you aren't gonna fire those at me. Not here, not now, but also not ever, either. You don't got that kinda gumption, otherwise little miss Rook wouldn't have had to step in to heat things up for you. So how about you be a good girl and put your toys away while the adults in the room get the job done, Newnan?"

And with that, he fully turns his attention to someone else in the room - which happens to be Stanley.

"Really? Trading the box for *info*? What kind of info - like, how it all works, or what's in the box? Which you have? And then he'd have again, once you hand it back over, rendering that info useless again? This certainly is a novel plan."

"But hey, it's your party, Pargett. You want me to talk some sense into him, I'll give him a chat, business mano el business mano."
Ishirou "Oh..?  I hope it was good but probably not.." Ishirou says to Madeline. Though isn't sure what to say on that, so he decides to say nothing.  He's trying not to dive into his business too hard.  

When things heat up between Rufus and Charlotte he just watches, instead grabbing a Kukuru snack and speaking softly to her, "Thanks, Ms. Kukuru for the snacks," trying not to interrupt what is happening.  He thinks it's important that it happens... though he is rooting for a certain outcome.  
Charlotte Newman > "Besides, we all know you aren't gonna fire those at me. Not here, not now, but also not ever, either. You don't got that kinda gumption, otherwise little miss Rook wouldn't have had to step in to heat things up for you. So how about you be a good girl and put your toys away while the adults in the room get the job done, Newnan?"

    "It's only out of respect for mister Speck that I haven't shot you," Charlotte's voice is ice cold as she stands up, tucking the box under one arm, "Don't pull that 'the adults are here to solve everything' junk with me." Stepping around the table, she's unclipped her bat from her purse's strap, "And don't call me a 'good girl'."

    Once around the table, Charlotte casually takes a swing at the side of Rufus Shinra's head. Whether it lands, he catches it, or something else happens-- only then does Galatea disappear, merging back in with the girl's silhouette.

    "I learned a lot about 'gumption' recently thanks to Miss Rook's generosity. Treat me or my friend like that again and I'm breaking your fingers."

> §<<Finally. If only you could say the same to those with <human faces/locked eyes>, 'Charlotte Newman'. But this is a start!>>§

    "I'm done with scumbags expecting me to roll over like a 'good little girl' and do as I'm told. Do you understand? Start with getting my name right and you might earn the right to speak in my presence."
Stanley Padgett     Stanely spots Ishirou *looking* at The Box, and then smiles. "You like it? Just don't say The Words around it, we're still not sure what sets it off. It is very magical and very real and we're trading it for information from Mr. Beaufort. One of the last two in charge over there at NovaTech." A smile. "Also, our friend Issac's dad." A sour tone at the end of that. Too many people tangled up together personally for this all to be... coincidences.

    Rufus gets a smile, as well, and Stanley pushes over a tray of gas-station quality nachos and cheese. They are lukewarm. "Mr. Shinra, right? I appreciate you coming out here, though... Maybe you can talk some sense into him. Get NovaTech to call the whole thing off, turn off The Reversal, let Lampport and the Neon City go." He doesn't sound very optimistic about that.

    Kukuru? Stanley gets up and out of his spot, letting the others chit chat a bit, and he just... Hugs her. Just hugs her and holds on for a bit. A hand rests in her hair, and he whispers something to her, before finally letting go, and helping her get her snacks out on the table.

    "It is stolen property, and we stole it. To be fair, NovaTech has been doing nothing good with the damn thing, so... now we're evening the odds." Stanley smiles, maybe a bit too broadly, before looking to Madeline. "No, but we DO have a plan. No breaking stuff tonight. Hopefully."

    Harrison Speck looks nervously at the rest, before huffing. "I do have insurance, Stanley, and arcade machines can be replaced."
Stanley Padgett     Another vehicle pulls up outside the Happycade, and the door opens, as Stanley is busy placing the Concord contract on the table near his food.

    The new entrant is a broadly built man, in a smart looking blue blazer and slacks. A nametag on his chest proudly names him as Isaac Beaufort Sr., Chair of the Lampport Chamber of Commerce. Close trimmed black hair frames the man's smiling face. It's a practiced smile. Weaponized. Honed. "Hank, you really need to show up to meetings more often, I'd almost forgotten what your smiling happy face looks like!" He's addressing Mr. Speck first, it would seem. "Sorry to hear you're still in this small space though, you know we could have gotten you something... nicer." A wink.
    Harrison sets his jaw, and looks away. "I know you're not here for me, Isaac."

