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Angela "...So let me get this straight. You want us to make one of our Blades for a girl there that looks like she can barely lift one." The large Stigma Workshop Meister, Henry, asks of Phillip, who is kind of squirming underneath his gaze, especially since the much taller man is pushing his face into Phillip's with a big scowl right there.

"Um, Salvador said she'd need to be geared up. A Color asked us to take her on and--"

"...Then the Color," Henry seems skeptical of the very idea. "Should come here and tell us to outfit her. We can't just give our gear to someone who will make it look bad."

Phillip bristled. "Now see here. We have a Contract and she is employed with the office--and"

He swallows nervously at a look from the man. "I can go back to Salvador but then he'd just come by..."

Henry stalls a moment at which point another worker, presently lining up the blades along a conveyer belt and pulling down a large imprinting machine to stamp the Stigma Workshop insignia, speaks up.

"'Eeey. 'Ow 'bout Yuria? She's with the workshop and has been bitchin' to us about getting a real job. Fulfills the duty of our Contract just fine and she keeps modifying the work anyway. If it doesn't work out, it won't get back to us."

Henry crosses his arms. "Any issues with that, junior?"


Phillip had been asked by Salvador to get Meika geared up because by all appearances--she's not appropriately set up either in augments, gear, attire, or anything--for Fixer Grade 8 work let alone the sort of work the Dawn Office tends to take on. The last thing Salvador or anyone in Dawn Office wants is for the person sent to them to die when they were clearly meant to nurture her talents, even if they don't know what those talents are.

Phillip clearly didn't seem to think he'd run into this issue and is trying to keep the job on track without going back a failure but he's also a fairly new Fixer himself and has confidence issues whereas these the meister here has different issues entirely and pride on the line.


"We won't accept shoddy craftsmanship--" Phillip warns.

"HA! It'll do what she wants it do, I'll tell you that much." Henry chortles, jerking his head to send one of his apprentices off to fetch this 'Yuria'.

The Workshop is relatively small relative to the other Workshops as befitting the primary employer of gear towards another small office--along one wall there's pictures of various Fixers who must be high grade or maybe even Colors--hard to tell without the knowledge--even if Gebura isn't posted there.

Meika HAS seen various instrument cases on the way in to the forging area that look rather like Yuna's but she's off doing real work, leaving Phillip as the unfortunate babysitter. Most of the weapons she's seen seem to have some kind of heat-wiring component to them but there's some occassional offshoot looking ones.
Meika Kirenai     With Philip as her anchor point to look towards and draw stability in unfamiliar circumstances, Meika is utterly doomed. Under the workshop Meister's gaze, she's wilting- and yet, somehow less so than the other Fixer is. Visibly tired, even if not as faded-away as she'd been previous months, and trying to dissapear within the clashingly-themed red and grey letterman she's fond of wearing, she'd be more out of place if Philip himself didn't seem so... himself.

    A step behind Philip, and just off to the side, Meika's own posture is backfoot-defensive, one hand squeezing her upper arm and crossing her torso like a shield. Thoughts to interject or counter Henry's claim cross her mind, visible in how she scowls and looks away with those awful-red eyes, but they don't cross her lips as anything but mumbles.

    "... I wouldn't know what I'm doing with a sword, what would I need to hold one for..." Her voice stays quiet, but it's like tugging on Philip's sleeve for her to say anything at all. Older men talking about her, in front of her, disparagingly, isn't unfamiliar- but it's never easy and it's always skin-crawlingly uncomfortable. Henry isn't *wrong*. She just hates that, and hates the way he's putting it all. "... And I wouldn't- I'm not going to embarrass you, or whatever... nobody would even care, or..."

    "... Whatever. If it doesn't work out, that's-" Meika cuts off, when Philip actually raises a half-defending point, that at least their boss would have a complaint with them being forced to leave empty-handed out of a craftsman's pride. The stamp machine hisses and clunks down, causing meika to flinch even as the worker at it pipes up.

    "... Is- *is* anything wrong with that, Mister Philip?" She's not sure which person Henry meant by 'junior', and isn't making any charitable assumptions towards herself.

