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Latest revision as of 05:24, 19 June 2014

New Hobbies (Elliana Fairchild)
Date of Cutscene: 04 November 2012
Location: Somewhere on Terra Majora
Synopsis: Seeking new allies, Elliana deals with a dragon.
Cast of Characters: 92
Tinyplot: None

The tunnel was dark, but that didn't bother Elliana. Her new abilities were countless... and with her seventeenth birthday approaching fast, they weren't all that new, either. Darksight was a simple matter compared to some of the other things she had been forced to do.

Her quarry gave her little warning. The faint whistle of something moving swiftly through the air was all she heard before the claw came crashing down. She wasn't there any more, her speed enough to dart her aside... but she needed Backbiter to handle the followup, the tail skidding along the arcane steel in a shower of sparks.

"Is this how you normally greet one who has sought you out to help you?" she asks in a short breath, her off hand gathering a flickering red blaze within it. "If I wished you dead, you would already be wounded. Perhaps dying even now."

It probably wouldn't be that easy, she knew. Even though she felt confident she was stronger than the beast, it was still dangerous, and without drawing upon more of the Shajem's power it would likely be a struggle. Still, she was almost certain she could have bloodied it by now. She still did not lie, even to beings such as this.

The rumbling, hissing voice that floats out is wary, as he should be. "What is it you want?" He could smell her now... sense her with those supernatural senses, telling him that she wasn't a simple girl or adventurer. That was fine.

This is what she wanted. Her corrupting powers always had trouble controlling beasts that were large or clever, but this was her solution. Find a willing being, intelligent already, and use the same power. No forceful control necessary, just a small leash. Perhaps one that needn't ever be used.

"I want the same thing that you have wanted from countless mortal humans who have visited you in ages past," Elliana replies with a thin smile. "I want to make an offer. Serve me, in a simple manner... and in return you will have freedom to do as you wish so long as it does not conflict with my goals. And, of course... I will give you something for your trouble."

The beast paused. Yes... she had him. Once, he had likely ruled over a large area, but over time his own strength had waned as he was forced into hiding. She could offer him a way out, a way into the sky and sun once again.

"I offer you power."