    Beufort sighs, and looks to the crowd gathered. "Stanley, it's so nice to see you, and Little Miss Charlotte too. Sorry to hear about your house." That comes out honest, at least. "Well, not YOUR house, but the house you were living in. You know what I mean, right? It was pretty nice, one of the best ones we had on short notice." He puts his hands on his hips, and then blinks at the crowd. "I know... some of you. I've met some of you, I think, or at least one of you, Miss Monster." He smiles at Kukuru. "Sorry, Kukuru. I shouldn't be rude." Beaufort claps his hands together, and rubs them to shake off the chill of the January night. "RIght, so, give me the box and we'll just get this all over with real quick."

    Stanley doesn't budge, and plants his hand on the Box.

    "Well, I had to take a shot at it, right, what's the starting offer then? Let Stanley and Charlotte go from their Obligations? I think we can manage that?" Beaufort has fished a notepad out from his pocket, and is looking everyone over here, like they're tallies on a spreadsheet.
Rufus Shinra Charlotte goes to swing the bat. Rufus brings up a hand to catch it.

"Sure thing, Newnan," he says.

Someone new pulls up. "Oh, well now... Mr. Chamber of Commerce himself. Here to wheel and deal, huh?"

Rufus saunters over that way.

"The box sure seems to be a big ticket item, doesn't it? Our friend Stanley here seems like he'd be entitled to a pretty big finder's fee. I'd start our initial offer at, oh..."

Rufus makes a show of counting on his fingers. "Eighty four... no, let's make it a clean eighty five percent."

"Eighty five percent of Lampport, I should say."
Kukuru Obliviously unaware to the tense situation unfolding between Rufus and Charlotte at first, Kukuru's smile just grows a bit wider as she glances over at the two briefly. "Aw, getting along already? That's so nice~" She comments idly, distracted as she is with Ishirou thanking her. His reward: a light pat on the head. "You're welcome, Ishirou~ You've been pretty quiet lately, too... Are you okay, dear?"

Eventually, a new-ish face arrives, and he doesn't maket he best impression on Kukuru right off the bat. Sure, he's dressed well, he's smiling, and his hair's neater than most she's seen in recent days, but she can't just forget how much trouble all the kids and this town have been through. She can certainly forget what specific things have happened, but broadly...

Actually, there's a lot of details she's still missing. Nevertheless, Kukuru puts on her most politely even smile with her eyes still open rather than halfway or completely closed like they usually are when she's smiling. "Oh? He-llo, Isaac. Mhm, we've met..."

When did they meet again? It's too hard to remember that right now, so she'll need a moment to process that. In the meantime, she hums softly while circling around back to Charlotte, patting her shoulder lightly before gesturing at the box lightly and holding her hands out.

"I can hold onto it if you wanna talk, dear." She offers, her eyes closing briefly with that smile before she looks back up at the sky, as though she's focusing on something much further away.

"Wonder if I could..." She murmurs to herself, then snaps out of her distraction to turn back to Beaufort and Rufus. Namely, Rufus' first offer, and she lets out a light 'oooh' noise at that. "That's a nice clean number, mhm. It's not just a deal for Stanley, so eighty-five might be enough for everyone here, you know? Unless..."

She starts counting heads on her fingers. "Three... Seven...? Oh, but then there's also the help from those three. And then him... Oh. That's a lot of splitting, huh? Eighty-five's pretty low for that many people that helped..."

Somehow, Kukuru's actually managed to do some amount of math in her head. A personal best!
Charlotte Newman     Her bat is caught. Charlotte glowers. It's not that her bluff was called so much as she wasn't bluffing to begin with, and that much is clear in her eyes. Mister Beaufort arrives and she pulls her weapon back, lowers it, and clips it back onto her purse strap. So long as he knows I'm serious.

    > "Well, I had to take a shot at it, right, what's the starting offer then? Let Stanley and Charlotte go from their Obligations? I think we can manage that?"

    Charlotte holds the box under one arm, resting her other hand on it right near Stanley's. Rufus goes first with a ludicrous business offer that gets her to suppress a laugh into a puff of breath through her nose.

    "We'll start with that. We also want answers, Mister Beaufort, and--" She pats the wooden exterior of the box, "--You're *going* to answer them."
Madeleine Cadrasteia     Madeleine isn't paying close attention - or is pretending not to, idly fidgeting with an arcade joystick as she watches the conversation with feigned disinterest. Eighty-five percent of a city is a good start, but she doubts Stanley will accept sacrificing the remainder to NovaTech's ambitions...
Touta Konoe     There's a smile as he looks back to Charlotte. "Far as I'm concerned you two are welcomed back any time that you need it. Give a little heads up next time, and maybe we'll see if we can make something special for you, and I'm not just talking about the swordfish this time." His grin keeps up as he sees Charlotte so assured. Compared to the worry in her expression prior it does bring a bit more relief to see it that way.