'It'll do what she wants it do,'

    "Huh? What she wants it to-? That's..." The nuance in difference from 'it'll work', or 'it won't be shoddy', is noted, and confusion seeps into the girl's expression. "... This isn't some sort of prank, is it..? I don't- no, forget it. That's stupid. Sorry." A shuffling half-step more behind Philip.

    "... Do you all make instruments, or something, Mister Henry..? What's with all the cases..?" Metalwork, heating coils, but no musical contraptions in sight, she purposefully shifts topic as her eyes scan the surroundings, to not look directly at the shop's meister, and avoid wilting more. "I don't get it."
Angela Phillip is not sure which person Henry meant by 'junior' and isn't making any charitable assumptions towards himself. He looks towards Meika when she asks if something would be wrong with taking an apprentice's work. "Hard to say." He admits softly. "He's right that a sword might not be ideal so maybe this apprentice will have something more suitable ready..?" He kind of shifts to a less certain tone partway through his words. He isn't accustomed to being the senior in the relationship and--

--he kind of primps himself up a bit, realizing that he IS a senior and should try to be a good role model, and show confidence, and be more like Yuna and Sal.

"Yes," He says with confidence he's pretending isn't shaky. "We'd have to check the work first, of course--I've been here before so--"

''Do you all make instruments, or something?''

"Ahah..." Henry is friendlier about this question, readily amused. "It's a stylistic aspect but we don't actually make instruments. What makes these babies special is that they store more inside than they appear. We used to just make them normal bags but they weren't found to be aesthetically pleasing, so we made them instrument cases so they'd stand out a little from the other kinds of inverse-space packages."


A bright faced woman looking about Meika's age--maybe a little older--appears, arriving with the journeyman that went off to fetch her. She's wearing a Stigma Workshop uniform, a sort of grey and drab affair but unlike the other workers has gone to the trouble of adding accessories to the outfit to 'pretty' iit up as best she could. A bright red ripping is affixed near her neck with a little gear in the center. She is wearing a little tophat that has a white polar bear plush affixed to it and a reddish brown bear (with another ribbon) on her hip. She seems to not exactly appreciate the uniform she's in but her face does explode into a huge smile upon seeing Meika.

"Well hello there, what are you doing hiding behind this beanpole--"

Yuria crouches down, looking into Meika's eyes for a moment. "It's her, right? I can finally pass on my own work to someone? Yes yes yesss...! You won't regret this, I'll put the Stigma Workshop to shame--"

Henry clears his throat, "We're the Stigma Workshop, you're not a Meister yet and with the way you're going I'll never let you be one. Don't embarass us with this opportunity and we'll SEE about making you a journeyman."

Yuria sticks out her tongue. "Puh-lease... I'm gonna have my own workshop one day..."

The other Stigma workmen have a chuckle over this but she clearly wasn't joking.

"Yuria...!" Yuria extends a hand. "Nice to meetcha!"

She beams happily. Phillip is a little relieved to have some attention off of him and he considers the cases.

"Cases aren't weapons exactly but getting some storage wouldn't be a bad idea either." He murmurs.
Meika Kirenai     "... They're- yeah. Not a sword. That'd be silly. They're not like- like sticks in backyards, or whatever. I know you can't just pick them up and pretend to know what you're doing. That's- that's childish. I'm not some stupid kid." There's not really a point she's making, talking to Philip, and the words she's saying don't really come from somewhere with heart. Besides- in all her times playing knights in the backyard with her little sisters, swords weren't ever what she'd gone for. "I'd just get hurt. If there's something better, that's- Yeah."

    If Philip's forced confidence reads as fake to Meika, she doesn't really show it, tension fading just a bit as he tries at all to be the anchor she's reliant on him being, even if all it amounts in is her feeling a hair better about this all. Maybe that's something Philip can take pride in.

    "Oh. Stylistic? Like, a brand thing..? Or- wait, are they like in those old crime movies, where gangsters will keep, like, guns in them or something..?" Her lips purse, staring off at the manufacturing processes. "... That's- that's really cool, actually. Like... hiding functions in plain sight... wait, and they're, like, bigger inside..? That's-"


    Meika jolts, and ducks behind Philip again- not full on hiding, but hoping his presence will be ablative armor against a shouty new person. That shifts, some, as she peeks out to take in said new person, though, the obvious eagerness leaking off every aspect of her demeanor quickly wearing away at Meika's nervousness.