    That's why a lot of us are here. Isn't that right, Touta?

    Kukuru catches Touta's attention with her words. The look of bags in her eyes is definitely something that doesn't have to be hard searched to see the exhaustion. At the same time her tone really does give off a bit more of an upbeat mood than it has for a while. "Mhmm, I can't argue that. Everyone that's here is here for this..."

    Even now he's taken notice of those who have decided to no longer take part in the events. But, that was fine too.

    Still, he's all glad to see Kukuru's presence, and it seems even more than that Stanley feels enough of the same to outright hug her. It's quite a shock for him as well but it's good to see it all the same.

    Besides, we all know you aren't gonna fire those at me. Not here, not now, but also not ever, either. You don't got that kinda gumption, otherwise little miss Rook wouldn't have had to step in to heat things up for you. So how about you be a good girl and put your toys away while the adults in the room get the job done, Newnan?

    Touta's crimson eyes peer back to the new voice in the crows. Not Madeleine's, but that which starts to sound like a nail against a chalkboard. After everything these two have gone through thus far, he feels inclined to push himself off the wall to properly greet the exec. It's just that...Well, he sees Ishirou so calmly watching the situation that for a moment Touta has to stop and think again...

    If this was the time before, he maybe could have been justified in acting out. But...The two aren't the same kids anymore. Hell, Charlotte's been giving Petra the sass pretty well too. If that's the case he could watch her let words fl-- Well more than words just fly. Though instead of seeing a bat take a shot at the exec's head, he watches as he cleanly halts the strike.


    As Rufus calls Charlotte by that name again, it's Touta that corrects him this time. Though, from the tone it honestly feels more like Touta might have just as easily been for Charlotte. His gaze looked to her this time, as though trying to have the most brief conversation through eye-contact alone. There's no looks of disappointment or reprimanding, not reassurance either though. It's just a voice that's called with a neutral expression. But after a moment, he seems to just close them again when he's sure that another jump like that isn't imminent.

    From there though he keeps to himself. Simply letting the exchange begin to unfold as the vehicle pulls up to the arcade, as the new execs begin to unfold, and negotiations start up. With Rufus starting the biddings at eighty-five percent of Lampport. It's clear at this point that the potential of this delving from the world of Lampport into the world of business was already possible. A world that played by its own rules, and its own language. A world that somehow was always able to envelop a good portion of the Multiverse.
Stanley Padgett     Isaac smiles broadly at Rufus. "Hoooo, that's a lot of Lampport and I'm just, you know, the guy who talks for the small businesses of our great city, advocate that I am." A happy grin at Rufus. "I'm sure you of all people know that sort of exchange just isn't something you can do on a whim. Maybe on a Wish, but then, I'd need the box to handle that, now wouldn't I?"
    Charlotte gets her threats in, to both Shinra and Beaufort, and the businessman sighs. "Answers? I can do plenty of those. But those Obligations, I can just have my friend make some whispers over in the Reversal." He sort of edges closer to the table with the Box, a smile on his lips, hopeful.

    Stanley slides to interpose himself. Those eyes of his remain locked on Beaufort, cold.
Stanley Padgett     Kukuru is trying to piece things together, and Beaufort looks at her in gentle confusion. "Oh, that's right you're the ditsy one. Sorry. I do have to say your performances at Silver Springs did... Quite well for us. Lots of leverage, lots of deals made, because of your antics. I'll have to congratulate you in some way, at some point." Isaac adjusts his suit again, and then sits on a table near Madeline. "So you I'm not sure about. You're not in our records. Someone new. Did Stanley rope you into this? I'm sorry if he did, he's a handful, and his dad did a piss poor job of things, just abandoning him to all of his relatives and friends."

    A closer look to Stanley, and Isaac murmurs. "You've had that box for so long, and you didn't wish for your mom back? To have a happy childhood? That your dad wasn't a piece of shit? That's a lot more self control than I would have had, squirt."

    Stanley's eyes flash, and he shifts to rest his hand on the pommel of his saber... which has flashed into existence at the fencer's hip. "Take my mother's name out of your fucking mouth, Mr. B."

    Beaufort just smiles, and edges closer. He's shorter than Stanley, but still seems to be towering over the fencer, somehow.
Charlotte Newman     > "/Newman/."

    Charlotte flinches when her name is declared so forthrightly. It's subtle. She does shoot a look at Touta, calmed down somewhat when Kukuru touches her shoulders. Shifting to the kindly Concord lady, she shakes her head, "Mm, I appreciate it, but I'm fine, miss Kukuru. Thank you, you're so considerate."

> "Answers? I can do plenty of those. But those Obligations, I can just have my friend make some whispers over in the Reversal."

    "Let's start there," Charlotte takes a step back, shifting herself in such a way as to put her body between Beaufort and the box, holding it intentionally away from him. This feels safer, especially with Stanley also getting between them, "Who's your 'friend' in the Shadow World?"

> "You've had that box for so long, and you didn't wish for your mom back? To have a happy childhood? That your dad wasn't a piece of shit? That's a lot more self control than I would have had, squirt."

    "That's what makes you weak," Charlotte snaps, "Always going for the easy solution. And then it all gets torn down when a couple teenagers beat up some monsters and you lose it anyway."

     There's plenty of opportunity for others to ask their own questions as well. They have a major NovaTech executive right here, after all.
Rufus Shinra "Mmmhmm, hmmhmm..."

"... You aren't actually serious about paying what the box is worth, are you," says Rufus.

"And you know what, that's fine with me..."

He turns around and steps away from the group a bit, and then turns to face them.

"Just means that there's room for another party to this negotiation. Hey, Stanley. Twenty million for the box."
Kukuru Charlotte reassures Kukuru that she won't need to hold onto the box, but Kukuru lingers nearby just in case. "Okaaay~ Mhm! It's a pretty important thing, but..." She's still somewhat clueless about the box even now, but the continued questioning does give her something tangible to finally ask of Beaufort even with his shadiness giving her more and more reason to feel off about this whole meeting."What do you want this box for, aaanyway? Like..." She pauses, as though taking a moment to actually think about her wording. "What do /you/ want to use it for? You must have some wishes of your own to make, right?"It's a personal question, but hearing the answers from him might at least assuage her mind or give her more reason to feel off about his presence. Indeed-'I do have to say your performances at Silver Springs did... Quite well for us.'"Performances...? Huh. You know a lot about what we've done here, then..." Kukuru murmurs with something vaguely resembling curiosity as she looks back over at Beaufort, although the gears are slowly starting to grind in her head the longer she's around him. There's something weirdly familiar about him, but what? Just being generally unpleasant isn't enough to jog her memory, but...'I've met some of you, I think, or at least one of you, Miss Monster.'

'...Hmmm. Hello, Miss Monster.'She starts to put it together, and there's a brief flash of recognition in her eyes as she stares at right atBeaufort. Eventually, however, she leans back over to Charlotte with a low whisper. "Charlie... Do you remember that one Tyrant? From..."Where was he from again? No matter. "... With the lots of arms?"
Madeleine Cadrasteia     Madeleine chews another handful of her snacks while Beaufort addresses her. "I'm here as a favor, I suppose. Not from around here, as I'm sure you can guess." A star falls across her left eye. "I have a personal interest in ecosystems of the unreal, and your... *intrusions* on Lampport's other half are," She pauses to think for a moment, and smirks. "Toad-ally disruptive." Another pause. "What's so special about this one box? I'm sure you could fund the creation of another... unless there's something truly unique about it."
Stanley Padgett     Madeline asks a good set of questions. "Stanley and Charlotte there helped a bunch of extraversals walk into NovaTech HQ, killed my friend Francis and take the box there, which is a key piece of property to NovaTech. So. Pardon me if I'm a little testy about that." 'Toad-ally'... Isaac quirks his head, and then aaaahs. "Right, the End of the World event. Well, we need to have some sort of positive cash flow to rebuild the programs and systems you all broke. So. Just turn The Reversal back on. It's not like it's hurting anyone on this side of Lampport, now is it?"

    Charlotte demands answers! "Well, you're our little friend from the other side, Charlotte Newman. You and your little blue bus." He winks at Charlotte...

    Until Rufus drops a counter offer to Stanley. The young man blinks, and looks from Isaac to Charlotte and then the box. He'll have time to process whatever horseshit is going on, but first... "Touta would tell me to take the money, so." He plucks up the box, and smiles to Rufus. "Sold."

    Kukuru finally twigs to just who or what this is, and as she leans in to whisper to Charlotte, Mr. Isaac Beaufort Sr, President of the Lampport Chamber of Commerce, slumps his shoulders. "This is putting me in a precarious position, champ." He reaches out a hand. Actually, he reaches out two hands. Three hands. Three long spindly hands, formed of anti-light. Not even shadow. Vantablack nothingness that sucks in hope and light which all make a grab for The Box. It's quick too, but not as quick as Stanley, who is already up on top of one of the Crane games, sitting there with The Box in his lap.

    "30 million, Mr. Shinra, this seems to have gotten more valuable."
Rufus Shinra "Thirty-one, a helicopter, and I'll apologize to Charlotte," says Rufus quickly, pulling his shotgun out.