    "Huh? I'm not-" Meika steps out from behind Philip more, so she's lying less when she responds. "I'm not hiding. He's just- he knows how this works, I'm..."

    Meika's head tilts a bit to the side, red eyes scanning over Yuria. Modified uniform, cheery expression, hat, the stuffed bears, the red ribbons-- Meika absentmindedly, for need of something to fidget with, picks at one of the old band-aids wrapped around her finger knuckles. "... They have polar bears here..?" A small pointing gesture towards Yuria's hat-affixed plush.

    "I- I don't know who else you'd be looking for, or... yeah. I..." She pauses as Henry chastises Yuria, and pipes in back to her former topic, as a petty little combo add-in, and to take her own little shot, "... Yeah? Putting them to shame sounds like you've got something neat, Miss. I bet you will." Polar bear plush means instant alliance against someone she's already sick of rudeness from. Worse, she giggles when Yuria sticks her tongue out at Henry.

'Nice to meetcha!'

    "... Ah-? Oh. Right. Meika." Caught off guard by the return of attention, she stares down at the outstretched hand, and- tugging her jacket cuffs up over her palms, shakes it. "It's... nice to meet you too, Miss Yuria. I like your... you seem nice."

    Immediately, her attention is grabbed back by Philip, even if he's just mumbling to himself. A bit of her growing excitement might be an attempt to push his permission, if thought on too much, though. "Oh, huh? You mean one of those cases..? It... wouldn't be bad to get one..? Really, Mister Philip?"
Angela Yeah, Phillip thinks, you can pretend you're at all confident. You should be confident by now right? Why aren't you? That's why you are constantly struggle in situations like this.

''Old crime movies, where gangster will keep, like, guns in them or something..?''

"Mm....Oh like a film? I remember saving up to get tickets once... It was really something... But sure, yeah, you keep weapons in them--you can even set it so they'll automatically lash out..." Henry explains.

Yuria also has a few bandaids, actually, some on her hands, some on her shoulders... One on her face... She doesn't mess with the bandaids at all, though she seems the opposite of anxious.

''... They have polar bears here..?''

"Oh! Not ''here'' here. But I saw them in one of the zoos when I got a day pass to a Nest for a job... She was so cute. Her name was Iceflake! That vision stuck with me ever since so I had to make a little 'Iceflake' for myself. I kind of LOVE bears? But a polar bear's fur is something else..."

She presses her hand to her cheek, forgetting her job for a moment.

''Sounds like you've got something neat, Miss.''

"Sounds like ''you'' have excellent taste!" Yuria isn't exactly hard to please, brimming with pride while the men of the workshop are kind of rolling their eyes. Yuria doesn't really need their approval--which is partly why she's probably never going to have it. But she's still taking this as an opportunity to prove herself.

''She giggles when Yuria sticks her tongue out''

Henry looks to Phillip. "I don't care for this disrespect she's encouraging--"

Phillip has an easier time with this one. "...You sort of brought this one upon yourself, didn't you?" Phillip asks. "I think it's good, um--"

He does awkwardly trail off there. He shouldn't antagonize them any more than this. They don't exactly think much of him already and if he ruined the Workshop's relationship with the Danw Office they'd really be in trouble. "No direspect meant--"

Henry rolls his eyes and adds, "If I was the type to get mad about it I'd have thrown 'er out already. She's decent. Anyway /I'm/ gonna get back to work."

Henry turns pointedly away, back to the forge.

Yuria smiles, "You seem nice too, but hm---do you have any idea what you might be looking for? Oh I have a little something--But we should go to my space--"

''You mean one of those cases..?''

She called him Mister Phillip. You're supposed to be the senior here...! Stupid Phillip, no wonder Sal just has you making tea and Yuna can't stand the sight of--

"Yeah," Phillip says. "That's not a bad idea. It really works out well for Yuna and--you mentioned being a marksman so you could bring any gear from Outside--"

Yuria beams. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh?? Are you an OUTSIDER? Like The DAME COMMANDER? Oh wow, wow--okay, I'm gonna give you a GREAT deal." Yuria beams ever brighter, as if trying to encourage Meika to ask just what that great deal is. Or Phillip, she isn't that picky, but she seems focused enough on Meika that it's like she's forgotten Phillip was there.