"Honestly, I barely want the thing, I don't know how it works, I just know it'll make you livid if I yank it out from under you."
Madeleine Cadrasteia     Madeleine leaps for the door, landing with her spear in both hands as she takes a position between Beaufort and the exit. "You'll play nice unless you want to find out what this weapon can do, Mr Beaufort."
Charlotte Newman > "It's not like it's hurting anyone on this side of Lampport, now is it?"

    "You know that's not true," Charlotte's voice is even. She's getting angry with Mr. Beaufort but trying to contain herself for the sake of negotiation. Her emotional state is-- kind of obvious, though, "You made the Ripper. Gave him a wish. Let him kill people-- by killing their Shadows on the other side. Your 'event' is going to wipe out the whole city!"

> "Well, you're our little friend from the other side, Charlotte Newman. You and your little blue bus."

    That shuts her up. The girl hesitates, stunned. It's just the opening Isaac Beaufort Sr. wanted as he goes for the box she's holding with more arms than a man should have-- fortunately Stanley's the speedy one, taking it off her hands and keeping it safe. She catches up to what Rufus is doing and the bidding war begins.

    Charlotte lets her breath out in a low, soft exhale to center herself, fixing her posture, "What do you mean 'my little blue bus'? I get sick just thinking about going there, you have to be lying." Tilting her head forward when Madeleine blocks the exit, Charlotte squares herself up, "But Smithering did say something similar..."

    The girl reaches with her now-freed hands, unclipping her bat from her purse. Galatea twists out of her silhouette, still armed and loaded from earlier; placing the executive Tyrant between a Rock and a Hard Place, "Spill your guts. You did it, didn't you? Why did you creeps mess with my memory? Did you do something to my parents, too?"
Ishirou Ishirou's been quiet, looking back and forth between the players in the negotiation for the box, as well as the subtle hints that the man's been making towards people.  Both to get under their skin, but to also try and put them off their game.  Fortunately, nothing has come of it.  

"Sir, it appears you had no desire to negotiate, and instead came to instead take the thing back.  Is that correct?" he says, staring at Beaufort, and staring him down.  "I would suggest you start over from the beginning and start negotiating in good faith.  An arms race isn't in your favor right now by the looks of things."

"Three members of the Concord, two unaffiliated but strong members, a member of the Watch, and a member of the Paladins.  If you think they're strong now, when they work together they'll be more powerful than you..."

"Your odds aren't so good, and that's coming from someone whose job is to calculate these things.  So would you like to start over?  Also, as I remember it, your friend came at us violently despite being told to stop.  He made his bed, putting that on Stanley or Charlotte isn't fair and you know it."

"He got stupid, and he paid the price.  You all got greedy and now we're talking."
Stanley Padgett     "Sold." Stanley grins, and hold out his phone, pushing a PayBuddy link to Rufus.
Kukuru 'This is putting me in a precarious position, champ.'
'30 million, Mr. Shinra, this seems to have gotten more valuable.'
'Thirty-one, a helicopter, and I'll apologize to Charlotte,'

Even Kukuru can't ignore those numbers being thrown about, and she visibly perks up when Rufus gives his own counter-offer.  Instead of protesting once she realizes who Beaufort was in their last meeting, she's just stroking her chin lightly and pursing her lips as though hte decision is a lot harder than it was a few seconds ago.

Madeleine and Charlotte certainly sound like they're against such a deal, too, which puts Kukuru in a difficult position when both Rufus and Stanley seem to be going for it while Ishirou's and Touta's positions still seems unclear, but neutral (in Ishirou's case) to her. Closing her eyes, Kukuru takes a deep breath to steady herself, steps towards Beaufort-forma-hands with heavy and steady movements, then...

She holds one hand out to Beaufort, and the other hand towards everyone else as she puts herself between them, as though the number of arms and apparent threat presented by them aren't quite real yet. "Let's shake on it, then. I can be the in-between, if that's easier." She offers, her own desire for money getting her seemingly on board with the deal as well.
Rufus Shinra "Great."

Rufus pays without a second thought, and then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys, which he tosses onto the table next to Stanley.

"There we go."
Touta Konoe     Was honestly pretty excited to see Charlotte's not just laying down when belittled. Which is why even he dislikes having to call out when he does. He knows all too well what happens when excess force is used, perhaps he might need to tell her the time he tried to give an uppercut to a certain immortal killer of the Concord for context sometime. Though, seeing that she's calmed whether by his call out or by Kukuru's touch is fine. There was something else to worry about in the meanwhile...

     "You've had that box for so long, and you didn't wish for your mom back? To have a happy childhood? That your dad wasn't a piece of shit? That's a lot more self control than I would have had, squirt."

    It's an incredibly low blow, one that is understandably retorted to with saber in hand by Stanley. He, who has been so proficient in playing the role, but even that was asking too much. Though things take an interesting turn with a bit of a chuckle as Shinra does something that even he can't completely hate. So that was the angle?

     "Beaufort, right?"

     The hands of Vantablack Nothingness are indeed quick, and Stanley is just as quick. But he doesn't need to be. In fact, even if he were to have stayed where he was, the young man would have been perfectly fine. For as those three spindles reach out, they find that they're intercepted by a different kind of black nothingness should they not be obstructed by Kukuru's interference. Black fog that had been emanating from the one that had called out for Charlotte only moments before, but had been keeping silent for the most part since Beaufort's arrival. A fog that seems to be very similar to the Vantablack arms. A darkness capable of taking in all things...Even Vantablack nothingness perhaps. As it almost feels like Beaufort's getting tugged by the arms into that fog. While not able to see it, feeling as those spindles felt as if they were being corroded away into something even darker...

     "I'd suggest you listen to the advice you've been given, answer the questions you've been asked...And keep your hands to yourself. As you can see there's quite a few people in here that are rather worked up at the moment. High emotions and such? I'm sure you understand, right?"

    For a time, those arms must feel more like a fishing rod line that keeps getting pulled into a black void that Beaufort doesn't know what's on the other side. But no matter how much he pulls, there's no escaping. What's even more scary...When he tries to break those spindles away, to reduce them back on their own...Whatever's inside seems more capable of keeping it ensnared... It's only in a bit of time after they are released does he speak up again. "Also, I think Ishirou's being rather generous with those calculations."

    It's also at this time he looks back to Stanley with a smirk, "Makes sure he pays that apology up front as well. Always up front or in writing."
Stanley Padgett     Beaufort looks at the burgeoning, nascent business deal, and scowls at Ishirou. "I am very aware of the situation, Mr. Paladin." But Charlotte's question gets him to fixate her with a look. "Newman, why do you think you've never been able to get on that bus properly? To relax there? Why do you think it's been so hard for you to be away from Stanley? Think real hard." His hands, his actual hands, are up in the air, a show of non-aggression for Ishirou and Madeline, as Touta handles his Fake Arms, the Tyrant side of him. "You were never supposed to meet Stanley. You were never supposed to find your way to that side, to the Reverse. You would have been just some doll, in a house, living her life out forever. Out of our hair. Out of the way."
    Stanley's phone beeps, and he smiles. "Thanks for doing business! See, Mr B.? I *can* learn." And he tosses the box to Rufus.

    And it its flight, someone just sort of... appears. A girl in a blue dress with long blond hair in a single braid all the way down to her back. Delilah, the Attendant. She catches the box, sighs, and then vanishes again, into a familiar looking portal to Neon City. Her hand reaches out and grabs Beaufort too, and they both vanish away. Gone forever. A missed opportunity.

    It's Harrison Speck who speaks up first. "...I can't believe you've done this, Stanley." He's... smiling.
Ishirou "I warned him..." he says, the moment the cube is grabbed and the fake attendant and Mr. B disappear.  

Ishirou remembers what sits on the other side... or rather, he can detect it.  He looks to Mr. Speck.  "Your other half is there, waiting for him and the box... isn't it?"

He looks to Stanley and Charlotte.  "I think we should still go to that side to help, but there is no way they're going to be able to make a break for it that easily.  This area is run by His..." he waves towards Speck, "Other half."
Stanley Padgett     Stanley grins, and then pulls out his phone, refunding the money he just got. "Just so you know, PayBuddy can take several days to process these sorts of things." A smile at Rufus, and then he looks to Charlotte, and to Ishirou. The two, despite Beaufort's attempt to throw them off, seem way too pleased with themselves.

    Harrison Speck smiles, and nods to Ishirou. "Frankly, I figured they would have known about that, but I don't think Isaac thinks too highly of me, even if I made the damn game he's been abusing." A beat, and he looks to Stanley and Charlotte and the others. "You go on ahead. I can't... really go to the other side. Neon City, is that what we're calling it now? Not the Shadow World?"

    Stanley opens his own gateway to the Reversal, and smiles. "Come on, let's go get him. He's probably getting a talking-to that he wasn't prepared for."
Madeleine Cadrasteia Madeleine huffs and hurries through Stanley's portal, shoving past him to get through first while grumbling something about not being let in on the plan...
Ishirou Ishirou shakes his head.  He walks towards the open portal and enters right behind Madeleine.  

"Sorry, I didn't put all the pieces until he decided to do that rush into the other side..." he says, apologetic to Madeleine.
Charlotte Newman     When Mr. Beaufort fixates on her, Charlotte shifts from a squared up stance to one that almost looks ready to jump him. Her grip on her bat tightens, bringing the tip up at the ready.

> "Newman, why do you think you've never been able to get on that bus properly? To relax there? Why do you think it's been so hard for you to be away from Stanley? Think real hard."

    Setting her teeth, the girl's words hiss out, "Because you did something to me. You used a wish. So you thought I'd be a problem if you didn't?"

> "You were never supposed to meet Stanley. You were never supposed to find your way to that side, to the Reverse. You would have been just some doll, in a house, living her life out forever. Out of our hair. Out of the way."

    That only seems to confirm Charlotte's suspicions; that she was hollowed out and cast aside. Her expression grows so very much more angry. She doesn't notice the chime of Stanley's phone completing the transaction. What she *does* notice is the sudden appearance of That Woman intercepting the box mid-toss and tearing her way back into the Reversal with it-- with Beaufort in tow.

    Rather than escalate, though, the girl's eyes suddenly snap wide. Her pupils shrink to tiny black points awash in a sea of crimson iris.

Charlotte hums, tapping away at her phone, downloading the game all the girls at school were talking about. The usual Terms of Use text fills her screen and she scoffs, thumbing through it to the end and accepting. The world inverts. Twists. Colors bleed and draw out into streaks until she is dumped into a world of harsh obsidian black and argon and neon.

Bewildered, confused, afraid, she picks herself up off the cold black ground. The surrounding buildings, both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, push out in all directions. Looming above the xenon clouds, a hunched over figure with a rounded head and a long beak-like nose.

The memory starts to fill with static. Closing her eyes, Charlotte reaches for her temple with her free hand, letting out a strained sound.

"Ah. There you are. I thought I had lost you. This is most fortunate, yes. But your story must be different, now..."

    Her eyes snap open, fixated on the floor. She'd experienced that moment. Relived it in dreams. But she could never make out the words before.

> "See? She's so fucking vapid."
> "Stick figure, chat bot, whatever. Practically see-through."

    Charlotte lets out another noise, staggering where she stands, focusing as hard as she can with her mind's eye. The shadow in her memory leans forward-- down-- towards her, breaking free of the fog if only barely.

    "...A..Am I..." the girl whispers, steadying herself, "...Not real..?"
Kukuru Following that black fog from where Touta had been to the rest of her surroundings and all those arms, Kukuru's actually looking weird comfortable in all of this. Even though half of that is from someone she doesn't really like, she can't help but feel a little more comfortable with how everything just kind of feels in this moment (tension notwithstanding). The statements Beaufort levels at Charlotte still has Kukuru puzzling over what he means, though, although she frowns after a little while.

Before she can say anything to that end, however, things start moving quite quickly! Stanley gets paid and a helicopter, Delilah shows up as the box gets tossed, and both Delilah and Beaufort disappear into a portal to a familiar-looking place! Where, though?

Somewhere that Ishirou has a better idea about, at least! And somewhere that's apparently been planned, too, giving Kukuru both a sense of relief and looking just a but troubled about all of that. She'll need a moment to collect her thoughts as the new portal into the Reversal is created, and Kukuru lets out a light sigh that's equal parts relieved and mildly disapproving.

"Good thinking... Although you shouldn't make a habit of it." She scolds lightly, crossing her arms under her chest with another quiet noise. "It's important to be trustworthy with your deals, too, or people won't trust you later if they know you do this a lot. Okay?"

Before Kukuru steps on in, though, she notices that look on Charlotte's face, and she watches her intently as she seems to be going through something that Kukuru can only speculate on incorrectly at best. Realizing this, she lets out a noise of her own as she approaches Charlotte, moving to catch her during that stagger and hold her close.

Kukuru pats her back, ruffles her hair, then shakes her around gently before nodding once to herself. "Mm-mm. You feel pretty real to me right now, Char-lie. And even if I couldn't feel you, there's plenty of people just like you back home." She declares, her with another firm nod and gentle smile. "You okay? Wanna eat something first?"
Stanley Padgett     Everyone taking the trip will find themselves sideways through reality like usual... only when they come through to the other side, it is not some foggy, dusty, dimly lit arcade. Nor is it the gleaming spires and incomprensible neon towers of Neon City.
    he HAPPYCADE is much larger here, there's 'video games' but they're monolithic slabs of concrete with flashing images in front of them, and vague ghostly wisps of argon mist are 'playing' them. The whole place has the feeling of the training yard of a keep... And three other figures are already here.

    A massive mountain of a man in green samurai armor, carrying too many polearms on his back, with a projected emoji face. This one has his hands around...
    A spindly fucker with Too Many Arms, which is frantically trying to squirm and wriggle away from the grip of the GREEN KNIGHT.

    And Delilah who is idly twirling The Box around in the air, as she murmurs. "You really should not have underestimated them, Isaac. This was very poor planning on your part."

    She looks up as people arrive, and waves to Stanley and the rest. "Well played, Young Fool. When did you learn to lie so well? That is a poor habit to pick up."
Touta Konoe     "I... I have some issues. With my memory. I can only think of two or three."

    In the night before, Charlotte had discussed the troubles she had with her memories. For the time that Beaufort's arrival had come it had seemed to come with the possibility to fill those gaps. At least with how Charlotte seemed to be calling it out. Though it's only as Beaufort starts to make some questionable remarks.

    The events that follow transpire quickly. The completion of the transaction, the stealing of the box by Delilah and her taking of Beaufort, and the reveal that the box was a fake.

    "And thats' why the apology upfront would have been more interesting."

    If Shinra had already received that box before it was taken, Touta might have been more inclined to tease at the idea of keeping the cash. After all, he didn't seem keen on what it actually was, but more pissing off Beaufort. That said, despite his remarks, the guy's work was solid. At this point it seemed that things were definitely getting ready though to bring this all back to the Shad--Neon City. The gateway opening and with it Stan and Madeleine making their way through first with Ishirou apologizing afterwards. It's as the three finish going through he starts wondering aloud.

    "Guess I'll probably need to apologize later too...?"

    While he was sworn to secrecy on the matter, it was apparent that there were offenses on the matter. Though the one who seems the most troubled is...


    He can hear the strain in her voice, and finds himself heading over as the fog fades into the aether. He wasn't sure what had happened but there was a bit of worry if Beaufort or Delilah might have done more than meets the eye. It's only as he gets close does he hear the whisper, and Kukuru does as well. Her words blunt that even if he wants to say something about it, it feels like it'd be too much. So...


    As she steadies herself, she can feel as hands come to her shoulders to help stabilize her. Her crimson eyes are met with the gaze from the crimson gaze of his. He doesn't say anything at first...But she should know what his message his. For he tries to give her a smile. No, an expression that she should have become very familiar with now. It is one that she too had practiced, and one now that Touta was trying to emulate. For Kukuru, who had been in the reversal at that time it should...Give a strange but familiar feeling.

    A look that originates from a dark world where all eyes were on those who arrived. A look that denied one's existence, and questioned why they dare moved, why they dared to breathe...This gaze...Almost felt the opposite. It tried to look at Charlotte with acknowledgement, acceptance. It was certainly a smile, but the message it is meant to convey is meant to mean so much more. It is a thank you for being alive and a beacon as well. At least...That's what it's meant to be...It's certainly not to the level that she would have shared with Stanley but, it's one given by one who acknowledges her existence. Who sees her.

    He holds that gaze for but a few moments but it feels so much longer as he pulls back. He won't tell her that she exists, or whether she's real or not. Even if he believes it, it's something she needs to acknowledge herself, which he hopes that expression makes that belief more tangible. But regardless...

    "This isn't Stanley's one-man crusade, right? You've your own part to play."

    The girl before him, she has purpose. Not one that was deemed by another, but by what she had deemed for herself.

    He'd step away, heading towards the gateway, but not passing through till she had made her way forward.
Charlotte Newman     Kukuru catches Charlotte when her balance goes wobbly and the girl lets out a surprised noise, "U-uh.." It takes her some time to find her words again while she's patted down and hugged on and shaken. The horned woman's efforts are enough to bring her back to her wits.

    When she does return, Charlotte immediately turns in place and wraps her arms around Kukuru's shoulders and neck in a tight hug, her eyes squeezed shut. What finally escapes her is a sobby squeaked "Thank you..."

    She stays like that while Touta shakes her shoulders-- she's already shaking herself, shuddering with choked off sobs. When at last she looks at him, it's with eyes reddened by tears.

> "This isn't Stanley's one-man crusade, right? You've your own part to play."

    "Mmhm..." the girl squeezes Kukuru again, then reluctantly lets go of her, wiping at her own eyes. She snags napkins off one of the tables to blow her nose, then throws them in the garbage. When next she speaks, she's-- a little more together.

    "Y-yeah. Okay. I can... I can process this later. I'm okay." Part of Charlotte's mind is glad Stanley didn't see her like that... but part of her wishes he had, too. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she shifts her grip on her bat, tightening her fingers, and approaches the portal to the Shadow World, "I've... We've got work to do."